Sense of Humor

What is sense of humor? Is everybody having sense of humor? Is it essential to have sense of humor always? Likewise, numerous questions pose us as soon as we think of sense of humor. Both man and animals weep. But only man laughs. All people laugh; but only a few can make others laugh. And only a specially gifted man can make a king, careworn with the burden of administration, laugh! Laughing is not always sense of humor. Laughing may be sometimes sarcastically even. Laughter brings a sense of lightness and freshness and infuses a new spirit. Laughter mirrors a man's nature. What does a man laugh at, whom does he makes fun of and why-these can show how mature his mind is. A person, who laughs at the lame and the blind or at those who slip and fall on the road, shows his immaturity. Similarly, a man who laughs in his vanity hurts the feelings of others. But humor which shows the foolish pride of others and tries to correct others is good humor which comes from a mind free from poison is good humor. Life demands serious thought, it is true. But laughter, too, is necessary. Humor lightens the mind. But our object in laughing at others should not be to wound others; our object should be to correct them. Laughter should be gentle and friendly.

Life is so busy that nobody finds time to think of anything else than their day-to-day affairs. One cannot enjoy life without sense of humor. There is nothing better than humor to enjoy at any time. Humor is an antidote to all ills. Sense of humor is neither expensive nor dangerous or harmful provided it is displayed discreetly.It is a magic wand that have the ability to make a life interesting and enjoyable. One is said to have sense of humor provided they mingle in society and share jokes, cracks jokes, shares happy moments and rejoice happiness of others too. Similarly, enjoys others company and makes others also enjoy their company. A good sense of humor has many benefits, A sense of humor can make one's life wonderful. One with sense of humor can adjust themselves to any situation in their life. Having a sense of humor is one of the greatest assets a person can have. One who has sense of humor seldom gets angry. It is a trait that one could possess. One who has it not only creates humor but also appreciate humor. Sense of humor is an armor, a shield,and an additional qualification.

A man can never be always serious. If one is always serious, definitely something is wrong with them. A man is a social animal. Kings and emperors used to have jesters in their courts just to have a lot of fun and get everyone amused. These jesters used to occupy eminent positions in the court too. Even in circuses, the role of a buffoon is a prominent one. The buffoon keeps us amused through out the circus and does not allow us to get bored any time. Especially during dangerous deadly displays in circus one’s tension would be reduced or controlled only because of their funny gestures. Literary works comprise of innumerable comedies.

Life is short; one should make the best use of the limited time span at their disposal. What that matters not how long one lived but how one lived. If one weeps always nobody likes them. There is a saying that whole world laughs when we laugh,whereas when we weep we have to weep alone. Laughter is the best medicine to keep one hale and healthy. Sense of humor carries always along with it laughter and happiness. Sense of humor not only makes one happy but also enables them to keep others happy. It is the sense of humor that enables one shed their worries. Recreation is always quite essential to a human being. Humor is that which creates a different atmosphere. It has ability to change an atmosphere. It creates a jolly atmosphere. It recreates everybody.

A good sense of humor is one of the most important human qualities. Sense of humor is really a virtue. It is a quality that is often appreciated. We human do not possess this quality in same quantum or proportion. It varies from person to person. Usually, intelligent have sense of humor, dullards lack it.In modern world it is a rare commodity. Yet, even to-day we find people who exhibit sense of humor despite they being in difficulties. Many people are remembered for their sense of humor only. Such people have their inimitable styles. Great orator’s speeches are filled with lot of sense of humor. Thus they make people more attentive and their speeches more impressive and effective. People travel distance and come and listen them for a long period without being unperturbed and bored. Those who have inimitable style of expressing sense of humor, leave behind an undaunted mark. When everybody is serious, tense, do not know what to do next, it is sense of humor among one of them that comes to the rescue, it diffuses the tension, it dilutes the situation, thus makes room for fresh thoughts and ideas and ultimately solution is found. Those who have a sense of humor generally have wit and presence of mind too. They balance sense and humor very well.

What is more important is expressing one’s sense of humor at appropriate time with well-meditated choosy words. One while using their sense of humor should know well the state of mind of person or persons are in or what is the situation and whether it is conducive to humor. It is better to know others temperament or mood at the outset. Otherwise their sense of humor may boomerang. If death of somebody has occurred in a family, or when one has incurred heavy losses in a business, or when one has not come out successful in an exam or interview, etc. are some of the instances when humor is not welcome. There are many such circumstances in life, which upsets one's mood. Thus it is not enough if one has sense of humor but should know when and how they should utilize it.

They should not use their sense of humor while dealing with poisonous snakes, serpents, fire or water or anything of that sort which may cost one’s life. While trying to fool somebody in the month of April in their enthusiasm some exceed limits while exhibiting their sense of humor and as a result something untoward incident might take place.

It is always better to remember that too much is always bad and equally applies to sense of humor. One should be careful with their sense of humor while dealing with weak-minded people. Some of weak-minded people do not have even understanding capacity. They misunderstand us and feel that they are insulted. Sense of humor may adversely affect weak-minded people and may cost their life also. One must always make use of their sense of humor appropriately. It is always better if one who has sense of humor has commonsense also.

Sense of humor is not a born quality but a developed quality. It is a pleasing quality. It develops in the company of friends and relatives. Those who have sense of humor may have friends not only people who are of their age but also children and aged people too.Sense of humor has no age, class, gender or any bias. Sense of humor is always beneficial not only to a person who has it but also to others too. Poverty, repeated failures; difficulties diminish the sense of humor in a person whereas happiness, successes, richness, leisure, knowledge etc develop the sense of humor further.

Sense of humor of a cruel man is barbaric. He enjoys at the cost of others. He tortures others and enjoys.What an evil has is a bad sense of humor. Silly paltry sexy jokes are not humor. It reveals the sickness of mind of those who crack such jokes. There are the people who are called sadistic. They enjoy when others are hurt or suffer. Their nature is such. By beating somebody they derive pleasure but it is not a sense of humor. Similarly some have the habit of uttering something or the other just to make others laugh and draw their attention and gain cheap popularity. What they say sometimes neither has any sense nor any humor. Rather it could be termed as nonsense. It is the sense of humor that keeps one lively. Sense of humor could be certainly called a boon. One definitely would like to have some recreation after a tiresome day or after a busy schedule. It is at that moment that sense of humor is of much avail. It is humor that rejuvenates them and makes them feel relaxed at that moment.

Generally, those who have no sense of humor become angry even when jocularly some remark is made. They mistake that the remark is targeted at them. They assume that they have become a laughing stock. Thus it is very difficult to deal with such people. They do not need any reason to lose their cool. If we have sense of humor, we could easily divert one’s attention, we could easily win over others friendship. Those who have sense of humor always receive red carpet welcome in a society and they could get on well also in a society too or in any situation.

Sense of humor draw one another closer and is advantageous especially to those who are in look out for a life partner. If both eligible bachelors have similar aptitude and sense of humor they come closer. Sense of humor does not mean mere cracking of jokes; it could be found in cartoons, mimicry, dancing, story telling, mono acting and singing etc. We could pour our sense of humor in anyone of these thereby engage others attention and give them relief from the hazards of routine life. Those who have sense of humor generally do not suffer from depression or any such mental illness for humor helps them to keep themselves busy and divert and drive away the negative thoughts. Further, such people do not like also other people to be gloomy or unhappy. They share only their happiness with others and not their sorrows. Their philosophy is to give more to the society than what they have received from it. Even under stress and strain, or at times of sorrow or distress, some do not lose their cool; they display their sense of humor and it is really rare and worth emulating .The people with a good sense of humor are prone to be optimistic ones.