Menschenrechte / Human Rights (2013/2)
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Menschenrechte / Human Rights (2013/2)
* Menschenrechte / Human Rights
Prominenter Dissident im Gefängnis in Vietnam im Hungerstreik
Vietnamese court convicts eight Montagnard as a "threat" to national unity
30.05.2013 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - A court in Vietnam's Central Highlands has sentenced eight ethnic Montagnards, mostly Christians, to sentences ranging from three to 11 years in prison. Members of this ethnic group have often been the victim of persecution in the Asian country. The court ruled that they were a "threat to the unity of the state" because of their membership in a Catholic group "not recognised" by Communist authorities in Hanoi. In recent weeks, the government has stepped up its attacks against religious groups, bloggers and dissident groups. For the authorities in Hanoi, they are a "threat" because they want greater personal freedom and are against one-party rule. [read more]
Vietnamese blogger detained on anti-state charges
30.05.2013 (CPJ) - Bangkok, May 30, 2013 - The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the detention of Vietnamese blogger Truong Duy Nhat on anti-state charges and calls for his immediate release.
"The arrest of Truong Duy Nhat is the latest instance of Vietnamese authorities using vague anti-state allegations to stifle a critical voice," said Shawn Crispin, CPJ's senior Southeast Asia representative. "Vietnam's prisons are bulging with innocent journalists and bloggers. It's time authorities halt this repressive practice and release all of the reporters now behind bars." [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
29.05.2013 (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) - In Vietnam ist ein prominenter Anwalt, der den Regierungschef wegen Zulassung einer chinesischen Bauxitgrube verklagt hatte, im Gefängnis in den Hungerstreik getreten. Cu Huy Ha Vu protestiere damit gegen die Haftbedingungen, sagte seine Frau Nguyen Thi Duong Ha am Mittwoch in Hanoi. [Weiterlesen] - [tiếng Việt]
Truong Duy Nhat : “Je ne suis pas un criminel ni un rétrograde”
27.05.2013 (Reporters sans frontières) - Le blogueur Truong Duy Nhat, l’un des plus influents de la blogosphère vietnamienne, a été arrêté, le 26 mai 2013, à son domicile de Da Nang (centre) par des enquêteurs du ministère de la Sécurité publique. Escorté jusqu’à l’aéroport, il a été transféré à Hanoï. “L’arrestation deTruong Duy Nhat est particulièrement inquiétante, car révélatrice de l’obstination des autorités à traquer et condamner toutes les voix dissidentes, malgré les appels à la libération qui ont émaillé il y a quelques jours le procès en appel de cinq blogueurs”, a déclaré Reporters sans frontières.
“Nous appelons à la libération immédiate et inconditionnelle de Truong Duy Nhat, et à l’arrêt de ces traques injustifiées”, a ajouté l’organisation. [en savoir plus] - [tiếng Việt]
Vietnam arrests well-known blogger Truong Duy Nhat for criticism
27.05.2013 (South China Morning Post) - Vietnamese police have arrested one of the country’s best known bloggers for posting criticism of the communist government. The arrest of 49-year-old Truong Duy Nhat is the latest in an intensified crackdown against dissent in the one-party state. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
France condemns the arrest of blogger Truong Duy Nhat
27.5.2013 (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France) - France condemns the arrest of blogger Truong Duy Nhat on 26 May in the city of Danang for "abusing democratic freedoms with acts against the state”.
This arrest follows a series of convictions handed down against rights defenders in Vietnam since autumn 2012, which breach human rights. France notably expressed its concerns after two young Vietnamese, Nguyen Phuong Uyen and Dinh Nguyen Kha, were sentenced to heavy punishments on 16 May. France is particularly attentive to these issues, which are the subject of a dialogue between the European Union and Vietnam.
France recalls its commitment to the worldwide freedom of expression and opinion, including online. It also recalls that these rights and freedoms are guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Vietnam is a Party, and calls on the Vietnamese authorities to ensure compliance. [tiếng Việt]
Vietnam sentences 8 to prison terms for trying to establish separate state for ethnic minority
29.05.2013 (The Washington Post) - HANOI, Vietnam — A Vietnamese court has sentenced eight people to long prison terms for attempting to establish a separate state for their ethnic minority. The case brings the number of people convicted of national security crimes to 46 so far this year. The Vietnam News Agency reported Wednesday that eight villagers aged 32 to 73 were convicted of “undermining national unity policy.” The People’s Court in Gia Lai province sentenced them to between three to 11 years in prison at the one-day trial Tuesday. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Newly-detained blogger insisted he was “neither criminal nor reactionary”
27.05.2013 (Reporters without borders) - Public security ministry officials yesterday arrested Truong Duy Nhat, one of Vietnam’s most influential bloggers, at his home in the central city of Da Nang and escorted him by plane to Hanoi.
“Nhat’s arrest is particularly disturbing as it shows that the government is bent on persecuting and jailing all dissidents, despite the many calls for the release of five bloggers when their appeals were heard last week,” Reporters Without Borders said. “We call for Nhat’s immediate and unconditional release and an end to this unjustified persecution.” [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
La France déplore vivement l’arrestation du blogueur Truong Duy Nhat
27.5.2013 (Le ministère des Affaires étrangères de France) - La France déplore vivement l’arrestation le 26 mai du blogueur Truong Duy Nhat dans la ville de Danang pour "atteintes aux intérêts de l’Etat par abus de droit ou de liberté".
Cette arrestation intervient à la suite d’une série de condamnations prononcées à l’encontre de défenseurs des droits au Vietnam depuis l’automne 2012, qui portent atteinte aux droits de l’homme. La France a notamment exprimé sa préoccupation après que deux jeunes Vietnamiens, Mme Nguyen Phuong Uyen et M. Dinh Nguyen Kha, ont été condamnés à de lourdes peines le 16 mai dernier. La France est particulièrement attentive à ces questions, qui font l’objet d’un dialogue entre l’Union européenne et le Vietnam.
La France rappelle son attachement à la liberté d’expression et d’opinion, y compris sur internet, partout dans le monde. Elle rappelle aussi que ces droits et libertés sont garantis par le Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, auquel le Vietnam est partie, et appelle les autorités vietnamiennes à en assurer le respect. [tiếng Việt]
Menschenrechtsbeauftragter verurteilt Festnahme von vietnamesischen Blogger
29.05.2013 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Berlin – Der Menschenrechtsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Markus Löning (FDP), hat die Festnahme eines vietnamesischen Bloggers verurteilt. In einer Pressemitteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes erklärte er heute (29.05.) zur Festnahme eines Bloggers und zur Versammlungsfreiheit in Vietnam:
“Ich verurteile die Festnahme des vietnamesischen Bloggers Truong Duy Nhat, die alleine auf seine kritischen Äußerungen über die Regierung und die Kommunistische Partei zurückzuführen ist. Das ist kein Einzelfall. Leider werden in Vietnam viele Menschen verfolgt, weil sie ihre Meinung äußern. Ich fordere die Freilassung aller politischen Gefangenen und die sofortige Einstellung des Verfahrens gegen Truong Duy Nhat”, sagte Löning am Mittwoch in Berlin.
Auch um die Versammlungsfreiheit sei es in Vietnam schlecht bestellt. Kürzlich seien in mehreren Städten in Vietnam friedliche “Menschenrechts-Picknicks” verhindert oder gewaltsam aufgelöst worden, so Löning weiter. “Vietnam ist dem Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte der Vereinten Nationen beigetreten und hat sich damit zur Einhaltung der Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit verpflichtet. Daran muss es sich auch halten”, betonte der Menschenrechtsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung. [tiếng Việt]
Jailed Vietnamese Dissident on Hunger Strike
28/05/2013 (RFA) - A prominent dissident jailed in Vietnam for trying to “overthrow the state” has begun a hunger strike after accusing the authorities of ignoring complaints of “unsuitable” prison conditions that have affected his health, according to his wife.
Nguyen Thi Duong Ha, the lawyer wife of imprisoned activist and legal expert Cu Huy Ha Vu, said that her husband had begun fasting on Monday for an indefinite period. She said that Vu felt that his heart condition had worsened due to unsatisfactory prison conditions which he had first raised with the authorities in November last year. Vu had singled out the actions of a prison guard, identified as Le Van Chien, who he said had left windows open at night as part of a bid to sicken him. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Kirche in Not
Amnesty Internation
Annual Report 2013 - Vietnam
Repression of government critics and activists worsened, with severe restrictions on freedom of expression, association and assembly. At least 25 peaceful dissidents, including bloggers and songwriters, were sentenced to long prison terms in 14 trials that failed to meet international standards. Members of ethnic and religious groups faced human rights violations. At least 86 people were sentenced to death, with more than 500 on death row. [read more]
Report 2013 - Asien & Pazifik
... In Vietnam wurden mehr als 20 Blogger, Liedermacher und andere friedliche Dissidenten aufgrund konstruierter Anklagen inhaftiert, weil sie angeblich die nationale Sicherheit bedrohten... [Weiterlesen]
UK Foreign & Commenwealth Office
Reporters sans frontières
Reporters without borders
Reporter ohne Grenzen
Open Doors
USDS - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Vietnam-Protesttag gegen die Diktatur der kommunistischen Partei Vietnams am 27.04.2013 in Stuttgart
- Warum kleben wir uns den Mund zu?
Vietnam arrests popular blogger
Vietnam : un célèbre blogueur arrêté
27.05.2013 (Le Figaro) - Un célèbre blogueur vietnamien a été arrêté pour ses articles contre le régime communiste de Hanoï, dans ce que certaines organisations décrivent comme une nouvelle vague de répression contre la dissidence.
Truong Duy Nhat, 49 ans, a été arrêté dimanche à son domicile dans la ville de Danang (centre) et emmené à Hanoï, selon le quotidien Tuoi Tre. Il est accusé d'avoir "abusé des libertés démocratiques pour porter atteinte aux intérêts de l'Etat", une accusation passible de sept ans de prison. Nhat est l'auteur du blog "Un point de vue différent", dans lequel il a publié des critiques et des commentaires sur la situation du pays, "suscitant de vifs débats" en ligne, a ajouté le quotidien. Le blogueur a travaillé pour la presse officielle jusqu'en 2011 avant de se concentrer sur son blog portant sur des questions politiques très sensibles. Le site a été fermé depuis. [en savoir plus] - [tiếng Việt]
Vietnam: arrestation d'un blogueur influent
27.05.2013 (Le Monde) - Truong Duy Nhat, Vietnamien de 49 ans, a été arrêté dimanche à son domicile dans la ville de Danang (centre) et emmené à Hanoï, selon le quotidien Tuoi Tre lundi. Ce célèbre blogueur, ex-journaliste, est accusé d'avoir "abusé des libertés démocratiques pour porter atteinte aux intérêts de l'Etat", une accusation passible de sept ans de prison au Vietnam.
Son blog "offrant une perspective alternative" sur des informations de la presse officielle lui a conféré une certaine reconnaissance et a "suscité de vifs débats", a rapporté de son côté le quotidien Thanh Nien. Nhat est l'auteur du blog intitulé "Un point de vue différent", dans lequel il a publié des critiques et des commentaires sur la situation du pays. Il a travaillé pour la presse officielle jusqu'en 2011 avant de se concentrer sur son blog. Le site a été fermé. [en savoir plus]
Kritik an der Regierung. Blogger in Vietnam verhaftet
27.05.2013 (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) - zal. Bangkok. Vietnams bedrängte kommunistische Führung weitet die Repressionen gegen ihre Kritiker aus. Am Sonntag wurde einer der bekanntesten Blogger und Journalisten des Landes in seiner Heimatstadt Danang verhaftet. Truong Duy Nhat wurde nach Hanoi gebracht, um «befragt» zu werden, hiess es. Der 49-Jährige soll «demokratische Freiheiten gebrochen haben, um die Interessen des Staates zu verletzen», berichteten Staatszeitungen. Ihm droht eine mehrjährige Haftstrafe. [Weiterlesen]
Wegen Regierungskritik: Vietnamesischem Blogger drohen sieben Jahre Haft
27.05.2013 (Deutschlandradio) - Weil er seine demokratischen Freiheiten missbraucht haben soll, ist in Vietnam ein Blogger verhaftet worden. Sollte der 49-Jährige Truong Duy Nhat verurteilt werden, drohen ihm nach Medienberichten bis zu sieben Jahre Haft. Der Journalist hatte auf seiner Internetseite wiederholt Kritik an der Einparteien-Regierung seines Landes geübt und unter anderem den Ministerpräsidenten zum Rücktritt aufgefordert. In den vergangenen Wochen waren die Behörden bereits verstärkt gegen andere Dissidenten vorgegangen. - [tiếng Việt]
Vietnam: Regierung sperrt kritischen Blogger weg
27/05/2013 (Spiegel Online) - Danang/Hanoi - Wegen kritischer Artikel über die kommunistische Regierung Vietnams ist ein bekannter Blogger des autoritär geführten Landes festgenommen worden. Dem 49-jährigen Truong Duy Nhat werde der "Missbrauch demokratischer Freiheiten gegen das Staatsinteresse" vorgeworfen, berichtete die staatliche Zeitung "Tuoi Tre" am Montag. Auf dieses Vergehen stünden bis zu sieben Jahre Haft.
Nhat hatte Ende April die Staatsführung zum Rücktritt aufgefordert und geschrieben, es sei "Zeit für einen neuen Partei-Generalsekretär und Regierungschef", um das Land aus seiner wirtschaftlichen und politischen Krise zu führen. [Weiterlesen]
Repression in Vietnam. Kritischer Blogger verhaftet
27.05.2013 (taz) - HANOI ap/dpa - Die vietnamesische Polizei hat einen der bekanntesten Blogger des Landes wegen regierungskritischer Äußerungen verhaftet. Der 49 Jahre alte Truong Duy Nhat wurde laut Medienberichten am Sonntag in der Stadt Danang verhaftet und für weitere Ermittlungen in die Hauptstadt Hanoi gebracht.
Ihm wird „Missbrauch demokratischer Freiheiten“ vorgeworfen, im Falle einer Verurteilung drohen ihm bis zu sieben Jahre Haft. In den vergangenen Woche ist die Regierung in dem Ein-Parteien-Land bereits mehrfach verschärft gegen Dissidenten vorgegangen. [Weiterlesen] - [tiếng Việt]
Periodista disidente arrestado en Vietnam por “propaganda” contra el Estado
27.05.2013 (El Periodico de Canarias) - La Policía vietnamita arrestó a un periodista disidente acusado de publicar en internet “propaganda” contra el Estado, publican hoy los medios locales.
La autoridades procedieron a la detención de Truong Duy Nhat durante la jornada del domingo en su residencia en Da Nang, provincias centrales de Vietnam, por el delito de “abusar de las libertades democráticas”, una ofensa que conlleva penas de hasta siete años de prisión, publica el diario “Thanh Nien”.
Truong, de 49 años, trabajó durante décadas en varios medios oficiales, como el de la Policía de Da Nang, pero en 2011 anunció su retirada de los medios tradicionales para centrarse en su propio blog. [seguir leyendo] - [tiếng Việt]
Reportes desde Vietnam afirman que un conocido bloguero ha sido arrestado en el país
27.05.2013 (Blog Voz desde el destierro) El diario local Thanh Nien afirmó que Truong Duy Nhat, quien escribe un blog titulado "Un punto de pista diferente", fue detenido en su domicilio en la ciudad de Danang, sospechoso de haber abusado de sus derechos democráticos. [seguir leyendo] - [tiếng Việt]
Vietnam - Blogger vietnamita arrestato, continua la repressione di Hanoi contro la dissidenza
27.05.2013 (AsiaNews) - Le autorità di Da Nang hanno fermato e condotto nella capitale per “interrogatori” il famoso blogger e attivista Truong Duy Nhat. Egli avrebbe diffuso attraverso la rete critiche al regime del partito unico e la nomina di nuovi vertici governativi e istituzionali. Solo nel 2013 il Vietnam ha imprigionato 38 persone per “crimini contro lo Stato”.
Truong Duy Nhat, 49 anni, è stato arrestato ieri nella sua casa di Da Nang, città costiera nel Vietnam centro-meridionale. Le forze della sicurezza lo hanno scortato fino ad Hanoi, dove è scattato il provvedimento di fermo giudiziario per sottoporlo a interrogatorio.
Il giornale governativo Tuoi Tre riferisce che l'attivista dovrà rispondere di "abuso delle libertà democratiche" al fine di "violare gli interessi dello Stato". Per questo capo di accusa Duy Nhat rischia fino a un massimo di sette anni di prigione. [continua a leggere] - [tiếng Việt]
Daniel Baer On Vietnam Human Rights
27.05.2013 (Bangkok Post) - A prominent Vietnamese blogger has been arrested for posting articles critical of the communist government, reports said on Monday, in the latest crackdown on dissent in the authoritarian country. Truong Duy Nhat, 49, was arrested Sunday at his home in coastal Danang city and escorted to Vietnam's capital Hanoi for questioning, the state-run Tuoi Tre newspaper said. He stands accused of "abusing democratic freedoms to infringe on the interests of the state", a charge that could result in a maximum seven years in jail, the report said.
Nhat, who had worked for Vietnam's official press but quit in 2011, writes the popular blog "A Different Viewpoint".
His posts offer alternative commentary on Vietnam's news from the staid official press, and Tuoi Tre said they had "attracted heated debate" online. It has not been possible to access his blog -- which frequently dealt with highly sensitive political issues -- since his arrest. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Brief an Herrn Markus Löning, Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für Menschenrechtspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe [lesen]
Letter to Mr. Markus Löning, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid 27.12.2012 [lesen]
Nicht nur Pussy Riot, auch Viet Khang und Anh Binh in Vietnam wurden wegen ihrer Musik zu hohen Haftstrafen verurteilt!
Pressemitteilung des Forums Vietnam 21 anlässlich der Verurteilung der Liedermacher Viet Khang und Tran Vu Anh Binh durch das Regime in Hanoi [weiter lesen]
“Vietnamese citizens still do not enjoy their universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms”25.05.2013 (VOA) - “The United States - Vietnam relationship is a dynamic one,” U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Baer recently told a group gathered in Washington, D.C. However, “Vietnamese citizens still do not enjoy their universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms.” U.S. concern regarding human rights in Vietnam, he said “touches every aspect of our relationship.”
Speaking to mark Vietnam Human Rights Day, Dr. Baer recently returned from leading a delegation to Vietnam for the U.S. – Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue. [read more]
Vinh, four Catholic activists sentence reduced on appeal, but peaceful protest continues
24.05.2013 (AsiaNews) - Sentence confirmed for four other defendants. They are part of a group of 14 people in prison on charges of "subversion" against the state. Pro human rights NGOs speak of "scandalous" judgment. The judges state that "any request for pluralism is against the law".
The People's Court of Vinh, a town in the province of Nghe An, on the north coast of Vietnam, has reduced the sentences for four of the 14 activists - mostly Catholics - convicted in January on charges of "subversion" against the state. Eight of them appealed and, after several postponements, the trial was held yesterday. The sentence for four others was instead confirmed, which human rights activists and international organizations have repeatedly branded as "scandalous ". Those who have had their sentence reduced include the famous Catholic blogger Paulus Le Van Son, who will have to serve four years in prison instead of the 13 years first handed down. [read more]
Appeal court upholds jail time for five bloggers
23.05.2013 (Reporters Without Borders) - A court in the northern city of Vinh on today ruled on the appeals by five bloggers – Ho Duc Hoa, Paulus Le Van Son, Nguyen Van Duyet, Thai Van Dung and Tran Minh Nhat - against their long jail terms, upholding the existing sentences for three of them and reducing the sentences of the other two. “Even if the appeal court reduced Son’s sentence by a considerable amount, it is still unacceptable and reflects the government’s determination to reduce all dissidents to silence,” Reporters Without Borders said. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Cinq blogueurs lourdement condamnés en appel
23.05.2013 (Reporters sans frontières) - Le 23 mai 2013 s’est tenu, devant la Cour suprême, le procès en appel de cinq blogueurs, Ho Duc Hoa, Paulus Le Van Son, Nguyen Van Duyet, Thai Van Dung et Tran Minh Nhat, condamnés en première instance à 4 à 13 ans de prison. Deux d’entre eux ont vu leur peine réduite, tandis que le verdict de la Cour de Vinh a été confirmé pour les trois autres. “Si la cour d’appel a nettement diminué la peine de Paulus Le Van Son, le verdict annoncé à ce jour reste inacceptable, et reflète l’obstination des autorités à contraindre toutes les voix dissidentes au silence. Les accusations portées contre eux étaient et demeurent purement mensongères. Aucun de ces cinq blogueurs n’a jamais œuvré au renversement du régime”, a déclaré Reporters sans frontières, qui continue de réclamer la libération des accusés. [en savoir plus] - [tiếng Việt]
A courageous mother, Nguyễn Thị Hóa: My son is innocent!
23.05.2013 Như Ngọc (Danlambao) - During the aggressive raid this morning, Nghe An police has mobilized a huge force as large as 10 times the number of local civilians. Among them, appeared a monstrous force of masked female police who were chasing, beating and arresting people. Local residents could identify this group of special female police by looking at their unique floral shirts and masks. Their masked faces look like those of the terrorists. They are very aggressive and cruel so that they have to veil their faces, fearing people could recognize them. [read more]
NGO’s: immediately release the human rights activists!22.05.2013 (Front Line Defenders) - We, the undersigned organisations, are seriously concerned over the appeals trial on Thursday, 23 May 2013 of eight human rights activists from the Catholic organisation Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, namely: Ho Duc Hoa, Paulus Le Son, Nguyen Van Duyet, Ho Van Oanh, Nguyen Dinh Cuong, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Thai Van Dung, and Tran Minh Nhat. We question the legitimacy of the forthcoming trial, and we condemn the reported ill treatment of the activists since they have been in detention. ... We call on the Government of Vietnam to immediately release the detained activists and to reverse the convictions for all fourteen. We also call on the Government of Vietnam to ensure the well-being of the activists while they are detained; guarantee just legal proceedings; and to investigate and hold to account those responsible for threats and harassment against them. [read more]
Blogger Me Nam, Binh Nhi and Sea Free arrested for Propagating Human Rights Documents 22.05.2013 (Dân Làm Báo) - Nha Trang. At around 17.00, blogger Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh (aka. Me Nam Gau) was arrested by the police while she was distributing copies of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and balloons with human rights logo to passerby. Other friends of hers, blogger Nguyen Tien Nam (aka. Binh Nhi) and blogger Pham Van Hai (aka Sea Free) were also detained. Hai was arrested while standing nearby with Quynh’s ID card in his hand. The three were taken to PA92 police station in Nha Trang city for interrogation. [read more]
Pressure Mounting on Vietnam to Improve Human Rights20.05.2013 By Shar Adams (Epoch Times) - WASHNGTON — In 1994, President Bill Clinton declared May 11 Vietnam Human Rights Day in the hope it would ease political, civil, and religious repression in Vietnam. Nearly two decades later, the rights picture remains grim, however, motivating members of the United States Congress and human rights groups to ramp up pressure on Vietnamese authorities to change. [read more]
Vietnam: 2 jeunes militants condamnés
17.05.2013 (Le Figaro) - Les Etats-Unis ont exigé aujourd'hui la libération immédiate de deux jeunes militants condamnés la veille à des peines de prison ferme pour propagande contre l'Etat, dénonçant la "tendance inquiétante" à la répression du régime communiste. Nguyen Phuong Uyen, étudiante de 21 ans environ, et Dinh Nguyen Kha, technicien informatique de 25 ans, ont écopé respectivement de 6 et 8 ans de prison après un procès expéditif devant le tribunal de la province de Long An (sud). [en savoir plus]
Vietnam: Wo „Menschenrechte“ ein Fremdwort sind...
17.05.2013 (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker) - Vam Ngaij Vaj war Angehöriger der ethnischen Hmong-Minderheit und gleichzeitig religiöser Führer der Bui Tre Kirche, die wiederum zu der offiziell anerkannten evangelischen Kirche Vietnams gehört. In der Provinz Dak Nong setzte sich der 38 Jahre alte Pastor engagiert für freie Religionsausübung und 2006 für den Bau eines Kirchengebäudes ein. Am 17. März 2013, zwei Tage nach seiner Verhaftung, wurde seinen Familienangehörigen mitgeteilt, dass er während der Haft Selbstmord begangen habe. Auf Fotos von Vams Körper sind Folterspuren zu sehen. Sein Bruder Hoang Van Pa, der in einer Nachbarzelle verhört wurde, bestätigte ebenfalls in einem Bericht, dass Vam während der Haft mehrmals geschlagen und mit Elektroschocks gefoltert worden war. Weder seine Familienangehörigen noch weitere Zeugen halten einen Selbstmord für wahrscheinlich. Die Obduktion seines Körpers wurde ohne das Wissen und die Zustimmung der Familie durchgeführt. [weiter lesen] - [tiếng Việt]
Bitte helfen Sie, unfaire Gerichtsverfahren, Rücksichtslosigkeit und staatliche Willkür bei der Verfolgung und Inhaftierung von Internet-Bloggern, religiösen Aktivisten und Angehörigen der ethnischen Minderheiten zu beenden.
Bitten Sie Außenminister Guido Westerwelle, sich für die Freilassung der politischen Gefangenen und für mehr Religions-, Meinungs-, Rede- und Versammlungsfreiheit einzusetzen! Email Protest: Vietnam: Menschenrechte dürfen kein Fremdwort sein!
US 'Concerned' at Conviction of Vietnamese Activists
17.05.2013 (VOA) - The United States says it is concerned at the prison sentences given to two young activists in Vietnam who were convicted this week on subversion charges. College student Nguyen Phuong Uyen was given six years in prison, while computer technician Dinh Nguyen Kha received eight years following a one-day trialThursday. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
False Charge by the Ministry of Public Security against Nguyen Phuong Uyen and Dinh Nguyen Kha
17.05.2013 Vũ Đông Hà - Translated by Hoàng Trúc (Danlambao) - The indictment by the General Department of Security and the Department of Defending Political Order (under Ministry of Public Security) concluded its wordy and verbose “arguments” with the following charge:
“By taking the above-mentioned acts, the accused, Dinh Nguyen Kha and Nguyen Phuong Uyen, have committed “conducting propaganda against the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Penal Code: [read more]
Vietnam sentences 2 students to 6 and 8 years in prison for distributing anti-China leaflets
16.05.2013 (The Washington Post) - HANOI, Vietnam — A Vietnamese court has sentenced two student activists to between six and eight years in prison for distributing leaflets calling on people to demonstrate against China. The sentences Thursday were the latest in an intensified crackdown against dissent in the one-party, authoritarian state. Lawyer Nguyen Thanh Luong says Nguyen Phuong Uyen was sentenced to six years, while Dinh Nguyen Kha received eight years after a one-day trial. They were arrested in October in Ho Chi Minh city for handing out leaflets urging protests against China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Lourdes peines de prison infligées à deux jeunes accusés d’avoir fondé un groupe de « jeunes patriotes »
16.05.2013 (Église d'Asie) - Ce 16 mai, une étudiante de 21 ans, Nguyên Thi Phuong Uyên, a comparu devant le Tribunal populaire de Long An en compagnie de Dinh Hguyên Kha, âgé de 25 ans. La première poursuit de brillantes études en « agro-alimentaire » en troisième année de l’université de Saigon. Le second, qui réside à Long An, est technicien en informatique. Ils ont été condamnés à de sévères peines de prison ferme : six ans pour Nguyên Thi Phuong Uyên et huit ans pour Dinh Nguyên Kha (1). Dans la matinée, le procureur avait requis de huit à dix ans de prison pour ce dernier et de cinq à sept ans pour la jeune étudiante. A l’issue de leur emprisonnement, les deux jeunes gens se verront assignés à résidence pour une durée de trois ans. [en savoir plus] - [tiếng Việt]
Hohe Haftstrafen wegen regierungsfeindlicher Propaganda in Vietnam
16.05.2013 (Ostthüringer Zeitung) - Ein Gericht im südlichen Vietnam hat zwei junge Aktivisten am Donnerstag zu langen Haftstrafen wegen regierungsfeindlicher Propaganda verurteilt. Wie ihr Anwalt mitteilte, muss die 21-jährige Studentin Nguyen Phuong Uyen für sechs Jahre ins Gefängnis, der 25-jährige Computertechniker Dinh Nguyen Kha für acht Jahre. Beide müssen danach noch jeweils drei Jahre unter Hausarrest verbüßen. Sie wurden für schuldig befunden, umstürzlerische Flugblätter verteilt und zu Demonstrationen gegen die Regierung aufgerufen zu haben. [weiter lesen] - [tiếng Việt]
Vietnam condena a dos activistas que incitaban a manifestarse contra China
16.05.2013 (Página siete) - Dos activistas vietnamitas fueron condenados hoy por un tribunal de justicia de la antigua Saigón a penas de ocho y seis años de cárcel tras ser hallados culpables de repartir propaganda que alteraba el orden público.
Los condenados, ambos estudiantes, fueron detenidos el pasado mes de octubre en Ho Chi Minh cuando distribuían panfletos que incitaban a manifestarse en las calles contra las demostraciones soberanistas de China en territorio nacional, según el medio Thanh Nien.
En los últimos años, Vietnam ha detenido y condenado a penas de prisión a decenas de activistas políticos, periodistas y blogueros, acusados de poner en peligro la seguridad nacional. La autoridades del país defienden que no persiguen o detienen a nadie por sus creencias políticas o religiosas, sino a quienes violan la ley - [tiếng Việt]
Vietnam jails activists for 'propaganda' leaflets
16.05.2013 (The West Australian) - HANOI (AFP) - Vietnam jailed two young activists Thursday for distributing anti-government leaflets, in a case slammed by rights groups as a fresh attempt by the communist regime to silence its critics. University student Nguyen Phuong Uyen, 21, was given six years in prison for anti-state propaganda, while computer technician Dinh Nguyen Kha, 25, was jailed for eight years, their lawyer told AFP. Both will have to serve an additional three years of house arrest afterwards, lawyer Nguyen Thanh Luong said by telephone from the court in the southern province of Long An. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
HRW - Vietnam: Drop Charges for Leafleting
Activists Targeted for Criticizing Government Relations with China
15.05.2013 (Human Rights Watch) - Vietnam should drop charges and free two activists arrested in October 2012 for “conducting propaganda against the state. Nguyen Phuong Uyen and Dinh Nguyen Kha are scheduled to be tried in the People’s Court of Long An province on Thursday, May 16, 2013.
According to state media, Nguyen Phuong Uyen and Dinh Nguyen Kha were arrested for handing out leaflets that “distort the Party and the State’s policies related to religion and land, and exhibit a twisted viewpoint regarding the Spratly and Paracel islands and the border land between Vietnam and China.” The state media accused the two of “calling and agitating people to protest against the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.” [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Global lenders 'linked to Vietnam land grabs'
Global Witness accuses companies bankrolled by World Bank and Deutsche Bank of driving land-grabbing crisis in region.
13.05.2013 (Al Jazeera) Global Witness, a group that campaigns on resource issues, has accused Vietnamese rubber firms bankrolled by an arm of the World Bank and Germany's Deutsche Bank of driving a land-grabbing crisis in Southeast Asia. [read more]
Vietnam firms involved in 'illegal land grabs'
13.05.2013 By Jonathan Head (BBC News South East Asia) - An environmental group has accused two Vietnamese rubber firms of involvement in massive land grabs in Cambodia and Laos. In its report, Global Witness said HAGL and Vietnam Rubber Group had been allocated over 280,000 hectares for rubber plantations in the countries. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Netizen Prize winner prevented from taking international flight
13.05.2013 (Reporters Without Borders) Reporters Without Borders condemns the Vietnamese public security ministry’s decision to prevent the well-known blogger Huynh Ngoc Chenh from travelling abroad. Winner of the 2013 Netizen Prize, which Reporters Without Borders awards annually with support from Google, Chenh and his daughter were stopped at Ho Chi Minh City airport as they were about to board a flight to the United States on 10 May. Reporters Without Borders regards the travel ban as a reprisal for Chenh’s blogging and staunch defence of freedom of expression. His influence as a blogger is growing both within Vietnam as well as internationally and the Netizen Prize is thought to have played a role in the decision to impose the ban. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Le lauréat du prix du Net-citoyen 2013 empêché de quitter le pays
13.05.2013 (Reporters sans frontières) Le blogueur Huynh Ngoc Chenh, lauréat du prix du Net-citoyen 2013, décerné par Reporters sans frontières avec le soutien de Google, a été empêché par les autorités vietnamiennes de quitter son pays le vendredi 10 mai 2013. Il devait se rendre aux États-Unis, en compagnie de sa fille, quand il a été retenu à l’aéroport de Saïgon à la demande du ministère de la Sécurité publique.
Reporters sans frontières dénonce cette mesure comme une forme de représailles contre un blogueur influent, fervent défenseur de la liberté d’expression, qui acquiert une influence grandissante dans son pays et à l’étranger. L’attribution du prix du Net-citoyen aurait joué un rôle dans cette décision des autorités vietnamiennes. [en savoir plus] - [tiếng Việt]
Stanford Law School’s Allen Weiner Files Comments on Viet Nam’s Response to United Nations Petition on Behalf of Seventeen Detained Vietnamese Social and Political Activists
09.05.2013 by Judith Romero (SLS News) - Stanford, Calif. On behalf of seventeen Vietnamese social and political activists, Allen Weiner, senior lecturer in law and director of the Stanford Program in International and Comparative Law, has filed comments in response to the Vietnamese government’s reply to a petition filed last year with the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) that challenged the legality of the arrest and detention of the activists. Weiner, counsel for the petitioners, rejects the justifications invoked by the government of Viet Nam for the activists’ detention and reiterates the request that Viet Nam release all of the detainees immediately to remedy the human rights violations stemming from their arbitrary arrest and detention. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
More information:
Read the April 25, 2013 comments on Viet Nam’s reply to the petition: Vietnam UNWGAD comments GOV reply w_annexes (25 APR 13).
The original petition is available here: UNWGAD Vietnam Petition (25 JUL 12).
09.05.2013 (Amnesty International) "In order to uphold the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, and ensure that there is accountability for the human rights violations which occurred on 5 and 6 May 2013, Amnesty International recommends that your government:
Immediately launch an independent, impartial and effective investigation into these incidents, and ensure that those responsible for human rights violations, in particular, unnecessary use of force and ill-treatment of peaceful activists, are brought to justice..." Isabelle Arradon, Amnesty International - Asia Pacific Deputy Director [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Human Rights Watch - Vietnam: Stop Blocking ‘Human Rights Picnics’ !
Activists Harassed and Assaulted for Discussing Rights
10.05.2013 (Human Rights Watch) - The Vietnamese authorities should stop impeding and abusing people trying to hold “human rights picnics” in public spaces. Despite government abuse and bullying, some people did succeed in holding informal gatherings and discussed the day’s events online. On Sunday, May 5, 2013, a group of Vietnamese rights activists made a public call for people to meet and discuss human rights issues at public parks in Hanoi, Nha Trang, and Ho Chi Minh City. The authorities employed various devices to prevent people from attending and dispersed those who arrived at the parks in Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnamese rights activists are calling for public distribution and discussion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Sunday, May 12. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Vietnam Human Rights Day 2013
08.05.2013 (VOA) - Nineteen years ago, the United States Congress designated May 11 as Vietnam Human Rights Day to highlight our nation’s support for promoting and protecting basic, internationally-recognized freedoms in that Southeast Asian nation. To mark the occasion, a ceremony and discussion forum will be held at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., today, May 9, involving members of Congress, labor leaders, non-governmental groups and members of Vietnamese communities from across our country.
The date marks one of the most prominent episodes in human rights advocacy in Vietnam. It was on that day in 1990 that a Vietnamese physician, Dr. Nguyen Dan Que, and other activists published a “Program for the Non-Violent Movement for Human Rights in Vietnam.” [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Police use violence against bloggers at human rights picnics
08.05.2013 (Reporters without Borders) - Bloggers and netizens who took part in “picnics to discuss human rights” in public places in several Vietnamese cities on 5 May were violently attacked by police and many were briefly detained.
“We firmly condemn this deliberate police violence against news providers and we are very disturbed to see that such unacceptable violence seems to be the automatic and systematic response from the authorities to any attempt to use freedom of expression,” Reporters Without Borders said.
“The authorities should take firm and exemplary disciplinary measures against the police officers responsible for this violence.” [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Violent raid policier contre des blogueurs08.05.2013 (Reporters sans frontières) Le 5 mai 2013, plusieurs blogueurs et net-citoyens, qui s’étaient donné rendez-vous dans plusieurs villes du pays pour un “pique-nique de discussion autour des droits de l’homme”, ont été violemment agressés par la police. Nombre d’entre eux ont été arrêtés avant d’être relâchés.
“Nous condamnons avec force les violences délibérées perpétrées par les forces de l’ordre contre ces acteurs de l’information. Nous sommes profondément inquiets de constater que ces violences inacceptables semblent être la réponse automatique et systématique des autorités à toute initiative en faveur de la liberté d’expression”, a déclaré Reporters sans frontières.
“Les autorités doivent prendre des mesures disciplinaires fermes et exemplaires à l’encontre des policiers responsables de ces violences”, a ajouté l’organisation. [en savoir plus] - [tiếng Việt]
Banned Vietnamese Buddhist Group's Pagoda Blockaded
07.05.2013 (RFA) - Security forces in northern Vietnam surrounded the pagoda of a banned Buddhist group over the weekend and barred monks from leaving the monastery, in the latest crackdown on the group in the one-party communist state. The blockade of the Giac Hoa Pagoda belonging to the banned Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) in Ho Chi Minh City came as activists gathered in parks in cities across the country to stage “picnic” demonstrations calling for protection of human rights. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Bloggers were arrested and attacked while having picnic to discuss Human Rights
07.05.2013 Danlambao (CNN iReport) - May 5, 2013, a large number of youths, bloggers, and internet users gathered for picnics in public parks held across 4 urban cities of Vietnam: Saigon, Hanoi, Hai Phong and Nha Trang. As per their open call on social media and blogs, the purpose of these picnic gatherings is to enjoy outdoor weather, meet old friends and make new ones, and to discuss universal human rights, but above all, to have fun with friends and families. ... Unfortunately, instead of encouraging open discussion about universal human rights during the time when the Vietnamese government is calling for citizens' input for its constitutional amendments, as early as 6:30 am on the morning of May 5, the authorities made its presence known with hundreds of security police, both in uniforms and plain clothes. They used various tactics to stop people from participating in these picnics, including violent means. Barbed wires were set up around the perimeters of all the parks, and police used metal sticks, batons, to strike at participants. Cameras and cell phones were also confiscated. [read more]
Phu Thanh ward, Tan Phu district’s police beat up Vi Hoàng Nguyen
07.05.2013 (VRNs) - Sài Gòn. Updated news about Vi Hoang’s family at 19:00 (May 6th, 2013) as follows: A security police pressed his smoking cigarette into Vi Hoang’s mother forehead and hit her in the face making her fainted. Chi Thao Nguyen, Vi Hoang’s sister, was hit on the mouth, she broked 3 teeth and bleeded a lot at the nose. Chau Van Thi, Hoang Vi’s friend, was mortally wounded being hit on the head and bleeding. Hoang Vi was very tired and developped shortness of breath ... [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Sài Gòn: She was there at the walk for Human Rights this morning
07.05.2013 (VRNs) - Sài Gòn 07:30 AM, I am sitting at Hàn Thuyên street Cafe, it is not too hot today weather wise, however, the area in the vicinity of the public park is getting “hot” with all kind of police/security uniforms including those in civilian outfits plus Bluetooth in their ears holding newspapers walking/taking posts in the area. I sat for more than one hour and I was on high alert; today meeting may not turn out well; because it appeared that the security fellows were making a big deal out of this, whereas, this is just a typical meeting to discuss/exchange normal information. ... [read more]
“We can’t even have a good time and talk about our rights”: Vietnamese police repressed Human Rights picnic
Sunday May 5th, 2013 (The 88 Project) - Young Vietnamese activists organized for the first time Human Rights picnics to share documents on and discuss about human rights. The day before, before May 5th, Trinh Kim Kim and Paolo Thanh Nguyen led a group to discuss the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in front of their house to start off the event. The discussion went well, with photos and videos posted on their blogs and YouTube. But the actual picnics that were going to take place in public parks in Hanoi, Saigon, Hai Phong and Nha Trang got repressed, at times violently, by public security forces. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]Communist Rulers Extracted Blogger Điếu Cày From Camp Xuyên Mộc To An Unknown Location
04.05.2013 (VRNs) - Bà Rịa Vung Tàu. Breaking News at 22:00, Mrs. Duong Thị Tân and her son have come home at 15:30, April 28, 2013. Mrs. Tân informed VRNs that it was indeed the police from Division 8 of Public Security Bureau who extracted blogger Điếu Cày-Nguyễn Văn Hải from camp Xuyên Mộc. This information has only been obtained after an argument between Mrs. Tân and the camp police. [read more]
ROG-Welttag der Pressefreiheit - Vietnam: Rang 172/179 in Sachen Pressefreiheit
03.05.2013 (FVN21) - Zum Welttag der Pressefreiheit hat die Organisation Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG) ihre neue Liste der "Feinde der Pressefreiheit" vorgestellt. 39 Staatschefs, paramilitärische Gruppen und kriminelle Netzwerke, die Journalisten verfolgten und versuchten, Medien gleichzuschalten, stehen auf der ROG-Liste 2013. Dazu gehören der Generalsekretär der KP Vietnams Nguyễn Phú Trọng, Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin, die Staatschefs von Aserbaidschan und Weißrussland, Ilcham Alijew und Alexander Lukaschenko, Drogenkartelle aus Mexiko, Mafiagruppen aus Italien sowie
Taliban-Chef Mullah Omar. Vietnam liegt auf der Rangliste der ROG auf einem der letzten Plätze (Platz 172 von 179). Vietnamesische Journalisten und Netizens würden wegen ihrer Veröffentlichungen bedrängt, eingesperrt. Nach ROG sind zur Zeit zwei Journalisten und 31 Blogger in Haft, darunter Nguyen Van Hai, bekannt als Blogger Dieu Cay, der zu 12 Jahren Gefängnis und anschließend 5 Jahren Hausarrest von einem "Volksgericht" verurteilt wird. [tiếng Việt]
Reporter ohne Grenzen - Rangliste der Pressefreiheit 2013 - Die Plätze
Reporters without borders - Predators of freedom of information in 2013
Reporters sans frontières - Les prédateurs de la liberté de l’information en 2013
39 leaders, groups named as Predators of Freedom of Information in 2013
03.05.2013 (Reporters without Borders) - On World Press Freedom Day, Reporters Without Borders is releasing an updated list of 39 Predators of Freedom of Information – presidents, politicians, religious leaders, militias and criminal organizations that censor, imprison, kidnap, torture and kill journalists and other news providers. Powerful, dangerous and violent, these predators consider themselves above the law. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
39 Prédateurs de la liberté de l’information recensés par RSF en 2013
03.05.2013 (Reporters sans Frontières) - A l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse, Reporters sans frontières publie une liste de 39 Prédateurs de la liberté de l’information, chefs d’Etats, hommes politiques, chefs religieux, milices et organisations criminelles qui censurent, emprisonnent, enlèvent, torturent et parfois assassinent les journalistes et autres acteurs de l’information. Puissants, dangereux, violents, ces Prédateurs se considèrent au-dessus des lois. [en savoir plus] - [tiếng Việt]
RSF registra 39 predadores de la libertad de información en 2013
03.05.2013 (Reporteros sin Fronteras) - Con ocasión del Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa, Reporteros sin Fronteras publica una lista de 39 predadores de la libertad de información: jefes de Estado, políticos, jefes religiosos, milicias y organizaciones criminales que censuran, encarcelan, secuestran, torturan y, en ocasiones, asesinan a periodistas y otros actores de la información. Poderosos, peligrosos, violentos, estos predadores consideran que están por encima de la ley. [seguir leyendo] - [tiếng Việt]
Case study: Vietnam
02.05.2013 Huynh Ngoc Chenh (Foreign Office blogs/Foreign & Commenwealth Office) - In 1988, when Dr Ha Si Phu wrote a think-piece entitled “a shared journey of the intellect” it was subsequently photocopied and passed from hand to hand by his closest associates. This piece, which exposed flaws in Marxist-Leninist theory, was well received by intellectuals and the wider public at that time. Right after that, for more than a year, Ha Si Phu not only endured criticism by the mainstream media and a number of state ideologues – at the request of the authorities – but also was sent to prison afterwards. Following his release, Phu was put on probation and has been under surveillance ever since. His probation came to an end in 2003, but to date anyone visiting him has been watched closely, and harassed, by the security forces. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Vietnamese Dissident Blogger ‘Discriminated Against’ in Prison
01.05.2013 (RFA) - Family members of jailed Vietnamese prominent dissident Nguyen Van Hai say they are concerned about his well-being after being informed by prison officials that he has been transferred to yet another prison camp without any explanation. Hai, popularly known by his pen name Dieu Cay, is serving a 12-year jail sentence from September for “conducting propaganda against the state” after his online articles slammed one-party communist rule in Vietnam and highlighted alleged abuses by the authorities. The blogger’s ex-wife Duong Thi Tan and the couple’s son Nguyen Tri Dung learned on Sunday when they went to visit Hai at the Xuyen Moc prison camp in southern Vietnam’s Ba Ria-Vung Tau province that he had been transferred out of the facility on April 26 “without any notification to his family,” Tan said. [read more]
UK Foreign & Commenwealth Office - Report on Human Rights and Democracy / Vietnam
25.04.2013 (UK Foreign & Commenwealth Office) The lack of legal and political accountability in one-party state Vietnam remains a serious obstacle to progress on human rights. The main areas of concern relate to civil and political rights, in particular freedom of expression. In 2012, there has been little or no sign of improvement in these areas. [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Pressing Vietnam On Human Rights27.04.2013 (VOA) - The United States and Vietnam have cooperated in many areas to expand the scope and depth of our relations, but the human rights situation there remains of concern. ... Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dan Baer traveled to Hanoi recently for the latest round of regular dialogues between U.S. and Vietnamese leaders to discuss human rights issues. The meeting covered several concerns, including religious freedom, the rule of law, prisoners of conscience, labor rights and freedom of expression. ... The deputy assistant secretary was granted permission to visit Father Nguyen Van Ly, a religious and human rights activist jailed for “inciting dissent.” He also met privately with the wives of two leading democracy advocates also under arrest there. [read more]
Visiting colleagues in Vietnam
24.04.2013 Maartje Duin (Site Maartje Duin) - In Vietnam, critical writers and bloggers are systematically persecuted. Following the PEN Cards Promo, Maartje Duin went to Vietnam to interview them.
In November I received a strictly confidential mail with strict instructions from PEN Netherlands. The organization is part of PEN International and stands up for oppressed writers worldwide. Attached was a list that is not allowed to circulate freely on the internet. ... The most striking thing was the long list from Vietnam. Striking for me anyway, because I was planning to visit that country. But also because I knew little about how freedom of expression was limited there. I counted 24 names ... [read more] - [tiếng Việt]
Vietnam/Deutschland: Vietnamesischer Stipendiat beim Weimarer Bürgermeister
Schriftsteller Bui Thanh Hieu wartete lange auf seine Ausreisegenehmigung
22.04.2013 (IGFM) - Weimar/Frankfurt a.M./Hanoi (22. April 2013) – Heute wird Peter Kleine, Bürgermeister der Stadt Weimar, den vietnamesischen Schriftsteller Bui Thanh Hieu im Rathaus empfangen. Der Friedl-Dicker-Stipendiat ist direkt aus Hanoi gekommen. Er ist einer der prominenteste Menschenrechtsverteidiger in der vietnamesischen Hauptstadt, und sein Ausreiseverbot ist dank des großen Einsatzes der deutschen Regierung vor wenigen Tagen aufgehoben worden, loben die Organisationen: „Weimar Stadt der Zuflucht“ und die Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM), die den Fall seit anderthalb Jahren gemeinsam betreuen. Auch der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Menschen-rechte, Markus Löning, hatte sich bei seinem Besuch in Vietnam Ende letzten Jahres für diese Ausreise eingesetzt. [weiter lesen]
US: Human rights worsening in China, Vietnam
20.04.2013 by Matthew Pennington, The Associated Press (The Jakarta Post) - Human rights conditions are deteriorating in China and Vietnam but improving in Myanmar as it continues on its bumpy path to democracy, the U.S. said Friday. In Vietnam, another one-party state, the report said the government has attacked critical web sites and spied on, fined, arrested, and convicted dissident bloggers. The U.S. also criticized the imprisonment of dissidents using vague national security legislation, and restrictions on religious and labor rights. [read more]
Vietnam, US far apart on human rights
19.04.2013 By Chris Brummitt and Matthew Pennington (Associated Press) - HANOI, Vietnam (AP) -- Vietnamese authorities seeking to stop a well-known democracy activist from meeting an American diplomat last weekend deployed an unusual weapon - a group of elderly ladies.
The women blocked the road leading to the dissident's house, preventing a U.S. Embassy vehicle from reaching the house. The vehicle was supposed to take the dissident to a downtown hotel to meet with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dan Baer, who was trying to get first-hand accounts from activists and the families of those imprisoned inside the one-party, authoritarian country. [read more]
In Strasbourg, free expression linked to Vietnam diplomacy
18.04.2013 By Bob Dietz/CPJ Asia Program Coordinator (Committee to Protect Journalists) - There is good news from Strasbourg that follows up on my entry from earlier this week, "European Parliament has chance to take on Vietnam." Today, the European Parliament did exactly that when they unanimously adopted an Urgent Resolution on Vietnam. It was a wide-ranging document, but a large part was devoted the freedom of expression issues that are central to CPJ's concerns. In Article 7, the European Parliament:
... reiterated that the human rights dialogue between the EU and Vietnam should lead to concrete progress on human rights and democratisation; calls, in this respect, on the European Union to consistently raise concerns about human rights violations in Vietnam at the highest levels and to intensify pressure on the Vietnamese authorities to lift Internet and blogging controls and prohibitions on privately owned media, allow groups and individuals to promote human rights and express their opinions and dissent publicly... [read more]
Vietnam: Mise à jour – Le procès en appel de huit défenseurs des droits humains aura lieu prochainement
17.04.2013 (Front Line Defenders) - Le 24 avril 2013 à 07h30, le procès en appel des défenseurs des droits humains messieurs Ho Duc Hoa, Thai Van Dung, Paulus Le Son, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Tran Minh Nhat, Nguyen Dinh Cuong, Ho Van Oanh et Nguyen Van Duyet débutera à Vinh, dans la province de Nghe An, sur la côte nord du Vietnam. Les défenseurs des droits humains font partie d’un groupe de dix-sept défenseurs des droits humains arrêtés entre le 30 juillet et le 16 août 2011.
Ils sont tous membres de l’organisation catholique la Congrégation du Très Saint Rédempteur (Dong Chua Cuu), et participent activement à la promotion et à la protection des droits sociaux, économiques et culturels au Vietnam. En janvier 2013, 14 d’entre eux ont été condamnés à des peines de 3 à 13 ans de prison. Ils sont détenus et jugés en vertu des articles 79 et 88 du Code pénal vietnamien, qui punissent respectivement la « subversion de l’administration » et la « propagande contre l’État ». [en savoir plus]
Vietnam: Actualización: se avecina la audiencia de apelación de ocho defensores de los derechos humanos
16.04.2013 (Front Line Defenders) - El 24 de abril de 2013, a las 07:30 horas, dará comienzo la apelación en el juicio a los Sres. Ho Duc Hoa, Thai Van Dung, Paulus Le Son, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Tran Minh Nhat, Nguyen Dinh Cuong, Ho Van Oanh y Nguyen Van Duyet, en la ciudad de Vinh, provincia de Nghe Ane, la región centro norte de la costa vietnamita. Ellos forman parte de un total de diecisiete defensores arrestados entre el 30 de julio y el 16 de agosto de 2011.
Todos ellos son miembros de la organización católica Congregacion del Más Santo de los Redentores (Dong Chua Cuu) y trabajan activamente en la promoción y protección de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales en Vietnam. En enero de 2013, catorce de ellos fueron condenados a sentencias entre 3 y 13 años, detenidos y juzgados en función de los artículos 79 y 88 del Codigo Penal de Vietnam que, castiga la “subversión de la administración” y “llevar adelante propaganda contra el estado”, respectivamente. [seguir leyendo]
Vietnam: Update – Upcoming appeal trial of eight detained human rights defenders
15.04.2013 (Front Line Defenders) - On 24 April 2013 at 7.30am, the appeal trial of Messrs Ho Duc Hoa, Thai Van Dung, Paulus Le Son, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Tran Minh Nhat, Nguyen Dinh Cuong, Ho Van Oanh and Nguyen Van Duyet will start in Vinh city, in the province of Nghe An on the north central Vietnamese coast. The human rights defenders are part of a larger group of seventeen human rights defenders who were arrested between 30 July and 16 August 2011.
They are all members of the Catholic organisation Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Dong Chua Cuu), and are actively involved in the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights in Vietnam. In January 2013 fourteen of them were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 3 to 13 years. They have been detained and tried under articles 79 and 88 of the Vietnamese penal code, which, respectively, punish 'subversion of the administration' and 'conducting propaganda against the state'. [read more]
PEN RAPID ACTION - VIETNAM: Fears for the health of imprisoned writer and activist
28.03.2013 (PEN International) - PEN International is seriously concerned for the health of writer and activist Nguyen Huu Cau, who is seriously ill and denied adequate medical care in the prison camp where he is serving a life-time sentence for his critical writings. PEN International protests his imprisonment, and demands his immediate and unconditional release on humanitarian grounds and in accordance with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which Vietnam is a signatory.
According to PEN’s information, Nguyen Huu Cau, 67, is a poet, songwriter, human rights defender and anti-corruption activist. He was arrested by public security police on 9 October 1982 for having authored an ‘incriminating’ manuscript of songs and poems. Nguyen Huu Cau had reportedly noted allegations of rape and bribery committed by the two high level officers on the back of the pages of the original manuscript.
Nguyen Huu Cau was accused of committing ‘destructive acts’ that were supposedly ‘damaging’ to the government’s image and on 23 May 1983, he was sentenced to death. His mother submitted an appeal on his behalf and a year later, on 24 May 1985, the Court of Appeals commuted his capital sentence into life imprisonment. The manuscript was reportedly not used as evidence in the trial against him, in order to protect the two officers concerned.
In the many years since, Nguyen Huu Cau has reportedly been held in harsh solitary confinement. He has apparently now lost most of his vision and is almost completely deaf. Nguyen Huu Cau suffers from a serious heart condition, which is worsening because of the lack of adequate medical attention and the deplorable prison conditions. He was recently reported to be in very poor health, according to his daughter returning from an authorized periodical visit to the camp deep in the jungle. Concerns for his well-being are acute. Nguyen Huu Cau is being held at forced labour camp K2 Z30A Xuan Loc, Dong Nai province, Vietnam.
Samples of Nguyen Huu Cau’s poems and songs are attached, translated from the Vietnamese by Nguyen Hoang Bao Viet of Suisse Romande PEN.
Please send appeals:
Expressing serious concern for the health of imprisoned writer and activist Nguyen Huu Cau and urging that he is given full access to all necessary medical care as a matter of urgency;
Calling for his immediate and unconditional release on humanitarian grounds and in accordance with Article 19 of the ICCPR to which Vietnam is signatory.
Appeals to be sent to:
His Excellency Truong Tan Sang
President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
C/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Nguyên Tân Dung
Prime Minister
1 Hoang Hoa Tham Street
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Please note that there are no fax numbers available for the Vietnamese authorities, so you may wish to ask the diplomatic representative for Vietnam in your country to forward your appeals. It would also be advantageous to ask your country’s diplomatic representatives in Vietnam to intervene in the case.
For some Vietnamese embassies in the world:…
***Please send appeals immediately. Check with PEN International if sending appeals after 30 April 2013.***
PEN RAPID ACTION - Vietnam: Sorge um Gesundheit des inhaftierten Journalisten Nguyen Huu Cau
28.03.2013 von Writers in Prison (PEN Zentrum Deutschland) - Der internationale PEN ist ernsthaft besorgt um das Wohlergehen des Schriftstellers und Aktivisten Nguyen Huu Cau, der schwer krank ist und dem jede adäquate medizinische Hilfe verwehrt wird. Wegen seiner kritischen Texte verbüßt Nguyen Huu Cau eine lebenslange Haftstrafe in einem Gefangenenlager. Der internationale PEN protestiert gegen die Inhaftierung und verlangt seine unmittelbare und bedingungungslose Freilassung aus humanitären Gründen und unter Berufung auf Artikel 19 des Internationalen Pakts für bürgerliche und politische Rechte, zu dessen Unterzeichnern Vietnam gehört.
Bitte senden Sie Protestbriefe:
Drücken Sie Ihre tiefe Besorgnis bezüglich des Gesundheitszustands des inhaftierten Schriftstellers und Aktivisten Nguyen Huu Cau aus und drängen Sie darauf, dass ihm voller Zugang zu jeder notwendigen medizinischen Hilfe gewehrt wird.
Fordern Sie seine unverzügliche und bedingungslose Freilassung aus humanitären Gründen unter Berufung auf Artikel 19 des Internationalen Pakts für bürgerliche und politische Rechte, zu dessen Unterzeichnern Vietnam gehört.
Schreiben Sie an:
I.E. die Botschafterin von Vietnam
Frau Dr. Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh
Botschaft der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam
Elsenstraße 3
12435 Berlin-Treptow