
In this modern world number of joint families or undivided families is on the wane. Mutual respect, love, and affection in a family are also on decline. As a consequence relationship between one another is either vanishing or it is deteriorating day by day everywhere. Everybody is aware of the fact that we are born equal and we die equal and in the short span that we live on this earth relationship between us and others should not only prevail but also as far as possible it should be very cordial too. Unfortunately, in real life sometimes relationship between one another gets so much deteriorated that one forgets this fact. One also forgets that as human beings we are related to one another. One becomes inhuman towards their fellow citizen. That is why; this is an appropriate time to understand what relationship is.Understanding is basis of a relationship. Without understanding no relationship can exist.True relationship is one that binds one at all times & leaves them not at any time.It is relationship which is often subjected to test from time to time.

Man is a social animal. He cannot survive in a society without relationship. It is patience that enables one to build and maintain a relationship. It does not matter whatever may be our relationship with some. But, at least with some it is essential for us to have a good relationship. A relationship needs always a study. It is better also if we spare some time and do introspection or review of our relationship with others from time to time. It is a relationship or a friendship that flashes in our mind in testing times or in times of distress. It is also when we realize too what is a true relationship or a true friendship is. Relationship always matters. Relationship goes a long way in getting anything get done at any time .

All are not our friends. All are also not affectionate. A relationship with others can be either good or bad or it can be neither good nor bad also. A relationship can be either simple or complex too. Whatever may be the type of a relationship that we are in, a relationship is always very important. What always matters most everywhere is relationship. We should always try to establish or develop a healthy relationship with others whenever and wherever possible. A relationship many times does wonders. Relationships are essential for happiness. Being happy, it seems, can help us stay physically as well as mentally healthy. Happiness can undo negative emotions like fear & sadness.Consequences of not having relationships can be dire. Social isolation & loneliness are strongly associated with unhappiness, depression and poor physical health. It is people with good relationship succeed more in life.

Relationships are seldom stable. They don't remain as they are. Friends become foes & foes become friends. Relationships are always subject to change . They are very delicate. They either develop or worsen usually as time elapses.One always thinks twice about relationship before they act. One should be cautious in their talk, deed, behaviour and everything. If one is not cautious in their talk, deed and behaviour, relationship gets adversely affected. Relationship between one and another isn't always transparent. Sometimes it is possible to make out whether relationship between one and another is good or bad and sometimes it is impossible to make out whether it is good or bad. Some relationships grow deeper with time. Some relationships worsen with time.Relationships grow or worsen depending upon how we maintain or manage them.Relationship is never a one sided affair.It's mutual.A relationship means immediately what comes to one's mind is relations hi p between a husband and a wife, a father and a son,a mother and a son,a brother and a sister, a brother and a brother, an uncle and a nephew,an uncle and a niece, a nephew and a nephew, an aunt and a nephew , an aunt and a niece, then cousins, brother-in-law, father-in-law,sister-in law,son- in- law etc. It is a chain. If a family is big, one would have a more number of relatives . It is connection by blood or marriage,kinship. It is all for one and one for all. Here one is bound morally and dutifully too. Here, it is always better if the relationship is cordial. But we find that it is sometimes only cordial and sometimes it is not at all cordial. .

Relationship is more mental than physical. Maintenance of cordial relationship with one another is an art. It is a tact. One has to strive always not only to improve or build their relationship with others but also try to maintain it. Of course, it is difficult to maintain cordial relationship with everybody. World consists of all types of people. Cordial relationship enables us to get anything done with ease. It relives or eases a lot of tension and stress. When a relationship is cordial, everything seems to be fair. Cordial relationship though it is not always advantageous, it is not at all harmful too. Wherever a relationship is strained one tries to find fault with another. One makes a mountain out of a mole hill. Nobody reveal their true colour when relationship is normal. It is when relationship is strained one reveals their true colour. A strained relationship can make a life a hell. Consequences of a strained relationship are generally not good. They are unimaginable.Wherever and whenever relations are strained between one and another their peace of mind would be affected. It is not easy to make or break a relationship. If relations are strained between two, there is likelihood of their relations with others also being affected. Wherever a relationship is broken no love is lost between one another. When all relationships are broken, it is a desperate situation and one feels secluded, aloof and that there is nothing in life. When relationships are strained it is others who are benefited. In fact, it is an opportunity for others to utilize it to their advantage.

They are a few relationships where there are no problems or issues. Many times on account of relationship only one has to face a dilemma. On several occasions it is relationship that puts one in awkward position too. Some relationships are so complicated that one cannot either continue or discontinue them. Selfishness plays a role in any relationship. The role selfishness plays in any relationship is pain and heartache which (if not realized or fixed) will lead to a nasty break up. Therefore as far as possible one should never give any room for selfishness in a relationship. What is store in a relationship? In fact, it is definitely not mere happiness. Even sorrow or both sorrow and happiness may emanate from a relationship. Expectations are hurdles to relationship. Where expectations are more generally cracks occur early in a relationship . One would know intricacies of a relationship only if they maintain a relationship and experience it.

Even great epics speak of relationships. Kauravas and Pandavas were cousins in Mahabharata. Their relationship was never good.

Kurukshetra war was on account of their strained relationship only. Sometimes, strained relationship make one pull another’s legs and bring down the others fall also if possible. Similarly Vibhishana was brother of Ravana in Ramayana. He was with Rama and fought war against Ravana in Ramayana. Here is a recent incident which illustrates strained relationship between members of a family. The trauma lived by 24-year-old Telugu TV personality Udayabhanu.

She anchors several game shows on various Telugu channels and has acted in a few films.

Udayabhanu alleged that she is facing threats to life from her mother and brother as she married against their wishes.

She married Vijay, a software engineer secretly on Monday and sought police protection.

On Wednesday, Udayabhanu addressed a crowded press conference to reveal a sordid story of physical and mental abuse. Udayabhanu attempted suicide last year. She escaped from home and lived in the house of her lawyer for a year.

She alleged that her mother, Aruna, an Ayurvedic doctor made false complaints to the police to prevent her marriage.


Udayabhanu alleged that her mother demanded Rs 50 lakhs. When she refused and went ahead and married Vijay, her mother went to the press to reveal that Udayabhanu was already married.

A sobbing Udayabhanu said she was forced to come out with her story since her mother was trying to destroy her professionally by revealing her previous marriage. She said her mother had forced her as a 15-year-old into an engagement and finally as an 18 year old, had deceived her into marrying her “fiancé” much against her wishes.

When she refused to consummate the marriage, her mother beat her up, abusing her in foul language, threatening to get her raped by her husband.

Assets control

Udayabhanu, alleged that her mother was controlling all assets bought with her earnings.

The recently-built palatial house of Udayabhanu in Miyapur on the city outskirts is in her mother’s name, she said.

“I have nothing with me. For my wedding I had to wear glass bangles which I had bought,” she said holding up her hand decked in red bangles even as her husband Vijay who was sitting next to her pacified her.

“My mother is afraid of losing her only source of income,” she said.

Her income supports a huge family of three maternal uncles, their families her mother’s second husband, her own brother and his wife.

Udayabhanu said she was encouraged by her lawyer Venkateswari to seek annulment of her first marriage and get an injunction against her mother and brother restraining them from interfering in her life.

A relationship between a young and an old is different. A relationship between a father and a son is different. A relationship between a teacher and a pupil is different. A relationship between a husband and a wife is different. In case of some relationships one is bound morally. In case of some relationships one is bound legally. Thus, we come across various kinds of relationships in life. It is always better if we understand a relationship and its significance in full. It enables us to deal efficiently and appropriately with it. A relationship is sometimes only helpful whereas sometimes it is a headache. It many times disturbs one’s peace of mind. A relationship seldom remains as it is. A relationship changes from time to time. Many factors influence or bring in changes in a relationship. A relationship seldom runs smoothly and uniformly. It either improves or deteriorates. Modifications, alterations, changes etc take place in a relationship as time elapses and according to a situation that one comes across.

Some relationships are strange. Some relationships are advantageous. Some relationships are disadvantageous. Some relationships are neither advantageous nor disadvantageous. Some relationships are harmless. There are some relationships which are harmful too. Some relationships create one or other type of trouble or problems too. Of course, there are some relationships which bring in harmony too. How a relationship would run it is always difficult to predict at the outset. A relationship generally gives rise to many expectations, feelings etc. Honesty and sincerity are always quite essential for the development and continuance of any relationship. Wherever there is a relationship there is generally a dealing of one kind or another. As a result, we come across many twists and turns in a relationship. Ups and downs are common in relationships. Everything is not fair in relationships. A relationship normally affects fairness and justice quite often. Many times it gives scope to partiality and injustice too. At times in a relationship we find all is well that ends well. In case of some relationships everything goes awry and they have a tragic end to conclude with. It is difficult to foretell how a relationship culminates. One must understand the other thoroughly in a relationship. More one understands the other in a relationship more their relationship strengthens. Then only their relationship could last longer and solid too. Knowledge of human psychology would certainly help one a great deal to develop and maintain a good relationship.

One should be cautious while developing a relationship. Majority of people strive to have a good relationship with others in this world. It is always needed too. While entrusting a work or getting a work done etc it is the relationship existing between the persons concerned counts much. One depends upon another in a relationship. A relationship is mutual. In other words there is generally interdependency in a relationship. If the relationship between one another is cordial they become dearer, confident trustworthy and getting a work done or entrusting a work also becomes easy. Where the relationship is strained there getting a work done is definitely not an easy affair. Difficulties as well as happiness are generally shared in a relationship. Even, secrets and personal matters are shared wherever a relationship between one another is cordial.

How a relationship develops? A relationship seldom develops all of a sudden.It generally develops gradually. It needs time, energy and skill to a relationship to develop. But, breaking of a relationship needs none of these qualities. In no time a relationship can be broken. We come across numerous opportunities in life. We have to utilize the opportunities to develop a relationship. Opportunities and alliances develop a relationship. Friendship, business,and dealings develop a relationship. Whenever one helps the other in one or another way relationship between them develops. That is why the idiom friend in need is friend indeed. Association in one or other way develops a relationship. In a relationship faith and trust increase as a relationship grows and faith and trust decrease when a relationship worsens. Trust and affection are abstract qualities of a relationship. More similarities and less dissimilarity in behaviour, thinking between one and another brings them closer and their relationship develops. That is why it is said "Birds of a feather flock together". A Smile does wonders in development of a relationship. It produces positive results. More one loves another relationship develops between them more. If relationship between one another develops more, more love too develops between them.

He or she is our relative. That does not mean that our relationship with them is good. One need not be another’s close or a distant relative in a relationship. What matters always in a relationship is not kinship but how close one has come to other in every respect. Relationship can be developed or can be imaginative too. A relationship exists between a doctor and a patient, a servant and a master, an employee and an employer too. Normally they are not related to one another in any way at all. If relationship between employees and employer is not cordial, industrial peace, productivity etc gets affected. As a result, we come across labor unrest. In a relationship generally one depends on other in one way or other. If two belong to same place or same country they come closer and relationship develops between them because they are the sons of a same soil. Similarly people are bound by castes, religion etc. Thus, relationship exists between one human being and another human being in one way or other. Human beings develop relationship with animals like cat, cow, dogs, and birds etc which are known as their pets. In the same way animals also develop relationship with human beings. Relationship develops in case of some people very fast whereas, in case of some people it takes time for relationship to develop. How the relationship develops mostly depends upon the nature of an individual. Relationship between people who have similar nature grows well and quickly too and that may be the reason for the proverb “birds of same feather fly together” to creep up. Ego never allows a relationship to develop or strengthen on the contrary it does whatever that is needed to spoil a relationship. That is the reason why some people do not want to have or develop relationship with anybody at all. Similarly many times misunderstanding creates breaches in a relationship more than anything else.

Many times it is money that spoils a relationship. Sometimes jealousy and rivalry play a dominant role in spoiling a relationship. Prevention is always better than cure. Even in case of a relationship it is always better if all possible steps are taken before hand to avoid a relationship being broken. Once a relationship is broken it is not easy to put it on rails again. Even if a relationship is set right again it would be seldom as it was before. More than developing a relationship maintaining of a relationship is really difficult. There are a number of dos and don't s for a relationship to continue smoothly otherwise, a relationship goes into oblivion. One could maintain a relationship for a long time provided they are intelligent, wise and diplomatic. Otherwise, it is very difficult to maintain a relationship and there is every possibility of it being broken at any time and problems of different magnitude may arise as a consequence too. There are a few relationships where there are no hurdles. Normally one comes across a number of hurdles in a relationship. Generally, only after overcoming hurdle or hurdles a relationship stabilizes. Sometimes a relationship is shattered due to a silly or petty reason. Of course, sometimes a strong reason is behind breaking of a relationship. Maintenance of a relationship is really complex. Strain in a relationship and break in a relationship generally affect one’s state of mind. Strain in a relationship and break in a relationship give rise to worries, unhappiness and problems of one kind or another. Some do not want to continue a strained relationship at all. They prefer to break such a relationship rather than suffering every day. Some relationships are just like a web, it is not easy for one to come out of them at all. Such a relationship is generally permanent. One is entangled in them. One has no other go than to bear suffering if any mutely in such a relationship however painful and stressful that relationship is. On such occasions, one has to continue their relationship much against their own will. They have to continue their relationship under compulsion. Generally relationship between a mother and a son, between a mother and a daughter, between a father and a son, between a father and a daughter, between a husband and a wife etc fall under such a category.

Sometimes relationship between persons deteriorates day by day for one or another reason. Sometimes relationship between one another gets so much worsened that it cannot be improved at all. It gets broken too. Once a relationship worsens by and large it would not be once again what it was. Some have the habit of spoiling relationship between one and another. Some through their behaviour get the relationship between them and others spoiled. Relationship is delicate or strong based on how it is developed and maintained. Sometimes relationship is like walking on a razor edge. Sometimes it is like a silken thread. Maintaining and developing relationship is always a difficult task. It is a quality which only a few posses in a society. One that develops and maintains good relationship with others is generally popular. A relationship with others develops or worsens depending upon how tactfully it has been maintained. By and large, everybody tries to maintain a good relationship with their neighbours invariably.

A relationship is described in different ways. We should always understand what a relationship is. We should understand its need and importance too. It is not mere having a relation. Some say relationship begins at birth and ends in death. Some believe it as a bond from generation to generation. Some believe that a relationship is from time immortal. Some say that a relationship is not a permanent affair and we cannot take it as granted for ever. A relationship is never a one sided affair too. A relationship is mutual. It is a joint responsibility. It is a concerted effort. It is an involvement of more than a person. All involved must be concerned regarding its development and maintenance. It is difficult to improve a worsening relationship. It is not easy to develop or enter a fresh or new relationship also. In other words it is difficult to make or break a relationship. We cannot say how our relation with others is unless we know their mind. Relationship is always two sided affair. We can say about our side of relationship only. We can say it is good, bad or so so. The other side may agree with us or not or may not even react at all. When a relationship is good even if we do some mistake it does not matter, it will be overlooked. When a relationship is bad, even if we make a small mistake, one makes a mountain out of a mole hill. When a relationship becomes bad one seeks justice in courts of law. It is a lawyer who benefits in such an instance. The relationship worsens further even if one wins or loses the case. If relationship worsens means sometimes one’s downfall another anticipates. Then it can be compared to enmity prevailing between cobras and mongoose. Where a relationship is strained sometimes one is found not to be even in talking terms with those with whom they are at loggerheads. In fact we find more of enmity than affinity in such relationships. Relationship prevails in such cases only on a paper or for namesake. A relationship can be graded as good better, best or bad worse and worst.

Confidence is the backbone of any relationship. Confidence in one another is quite essential to a relationship to thrive. No sooner did the confidence disappear the relationship also ends. Confidence and relationship go hand in glove.

There are a few persons in this world who are not selfish. We come across a few relationships where there is no selfishness. We find in relationships one or other kind of selfishness.

Where there is illegal relationship, there is no love lost between those who are originally connected. Many times such relationships culminate in a tragedy.

Friendship is a relationship. Sometimes it is friends who come to our help and not the relatives. It is said that friend in need is friend indeed. The friendship brings one another closer and closer. A friend becomes more than a relative in that case. To-day, we are friends, tomorrow, we may become foes. We cannot predict .That is the worst part of it. It takes a long time to build a relationship. It is a bond which may strengthen or loosen. It is misunderstanding, circumstances, thinking, etc that bring about breach in relationships. We should not allow the breach to develop for it would be difficult to patch it up once it widens. It is usually third person who benefits whenever and wherever there is a breach in a relationship. Some people add fuel to the fire. Even though one has either evil or bad intention, when relationship is bad or spoiled between any two, whatever one does is seen by the other with suspicion.

A relationship develops provided affection or love increases between one another and when the two start thinking that they are one, either in difficulties or comforts. A relationship means one for all and all for one. A relationship demands many qualities. It is a venture. There is always give and take in a relationship. In other words compromise is often necessary to continue a relationship for a long time. A relationship never last longer unless there is compromise whenever necessary. A relationship is more often a compromise, compromise and compromise only. Sometimes we may have to give more and receive less and sometimes we may receive more and give less .Further, it is thinking on same lines that help relationship to grow and on the other hand discords disband the relationships. If two persons think alike only there could be development of relationship but not when they think in two different ways. It creates gulf. Sometimes we have to do some modification or change or adjustment in our thinking or attitude so as to suit the situation or the other for the sake maintaining, or developing a relationship. In short, we should be flexible and never be rigid. Sometimes, we have to sacrifice even. We cannot always have a cake and eat it too. However, shrewd or tactful one is it is less in order to succeed in their relationships.

One’s nature plays an important role in a relationship. A relationship lasts long and runs smoothly provided one has amicable nature and good qualities. One should not have a suspicious nature. One should not find fault with one another. Adaptability is essence of a good relationship and it is essential for relationship to grow. We do not find adaptability between stepmother and step children and the relation between them is generally not good. Similarly, relationship between step father and step children too. Even his and her children do not go along well. In this context, we can recollect famous story of Cinderella which enlightens us how the step mother and her two daughters ill-treated her. There are many such stories and in majority of them step mothers are bad. In real life also this is true. Thus step mother means bad. That is the conclusion one comes to. But, here and there, there are good step mothers too. Difference of opinion is bound to occur one day or other. One cannot expect other to think always like them for ever. One should know how to tide over such occasions. Developing and maintaining a relationship is an art. It is an art of living. Some acquire it from their parents. Some learn from others, develop and maintain it as they grow. One who masters this art generally become popular and liked by all and becomes a leader even. Sometimes relationships are mutually beneficial, sometime it is beneficial to some more and to some less. Some are very calculative even while developing a relationship. They try to develop relationship wherever it is advantageous to them only. Selfishness never succeeds. It affects a relationship adversely.

Marriage is a relationship brought about by two to run the life jointly. It runs smoothly provided the couple understands, maintains and develops the relationship. Breaking of relationship under Muslim law is very easy. Divorces are common under western culture. Husband and wife is a relationship brought about by a marriage. Marriage may be an arranged one or may be a love marriage too. Every body wishes the couple a happy married life on that occasion. Sometimes the relationship turns out to be cordial and sometimes it turns out to be a strained one. Reasons are many on both counts.

In 1972, I was a tenant of Mr. & Mrs., Dr Pandith at Ranebennur. He was a retired captain from Indian Army. He was a true military man. He was very systematic. His house was situated in the outskirts of Ranebennur town. He was in sixties and his wife was in fifties then. Their two daughters were married already and a son and a daughter were studying in Dharwar. They were coming home only during their holidays. As such, only that old couple was there in that big bungalow. They were married for over thirty years. Theirs was an arranged marriage. The couple was not in talking terms. If we wanted anything to be conveyed to doctor through Mrs. Pandith., she used to ask us to talk to doctor directly. Communication was taking place between them in writing through a piece of paper. What a strange relationship. If the relationship between husband and wife gets strained, both will not be happy. They cannot discuss their problems with others. It is purely personal. It relates to them only. Nobody interferes in their affairs. Here if at all discord is there, serious problems are there, and some live with them without resorting to divorce due to compelling reasons. It is a complex situation. The happiness of entire family will be affected. Instead of grappling with problems every day and making the life miserable a couple should brood sincerely and honestly over them independently without blaming one another because ultimate aim of both is to be happy. Every problem has a solution. One has to find out which is the best available solution only. One should have patience in that regard. Dissatisfaction, difference of opinion, lack of adaptability, is some of the main reasons for a strained marriage relationship. It is always better if such a couple analyses them and arrives at the root cause of their difference of opinion. That would definitely help them to set everything right.

It is always better if the relationship between people with whom we have to deal is always good. If the relationship between people with whom we have to deal is not cordial, definitely there will be unrest and that affects both concerned and may give rise to unnecessary problems. It is not relation that counts always but the relationship. Life becomes a hell if relationships are not smooth at workplace or home. It is said that the relationship between those who have similar qualities develops fast when compared to those who have dissimilar qualities. That is why the saying “The birds of same feather fly together.” Some have bad habit of carrying tale from one to another. Some have bad habit of listening to such tales without ascertaining the real facts. The former can easily spoil the relationship of latter with anybody. If we cannot help to improve relationship between two it does not matter. We should not do anything which worsens relationship between any two. By always telling something good about somebody, of course it should be truth only and not exaggeration too; we can create good impression about him or her and create a congenial atmosphere to bring about a cordial relationship. It is yeomen service. Our qualities subscribe to our weakness and strengths and they only develop or mar our relationship with others.

On account of our status or position only some develop relationship with us or honor us. If one has more power due to position he or she occupies, or one possesses excess money or one has excess of beauty, superiority complex occupies them and they disregard all human relationship. Similarly, those with inferiority complex hesitate to develop relationship with others for reasons which are quite opposite. They do not have either money, position or anything and they feel inferior. In order to have better relationship with others it is better if we give our ear to everybody but a few our tongue. In a relationship one’s behavior and talk play a pivotal role. It is they make or mar a relationship. One’s behaviour and talk should be as decent and pleasing as possible. One’s behavior and talk should never hurt others feelings. Heated arguments, exchanges, losing temper, with anybody generally end in discords and have telling effect on relation ship. We may be able to score a point by arguing but our loss is more while achieving our objective in that manner. It is always better to present our views in a polite way. The relationship worsens as a result. That does not mean that we should take everything lying down. First of all, we should not give scope for such situations and having entered into arguments, when situation is going out of control tactfully withdraw or strike a reconciliation note. We should be diplomatic, make use of commonsense and presence of mind whenever necessary while dealing with others. Then only we may be successful in maintaining or developing good relationship with others. If we are moody, short tempered nobody likes us and try to maintain relationship with us. It is our nature or personality that attracts or dispels relationship. People with mental depression drift away from society and hardly or do not maintain any relationship with others. Trust, language, nationality, generosity etc help development of relationship whereas jealousy, mistrust, animosity, suspicion spoil or destroy or break relationship. Experience no doubt helps us a lot to build and maintain a relationship. That does not mean we should burn our fingers and have experience.

Certain matters we must know from the learned, certain matters we should listen and learn certain matters we must read and learn and certain matters must see and learn. So goes the saying. Just imagine how a gigantic tree has grown to its present majestic stature from a seed sown into soil some hundred of years ago, spreading its branches withstanding wind, storm, rain, sunshine , giving shelter ,fruits, shade to all who pass by. Somebody had taken due care, toiled, watered, applied manures, fenced, protected and had seen it grow. In the same way; if we devote and strive hard and make our relationship grow how it would be. It creates abundant goodwill. My father died a premature death leaving behind a big family to support. It is his well maintained relationship with relatives, friends and every body that made the family to come out of dire straits. My uncle and aunt always used to advise me to be in touch with everybody and maintain relationship. To-day, they are not there when members of family gather in large number at their house to celebrate a function their advice reverberates in my mind. The famous quote “It is only love that increases when we share it with others” comes to my mind too.

Man is a social animal. That is what my teacher Sri Kadappa used to repeat in our 10th standard class at Board High School, Kundapur. We have to live in a society .We cannot live in seclusion. Good relationship with one and all is quite essential to live happily in a society .Normally; it always takes much time to build a relationship. A relationship cannot be built overnight. But to get a relationship spoiled or served off it requires a little time or no time at all. However, once again coming to normalcy is a Herculean task. If one cannot improve or maintain a relationship, it does not matter but one should not serve a relationship or allow the relationship to worsen even .Without maintaining good relationship with the boss and other colleagues we cannot prosper in our career. Similarly we cannot thrive in a business without maintaining good relationship with customers, suppliers, staff etc. Industrial relationship is of paramount importance to an industry to grow. We cannot insult anybody and teach them a lesson. It is adding salt to the injury only. It worsens the relationship between us. A relationship could be developed with anybody. It could be with good people, bad people, harmless people; it could be even with animals too. Of course, relationship with antisocial elements, criminals, etc is offensive and should never be entered into. That is as far as possible a relationship should be legally permissible one. Elders say that relationship should always be developed with equals and not with unequal. That is because relationship with unequal gives scope to superiority and inferiority complexes to creep in. Equality should be both materialistically as well as psychologically also. There are many tools to build a relationship. A conversation is a powerful tool. A conversation can either improve or deteriorate a relationship.

There is a lot to learn about a relationship. Successful people have the ability to develop relationships that last. Building Relationships is a key to one's personal success. Building of relationship requires the building of trust. Building of relationship always needs a lot of patience and efforts. It needs study. One has to understand the other. It is a time consuming process. It is better if people who want to build relationship has similar likes and dislikes. Five keys to building strong relationship in any sphere of life are commitment,compassion, generosity tolerance,and kindness.Whatever may be the efforts with selfishness one cannot build a relationship at all. A relationship founded on love could never be broken at all