
As soon as a child is admitted into a school, it is taught alphabets. There afterwards, it learns to read and write words and formation of sentences and slowly and gradually switches on to lessons on various subjects. Depending on the interest, intelligence, financial capability of its parents the child pursues its studies. This can be called lessons on pursuit of knowledge which is nothing but education. The lessons are taught between the four walls of an educational institution where they study. The lessons enable them acquire what is called book knowledge. Lessons impart only partial knowledge because they contain a little no practical knowledge at all. That is why some are called bookworms. How far a student acquires knowledge from lessons taught depends on various factors like their intelligent quotient, efforts and capabilities of their mentors or tutors, etc. That is why even though every student is taught same lessons included in a syllabus; knowledge differs from student to student. The understanding or grasping power varies from student to student. Some have more grasping power and some have less grasping power. Some do not have grasping power at all and they remain illiterate.

Teaching is an art. It can make even a dull herd understand lessons. In that case efforts on the part of all involved namely parents, student and teacher are required. Further it may be time consuming too. Lessons are to be taught by a teacher. There cannot be any education without a teacher. This fact is well illustrated in Mahabharata. Drona Acharya was not present before Ekalavya. Even then, Ekalvya practices archery in front of his idol and masters archery to perfection. It also proves the fact that where there is a will there is a way. Teacher is supreme and is one the most respected person. One should be able to grasp lessons incorporated in a syllabus for a course. Syllabus should be adequate in all respects. It should be brought out well after many thoughts and efforts. No pains should be spared while compiling a syllabus. Success of a course depends on syllabus. Sometimes every thing cannot be included in syllabus. Only basics are included. Students should have thirst to acquire knowledge. Lessons taught in educational institutions are generally incomplete. They are always to be supplemented. It is said that there is no end to learning and limit is sky. Lessons are invaluable. Lessons influence us and to what extent depend on the individual and their mentors and tutors. It is tutors and mentors who can add pepper and salt. Some lessons have more impacts on one and less on the other. As one goes through again and again through some lessons, they have more and more impact. Again it all depends on individual. Lessons are to be learnt not on examination point of view but to gain knowledge. It is not enough if we know a lesson by heart, we should be thorough with it. We should have all our doubts cleared about it. We should not distinguish lessons as more important and less important. Lessons have only important matters to convey If one goes through, autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi again and again, he or she may become follower of Gandhi, similarly, if one goes through teachings of Gautam Buddha, he or she may become follower of Buddha. Likewise, if one is attracted by lessons, on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and if they have intelligence and competence, they may become doctor, engineer, and scientist as they would like to be. Lessons have some kind of influence and religions have some other kind of influence. Mere lessons cannot do anything. Opportunities and success are required to establish ones mettle along with it.

More than the lessons that we learn between the four walls of a school, there are more lessons for us to learn outside the four walls. If we question any great man where we have to learn more that would be the answer. Why you question any aged person, he will also definitely agree with this statement. Some lessons we learn through others, we see and learn some lessons; we listen and learn some lessons and some lessons come of their own to us, we do not need a teacher or anybody even. One should be always inquisitive, we should have thirst for knowledge, and should not think that we know everything, it is superiority complex only. If we think that we know everything, we do not pay much attention to lessons that come on our way. Learning lessons after losing a race or battle is not wisdom. A man who has learnt more lessons generally talks less but performs better. It is empty vessels that make more sounds. We may pass an academic examination with help of guides, teacher, etc but it is difficult to pass an examination outside where we have to face life. It is a real examination. Here we deal more with people than books. Problems are extremely difficult and have no solutions sometimes. No doubt we require book knowledge but require experience of life more than that. Life teaches us more lessons that are quite different from those that appear in text books. We do not need might to teach anybody lessons. We can verbally teach anybody lessons.

Life is full of lessons. There is one or another lesson to be learned from everyone. Lessons taught by life remain evergreen in one's memory. They cannot be forgotten so easily. Lessons may come from anybody. Young can teach old and old can teach young lessons. Teaching one lesson need not necessarily mean imparting knowledge; but it may be avenging others wrong doings too. In fact, it is beyond the four walls of a school, we have to put to use the lessons that we learnt in schools and colleges. It is outside where we can be more practical. It is where we experiment our knowledge .It is where we gain experience. It is said that experience is the best teacher. Every experience is a separate lesson. Here lessons are on how to be kind, generous, helpful and such other great qualities. Of course, we can have lessons on destructive qualities too. Nobody forbids. It is left to us to pick up curriculum. We have every opportunity. Here for the lessons taught, we need not pay fees generally. We generally gain from the lessons. Time at one’s disposal to learn a lesson is precious and always limited. It is better to learn lessons in time. It is said that better late than never. Some may grasp or understand lessons quickly but some pick up lessons slowly and steadily. All depends upon capacity of an individual only.

We have to learn lessons from our mistakes .If we do not learn from our mistakes that is our fault only. Sometimes we have to pay heavy price for our mistakes. It is here we become a man. Every failure is a lesson. Failures remind us that there are more lessons which are yet to be learnt. There is no doubt that both victory and defeat, or success and failure teach us lessons in life. It is introspection that brings out lessons .Sometimes, a hard fought victory or hard achieved success teaches more lessons than defeat or failure. Emperor Ashoka learnt many lessons after he fought and won Kalinga war. One more fact that is to be remembered is that whether we learn lessons inside a classroom or outside, they are never to be forgotten. Some lessons teach us morals, some lessons fetch us experience and some lessons knowledge. Thus there is one or another purpose behind every lesson. Lessons are helpful to us in one or another way. Lessons are always worth remembering except a few which may be bad. Some lessons are repeated several times only to impress upon us . Even then if we forget them, it is our fault only. Option of remembering and forgetting a lesson is left to our sweet will and memory .If we do not remember a lesson, tomorrow the loss is to us only.

As one becomes older and wiser, one draws own inferences from lessons. They slowly understand to read between the lines and try to subscribe their views and make their own contributions. Thus new lessons emerge. Whatever lessons we have learnt on this earth we have to leave here only. Our attempt is only whether we could make any addition or deletions to the lessons which are already there here.It is very difficult to make such additions or deletions. Our lessons may or may not be helpful to, the future generation. Similarly future generation also makes an attempt to add or delete lessons. The process of learning continues.

However, we come across, some people who do not learn lessons from failure after failure. They do not learn lessons even after getting burnt their fingers a number of times. They have lost everything. There is nothing to lose further for them. Why is it so ? Are they dull herd? Why are they adamant? Are they optimistic? Is it “Vinashakale viparitha buddi?” That is one would be too intelligent when their end is nearer. We cannot understand. Duryodhana lost everything in Kurukshetra,yet he didn't surrender to Pandavas in Mahabharata. On that count, he deserves our appreciation. Is it one more lesson to us? We cannot insult anyone and teach them a lesson. It is simply adding salt to an injury. It worsens the relationship only. Life is strange.