Happiest Moment

Which is the Happiest Moment in your life?This is a question that not only perturbs me quite often but also perturbs majority of people in this universe.It is a powerful and difficult question for one to answer even.One would not be able to answer it immediately.One has to ponder at least for some moments to answer this question.While putting this question also one must be careful. Unless one knows the person very well and their present state or condition , one must not confront them with this question.In fact,sizable number of people in this world have been struggling. They are yet to see the happy days.How they can select the happiest moment when they are pleading with Almighty to bless them the happiest moments before their demise. One can answer this question based only on the events that have already taken place in their life.In fact, nobody knows when,where and how the happiest moment would take place in their life.Nobody can prophesy it also. Unless we know what true happiness is, we cannot make out which is the happiest moment in our life is. The happiest moments emerge only from positive thoughts that arise in a person. Only after comparing happy moments one after another , one can arrive at the happiest moment.The negative thoughts that emanate in a mind drive the person farther and farther away from happiness itself.Those who are haunted by negative thoughts generally suffer from mental depression. Such persons, would never know even what happiness is.One would be able to decide or to choose the happiest moment only if they come across numerous happy and eventful moments in life. Happiest moment varies from man to man. It depends on individual thinking and mindset.

All successes are happy moments. Similarly, school days, marriage, honey moon, child's birth , and promotions are happy moments only. Likewise, all moments that bring in joy, profits or benefits of one or another kind and contentment are happy moments only.Opportunities bring many times happy moments. Sometimes, it is not known how happy moments arrive. The happiest moment is one among those happy and eventful moments. It is when one is on top of the world, feeling so cool and pleased with everything around them. It is peak as far as happiness is concerned. Hence, it is the zenith. There is no more happiness beyond it. Not at anytime but only when stars are very good , the happiest moment appears to a person. The happiest moment is one which is the happiest among happy moments. How much happy one would be during the happiest moment depends upon various factors. Often, one would not be as happy as another during a particular happy moment. It is not enough if happy moments occur one must be fortunate to enjoy them.

The happiest moment is nothing but one's perception only. It has no parallel at all according to them.There are also people who consider the happiest moment as one when everybody who is around them is happy. It is when one rejoices most. There are others who are of the opinion that the happiest moment as one when they are loved by one and all. Some feel that the happiest moment as one when one’s sufferings are all over and happy days begin. By and large, the happiest moments of one are normally passed at their home in the company of their kith and kin.It has no charm if it comes when one is alone. Further, one who is optimistic never considers a moment as the happiest moment at all. He would reiterate that happiest moment is yet to make its presence. Generally one celebrates or rejoices their happiest moment. It is the happiest moments of their life that one has to share with everyone and not their sad moments. It is the happiest moments of life that often laundry away a sad moment. At the same times, a sad moment enhances the prominence of the happiest moment. Whenever time permits, everyone cherishes happy moments of their life. The happiest moments stimulate or rejuvenate a person. The death of a wicked and cruel dictator,who subjected the world to tyranny is considered as the happiest moment and the world celebrates such an occasion. The happiest moments should never be allowed to go waste.

Life does not run uniformly to everybody. Person to person life differs. If somebody’s life is full of happiness, other’s life may be full of sorrow. A third person’s life may be mixture of both happiness and sorrow. The proportion of happiness and sorrow varies from individual to individual. How one’s life would be nobody can imagine or predict even. Only when life is led one would know what it is. Like a bolt from the blue, sometimes sorrows fall on a human being and similarly sometimes happiness too makes its appearance to a human being. When sorrows come they come in battalion and not in single spies. Likewise , one comes across good days in their life in bulk too. When we are happy and laughing everybody joins us but nobody joins us when we are sorrowful. Hence, the saying, “When we laugh the whole world laughs with us, when we weep we have to weep alone ". Some say it is our fate that decides our life. Some say life is a journey. Some call it an experience. Some say life is an art.There are infinite numbers of sayings about life.Everybody‘s ultimate aim in life is to be happy.Everybody seeks happiness. Happiness is in us only. Happiness is a state of mind. Happiness enables us to forget sorrowful days. The hope that happy days are bound to come enables us to bear upheavals of life. One does not mind if there is no happiest moment but does not like unbearable events to take place in their life. The happiest moment is the product of positive thinking and optimism. Only after recollecting and analyzing incidents in their life one can determine which is the happiest moment in their life.The happiest moment is one that comes again and again in mind and makes one extremely happy.It makes one forget where they are too.

Only the fortunate people come across the happiest moments in life. Life without the happiest moments is no life at all. It is during the happiest moments only the life is a bed of roses.One would not know how fast the time flies at that time. The happiest moment belongs to an individual.It is one's thinking, view or opinion only. It instills contentment in an individual. It seldom comes to one of its own. One has to strive for it. It does not come to everybody in the same strain. The chance to sacrifice or sacrifice is the happiest moment to many people. There are people who enjoy others happiest moments also in this world. The happiest moment in their life one always eagerly awaits.It is one of the most sought after and one of the most important days of their life too .As such, the happiest moments in life one dreams frequently too.During the happiest moments only good things take place and one would not be aware where they are. The happiest moment of one individual need not be the happiest moment of another individual.In fact, sometimes one's the happiest moment can be another's the saddest moment also.The happiest moment depends much upon what kind of a person one is. One who has less desires, becomes happy and contented over trifle matters. One who considers happiness and sorrow in the same manner is always happy. That is happiest moment or happiness depends upon nature of a person more than anything else. One who derives happiness from little events and who fill their mind with good thoughts normally have the happiest moment at the earliest. Usually the happiest moment is a moment when one’s ambition in life is fulfilled and one is happy and contented. Generally, it is then one is at the helm, and it is when one’s name and fame is spread all over and when one is held in high esteem by everybody. Thus, the happiest moment depends upon what one’s ambitions or wishes. It is seldom easy for one to arrive at the happiest moment of their life. The happiest moments are different to different individuals. Only they themselves can arrive at the happiest moment of their life. First of all, one has to recollect events that have taken place in their life. The events do not take place in a day. They normally take place over a period of time. One should never compare the happiest moment of their life with the happiest moment of life of another at anytime . However, one care share the happiest moment of their life with anybody.

Life is a long journey. It begins the day when we are born on this earth. How long it runs nobody knows. Then we have to go through our past, choose the moments and grade them. We must have an analytical mind for this purpose. Further, we should satisfy ourselves over our own evaluation. Generally we face a dilemma. It is not an easy task at all .If there are a few occasions; we may find our job a little easy. We should have a good memory power. Generally, we human beings remember our sufferings or difficult days more and forget easily our happy moments. Moreover, if we are under a cloud, if negative thoughts occupy our mind, the happy moments do not surface in our mind at all. In some people’s life they do not see happy days at all. From the day they are born to the day breathe their last; their sufferings have no end. There is no question of happy moment in their life. The moment they say good-bye to this world, and laid to rest then only they are rid of difficulties of this world. That moment could be only considered as their happiest moment. Such instances make us wonder whether God could be so cruel or unkind to anyone. Happiness is a relative term. It depends on various factors. It depends upon on incidents in life. It is incidents in life that give birth either to the happiest moments or to the saddest moments in life. Health, circumstances, and situations should permit us to enjoy and rejoice the result, event, promotion, achievement or anything for that matter which are favorable to us. Sometimes happiness is elusive. When we are celebrating an event, sometimes something untoward might happen and vitiate the entire atmosphere. Sometimes we may be a total failure in life, it is the achievements of our children, and success of our other kith and kin etc may bring us joy or happiness. Further that which is the happiest moment to one may be a trifle moment to another. That is on account of variance of the position or status of one individual to that of another individual. Life is strange.

The happiest moments are those when one is overwhelmed by happiness. It is when one is full of joy & enthusiasm. It is when everything bitter disappears. It is during the happiest moment many a times one does not find words to express how and what they feel. It is when one’s voice generally gets choked and one finds it difficult to talk even. It is when tears of joy roll down a person's cheeks. It is when everybody around applauds, irrespective of whether he or she is rival, enemy or whomsoever they may be. On such occasions success is generally more than one’s expectation, everything is favorable, everything sails smooth, and one hits sometimes a jackpot too. It is during happiest moment sometimes one would have an unexpected booty. It is during one’s happiest moment their rivals or enemies etc face utter defeat in their hands and had to disappear from the scene. It is when one would have generally Midas touch. It is during the happiest moment only one feels that they are in heaven. Some people consume alcohol or drugs even though it is a bad habit because intoxication induces in them a happiest moment. Any happy occasion can turn out to be one’s happiest moment. Generally, happiest moment is short and sweet and remains in one’s memory for a long period. One generally recapitulates their happiest moment with ease and quite often.

The happiest moment is a great moment. It is a memorable moment. It is supposed to be the sweetest moment in one’s life too. One cannot narrate or illustrate fully what is the happiest moment.Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. The happiest moments one guide to the happiest moments of another.Life has no doubt has happiest moments but their frequency is always less. One can enjoy happiest moments more especially after a bout of woes. Securing first rank in an examination, winning a lottery, securing a gold medal in a sporting event, creating a record or breaking a record, winning an election, securing a promotion, are only a few of happy moments that one reckon for a happiest moment. Reunification of split families, husband and wife, tracing somebody who was missing etc also rank among some of the happiest moments. When one achieves something laudable, when it gets recognition and naturally particular person is honored and gets elated. Generally, it is a happiest moment in his or her life. The list of happy moments is long and in exhaustive. When a male child is born in a family where they have no male issues, when a child is born to an issue less couple, when children get married in a family are all happy moments in a family. Thus,fulfillment of wants bring in happy moments. The happiest moment would be certainly not the one that brings in monetary benefits but that which brings in contentment and complacency. If we achieve something, which others have not achieved, certainly not only we could be proud of ourselves and our country, our institution, our family and such other people who are all concerned would be proud of us. Is this not the happiest moment? According to one’s capacity, hard work or efforts, and stars the happiest moment or moments occur in their life. The great achievements by anyone are no doubt the happiest moments to everyone.If one achieves and exhibits to the whole world that which is so far nobody has invented and which is beneficial to whole world. It is the happiest moment not only to them but also to everyone.

Determining which is the happiest moment is always an uphill task. It is as hard as determining the saddest day in life. Happiest moments are golden moments in one’s life. The happiest moment is not the climax of the life. We should not be either elated at happy moments or dejected at unhappy moments in our life. Life moves up and down like a business cycle. Ups and downs are common in everybody’s life. Happy moments certainly enable us to bear the difficulties that we may have to face at a later date. It is the hope that the better days or the happy moments would follow certainly keeps us alive and prevents us from being desperate. When we are depressed, when negative thoughts are dominating, it is these happy moments that come to our rescue by way of positive thoughts. Happy moments sometimes make us forget whatever sufferings we had undergone in the past. A patriot would be very happy if he could do something to his motherland. If he would be the happiest to lay down if his life for his country.If one were a soldier,they would be very happy to fight a war and defeat the enemy. Victory in war could be their happiest moment. If one were an astronaut or cosmonaut, the moment the rocket enters successfully into orbit, would their happiest moment. A nuclear scientist would be very happy if his country successfully explodes a nuclear bomb, and missile. Thus,the happiest moment in one’s life always depends mostly on one’s sphere of activity. When others suffer, it would be happiest moment for the sadistic persons. Similarly to some when rivals, enemies are finished for once for all, it would be their happiest moment.

Hence, the happiest moment depends on one's personality too. Nature of some people is such that either they are happy or they do not like other people to be happy. Those who are broad-minded and who have great qualities are generally always happy and would like others to be happy. Those with bad qualities like jealousy, hatredness, faultfinding; and quarreling would always be worried and would never know what happiness is or happy moment is. To some happiest moments are those when they could help others especially when others are in trouble. They always eagerly await occasions when they could be of some avail to others. Similarly, they look forward to occasions when they could share with others whatever they have. They are certainly in no way less happy than those who have all the luxuries in life. Such occasions are in fact, their happiest moments