What is our achievement in life?

One tries to satisfy themselves first before they try to satisfy others in life.It's for self satisfaction only one does whatever they like. Even if one does nothing also life proceeds and the world goes on. Days pass by. Life isn't for leading simply.It needs always a direction. One leads it with one or another purpose only.All wouldn't have same purpose in life. Life is fruitful only if one does something purposeful .What's the use of life if one doesn't do something worthwhile in it. It would be futile. It would be waste. One feels that it's incomplete if they don't achieve something in it. When others achieve one won't be a silent spectator at all. They would also be enthused to achieve something. An achievement is a gift of inspiration. Achievements bring fame and name . Nobody need ask you the question what's your achievement in life. Often, it's your conscious asks this question. Achievements bring one contentment in life.

Achievements are marvelous. They merit discussion and are talked about.They aren't confined to a field at all. They are spread over many fields.They by and large motivate people. They more than anything else establish the existence of an individual. What can a man can do. What can a man can't do. It can't be imagined even. A man who does what he says is a man. A man who does what he says develops faith. If one tries nothing would be impossible. Success and failure are always a part parcel of any achievement. Honest attempt is always worthy of praise. Non achievement isn't shameful at all. Yet, it worries number of people.

What's the achievement and what has been achieved is always important. One doesn't want to be inferior to others in any respect especially with regards to achievements . One wants to achieve many things in life but can achieve only what they are destined to achieve.The circumstances that everyone comes across in their life are different and hence achievements are different from person to person. Only capability and efforts aren't enough to achieve something. His blessings are too equally essential. To achieve anything atmosphere must be cordial and conducive. An achievement under adverse circumstances is always praise worthy.All inventions & discoveries are achievements only. An achievement may be so great that its kind might not have been there either in past or may come in future.

Any achievement isn't easy at all. It's an uphill task. It needs planning strategies and what not. It's always fruit of one's hard labor. It's climbing one step after another and going to the top of the hill.In fact, one puts heart, soul, mind and everything into it .An achievement always needs sacrifice of one or another kind.Sometimes even life may have to be sacrificed too. Achievements are the result of one's deeds, thinking and living. Encouragement and coaching may only make achievements easy quick and possible.Some compare their achievement with others achievement and draw different inferences. That's why some get elated or dejected.

Development of their mind rather than development of their body makes one achieve something in life.Achievements make one a great man. Great achievements make the ordinary achievements appear little and make them to go unnoticed . Achievements are seldom overnight . They are time consuming.There are no shortcuts to life's greatest achievements .Some don't know what their achievement is and aren't bothered to know also. They go on contributing in one way or another. They are great people.

Achievement is the sweet taste that is the resultant of efforts taken and slightly differs from success.Even though their achievement isn't appreciable,some boast or brag their achievement . Achievements don't need any publicity at all. Achievement is nothing but a performance. If one doesn't perform, they would disappear. There are various types of achievements. Among them amassing wealth isn't a great achievement at all. But , selflessness is really a great achievement. More than one it's others who know better what one has achieved and what one hasn't achieved. Others are better judges. One needn't tell what are they.Their achievements tell what they are . One can't achieve anything with a negative attitude. Only with a positive attitude one could achieve something. Each and everything can't be considered as an achievement. An achievement is unique. It's special in its own way.Men may come. Men may go. An achievement seldom fades . It remains.In what way, when and to whom it would be useful it couldn't be said at all.

What is our achievement in life? This question everyone faces in life at one time or another . It irksome. It is an interrogation. It's an introspection too. Nobody need ask this question.More than anyone questioning ,it arises. It's a question many a time posed by conscious . The answer to it depends on individual. It's their view or opinion. It depends not merely on their capabilities but various other factors . It is what they feel too. It differs from individual to individual also. A particular individual says "The most important achievement of my life is, when my father told me I am happy with your achievements. When my mother said, I am happy the way you take care of us. Though I don't think I have been able to do everything for my parents that I wanted to do."

Contribution in one way or other is nothing but an achievement only.

It is human to think for one that their achievements are many in life but their achievements are nothing majority of times. Who is to evaluate their achievements in life.It is coming or next generation some say. Some say God. Of course, definitely one shouldn't evaluate their achievements they themselves.

Achieving something in life is dream of many people.It's a craze of many too.One is usually admired for their achievements.It's achievements make one remembered also. Achievements of some aren't confined to anyone field. They are spread over many fields. They depend upon skills and talents of individuals. Its achievements in life reveal how one lead their life.

Achievements wouldn't be possible without stress &strain . By and large ,they are coupled with adventure. They need a lot of planning and strategies.How long an achievement would take it couldn't be said also. All great achievements are gradual. They require time. They aren't overnight.Sometimes it's a life long affair . Some feel that they haven't achieved anything in life. Some feel that what they have achieved in life is only a little. Some are so busy that they wouldn't have time to visualize what they have achieved or what they haven't achieved. Some have a goal in life and try to achieve it. Some compare their achievement with achievement of others and feel contented with their achievement. Some feel dejected with their achievements. Some are proud of their achievements in life. Some aren't aware of their achievements also. I have to achieve something in life. This is ambition of majority of people in the world because nobody would ask how long one lived but would ask how one lived. Nobody need pat one on their back for their achievements. Achievements make them complacent more than anything else.What one achieves in life makes one usually happy. Similarly, what one couldn't achieve in life makes one unhappy.

One would be known in this world mostly for their achievements. Some even if they move heaven and earth can't achieve anything in their life. Shakespeare has rightly said "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em" World has developed not account of achievement of a person but on account of achievements of countless. Achievements sometimes only bring one recognition. Sometimes does not bring one any recognition. Sometimes brings recognition posthumously.That's why by hook or by crook one tries to achieve something in their life.Some use fair means to achieve something in life. Some use foul means to achieve something in life. An achievement is always a feather in one's cap. It could make a man great. They become success stories.One can leave a name behind if they achieve something in life. Achievements carve one a good epitaph. Records achieved in any field couldn't be easily surpassed or broken.

To achieve something in life isn't easy at all.Marie Curie rightly says “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”Any achievement is seldom easy. One has to move heaven and earth to achieve even a little in life.What all needed to achieve something can't be imagined even.It's in fact , often beyond one's imagination.There are always more people and less opportunities in the world .It's impossible to everyone to achieve whatever they want.There's no other go to many than to reconcile even if they couldn't achieve anything in life. They could be considered fortunate if they could culminate their life calmly and peacefully without a blemish.What is the most difficult thing to achieve in life is contentment. It is the most important thing in life too.

The 4 Keys How to Achieve Anything one Wants in their Life.

1. One has to believe that they can actually achieve it before they start taking any action. 2. They have to set a clear and specific goal. If there is one thing that can make them successful and achieve whatever they want in their life 3. They have to develop a strategy of how they can achieve it. 4.They have to take massive amount of action according to their strategies.