
Who has no fear? People have different kinds of fear.Young ,old, man, woman children all have fear.Even animals have it. Of course, all don't have same quantum of it. Some pose as if they absolutely have no fear. In fact, they too have it.World is full of fear.Fear is an unpleasant negative emotion that causes a change in brain & organ function and ultimately a change in behavior. Whether we create fear or God creates that couldn't be easily made out . If one has no fear, they would have either fear of God or fear of their own conscience at least .What wonderful and funny fears that one would have that couldn't be imagined at all . We laugh at their fears and they laugh at our fears.One who has no fear always gets accolades. Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.

Fear is an emotion excited by threatening will or impending pain, accompanied by a desire to avoid or escape it and to provide for one's security. Imaginary fears causes disease, deplete the energies, low vitality, uneasiness, discomfort and disharmony. Raga or attachment to name and fame causes fear. To overcome fear, one must face those situations afraid of. Positive always overcomes negatives. End duality, Develop the feeling of oneness of all.

Now –a-day’s we don't hear much about ghosts and evil spirits. They have almost vanished from this busy world. On the contrary, it is fear in fear itself now a days haunts mankind more. It has no bounds at all. Its influence over mankind is not at all receding. In fact, it's mounting day by day.New, new fears are hounding people.It's one that is capable of making one sleepless. It's that which makes one shiver.It increases one's blood pressure.Due to it some urinate even.In short, it's due to fear only one makes a mountain out of a molehill. Everyone wants to overcome it first. Often, fear is an impediment.It does not allow anyone to do anything freely. It comes in one’s way while doing something good or bad. Of course, one should note that they need not fear for doing anything good at anytime at all.

It's always better if fear occupies one while doing anything bad.The credit for anything untoward not happening many a times goes to it .If it isn't there,there would have been definitely anarchy . Imagine what would happen if one doesn't have a fear of being punished for their sins.That's why elders advise us to fear God at least.No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear. It is said that idle brain is devil’s workshop. Fears occupy mostly when a mind is idle.Often, fear and anxiety go hand in hand.If we know what other person fears most it often enables us to have that other person in our fold. It is easy to conquer an enemy provided we know what enemy fears most. Fear puts one on guard. It induces one to be more cautious. In certain respects, a fear is quite essential. It is fear that leads one to proper social behavior. One should have a fear of parents, teachers, and elders. Of course, here fear is out of respect that they command from us. Similarly,while dealing with anybody who commands our respect we are overwhelmed by a fear. When one meets tougher completion, when one has less confidence, one has a fear of losing. If one does not have a fear of losing, one generally becomes overconfident. Fear is sometimes a necessity.

Who has not faced fear at one time or other in their life? Every human being faces fear during their life time at one time or other in this world. Fear does not spare even other living beings on this earth too. Fear is always a concern. Fear is not confined to anyone sphere, it can raise its head anywhere and everywhere. Attending to a routine work in a friendly cordial familiar atmosphere generally does not give room to a fear in anyone. However, there is every possibility of a fear occupying an individual while doing something wrong or new in an unknown or a new place in the presence of strangers. Fear is our enemy. The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one. In that case, we seldom develop our confidence. On the other hand,we usually develop inferiority complex. We do not remain a normal person too.

Fear is psychological. It is invisible. It is imaginary. It is not certain. It may become true or untrue. It seldom remains as it is. It either increases or decreases. Many a time a fear sends shivers down one's spine. One should learn to live with it. One should have control over it. One should always try to conquer it. It has no power of its own. It's we who empower it. If it 's allowed to reign over us it makes us dance to its tune. It makes one submissive and subdued. Hence ,one should never surrender to it but boldly face and overcome it. If allowed to grow, it has tendency to grow alarmingly. More it grows more powerful it becomes and one may even tremble at a fall of a pin, at the sight of a cat, a rat and what not. One becomes timid. One who is timid dies every moment. Life is a hell to a timid person.Fear is powerful.Where there's fear there peace of mind is a remote possibility. Sometimes,it doesn't allow one to do anything at all. In fact, it makes one incapacitated. One who has fear undergoes stress and strain, They could not enjoy anything at all.Fear is not a virtue , It is rather a shortcoming only.

"Do not fear I am here" that's what friends and well wishers say. Often fear has to be overcome by individual only.Others can help only.Nothing in life is to be feared. It's only to be understood. There are ways and means to overcome a fear. Physical strength or stamina has no bearing on fear at all. There is every possibility of a physically strong man having all sorts of fear. Many would have more than wanted fears unwanted fears which make their life horrible and living very difficult. Sometimes fear is a malady. Fear should not be allowed to dominate us. One who has inferiority complex fears most. On account of numerous negative thoughts various doubts arise in our mind. Where there is in fact nothing dangerous or harmful at all, we begin to think that this is there, that is there, and that is harmful and dangerous etc. As a consequence, we come across what is known as fear. Fear is often unfounded. It is baseless. It is thoughts that create and intensify a fear. Everybody in this world whether they are rich or poor, strong or weak irrespective of their status give way to a fear. It encircles them whether they want it or not. Often, one does not know how, why and when it engulfs them. More one gives room to it more it torments them. More one fear less they advance. More one advance less they fear. One who has fear generally does not make much headway in any task. They mostly remain where they are. They do not perform fully according to their capabilities because under a cloud of fear one's mind does not perform normally. Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.

We cannot pin point at anything and say that it causes fear. There are numerous reasons which cause a fear. It is elements like insecurity, uncertainty, suspense, defeats, failures, and loss that give rise to fear. The reason or reasons for fear is not same to everybody. Some times reason is only one and sometimes it is multiple. Sometimes without any reason some have fear. It is different to different people. A thief has a fear of being caught whereas many have a fear of being robbed. Fear arises inside. It is a feeling said to be caused by anxiety. Fear is an uneasiness of the mind, upon the thought of future evil likely to befall us. Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark. The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear.Fear is like a weed. It is in a way cancerous too. It is always better one finds out the cause of their fear at the earliest and roots it out.

Fear has many forms. One cannot have a sigh of relief and say that it has come and gone. It has a tendency of coming back again and again in one or another form. It is a part and parcel of one’s life. One have to fear self esteem always. Often, fear makes it presence known through words and deeds. Face is said to be a mirror into mind. Face of one who has fear loses its normal composure. It appears on their face and we can make out that the person has apprehension. Of course, some keep fear inside and appear to be bold. Fear torments more a weak minded person than a normal person. Fears attack a child more than anybody else. It mostly cries when fear surmounts it. Parents do everything to pacify a child. Gradually fears of a child decline as it gets acclimatized. So too fear of we grown ups. Child is the father of man. Here only difference between fear that child faces and the fear that we face is circumstances and situations. They are different. Fear makes life unlivable sometimes. Unable to bear fear some commit suicide. Some do not have even sound sleep because of fear of one kind or other. One becomes restless sometimes on account of fear only. One who is overwhelmed with fear either cannot do not anything or what one does goes wrong or would not be a perfect one. Fear is horrible. Fear should not dominate one for ever. It is essential to a little or some extent only. Its existence is also preferred to a limited period only. That is only when, it is absolutely necessary. Under such circumstances, it normally protects or safeguards us. Fear in us is mostly disadvantageous whereas fear in others is mostly advantageous to us. Nobody would like their fear to become true.

There are various kinds of fear. It is difficult to describe them fully. Many times we do find apt words also to convey our fear to others. There are no head or tale to many of the fears that we come across. They are strange and peculiar fears. Some of the fears that we come across are so much baseless unfounded silly, and foolish that they invoke not only laughter in us but also in others. Of course, some fears are genuine and deserve our attention. Fear sometimes torments one every moment. Sometimes it occurs at regular intervals. Some fears remain temporary. They can be overcome by facing the situation. Some fears are occasional. They come and go. Some fears are situational. Some fears are essential. Certain fears spread from one person to another person even. However, fears are not contagious.

As we get accustomed to a fear, it runs away from us. When we come to know that there is nothing in it, it loses its charm. When you want to do something bad or wrong or someone wants to do bad to you also, it is the fear that comes in the way. Some do not do anything in the open, they fear that others would come to know or see. Fear is a complex. It is difficult to understand it sometimes. Fear sometimes does well also. Fear of God, fear of public opinion, fear of violation of laws of land, fear of self respect is quite essential. They cannot be dispensed with. Imagine, what would have happened if there was no fear of God or fear of being punished by law of land etc? Fear is a brake. It dissuades one from doing anything bad.

All fears cannot be shared with everybody. Only, some fears are to be shared and some fears are not to be shared with others. One who is wise knows well which fear is to be shared and which one fear is not be shared.

Fear affects one’s personality. Fear affects one’s health. Fear affects one’s activity. Fear is always preventive. It is fear that makes one selective and does not allow or permit to go or aim at everything. It always tries to prevent favouritism, partiality etc. Fear makes one conscious of what others may say or how others reaction would be etc. Fear when caused will be in sensory memory or short –term memory. It is better to get rid of it then and there itself. Once it enters long term memory it is difficult to get rid of it. Fear is called cowardice. People with cowardice said to die every moment. Fear is a short coming to any person who has it. It is a pseudo feeling. Sometimes it is very difficult to overcome it. One has to shed fear as early and as far as possible to be cheerful. Fear has to be always countered. One should never bear it for long. If one allows it to continue for long there is every possibility of other ailments coming to them. Where fear is, happiness is not.

Mental depression causes fear. Fear itself is sometimes an ailment. More than medicines solutions are remedy to fear. We need not go to anybody to get rid of fear. We ourselves can banish it. Others sometimes may help us only. Confidence decreases fear. More confidence one has less they fear. More fear one has less confidence they have. More one understands less fear they have. Fear does not remain as it is. Sometimes its intensity grows and it becomes unbearable. Fear spreads its wings if allowed to grow. If not cut to size in time it becomes alarmingly big and makes our living impossible. It is due to a fear only many individuals shiver, have tremors and have stammering while they talk.

Fear makes one perspire. Fear of failure makes one work hard, make one a lot of preparations and as a result usually one puts in more efforts than actually needed. Fear is the mind-killer. Sometimes it is in short term memory and sometimes in long term memory. When it will creep up, how it will creep up and why it has crept up we do not know. We do not know where it lies whether it is subconscious mind or in conscious mind. We need not give importance to it. It assumes importance. One seeks protection on account of fear only. Children express their fear in one or another way whereas elders do not follow their suit. The grown up only partially let out their fear but majority of fear remains within them intact. As such, suppression of feelings takes place in case of majority of elders. Gentlemen always have fear of their self respect too. Fear leaves nobody. Fear is great.

Phobia is a persistent, irrational, intense fear of a specific object, activity or situation, It is a fear that is recognized as being excessive or unreasonable by the individual himself. Psychiatry identifies three different categories of phobias namely 1) Agoraphobia 2) Social phobia and 3) Specific phobia.

There is an organisation called Freedom from Fear in America. Its main object is to bring awareness and create venues for public education about anxiety and depression illnesses. It is well known now that mental illnesses can be caused by genetic factors as well as environmental factors. The good news is that pharmacological treatments as well as certain types of talk therapy (e.g. cognitive behavior therapy) can greatly reduce the symptoms of mental illnesses and give sufferers the opportunity to live healthier and more productive lives. The sad news is despite all of the advancements and opportunities for safe effective treatment, the majority of folks who suffer with anxiety and depressive illnesses do not seek treatment, drop out of treatment too quickly, are non-compliant to treatment or receive treatments that are not the most effective. Some of the reasons this occurs are the terrible stigma surrounding mental illnesses, lack of resources available to those in need (adequate insurance, community resources, knowledge of where to go for treatment, not enough treatment providers, etc.) and the public lack of understanding the signs and symptoms of these illnesses. In a survey conducted by Freedom from Fear among 50,000 individuals, the above reasons were also confirmed.

Fear is always one’s weakness. Awe is not fear. It is a mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder inspired by authority, genius, great beauty, sublimity, or might. Fear psychosis is one that could be created. That is creating fear in others. It is a technique which all people do not possess. One need not fear as long as one feels that they are following, truth, right path and law. They can be fearless. There are fearless reporters and photographers too. They bring to light facts without any fear. Soldiers and brave people are fearless generally as far as display of valour & courage only otherwise they are too human and have normal fears. Fear could be shared with confident. There are many false or foolish fears among the fears that swarm one. There is remedy for every fear. Positive thoughts which arise in a human mind are certainly capable of driving away a fear. We have to find proper and apt remedy for fears only. That is a little bit difficult sometimes.

There is much to learn about fear and its complexities. It is a science.

Roz Savage rightly says

"Fear isn't a bad thing; it is a matter of learning what to do with it, and how to take action in the midst of it."