Many questions have no answer

There are a variety of questions. Not merely in contents they differ, they also differ in the ways they are asked. There are not one or two purpose but for several purposes questions are asked.

Questions nobody need not ask, they voluntarily creep up too. There is a device called conscience planted by Him to monitor & control them also.

It is not enough one has a mouth, mind, opportunity & authority to put a question. It must deserve or suit the situation.

Everywhere there are often more questions but less answers. Questions & answers are many a time a duel.Many questions have no answer at all. Life is a mystery.

Life is one which often poses man questions. The questions are there to him right from birth to death. Days don't pass without questions from it. Sometimes, man has answer to its questions & sometimes he has no answer to its questions at all.There is no man who has not faced questions from it at all. In fact,there are people who runaway from it unable to face questions .

Seldom a question goes waste. It often draws attention.It opens eyes.It demands answers.It is every action has got an equal& opposite reaction. It makes many mouths open & many mouths shut. It can reveal what a man is. It can reveal man's intelligence,confidence knowledge & emotions too. “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” says


Dr. Michael Marquardt, Professor of George Washington University rightly says

"Questions wake people up.They prompt new ideas.They show people places, new ways of doing things."

Question mark ? isn't simple. It's awe inspiring. Questioning isn't a child's play.What it doesn't need. It needs fortitude, wisdom & knowledge. Who discovered it? It is an art. It works as a tool. It enables many a work from where one sits only.One needs nobody also. They can ask self questions & arrive at answers . It's a useful exercise .When questions have no answer, often there is uncertainty ,unrest & more questions.Many a time question that arises in one is more difficult than the one that others ask. Further, quite often it doesn't have an answer too.

Leave alone answer many times it's difficult to understand question itself. Questions needn't be oral or in writing , they may be directly to conscience.

It is question & answers many times develop curiosities.Mistakes might not give answers . But they give questions for a greater answer.Without question & answer there can't be a discussion.Discussion improves one's knowledge.It isn't answers are important, questions too are important.It is not for answering only one has to think but for questioning others too one has to think. Who is intelligent whether who questions or who answers it's difficult to make out many a time .Without thinking questions shouldn't be answered at all.Inquisitive kids, & women are so full of questions that many of them have no answers at all. There may be reasons for same or those questions may be either stupid or they may have been so very well framed too.Who said many questions have no answer. Every question has an answer. Of course, in some cases man has to guess it only.

What others parts of our body do is visible but all that mind does isn't visible.Mind is behind every act of man. It does both good as well as bad. Whether a man is inquisitive or not inquisitive,whether he sees or hears, whether he is shrewd or dullard , his mind doesn't keep quiet. It makes him either lively or depressed. One after another question arises in his mad mind.What questions arise in his mind it couldn't be said at all. They heighten suspense like the questions that teacher sets papers for exam evoke.The questions search for answers.They make the mind active.They improve knowledge. Some questions get answers. Some questions don't get no answers .Many questions have no answers at all. Even a question that a child puts would have no answer many times. Why a question that somebody asks would have no answer many times even though they are simple. It may be due to ignorance or innocence. or may be because answer is embarrassing.

It isn't all doubts couldn't be cleared but also all questions couldn't be answered at all.Many questions have no answer at all. In many good deeds & many bad deeds many questions have no answer at all.Many questions have no answer with culprit & guilty people .Where there's secrecy,where there's no sharing,there many questions have no answer.

The question '"Why did you do that " wouldn't have no answer especially, when conscious says he has wronged. If a question is nonsense, it wouldn't have an answer at all too. When a man's knowledge is always limited and any question that's beyond his knowledge and intelligence would have no answer at all. As such, man may not be able to answer many a time a simple question " What is this." also.

Questions and answers decrease or increase one's confidence. They solve many problems , clear many doubts, and make one more intelligent. It's a useful process which keeps one engaged. Life is nothing but questions and answers only.Where the tussle in the mind would land them they won't know. One should be always cautious and shouldn't give more room to questions that give rise to negative thoughts.When one doesn't have answer or question has no answer. Problems start brewing. Is mind a boon or a curse, it couldn't be said easily.

As days pass on different types of questions arise. But,questions never end at all. Questions that arise in mind are thoughts only.Time moves only forward. It is man's thoughts that have to and fro movements. They move in all directions if not controlled properly. They are variety in them. They are responsible to everything that takes place in this world and whatever that takes place in man's life too. Thoughts are very powerful. They try to dominate human mind always. Without them one cannot live too. Yet, it is always better to be beware of them. Where they would land a man whether in heaven or in hell it couldn't be said at all.