
Who invented the word "Glory"? Only a few aren't hankering after it in the world. It's for doing something great, unique. Seldom it's a bolt from the blues .Contribution of intelligence & efforts to a glory is immeasurable.The world hasn't have developed & we wouldn't have this much of the comforts but for it. Glory isn't for having a name it's for doing something good. It's one to influence others & it isn't one to get influenced at all. Glory as it gets older & older it becomes brighter & brighter. It seldom diminishes.

Elders say"Aim at the sky you will be somewhere otherwise you would be where you are."Aiming glory isn't sin. It makes one tread right path. It gives life a right direction.Glory is often a reward for excellent performance. It's recognition of an achievement.It's it that proves hard work pays rich dividends.It adds feathers to one's cap.It's an occasion to celebrate.It's result of one's devotion & efforts that transform natural to supernatural making the impossible into possible & winning all round applause. It is dream big.One who wants to conquer it in life or battle should be always prepared to face either success or disappointment too. It isn't the one to be expected, but it's the one that has to come on its own. Often everything has two sides. Good & bad. Glory too has two sides good & bad too.In short,what is glory it is in the eyes one sees, it is in the way one thinks, it is not same to all.

Achievements deliver glory. One needn't go in search of glory.It comes in search of appropriate where they are & garlands. Glory needs seldom qualification. In fact, several great people are illiterate.Those who all command glory are great. Glory is capable of making one's name live forever. It engraves it in the annals of history of the world. It makes one a legend. It makes people flock around . Fire can be extinguished with water ,sand & carbon-dioxide, but glory can't be . Glory is inextinguishable. It's one that adores ears, eyes & heart .The tomb is built brick by brick. Glory too is built brick by brick . Tomb & glory spill the fame.It is glory which is capable of reaching places where one doesn't visit also. It makes introduction superficial.

The man before & after glory should be same.Behind every glory there are always not selfish, but selflessly devoted efforts. Those who win it usually don't aspire it."Deeds are in our hands. Glory is not in our hands." says ---Bhagvad Gita. Vanna Bonta has rightly said “Fame is not the glory! Virtue is the goal, and fame only a messenger, to bring more to the fold.”

What glory heralds are sacrifices, achievements & spreads good to the development of mankind. It is a tribute that makes life meaningful. It motivates, inspires.It does look at one with reverence. It's high renown or honour won by notable achievements. It's unique, incomparable & exemplary.Words can't describe it fully.It emanates not from ordinary deeds, but from great extraordinary deeds. Glory is explained in many ways. "Our greatest glory is not in never falling , but in rising up every time we fall." Glory is a magnet that tries to mesmerise as many as possible.Glory doesn't come when only war is won . It comes when war is lost too. When glory comes what one must be aware of is Ego.

The glory isn't a child's play.Leave alone Glory, life is so complex that man would be often happy if it ends peacefully.How glory is attained is always more important. Path to it is rugged. Though everyone spare no pains to secure it, it smiles on a few only. It is hard to capture it. One in million or more only capture it. What one touches turns gold when times are good. It's when mostly one sees glory It enables man to forget upheavals of life.Not one quality,but bunch of qualities in adequate quantum & no shortcoming whatsoever only makes one conquer glory.

The impact of glory differs from man to man. Often,it brings one name & contentment only.By & large fruits of it go to others. It often comes bit by bit crawling & seldom it is beneficial monetarily . One with glory may be penniless also. It comes with His blessings only. It's He who provides opportunities lest man would be where he is,can't make any headway.The greater the glory greater is its life. How long it lasts it couldn't be said at all. It could be immortal.There is no better indelible memorial than glory to a man. A man may not be there, but it would be there to remind of him.

Glory has no bounds where all how far & how much it would spread it couldn't be said at all.It is it alone which can make one who is alive or dead shine. It makes one memorable. It isn't one that could be searched & found. Where there's capability, talent, & good qualities it comes searching. It's a responsibility & not a crown.It is better to understand what it is rather than be after it .

One who rejoices others glory is also really a great too. Man worships glory. Glory serves man. It isn't equally fair to all greats. Some receive more recognition & some receive less recognition. Glory never goes waste. In war battles, glory springs through strength, weapons, courage, risks & wisdom by destructive means there. Whereas in life glory emanates peacefully through constructive means. What often prompts one to be after glory is ambition " I must be like him"

A man is after glory because the question what is the use of being born as a human being if he doesn't establish his name arises in him at one time or other in life.It is the glory that's capable of making one's name a household name.It spreads like fire. It to spread no propaganda whatsoever is essential at all.We may not have seen a man, we may come to know of his glory.Glory develops a desire to meet & talk to him. There are a few who aren't ambitious or desire less, in the world. Majority is ambitious & full of desires & would be after glory.Glory doesn't leave anyone influenced at all. As a result ,countless deserving, undeserving is after glory, but only a few captures it.Glory is very precious.It influences good as well as bad. Goodman takes good lessons & bad man picks bad from it. There aren't one or two, but numerous ways it can be conquered but each way is mountainous .It seldom comes without difficulty or effort or quickly or easily.It isn't one that would come if one desires,but comes only if one deserves.Thinking/ aiming itself is always a positive thinking. One who thinks of glory at least does some good. Often it is not merely opulent but have not also conquer it.

We are all human beings. Majority of us nurse a secret dream of glory. We daydream that in some way we will stand out and be recognised. And so we fantasise about great achievements that will set us apart from others and make us famous. The daydreams vary but, inside them, always we are at the centre – the most admired person. What we are chasing in all this is notice, appreciation, uniqueness, and adulation so that we can be duly recognised and loved. We want the light to be shining on us.

Glory has a life too. Some glories fade away. Some not. Some permanent.Glory is not for bragging . It isn't for patting own back. One should not allow glory to enter into the head. It is for spreading & doing more & more good .Those who carry glory do not do the bragging .Glories are not alike. How far they travel , how much they illuminate, it is immeasurable. It is hard earned. It is the fruit of great qualities imbibed in a person.It lays down footsteps to follow.In life a few aren't after wealth or glory, as many are after wealth as are after glory. All depends upon individuals. Glory has to be conferred & not assumed. Glory is deceptive whom it would follow it's often a suspense only.Glory is a burden & not a luxury more than helpful more troublesome at times.