THINKING isn't a Joke.

Man must have own thinking over whatever he comes across. It's quite necessary to lead life. Thinking is a mental activity that's used to resolve doubt about what to do, what to believe, or what to desire or seek. Thinking about what to do is decision making.Thinking about what to believe is part of learning. Thinking is one which seldom changes without efforts. It's easy to change for some & it's difficult to change for some.Without thinking no one can remain at all. It is symbolic of man's survival.Thinking goes on in every mind all over universe. There's no end to it.It would go on as long as there's world. It shows way in darkness brightness or at any time.It makes one wise, turns one dull herd too. It's how it's made use of. It can only take one from present to past or future & manage memory too.One is loved for their thinking.It's thinking that spreads good everywhere. It's responsible for byproducts like imagination, logic & many other. It's so powerful that one immersed in it won't be aware where they are many times.Worrying is useless thinking. It's unproductive thinking. It isn't thinking at all.

Good thinking is needed for good living more than anything else.It's the boatman that edits & rows man's life.Its a tool that is flexible correctable as one wants to make life smoother.It's a capability that's needed to develop many other capabilities.

A thinking is incomplete without thinking pros & cons.Difference between man & man isn't only in appearance, but also it's often in thinking too.Several factors influence a man's thinking.Thinking isn't a joke. It's serious. It's seldom smooth & without hurdles. It doesn't make a headway sometimes at all.When it goes wrong often many things go wrong ivory tower falls to the ground. Thinking demands always rapt attention.Whatever, it's even an insect bite, it's thinking that has to respond .

Here is a Chinese proverb about Thinking by author unknown.

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.

What is one's thinking that one's talk & deeds reflect.Thinking is talking within the self, it's running conversation in head. It is mysterious. It needs no space, time, money while sitting, standing, walking, sleeping anywhere at anytime it could be done.It isn't how much one thinks that matters, it's what one always thinks that matters.Thinking, thought & action are a cycle duration impossible to gauge. Thinking is goods train carrying wanted & unwanted thoughts running as per man's mood with a goal or no goal. It's thinking that's often behind a man's happiness, achievements & successes. It isn't enough if there's it,it must be along with other capabilities & practicable also.It's it that's mostly responsible for whatever that happens. It's creator as well as destructor.Nothing takes so many twists & turns as it does.What that doesn't allow one keep quiet is thinking. It is strange at times it doesn't allow one reach anywhere or remain where they are too.What others can't answer, thinking answers often.

There is a right way to lead life. There is a right way to think also. It isn't easy to think at all. It's pushing thoughts through the mind. Better they are screened & allowed.Thinking must be from various angles. Man's actions are based on his thinking.They affect not only him but also affect others.It must be always broad based.It must be with devotion.Thinking could be either rigid or flexible. Many factors affect man's thinking like patience,concentration, knowledge, intelligence, silence, fresh air, efforts & time etc. It is always said" Think twice before you act" Thinking is a boon to a man. He can distinguish what's good or bad because of it only. Any achievement is nothing but a brainchild of thinking of a man.What man is what his thinking is. It is reflected in his talk & every move.It isn't always easy to change one's thinking. It depends upon individual & matter.It is an effort that could do magic.

Good thinking can never remain static, it's always mercurial & turns into something beautiful & beneficial.Good thinkings are remembered as quotes & sayings. Advice,consultations are nothing but good thinking.In whose mind good thinking is going on it couldn't be said at all.Inventions are result of great thinking.

If thinking is right everything moves smoothly. If not everything goes awry. With wrong thinking what can be achieved cannot be achieved at all. Thinking itself is often the mentor grasps whether it's right or wrong & corrects itself too.

Man is same but his thinking won't be always the same. It changes with time & circumstances. It should be too.

Shakespeare says " There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Gandhiji says "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".

Life is not mere dealing with human beings . It is dealing with thoughts too.

For what all thinking doesn't take place? If one smiles it takes place & if one doesn't smile also it takes place. It's nature of many people. Thinking shouldn't be futile it must serve some purpose.

There's a right way to lead life. There's a right way to think also. It isn't easy to think at all.

The rivers take birth in the mountains or hills, thinking begins with a child crying develops as it grows & concludes at the last breath.

Nobody's mind would be idle. Either negative or positive thoughts arise in it. The mind is so helpful. It is so troublesome too.Thinking is the raw material at the disposal of man. It is it to be turned into a finished product - Thought.No matter one is more engrossed in thinking let it be good & productive.

As soon as a negative thought arises in mind, try to come out at the earliest . Nip it in the bud. Where it will take what it will do it couldn't be said at all. It reduces confidence, increases stress & strain ,narrows range of thoughts, & makes one pessimistic. Makes a life hell. It is unproductive & destructive.

Whereas allow any positive thought that arises to expand as much as it could at any time . More it expands more calm & pleasant one would be. It builds skills, boosts health, & increases output.

In case of negative thoughts adopt diversion tactics . Meditation is the best tool to control thoughts. Better thoughts better life .If thoughts aren't controlled man would be not merely a descendent of a monkey but a monkey itself.