Life is a storm.

What all do not affect a man? One who undergoes numerous changes on this earth is man. In appearance how many changes he undergoes, he becomes taller, fat, thin, hair becomes grey, & bald. In thinking also how many changes he undergoes There is a lot of changes between man seen some time ago & now. Wordsworth observes rainbow remains as it is, even though the years pass by. Man cannot remain as he is. If changes in him are for the better they are always welcome. Only some changes in man are under his control. More changes life brings with him than anything else.

There are not merely wind storms, but also there are snowstorms, rainstorms, sandstorms, bee storms and fly storms. Man must always guard himself against the storms. Every storm is unique in its own way. What is a storm? It cannot be fully described at all. One must experience & know what it is.What all doesn't happen when a storm roars. Gigantic trees root out & fall to the ground. Tall, majestic buildings crumble, see the dust. The ship tosses up & down with the waves. How difficult a captain finds to rove the ship safely to shore. The lives of all the people on board would be in jeopardy.

A storm in a man is equally terrific. It puts a man in a sea of emotions & torments. It makes him dumb, thunderstruck & he wouldn't know what to do & what not to do.He can't breathe freely when caught in it.There would be no time at disposal . It's all hurry buries. Within blink of eyes, everything takes place. A storm is a trial. It tests a man. If it isn't fierce it isn't called a storm at all. Just like a serpent makes hissing ,a storm move ahead making noise & pushing aside everything on the way.

A difference between a storm & storm of life is former tosses one up & the latter tosses one down.What happens & what doesn't happen in life. Nothing comes telling a man. What happens the next moment it isn't at all known. It storms only. Life is a storm. As rightly said by Ho Chi Minh storm is an opportunity to show the strength & stability too. Whatever may be the storms in life some withstand them like a rock without being perturbed . They are really a great. They say come what may.

Not a merely lot of assets get destroyed, but also a lot of casualties are inflicted by the storm. A storm is always devastating. It simply doesn't come & go. What is needed to face it is courage. One must not get distracted when it arrives. Remain cool, cool. Grasp the situation. Let the mind work & not the muscles.

No life is permanent.Every life is a storm.It can land man anywhere. Its full of surprises. Storm is often a bolt from the blues.It takes often one by surprise.It is always hard to meet it .It's a problem after problem. One problem blows over another problem arises. Whenever, wherever a storm is there no way would be visible. One needs time to reconcile & find a way. One who stood firm at that time & finds way deserves always an appreciation. Overcoming a storm is not a mean achievement at all. A man may forget anything but wont forget the storms that he overcame. It is storming in life which develop courage, confidence & intelligence in man. It is they make life challenging.When a man tells about his life he never forgets to share without fail the storms that he faced in life.Life is thrilling because it is a storm. Otherwise, it would have been monotonous & dull .

Haruki Murakami says

“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about."

On 18th birthday of Albert, Count of Monte Cristo says

Life is storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment,be shattered on the rocks the next.What makes you as a man is what you do do when the storm comes. You must look into that storm & shout as you did in Rome. "Do your worst ! for I will do mine,! Then the fates will know you ,as we know you, As Albert Mondego the man."

Storm seldom comes alone.Thunder,lightning,rain & all accompany it . Storm of life too doesn't come alone.Shakespeare rightly says " When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalion"

No one is exempt from the storms of life. It is believed that storms of life are creations of God.After listening, reading or perusing life of others what man often exclaims is " Life is a storm " Lives of man aren't alike.Some storms in it are visible & some are invisible.Every storm that he faces is unforgettable experience. Some face one or two storms in life. Some face number of storms in life & they aren't alike at all too. They are varied. Weathering storms is not a joke at all. Different strategies are adopted to face them. Whatever intelligence that one has would be made use of & no efforts are spared at all. It is storm creates havoc. Afterwards clears & settle down too. Life is a storm which creates dust & clears that too.

A storm how & from where it comes, it couldn't be easily made out most of the time. It isn't gradual. It's fierce & all of a sudden. It does not come barehanded. It brings with it good, bad & all.Strong winds can swirl around into a powerful storm very quickly & unexpectedly. It does destruction &vanishes.Its a natural calamity. It affects entire society and society as a whole has to face it. Unlike it a storm that occurs in life could be of longer or shorter duration. It's effects & after effects are more last longer too. It is an individual headache. It affects individual & dependants. Often there are signs of storms coming in atmosphere.In life often storms come without telling or any notice at all. There is a gulf difference between storms in atmosphere & storms in life. However, both are terrible & send shivers through the spine. Facing a storm is an heroic deed. One who faces storm boldly, always deserves praise. They would also be proud of themselves also.