Intentions .

The intention of a person isn't his utterance of the words, “I intend to do so and so.”It's an overflowing from the heart which runs. According to Glanville Williams "Intention cannot be satisfactorily defined & doesn't need a definition since everyone knows what it means."All that counts in life is intention.Intention is the active, conscious,future aims we perceive another to have.One can have one or more intentions.Some may have same intention & some may have different intention too. Some, collectively have it too. There would be usually a purpose behind every intention. One can take a horse to water but they cannot make it drink. A horse must have an intention to drink.

Intention is the starting point of every dream. It's the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or love. Everything that happens in universe begins with an intention. An intention must be always clear otherwise there's every possibility of it being misunderstood. Reading in between the lines is more in case of intention. Especially, those who are opposed give intentions different colors.

To one their intentions are mostly important not that of others. A few are bothered about others intentions . Some disclose & share their intention. Some conceal & don't share their intention at all. It's always better one knows others intentions so that in case of bad intentions if they are known earlier preventive measures could be taken & in case of good intentions if they are known earlier one can contribute their might .One is often liked or disliked based on the intentions they have. Intention always assists a person to take greater control over life. It's the secret ingredient for attaining even the smallest of achievements with ease.One has it doesn't mean that they would do it or they have done it. All are not equally serious about their intention. Some have cruel intention too. It is not always easy to know or find out what is intention of a person or persons. That is why unless intention is proved beyond doubt law does not accord punishment.

What intentions one would have and what intentions one wouldn't have it couldn't be said. Similarly, what one would do and what one wouldn't do to carry on their intention it can't be said also. Sometimes intentions are amazing & sometimes horrible. Intentions enable us to understand a man. It isn't enough one understands them but also one must understand the purpose or purposes behind them. Intention gives life direction & meaning.

Intention is important in everything one does in life. It is powerful.Many factors influence it. Specially will, desire & belief influence it. It seldom remains as it is. It either grows or melts down. It's a force within. It's a plan in mind to do something. After much thought only one decides it. It's motivation and drive. One doesn't change it easily. One spares no pains to carry it through. It's which reveals what a man is.It is like a serpent inside a pothole. As inside which pothole which serpent lives it couldn't be made out, what intention is there inside which man it couldn't be made out many times. One needn't worry to know what's it too. Seldom one does anything without an intention. One needn't express their intention also. Their actions tell what their intentions are.Intention couldn't be hidden for long at all .In one form or other, one day or other it comes to light.Of course, sometimes an intention is clueless. Finding it out is a tact. It's always needed most to establish a crime. A punishment can't be inflicted without it at all.

Intentions are a mixed bag. Sometimes, they succeed &sometimes , they fail.They depend upon a man. They depend upon how serious a man is about his intentions. Depending on their attitude, they would be happy or depressed as and when they succeed or fail in their intentions. Here are some of the intentions that people generally have:- It is in exhaustive.

Making money,learning, teaching a lesson, cheating,killing,enjoying,troubling , stealing, copying , keeping good health, donating , gardening and so on.

A good man has a good intention and a bad man has a bad intention inside him . There's a saying "Birds of same feather fly together".Likewise, people with same intention come together.If an intention is good nobody need bother about it. It pays always rich dividends if not immediately at least,it pays gradually.It's bad intention that would be always problematic & dangerous. It would be poisonous too.

Mahatma Gandhi says " Before the throne of the Almighty, man will not be judged by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts . "

World contains different kind of people not only in appearance but also otherwise also. A man does something with an intention and does something without an intention also. Some grasp what others intentions are early & easily. Some don't understand others intentions at all. Some understand others intentions but gradually. Many times intentions are misunderstood also. Good intention is understood as bad intention and bad intention is understood as good intention. Further, there is no guarantee that always one with good intentions would succeed too . However,good intentions which may belong to whomsoever are liked & appreciated generally . Likewise, bad intentions are disliked by majority of people. Good people always try to defeat bad intentions . Also, those who had bad intentions often regret or repent for them afterwards. Stop watering the weeds in your life and start watering flowers.

It is ill feelings and negative thoughts that lead one to bad intentions. One with bad intentions would have no peace of mind at all. Fulfillment of an intention is seldom easy. It couldn't be by overnight. It needs efforts, strategy opportunity , skill, support and no hindrances.

"Man proposes God disposes "applies very much to Intentions too. Circumstances have a say on intentions .That is why sometimes one intends to do something and something else only takes place. Sometimes one intends to say something but says something else also.

Bible says " Good intentions aren't always good!"

Here is a story in that regard.

A man was at a neighbor's party. He returned home to get something he needed, and heard a noise. Thinking a burglar was hiding in the closet, he opened the door and shot the intruder. Immediately, the man realized he had shot and killed his daughter. Later, he learned she was hiding in the closet as part of a game or joke.

Our intention may be powerful .Their intention may be also powerful. But, all powerful is His intention. It is which always materializes too. It is capable of overpowering any intention. It is not easy to know it . If an intention fails don't deplore. Be cool. It is His wish. It is always for something good only.When our actions are based on good intentions , our soul has no regrets.

Many times one with good intention is pardoned even if they do something wrong. In addition to it one with good intentions would always have contentment even if they fail also.Their efforts are always for a cause and not for fame. Unless, a man is studied and observed his intentions couldn't be fully known. Further, good intentions are not merely enough in a man, he must be committed to them and ready to sacrifice for them. What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing. It's good intentions that make life enjoyable & happy. It is a way of leading life too