Two Jokes

People are interested in jokes. April Fools' Day is celebrated in many countries on April 1 every year. Sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day, it is a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other. When the word "joke " is uttered in no time it falls even on deaf ears too. Joking is one of the ways to forget this world. It takes one into some other world.It's one of modes of conveying without hurting anyone.It's good for health too. It makes life lively.

Jokes are unlimited. They are basket full. They can't be counted. It's incidents in the life that are main source of jokes. Of course,some build cock &bull stories to crack joke too. Sometimes, what's inadvertently said due to slip of a tongue without an intention or purpose turns out to be a joke too. A joke can be cracked on any subject. It could be made out of nothing also. If one slaps in the face and says that it's a joke.No one would count it as a joke at all. Uttering nonsense to make someone laugh is not at all a joke. Whatever said in a joke should never be taken very seriously.A joke is something spoken, written, or done with humorous intention. Many things are not to be said even for a joke sake. Max Eastman says " A joke is not a thing but a trick you play on is listener's mind. You start him off toward a plausible goal, and then by a sudden twist you land him nowhere at all or just where he didn't expect to go." Joking is an art .It's a technique.

Everyone is not capable of joking. Joking is a quality which only a few possess.Jokes are for time pass. Joking is pastime of many people. It is a career of many too. We come across a buffoon in a circus. In a drama role of a comedian is important . Without jokes everything would seem to be serious. Jokes are capable of diverting one's mood. They are universal .They break tension and reduce stress.They make one feel at home. It is they change an atmosphere many times. Life is boring without jokes. Cracking and listening jokes is a way of enjoying life. It's jokes that make one laugh till their stomach bursts.

A man is a social animal. In the busy modern world there is dearth of humor. It can be a little light distraction at the most. Though, one cannot joke all the time ,once in a way at least a joke is needed for recreation or a change. Some are under the impression to joke is easy. That is why when a difficult task is completed they say that it is not a joke to complete. Even with regard to life also,it is said that it is not a joke. But it is not easy even to joke always. Jokes should be when where, and what they should be.While joking it's better one makes use of their common sense invariably.

Circumstances do not permit to joke always.If we joke when we shouldn't ,it boomerangs. How one would receive a joke it can't be said. One may or may not enjoy a joke.A joke would receive usually a good response only if specific factors are good. What could be a joke to cat could be between life and death to rat. One cannot share a joke at all the place. There is a procedure to tell a joke too. Here are six steps to tell it . 1. The joke must match the audience. 2. Know the anatomy of a joke. 3 Get the setup right 4 Allow time for tension to build 5. Hit them with a strong punch. 6 Gauge the response. Like, hate and contents of a joke all depend more upon the nature of individuals.

It never matters whether one is young or old,whether one is man or woman. There are jokes for everyone.Some are crazy after the jokes. They want belly full of jokes. Sometimes, one understands a joke or not one laughs because others laugh. They do not want others to know that they have not understood the joke. Understanding a joke completely is not always easy. Sometimes , a joke would be so beautiful that one would not be able to make out that it is a joke. A little joke lasting seconds is enough to make an audience go dancing. Delivery pains to a pregnant woman are said to be unbearable. Midwives or nurses crack so many jokes at that time and the pregnant woman would not be aware when she delivered the kid. Jokes are powerful. They could be so impressive that one may not know a person but they would remember him for his joke. One may forget him but not his joke. In a way, every joke is a lesson. Usually, one who cracks the jokes does not laugh but makes only others laugh. There's good and bad everywhere. Even as regards to jokes also there's good and bad too.

A joke can be good, meaningful, and educative. Jokes can be otherwise too. They can be bad,absurd, and meaning less.Anything that makes one laugh is not a joke. One laughs at others ignorance too.There used to be jesters in the courts of kings and emperors in former days who used to often cut jokes. Intelligence , common sense and presence of mind are required to cut jokes. Jokes can be shared. They can be copied too. Jokes often give one relief from stress and strain. They can make one happy. Jokes must be appropriate or suitable to an occasion. Jokes are not for all the occasions. Joke is always must be in a lighter vein. They help to create a healthy and cordial atmosphere.They bring to light many things many a time. It could be made out what type of a person is one who cracked the jokes. What type of a person one is could be made out from the jokes that one likes too. Jokes reveal the taste of a person. Jokes cannot be ignored totally. Jokes provide laughter the best Medicine. While injecting a doctor often cracks a joke to divert the attention of a patient and as a result the patient not only does not feel the pain but also cooperates well with the doctor too. Jokes work wonders. They are capable of making one keep aside their worries and enjoy. They are capable of driving anger, grief and pain.

Some are good at cutting jokes and some are not good at cutting jokes. Some like jokes and some do not like jokes .Some remember the jokes that they come across. Some listen from one ear the jokes that they come across and leave it from the other. Daily a new joke cannot be created. Most of the jokes are often repeated. Many of the jokes are old wine in new bottle. Some jokes become stale. Some jokes do not become stale at all. It 's not quantity but quality of jokes that is liked. Jokes are not merely to make one laugh. Jokes are to make others laugh and keep them happy. Jokes must not be at somebody's cost. They must not hurt anyone. Jokes are used by some to exhibit their wit. There are various types of jokes. Joke may not please everyone. A joke may evoke a little laughter to peel of laughter based on how much it is liked. Jokes may make one angry. One must be careful while cutting jokes. Jokes depend upon how is relation between one another . Jokes can be costly. Except ,humor there must not be any other purpose behind a joke. A joke should not be cracked to mock at people. A joke is appreciated depending more on how much people enjoyed it than on how long it is. You may not remember them.They would remember you. Your joke would make them remember you. A joke could be so funny that one would be keep laughing whenever they remember it .It doesn't even matter to them what other people think of them.

Recently, I had been to Fremont in U.S.A. to spend some time with my son Ravi and grand children. Fremont has a large population of Indian origin. People from India gather there in the evenings at a place called Frank Fisher Park near Forest Park school. The gathering generally consists of old men, women and children. People generally visit U.S.A in summer to be with their kith and kin to exchange pleasantries. The purpose of my visit was none other than that. Weather of Fremont was similar to one that we come across in Bangalore during winter. We used to chitchat there between 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sun set generally used to take place after 8 p .m. in summer there. People from all nook and corner of India used to be there in our motley. There were Telugu speaking, Tamil speaking, Marathi speaking, Malayalam speaking, and Punjabi speaking people too in our gathering. We were conversing either in Hindi or English. Following jokes were narrated during our chat.


There were two donkeys in a place. One donkey belonged to a washer man. Another donkey belonged to a potter. These two donkeys were meeting daily and friendship had developed between them. They were always exchanging greetings too. The washer man’s donkey was always feeling sorry for the potter’s donkey. It was feeling that the other donkey was working very hard. Hence it used to tell potter’s donkey “Once, I take the clothes to nearby pond, I have no work at all until the clothes get dried. There afterwards also, I am not having much work at all. I dump back the clothes at his residence. How much work you are doing? You have to work throughout a day. You are really toiling. You have to carry heavy mud loads from clay pond to his house. You have to carry pots around the town on your back. Apart from that you are put to many other hardships too. Why can’t you join our neighbor washer man? I can recommend you to him.” The persuasions of washer man’s donkey did not have any affect on the potter’s donkey. Washer man’s donkey ultimately lost its cool questioned the other donkey “Are you a fool?” Potter’s donkey slowly opened its mouth to washer man’s donkey and said “Do you know the reason for my declining your offer? I am not a fool. I have not told anybody. I am telling you this only to you because you are my bosom friend. This is a top secret which I have not shared with anybody. The potter has a beautiful daughter. Whenever potter is angry he says to her that he would marry her to a donkey. I am waiting for that auspicious moment. I am going to marry her in near future."

Mahout and An Elephant

Mahout is one who looks after an elephant. A mahout had become old and the elephant which he had been taking care of had also become old too. As a result, their earnings had declined a great deal. How to increase the earnings? This question of livelihood was posing the mahout for quite a sometime. After much thought, an idea came to his mind. He put up a tent with that elephant inside. He announced a prize of Rs 100/- to one who is able to make the elephant shake its head in a pendulum way. He charged an entrance fee of Rs 10/- to every entrant who wanted to make an attempt. His plan was successful and he was able to make substantial collections. Nobody was able to make the elephant shake its head in a pendulum way. One day a wise man entered the tent where the elephant was kept. He thought for a while and straight away walked to the elephant and caught hold of its tusker of and gave a jerk. It gave the elephant a lot of pain. Immediately, the elephant oscillated its head. The news spread all over the place. Once again the mahout was compelled to think of an idea to improve his earnings. Now he announced a reward of Rs 100/- to one who would make the elephant nod its head? This plan also succeeded and brought him rich dividends too. He was happy. Many days elapsed in this fashion. One day a man walked into the tent. The tent was fully crowded. He did not do anything. He straight away walked to the elephant and whispered something into its ears. Immediately, the elephant nodded its head. Mahout noticed that he was the same man who had previously made the elephant oscillate its head. Mahout also realized what he might have whispered into its ears. That particular person had done nothing He had just reminded the elephant whether it needs a jerk to its tusker as in the previous occasion or whether it would simply nods its head. Poor elephant remembered the pain it had on the previous occasion and had nodded its head. Poor Mahout is now once again thinking of a new idea.