Patience is a Great Quality

A man is not only made up of bones and muscles but also he is made up of innumerable qualities.These qualities are either good or bad or harmless. The mix or quantum of these qualities is not the same in everybody. Qualities and their proportion vary from person to person. Some of these qualities are known as inborn qualities. They are imbibed in an individual right from their birth. Some qualities gradually develop in individuals as they grow, and they are called developed qualities. Patience is a developed quality.It's not only one of the most important qualities among the qualities that one may possess but also it is an essential quality that one should possess. It's a desirable quality.It's as essential to one’s life as a salt is essential to a meal. It makes a life amiable as a salt makes a meal mouth worthy. In fact,it's as essential to a human being as a basic need is.In other words it's indispensable. It's a quality in one that's more often appreciated.It is a virtue. Some call it gift. Some call it boon. Some say it's hereditary. It's power of waiting. Optimism promotes it & pessimism doesn't . It doesn't walk to a man. It has to be accomplished. One with it does everything neatly & appropriately. One without it does everything according to their fancy. Man can make out easily from work who has patience & who has no patience. Work speaks what one is. Patience is nowhere. It is hidden in man only.Face of a man with patience & without it aren't one & the same at all.

Patience (or forbearing ) is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can take before negativity. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast. One with patience never gives up easily ,they resist, hold back.

Patience is a flower which doesn't grow in everybody's garden. Lack of it is often a subject matter of discussion & often criticized too. One generally envies those who have more of this quality. It is this quality which faces more tests than any other quality. It is easy to say " Patience" but it isn't easy to exercise it at all. What would have been the worst becomes only bad due to patience.There's none in the universe who aren't tested for their patience at one time or other.

More a patience one has easier a success would be to them. One could not make much headway in any task without adequate patience . Not having patience is definitely a deficiency. Behind an achievement one always finds that patience plays silently in one way or other either a major or a minor role. Patience is the companion of wisdom. Patience withholds action but it is not waste of time. When,where and how patience would be helpful to them that one cannot even imagine also. Besides talent, efforts and other requirements what is required to complete any task diligently is patience. It's patience that enables one to build and maintain a relationship. It is on patience any relationship can be founded. Patience always promotes progress or in other words patience is always constructive. It is never destructive at all. More one exercises patience more patience develops in them. One seldom regrets or repents for having exercised patience. On the contrary, often one regrets or repents for not having exercised patience. It is a quality which is more often envied. Patience is a Great Quality.

Patience is not a commodity which could be bought or sold or exchanged in a market. It is a quality that enables one to bear provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like. Patience is an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. Patience is to become like a rock that withstands pounding by waves in a sea. It is essential everywhere whether it is an attack or a defense, whether it is a step forward or a step backward it doesn't matter. However , it shouldn't be exercised anywhere unscrupulously. It should be exercised judiciously that too whenever and wherever it is absolutely necessary.

Patience is a gem of a quality. It enables one to learn many lessons. It does wonders. It is the best remedy for every trouble. It is because of it only one could wait for a long time. It imbibes tolerance into an individual. It is that teaches one that silence is golden. It enables one to remain inactive and mute. It's control of mind. It is control of thoughts .It is patience that's to be attained and retained.

Sometimes patience is required individually and sometimes it is required collectively. Majority of qualities depend on it in one way or other. Those who have it always remain cool and calm and do not get generally perturbed under any circumstances. All those who are great invariably have this quality. That is why it is believed that one who has patience can only survive. The tools that we use to solve life’s problems are called Patience, Perseverance. Nothing great can be achieved in life without patience and perseverance at all.

Patience and concentration go hand in glove. Patience should never be construed as cowardice.It is something unique, which should be developed and understood. It is not mere withholding action, or controlling of emotions and feelings. Where there is no patience, there is not only no concentration but also there is hurry bury. Where patience and concentration are not there definitely there is also no perfection too. Whatever that one attempts in such a situation it generally turns out to be futile or a failure and serves no purpose at all. If one does not have patience whatever efforts that they had already put in and achieved also become fruitless or useless. Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Brian Adams says

"Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success. "

Patience is withholding action against all odds. Whether it is young or old impatience bothers everybody. Winning over impatience is as difficult as developing patience and exercising it.It's curiosity that enhances impatience in one. It builds pressure and tries to score over patience.

Patience reflects in one’s behavior and appearance. Behavior and appearance of a person with patience and without it are entirely different. It is easy to distinguish between one who has patience and one who has no patience. In case of those who have patience normally expression on their face remains unchanged under even stressful situations whereas face of those who have no patience undergoes changes every moment under similar situations. One who has no patience or one who has a little patience normally does not sit quietly even for a while at a place. They are like a fish that is out of water. They move up and down. They are generally perturbed. They become furious over a trifle or silly matter. They do something or other which is not worthwhile. It is very difficult to deal with such kind of people.

Not having patience is certainly a deficiency. One who has no patience cannot survive long. Generally, children have a little or no patience at all. One’s patience normally grows as one grows older and older. Along with patience one attains maturity too. Maturity and patience go hand in glove. Those who have no patience generally face more trouble in life than those who have patience. Generally, they fail miserably in life. Human nature is such that they feel uneasy as long as a secret is within them. What is required to keep a secret within us is patience. One is always in hurry to make announcements. Announcements are to be made at appropriate time. Patience should always be exercised while making any announcements or while listening to any announcements. While taking any decision also one should always exercise patience. A decision taken in hurry bury does not serve any purpose at all. Further, those who have a little or no patience and those who take decision in haste quite often meet with an accident in life.

Patience does not affect one's efficiency adversely. On the contrary it creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success. It is patience that enables one to meet any eventuality with confidence. Similarly, it is patience that is quite often required to face an inevitable. In short, that which would be of much avail under any circumstances to think coolly and act is patience. Patience does not develop in anybody of its own. Patience is to be acquired. Patience does not develop in anybody overnight. Development of patience is a gradual process. One should be after it and only over a period of time it develops in a person. One’s earnest efforts and determination are quite essential for patience to develop.

Patience develops in an individual gradually and systematically as and when he or she faces situation after situation in life. Sun makes other planets shine. Similarly, many of the qualities that one has to-day are offspring of patience and it is patience that lends them helping hand to come to light and shine. Patience generally supplements other qualities. Patience varies from person to person. Some have more patience. Some have a little patience and some do not have any patience at all. When qualities of two persons are compared one of the qualities which gets more weight is patience. That is reason when two individuals who have same qualities other than patience, it is patience that makes the difference between those two individuals. It is patience that actually tilts the balance in favor of one who has it more. More than anything else what is required on many occasions is patience. Unfortunately, what one lacks on such occasion or occasions is patience. One who has a little patience has a little or no determination at all. Patience gets exhausted in no time in those people.

Patience depends upon nature of a person. There is always undoubtedly a limit to one’s patience. There is a maximum and minimum limit to one's patience. More patience one has more one can bear anything. Those who have a little patience are short tempered and they lose their temper in no time. One, who has more anxiety, generally has a little patience. One who listens more and talks less generally has more patience. One’s food habits influence one’s patience. As such, those who consume garlic, and onion, and those who are non vegetarians generally have less patience than those who are vegetarians and those who do not eat garlic and onion. One who is addicted to drugs or alcohol or addiction of any other kind generally has a little or no patience at all. Further the way in which one displays their patience varies from person to person too. One who is rich, one who is poor, one who is boss, one who is subordinate, one who is male, one who is female, one who is intelligent, and one who is dull herd all display patience in different ways. As a result, we come across different types of behavior in this world.

What would happen when one loses patience? It is a difficult question to answer. One could not forecast what would happen if patience is lost. That which one has not even expected could happen when patience is lost. Many times, whatever one has achieved with great difficulty over a period of time becomes useless and all their efforts go waste in no time on account of their losing of patience. Patience is definitely more precious to a human being than what money etc is to them. Loss of patience leads to frustration, desperation etc. Generally untoward incidents take place when one loses their patience. One’s patience is always appreciated by everybody. Whereas one’s impatience nobody tolerates or likes at all. One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life. Sometimes, when there is no response to one’s actions one becomes impatient. Sometimes, it is others actions that make one impatient. One who treats happiness and sorrows alike or one who is sthithaprajnya is always patience personified.

More the wait, more vulnerable one’s patience would be. If one is more firm minded patience would be more deep rooted in them. One who is weak minded has a little patience. Patience depends more upon an individual. Exercise of patience neither remains always the same nor is it an easy task too. It differs from one situation to another. Sometimes circumstances are so adverse that patience is exercised with great difficulty only. Bearing insults, losses, sorrows, sufferings, etc is nothing but exercise of patience only. Nothing great can be achieved without patience. A task cannot be finished perfectly without patience. Patience always pays rich dividends. Life cannot be led easily without patience at all. Thus development of patience is very important in life.

There are ways to develop patience. If patience is not developed, we may become restless and fall a prey to anxiety, fear, tension etc. In modern world, we find a large number of people with a little patience and naturally they generally suffer from anxiety, other diseases. Life comprises of both successes and failures. Patience is required to bear the failures and to achieve successes in life. Without patience no work could be completed perfectly and successfully. That is how its importance has grown. It is the patience that always pays rich dividends. Everybody is not blessed with same kind of life. Life differs from individual to individual. Life does not run smoothly, effortlessly unlike water in a stream, which flows without any hindrance. One has to undergo much turmoil in life. Similarly one has to face many hurdles in life. One has to toil very hard in life to achieve the goal set by them only. Only difference is some have to toil a little less and have to toil a little more. Everybody leaves no stone unturned to achieve their goal. We come across numerous instances in our life wherein our honesty and integrity are tested.Similarly, we come across in life numerous instances wherein in our patience is tested. Many occasions arise in our life wherein there is every possibility of our losing patience. That is when we are angry, we may lose our patience. Similarly, when we are in difficulties, we may lose our patience and when our stars are bad and when we fail in whatever we attempt, we may lose our patience. Uncertainties may also make us lose our patience. We have to face such occasions successfully to develop patience.

One has to remember that it takes time to anything good to take place. Patience is wait and hope. Optimism certainly helps one to gain patience. Anything which needs waiting, which does not yield results immediately or quickly but gradually, needs patience. Man is circumstances made. It is various difficulties that a man undergoes in life helps him to develop patience. Developing patience is an art, which only a few people possess. Anything done in haste generally does not yield good results. Slow and steady always wins a race. We generally may have to repent for our hasty acts either soon or later. Patience bestows us with a little bit extra time to think twice before we act which generally enables us to act with precision. Anything that is done with perseverance and patience generally ends well. Reading, writing or any work for that matter cannot be carried out without patience and concentration. One who has intelligence and patience always understands better than one who has only intelligence. Thus patience generally either supplements or complements other qualities. Though patience is not a catalyst, it is that allows many qualities to come to light and shine. That is one of the reasons why patience is recognized as a great quality. Elders, well wishers, and friends always advise us to be calm, or not to lose our cool or ask us to wait, exercise restraint, or ask us not to lose our heart. They might have used different phrases but what all of them mean is that we need patience. One of the most important things we need in our difficult times or testing times is patience. During these periods what is really tested is our patience. If we do not have patience, we may spoil the entire sport.

Any change for that matter requires wait. Change cannot be brought about all of a sudden. Thus to bring about any change we require patience. Similarly a success cannot be achieved overnight; our efforts may need time to yield results. Thus patience is one of the essentials required to achieve any success in life. Patience is the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties. Patience is essential for learning and understanding anything better.

Development of patience is a gradual process. Patience could not be developed without controlling our emotions. We must learn to control our emotions first in order to develop patience. Some people have diseases like diabetes, blood pressure etc. These diseases make them short tempered and it is really hard for them to develop patience and as a result generally they lack patience. Similarly, people suffering from mental illness are fickle minded and they also generally do not have much patience or concentration. Control over mind is absolutely necessary to develop or have patience. Control over mind could be developed through yoga and that too especially through pranayama. Even meditation helps us to have control over our senses. Lord Tennyson says, “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of “Through prayers we can develop patience. Last but not the least; it is the practice that makes a man perfect. The cumulative effect of all these practices on an individual is development of patience. Bearing pain is not patience. It is tolerance. Bearing insults is not patience but it is timidity. Working in disturbed atmosphere without being perturbed by noise, pollution etc. needs patience. In short ,what develops patience in man is life.One needn't learn patience from anybody else. Life imbibes patience into man.

Here, we have to remember the story of Patience Griselda. Griselda agrees to the conditions laid down by the king for marriage. According to one of which she has to hand over the child which she delivers to the king without questioning. She should not question the king what he does with the newborn which he separates from her as soon as it is born. She delivers one after another three children. Every time, the king comes and takes away the new born. She does not know what happens to her child. Not once or twice but thrice. She does not come in the way of king at all. Is not a real patience? At last it is her patience that wins. Now she is known to world as Patience Griselda. Patience is capacity to endure hardship, difficulty, or inconvenience without complaint . Our patience will achieve more than our force. Patience emphasizes calmness, self-control, & the willingness or ability to tolerate delay.Similarly the story of Satya Harischandra, great saint Vishwamitra had to accept defeat before patience & truthfulness of Harichandra.Patience is powerful.It isn't easy to beat it.It's always rewarded.Contribution of it to any achievement is inexplicable & immeasurable.

There is a saying in Kannada language which reiterates that a person who has patience only ultimately survives. It is a fact only. Patience is quite essential to survive in this modern world. That is why elders always advise us not to lose our cool which means that we shouldn't lose our patience under any circumstances. Under adverse circumstances like a series of failures or anything else what one needs is patience. When one is angry ,if one drinks two cups of water & take a deep breath or two, it enables them to cool down a great deal. Whenever there is any likelihood of losing patience, it is better one takes them a break at such times. Meditation also helps one to develop patience. One must always remember what would happen If they are not patient. One must be always ready to expect unexpected. Patience is a great quality. There are various ways & means to acquire this quality. One should come to know of those ways and means. One should spare no pains to master them & have them in their blood. Where there is a will there is always a way. Some people in this world misunderstand one's patience as one's weakness. Further, there are people in this world who try to misuse others patience too. All said & done patience is a blessing in disguise only. More one has control over their mind & thoughts more one could exercise it.