
When we laugh the whole world laughs with us and when we weep we have to weep alone. Further it is said that those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either. But what to do we can control our tears sometimes only but sometimes we cannot control them. Sometimes tears are beyond our control. We do not know from where and how they come. Tears are great. When one has nothing to offer in return, he or she shed tears. That is their tears of gratitude. Tears have great value. Similarly we come across people who love their pets like their children. Other day I came across an old couple who were all in tears because they had lost their cat. They were crying while pasting a poster to a pole announcing a reward for those who help them to regain it. Those were their tears of love and affection. Tears signify many things. After a long time if we meet somebody, if somebody who is dear to us who were missing is found, exchanges of tears take place. Tears show bondage. Tears shells are burst to control unruly mob also. They bring tears in everybody’s eyes. Tear represent one’s emotions. Tears tell many stories. Tears command respect. Tears speak a lot. Mother used to advise us not to make elders shed tears that never do one good. She used to say evening time is auspicious and one should not shed tears at that time for that is not good to the prospects of that household. On happy occasions generally nobody likes anybody shed tears. Tears are used to welcome people even. Tears are symbol of love and affection and cordiality. When one is going to be away from us for a long time, he or she is bid farewell with tears only. Normally a bride is sent to groom house with tears only. Of course generally nobody sheds tears without any reason. Tears are sacred. Mother used to call them “Ganga, Bhagheerathi “Tears are precious. They cannot be shed as and when required by one. They are to be used as a matter of last resort when all other means fail. Tears are the strongest tools which mothers use to mend their erring sons and wives to make their husbands toe their lines as a matter of last resort tactfully. Shedding of tears is also an art.

There are occasions to shed tears. When one is very happy one gets tears in his eyes. Similarly when one is distressed, when one cannot bear sorrow, tears flow from one’s eyes. One who is more emotional sheds more tears. Person to person this nature differs. Tears in others eyes have effect on some people. Their heart melts on seeing tears in others eyes. They are kind hearted. Whereas, to some tears in others eyes do not effect at all. There are hard hearted. Tears and human nature have much relation. Those who are sensitive easily shed tears. It is said that women easily and frequently shed tears when compared to men. When feelings are hurt sometimes tears roll down one’s cheeks. Nobody likes to see tears in the eyes of those who command their respect. Prize for the tears that one has to pay cannot be forecast sometimes. They become very costly. They cannot be assessed monetarily. Especially when someone who is in high esteem is made to shed tears, it gives rise to revenge, revolt etc So many elders shed tears when they are alone behind a curtain. Tears raise passions. Before making one shed tears we have to think twice. If one is made to shed tears in public means he or she is much insulted. They will not forget it easily. A respectable person sometimes commits suicide for such a situation. A man with revengeful nature waits in wing to pay them in same coin until then he or she never sleeps. Without any solid reason if one shed tears often, tears lose their value. Tears become cheap. Whenever one cries whether it is due to pain or sorrow tears are bound to come in one’s eyes. It does not matter in that case whether one is an adult or a kid. When one is too much aggrieved, sometimes tears do not come out. Sometimes we shed tears unnecessarily when not required and sometimes when necessary we do not shed tears. The reason is we do not understand the situations properly. Sometimes some shed what is known as crocodile tears. They are false tears. They are not really sympathetic. They are with bad intention. Mentally unwell people sometimes shed tears and itis due to their illness. In India some women are called Rudalis. They shed false tears when somebody passes away. They are engaged for that purpose only. They are paid for same. There are Parsis in India and as per the religion that they follow tears are to be shed as soon as a child is born for it has to undergo the turmoil of this world. Poverty, misery etc give birth to tears. Pretenders, actors all shed false tears .Gandhiji dream was to wipe out tear from every eye.

Tears need not necessarily come when we are only in grief, they may come when we are helpless, when we are in dire straits, when we do not know what to do, when there is nobody to spot even, or when somebody who is close to us appears at that juncture on the scène. Tears are common in the eyes of ladies whenever they are alone far away from native place, when they remember their dear and near. Similarly memories of those who are no more who are behind our success and who brought us up bring tears in our eyes. Tears rolls down generally one’s cheeks on numerous such occasions. Tears unburden our feelings. They bring in a lot of relief. It is one of the ways of sharing others grief or feelings too. It gives an assurance that somebody is there to share your grief. It consoles the aggrieved a lot. Mere shedding of tears may not help sometimes. One should follow it by deeds in whatever way possible. Similarly on many happy occasions like when one comes out successful in an examination with flying colors, when fortune unexpectedly befalls on one, on arrival of a new baby etc tears roll down one’s cheeks. Tears are our companion in our happiness as well as in distress. When we get back somebody whom we have thought as lost, we shed tears .Why when we meet somebody after a long time, and we greet them with tears of joy. All depends how affectionate one is.. A great orator brings tears in the eyes of audience. Similarly a great author can make a reader shed tears. A greater actor can bring tears in the eyes of onlookers . Tears attract sympathy. Tears are persuasive. What we cannot do sometimes that can be got done through tears .It is tears which can represent both melancholy as well as happiness. Tears of sorrow sometimes turn into tears of joy. Sometimes tears work wonder. We cannot predict what tears would do. There are incidents which bring tears in eyes of some people whereas the same incidents may not have any effect on some. An incident may affect an individual and bring tears in his or her eyes only whereas another incident may have mass appeal making the entire mob shed tears. We cannot forecast anything. Everything depends on various factors.

Glycerin tears are artificial tears. There are used in cinemas, dramas and wherever and whenever tears are required in lieu of natural tears. While chopping onion some people shed tears profusely. Similarly if somebody squeezes orange peels into one’s eyes, it results in tears. Anything pungent whether it is ammonia, chilly powder or anything generally brings tears in one’s eyes. Tears are senseless but they cause sensation.

Then there are tears of gratitude. How can we forget those who gave us their helping hand at the nick of moment when we desperately needed them that too without even our request? They are those who considered our difficulties as their own. Whenever we remember them whether they are alive or not, tears of gratitude roll down our cheek. Weeping is shedding tears. Similarly one of the ways of repenting for our past deeds is shedding tears. Weeping is for variety of reasons. Similarly is crying. Thus there are varieties of tears. There are various ways of putting tears into use. Tears can make an ocean. Normally, we notice two types of weeping. In one type of weeping people shed tears whereas in another type people do not shed tears at all. They weep within themselves without shedding tears because they do not want others to come to know of their feelings. Disgruntled people even if they have or do not have, they weep though they may not shed tears. That is their nature. There is a saying in Kannada which means that one should not believe a woman who smiles frequently and a man who cries often.