Measure of a man.

Man isn't secluded. He is in society. All types of man are there in it. All adjectives in dictionary are inadequate to describe types of a man. Man doesn't know with whom to deal,with whom not to deal & how to deal is his big problem. Without meeting a man neither he can be measured nor dealing with him can be wise. A man can't be measured either with others opinion or hearsay. There is every possibility of one being between devil & deep sea if they do not know the measure of a man .

Measure of a man is unlike any other measure. It earns man his due respect. It clears misunderstandings if any & makes relationships smooth. It is one's own judgement or assessment. It creates confidence & makes decision making easy. It is beneficial on either side. It is beneficial to one who measures as well as one who gets measured too. The latter need not tell what he is. Talent is spotted many a time in measure of a man. Friendship develops & many matters come to light during measure of a man too. Measure of a man is a good habit.

There is a saying " Known devil is always better than unknown devil". That is why measure of a man is quite necessary.Value of a measure would be often realised or known when it is useful. Measure of a man is a tact.

Measure of a man is a process. In order to measure one needn't do anything. Just observe. Eyes & mind do the rest of the job. Its knowing him fully. It's always advantageous.Its essential while developing relationship with him. It pays always rich dividends . Measuring man is measuring his qualities. It makes us known whether man is generous, miserly, intelligent, dull herd, cunning, wicked & talented. It isn't fault finding exercise at all. It should be always with good intention.There's something or other to learn from every man.There's no end to learning at all. Only after measure of a man true opinion about him would be formed. Distance plays a role in measure of a man.Measure of him made from a distance would be usually far from satisfactory. Measure of a man from proximity is more actual & accurate & gives a more real picture . Measure of a man is not like measuring anything with an instrument at all.

Is it possible to measure a great man? The answer is impossible to measure him fully. Every great man is unique in one or other way. Measure of man is measure of his strengths & weaknesses.

The concept "measure of life" is useful to affect changes to our own life. Here is an instance of a crow . Its movements from swan, parrot & peacock to measure their life makes it realise that its life is better.

Unless one measures others life they would not know how much better their life is

Measure is not merely to weigh a commodity or measuring length & breadth. Measure is not mere quantity only it includes quality too. It is A to Z. Measure is steps taken to set right something that had gone wrong too .To be successful in life it is necessary that every step in it should be measured one.There is a saying that a word said & a pearl broken are one & the same . They cannot be set right. Measure may take time. It does no harm to anybody. It does good only .It avoids conflicts. It ensures justice & contentment. It is a detailed study.It gives man a true picture . It enables him to have control.

Any man can measure any man. One measures other only when it serves some purpose. Measure of a man depends upon both man who is measured & man who measures. Measure of a man is not his weight , wealth or position. It is behavior magnanimity & conduct under various circumstances. Measure of a man is know how of him .It can be used either for good or bad. After measure only usually only one begins to like or dislike a man.

Always a scale or device is not necessary to measure. A man is measured not in one way , he is measured in countless ways. He is subjected to an examination called " Life". Incidents & situations in life are nothing but examination &tests. Examination, test, interviews are modes of measuring him only. Simply one would not be a great man. How much respect a man deserves how much distance has to be maintained with him etc measure of man makes one aware. Measure of a man is a good useful exercise.

A man is measured by his deeds. It isn't easy to measure every man. Some people are hard nut to crack.Some people are not as they appear to be. Appearances are deceptive. Shakespeare rightly says " A man may smile & smile yet be a villain. It is difficult to measure a man. To measure a man knowledge , intelligence, time. & unbiased mind are quite essential.Reason & opportunity are needed to measure a man. Simply one wont go on this venture.

Measure differs from man to man. Who does not measure whom but intentions are different. The way one measures also differs from man to man. Measure with scale and measure with intelligence are quite different.

More than anything man has to measure himself. It is not measuring height & weight. It is not either compiling his assets & liabilities or comparing them with that of others. It is comparing his achievements & qualities with qualities & achievements of others. Man is measured by his qualities & achievements. More than what he says what he does always measures him.Comparison is a means to measure. More than measuring anything measuring man is tough. There are no machines to serve this purpose. Only God can measure him appropriately .

Measure enables man to know what he is & what he is not. What are his plus points ,what are his minus points & how much patience he has got too. Suit that man wears does not measure him but his conduct measures him head to toe.

Situations in life reveal measure of a man.Martin Luther King Jr. rightly says

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy "

Similarly, Ann Landers says

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone when he is of no value to him"

What comes out usually from measure of a man? One that comes out of it is

" Empty vessels make more sounds "

Further, measure of a man reveals of what mettle one is made up of .

Some are found to be brave & some are found to be timid. Some are adventurers. Some are generous. Some are misers. Some are thief. Some are cheats.

Tastes differ from man to man. Ultimately , man decides where necessary only I measure a man.

After measure of a person one need not worry they would be aware how to deal & dealing would be easier.

There is a Hollywood movie by name " The Measure of a man." (2015 ). There is also a book called " Measure of a man by Martin Greenfield. It narrates how life took a measure of him. It is the story of a man who suffered unimaginable horror and emerged with a dream of success. From sweeping floors at a New York clothing factory to founding America’s premier handmade suit company, Greenfield built a fashion empire. Now 86-years-old and working with his sons, Greenfield has dressed the famous and powerful of D.C. and Hollywood, including Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama and celebrities Paul Newman, Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jimmy Fallon.