Quarrel is a global phenomenon.

Quarrel is not merely between a husband & wife . It is a global phenomenon. The root cause for unrest all over the world is always quarrels. Kurukshetra war is the result of family quarrels. How many quarrels are there in the world ? India & Pakistan quarrel day & night. Israel & Palestine too . World is full of quarrels . U. N . day & night strives for peace.

Yet, all cannot quarrel. It isn't easy to quarrel at all. One who quarrels has their own logic. One can be angry but they may not be able to quarrel. Quarrelling is an art.There's success & failure under it too. There are various kinds of quarrels. They are emotional reactions. Ill feelings provoke quarrels and quarrels make further addition to ill feelings too. In the beginning one often hesitates & feels ashamed also to quarrel .Thereafter,one forgets what's shame & goes on quarrelling. Quarrels sometimes only yield results. Sometimes, they don't yield results. Many times, they end in wars also. All is not fair in quarrels. In them usually the voices of opulent & powerful are often heard & the voices of the poor & subordinates go unheard.

Quarrelling is indecent. It causes a scene.It makes news. Yet, no one forgoes it easily. It often becomes prestigious. It is tit for tat. It's confrontation. It gets stored in memory. It doesn't get erased easily from memory also. It is where one makes a mountain out of a mole hill. A man often acts without thinking about the consequences of quarrels. A quarrel can be a spark. In what proportion it could flare up it is unimaginable. It could be an atom bomb. It's quarrel that is often that leads to divorces between an husband & a wife. It is better to remember that little drops of water make the mighty ocean .It is well said " Don't be penny wise & pound foolish ."Man is not totally heartless or senseless. He after quarrels many times realizes that he hurt others feelings & repents. He begs pardon also.

Quarrelling is fond memories of childhood.Children grow up quarrelling .For what all with whom all they wouldn't quarrel ? Parents don't mind them quarrelling too.Only they don't want them to beat or wrestle one another.To-day, those children are friends. Quarrels are unique.It's true that there wouldn't be a clap unless two hands join. There wouldn't be a quarrel unless two people join. Sometimes quarrels need reasons & sometimes they don't need them too. Reasons for quarrels are usually misunderstandings, disagreements, & jealousy etc. Sometimes they are serious & sometimes silly. Quarrels need no publicity . They get spread. They often evoke interest. By & large nobody interferes in others quarrels. Quarrelsome need no reason to quarrel. They create a reason & quarrel. People often evade them. They remain far faraway from their sight .There is expertise to quarrel to flare up where it isn't there & where cordial atmosphere prevails.Quarrelling is a human quality. It is less in some & more in some human beings . One in whom it is in sleeping condition gets awakened when they see others quarrelling & when they are affected.

Quarrels appear to cost nothing but they cost a lot. A man forgets everything once he is in a quarrel. He forgets all its ill affects. It is quarrels which often lead to litigations. It is which wastes time, energy & worsens relationship what not . Yet man quarrels. Quarrels aren't solutions to disputes .In fact, they aggravate disputes. It is said in quarrel might is always right.Quarrels often need no preparations at all.When how & why they would occur it couldn't be predicted In quarrels no one accepts usually a defeat. In quarrels more than what one gains one loses. When quarrels would begin & when they would end, it couldn't be said at all.More than anywhere else it is in them truths often fall out abundantly with no efforts whatsoever from anyone at all. There is hardly any couple which has not quarrelled in the world at all.

Nobody likes quarrel. One who is philosophical would say " Life is short .We must not quarrel . We must be friends " But only a few can live without quarrelling. All kinds of people are there in the world and it's flooded with quarrelsome people too. Quarrelling is part parcel of every man's life. It's part parcel of every relationship. It's an unavoidable aspect of human life .It's sometimes quite essential for survival also. It has good and bad aspects.It's quite necessary many a time to establish or prove that we are right & innocent . We don't secure many things without a quarrel at all. Quarrelling for anything good is absolutely necessary . It is just. Of course, at that time it's called protest, strike or by some other name .

Sometimes, quarrelling is finding fault with one another.It's an angry dispute . It's blaming one another.It's in which everyone feels that they are right.It's defending as well as offending. It isn't enough one has strong body, one must have strong mouth to quarrel. Quarrel isn't merely verbal abuse but also sometimes it's exchange of blows.It 's in quarrels paltry matters grow big . There's every possibility of a quarrel turning out dangerous.While quarrelling one must be always cautious and must have control over themselves otherwise something untoward may happen also .It's while quarrelling only one often says bye to wisdom. It's when old become kid like too. That's why often in quarrel 3rd party interference takes place. It is always better one keeps their mind cool whenever they enter into a quarrel.What one would have easily accomplished couldn't be accomplished through quarrelling .Every quarrel is in a way a lesson only.No man holds himself responsible for a quarrel . He holds the other man responsible for the quarrel . It is always daughter in law is at fault & not the daughter.Many have the habit of making others quarrel one another & laugh at them too. Many times quarrels are a drama to throw dust into others eyes.

There are several reasons behind quarrelling.There is purpose behind everything. All those who quarrel are not bad. Many times those who quarrel are better than those who do not quarrel also. Many of them fight for a cause. They are frank. They are good at heart. What to do? In order to make some understand quarrel is quite necessary too.

When a quarrel would greet a man? Quarrel is more unexpected than expected. It is more like thunder & lightning. There is no auspicious time for it at all . It may arise at any time. It greets a man sometimes in the morning . Sometimes in the evening. Sometimes in the midst of night time too. Often it takes one by surprise. Quarrel does not differentiate between dear & not dear at all. Some think that they cannot have anything without quarrelling at all. Quarrel is a weapon that many use not only to make others submissive but also to establish their right. It is a war of words.A quarrel normally begins with wordy duel and then accelerates. What form it would take thereafter and how it would culminate it couldn't be said. Some people make others quarrel and enjoy. In fact, they wait for an opportunity to make other people quarrel. Only some quarrels are good to look at that too from a distance. Everyone knows that quarrelling is bad yet they quarrel .Quarrelling is nature of some people.They need no reason to quarrel. Only women don't quarrel.Men too quarrel. Why kids also quarrel .Educated, illiterates everyone quarrel.It's foes only quarrel but friends too quarrel. Why even animals quarrel. Rat rat quarrel. Cat & cat quarrel and dog & dog quarrel too.There's no guarantee that one who is mild and who looks beautiful won't quarrel at all.

Quarrel is sometimes only between individuals.Sometimes, it's between groups of people.If husband and wife quarrel there would be no peace at home. Life becomes a hell. Children suffer. If neighbours are quarrelsome there would be no good relationship. How, when and between whom and whom quarrel would break out it couldn't be said and how a quarrel would end also it couldn't be said. A quarrel is for justice but no justice would be generally found in a quarrel. Often it's might that's right in a quarrel. By and large, quarrelling isn't an offence at all.

Where there's quarrel there's normally tension.Quarrels sometimes could do havoc. They are responsible for the fall of empires too. Where there are quarrels there's no unity. Quarrelling is a global phenomenon. There are only a few who wouldn't have quarrelled through out their life in the world.Though, a quarrel may do one some good , it could do one more bad also. Winston Churchill , the great Prime minister of Great Britain says"If we open a quarrel between past and present,we shall find that we have lost the future " Quarrel tears one another apart. It could make one another poles apart. Often, it's the third person who is benefited when two quarrel.

A quarrel depends more on people and their environment.Some quarrel and forget .Quarrel may make one stoop down to any level. As far as possible, it is better a quarrel doesn't take place.

Quarrels bring no one peace. It is they who make peace run far away. More one shuts mouth & ears less would be quarrels. Quarrels & anger are pals. They go hand in glove together.In quarrel former blames latter and latter blames former. With what all words they blame one another they themselves wouldn't know often. In frenzy they wouldn't be aware where they are what they are many a time. They make use of words that are not found in dictionary also. Often the beast that want discourse would be better than men in quarrels .It is well said by elders " If two persons quarrel it is the third person who always reaps the benefit " Many wait others to quarrel so that they could make profit from it. They utilize it as an grand opportunity.Under the influence of alcohol some quarrel. Some do not need alcohol to quarrel , they are by nature quarrelsome . If they do not quarrel with somebody they wouldn't have a sound sleep at all. People are afraid of talking with them even

Pride only breeds quarrels.The state of mind is often responsible for quarrels. Psychological factors contribute to quarrels. Ego is one of the main reason for quarrels.Where there's enmity there are quarrels.Unless enmity is banished the quarrels would continue . Some don't get sound sleep without quarrelling. If one quarrels it doesn't matter they must be friends later on. H.G. Wells was a famous English writer had written an essay named "The Pleasure of quarrelling "in which he says that quarrelling is an excellent way of passing the time and it is hygienic to quarrel, it disengages floods of nervous energy, the pulse quickens, the breathing is accelerated, the digestion improved. Then it sets one's stagnant brains astir and quickens the imagination; it clears the mind of vapours, as thunder clears the air. And, finally, it is a natural function of the body. In his natural state man is always quarrelling by instinct. Not to quarrel is indeed one of the vices of our civilization, one of the reasons why we are neurotic and anaemic, and all these things. And, at last, our enfeebled palates have even lost the capacity for enjoying a "jolly good row."

Jacob Ninan says Why do godly people quarrel? What can we do to avoid quarrels?He says that the simple answer is that it is because we are not perfect and because the devil is working night and day to try and cause us to quarrel,and thus to separate us.Their quarrels are generally unintentional , at least when they start. They misunderstand the situation, other people or God’s ways. They don’t remember that they are imperfect and that they don’t know everything. They don’t make allowance for the fact that others are also imperfect and that it is possible that others might misunderstand them.