Where there is a will there is a way.

It isn't enough if one knows what's good and what's bad.One must possess willpower & common sense. Willpower is a great power. The ability to resist our impulses is commonly described as willpower.It's an instinct. It's self control.It's quite an important thing to human beings .It isn't enough if one has all the qualities ,they must have it without fail.It enables one to do anything or withstand anything that may happen too. Hence, the saying "Where there is a will there is a way". It is the key to a success. It's an inner strength. It enables one to self discipline themselves. It isn't the same in everyone. It differs from man to man. It's more in some and less in some.It's not transferable.How one utilizes their willpower depends on the individual. In the absence of willpower all talents, qualities and endowments of an individual are of no use.

A man with willpower is rock like.He will never be fickle minded.He takes everything as a challenge. Willpower is the ability to resist short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals. A man without willpower is vulnerable and could be made to dance to any tunes. In order to cultivate a habit there may not be any need of willpower.But to leave a habit willpower is quite essential.Nothing influences easily a man who has willpower and common sense.He can go anywhere listen to anything , read anything , mingle with anyone or see anything, he would be what he is. Seldom he undergoes any change.He is generally a man of few words.He lives with a purpose or for an ideal.

Swamy Vivekananda says "Stand up, be bold, be strong!Know that you are the creator of your destiny. All the strength and succour you want is within yourself " This is nothing but a call from him to us to develop our "Willpower"

A man with willpower may not be physically strong but would be always mentally strong .He is immensely dynamic .Failures or hurdles wouldn't affect him at all. He keeps going. He tries to make the impossible possible.He never turns back.He continues a task to the end successfully . Willpower is mostly beneficial and not detrimental to the individual who possesses it. Willpower is like a muscle. It gets tired as it works harder. So,the more willpower one uses throughout the day, the less they will have later on.Without proper fuel in adequate quantity, our brains will not function and our willpower will be weakened.

No doubt a man is circumstances made. However,a man with willpower can face and trounce any circumstances . A man with willpower won't rest until his goal is reached .He is a do or die person Willpower is a great power. To day, while going through an article written on Dr. Ram Bhosle I realized what man with will power could achieve in life and what a great determination man with willpower would have. Come whatever be men with willpower won't change even a little bit in their resolve. Life of Dr. Ram Bhosle contains many lessons that are to be followed in our life. It is a story of triumph of willpower. Similarly, Gautam Buddha, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln and other great people triumphed because of willpower that they had. Where there is willpower and where there is no way, one makes a way. Even in a failure a man with willpower shines.

Dr.Ram Bhosle was born in 1918 in a family of warriors at Satara,Maharashtra. Bhosles are direct descendants of great Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj. Ram Bhosle's father,General Krishna Bhosle,wore the esteemed Victoria Cross for his efforts in France during World War I. Though , born with silver spoon Ram Bhosle was unfortunate. His mother died soon after his birth . After few years his brother, father and sister too passed away. At the tender age of 5 he became an orphan. He didn't receive love or affection from anywhere. The family didn't take too much care of the small kid who ended up begging food on the streets and sleeping on pavements. This clearly shows what all fate can do. Lives of many great men are like this only.

Ram Bhosle walked miles and miles and ultimately arrived to a city on the north of Bombay. He established there working as cleaner in an hospital where he discovered his passion for helping people and decided to take the exam to study for surgeon. But he didn't have the money to pursue his studies. He was desperate and depressed. He wanted to end his life. He went to a secluded place on the top of Mount Tungareshwar and was about to commit suicide. It was Nityananda Swami who dissuaded him at that time from doing so. It was he who"prophesied that a great future awaits him and he would become a famous doctor and travel 160 times to the West.

Swami Nityananda’s words had great impact on Ram Bhosle. Ram left the jungle. He was in search of a job. Eventually he was employed as an assistant to a gardener at J. J. Hospital, Mumbai. Fate would have always have a say in one's life. Ram was spotted one day in the garden by a British officer and physician. The officer engaged Ram in conversation and discovered that Ram’s father had saved the Englishman’s life during the war . Out of gratitude the officer recommended that Ram be moved to the surgical ward. Ram’s new position as ward boy took him straight into the heart of the hospital. He seized this rare opportunity to learn with zeal and passion. As he watched the medical procedures and patient care, he began saving money to study medicine. He was obsessed with becoming a doctor, and determined to study in at the best schools. Along with willpower other qualities are also essential to be successful in life and Ram had them too.

Medical education is very expensive.Ram was aware of this fact and wasn't spending even a pie unnecessarily. As a result,he was able to save quite a large sum. He was 17 years old. He approached dean of the famous Vienna Institute of Physical Medicine, Vienna, Austria for admission into medical course . The dean refused to admit him to college. Ram didn't lose his heart. He continued his efforts. Fortunately,he came across Netaji Subash Chandra Bose & Sri Vithalbhai Patel. These two great leaders of Indian independence were able to pressurize and persuade the reluctant dean to admit Ram into college. Ram didn't waste the golden opportunity that he got. He accepted the challenges of study gratefully. He became fluent in German and performed well in both practical and theoretical exams. Ram didn't either reduce his efforts or his enthusiasm. He switched on completely to Berlin from Vienna. There he completed his diplomas Doctor of Manipulative surgery.

Ram hoped to serve a medical internship into further his training at London. Upon arriving there he contacted the gentleman who had helped him earlier at Mumbai. The officer was delighted to hear from Ram his success story and made arrangement to come in contact with famous English healer, Sir Herbert Barker. Ram’s wit and intellect charmed Sir Barker into accepting him as an intern. The two years that Ram spent with Sir Herbert Barker were the most significant in his education so far. During this time, Ram met and had the opportunity to treat the heads of states, as well as numerous politicians, aristocrats and celebrities.

Ram’s skills matured, and he learned to harness his intuition for healing. Eventually, with the call of India burning in Ram’s heart, he said goodbye to his English guru and set sail for India. Ram soon found a job working for a doctor. When he was not in the doctor’s surgery, Ram was studying again. After this extensive European training, Ram was longing to learn the Indian science of massage.

In India he mastered the art of massage. He began evolving his own style of massage, based on vibration. He found that the Vedas were rich with descriptions of the power of massage by vibration. He became famous in healing through massage.He also relied on the years of practice as a musician to guide him. His background in classical music and rhythm gave him a tactile understanding of the effect of vibrations.

By incorporating the crucial elements of Indian culture – music, nadis, vibration and a universal philosophy – with his European training, his Samvahan became a uniquely powerful technique. Samvahan is an ancient technique consisting of creating rhythms that heal through vibration. Samvahan was lost from memory during centuries.It was through Samvahan Bhosle became a legendary healer.He used to take delight in fixing problems that other doctors were completely unable to cure. Dr Bhosle massaged the Mahatma, and was delighted to be photographed with him by the visiting media. Gandhi made a polite comment about his work, which appeared in the newspaper the next morning along with the photo.

That brought Ram wide publicity.Within days he was besieged by politicians, the British aristocracy, and Indians far and wide, all asking for massage appointments. Ram was with Mahatma Gandhi on August 8, 1942, when Gandhiji declared the "Quit India" movement, and gave him a three hour massage after the speech. Ram felt it was his clear duty to participate in freedom struggle. He plunged into his guerrilla assignments, risking his reputation, his newly amassed wealth, and his life. Dr Bhosle’s participation in the underground activities sent shock waves to British. He was their trusted doctor and social companion on one day, and the warrior plotting their demise the next. To stop Ram’s activities, eighteen warrants were issued for his arrest, plus a reward of 50,000 rupees.

Ram cautiously moved to north and gradually slipped into Himalayas.There it was convenient for him to hide from the eyes of British in caves and remote cliffs.It was there he came in contact with Sadguru Shankar Maharaj and mystical sadhus Shankar Maharaj and mystical sadhus. They influenced him lot.In their midst he became more and more interested in yoga and spiritual life. He completely surrendered himself to Almighty.

Over the years, Dr Bhosle had truly developed his Samvaahan massage into an art form. His touch was so developed that he was able to perceive the minute changes in vibration that marked the difference between health and illness. It was as if he had learned to speak a new language – the cellular language of the body. He could sense the unique vibrations of the liver, the "hum" of the spinal chord, and the "Throb" of the bones. The nadis spoke to him, the organs and muscles sang in code, and the glands called their tunes to his trained perception.

To crystallize his use of rhythms and master his sensitivity to finger pressure, Dr Bhosle studied classical Indian music and dance with some of the greatest maestros of the 20 century.

He poured the whole of his creative ability into massage, producing not only healing effects but also magically soothing sensations. In recognition of Dr Bhosle’s profound achievement in massage, the Geneva College of Massage and Manipulation offered him a honorary Doctorate Degree for his unsurpassed skill and knowledge.

In the late 1950’s as per the request of Prime Minister of India Dr Bhosle traveled to U.S.A. to treat a senior government official . At Washington, D.C. he gave treatment to the grateful politician. In appreciation of the massage, Dr Bhosle was given US citizenship, a rare honor.

In U.S. A., Ram worked for two years in Hollywood also. Then he became homesick and returned to Mumbai. While maintaining his clinic there he continued treating his international clientele. Dr Bhosle’s healing gift and relentless sense of humor made him a welcome guest around the globe.

Dr. Bhosle cured many diseases which were said to be incurable.The credit of popularizing 2500 years old "Samvahan" undoubtedly goes to him. His method of Samvahan is taught worldwide today. More we say about him less it would be. Dr Ram Bhosle is a legendary figure. He proved beyond doubt that where there is a will there is a way.