God is not fair

When all is well one never says that God is fair,why generally one not even remembers God at that juncture.Majority of human beings are selfish and are concerned only about their well being.Even if they are little uncomfortable or in little trouble, immediately they feel that God hasn't been fair to them. They don't think of those who are in dire straits and their plight at all. They don't say God isn't fair to such people. Why a man thinks God isn't fair. It's because of circumstances only. It's circumstances that generally create in a man a doubt whether God is fair or not. Further, those who see one side of a coin only pass on this remark that God is not fair.Those who see both side of a coin never remark that God is not fair. Majority of times God does not make available both side of a coin to others. A few only realize their mistakes in this world but majority of people do not realize mistakes committed by them at all. They deserve and undergo punishment for those mistakes too. In the process, they suffer too. Here the dilemma is while suffering on account of their blunders they remark that God is not fair. Often it is a wrong conclusion only. God doesn't care for either appreciation or criticism. God is above everything. God is a great administrator. God is one's absolute faith. People always approach Him with their heart filled with immense hope in temples or mosques or churches why even in dreams. They are under impression that they are His creation. When He shatters their hope completely, people start doubting whether they are His creation or whether He is their creation. They forget that only a person who is greater than God can only adjudge whether God is fair or not. If one finds fault in His action, thereafter they doubt His every action. Gradually, a theist becomes an atheist.

Fairness would mean that everyone got exactly as he or she deserved and everyone would be treated the same. God is fair or not fair, are concepts over which individuals generally harp upon. They are not casual remarks or uttering. They are not either a dissent or assent with Him. These concepts sometimes are a thinking, sometimes a feeling and sometimes they are a fact too. In the midst of good times occasionally if something adverse takes place immediately one intervene abruptly with a remark “God is not fair.” They forget at that time whatever good God had done to them earlier. It is human nature. Sometimes God does that only to help them more at a later date.

Majority of religious minded people believe that God is always right and that He never commits mistakes. They are of opinion that He is a supernatural being who never appears on a scene. His is an awe inspiring personality that has no bounds at all and it always occupies one’s imagination. Leave alone one expressing that God is not fair , a few are not even bold enough to feel that He is unfair. One seldom or never blames God even under difficult of difficult times. Instead they blame their own fate. One often prays or pleads Him with all reverence His help under adverse circumstances. In fact, one surrenders fully to Him during hard times. Whether God comes to their help at that nick of moment it is entirely left to Him. They always keep their full faith in Him. They remember Him at all times. But to our dismay we find many a time that instead of coming to their rescue God adds fuel to fire at such trying times. We cannot make out reason for His this peculiar stance at all. It is contended that it is one of His ways of knowing how much devoted one is.

Is He fair in subjecting a devotee who has reposed their entire faith in Him to all hardships? Is He unfair because He is supreme and there is nobody to question His acts at all? If He were fair everyone would have been fair and there would have been no disparity in this world at all. The fact we find disparity in this world, reveals that God is unfair. Moreover we come across everywhere failures, injustice, treachery etc. and desperately we have no other go than to draw a conclusion that He is unfair. At times, we are even compelled to doubt His very existence even. But, God owns no responsibility at anytime. God always pleads ignorance. God says He does nothing. He says we reap whatever we sow and we suffer for whatever wrong that we do. When God is not fair, how can we expect others to be fair? We generally find many others too not fair in this world.

God need not bless one with wealth or anything. It is enough if He blesses one with contentment. He does not bless one with contentment even. Instead, He harasses them with miseries. He adds fuel to the fire. God is not fair. He creates one or another void in everybody’s life. That void or handicap disturbs their peace of mind. That does not allow them to remain complacent at all. That keeps them worried. If He blesses one with intelligence He does not bless them with either wealth or health. What God loses if He blesses everybody with everything? People will remember Him if He blesses everybody with everything. People will be grateful to Him. Yet, God does not bless one with everything. Is it because whether He wants to exhibit to this world how powerful He is?

Often God creates favorable situations to undeserving incapable persons whereas He creates to deserving capable persons unfavorable unsavory situations. He does not provide equal opportunities to everybody. Even intelligent quotient differs from person to person. He is not at all impartial at all. Even if one thinks a little bit even; these facts would be obvious to them from many of the instances of injustice meted out by them in their life. They feel that He has wronged them everywhere. God is not fair is not a negative thinking. It is a view or an opinion of many individuals. When one does such introspection and realizes that He is unfair, generally sometimes one becomes angry at Him and at times abuses Him too. Of course to no avail at all.

God controls everything in this world. He is directly or indirectly responsible for all the good or bad that takes place in this universe but nobody is daring enough to fix Him the onus. Whatever one does in this world it is at His instance only. Yet, one is unnecessarily punished. God does not provide answers to many of our questions nor clarifies any of our doubts at all. Our fate or previous life span is unnecessarily blamed for all the miseries that we face to-day. God always appears to be fair but He is unfair only. Nobody can understand His arithmetic. God humiliates us many times so much that we feel that we are as good as dead. In fact, we prefer death rather than leading such a kind of life. But, God does not take life from us. He keeps us alive and humiliates us again and again. God is definitely not fair. We hesitate to do anything which displeases God. Why, we even hesitate to do anything that displeases others too. Whereas, God is not at all bothered whether His acts please or displease others. He does not care for others sentiments too. God does not make us realize or warn before hand or afterwards what we are doing is wrong. If God enlightens us in time, we would not have committed any mistakes or any wrongs or sins. However, God never forgets to punish us for those wrong doings promptly. On the other hand, we find that man is magnanimous. When a man is happy, he generally not even recollects difficulties and injustice that God had bestowed upon him. God is not fair.

It is universally known fact that prevention is always better than cure. If God prevents sins being committed he could certainly save a lot of time and energy. He need not think of punishment to be imposed on individual etc. It unburdens a lot of His task. Still Why God allows individuals to commit sins? Whether is it to make world known that He is ever busy? God is not fair. To err is human, to forgive is divine. Whenever one receives a punishment they are bound to know why that punishment is given to them. A judge while delivering a judgment invariably substantiates why a punishment is given to a culprit. It is not fair on the part of God to punish us without making us aware of sins that were supposed to have been committed by us. He should give us a fair hearing. God should provide us with an opportunity to defend ourselves. Further God should ensure that punishment is not either more or less but is in accordance with the sins which were supposed to have been committed by us. Listening to everybody impartially, deciding impartially, arriving at a punishment in consummate with a crime or pardoning etc is not easy tasks. Who knows whether we have sinned or not during our previous life span? His referring to our previous birth is only an excuse. It is finding some reason to punish us. We are ignorant of our previous births if at all there were any. There should be no time lag between crime and punishment. One should be punished for a sin without any delay during their life time only. Otherwise, how could one realize rigor of punishment if they are punished for that sin during their next birth.

When He does not deliver full justice to anybody, it is injustice only. If one does not receive justice, it does not matter but one should never be subjected to any injustice. Injustice is always unfair. One has to think thrice while punishing anyone. Great devotee of God Sri Purandharadasa says that our mind is not responsible for all good and bad that we do. It is His intuition that prompts us to do either good or bad. God is not fair in punishing us for misdeeds. Let Him make us mend our ways and means. Further, majority of times, we are unaware of our wrong doings and pros and cons thereof, why we are punished in such an instance? God should have definitely enlightened us what is good and what is bad. This God does to only a few people. God is not fair.Conscience is said to be presence of God in us. Some do not have any conscience at all in this world and there seems to be no presence of God in them. This is not fair.

Nobody is as powerful as God is. He is the most powerful and all powerful. That's why called Almighty. Man is helpless against His ploys. He is mere a toy in His hands. God tosses him according to His whims and fancies. It is God who makes our life sometimes a heaven and sometimes a hell. He controls everything in this world. Nothing can move in this world without His nod. It is said marriages are made in heaven. He is behind every marriage that takes place in this world. Yet all marriages are not successful. All marriages do not end with happy note. We find a large number of failures in marriages too. God is not fair.

God fills one’s life with dreams and dreams only but majority of those dreams do not materialize at all. God preaches that one should neither be depressed in loss or gain nor disturbed by pleasure or pain and should be free from anger, passion and fear. But God fills one’s life with nothing but sorrows only. God is not fair.

One should never hesitate to make any constructive criticism. However ,criticism should come from a competent person or persons. Of course, we are not competent to criticize Him. God is above all criticism. God is not fair. This is not a fault finding exercise with Him but this is what one really feels due to His maneuvers. This is also not at all an allegation against Him too. This is a conclusion that one comes to only after much thought and deliberation.

On whose account wicked or cruel people are born on this earth? Is it not God who created villains?. Is He not solely responsible for evil to take place on this earth? Otherwise only good people would have been born on this earth. God who has made a lamb has made a ferocious tiger also. Why God does not bless everybody with everything. In one way or other we find one or another deficiency in everybody’s life. One, who has health and wealth, does not get proper education at all. One, who has education and wealth, does not have health. Why is it so? Why creations are not uniform in all respects? Is He not instrumental to all the problems that world faced or that it would face? Why He creates problems after problems? Is it to glorify Himself? Is that fair? God is not fair.

God subjects us to all sorts of problems through our kith and kin makes our living miserable. In turn He subjects those kith and kin too also to all sorts of miseries in order to make us feel that He has taught them suitably for making our life miserable. Is He fair? Definitely God is not fair.

If He were fair, this earth would have been a heaven. We are born equal and die equal. It is only a philosophical statement. Why we find a smile only on a few faces that we come across? Why majority of people are discontented in this universe? Why life is more bitter than sweeter to majority? We notice disparities and discriminations everywhere. In His creation we find not only persons differ in appearances but also in their qualities too. Some have inferiority complex while some have superiority complex. Life differs from individual to individual on this earth. There is no balancing act by Him at all. Some are born great; some achieve greatness and upon some greatness is thrust upon. Rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poorer. Some enjoy while some suffer in this world. Human race is not a race of equals. He has divided us into rich and poor. It is He who has given scope for the concepts like fortunate and unfortunate to prevail in this universe. Further, all are not blessed with same longevity in this world. Some live a long life whereas some live a short life. They bid adieu to this world before their ambitions are fulfilled, duties are completed. God does not mind in whatever state one’s duties and ambitions are. Further, many people have physical or mental disabilities either from birth or thereafter wards. He does not allow one to be happy and contented for a long time at all. He seems to be jealous of those people who remain happy and contented for a long time. He subjects such people in one way or another to all sorts of miseries unnecessarily. Some are not blessed with even a child. Some are denied of other essentials in life. He makes one suffer for no fault of theirs. Moreover He creates more and more troubles to those who have already suffered a lot and who are still in trouble whereas He allows many to roam here and there without any botheration or trouble. Where it is needed badly He does not add instead where it is already excess He makes more and more additions. Only He could justify His stance. If He were fair, Karl Marx would not have been able to herald communism. He does not treat everybody equally.

Intelligent quotient works well to some people at the nick of moment whereas to some it does not work at the nick of moment at all. Why all His creations are not equally intelligent and equally capable? Why some are privileged and some are underprivileged? Some get all the opportunities and some do not come across any opportunities? Even weather is not uniform through out the globe. Only some are blessed with pleasant weather whereas others have to bear extreme cold or rainy weather. Question that confronts me is that whether law of social justice does not apply to Him or not? Though, a mother has affection towards all her children, she has more affection towards one or two among them. Is God has same tendency?

Some countries are rich and some countries are poor. Some are beautiful and some are ugly in appearance. Resources are not spread evenly all over the globe. Wealth is concentrated in developed countries like U.S.A., France, Germany, U.K., Japan etc whereas in underdeveloped countries there is dearth of wealth. Why we find these disparities? God is not fair in His creations. Do you think all the people in a poor country like Kenya, Uganda etc have sinned? He does not apply same yardstick to everybody. We come to this conclusion many times in our life. Some suffer throughout their life whereas some enjoy all sorts of comforts throughout their life. Some say it is our fate. Some blame their stars. Some say it is all on account of good or bad that we committed in our previous life. Parents overlook silly mistakes of their children and pardon even their grave blunders when they repent for them. It is said God is equally or even more compassionate than we human beings. It is said that God forgives those who repent without any loss of time. In fact; law also contends that justice delayed is justice denied. This being the case why we are coming across carrying over of sins from one generation to another generation? Is He not burying the past? Is it a wrong notion? Ultimately, we have no other go but to conclude that God is not fair.

Quite often, peace and tranquility of a family which is living happily and contentedly is disturbed by Him only. One way or another He creates problems in such a family. Enjoying at somebody’s cost is not at all fair. Some say it is His way of testing them. Through calamities catastrophes etc He snatches thousands of innocent lives. Even death is not accorded to one according to good and bad deeds one does. A bandit is normally a drunkard, and kills numerous people and loots a number of villages too. He may have even raped many innocent women also. Such a person dies of a heart failure. That is a death that many desire to have. There is no much suffering at all. On the other hand a generous kind hearted person dies of a cancer after suffering for a long period. He undergoes surgery, chemo therapy, radiation and what not. It is a miserable death. God is not fair. That is why the number of atheists is increasing day by day in this world.

Many times when one looks at some of the undesirable developments that take place in the world, a doubt arises whether there is a God or not in them. God seems to be protecting primarily corrupt people, black marketers, and such other moneyed people who have black money. They occupy prominent positions in society today. It is they who are mostly around Him now a days. They are His staunch devotees. God is allowing them to prosper. God is tormenting mostly innocent and extremely good people. Wherever He allows evil to triumph and wherever deserving do not triumph, God is not fair. These thoughts were making rounds in my mind when I was returning home after attending share trading at my stock broking firm namely Innova Securities & Investments Limited. Mr. Mohinder had left me at a bus stop in R. T. Nagar. Sometimes we have to wait for a quite a long time to catch a bus which takes us to our destination. There was heavy rush at the bus stop for nearby Florence Public School had closed for the day and students had thronged the bus stop. I could make out that those students belonged to primary and middle school. Children are always interesting to watch. They always remain in their little world. Their world is always different. They were discussing all the subjects under the sky. Noise that they were making thereby was ranting the air. They are innocence personified. They are always in hurry especially while going back to their homes. A young teen aged girl had come to bus stop to pick up a kid. She was beautiful and attractive. She was wearing T-shirt and jeans. She was lively.

It is very difficult to get into a bus where there is heavy rush and where children are in large number. Here at bus stops or bus stands rarely people stand in queue to get into a bus. There is no other way than jostling to get into a bus. After a long wait, bus which was bound towards my home arrived. Somehow I made my way through the heavy rush and got into the bus. Luckily I was able to secure a seat too. School children are generally from nearby places. As soon as they approach their dwelling places, they disembark in large number. As a result after two or three bus stops, rush in the bus subsided. I could see that beautiful teen aged girl standing in front of a seat which was a little ahead of my seat. Her sleeves were visible to me. I was surprised to see white patches on her arms. I could make out that those patches were of leucoderma. Slowly it reminded me the life of once my neighbor namely Padma. She was beautiful and good natured. She had a few such patches over her body. Padma may be now about 50 years old. Nobody came forward to marry her because of those patches. She has been leading a monotonous life. With great difficulty she secured a degree in Bachelor of Arts. She has been serving as a teacher in a rural place. The patches spread all over her body subsequently. She is no more beautiful now. It is very difficult to recognize her even. Tears will roll down one’s cheek if one remembers such unfortunate people. What would be the fate of this girl in the bus? If we imagine her plight after some years, we would certainly exclaim "God is not fair ".

The death of son of Mr. Chandrasekharaiah also establishes that God is not fair. Mr Chandrsekharaiah worked relentlessly over years for popularizing Kailash Manasa SarovaraYatra. He is a sincere and hardworking man. He is the founder president of Kailash Manasa Sarovara yatris Sangha. He visited Kailash Manasa Sarovara when there were barest facilities. He might have persuaded hundreds of people to visit those shrines. He has been working hard with other office bearers of association to obtain grant from Government of Karnataka to yatris. The Sangha has been guiding yatris in every possible way. Even now he is one of the active members of the association. Now he is in latter part of seventies. Recently, he sent his son who was about 41 years of age to Kailash Manasa Sarovara yatra. His son expired during yatra due to pulmonary odema. Is He fair?

God always authors more of tragedies and less of comedies in this world. We come across instances where God damages an artist’s finger, snatches eyes of a beautiful lady, render legs of a dancer useless thereby makes them virtually dead. Why God creates such miserable plights? Any heart melts under such circumstances. Is God not kind hearted? God is not fair. This is not an accusation. Without an exception everybody in this world feels at one time or other that "God is not fair". Of course, only a few express their feeling "God is not fair" whereas majority of people either whisper or murmur only. They do not even keep that feeling "God is not fair" within them also.