
Everyone born on this earth has a desire. Desire less are a few.Napoleon Hill rightly says

" The starting point of all achievement is desire "

It is true also " Necessity is the mother of invention" & necessity leads to great achievements too.

In the beginning of life thoughts about achieving something occupy every man invariably & in the concluding part of life also thoughts about achievements make round in man. Better a man thinks little about results. "Hard work never goes unrewarded"

What all is not there in an achievement? One's devotion, willpower, intelligence, time, patience, efforts & everything is there in it. It fully reflects a man.

Achievement isn't ordinary.Its something extraordinary.Its crazy.It makes a man restless and doesn't allow sleep peacefully.Who doesn't boast their achievements? Number of people have the habit of boasting their achievements. Some boast achievements which they haven't either achieved or attempted at all too.

Achievements are not confined to anyone. Rich, poor, man , woman , educated, uneducated & all can achieve in their life. There is no age limit to achievement. Young to old anybody can achieve too. It's where there's a will there's a way. Who achieves what it couldn't be said.It depends upon man.Achievements are many times a surprise.They emerge from whom they aren't expected at all also.

Self confidence is the foundation of all great success & achievement. Optimism is always essential to it. High achievement always takes place in the frame work of high expectation. Eleanor Roosevelt says "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dreams ."Every achievement is unique in its own way.It's memorable experience . No matter if glory follows a man on an achievement. A man should not allow ego to usurp him on an achievement at any time at all.Every achievement is a penance.


Achievements are possible only if one walks around & grabs opportunities .There is a saying "Mountain never comes to Abdulla. Abdulla must always go to the mountain". Achievement of a man who sits idle is nil only.

Some work & work. One after another achievement they make. They do not either know what is their achievement or bothered to know what is it also. Shakespeare rightly says, Some are born great, some achieve greatness, & some have greatness thrust upon them. An achievement is realisation of a dream. It needn't be a deed or deeds necessarily, it can be an enlightenment. When good is not at all possible. Worst to bad is really an achievement.

Achievements come forth from different category of people. They are not only merited people but also they are dare devils. They are ready to face any situations in life. Come what may is their slogan, They wont rest until their goal is reached. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

If one does what everyone does it isn't achievement.If one does what others can't do it's an achievement.Foremost requirement to any achievement is always His blessings. Of course, every achievement has other requirements too. It needs intelligence, knowledge planning along with the co-operation of others.Without hurdles,mistakes there wont be an achievement at all.In short, every achievement demands price. Every achievement is a success story worth remembering. It's an adventure. What is it that an achiever could illustrate better than anyone else. According to William A Ward four steps to achievement are as follows:

Plan purposefully.

Prepare prayerfully.

Proceed positively.

Pursue persistently.

How an achievement has taken place or how it is achieved is always important. Now a days achievements take place by dubious means also. Money power, muscle power & illegal practices play a role in achievements these days. All isn't fair in achievements also.

World has grown not because of achievement of one but has grown because of achievements of numerous. Achievements are big & small . Achievements are contributions to development of universe in various fields physically mentally & spiritually.Life has become easy & comfortable because of them.They motivate. They enthuse others also..Achievements stop all criticism. They give place to glory & honour. No matter if glory doesn't follow man on an achievement . A man shouldn't allow ego to usurp him on an achievement at any time at all.

When all is well achieving is somewhat easy but it is not so when odds are against . Any achievement small or big is an uphill task when odds are against.Achievement is not a joke. It is impossible becoming possible. It is realisation of a dream.What it needs it couldn't be said. Often it needs relentless efforts, patience sacrifice, determination sleepless nights & what not.

How happy one would be if they achieve something what they had aimed . Nobody need compliment them they compliment themselves. Every achievement needs one's full toil . It could not be achieved usually in a single day at all. It is result of stress & strain spread over many days. Achievements always deserve appreciation.

Achievement isn't one to be claimed. It is one to be acknowledged." It is not I to say I achieved it. It is others to say you achieved it." Achievement is not a little one at all. Everyone in life tries to achieve something or other. It's their Life goal . They feel life is futile if they do not achieve anything in it at all. One feels successful & contented only if their conscious says to them that they have achieved something . What one often reviews in their life is their achievement. What one compares with others is their achievement & others achievement . Achievement is important in life.Great men feel their achievement is nil or negligible. Whereas one who achieves little feels that their achievement is great.

If one puts all their efforts they could achieve anything .Why a hill they can climb a mountain.Nothing is impossible.Man is ambitious.He tries to achieve everything . Its better he attempts achievements one at a time.One who attempts several, can't devote his attention fully to anyone of them & achieve nothing at all. It is well said to achieve something one has to forgo something .Achievements more than name bring man satisfaction. They are rewards for his stress & strains. They make him forget all failures.Achievement is the best epitaph to a man. We may forget a man but not his achievement.

Achievement is possible only if one aims at sky.Some achievements are visible & some achievements are invisible. Some achievements are understandable & some achievements aren't understandable.Some achievements are to individual benefit. Some achievements are for benefits of one & all.There are various types of achievements. Some could be described . Some couldn't be described at all.

Every invention & discovery is an achievement.Old order changeth yielding place to new.World would not remain as it is.There would be new new inventions & discoveries. Achievements too don't remain as they are especially in sports & games. They are surpassed.Yesterday's record isn't a record to-day.It is surpassed. Life is competitive.Universe is vast.As long as it's there,there would be challenges. Achievements go on & go on. What one wants is achievement. What one welcomes is achievement. What is the need of hour is achievement.

Evaluation of man's achievements who does. It seems man himself does. Society does, & It is believed that God also does.Man pats himself for his achievements. Society & God may like some of his achievements & may not like some of his achievements. Evaluation of achievements is not easy at all. It is measure of life.

Is it possible to everyone to achieve in their life?Surely,it isn't possible to everyone to achieve in their life though everyone may strive & wish to achieve something or other in their life.When it isn't possible to achieve in their life they needn't worry. It's better they be helpful to those who achieve or at least appreciate & encourage them.

Others achieving is in a way our achieving also .