
When undesired,unwanted happenings like cheating, robbery,and dacoity are on the increase in the world. Nobody need tell. It is evident that sins are mounting in it.One can't expect only good to thrive in life or anywhere else in the world. Good and bad are everywhere. They always sail side by side. Whenever some hardships occur in life man immediately links them to sin in this lifetime or previous life time.

No one is born a sinner.Everyone cannot sin too. Sins do not fall from the skies. Often, courage is essential to sin also. Life makes one a thief, it's which makes one a murderer, and a great man too. It's from bad company ,evil thoughts and bad deeds sins take birth.It is believed that one is born as bird,insect, animal, plant or human being according to quantum of sins one commits. Sri Vijaya vittaldas , a great devotee of God says " Mind is not responsible for any good or bad that a man does. Everything takes place with His inspiration only "

Sin is a universal human problem.Sins are wrongs that one does. They are harms that one does to others too .They are countless and varied. They cannot be described fully at all. World is developing in every way but sins are doubling without any strings in it. Understanding why we sin is a first step in overcoming and avoiding sin. In fact, many commit sin without knowing that it is an offence also.

The concept "Sin " is very important in life. Those who believe the concept & those who have conscience always try to follow a right path.The concept "sin "creates fear psychosis in human beings and some even hesitate while doing anything which is normal also. It's it that makes one think twice before doing anything. If it weren't there the world wouldn't have been what it's today.The word "Sin"would have tremendous impact on all believers of God. No sooner did they hear it, their actions come to a grinding halt.They don't proceed further at all.Besides,apprehension that they would lose whatever good that had done by sinning occurs usually too.

Sins don't allow one to remain calm at all. A sinner even if goes to a sea there would be water up to knee only. Even if sinner touches gold it would become mud.It isn't easy at all to distinguish between one who sins & one who doesn't sin.There's no much difference between them at all. Both of them look alike in appearance. Sins are sometimes visible and sometimes they are invisible.

Sins if at all bring at any time any gains they would be only temporarily . Sins could be committed collectively too.However,punishments to them are accorded individually depending upon part played by each individual. No sin goes unpunished at anytime. Sins do not go anywhere .They never get buried. They don't go scot-free. Sins cannot be undone. They can be only forgiven. If one had known the consequences of committing the sin, they would never commit sin at all. Sin is addictive. That is, any sin one "tries" is likely to be repeated. Sinning is nothing but being caught in a web.

What are sins what aren't sins no one knows well.What's sin whatsn't sin it depends mostly upon one's thinking.Lots of people understand concept "Sin "in their own way.They maintain a list of dos and don'ts to avoid sin. No one wants to commit sin willingly.One is mostly compelled to commit a sin.There is always a reason or reasons for committing sins. One sins because, there's no fear of God before their eyes. One sin because they are deceived by sin.One sins because there is temporary pleasure in sin. One sins because of the influence of the people with whom they associate. One also sins when they don’t do what they should do. Further,after sinning only one realizes that they shouldn't have sinned and not before .

God is an awe inspiring personality. His powers are unlimited. Anything that displeases Him is a sin. Sin is an act of violating God's will. It's God who decides which is a sin and which is not a sin. Though, everyone is prepared to share whatever good that others do ,no one is prepared to share others sin in the world. In this connection , there is a saying in western countries which says "SINS OF FATHERS SHALL BE VISITED BY CHILDREN"

That's why it's always better if one thinks before committing a sin rather than thinking about it after committing the same.Wherever one goes,their sins haunt them. They make one ill famous. They make no one happy. They make one disturbed and restless also. They are burdens.

Every religion speaks of sin. The Bible describes sin as the breaking, or transgression, of God's law.It's opined that sins & suffering are inter related.It is believed that a man is given a berth in either heaven or hell based on the nature and quantum of sins he commits. A sin could be committed physically , vocally or mentally. Dreaming or thinking anything bad is a sin only. That's why Gandhiji says " Don't see bad, Don't say bad or Don't listen bad"

Sufferings are said to be punishments to sins committed . Even the sins committed in previous birth don't go unpunished. In fact, one has to pay price for them too. Everyone is afraid of committing sins .No one can pay to someone else's sins. Sins can't be transferred from one account to another account too.To one's sins one is solely responsible. No one can pay price for them than the individual.How sins are evaluated that nobody knows well also. It's believed that God evaluates them and according to gravity of sin.By committing good one cannot wash away their sins.Hence, tries to evade sins. Yet, knowingly or unknowingly people commit sins.

Sins are sins whether one who is ignorant or whether one who is an innocent commits them . No one sympathizes sinners. Suffer for whatever you had done would be often heard comment.Knowledge is only an hurdle between man and sins. Life without sins is a big triumph . World without sins is really an utopia.