A Disappointment.

It's true that if one who has no expectations would have no disappointments. But no man cannot remain in life without expectations at all. Life is not a child's play to go as a man wants it to go.Life runs as it wants only. Life is predestined . It takes its own course. One can change it but a little. Yet, everyone struggles & struggles and exclaims " Life is a struggle for existence. "

Disappointments are common in life. From kid to old, everyone experiences the unpleasant feeling of disappointment in life . Disappointment is a type of sadness. It is unhappiness. It is which makes one realize that life is not a bed of roses. Where how when & why it creeps up it could not be predicted . Some for silly matters get disappointed & some for grave matters. In disappointment everything seems to go topsy turvy. What's thought to be going to happen & what's happening are different in it. Efforts don't always yield desired results in it. It's in it a man is full of negative thoughts.

Disappointments are just God's way of saying " I have got something better. Be patient. Live life . Have faith "

Not only when something unfavourable takes place one is disappointed but also when something favourable takes place also some are disappointed too. A disappointment is a state of mind. It's unpleasant and painful.It's a bruise severity of it differs from man to man. It takes own time to heal . One who bears all the disappointments and faces life boldly deserves all the praise and appreciation. It is winning a battle called " Life."In how many ways a man faces disappointments in life it couldn't be said at all.Disappointment must always be in store to those who wish others bad. It is said that which is bitter is good for health . So also , disappointments are good for a successful life.Disappointment is a regulator . It regulates a man's ego.

There's no house in the world where there's no disappointments at one time or other.Able,rich,educated,poor,uneducated and all come across them in life.There shouldn't be disappointments in the world & everyone should succeed in their endeavours & be happy .That's a man earnest wish. One who has a few disappointments is really fortunate . However, disappointments aren't completely in a man's hands at all. Man always tries his best to evade them.

What's known as fate often plays a major role in occurrence of disappointments. Circumstances & other factors too play their role too. Disappointment cannot be totally avoided at all. How one understands & treats them is always important. If nothing good happens, it doesn't matter. Let there may be no disappointments. It is the wish as well as prayer of majority of people. Disappointments aren't the happy news to be spread. More than sympathy they attract. They give grass to other people to talk.

Whether one likes or dislikes disappointments occur. All can't win.Only one can win. Others have to taste a defeat or failure. As such, disappointments are naturally always more .They are part and parcel of life. It isn't merely defeats & failures give rise to disappointments , non fulfilment of desires also give rise to them. Nobody need tell whether they are disappointed or not their faces reveal disappointment.The face is mirror of into the mind. Only a few could keep their disappointments within without being expressed . How long a disappointment lasts. It couldn't be said. It depends on many factors. It is hard for anyone to forget the disappointments that they had in life. But unless one forgets them they cannot be happy at all. A man must not brood too much over disappointments. He must come out of them at the earliest. They must not be either ignored or be given undue importance at any time. A disappointment better it is treated in the way death of an intimate is treated. It should not be allowed at any time to cast a shadow on tomorrow’s dreams.

All will not go in life as one wants them to go. That's why it's life. What would have been a man if disappointments weren't there in life. He would have been definitely overconfident. Disappointments reduce confidence level.They are lessons in life.How one would bear them depends more than what it is depends more on what a person is. Disappointments are as we take it. Anyone who faces disappointment experiences feelings of loss, and needs to make adjustments. They may make one disgusted & disinterested in life. They may also make one detached from worldly life & lead them into spiritual life too. Many become saints after disappointment only.

Series of disappointments always indicates that it's bad time.There's always a limit to disappointments that one could bear. Disappointments shouldn't exceed limits.When all goes on well as expected we won't know what's disappointment & what's life. Gautam Buddha rightly says"Expectations are the root cause to all disappointments " It's impossible to please everyone. Disappointments are inevitable. How when and why they would take place it couldn't be said at all. If anything begins with a disappointment it doesn't matter , it must end at least with a hope. The hope that better days would come enables one to bear disappointments . What is needed more during disappointments is positive thinking . Besides, what one needs & deserves at that time to bring down it's rigour is all kinds of support . Disappointment gives rise to frustrations. It can make a life a hell also.

Disappointments are always bitter.They are a hard pill to swallow.They are life's hurdles that one has to pass through.They aren't to be taken to heart.They are rarely welcomed.Everyone tries to escape from them & spares no pain in that regard. Disappointments can't be either avoided completely or overcome easily.But avoiding or overcoming them isn't totally an impossible task. They can be minimized. Yet,one must be always ready to face them in life.

Disappointments are part & parcel of everyone's life.Some have more & some have less of them. Even a successful man would have disappointments in life. In fact,often one's best success comes after their greatest disappointment only. Every cloud has a silver lining. It is well said that a failure is stepping stone to success.Similarly,disappointment is also a stepping stone to many achievements also.

One must have disappointments to realise what's life. Life is not merely sweet but also bitter. This is one of the lessons that disappointments teach a man. One would know value of anything better with disappointments . One shouldn't be over awed by disappointment at any time. Disappointments no doubt make one lose hope, nervous & disgusted. All cannot bear them too. One who is full of patience ,hopes & optimistic only can bear them. They are a bad dream. Great is the man who conquers disappointments & succeeds. “Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.” says Eliza Tabor.

Disappointment seldom goes to waste. Disappointment depends more upon man & his mindset. Never get too attached to someone because attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments. Some want a reason to be disappointed & some don't want a reason to be disappointed at all too. Disappointment is sometimes within a man & it isn't expressed at all. Sometimes, it's expressed. There are different ways of expressing it. How it would be expressed it couldn't be said at all.

Disappointments open our eyes. They are the nurse of wisdom.They are opportunities . In fact, some people use them as fuel to make a change in their life while others use it as an excuse to stop trying. Blessed is he who expects nothing for he shall never be disappointed. One who hopes for the best &who is prepared for the worst won't be disappointed too. Some share their disappointments and some don't share their disappointments. Sharing them with well wishers always gives one some consolation.What enables one bear them often is comparison too. When compared to disappointment of others they feel that their disappointment is nothing at all.

Life isn't either full of successes or it isn't full of disappointments too. Life seldom runs as we would want it to be. We wouldn't know what's life if it runs as we want it to be. Success of life lies in bearing disappointments and turning them into successes. If one keeps brooding over disappointments they become depressed only.

Where would be no disappointment ? Disappointment would be there in everybody's life. It isn't at all easy to bear it. Where they would be more & where they would be less it couldn't be said too.Disappointment & failure always go hand in glove.Disappointment can be with men,money & matter . Man causes himself disappointment & it's he who bears it too. Further, suspense is worse than disappointment. Disappointment cuts a man to his size.

Tomorrow is a good day. It's a hope. It makes one live. Tomorrow isn't' mere 24 hours after. It could be entire future. Human beings are full of hopes. Some hope too much. Some hope moderately. Some hopes materialize and some hopes don't materialize at all. It's when hopes & expectations don't materialize disappointments occur. Disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations or hopes to manifest.It's a source of psychological stress. It's when things don't turn out the way one hoped, it may seem like the end of the world. There's no one in this world who hasn't undergone it at one time or another.Disappointments aren't alike. They come in many forms.That which is disappointment to one may not be a disappointment to another. Some disappointments will be catastrophic while others will just be a minor mishap. There are various types of disappointments. Reasons for disappointments aren't always one and the same. They are different. One needn't worry about disappointments. They seldom go waste. They pay huge dividends later .

A disappointment is by & large pathetic. No one forgets disappointments that they had easily. Sometimes disappointments are gradual & sometimes they are bolts from the blues. It's said "Once bitten twice shy".Once one disappointed they would hesitate to try again. Disappointment may develop fear psychosis even. One becomes often wise after it . Some come across it more number of times & some come across less number of times. Disappointment depends upon an individual and how seriously individual would take it. It may make one lose confidence and get dejected. During disappointments things don't move the way one wants them to move.It's when usually expresses displeasure in one way or another too. Moods of those who are disappointed would be normally off . Disappointment may make one desperate.It may make one unhappy. It may disturb peace of mind. It may fill one with negative thoughts and frustrate. It may curb enthusiasm. It may bring reduction in new initiatives . It's during them many a times one begins to tread the wrong path . Sometimes, one may commit suicide too.

Recurring of happy & favourable incidents usually make disappointment to move to background &disappear.One shouldn't let disappointment to cast a shadow on tomorrow’s dreams. Clouds may come, but clouds must go, and they all have a silver lining. For behind each cloud one faces, there's a sun shining behind it. This can be true in case of disappointments that one would face also. Nonetheless, disappointments frequently have good side to them. They can lead to personal growth. A failure is a stepping stone to success.It's after disappointment only one often succeeds. Disappointment makes one humble. It makes one work hard too. One becomes patience personified due to it only.It develops fortitude & forbearance in a person too . The ability to learn from one's disappointments is key to personal growth & success. There’s no disappointment in Heaven.

A man comes across numerous incidents of disappointments in life . Mr Ravindra was a common man who belonged to Belanje village. Belanje is in Karkala taluk of Udupi district, Karnataka State, India. His father was an agriculturist. There is nothing wrong if a man has many aspirations. Ravindra was ambitious. He pursued his studies in nearby Hebri. He built many castles in the air. He was striving hard to come up in his life. He was fortunate to secure a job in Syndicate Bank at Dharwar. At Dharwar he was able to complete his graduation and became an officer in the bank. By that time he was 27 years old. He married Vinodini. It was an arranged marriage. They had an happy married life. A daughter by name Mohini was born to them.

Time doesn't remain as it is. Mohini too grew up. She was a college going lady. Ravindra too was in his fifties. He wanted his only daughter to be a doctor. In order to lend her all the support and encouragement he opted for voluntary retirement and settled down at Udupi. He was able to secure her a seat at KMC Manipal. Everyday he was leaving her on his motor bike at city bus stand in Udupi in the morning and picking her from bus stand in the evening. Likewise he toiled for five long years. Medical education is very expensive. He spent major chunk of his life savings on her education. At last , Mohini completed her MBBS and was an house surgeon at K.M.C. Hospital Mangalore.

Ravindra wanted to find a suitable bridegroom for his daughter. Because Mohini was educated a number of proposals were received by Ravindra. A bank officer would have generally blood pressure & diabetes etc at the old age. Ravindra was no exception. Ravindra was of the view that his life would be successful if he performed the marriage of his only daughter. Among various proposals received by Ravindra , he and Vinodini okayed the proposal received from Vishwanath . Son of Vishwanath was a Doctor of medicine and was handsome too. Theirs was an opulent and respected family also. 12-12- 2013 was chosen for betrothal. On 5-12- 2013, morning Mohini left to Mangalore as usual for attending to her hospital duties. At about 3 pm. Ravindra was near a busy market place. At that time his phone started ringing . It was a call from Mohini informing that her marriage with Ganesh was over. Ravindra collapsed at the place where he was standing . He was totally disappointed. It was a bolt from the blues to him. Children are hopes &dreams of parents. In fact, parents have more faith on their children than they have in themselves. The castle that Ravindra had built in the air had fallen to ground.

Atmosphere in eastern hemisphere has undergone a sea change. The days are not what they were. Marriages are losing sanctity these days. Family values, moral values and cultural values are all declining.

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