
Where is no importance? Who does not want importance?Life is a race for importance. Everyone wants to be important in it wherever possible & whatever may be the means to be adopted too . Importance could make one that is dead to become alive also.

Good & bad no one need search, they come searching us.It's we have who have to make the right choice between them .It's we have who have to know what they are.It's we who have to give them importance.In making choices importance takes part. While reposing faith in God also it plays role.Everywhere it is quite essential. More than anything else that which has importance always draws attention primarily.Faith is born out of importance. Importance is born out of faith. Faith & importance are interrelated. Wherever man gives importance there we find normally development. Wherever man does not give importance there we do not find development.

How man treats one with importance & one who has no importance depends upon him. Some treat others when they are important with all respect but do not maintain the same respect when they have no importance at all. There are people who give respect when one has importance or no importance too. World is strange.

Importance no one wants to lose. Everyone wants to maintain & preserve it. Face of a man with it & one without it aren't one & the same. Importance normally brings glamour to a face.Many opine that it is the one that is to be earned & it is not the one that to be sought from others .A great man needs no importance.He is not at all after it at all. In fact, importance comes in search of him. However, without importance either life or world could not function smoothly at all.A man is where he has importance & where there's no importance, he vacates in no time.Many feel that living without importance is futile too. A man always prefers importance & he never prefers to remain insignificant at any time at all.Anything that's without any importance is nothing but a scrap. Absence & presence of anyone important would be usually known & felt whereas absence & presence of unimportant is normally insignificant & would go unnoticed. Everywhere importance makes a dent.It is a hunger & thirst that occupy every living being.

Who doesn't require importance? A man to animal everyone requires it in their life. Young to old everyone needs it also. One becomes angry when the other is given importance. When one is given importance other becomes jealous. Importance glorifies one's presence. It plays a major role in the life of a man. If a man isn't given importance usually he is hurt, pained & saddened. An egoistic man always expects more &more importance everywhere .Importance shouldn't be given either more or less but it should be what it should be whether it's man or matter.One of the reasons for failure & suffering in life is often erring in according importance. Importance must be given only after much thought. It is sensitive.It can play an havoc. It may boomerang. It cannot be given everywhere. It doesn't mean that it shouldn't be given at all. It should be given where it should be given without fail. Otherwise , one may have to repent for it afterwards.It should be given wherever something good is taking place & it shouldn't be given wherever something untoward is happening. One of the ways of bringing to halt untoward happening isn't giving them any importance at all.

It's difficult to understand what is importance. It's different to different people. It doesn't change some people. On acquiring importance some presume they possess special wings. It always attracts more attention & demands no negligence. People are after it. There are various opinions regarding it.Some feel that it isn't everything in life.It is a recognition .It is two pronged . A Man gives importance & wants to have it too.Where it raises head,it couldn't be said at all. It is prominence. Importance is the state or fact of being of great significance or value.It is a special status.It doesn't come usually barehanded. It carries with it usually some power & authority.It's an honor that brings one the weight age.It should be always given cautiously. Some assume it too. All are not equally important . There are categories in importance too like most important ,more more important, less important etc.There are many ways of according importance too. Sometimes it has no weight at all & it's for namesake only just like a king wearing a crown & enjoying no power. Importance is strength that drives one into forefront. It invigorates also.It seldom comes on its own. It is often fruits of either one's labor or recognition of their extraordinary qualities . It brings often with it joy & happiness.

Importance that one gives discloses how much indispensable an individual or a thing is to them .Preferences & importance always go hand in glove.Importance is an individual's prerogative.It differs from person to person . One would not know what to do if they go on according importance to whatever they come across.Matters do not move where everybody is important too. Importance has to be understood & bifurcated wisely so that life runs smoothly. According importance is an art or a skill. In life where to give it & where not to give it is a puzzle.

Gaining importance is seldom easy.It doesn't fall from the blues. It depends upon factors like utility indispensability ,scarcity,& popularity. It's often a race. No one gets it either easily or without a reason. Successes, & achievements shower a man with importance . However, a man mustn't be after importance . It must come to him searching. He must deserve it. Some gradually gain it. Some gain it overnight. Some don't gain it at all in life even if they try tooth & nail also .When you give a lot of importance to someone in your life, you lose your importance in their life. It isn't enough if importance is acquired, it should be retained through out life. It either goes up or go down with the time.It is seldom steady. What was important yesterday may not be important to-day.

What is unimportant to-day may be important tomorrow.Importance makes one famous.Importance has advantages as well as disadvantages. It takes one where to where it couldn't be said at all. It brings changes in some people. They become egoistic & proud . Ambitions of many in life is to attain importance & establish their name. They are prepared to move even heaven and the earth for the sake. They are of the opinion otherwise they are a nonentity. Such persons in fact become either angry or desperate if importance is not given to them. They unfortunately do not realize that a man must not be after importance at all.

Attention cannot be paid to everything in life.According importance makes handling of life a little easier.All cannot be important in life . Many want to be important in life. Some adopt a policy with regard to importance. Too much of importance shouldn't be given either to anything or anybody. In life man must not give either more or less importance to anything but must give only that much of importance that it deserves.Sometimes not giving importance is in fact ignoring.Some give importance to those who give them importance only. According importance is sometimes a tactics to extract more work too.Man sometimes repents for not having given importance and sometimes repents for having given importance erroneously. One has to think twice before giving importance at any time. According importance is not all always easy task at all.It is like between a devil and a deep sea.

Some are in fact fed up with importance & its responsibilities.It is important to know what is important what is not important in life. We are what we give more importance to. If a man gives importance to money he becomes a money minded person, He may think everything in terms of money only.