A Belief.

Do not waste time and energy and trying to be in the heaven far far from the hell.Heaven and hell are our concepts only. They are our imagination only. There's no place like heaven or hell. If we are happy and contented that's heaven.If we are sorrowful and discontented we are in hell.Even Basavanna a philosopher, statesman and a social reformer from present-day Karnataka , India says" There's nothing like heaven or hell. Speaking the truth is heaven. Telling lies is hell.The good behavior is heaven and the misconduct is hell"

Where everything is fair and where everybody is fair, it is Rama Rajyam according to Hindu mythology. A religion is nothing but a bunch of beliefs only. There are many religions in the world. They are nothing but one divinity many faces. They are one truth many teachers. Often one another laugh at the beliefs that one another has. It's not known whether the heaven and the hell are in existence. Nobody has visited either heaven or hell and returned so far. It's religions that mention all about heaven and hell. Majority of people in the world are religious minded. They are full of beliefs.Beliefs differ from man to man. Behind most of the beliefs there are usually either stories or incidents which support them. Older people usually have more beliefs than young people have. Similarly , women have usually more beliefs than men have. Temples,churches,mosques , gurdwaras and synagogues; all these represent different beliefs in different ways.The religions spread beliefs more than anyone else. These beliefs remain etched in the minds of the people.

There is a staunch belief that those who sin would have no berth in heaven. This belief restrains people from committing sins. People want to have a berth in heaven. That's how the beliefs rule and control the world. World is peaceful because of beliefs. It's divided because of beliefs only. It's always better to have a belief than to clinging disbelief.There are more number of beliefs than the number of people in this world.People have necessary and unnecessary beliefs. We laugh at the beliefs that others have.We don't know how many beliefs that we have that others laugh at.Leave them all alone, it's impossible to live in world without some beliefs. Whether rebirth is a belief or a reality. This is a question which is not satisfactorily answered . Some say rebirth is a belief . Some say it isn't at all there. Of course, none has so far taken rebirth with the same body. One who has beliefs is usually an optimistic and one who has no beliefs is usually is pessimistic. When one sees no other way out. One takes shelter under beliefs.

Though, research,discoveries, inventions and the time have altogether destabilized many beliefs there is yet surge in the quantum of beliefs due to upheavals of life. Whether it is religion, vastu, numerology , and palmistry,everywhere beliefs have spread over so alarmingly in the world that doubt arises whether people are too much after the beliefs.The people exploiting situation are also on the increase. Majority of beliefs are to please God and get blessed or to have comfortable life."Don't go against the beliefs " this is what many elders say also. Many people are under an impression that the life runs on beliefs. No doubt, many matters run on beliefs. But, the world cannot run solely on beliefs. Mostly it isn't the beliefs that work. It is one's faith in the beliefs that work. Even if a belief proves a little right it grows. Otherwise whatever a little belief that one would have disappears. A belief could be a fact or it could be false too.

The majority of beliefs that one would have are either from elders or from their own lives .One must have courage to go against a belief. A belief does not emerge all of a sudden in anyone.It is not a bolt from the blues. It gradually develops in majority of people. Often belief is one that is not proven but to be proved. Having a belief is not having a bird in hand but it is just like having a bird in the bush. Every act under a belief may not be legal. It could be an illegal act also.

It is not enough one has a belief they have to follow and practice it. There is nothing wrong in having beliefs.Malcolm X rightly says “If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.”A belief is a beautiful armor.However, beliefs must be within the limits.More beliefs one has more difficult they find to manage themselves. Limits are boundary. Anyone having beliefs beyond a limit may become a laughing -stock too. It is foolish to have beliefs without compelling reason. One need not announce that they have belief or not. Their deeds show whether they have belief or not. A belief must be more inside than outside. A belief could either dissuade or promote anything. It is a catalyst. It is a sure or definite expectation.It either grows or declines .With every positive development it grows whereas with every adverse development it declines. Beliefs are not equally strong. A belief can be strong or weak . A belief is uncertain. If it is certain it would not be called a belief at all. It is not known how far it is true . One must not stay quiet at any time and presume that the belief would take care of everything.It is efforts & actions that produce more results and not beliefs alone. Often ,a belief fills a mind with not merely what is necessary but also it fills it with what is unnecessary too. Beliefs are a web.

Man is made by his belief.Belief is his choice.He often offer prayers so that his beliefs come true. Nobody wants their beliefs be false. Everyone stands by their beliefs. No one has any control over beliefs except they themselves.They can either have them or leave them.Beliefs could be either advantageous or disadvantageous . The beliefs could make people angry and unscrupulous. It could not be imagined how much and how the beliefs would affect people. They affect one's thinking and their behavior and what not.Sometimes,they are the clouds that siege a man. They are also found to be an hindrance to intelligence too. It is belief that adds to the strength , courage and trust of many people also . Sometimes whether one has beliefs or whether one has no beliefs it would be difficult for them to face the world. No amount of preaching, or advice, would move one away from a belief. One follows the belief that they have until they give a slip or prove wrong.

More one rely on beliefs , less practical they would be. Besides, more one rely on beliefs, more when they go wrong or prove wrong, generally they either become disheartened and disillusioned or become an atheist. Wherever there is deception there would be no place for a belief. Even a fool would have no belief wherever there is deceit. World is wise. World has developed by leaps and bounds. Now, it is jet age, yet beliefs are there. As long as the earth and moon are there,there are bound to be beliefs in this world .One another cannot have a fair deal without beliefs. Culture and practices never die.

A belief could be a foundation for something good or bad. It is not a complete solution. It is a refuge. It could turn out into a trap into which one can easily get in but find it difficult to get out. The beliefs could be one's strength or weaknesses also . A belief may not be sometimes a new one, it may be in the world for generations. Most of the beliefs are assumptions. Depending on what type of a person one is their list of beliefs is either long or short. Further, a list of belief seldom remains as it is . Normally, additions and deletions take place to it from time to time. Some beliefs in them under go modifications too. List of beliefs is different to different people . The beliefs are strong.They prompt one to blindly follow anything.They bind one psychologically. They lead or mislead them. It is not easy to remove a belief once it develops in anyone. They can blind reason. All do not believe everything to the same extent. Some would not completely accept a belief . A belief would be a half hearted. Some believe only after verifying and getting fully satisfied. Some believe blindly without verifying too. It can be belief in belief also. Simply having a belief is no use. Before, having a belief one must fully understand it. According to Buddha ,one should have a belief only after observation and analysis,when they find everything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit one and all and live up to it.

A belief does not emerge all of a sudden in anyone.It is seldom formed overnight. It normally gradually develops in majority of people. Sometimes only it is forced upon people . One is like an obedient servant to a belief. A belief is an opinion. It is a mental attitude of acceptance or assent toward a proposition without the full intellectual knowledge required to guarantee its truth.The positive results develop a belief more. Whereas negative results bring in a decline in a belief .A belief is a trust. One's belief may not be others belief at all. Beliefs differ from man to man. A belief may be true or false also. It is placing confidence. It is in a way a gambling.

A belief is not fixed or firm. To day, it may be a belief , tomorrow it may not be a belief at all. One need not stick to the same old beliefs. They can change their beliefs. They can change their beliefs and change their life also. The beliefs are normally are supported by an incident or a cock and bull story. Often ,one belief leads to another belief also . Unwanted and unneeded beliefs are more in the underdeveloped countries than in a developing country. It matters a little if a belief that one has on different matters come down. The belief in one another must develop as days pass by otherwise they may suspect one another and the relation among them may get strained.

The beliefs are thoughts that are already on hand.There are many types of belief. The classic existence belief is the belief in God.There is nothing wrong in one having beliefs . Of course, too many beliefs are always bad. It is better one have limited number of belief.A man reposes his beliefs not on an single matter but on several matters.Based on the beliefs that one has it is decided whether one is a liberal or a conservative. One who has more beliefs is usually a conservative whereas one who has not more beliefs is usually a liberal and those who have no beliefs are atheists. Not merely belief in God is decreasing day by day these days but also the belief between a man and a man is decreasing these days.There are people who do not have belief in themselves too in this world. Belief has become a scarce commodity these days. Wherever there is deception there would be no place for a belief at all.Even a fool would have no belief wherever there is deception . World is wise.More the improvisation takes place in one's thinking, more mature one becomes and would not have either more or less beliefs but would have belief that's sufficient.

"Truth always prevails" is a belief that irrespective of cast , creed, or religion majority of people have in the world. There is a belief that one should not ask others "where are they are going "whenever others embark on some work .It is considered as a bad omen and the work which they embark upon would not be fruitful at all. It is a belief that a dream that one have early in the morning would come true. Beliefs consist of blind and superstitious beliefs too. Some beliefs make us wonder how much ignorant people are. There is a belief among some that excessive yawning indicates others remembering them.They forget that laziness causes yawning. Many times one shuts off "common sense" because of belief. In fact, such people rely more upon on beliefs than upon medicine and other means. Their beliefs are so ridiculous that one could not help laughing. What are not offered at the altar of God and Goddesses. Even human being , sheep , cock and bulls are beheaded to please God and get blessed. There are still people who believe in ghosts , spirits,angels and demons. Sane people say" Do not believe everything .Believe only that which is to be believed. "

In the early part of 20th century epidemic diseases like plague, cholera, small pox, chicken pox etc were numerous and common in many countries. In stead of finding out the root cause for the spread of those diseases people were under belief that they were caused by the anger of Gods of their place and were sacrificing at the altar of God goats, sheep, and buffalo etc to pacify the anger of Gods instead of taking preventive measures. They were trying to lure God with many promises. Yet , people were succumbing to those diseases on a large scale like ants. In fact, villages were becoming empty. There were mass exodus. Many villages and towns were evacuated also at that time. Infectious diseases were the biggest killer of the young. Even to day most deaths from infectious diseases occur in poor nations due to poor sanitation. To-day, due to vaccinations and other preventive measures those diseases are not only rooted out or wiped out but also their name is not even heard of. Number of beliefs are also coming down.

All do not think alike. Some think of present, some think of past and some think of future in this world. The purpose of life is not the same to everyone in this world. The purpose of some in life is to be happy as long as they are alive and purpose of some in life is to be in the heaven after their demise. Everyone struggles in one way or other in this world. People are not aware of the fact that what pleases God the most is not belief but devotion.No one is nearer and dearer to God than a devotee. Those who do not have thinking power, those who cannot make out what's wrong and what's right,do not know what to believe and what not to believe, more often they blindly believe everything. Every belief that one would have would be strongly bound by hope. Hope is the belief that circumstances in the future will be better. It's not a wish that things will get better, but an actual belief, even when there may be no evidence that anything will change. It makes one live in this world.Sun may set to-day, it will surly rise tomorrow.