A Scene.

A scene means what directly flashes in the head to many people is scenes in a drama.A drama comprises of scenes.Every incident in our life is also a scene. There may be something to note in every scene. It is not always easy to grasp or understand a scene. A scene can be anyone of the following:-

1. the place where some action or event occurs

2.any view or picture.

3.an incident or situation in real life.

4.an embarrassing outbreak or display of anger, strong feeling,or bad manners

5.a division of a play or of an act of a play, usually representing what passes between certain of the actors in one place.

World is plenty of scenes. Looking at the scenes, a hero in a movie wonders who is the artist of those scenes. Similarly,excited by the beautiful scenes, a lady sings " Oh mother,I am a child in your arms . I have come only to play with you" Amazing scenes invoke such remarks from us too. A writer gives vent to feelings with his mighty pen whereas an artist gives vent to feelings through beautiful scenes over canvass with a brush. If one does not love a scene, they are blind even though they have eyes. All those who have a heart or a soul love a scene. Beautiful scenes adore the walls of many offices and home. Scenes are instrumental for the development of tourism in a country. They are no doubt nature's blessings to mankind.The nature is not dumb. The nature converses with us through scenes. Scenes are attractive and appealing. The Grand Canyon with its awe inspiring views is one of the 7 natural wonders of the world.There is always a competition among scenes for excellence .Often scenes put us into a dilemmas. We cannot decide when all the scenes are beautiful, which scene to look at and remember and which scene not to look at. In fact, Kashmir because of its beautiful scenes has often been referred to as heaven on earth.Wherever there is a good scene a photographer never misses the chance to click his camera and capture the scene. Scenes are awe inspiring also.A thunder,lightening,

terrific storm and a heavy downpour altogether is a terrific scene where nature's fury is depicted. Everyone happy and smiling makes a wonderful scene. Similarly,sunrise and sunset are scenes which every nature lover never misses to witness. Splendor is not merely in a scene which one comes across but it is more in the eyes which see that scene. That is a person is as important as a scene is. In what way a scene would impress a person it could not be said at all. What feelings a scene would create in which person it is impossible to guess even. A scene that impresses any person remains green in the memory of that person for a long time.

How fast a scene can change It is even impossible to imagine even. A scene can change in the blink of an eye.How can I forget 25-08-2010, it is the day I visited Niagara falls early in the morning and came across beautiful falls on one hand and on the other hand beautiful rainbows at every step there.I was perplexed. I knew not what to see. It was all heart throbbing scenes. Changes were taking place round every second. I recollected "VIBGYOR ". I remembered William Wordsworth poem " Rainbow " and recited .

"My heart leaps up when I behold

A Rainbow in the sky:

So was it when my life began;

So is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old,

Or let me die!

The Child is father of the man;

And I wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety

Niagara falls could be viewed from Goat island ,from Canadian side, from the bottom, from the cliff and other places.It could be viewed under colorful neon lights too.The appearance of majestic scenic Niagara Falls from different places at different times was pretty different and marvelous.They were glorious various scenes. Likewise any scene could be viewed in the same way from different angles and enjoyed also.

Life comprises of nothing but scenes only.Everybody does not come across either equal number of scenes or same variety of scenes in their life . Some come across more number of scenes and some come across less number of scenes in life. Scenes are powerful. Only those who are heartless can be blind to a scene. A scene rarely leaves an onlooker without an impression.It impresses the onlooker either positively or otherwise. Scenes too are subject to comparison. Days of wealth and days of poverty are important scenes in the life of an individual. They often remain long in the memory of an individual . They are never left without being compared. In the same way birth and death are too scenes. A birth is considered as a dawn and a death is considered a sun set respectively of one's life. Certain scenes that we come across in our real life we would not come across in any cinema or drama even if we would be ready to pay for them.

There are variety of scenes. Scenes comprise of happy scenes, sorrowful and horror scenes. Certain scenes may be favorable to somebody.

Certain scenes may be unfavorable to somebody. Certain scenes may be either favorable or unfavorable too.Natural scenes are normally a feast for the eyes.There are other scenes like drama scenes,dancing scenes, skating scenes, crime scenes, war scenes, quarreling scenes,and burning scenes too.These scenes need not be feast for the eyes.They may be good or scary intolerable and obscene also.There may be scenes that send shivers down the spine.Scenes may be located anywhere in the world.They can take place anywhere.We encounter innumerable scenes in our life provided we have got interest and enthusiasm.What scenes we would come across in this world that nobody can imagine even. Scenes can be unforeseen.Who had expected that terrorist would bomb World Trade Center on 11-09-2001. When I switched on television on that day,from top to bottom the World Trade Center was burning.Who anticipated the scenes where legislators were watching porn video during legislative session.Our fate or opportunities decide what scenes we should come across in our life.Some of these scenes appear on their own. Some scenes are created and some scenes occur accidentally.Some scenes are reversible.Some scenes are irreversible. A few scenes remain as they are in this world.

Scenes could be either good,better and the best or they could be bad worse and the worst also. They could be desirable or undesirable too.

They could be of one's liking or disliking also. Whatever may be the quality of a scene,it could not be easily forgotten. When a war is fought civilians have no other go than to confine themselves to the four walls of their houses. They would not even have a glimpse of a battle scene.It is through film dramas or through fiction one introduce themselves to a battle scene. Majority of us like war scenes and war fiction. Further, epics which we come across also contain description of wars.As a result,we come across numerous paintings on war scenes and fictions which cover the major battles. Besides, history of the world describes the wars that had taken place on this globe to us. War scenes influence us and increase our spirits. War scenes are by and large good scenes. Usually, it is crime scenes that are categorized as bad scene and children are normally forbidden from seeing them. Crime scenes and crime movies only a few like .Crime scene need not be necessarily a murder scene.It can be related to other crimes like theft rape and attack too.A crime cannot be detected unless the crime scene is studied well. Such a scene normally provides many clues. In a crime scene fingerprints and blood of a culprit are commonly found and they are helpful to a great extent in an investigation.

What a contrasting scenes are full moon day and new moon day.A scene when there is silence and when silence is broken is not normally one and the same.Though, day and night together form a day, they are different scenes.All scenes are not alike. Further, some of them are rare and some of them are common which most of the people come across. Every scene has its own features.One cannot enjoy all the scenes that they find.Scenes invoke different feelings in different people.Human memory is studded with innumerable scenes. A scene can be beautiful or ugly.Of course,it need not create same feeling in all the individuals. That is why some people like a scene and some people do not like a scene.Likes and dislikes of scenes depend upon tastes of a person. Tastes of a person depends upon mind set. A scene need not be only a good to make an impact , it can be a bad also. If a scene impresses one , it occupies their memory for long. Erasing a scene from memory is not simple. If one taps their memory one by one scene which had an impact on them appear to them. A scene does not mean mere scene which one come across or find in nature. More the memory, more one can not only visualize or recapitulate scenes that they came across and enjoy which they came across at present or in the past but also can visualize and enjoy scenes which they might come across in future.

A scene could be head blogging too. It could have all types of emotions in it. It could evoke tears of joy. It could evoke sorrowful tears. It could generate fear, reverence ,astonishment and what not. Great poet Keats says " A thing of beauty is joy for ever. Brilliance of a beautiful scene is normally shared with close and dear. Here I remember a saying which conveys that a poet visualizes what even sun could not see. Only a poet or a writer can describe a scene better than an ordinary man. That is why it is said" The pen is mightier than the sword."Many times even a poet or a writer does not find apt words to describe a scene also.Here below poet William Blake describes Tiger in the forests of the night.

TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?

What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder and what art

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat,

What dread hand and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?

In what furnace was thy brain?

What the anvil? What dread grasp

Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,

And water'd heaven with their tears,

Did He smile His work to see?

Did He who made the lamb make thee?

Tiger, tiger, burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

Even scenes do not leave our dreams. In fact, both good and bad scenes occupy our dreams.Scenes in a dream may not be normally true or real but one can dream anything. Anything that are beyond our reach, we can at least have the satisfaction of seeing it in a dream.To dream a better dream and live a heaven on earth , one has to think always positively. Scenes often provide good materials to study. Scenes inspire one to write, draw and paint. Scenes are not merely to look at. Scenes impart lessons also.Scenes are capable of changing our thinking. Behind the scene many things could take place also. In fact ,many times more things take place behind the scene than in front of it.The face is the mirror of the mind . Similarly, scenes which we come across at a place indicate what type of place one is. Scenes of begging bowls and slums reveal that it is a poverty stricken place. Green paddy and sugarcane fields show that it is a fertile region. We find normally numerous hills and dense forests in a hilly region.Besides, a hilly region is flooded with the herds of elephants and deer. It is where we have glimpses of wild animals like, bear ,leopards,and tiger. Whereas, the desert is dry, barren, hot, and silent.

Appearances are deceptive . Scenes that we witness could be deceptive too. One should never jump immediately into a conclusion on coming across a scene.They have to ascertain and know everything and come to a conclusion.Even with regard to scenes we must remember Gandhiji and three wise monkeys which teach us ."see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".