Present,Past & Future.

Every one comes across in life present ,past & future. Everyone has own views about them based on their experience.No one can straight away jump to future. One has to tread first present, & past then tread future. That's how life is devised.

How fast present, past & future would be over it couldn't be said at all. Time doesn't stop at all. 24 hrs. would be over in no time. Without planning & efforts nothing could be achieved at all. One can't blame their present,past or future for their undoing. Present,past & future are their making only. If at all others have role in it it is little.

One cannot remain contented with present & past. One must eye at future too to be successful in life. How long & what the future would be nobody knows. It is two in the bush. Future must be always dreamt.

Everyone's present, past & future are separate. Life is nothing but present, past & future altogether. Present, past & future aren't fixed at all. They go on changing. They move on as days pass on. Additions & deletions take place to them. They need editing. The end only gives a real & clear picture.It presents life story. Man isn't what he was either physically or psychologically as he traverses from present to future.

What would happen & what would not happen at present, past & future? The present, past & future can be used constructively & marvellously. They can be wasted too. All depends upon man. In them relations seldom remain as they are. They either improve or deteriorate. Friends become foes & foes become friends.

Though, a man is one individual. He has three forms. What we see is his present form. What he was is his past form. What he would be in the future is his other form.Past tells on present . Present tells about the future. Present, past & future are interconnected.A man is a product of present, past & future.

How man looks at past, present,& future depends on his mindset.Duration & nature of past, present, & future varies from individual to individual.

How fast life is over some blink . Why it is not moving, it is grouse of some people. Life is not same for all. Present, past & future of all are not same .A king may become beggar & a beggar may become a king.

Many lead their life according to their whims & fancies. However, the majority of human beings plan their present, past & future & strive. Well planned life is often more pleasant & elegant than an unplanned life..If the present is long, If past is long, & if the future is long doesn't mean that life is beautiful. If life is short, sweet & meaningful It is beautiful. Elders say even if you live even for four days it should be memorable.

Progress is day by day improvement. Life must be progressive. It must be progressive whether it is present past or future. It is the way it must run . A progressive life gives a man contentment.

Who doesn't compare what not. Comparison is an human instict. Comparison of present , past & future are common in life. How was it yesterday ! How is it today! How it would be tomorrow ! Man compares & draws conclusions .

A man is evaluated based on what he was in the past, what he is at present & what he could be in future. Even the weather is pursued in that manner only. Mere intelligence or efforts do not make present, past & future excellent at all.

Present is generally a replica of past. Most people do not change. There should be will, efforts, energy, and encouragement,to improve upon the past.What we are to day is because of our efforts of yesterday.

We enjoy the fruits of our hard work put in yesterday to day or tomorrow only. Similarly we suffer for our sins or mistakes committed during past in the present days or in the days to come. Nobody will be left unpunished for their blunders committed either in the past, present or future.

What was one in the past wont be same either in the present or future.It's either an improvement or a downward trend.World itself is it is not what it was yesterday . It would be entirely different tomorrow. Man cannot depend more upon present more upon past or more upon future . "Then it was good . To-day this is good " That is life.

One can understand present tense, past tense & future tense. But in life present , past & future are not easy at all They are to be studied , understood & lived. Yet, there would be chaos in life. Present, past & future are three exam papers of life . One has to strive hard & pass them one by one to pass life exam.

Life isn't static. Life's journey comprises of present, past & future. Often life is compared to a train journey. While moving through present past & future man undergoes all feelings & emotions. Man attains maturity. Whether it is present, past or future man always tries to be hopeful. The hope or optimism that better days would come makes him bear the hazards of life. Not merely fortunes fluctuate during the present, past & future, but also optimism & pessimism fluctuate in them too.Life is more practical. It is not theoretical.

Life isn't a straight line at all. God doesn't release everything at a stretch at all. He has divided it into past, present & future. Life is yesterday, today & tomorrow. It is a joint venture created by man &God . Present, past & future of anyone aren't alike at all, too. Man must learn to live present, past &future.

Whether in present, past or future when all is not well & something is wrong, man holds his stars responsible for it

Sonia Ricotti says

" Surrender to what is.

Let go what was.

Have faith in what will be."

There's nobody who doesn't think about their present, past & future at one time or another. Think some more about the past. Some think more of the present. Some think more of the future. Nobody thinks equally of each of them. Everyone has their own thinking about them. According to circumstances in life their thinking about them varies too .

Present ,past & future of a person together forms their tale. Man learns lessons from others present ,past & future & tries to improvise also.

Whether it present, past or future , what human beings seek more & what is more elusive to them is happiness & peace. Some get them throughout their life. Some do not get them throughout their life at all. Some get them partially in their life..

It is not enough if present is good . Past & future must also be good. The past cannot become present. The present cannot become future. However present, past & future have influence on one another. The man leaves no stone upturned to change their present, past & future to give their life a better look. It is the goal of everyone's life.

Man entrusts tasks to present, past & future. He says the present is to experiment. Past is to experience & future is for expectation. Present, past & future all seldom move as per his expectation. They move as per His will. That is why it is always " Man proposes, God disposes."

Wordsworth looking at rainbow says

My heart leaps up when I behold

A rainbow in the sky:

So was it when my life began;

So is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old,

Or let me die!

The Child is father of the Man;

I could wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety.

Fitzgerald translates Omar Khayyam , grand old Persian poet who says as below about today, tomorrow & yesterday.

Unborn tomorrow and dead yesterday ,

Why fret about them if today be sweet ?

The poet Lord Tennyson says “Old order changes yielding place to new”

The best way to forget present, past & future, why the whole world itself is a meditation. Meditation is bliss.