Imitations are not a joke at all.

World is full of imitations. Life too is full of imitations. It is not merely words & deeds are imitated. It is not known what are not imitated &. where is no imitation. It's there in every field.It's more in some fields & less in some fields. Some say it is necessary & some contend it isn't necessary at all.It shouldn't be there at all.Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Dr David S Kantra says " The importance of imitation arises on account of man's intention "I want to be like you ". Imitations could made in several ways not in one way only. Many that man follows in life are not imitations.They are essentials only. They are quite necessary only. They are called customs , rules & regulations etc. Imitations are important factor in human development.We are just beginning to understand that it has a pervasive influence throughout life in many ways. Imitation is a learning method. Imitation is a very big deal in development of communication skills. Motor imitation helps speech development.

Imitation is so much rampant in the world that is difficult to make out which is original & which is imitated. Sometimes there is no other go than to imitate. Some writers, musicians and artists too imitate. Imitations in some places are helpful & in some places are undesired. Marva Collins says " Trust yourself .Think for yourself. Act for yourself.Speak for yourself .Be yourself.Imitation is suicide.People in the west imitate people in the east .People in the east imitate people in the west. There is a lot of criticism& views about imitations. Aristotle the great Greek philosopher believes that there is natural pleasure in imitation which is an in-born instinct in men. Imitations depend upon individuals.

Man is not one who would never remain still or quiet at all. He keeps himself always engaged. That is how he falls a prey to imitation. One who is interested in music would be imitating his favourite singers. Those who are interested in cricket try to imitate Sachin Tendulker or their any other cricketer & those who are interested in football try to imitate Pele, Ronaldo & so on.Those who are interested in films imitate their favourite actors Amitabh Bachan,Sharukh Khan,& Salman Khan . Thus imitation has become a way of life. It is an hobby also.

Imitation is either totally good or totally bad. There is nothing wrong in imitating whatever that is good. A monkey imitates whatever a man does. It doesn't know what it should imitate & what it should not imitate. Man is said to be the descendent of a monkey. He has the habit of imitating like a monkey too. Man should not be like a monkey.Man should know where to imitate and where not to imitate. Imitation is only sometimes right. It is not always right.

One often attains perfection through imitation.Imitation is copying. Without any reason nobody imitates. Spotting & imitating anything good in others is really a great quality which only a few possess .They are blessed & would be successful in life. Imitating good in others doesn't downgrade anyone. In fact, it appreciates them.

Definition of Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery in the Idioms Dictionary . Copying someone is flattering because it shows you want to be like that. Children use imitation throughout infancy and early childhood.

What you are that what you imitate depicts. You are identified because there is something in you which could not be imitated at all.

Man must not be totally dependent upon imitation.Imitation isn't always easy too. It must always have a limit. More one depends upon imitation less they would be their own.More one imitates less creative they would be too. Imitation should never be blindly.Those who imitate must remember that " They cannot become him. He cannot become them." Variety is the spice of life. Imitation anyone can do. There is nothing great in it.

However,in what appears to be easy often there are complexities. One must imitate only what they could and not all that they could not. If one tries to imitate what they could not they would be in trouble. There is a saying stretch your legs according to the size of the mat.

One's behaviour must be always worth appreciating & imitating. Imitation is nothing but treading others path. Better always to tread a known path than treading an unknown path. Always caution has to be exercised whenever one imitates. Imitations are full of lessons. They demand techniques also

Youngsters tread elders path . People tread leaders path. Imitation could be perfect only if leaders & elders paths are perfect. There is a saying " Yatha raja thatha praja " which means citizens are as their ruler is.

Often imitation is due to faith & belief. Imitation is also used to make fun of others too. Extensive imitation is irrational. & harmful.Imitation must be where essential only. It doesn't allow one's own talent to develop fully. It in fact drains away one's talent. It rusts one's talent.Wherever anything good & useful are there they are to be imitated without being told & without any delay whatsoever . In life to be successful one has to imitate what is necessary & not what is unnecessary.

Man is multi-faceted or multi-talented. What great qualities are imbibed in him it is also not known at all. Some of his sacrifices & achievements that he does, could not be imitated at all. Imitations are not a joke at all.One must be prudent in imitation.

Life is not mere imitation. It is imitation plus individual contribution in whatever way possible .

Here is a story of Foolish Imitation which I came across on the web. It is quite interesting to all the people.

Long ago, a hawk lived on the top of a hill. At the foot of the hill there was a banyan tree on which a crow used to perch everyday. The crow was very foolish. He would imitate everyone.

The hawk atop the hill would fly down everyday in search of food. The crow watched the hawk circling in the air for long hours and swooping down when he saw his prey. The hawk gifted with eyes that could see long distances would spot his prey from the hill top and then fly down to pounce upon the prey.

The crow watched the hawk thinking, “Hunh! If the hawk can do that, I too can. What does he think? One day, I will show the hawk that I can do the same thing.”

A few days later, as the hawk was circling in the air, the crow decided to do the same. Suddenly a baby rabbit came out of the bushes. The hawk saw it and the crow too saw the rabbit.

Before the crow could move, the hawk swooped down, caught hold of the rabbit in his strong sharp talons and flew away. “Swoosh!” was all the crow heard as the hawk disappeared in the sky with his prey. “Hmmph! That is no great skill,” thought the crow, angrily.

Next moment he spotted a big fat mouse coming out of a hole. Without wasting time, the crow swooped down. Like the hawk he tried to catch the mouse in his claws.

But the mouse saw the crow and moved away, the crow crashed against the hill. “Eeeaaa!” cried the crow in pain.

Just then the hawk came flying down. “I hope, now you know it is not easy to hunt and it is not easy to imitate, either,” said the hawk and flew away.

There after, the crow never imitated any one in its life. It lived happily with the god-given abilities.