Devotional Songs

Devotional songs aren't mere songs in praise of God, but they are something much more. They serve many other purposes besides conveying Him devotion. They are in various languages. Language is needed only for expression. It is always content and devotion that matter more in a devotional song. Devotional songs can do wonders. They mesmerize audience. They make them spell bound. A devotional song is capable of directly touching one’s heart and soul. Devotional song either rises or subside one’s emotion. They enable one to vent their feelings. They are capable of turning an audience into a pin drop silence. One who has full faith and devotion in Him sings them to please Him and seek His blessings. There is no other selfish motive other than this in reciting a devotional song. That is how one communicates with Him and share their joy or miseries too. These are prayers to Him invariably.

“More things are wrought by prayers than this world dream of.” Of course prayers can be offered silently too. God can be worshiped in many ways. Singing of devotional songs is one of the modes of worshiping God. Some chant mantras, slokas some read great texts like Bhagwad Geetha, Koran, Bible according to the religion one follows to please God. Devotional songs are a form of meditation to connect to God and draw the divine energy into the world. There are innumerable atheists in this world who do not have belief in the existence of God at all. Devotional songs are songs sung by devotees. They are an easy tool through which one can become dearest to God. As the title indicates songs should be sung with devotion. One need not be a musician to sing them. Elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color needn't be there in a devotional song.

What devotional songs need primarily is devotion and rest is secondary as far as they are concerned. While singing a devotional song many times we notice that many devotees keep their eyes closed. In fact, they try to visualize those divine beings whose praise they recite at that time. What makes devotional songs appealing is devotion. More devotion makes always a song more appealing. Devotional songs bring solace to both to singers as well as to listeners. They serve as moral and spiritual guide. Their worth cannot be estimated or described at all. They create positive vibrations and energy.

World is always full of devotees. What one could achieve through devotion, nobody could imagine even. We cannot and should not compare devotion of one individual with devotion of another individual at anytime. Devotion is never comparable. Everybody likes to go their own way--to choose their own time and manner of devotion. Devotion is love to God. Devotion is selfless affection and dedication to God. Where everything fails devotion succeeds. Devotion is one’s feeling. Devotion is one’s emotions. Ultimate success is always of devotion. Devotion assures one of sure success.

Path of Devotion is an ideal way to get close to God. It is devotion that unites God and man. Salvation Can Come Through devotion. Devotion is one of the ways of attaining Salvation. Kabir,Purandardas, Kanakadasa, Meerabai, and Sant Tukaram are all times great among the devotees. Every one of them has contributed immensely to world of devotion. Each song that they had sung depicts depth of their devotion. When we are distracted, when we have no peace of mind whether we listen these songs or, sing them devotedly, or read them we have solace, we can easily forget worries, regain happiness, find solution to our vexed problems of life etc. It's the best medicine for reducing stress and strain. It's the rhythm that soothes all ills. More we engage ourselves in chanting ,we won't know where we are. We will be completely in a different world. It is a world of devotion. We will not be aware what is happening in our surroundings. We find spiritual fulfillment in them. True devotion does not allow any negative to enter a devotee. In fact, devotion drives all negative thoughts out . While making pot Bhakta Kumbhar, a potter was in world of devotion, chanting. His only child came crawling and got caught in the turning wheel and clay. How could he notice it when he was in other world? His all attention was nowhere but in God. The child died as a result.We can't predict what would happen or what wouldn't.

Devotional songs can be sung by an individual alone . A group of persons can also sing devotional songs together. Young, old, child, male or a female can sing a devotional song. These devotional songs perform wonders. Devotional songs are emotional. Devotional songs are educative. They are in simple language. They contain sometimes idioms and puzzles. They generally promote social transformation. They bear a lot of meaning. We learn many lessons from them. In order to understand some of them we must know how to read between the lines. They blend us to perfection. They sharpen our mind.

Some of these devotional songs were sung hundreds of years ago; one would definitely wonder vision those devotees had at that time. Some of their compositions are guide for us to lead life to day. They contain a lot of morals. More we say in their praise less it would be. This is not an exaggeration at all. All those devotional songs are really gems. We can make one understand these facts only through illustrations. Each song can be sung in different tunes. These songs have contributed much to carnatic music. Music is an art created by heart so too devotional songs. A man who sings will have no ills. Singing of devotional songs is known as bhajan. It is one of the ways to meditate also. It brings solace to participants as well as listeners. All songs sung by Purandardas conclude with mention of Sri Purandhara Vittala. Following is one of such songs. They are in no way inferior to poems written by great poets.

Many times they are sung as lullabies especially while rocking the cradle to make the child go to sleep. Even otherwise also to make a child sleep it could be sung. My grandson “Chirag”when he was hardly a few months old needed nothing but devotional songs sung by Pandit Bhimsen Joshi to go to sleep. As soon as a cassette was over, he used to wake up. Pandit Bhimsen Joshi is one of the great musicians of modern world. He was an exponent of Hindustani or uttaradhi music. His music albums are worth maintaining in every house. What a gifted voice God had given him. He really provided a treat to our ears. What achievements could be made through rigorous and continuous practice, one can know only by listening him .Similarly Meera Bhajans sung by legendary melody queen Lata Mangeshker has attracted every household. These devotional songs are known as keerthanas too. In Marathi they are called as Abhangs. Sri Mahipathiraya, Sri Purandharadasa, Sri Kanakadasa, Sri Vijayadasa,Sri Gopaladasa,and Sri Jaganathadasa devotional songs together is known as “Dasa Sahitya (Dasa Literature). ”Here dasa means servant who is prepared to do anything for other without any remuneration. It is said God and his devotee are servants of one another. Dasa Sahitya or Slave (slaves to Lord Vishnu) Literature constitutes an important segment in the development of the Kannada language .

Music being a universal language it was used by both saints to raise the morale of the people and to make them aware of the divine existence. Purandharadasa is considered the father of Carnatic music. For him God was ganalola (fond of music). His compositions are a storehouse of musicology and poetry. He was the only son of Varadappa Nayaka, a wealthy merchant, and Leelavati. He was named Sreenivasa Nayaka, after the Lord of the Seven Hills. He received a good education in accordance with family traditions and acquired proficiency in Kannada,Sanskrit, and sacred music. At age 16 he married Saraswatibai. When he was about 40 years old, the name Purandara Dasa was bestowed on him at the hands of Vyasatirtha. Following is a Purandharadasa devotional song.

Yarige yaruntu yaravina samsara

Neera melana gulle neejavalla hariye,

Bayarituyendu, Baviya neerige hode

Baviyolidda jalavu batti baridaitu hariye,

Bisilu galigagi marada neralige hode,

Marabaggi, sheera da mele oragitu hariye,

Adaviyol mane madi geedake thotilakatti,

thotillolidda sheeshu mayavaytu hariye,

Tande Sri Purandhara Vittala Narayana,

Na sayo hottige nee kayo hariye

ಯಾರಿಗೆ ಯಾರುಂಟು ಯರವಿನ ಸಂಸಾರ

ನೀರ ಮೇಲಿನ ಗುಳ್ಳೆ ನಿಜವಲ್ಲ ಹರಿಯೆ,

ಬಾಯಾರಿತು ಎಂದು, ಬಾವಿಯ ನೀರಿಗೆ ಹೋದೆ

ಬಾವಿಯೊಳಿದ್ದ ಜಲವು ಬತ್ತಿ ಬರಿದೈತು ಹರಿಯೆ,

ಬಿಸಿಲು ಗಾಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಮರದ ನೆರಳಿಗೆ ಹೊದೆ,

ಮರಬಗ್ಗಿ, ಶಿರದ ಮೇಲೆ ಒರಗಿತು ಹರಿಯೆ,

ಆಡವಿಯೊಳ್ ಮನೆ ಮಾಡಿ ಗಿಡಕ್ಕೆ ತೊಟ್ಟಿಲಕಟ್ಟಿ, ತೊಟ್ಟಿಲೊಳಿದ್ದ ಶಿಶು ಮಾಯವಾಯ್ತು ಹರಿಯೆ,

ತಂದೆ ಶ್ರೀ ಪುರಂಧರ ವಿಠ್ಠಲ ನಾರಾಯಣ ನಾ ಸಾಯೋ ಹೊತ್ತಿಗೆ ನೀ ಕಾಯೋ ಹರಿಯೆ

This is a song sung by Purandardasa. It means that who is there to whom in this leased life. Oh God, a bubble floating on water is not real. Oh God to quench the thirst I went to a well and water in the well dried up and got emptied. Oh God to save myself from sunshine and wind went to a shade of tree and the tree got bent and rested on my head, Oh God, house was set up in a forest and cradle was tied to a plant, the child in the cradle vanished, Oh father Vittala Narayana at the time of my death you protect me” Here what Purandardas means is that God alone should protect us whenever our stars are not good and whatever we do become futile. It teaches moral a lot. It was God's gift that Purandharadasa was able to preach, in simple Kannada, what's difficult even to philosophers to put across in a way which the ordinary people can understand.

Purandharadasa lived between 1480 to1564. Sri Purandharadasa lived in Vijayanagar kingdom. In Hampi, we find Sri Purandharadasa Mantapa on the bank of river Tungabhadra. Following song is also sung by Purandardas and is more meaningful.

Marayabeda manave neenu Hariya smaraneya,

Sathiyu sutharugathiyendu mathiyu kettu thiruga beda,

Mathiyu kettu hodamele sathiyu sutharu baruvare,

Manushya janma durlabha veedu a Madhavana krupe indha bandide

Heena janara kudi hani Madi kolalu beda

Pantha pagadeyadi vartha kala kalaya beda

Anthakana dutharige lesha karuna villavayya

Gopurada Gombeyanthe Grama Graha rakshipenendu

Thapa padutha hagalu irulu thamasa janara kudade

Yaga yajna madaleke yogiyagi thirugaleke

Nagashayana Narada vandana kudi bhajane maado bega,

Hariya smarane mathradinda ghora dutrithavella nasha

Varada Purandara Vittalana niranthara bhajane maado bega

Marayabeda manave neenu Hariya smaraneya.

It means, “You mind do not forget to remember and chant God. Thinking that wife and children are there don’t get mad and roam. When you are mad whether your wife and children would come? This human life is rare and it has come to us through God’s grace Do not mix up with mean people come into trouble Like a doll at the top of a tower do not think that you can take care of village and people toiling day and night .In the process do not get mixed up with bad people. Why do you perform rituals? Why do you roam like saint? Is not enough if you sing His praise? By Remembering God only all sins get lost. Hence sing praise of God continuously. These days’ even elders do not tender such advice to us. We do not find such lessons in many of the books. Purandardas brings out his life experiences in his songs He is not selfish. He shares his experiences with us. It is really great social service. His songs generally serve multiple purposes it creates devotion to God, it brings social changes in our life, it keeps us engaged. Its contribution to carnatic music has no parallel at all. One has to sing praises of his songs. We will always have a dilemma as which song of his we have to choose for singing or quoting. Every song is a gem and deserves to be sung everyday in our houses.

During my school days I remembered to have seen in the evening times devotional songs being sung in most of the houses. It was a custom in those days. These days we find bhajane on particular days in temples. Generally, it's on Mondays in Shiva temples and on Saturdays in Vishnu temples. Wherever followers of Sri Raghavendra Swamiji are there, it is on Thursdays. On Shivarathri day, on new moon days devotees perform bhajans through out the night. In certain communities people celebrate what is known as “Saptha” It's a festival. During Saptha on day one a lamp is lit and people perform bhajans day and night in batches sitting around the lamp for seven days. In order to maintain continuity batches (palis) are formed. Batch after batch takes up bhajans. These batches needn't be necessarily local. They belong to other places too. Saptha concludes with mangal and mass feeding. Old and young, men and women everybody participates in this celebration. During the month of Sravana the bajana mandali goes round in the town from house to house singing devotional songs on all the four Saturdays of that month. Even in other days we come across some people moving from door to door with tamboora in hand singing devotional songs seeking alms. Thus devotional songs provide an honest way for livelihood.

Bhajans always begin with songs sung in praise of Lord Ganesh and always conclude with mangal. After each song devotee sing Parvathipathe Hara Hara Mahadev, Srimad Ramaramana Govinda Govinda. Even in grudwaras we come across bhajans. The following verse of Purandardas is equally good and meaningful. Bhajans can be sung alone or can be sung with all devotees joining together. Bhajans can be sung along either with musical instruments or without musical instruments like harmonium, tabla, flute, violin, tamboori etc. Tamboori and tala were enough in olden days. Even to-day tamboori and tala are the prime instruments used in bhajans. What they mostly play on band cloronets and other orchestra during weddings and other functions are generally devotional songs. Of course now-a-days musical hits from movies etc are preferred. When one is alone, when there is no company, when negative thoughts are haunting especially in an unknown place these devotional songs come to one's rescue .They are the best company to keep one lively.Go on reciting them, they increase our memory power, make us understand the meanings that they carry. In this context following song is worth reciting.

Ragitandira bikshake Ragitandira,

Yogyada ragi bhogyada ragi,

Ragitandira bikshake Ragitandira,

Annadanava maduvaragi annachatrva nittavaragi,

Anyavarthegal bittavaragi, anudina bhajaneya maduvaragi,

Ragitandira bikshake Ragitandira,

Mathapitharannu sevimparagi,

Papakaryava bittavaragi,

Jathiyalli migidavaragi,

Neethi margadali kyatharagi

Ragitandira bikshake Ragitandira,

Sriramana sada smarisuvaragi,

Gurudikke pahorandavaragi,

Karaharapriyaraga kottavaragi,

Murahari seveya maduvaragi,

Purandhara Vittalana sevimparage,

Ragitandira bikshake Ragitandira,

It means, “Have you brought millet for alms”. Millet are nourishing, millet are enjoyable. Feed food to others, maintain feeding centers, do not listen anything concerning others, daily chant His name, serve your mother and father, leave all sinful deeds, in caste belong to upper most, attain fame in following morals, daily remember God, contribute to music, do service to God, serve Purandhara Vittala.

One of my favorite songs of Sri Purandharadasa is here below:

Ambiga naa neena nambide,

Jagadambaramana naa neenna nambide,

Tumbida harigolambiga,

Adakombattu Chidravu ambiga,

Sambrama dinda nodambiga,

Adarimbu nodi nadesambiga,

Aaru tereya nodambiga,

Adu meeri baruthalide ambiga,

Yarindalagadu ambiga,

Ada neevarisi datisambiga

Holeya bharava nodambiga,

Adara selavu ganavayya ambiga,

Suliyolu silukiden ambiga,

Yenna seldukondoyyo neen ambiga.

Sathyavembude pathavambiga,

Sadabakthi yembude huttamabiga,

Neetyamuruthi Namma Purandhara Vittala,

Yenna mukthinatampake oyyo ambiga

ಅಂಬಿಗ ನಾ ನಿನ್ನ ನಂಬಿದೆ,

ಜಗದಂಬಾರಮಣ ನಾ ನಿನ್ನ ನಂಬಿದೆ,

ತುಂಬಿದ ಹರಿಗೋಲಂಬಿಗ, ಆದಕೊಂಬತ್ತು ಛಿದ್ರವು ಅಂಬಿಗ,

ಸಂಭ್ರಮದಿಂದ ನೋಡಂಬಿಗ, ಆದರಿಂಬು ನೋಡಿ ನಡೆಸಂಬಿಗ,

ಆರು ತೆರೆಯ ನೋಡಂಬಿಗ, ಆದು ಮೀರಿ ಬರುತಲಿದೆ ಅಂಬಿಗ, ಯಾರಿಂದಲಾಗದು ಅಂಬಿಗ,

ಆದ ನೀವಾರಿಸಿ ದಾಟಿಸಲಂಬಿಗ

ಹೊಳೆಯ ಭರವ ನೊಡಂಬಿಗ, ಆದರ ಸೆಳವು ಘನವಯ್ಯ ಅಂಬಿಗ, ಸುಳಿಯೊಳು ಸಿಲುಕಿದೆ ಅಂಬಿಗ,

ಎನ್ನ ಸೆಳೆದುಕೊಂಡೊಯ್ಯೊ ನೀ ಅಂಬಿಗ.

ಸತ್ಯವೆಂಬುದೆ ಹುಟ್ಟಂಬಿಗ, ಸದಾಭಕ್ತಿ ಎಂಬುದೆ ಪಥವಂಬಿಗ,

ನಿತ್ಯಮೂರುತಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಪುರಂಧರ ವಿಠ್ಠಲ ಎನ್ನ ಮುಕ್ತಿ ಮಂಟಪಕ್ಕೊಯ್ಯೊ ಅಂಬಿಗ

How meaningful are these lines. Here ambiga is none other than God himself. Ambiga means a boatman. Purandharadasa says “God I believe you .Protectorof universe I believe you. God floating basin is full. It has nine leaks. Look at it gracefully and according to its course drive it. God see series of waves. They are coming one after another." Here Purandharadasa is referring to life and its difficulties. He says that it is not possible to withstand those difficulties which are invading us like waves. Purandharadasa shows us path to heaven too. He says “Truth is oar; devotion is path to anchor in heaven”

Songs sung by Kanakadasa are equally meaningful. Kanakadasa was born in a place called Bada in Dharwar district to Biregowda and Beechamma. His original name was Thimmappa Naika who was a non-Brahmin and it is supposed to have belonged to the warrior (Nayaka) community. He became one of the greatest Haridasas (slaves of Lord Vishnu) of Karnataka. Besides padas and keertans he has written kavya. He lived during the period 1507 to 1607. He was influenced by Vysaraya. It seems he was denied entry into Krishna Temple and used to stand outside near a small window of temple and chant praise of Sri Krishna and God was pleased with his devotion and as a mark of it the idol of God has taken a turn and facing that small window instead of facing the main door of the temple to give His devotee full glimpse. This small window is known as Kanakankindi and the temple is situated at Udupi. All songs sung by Kanakadasa are addressed to Neleyadi Keshava i.e. Sri Krishna only. Besides many devotional songs including "Mundiges"(allgories) he wrote the Mohanatarangini, Haribhakthasara, Ramadhyana Charite and Nalacharite. His portrayal of feelings is vivid and penetrating. He can be most homely and sublime as occasions demand and rise to inimitable perfection of art. Following is one of the songs sung by Kanakadasa.

Tallanisadhiru kandya talu manave,

Yellaranu salahuvanu idake samshayavilla,

Tallanisadhiru kandya talu manave.

Bettadatudiyalli huttiruva vrakshke katteyenukatti neeredavaryaro?

Puttisidaswamitha honegaranagiralu bidade tandunisuvanu idake samshayavilla

Tallanisadhiru kandya talu manave.

Adaviyol gaduva mragapakshigaligyalla adigadige aharavittavaru yaro,

Padeda jananiya terede swami honeyagiralu gatyagi salahuvanu idake samshyavilla,

Tallanisadhiru kandya talu manave

Kallogehuttiruva krimikitagaligyalla allalli gaahahara vittavaru yaro ?

Ballidane Kaginele Adikeshavanu yellaranuslahuvanu idake samshyavilla

Tallanisadhiru kandya talu manave.

Oh mind behold do not get distracted .There is no doubt that He would protect everybody. Who fenced the plant which has grown at the top of hill and watering it ? God who is responsible for birth will feed there is no doubt about it at all. Who is providing food to birds and animals playing in the forest from time to time ? There is no doubt when it is the responsibility of God like that of a mother He would take care of them. Who has provided food to insects and creatures born in stone there and there only? There is no doubt that Adikesava will protect everybody.

Here Kanakadasa makes us understand in simple and beautiful manner how great and powerful is God, and how God looks after everybody in this world . Kanakadasa cannot be called a communal or a religious person as he was criticizing religion and community to the core. Kanakadasa work was a sign of self-respect especially for those belonging to the backward classes.

Similarly, what a beautiful song is the one that is here below:

Nee mayeyo neenolu mayeyo Krishna,

Nee yee dehadolago neenolu yee dehavo’

Krishna neemayeyo neenolu mayeyo

Bayalu aleyadologo aleyavu bayelogo,

Bayelu aleyagalerdu nayenadologo

Nayana buddiyologo buddinayanadologo,

Nayenabuddigalerdu neenologo

Nee mayeyo neenolu mayeyo Krishna

Saviyu sakkareyologo, sakkareyu saviyologo,

Saviyu sakkaregalerdu jeveyologo,

Jeveyu mansinologo,manasu jeveyologo

Jeveyu manasugalerdu neenologo

Nee mayeyo neenolu mayeyo Krishna

Kusumagandha dologo,

gandhadolu kusumavo

Kusumagandhagaleradu granadologo

Asamabhava Kaginele Adikeshavane

usirugallennavu neenologo

Nee mayeyo neenolu mayeyo Krishna.

The above song means “Oh Lord Krishna you are mystery and mystery is in you. You are in this body and this body is in you. Plain is inside temple and temple is inside plain. Both plain and temple are in you. Forehead is in wisdom and wisdom is in forehead. Both forehead and wisdom are in you. Taste is in sugar. Sugar is in taste. Both taste and sugar are in tongue. Tongue is in mind. Mind is in tongue. Both mind and tongue are in you. Flower is in sandal wood. In sandalwood there is flower. Fragrance of flower and sandalwood both are in nostril. Oh God Adikeshava all my breath is in you. Oh Krishna you are mystery and mystery is in you. What a song is this! Is it not meaningful? Is Kanakadasa not placing the mysteries of His creation in an elegant manner to us? Devotional songs are educative, and thought provoking. More we analyze devotional songs more we become knowledgeable. There is no end to learning. Devotional songs attract people across caste creed religion etc. Yessudas, an exponent of carnatic music who has sung numerous songs on Guruvayurappan is a Christian. Similarly, M.S. Subbalaxmi whose name is known all over India , why all over the world sang Sri Venkateshwara Suprabhatham even in her nineties At this juncture, I remember Keats, a great English poet “Heard melodies are sweet but those that are unheard are sweeter” Devotional songs and melodies go hand in glove.