Advice creates many a time a dilemma.

Life is complex. There is no time in life when an advice is not essential at all. Whether it is a good time or a bad time advice is needed. Life with advice from time to time & life without advice are different. Life without advice is embarking on a journey without knowing the way.When, where & on what all matters ,one falters & requires advice in it , it couldn't be said at all.It isn't only youngsters need advice.It isn't merely to those who tread a wrong path also. It could be needed to anyone. Advice is the guidance to lead life smoothly & successfully. They are a bunch of dedicated thoughts which haunt memory. Seldom advice comes searching a man. Man must be after it. Man must seek it. Only a few well wishers who are concerned about him & who care him may only approach him with an advice.

An advice is usually not based upon any monetary considerations. It's usually based on humanitarian considerations. It is based on based on love, affection ,& sympathy etc. It costs one nothing but it gains one many things.It is advice which frees one from humiliations. It is which extricates one from troubles too. It develops relationship between one another. It enhances confidence in one another. When one is not in a position to help in anyway, they needn't feel sorry at all. They can give their valuable advice & help. Sometimes , it is what that is the most wanted also. Advice gives one strength& support. Advice is mostly nothing but some do's & some don'ts to be followed appropriately.When an advice is effective, it opens the eyes of a man. It transforms him. He wouldn't be what he was. Advice could be a magic wand many times. Of course, when one is destined to be ruined whatever advice that their well wishers tender would be seldom of use.

Why a man a needs advice ? Perfection is a rare phenomenon & to err is human. Moreover, God has not blessed everyone the power to know their own mistakes & one wouldn't be aware of their blunders also generally.One may be knowing everything but when to use & how to use what ,they won't be realising at times at all . They would be like a man who is between a devil & a deep sea. They would be at loggerheads. Such a person definitely needs an advice.Advice would be always with one or other reason. It would be always concerning some matter. It shouldn't be either long or short but better it be always to the point to be more effective . Advice is n't easy .It must be practicable.It influences the behavior of some people & doesn't have effect on behavior of some people at all. It is always better one chooses to whom to advise & whom not to advise while advising .

There is countless advice, there are countless do's & don'ts, there are numerous experts. Advice differs from person to person many times .When to make use of which advice is the question that perturbs a man.In time of crisis often either advice from many quarters pour in or there would be dearth of advice. Men are made up of different mettle. Some have the habit of giving others advice. Some don't have the habit of giving others advice. Some are dependent upon advice & some aren't dependent upon advice.There are various types of advice too. One would be following the right advice only if they are fortunate. When one's stars are bad others good advice falls on their deaf ears. Of course,they repent thereafter generally for the same.There's no use of advising one who has no either his own thinking or common sense. A timely,advice wherever possible is the duty of a man to tender . A stitch in time always saves nine.Young or old,educated or uneducated anybody can give an advice that serves purpose.However, it must be always apt suitable, mature, honest & sincere.Sometimes advice works wonders. Sometimes , it is a waste of breath only. An apt advice emanates only when one steps into others shoes & thinks what I would have done if I were he.

A timely advice cannot be evaluated at all. An advice seldom can be purchased with money.There is neither inferiority in taking an advice nor a superiority in giving an advice. Advice is good when it is given thoughtfully to a person. It has to emanate from the heart, not just said for the sake of being said. There's a way to tender it too. It is to be presented nicely. The tone & words used in it must be always amenable & effective.Good advice is general, specific, and a helpful idea that could transmit confidence and security, usually.

There is no use of repeating an advice several times . It is enough if it is said once or twice to one who is going to follow it. It is parents only who repeat their advice several times with the hope that their siblings would improve one day or other. One always needs patience to give advice or to listen to advice at any time. Some would be grateful for the advice tendered to them & some would be humiliated & get angry if they are advised. One who is proud & intelligent thinks that they need no advice at all. In fact, it is they who need often advice.It is always better to think twice whenever one decides to overlook an advice. Ignoring an advice is often a foolishness.

Aged advise more. Advising is the nature of some people. One who have got their fingers burnt too advise a lot. It is easy to advise anybody.To advise anybody one need not spend anything at all. Some have the habit of advising others. Some do not have the habit of advising anybody at all. They think that it is meddling in others affairs. Some are afraid of giving advice because tomorrow they would be blamed if something untoward happens. Often, one would not advise anybody unnecessarily. One thinks twice before advising. Often a man advises one who is near & dear with good intention only. At times in life, one needs others advice.

Please listen to all advice. Shakespeare has well said " Lend everybody thy ears, a few thy tongue." Advice does not cost one anything at all. Advice always deserves patient listening . One's advice is usually based upon their experience.Advice is always not the same on same matter,it's different different based on different experiences. Advice many a time creates a dilemma. How to deal with an advice whether to follow it or ignore it isn't easy. It's a herculean task. Your life is your life. It is most important to you . Think over take note of everything & make a suitable decision yourself. Decision is always important. Advice is only a tip that may or may not give a solution & solace to problems in life.More than to any advice usually a man often responds to his own conscience & thoughts in life .