A Creative mind & A Destructive mind.

Highway robber called Ratnakara became Maharishi Valmiki. It's a story in which a destructive mind was transformed into a creative mind successfully.

Though,we are all human beings we do not have same kind of mindset. A man's personality is unpredictable . Some of us have a creative mind & some of us have a destructive mind. Some could have both a creative mind & a destructive mind too. Some opine that a creative mind & a destructive mind are hereditary. A mind would be creative or destructive depending upon the mood of an individual.The mind of one who is happy lively & leisurely would be usually creative & the mind of one who is angry & frustrated would be destructive. There are as many minds as they are men in the universe. The creative mind & destructive mind are behind changes that universe undergoes.There's no bounds to one's imagination and what a creative mind or a destructive mind would deliver to mankind it couldn't be said at all. Depth of a creative mind and depth of a destructive mind couldn't be measured also .Whether it's a creative mind or a destructive mind , what it needs most is contentment.

It's said, "an idle mind is the devil's workshop " When a man is idle and alone his mind works more. Further, it's often true that necessity is the mother of invention .Minds always work but they work more in times of need. Similarly ,when one is in danger mind works more & tries various options. Both creative mind & destructive mind work during those times. However, it's always better a creative mind works more rather than a destructive mind .

Though, creative mind and destructive mind are minds , they are quite opposite in their functioning. They are like south pole and north pole . Creative mind is one that creates something out of nothing & destructive mind is one that turns something into nothing. A creative mind and a destructive mind are full of divergent thoughts.One is a boon to mankind whereas the other is a curse. One is good & the other is evil.A creative mind is a vision & destructive mind is a nightmare. Only positive thoughts arise in a creative mind & in a destructive mind it's negative thoughts only arise .But for the creative mind the world wouldn't have developed this much at all. Creative mind is calm & there's free flow of fantastic thoughts in it. It seems there's light within a creative mind & darkness within a destructive mind .

Both creative mind & destructive mind store in surprises always . Creative minds bear different names.They are called artist,scientist , writer and what not. God himself is known as creator. Similarly destructive minds too are called enemy, demon, devil , giant and monster etc.

Intelligence could be used either for any good or bad purposes. It isn't enough one has intelligence one has to make use of it to develop creativity lest it may drift towards destruction. Creativity in one spreads creativity in others. It doesn't remain a silent spectator. Further, ambitions spur creativity .Creative mind all don't possess. Creative means something new which isn't there & which makes new addition. It is a trait. Creativity is the result of intense thinking.

It's mental state prompts one to be either creative or destructive.Creativity is marvelous function of the human mind.It's always appreciated. More people like creative mind & hate destructive mind.Both creative mind and destructive mind can create havoc. One moves in right direction and the other moves in wrong direction. All good ideas emanate in a creative mind only. Every invention is a brainchild of a creative mind. A creative mind understands everything quickly and accurately.There's always a demand for it. More the opportunities, more the participation it develops. A creative mind brings one popularity.In order to develop creativity in it one has to put in relentless efforts .

Creative mind sees not merely what's there but also notes what isn't there and what is to be added. Creative mind creates not only what one wants to see but also creates what everyone wants to see. In destructive mind there is always frustration. A destructive mind destroys not only what one doesn't want to see but also creates what that nobody could see too. A destructive mind is a disability . It is no virtue at all. It is a mental illness .

Creative mind and destructive mind are two different faces. Man can be creative or destructive depending upon what kind of mind he has. A creative mind is flooded with intelligence & other qualities . A destructive mind needs nothing. It is a polluted mind. Criminals have it. One must be cautious about it. Destructive mind is always to be evaded. It is criticized. It makes one unpopular. It needs transformation . A practice that helps tremendously to get rid of destructive mind is meditation.It's one that gives mind the much needed rest & enables one to change thought process. Many a time one wouldn't be aware that their mind is a destructive mind. They are to be enlightened.

With practice, training, and above all, method, one can manage to increase their attention, their memory, their judgment and literally to become more intelligent than they were before.

“Nothing is more creative... nor destructive... than a brilliant mind with a purpose.” says Dan Brown.