Purpose of Life

Many men would be in a dilemma as to whether to have a purpose and then understand what life is or to understand first what life is and then have a purpose.People throughout history have pondered the purpose of life. Philosophers spin theories. Poets write songs. Young people drop out of society to "find out what it's all about." More men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent. The purpose of life has the power to drive one to success and greatness.

Purpose is always important in any matter. It's no less important anywhere than heart and soul are to an human being. It's in fact the backbone. Life is purpose driven. A life without a purpose is just like a ship without rudder. A useful purpose is capable of making one remembered. Purpose is always to be chosen or picked up with due diligence. In fact, it's a decision. It's not easy to decide upon a purpose. It has to confirm to many norms. It should be practicable, easy to accomplish, useful, remunerative and liked by a majority of people. As far as possible a purpose should be firm and steady. However, sometimes situation and circumstances bring in changes in purpose and it doesn't remain as it is.One should be aware of everything about purpose particularly its consequences. It is purpose which one chooses that makes one either popular or unpopular. Usually,nobody does anything without a purpose. A purpose should always be useful or beneficial. It is purpose that enables one to know of others motive, intention, and goal. Hence, everyone always wants to know the purpose behind anything that they come across in their life. Sometimes only it's easy to trace what the purpose is .However, it's not so always. Sometimes, purpose is so intricate that it's very difficult to find out what it is. It's purpose behind that makes one to like or dislike a task or a person. It enhances or degrades reputation of a person or a project too. It's not enough only if one has a tall purpose but they must strive for it.

A purpose can be either good or bad. It always needs a study. It can be either productive or destructive also. In fact, there is no particular format or bindings to a purpose. Sometimes, a purpose is silly; sometimes it is funny and sometimes something serious and productive. A purpose varies from one person to another or one task to another. There is also what's known as common purpose too which serves more than one person. Normally, when a purpose is good even if something goes wrong or awry one is pardoned or a mistake is overlooked. When a purpose is bad it is not treated similarly. People don't like a purpose when it's bad. They hate it. They pray it is defeated. If there is a bad intention behind a purpose, it is a conspiracy. Everybody generally takes a decision in a matter only after knowing or ascertaining the purpose.

Similarly, purpose with which one leads their life plays an important role while deciding anything about them. Their purpose of life must answer questions like why they live and what for they live .It's that establishes why they are on the earth.That's the meaning that they have given to their life. A purpose gives a life a direction. It's it that makes one aware where they should go & which is their destination. It's it that allows one to concentrate more also. Great philosopher Aristotle says " Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." One's duty is not the purpose of their life . Duty and and purpose are entirely different. One while choosing their purpose of life they generally include in it the ideals which they want to follow in their life without fail. Simply doing some work, having food two or three times a day and going to bed every day is not the purpose of life. A life led without a purpose is futile. It doesn't receive any recognition at all. Purpose of life is rendering something that is worthwhile on this planet. One who wanders here and there without a purpose is called vagabond.

Purpose of life is a resolve that one makes after much contemplation. It's their goal in life.It is one that shows one the way . It is choosing a path . One takes into account the entire pros and cons before arriving at it. It's what they want to accomplish in life. It's their interpretation of life. Purpose of one’s life depends on how they look at life. Purpose of life depends more upon an individual than any other factor. It is one’s mindset that decides for what purpose they want to live. Many times one’s purpose of life affects other individuals too. Often , purposes are misunderstood. They are not rightly understood.It is purpose of life that decides what is required by them to lead their life. Of course, without dedication no purpose materializes. Some disclose their purpose of life . Some do not disclose their purpose of life .But everyone strives for the purpose that they stand for.

Accomplishing a purpose is seldom an easy task. A planning or a strategy is quite essential to accomplish a purpose. If one could not serve their purpose of life they become generally disappointed and disgusted too. In pursuit of purpose of life, only a few succeed and they are the only a complacent lot. Some stoop to any level when a purpose is not accomplished. Some are highly principled and they abide by law of land. They try to accomplish a purpose in a true and fair manner. They are outspoken and announce their purpose at the beginning itself. If one has a purpose to cheat or if one has a purpose to take revenge, they do not disclose their purpose. Of course, acts of those who do not disclose their purpose of life reveal what their purpose of life is. We also come across instances where one’s actions are not in conformity with their purpose of life.

The other day, while I was having an evening strolls along Alvarado-Niles which is a beautiful and busy road in Union City, California U.S.A. I came across two Christian missionaries wearing white shirts and black pants riding bikes. At the first sight, I thought them to be policemen. Their mission is always to persuade as many people as possible into Christianity. They wanted me also to accept Christianity. They left a brochure which had four questions . Further, they wanted me to visit www.mormon.org to find answers to questions therein. The question that attracted me therein was “What is the purpose of life?” This question must confront us preferably when we are very young and when we have attained at least a little bit of maturity. That is soon after our education, when we just start looking at the world beyond the four walls of our classroom for one of purposes of life is to fight maturity. However, we have to address this question at one or other stage of our life. Earlier we face this question, it is always better. We can face this question provided we have developed our capacity to understand and when we are in a position to differentiate what is good and what is bad to us in our life. One cannot answer this question all of a sudden without any enlightenment. Purpose of life should always be good. It does not matter if one does not pronounce their purpose of life, it is always better if one proves their purpose of life through their deeds. It should be an ideal one and at the same time it should be one that could be implemented. Purpose should be useful to one and all. Life is fruitful if it is led with a good purpose. The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose. One who leads a life with a good purpose is generally successful and complacent in life. They will be remembered for their deeds for a long time. Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes. Purpose with which one leads life is far more important than the religion to which they belong to. Ultimately, it is an individual who has to decide the purpose of their life and not the religion that they belong to. A religion can influence one's purpose of life to a certain extent only.

Life means different to different people. So also is the purpose of the life. When a man earns well, builds a house, gets children well educated and gets them married feels that his purpose of life is over. It is the purpose of life according to him. Life could be led with different purposes. An individual has to understand the purpose of their life properly. Purpose gives proper form to a life. There are several religions in this world. But every religion wants it followers to lead a very purposeful and meaningful life. Every religion sets a goal to its followers and preaches the ways and means to achieve the goal. The follower of every religion claims that their religion is supreme. By birth generally we belong to one or another religion prevailing in this world. Some are so busy in this world that they do not find time to think about life or about the purpose of life. Some face so many difficulties in their life that their entire life passes away only in resolving them. There are others who have to struggle hard through out their life to make their both ends meet. Those whose life is brief account for a quite large number. A few of them have led such an excellent life in the short duration that they have become immortal by their deeds.

By and large people face the life as it comes to them. They do not plan and lead their life. Only a privileged section of people realize what life is and they have time to lead their life with a purpose. But here also the purpose of life differs from individual to individual. Some think amassing the wealth by hook or crook is the only purpose of life and try to augment wealth. The success that they achieve in full filling this purpose of life varies from person to person. Some totally fail and become disappointed and dejected. Some are partially successful in their attempt and are not at all fully satisfied. Some amass wealth yet are still greedy for law of diminishing utility does not apply to them at all. A small section of people live for the betterment of human beings. Service is their sole motto. They sacrifice their entire life for this purpose. In this context some are recognized and some go unnoticed or do not get due recognition. There is another group which devotes their entire life for the purpose of studying. They indulge themselves in research work in one or another field. A few among them become instrumental for inventions and are responsible for many of the comforts that we enjoy to-day. It is only such kind of people have found life saving drugs, cure for dangerous diseases etc. Even destructive weapons like atom bomb, hydrogen bomb are the brain child of these kinds of people only. Some become great through their achievements in literary field. Some devote their life for bravery acts. Some are very adventurous. Some live as sportsmen and contribute their might. There are great athletes too. Failure and success are very common in every walk of life. They are the two sides of a same coin. We must learn to take them easy. We must make the best use of precious human life and live not only happily but also at the same time dedicate ourselves for the betterment of world at large. We should do whatever we could do to the society. We should not be self centered or selfish. We must not think that life is meant only for enjoyment. Then only life will be purposeful. Purpose of life should be understood from the lives of great people. Fulfillment of their life purpose gives one contentment. It is in fact an achievement. The purpose of life is not here and there . It is within us. We have to think over and over again and understand or know what life is and what for we have to live. It is the purpose of life.It is mission of our life.No one may ask us what is the purpose of our life.Having a purpose is always for our sake and satisfaction.

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. It is with that objective only one leads one's life. It need not be same to everybody. One who lives for a purpose would have very high life satisfaction. No matter whether the purpose they lived is completely fulfilled or not .The purpose of life for an ambitious person is to get their ambition or ambitions fulfilled. . If one lives with a purpose they would have very high life satisfaction. No matter whether the purpose they lived is completely fulfilled or not.Life without any purpose is no good at all. Of course, it is better than having a bad purpose. Purpose with which one leads their life should never be harmful to others. Purpose of life need not be necessarily only one; there can be several purposes with which a life can be led also. Nothing contributes so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose. Firmness of purpose is one of the most necessary sinews of character, and one of the best instruments of success. Without it genius wastes its efforts in a maze of inconsistencies. To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity. Is there any use in having tall purposes without striving even a little bit to serve them? Purpose of life is to live happily doing something good without harming others. It is impossible to have a purpose that would please everyone. A purpose that would please Him and please yourself is enough in life. Live on the right way. Purpose of life is to live and let others live.