God is a great creator.

How much pain & strain an artist has to put in to draw a scenery. Whereas what an incident God creates in no time & we blink.God is creator of every man's life. He is a Great creatorHe is called a creator not because He has created everything even a pin on this earth . What all He hasn't created head long people, those who poke their nose in others affairs, villains, donors, cheaters, thieves, politicians , artisans, intelligent , dull herds & what not. All types of characters which we can imagine & which we cannot imagine also He has created. God has not only created human body & mind, He has created all types feelings & emotions. We cannot prepare a full list of His creations at all . We cannot say what is not there in His creations. God is a great creator. Everything is a "child's play "to Him.God is the greatest magician of all times. That is why great poet William Blake looking at tiger says " Did he who made the lamb make thee". All the fingers of same hand are not alike . All the children of same parents are not alike too. His creations are wonderful . One is not like another at all.It is God who blesses man & it is God who punishes him too. One may not fear anything but at one time or other they fear God. God is an awe inspiring personality.It is He who provides everyone with life. Edward Fitzgerald rightly says" The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it."What a great creator He is. He makes one laugh & makes one cry too.It is He who makes one dance & shout also. Is it possible to describe Him. He is a Great creator.What storms, floods, earthquakes, plague, cholera &other calamities God creates. Not only God creates good but creates bad too. He is a great creator.

God is not merely a creator He is a great writer too. Nobody has written as many as stories as He has written. In which body & mind which apt qualities could be filled that God only knows. God is not an artist He is a creator.Man holds Him always in high esteem & devotion. He worships Him in whatever way possible . It is believed that those who repose faith in Him would never fail in their lives at all. How difficult a man finds to run & control his family. God controls entire universe with billions of people , animals , mountains, rivers & what not God is a great creator. He cannot please everyone.His task is very tough. Anybody can have sleep but a creator can never have sleep at all. He has no time to blink even. What a responsibility it is. How many prayers He has to listen to? How many grouses He has to attend to? .Controlling universe isn't easy at all. He is undeterred by abuses & praises. He is impartial. He carries on His task undauntedly .

As King David sings in psalms"Lord, there is no good thing apart from you" , we do not have anything to boast in our lives because it is God who is in control of our lives. if God is not the captain of our ship then we cannot be sure whether we will reach the shore safely. If God is with us then there is no need of fear, for it is He who will carry us.

Man likes some of His creations. Man doesn't like some of His creations. Liking & disliking differ from man to man. However God likes all His creations. Creator is always magnanimous. How many stories singing the praise of creator everyone comes across in their life. What is impossible . Creator makes it possible. How many miracles happen in this world. It is He who is behind all of them. A grass wouldn't grow without His blessings at all. There is always a purpose or purposes behind His every creation. God has not created anything without a purpose at all. Everything is well planned.

Creator creates not only devotees but also creates atheists too. Do we find any other creator who created diametrically opposite personalities like this. Criticism & comments are quite necessary to ponder again and rectify . It shows His wisdom. God is a great creator.

God is not merely a great creator. He is a great protector too. This fact no one need tell anyone, everyone realizes it in their life. It is well illustrated by a great devotee Kanakadasa in a poem as follows : He says

Oh mind don't be perturbed. God protects everybody.

Who fenced the plant which has grown at the top of hill and watering it ? God who is responsible for birth will feed there is no doubt about it at all.

Who is providing food to birds and animals playing in the forest from time to time ? There is no doubt when it is the responsibility of God like that of a mother He would take care of them.

Who has provided food to insects and creatures born in stone there and there only? There is no doubt that God will protect everybody.

No matter one is not grateful to anyone they must be grateful to creator. Gratitude is one of the sweet short cuts to finding peace of mind & happiness inside. Abdul Kalam says " God, our creator has stored within our minds & personalities great potential strength & ability . Prayer helps us tap & develop these powers. "

Calamities catastrophes, wars or anything may take place on this earth & creator may appear destructive at times too. Yet, world develops & life progresses only . Creator is innovative only . It is impossible to describe Him fully. God is a great creator. Creation needs skill, imagination ,talent & tools. What may be the skill, imagination talent & strength of Creator who created "The universe ". William Blake rightly says to tiger "And what shoulder, & what art. Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

How many years it might have taken Him ? God is really a great creator.

We needn't go in search of monkeys to either parks or museums. They come running to us where we are. There is much to learn from them. There are not merely mischievous but they are wiser than we human beings in some respects too. Man is a descendant of a monkey says Charles Darwin. Monkeys try to save the life of their sibling until their life is not in danger. Once their life is in danger, they stand on siblings and save themselves. What is this creation of God. God is a great creator.

Whatever her child does is a pleasure to mother. It is she who doesn't find a fault with her children even if they do blunders. Whatever they do she pardons. No one can mend a child better than a mom . What a great creation of God the character of mother is. God is a great creator.

Man is a social animal. In life he needs somebody like friends, family to share his thoughts etc. Life is such that something in it couldn't be shared with anyone at all. also. Creator is one with whom only man can share what he couldn't share with others at any time . Creator is our friend , philosopher & guide.