
Donkey is a rare animal in U.S.A. Recently; I had been to San Francisco Zoo. It is kept in that zoo as an exhibit. Where do you can buy a donkey? One can buy a donkey at an animal fair. One such animal fair is at Dewa Sharief Mela near Lucknow. Here donkeys are on sale. Every year animal fair has been taking place there. This fair is a 103 year old tradition and now it has become a star studded affair. The most interesting example is use of film stars names to sell donkeys on sale. The bigger the name of the star after which the donkey is named, the higher the price of the animal. Apart from the film stars, some of the donkeys are also named after famous sports persons like Sachin, Sania and Dhoni. So, if anyone wants to buy a star donkey, they know now where to go.

Literally donkey means an animal. It is a quadruped. If we go near it, it kicks. It is famous for it’s kicking too. It’s braying is odd. It is unbearable to ears wherever it may be.If it brays means we could make out that it is donkey. That is why, if somebody does not want to sing or whose voice is not good, always compares their voice to that of donkey and requests us not to insist upon their singing.Donkeys constituted a considerable portion of wealth in ancient times . It is an animal that is noted for its spirit and its attachment to its master.It is a mild animal. A donkey has no scruples at all and as such never makes use of scruples at all. It is a foolish animal.It is an animal, which was generally used to carry clothes by washer man to river or pond to clean them. These days, there is washing machine; donkeys are seldom used for that purpose. Donkeys are frequently spoken of as having been ridden upon. It exists only in some parts of the world. In appearance it looks like a short ugly horse but it is not as swift or quick as the horse is. It has long ears. Donkey is an unclean animal, because it does not chew the cud. Generally donkey means good for nothing, useless, idiot etc, but the word donkey is one of the most popular words in a dictionary. Another peculiarity with word donkey is, it is quite often spelled rather than pronounced.The word donkey is used for different purposes. If a person works hard day and night tirelessly, he or she is said to work like a donkey. It is not enough if we work like a donkey but our work should be elegant and efficient. Generally, if we work like a donkey the work will not be interesting and will not be accomplished well. If you say that someone can talk the hind legs off a donkey, you mean that they a talk a great deal without stopping and without letting other people say anything.

Either to express their anger or affection to their child mothers often make use of the word "donkey". Especially, they call their pet children "donkey " along with an ear pinch. This is a word for them to scold as well as to pat their children. Children in fact are elated when their mother fondly calls them donkey. In every language, it is popular. In Kannada, it is Katte, in Hindi it is Gada, in konkani it is Gadva. Parents or teachers repeat once twice and sometimes even thrice what they want to convey to a child or a student. Even then if the child or student does not understand anything,they lose their patience and give an ear pinch and say “Did you not understand anything you donkey? ‘ We have become donkey means we are fooled by somebody. In real life, many have the habit of trying to make others “donkey”. When one is so fooled in that manner , he or she does not forget it for long. That is planning and cheating others. By doing so, either they get benefited or derive pleasure out of it. Those who become “donkey”, get insulted and infuriated. On the other hand, some people make others “ donkey”, just for the sake of fun. That too not the unknown people but those who belong to their friends circle only.If somebody fools us once or twice, we may keep quiet. Then comes the retort “Do you think whether I am a donkey “.“If intelligence of an intelligent person is not recognized instead if intelligence of a less capable person is recognized , the former will immediately retort whether donkey or horse is same ?

Among abusive words, the donkey occupies a pride of place. It is not a harsh word. As such, generally nobody is much hurt when you call them a donkey. Friends, use the word donkey to their pals on account of leniency or intimacy only. Even to reprimand, teachers say donkey. Generally, even gentlemen use the word in fit of anger. By and large, it is not considered as an offensive word. In some villages or towns, a person is made to ride a donkey or taken in procession on a donkey. That is to punish or insult him or her for their heinous crime. If a person without doing any work sleeps and snores in a nook, elders call him or her and say "why are you sleeping like a donkey? Whether it is happiness or distress, we find a donkey in the same mood. " Consistency may be the virtue of a donkey."

In order to kill time, we play cards at home. Among card games, there is a game called “ Donkey ” It is a very popular game. Of course, much intelligence or expertise is not required to play that game. If favorable cards are received, one can escape from becoming a donkey easily. One is called a donkey on losing a game. Everybody in that game tries to escape from defeat for he or she should accept on defeat that he or she is “ Donkey ” There lies the fun of that game. Those who have a sense of humor, do not get irritated with the use of word “donkey ” One of the characteristics of donkey is, as it grows old, its intelligence never develops. That is why if we grow old and do not do a work properly, elders say “Your age is three times the age of a donkey, yet you do not have anything inside your brain” and take us to task. Many have the habit of comparing we human beings with donkey. Especially our age is compared to that of donkey. Further, if we eat well, sleep well and grow robustly, they would remark that we have grown like donkey. If we do not understand silly matters, even we feel that we have grown like a donkey but our mind has not developed. Donkey’s behavior is odd. It is idiotic. If we do not behave properly elders say “ Do not behave like a donkey. Thus, even though there are other animals which are equally or more dull herds than it for every matter poor donkey is made a scapegoat. The word donkey is synonymous with stupidity. Though donkey is not a beautiful animal, it is a faithful animal. Without grumbling it bears on its back heavy loads of clothes which washer man puts and bears his cudgels also. Donkey is very dirty; we can see it rolling here and there on the dusty earth. Similarly, if it is not tied to a pole, it does a lot of roaming too. An empty tin box if attached to back leg of a donkey, the box makes noise and not knowing from where the noise is emanating the donkey gets bewildered and runs here and there. It is donkey dancing and it is a treat to watch. Whenever there is a quarrel between a husband and wife, and when both are angry, even though wife or husband feels that the other is an idiot, they cannot express one another donkey. At that time, it is poor helpless servant or their poor child becomes a scapegoat in this respect and are called donkey. Similarly, even in office we cannot call our boss or any superior “donkey” as a result poor helpless subordinate staff becomes our target for being called “donkey”. Thus , donkey helps us to unburden our feelings.

A donkey does not become wiser as it grows older and older. It remains as it is. If a man does not become wiser as he grows older he is said to have grown up like a donkey. One who is good for nothing is by and large compared to a donkey. Even in a school we often find a teacher making use of this comparison whenever an intelligent student does not study well and answer questions properly in a class. Hence Kannada saying “barutha barutha rayara kudure katte yayeethu” This means that gradually the master’s horse has become a donkey. In other words you who were intelligent have become dull herd gradually.If one blunders due to his foolishness or misfortune, he is called donkey. When we do not know who has done the blunder, we inquire which donkey has done this. Everywhere poor donkey’s name is invoked unnecessarily for no fault of it. The word donkey is extensively and liberally used.There was much work at home. The syllabus was tough. Teacher was not good at teaching. Question paper was tough. The boy studied hard but he failed in the examination. Nobody appreciated his efforts. He was called donkey, good for nothing and useful for carrying corpses by parents. He was ashamed. Inferiority complex descended on him. We should not call anybody donkey and insult them. It is adding salt to an injury. With all this experience, I decided not to call anybody “Donkey” If we advise somebody a number of times and if that does not have any affect on him or her, if we still continue advising him or her, we are called donkey. But our optimism prompts that he or she would mend one day or other prompts us to continue our efforts. We have made several attempts and have failed and if we still make further attempts knowing fully well we are going to fail again, what one can call us other than “donkey.” When we realize such grave blunders on our part, we too call ourselves “donkey” If anyone does anything unscrupulous, there is no wonder if they are considered or called donkey. To-day many of us who were called donkey are occupying pride of place in the society. I sympathize for poor donkey. Donkey means why it is so cheap. Donkey means so much of negligence. Is it not injustice to such an useful animal? Is it a reward for being so useful? It is said that it is always better to be called a donkey rather than being called a dog. Is there any difference? There is absolutely no difference at all. Both are abuses.It is as good as spelling the word donkey rather than pronouncing the same.It is again making one D O N K E Y.We come across two donkeys fighting with each other. Donkeys fight with other animals also. Donkey fight is worth watching. It is amazing. Donkeys play fighting.

Even a donkey can make a headline in a newspaper. A donkey can be used for a protest. Recently, it was used by an organization at Kanchi, in Tamilnadu (India) with a placard hanging on its neck written 'district administration. It wanted to demonstrate that district administration was no good. Revenue officials of that place took strong exception to it. They registered a complaint and got seized the animal under the sections pertaining to prevention of cruelty to animals and defilement of public places. The Magistrate of place directed the police to keep the donkey in police custody and produce it in court next day as evidence along with the seized items. Police had to hire a van to produce the animal before the court. An headline appeared in the newspaper “Donkey faces court proceedings in Kanchi .

Sanjevani a Kannada daily reports a wedding of donkeys. In a place named B Hosahalli in Mulabagilu Taluk on 2nd July ,2006 villagers performed the wedding of donkeys between 11 a.m. and 12 noon( 7th day of Ashadamasa Simha lagnam) to get rid of evil influence of stars and have the blessings of God of rains . Village heads performed the role of parents of bride and bridegroom. This was the second occasion of holding such a function. Wedding was held on an earlier occasion. That had yielded good results. The village had good rains and prospered very well as a result.

Here is a news. Donkeys are going to lead poll campaign in Patna. Nagarmal Bajoria, alias Dhartipakad is a veteran of 278 poll battles — 17 against those who went on to become President or Prime Minister — he is at it again and is fighting from Patna Central constituency for February 2005 Bihar Assembly Elections. The 72-year-old trader-cum-social worker will have donkeys as campaign leaders. "The returning officer called to say all my campaign-related demands have been met," says Dhartipakad. So now, four painted donkeys will lead his campaign. He has managed to get the donkeys from Thakurbari Road. But why donkeys? "Donkeys represent the opportunistic politics of our country and I expect their presence to send out a message to the people. If I win, I will offer 25 per cent of my earnings to these donkeys," explains Dhartipakad, who is banking on donations to fund his campaign.

A textbook used in western India compares housewives to donkeys—and concludes that the pack animals make more loyal companions.

A donkey is like a housewife, declares the textbook approved by the state of Rajasthan, according to The Times of India. It has to toil all day and, like her, may even have to give up food and water.

In fact, the donkey is a shade better, continues the text meant for 14-year-olds, for while the housewife may sometimes complain and walk off to her parents' home, you'll never catch the donkey being disloyal to his master.

Making use of something that is useful is always easy. Extracting something out of nothing really needs intelligence. It is good management. Here it is a man who is making use of an animal like donkey in whatever way possible. He is a good manager. Is it not?

Here is a story where donkey is given to a husband as a birthday gift.


I bought my husband Dick a donkey for his 42nd birthday. I have three horses, and although Dick loves the horses, he has no desire to ride them. It was my opinion that he needed an equine to call his very own. I went to the local horse auction, signed up as a bidder, and perused the selection of livestock in the barn. There were horses, foals, ponies and donkeys available, and I saw several animals which I thought were intere sting enough upon which to place a bid.

When the bidding began, I was more than a little surprised to see that the foals were selling for $500 to $750, and the ponies for $350 to $600. I began to think that, although I am not a tightwad, especially for Dick's birthday present, I would not be able to afford to do any birthday shopping at this auction. I was curious to see what the first donkey sold for, since I had seen her in the barn, and had determined that she was approximately one million years old (her teeth were worn down to nubs) and in questionable health (her coat had not yet started to shed even though it was May). She sold for $220.

The next donkey to come up for sale was a small, dark brown, very loud jack donkey. He was uncooperative with the cowboys, who had to use their boots firmly on his behind to get him to comply with their wishes. I purchased this donkey for $70. I immediately wondered what on earth I had done that for - and then I remembered, it was for Dick's birthday! When Dick arrived at the auction, we had the cowboys load the donkey and Dick got his first glimpse of his new birthday present, whom he promptly named DonQuixote.

We took DonQuixote to our farm, and right away the mare with whom he was to live showed him that she was in season and was quite ready and eager to bear a mule for him. We took DonQuixote to a neighbor's barn and placed him in a stall, where Dick spent several hours per day for the next three days getting to know DonQuixote and earning his trust. I knew that first on the agenda would be to have the donkey gelded, but when I called the local vet to inquire about the fee and when he could perform the deed, he said he doesn't geld donkeys, "because they bleed too much." Well, Dick was already quite attached to his donkey, and he just didn't like the idea of DonQuixote being gelded if it were to entail too much risk. So I made DonQuixote an appointment at the Big, Fancy, Highly Technological vet hospital to which I take my horses, and learned that having him gelded would cost $75 ($5 more than I paid for the donkey!). To this day, DonQuixote does not trust me because I am the one who delivered him to the vet to be gelded.

DonQuixote has lived with us for three years now; he has earned many nicknames, he possesses a great sense of humor, and he is accustomed to his routine being 'just so'. For instance, he honks at daybreak, like an enormous, exceptionally loud rooster. He honks repeatedly if you are a few minutes tardy with his breakfast or dinner, or if you forget to give him hay at the designated time.

One of the humorous incidents involving The Honkster occurred on a hot, humid summer day the first year we had him. The equines' pasture is just beyond the back yard fence, so they have a clear view of the back of the house. We didn't have air conditioning, and we regularly took dips in the little 12' diameter, 18" deep pool in the back yard to cool off. Dick was already in the pool, and I emerged from the back door wearing nothing but a hat and sunglasses. DonQuixote honked and honked and honked, as if to say, "Excuse me, you seem to have forgotten something and its absence has greatly surprised me!"

DonQuixote is a delightful fellow.Incidentally, DonQuixote is the main character of novelist Cervantes