Who doesn't commit mistakes ?

Who doesn't commit mistakes?Knowingly or unknowingly everyone commits mistake.There's no who hasn't committed a mistake at all. Some commit more mistakes and some commit less mistakes.To err is human. A child, man woman & all commit it at one time or other. It's said even God makes it. Perfection is a rare phenomenon.In life who would commit which mistake it couldn't be said at all. All said and done.It doesn't mean one can commit as many mistakes as possible. More mistakes tell upon one's efficiency.Every mistake is a burden.It pricks conscience. Further, life is an exam . Everyone wants to pass it and move to next world. That's why one tries to minimize their mistakes also .Negligence may be only a reason to a mistake to occur. A mistake is often a mystery.

He wouldn't have been what he is today had he kept quiet being afraid of committing mistakes. No doubt ,mistakes reduce confidence level. Nobody appreciates them too.Yet,one shouldn't fear mistakes. It’s a mistake to run from mistakes.No one becomes wise without committing mistake.One needn't be ashamed of mistakes. A mistake isn't a heinous crime.A mistake is a lesson, not a loss.Worrying about mistake committed is nothing but crying over spilled milk only.

One can commit a mistake but shouldn't ignore it. It is more honorable to admit a mistake than to cover it. It's always better one realizes their mistakes. Man doesn't realize many of his mistakes. Nobody does a mistake knowingly. It isn't easy to a man to forget a mistake committed. One often regrets for the mistake committed. The questions how I committed the mistake & why I committed the mistake etc, circulate in their mind. Man usually doesn't want to repeat mistake again. A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again One should learn from others mistakes also. A mistake could be big or small. It could be serious or silly. Wantonly one shouldn't commit mistakes .One should avoid them whenever one could. It is always better to be always cautious about a mistake .It can be costly or it may not be costly also. Its repercussions one would know only afterwards.

Patience is required whenever and wherever a mistake is committed. Sri Krishna tolerated 101 mistakes of Shishupala. God is not against mistakes too. He gave Shishupala a long rope. Forgiveness is a great quality. Mistakes always deserve a pardoning.

If mistakes are pointed out some are grateful. Some become angry. Some find out mistakes committed by others quickly but don't realize own mistakes. Some don't' make out either their mistakes or mistakes committed by others. Sometimes for a small mistake man pays a heavy price.Sometimes for a big mistake man doesn't pay any price at all.Usually,price is not consummate with mistakes World is strange. Man is nine faces of a mad mind.