A Dilemma

What is a dilemma that one has to experience rather than their trying to understanding what it is through an illustration. One would know well what is a dilemma more often when they face it and thoughts start to eat their head. Nobody likes a dilemma on their own because it normally creates frustration .It is irksome. It is not at all pleasurable. It seldom enhances the mood of an individual person. Instead, it disturbs or lowers the mood of an individual. But, whether one likes or not dilemmas occur in their life.Who does not confront a dilemma in their life? They are there in every sphere. There cannot be a life without dilemmas of one or another kind. A dilemma could be avoided sometimes only that too if one is very careful and discrete.In fact, whether one is rich or poor,whether one is young or old, everybody faces it in their life at one time or another. Dilemmas that one faces when one is young and when one is old are different.Similarly,dilemmas that ladies and gentlemen face are different too.Further,dilemma of one person need not be normally dilemma of another person.Sometimes even multiple dilemmas are faced by people. How a dilemma could be tackled it solely depends on an individual One who faces a least number of dilemmas is one who knows how to lead life. There are certain problems which left to themselves get solved themselves. Similarly, sometimes a dilemma left to itself gets itself resolved too.Whether to share the dilemma with others or not to share it is itself many a times a dilemma.

A dilemma is generally a memorable event in one's life. It is interesting to come to know about dilemmas that others face in their life. In fact, it is dilemmas that often teach one what life is. One often recollects during their free time dilemmas that they faced in their life. A dilemma that one comes across in their life is really a valuable experience. It is an unforgettable lesson too. A dilemma does not allow anybody to forget it easily. It is always a hindrance to smooth sailing. It does not allow one to act without any restraint. It keeps one fully engaged. In other words, it draws fully one's attention. It does not allow one to act freely. It fetters though not physically emotionally fetters one. Dilemma can mean confusion, but there is a subtle difference between the two words.Whenever one is in a dilemma, they would not be normal self. Situations in life land many human beings into the dilemma " whether to live or whether to die". As a result, many even commit suicide too. A dilemma is making a choice out of several options.Because of dilemma one usually hesitates to take action and postpones action.

There is no hard and fast rule how a dilemma should be.Normally dilemmas are not similar.They differ from one another. Of course, there occasions when similar dilemmas occur also. It is difficult to understand intricacies of a dilemma that others face.Dilemmas are wonderful tools.They have the power to shoot suspense through the roof. A dilemma may be interesting to others but it is certainly problematic to one who faces it. It is difficult to predict what dilemma one would have & when it would occur. Dilemmas are intriguing. One needs scruples to resolve them. A dilemma is just like a puzzle or a riddle.What one who is caught between the deep ocean and the devil faces is a dilemma only. Mere an intelligence is not at enough to emerge out of a dilemma.

There are various types of dilemmas like moral dilemma, ethical dilemma, and social dilemma. Dilemmas are mostly individual.Dilemmas can arise to groups and entities also. They can be very peculiar or strange too. Some dilemmas are of so serious nature that one would find it difficult to face them.A dilemma can turn out to be a do or die situation.Dilemmas at times might even force one to commit suicide. Sometimes, it is difficult to communicate or share a dilemma with others. Further, some dilemmas are easy to solve whereas some dilemmas are very difficult to solve. By and large, solving a dilemma is an herculean task.

Thoughts are always instrumental for a dilemma.Thoughts oscillation would be more than usual during a dilemma.One would not have a firm head during a dilemma.A dilemma is a mental tussle or struggle.It makes one restless and uncomfortable. It is capable of distracting or disturbing anybody. A dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made among two or more alternatives, esp. equally undesirable ones. A dilemma is neither a happy nor a sad situation. It is a no win situation. A dilemma often takes one by surprise. It is a situation where making the decision is a hell of a job. One cannot come to a decision easily while facing it. In a dilemma,there is no other go for one than to choose or forego, accept or decline, do or not to do. It is during a dilemma one is in a fix.It is when one knows not what to do. It is when one is in a state of confusion and queries after queries confront or arise to them. Contradictory thoughts simultaneously appear in mind at that time. In fact, one is often helpless in a dilemma.Where there is a dilemma there is generally an ambiguity. Decision making is always tough in a dilemma. A dull herd would have no dilemmas. Similarly , a person who is heartless and who has no conscious too would have no dilemmas

Being in a dilemma is just like one being caught in the web. One always strives to find a way out of dilemma. A dilemma and uncertainty always go hand in glove. A dilemma is which way to take whether it is this way or that way. A dilemma is a tug of war. In it one has to face both the sides of a coin. It is in a dilemma much can be said on either sides of a coin too.In a dilemma one is pulled from both sides. In a dilemma, depending upon mindset sometimes only one makes a right decision and sometimes one errs. A dilemma is nothing but a problem and it has to be solved suitably. That is why it is always better if one thinks twice whenever there is a dilemma.

A dilemma is not an ordinary situation which one comes across .It destabilizes one at least temporarily.It cannot be imagined what would be one's state of mind when they face a dilemma. It sends shivers through spine also. It is an unusual situation. Where there is dilemma ,there is generally complexity. Dilemma often puts one in a precarious position. A dilemma has to be faced always boldly ,shrewdly, and patiently.

Why and how dilemma arises. Is it our own creation? "To be or not to be" is this a dilemma or an indecision. Such, questions arise whenever we think of it .There's a reason behind everything .Similarly,there's a reason behind every dilemma. Reason for a dilemma is not always one and the same. It differs from dilemma to dilemma. To be or not to be" is a dilemma which Hamlet faces and it is the reason behind his indecision. Generally, those who have a dilemma are in two minds.While deciding about divorce normally couples come across a dilemma. Sometimes dilemma is our own creation . Sometimes others put us in a dilemma. Sometimes it is circumstances that land us in a dilemma. Because of our nature we are caught in a dilemma too. Lack of proper knowledge and understanding and courage also create a dilemma. A dilemma would never get out until and unless it is attended and solved. It is a powerful rhetorical device.

If one encounters dilemmas frequently one after another for one or another reason that reveals that they do not know the art of living at all. Dilemmas must arise onlywhere they are necessary not at every juncture.Once in a way a dilemma is adequate.Frequent arousal of dilemmas would make functioning of an individual very difficult.It is the man who matters the most in a dilemma.One who faces a dilemma has no other go than to deal with it.They have to find out ways and means to tackle it.The dilemma will come from having two choices and these choices each have not only advantages but also have disadvantages associated with them that make it very difficult to choose. As we try to evaluate these choices, the pressure may start to mount, which can be very troubling. This struggle can end up leading to anxiety, stress, sleepless nights, and other issues. A dilemma is to be nipped in the bud. A dilemma should not to be allowed to spread its wings and prolong. How long a dilemma would last that no one can predict. It may end soon or may prevail over a period of time. More we allow a dilemma to prolong more difficult it is to resolve it.Whenever a dilemma occurs one should never get perplexed, they should maintain their cool and make a right choice. Pros and cons must be taken into account whenever they make a choice under a dilemma. In this context, they must examine the situation,understand it and apply themselves-fully to it. I n fact, a dilemma is a brainstorming exercise that sharpens wit. In a dilemma everything goes well and ends well only if one makes a right choice. Exercising option in a dilemma is really a difficult task.

Who does not come across a dilemma? Even animals come across dilemma. Here is a story in which an animal faces a dilemma. It is a very beautiful and emotional story. The story is narrated here below.

There was a cow called Punyakothi in the livestock of a farmer called Kalinga. It once went to nearby forest for grazing along with other cows. A tiger by name Arbutha lived in that forest. It was very hungry. It was eagerly waiting for a prey. The tiger suddenly attacked the cows. All the cows except Punyakothi escaped from the jaws of death. Punyakothi was the sole prey to the tiger .When the tiger was about to eat Punyakothi, Punyakothi begged the tiger to let it go home for one last time because it had promised its young one to breast feed. Punyakothi promised to the tiger to come back after fulfilling that task unfailingly. The tiger relied on its promise and let it go. Punyakothi after feeding its young one comes back to the tiger to keep up its promise .It offers itself as a prey to tiger. The tiger was amazed with sincerity of Punyakothi.It faced a dilemma.It knew not what to do. Instead of jumping on Punyakothi, it feels disgusted and commits suicide.

What would be the destiny of those who come across dilemmas in their life that no one can predict.