

Repressive Vietnam a poor host for Apec

31.10.2017 (The Nation) - Jailing dissidents ahead of the economic summit is bad advertising for global efforts to improve the world. Unfortunately, it’s got off to a bad start by cracking down on activists in preparation for the arrival of world leaders...

Donald Trump goes to Asia: What to look out for

31.10.2017 (Inquirer.net) - US President Donald Trump will make his maiden visit to Asia from Nov. 3 to 14, making stops in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. Trump will attend the Apec summit in Da Nang, Vietnam, and Asean events in Manila, the Philippines. ...

Vietnamese University Plans to Accept Bitcoin Despite Central Bank Ban

31.10.2017 Samburaj Das (CryptoCoinsNews) - FPT, a private Vietnamese university is planning to accept tuition fees in bitcoin with a workaround of the central bank’s ban ...

State Bank of Vietnam bans cryptocurrency

31/10/2017 (AtoZ) - Following the footsteps of Chinese imposed ban on ICOs, Vietnam is now against the use of cryptocurrency in the country. Thus, State Bank of Vietnam bans cryptocurrency by announcing it as illegal in the country. ...

Vietnam Catholic Priests Harassed, Threatened by 'Red Flag' Group

30.10.2017 (RFA) - Two priests from Vinh diocese in central Vietnam were surrounded and threatened on Monday by a mob of 300 people waving red flags, in what the clergymen and rights group said is part of a broad pattern of government supported abuse in the Southeast Asian country. ...

Vietnam prohíbe el uso de criptomonedas como medio de pago

30.10.2017 Zuleika Salgado (CriptoNoticias) - El gobierno de Vietnam reafirmó su posición en contra del uso de las criptomonedas en su territorio a través de la actualización de leyes específicas que regulan su uso como medio de pago en el país. ...

Vietnam erklärt Bitcoin für illegal

30.10.2017 (deStandard) - Nachdem China Bitcoin-Plattformen geschlossen hat, erklärte nun die vietnamesische Zentralbank Bitcoin und andere Kryptowährungen für illegal. ...

Vietnam : la fille d'une blogueuse emprisonnée appelle Melania Trump à l'aide

28.10.2017 (Europe1) - La fille de la blogueuse "Mother Mushroom", emprisonnée en juin pour propagande contre l'État, espère que Melania Trump pourra faire libérer sa mère. La fille de dix ans de "Mother Mushroom" ("Mère champignon"), une blogueuse vietnamienne emprisonnée pour dissidence, a appelé à l'aide Melania Trump, la Première dame des États-Unis, dans un courrier rendu public jeudi sur le compte Facebook de sa grand-mère. ...

La hija de la bloguera vietnamita 'Madre Seta' apela a Melania Trump para ayudar en la liberación de su madre

27.10.2017 (Europa Press) - HANÓI (Reuters/EP) - La hija de 10 años de la famosa bloguera vietnamita Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, conocida como 'Madre Seta' --o 'Nam Me', en vietnamita--, acusada por un delito de difusión de propaganda contra el Estado y condenada a 10 años de prisión, ha apelado a la primera dama de Estados Unidos, Melania Trump, a ayudar en la liberación de su madre ante la visita al país del sudeste asiático del presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump. ...

Vietnam Dissident's Daughter Calls on Melania Trump for Help

27.10.2017 (US News & World Report) - Reuters - The 10-year-old daughter of a jailed Vietnamese blogger, "Mother Mushroom", has appealed to U.S. First Lady Melania Trump to help win her mother's release ahead of President Donald Trump's visit to Vietnam next month. ...

Vietnam: six ans de prison pour un étudiant blogueur critique du régime

26.10.2017 Frédéric Noir (RFI) - Un étudiant vietnamien a été condamné mercredi 25 octobre à six ans de prison et quatre en liberté surveillée pour propagande contre le régime communiste. Le pays est accusé par certaines ONG de vouloir réduire au silence les voix dissidentes à l'approche du sommet de l'Apec (Coopération économique Asie-Pacifique) qui se tiendra au Vietnam du 6 au 11 novembre prochain. ...

Vietnam may 'run out of sand in 5 years'

26.10.2017 (The Straits Times) - HANOI • The Vietnamese authorities are looking at producing artificial sand amid warnings by experts that the country could run out of sand within five years due to over-exploitation of the natural product, local media reported. Sand along the country's local rivers have long been exported to many foreign countries. ...

Vietnam student activist jailed for six years

25.10.2017 (Daily Mail) - A Vietnamese student was sentenced Wednesday to six years in prison for anti-state propaganda, as the government tightens its grip on critics before an Asia-Pacific summit in the country next month. Phan Kim Khanh, 24, was sentenced for anti-state activities, his lawyer told AFP, blasting the trial as "biased". ...

Un tribunal de Vietnam condena a seis años de cárcel a un activista por "difundir propaganda contra el Estado"

25.10.2017 (europapress) - Un tribunal de Vietnam ha decretado este miércoles la entrada en prisión del estudiante activista Phan Kim Khanh, de 24 años, condenado a seis años de cárcel y cuatro de libertad condicional por "difundir propaganda contra el Estado", según ha informado el abogado del joven, Ha Huy Son. ...

Asia-Gemüse: Höchst­werte für Pestizide über­schritten

25.10.2017 (Stiftung Warentes) - Die Schweizer Verbraucherzeitschrift Saldo ließ 20 frische asiatische Gemüse und Kräuter aus Thai­land, Vietnam und Sri Lanka im Züricher Kantons­labor auf Pestizide untersuchen ...

HRW reclama a Vietnam que retire los cargos contra un bloguero y le libere "inmediatamente"

24.10.2017 (Cuatro) - La organización no gubernamental Human Rights Watch (HRW) ha reclamado este martes al Gobierno de Vietnam que retire los cargos y libere "inmediatamente" al bloguero Khanh Kim Khanh, detenido en marzo por publicar comentarios contra el Estado. ...

Vietnam: Drop Charge Against Student Activist

24.10.2017 (HRW) - (New York) – Vietnam should drop all charges and immediately release student blogger Phan Kim Khanh, Human Rights Watch said today. Vietnam’s donors and regional leaders should make it clear that they will demand that all political prisoners be released before the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit taking place in Da Nang the week of November 6-11. ...

The Duc Ngo, Berliner Meisterkoch

24.10.2017 (DW) - Der Gastronom The Duc Ngo ist bei der Gala der "Berliner Meisterköche" als "Gastronomischer Innovator" geehrt worden. Er besitzt in Berlin zehn Restaurants ...

Pêche illégale : le carton jaune de l'Europe au Vietnam

24.10.2017 (Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes) - La commission européenne a adressé ce lundi un « carton jaune » au Vietnam au sujet de la pêche illégale. Sans réaction positive, le pays pourrait être identifié comme « non coopératifs » et se voir interdire l’exportation de ses produits de pêche vers l’Europe, un marché important. ...

EU gives Vietnam 'yellow card' over illegal fishing

23.10.2017 (Daily Mail) - The European Union said Monday it has given a "yellow card" to Vietnam, warning the Pacific country it could ban seafood exports unless Hanoi did more to tackle illegal fishing. ...

Vietnam’s last chance: Sustainable tourism

23.10.2017 By Alistair Denness (Asian Corresponden) - DESPITE being a cautionary tale dating back to the Industrial Revolution, the economy-versus-ecology dilemma continues to plague many developing countries to this day. Vietnam is no exception, with Hanoi boldly exploiting its natural resources in its quest to achieve economic growth. ...

Pulau Bidong Under Water Gallery New Tourist Attraction In Terengganu

22.10.2017 (Bernama) - KUALA NERUS -- Pulau Bidong, previously known as a refugee camp for the Vietnamese between 1978 and 1990, with its beautiful seabed an rich marine treasures and artifacts is set to be the first underwater gallery in the country and Asia. ...

Unesco: entre la cruz y la espada

21.10.2017 (La Razón) - El viernes 13 de octubre: Los 58 miembros del Consejo Ejecutivo fueron llamados a depositar su voto secreto por nueve impetrantes, provenientes de Azerbaiyán, China, Vietnam, Líbano, Guatemala, Irak, Egipto, Catar y Francia. ...

Catholic woman arrested for subverting the state in Vietnam

20.10.2017 (UCAnews) - Catholics in a central Vietnamese province have expressed support for a female activist who was arrested for "attempting to overthrow the government." Teresa Tran Thi Xuan, a member of Cua Soc Parish, was arrested while traveling to work in her home province of Ha Tinh on Oct. 17. ...

Vietnam emerging as the next outsourcing powerhouse

20.10.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review) - Ho Chi Minh City -- Vietnam wants to be the next big thing in business process outsourcing -- an ambition that was clear for all to see at an industry conference in the country's commercial capital on Thursday and Friday. ...

Liebesglück und heisse Suppe – die Bestsellerautorin Kim Thúy wiederholt sich

20.10.2017 Katharina Borchardt (NZZ) - Die Bücher von Kim Thúy sind erfolgreich, aber es gibt ein Problem: Sie sind kaum auseinanderzuhalten. Schon optisch wirken die drei bisher erschienenen Romane wie Drillinge ...

UK anti-slavery drive must stop victims before they leave Vietnam - activists

19.10.2017 by Kieran Guilbert (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - LONDON - Britain's funding boost to stop people being trafficked from Vietnam and enslaved in brothels, nail bars and cannabis farms must prioritise people most at risk of falling into the hands of traffickers, anti-slavery charities said on Thursday. ...

Slices of Life Behind Bars: A Memoir By A Female Prisoner of Conscience

18.10.2017 Đào Trường Phúc (Danlambao) - "Slices of Life Behind Bars" - the title chosen by Tiếng Quê Hương Publishing Group for this book by Phạm Thanh Nghiên - could be considered "the first memoir of prison life ever written by a female prisoner of conscience under the communist regime in Vietnam". ...

Vietnam arrests dissident for attempt to overthrow government

18.10.2017 (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnamese police have arrested a dissident accused of attempting to overthrow the government, the communist state’s official website said on Wednesday, bringing to at least 17 the number of dissidents arrested this year. ...

China once welcomed refugees, but its policies now make Trump look lenient

18.10.2017 By Jessica Meyers (Los Angeles Times) - Nearly four decades ago, Mo Fengyue leaned over the boat carrying her to China and dumped her Vietnamese identity cards into the river. With a flick of the wrist, Mo sacrificed the land of her birth for an ancestral homeland she’d never known. ...

Saigon Calling by Marcelino Truong review – an amazing achievement

17.10.2017 Rachel Cooke (The Guardian) - Marcelino Truong’s complex, finely judged and utterly riveting memoir is a sequel to his 2016 book, Such a Lovely Little War, in which he told the story, as seen through his boyhood eyes, of Saigon at the beginning of the 60s... This volume, however, is set not in Saigon, but in London, where Khanh has been appointed to a high-ranking job at the Vietnamese embassy – though the grim news from home is, of course, never any further away than the next BBC bulletin. ...

Hochwasser in Vietnam - Weitere Überschwemmungen befürchtet

17.10.2017 (Südtirol Online) - In Vietnam haben Einsatzkräfte die Leichen weiterer Überschwemmungsopfer geborgen. Damit stieg die Zahl der Toten durch das Hochwasser im Zentrum und Norden des Landes auf 83, ...

Ex Vietnam MP jailed for stealing $16mil housing deposits

17.10.2017 (The Star) - HANOI: A former Vietnamese lawmaker has been sentenced to life in prison for fraud after she pocketed $16 million in down-payments from would-be homeowners when she was a real estate developer, a court clerk said Tuesday. ...

#StopTheCrackdownVN: RSF joins counter-offensive against Vietnam’s persecution of bloggers

17.10.2017 (RSF) - As another citizen-journalist, Phan Kim Khanh, awaits trial on 25 October on a charge with a possible 20-year jail sentence, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) joins nine other human rights groups ...

Viet Nam: Stop the Crackdown Against Human Rights Defenders and Bloggers | Joint Letter

17.10.2017 (Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada) - A coalition of Vietnamese and international human rights groups are coming together to Stop the Crackdown in Vietnam – Ngưng Ngay Đàn Áp. Vietnam is in the midst of an unprecedented political crackdown against peaceful expression. ...

Oppositions-Kritik unerwünscht

16.10.2017 Bennett Murray und Bac Pham (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - In Vietnam findet im nächsten Monat ein großer Asien-Pazifik-Gipfel statt. Erwartet wird auch US-Präsident Trump. Zuvor versucht der kommunistische Ein-Parteien-Staat, kritische Stimmen verstummen zu lassen. ...

Hochwasser in Vietnam: Zahl der Toten auf 72 gestiegen

16.10.2017 (derStandard) - Hanoi – Nach den verheerenden Unwettern in Vietnam ist die Zahl der Toten auf 72 gestiegen. Während sich das südostasiatische Land bereits auf den nächsten Sturm vorbereitete, ging am Montag die Suche nach mindestens 30 Vermissten weiter, wie der Katastrophenschutz mitteilte. ...

Vietnamesischer Machtpoker - Spielball in Fraktionskämpfen der KP

16.10.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN taz | Der Ende Juli von Berlin nach Vietnam entführte Ex-Politiker und Geschäftsmann Trinh Xuan Thanh sitzt seitdem in Untersuchungshaft in Hanoi. Ende September wurde in Hanoi der Ex-Chef des staatlichen Ölkonzerns Nguyen Xuan Son wegen Untreue zum Tode verurteilt. ...

Umweltschäden durch Sandabbau - Strand aus Glaskieseln

15.10.2017 Thomas Nitz (taz) - Sand wird weltweit knapp. Singapur. Der Stadtstaat hat seine Fläche seit den 1960er Jahren durch Aufschüttungen vor seiner Küste um 20 Prozent vergrößert. Den Sand dafür lieferten Indonesien, Kambodscha und Vietnam. Mit fatalen Folgen: ...

Der Jangtse spült am meisten Plastik ins Meer

13.10.2017 (SZ) - Zehn Flüsse befördern weltweit mit großem Abstand den meisten Plastikmüll ins Meer. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen Forscher des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Umweltforschung Leipzig und der Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf in einer umfassenden Studie. In der Hitliste der Schande sind acht asiatische Gewässer vertreten. ...

Vietnam Blogger Phan Kim Khanh to Face Trial on Oct. 25

13.10.2017 (RFA) - Student activist and blogger Phan Kim Khanh will go on trial later this month on charges of “propaganda against the state,” a controversial article of the country’s penal code used to target dissidents, his lawyer said on Friday. ...

Vietnam accused of denying health care to prisoners

13.10.2017 (Vietnam Right Now) - Concern is growing for the health of some political prisoners in Vietnam amid reports that the government sometimes withholds adequate medical care to try to force confessions. ...

Vietnam. Cristianos perseguidos por el régimen por defender los derechos humanos

13.10.2017 (Hispanidad) - En Vietnam, el Estado continúa siguiendo de cerca a los miembros del grupo de jóvenes activistas católicos de la diócesis de Vinh arrestados por el régimen en el año 2011. ...

Nghe An, Catholic activists still victims of regime’s "judicial persecution"

12.10.2017 (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City (AsiaNews / EdA) - Public security continues to closely follow the members of the group of young Catholic activists in the Vinh diocese who were arrested by the regime in 2011. ...

Rights Group Demands Release of Vietnam’s Mother Mushroom on Anniversary of Arrest

12.10.2017 (RFA) - Vietnam should “immediately and unconditionally” free a blogger sentenced to prison for “disseminating anti-state propaganda” and end the persecution of other activists targeted under the vaguely-worded criminal act, a rights group said on the one-year anniversary of her jailing. ...

Jailed Vietnamese Activist in Failing Health, Denied Family Phone Calls

10.10.2017 (RFA) - A Vietnamese land rights activist sentenced to an eight-year prison term on charges of attempting to overthrow the government is in failing health and has not been allowed to speak to her family by phone since being jailed, her brother says. ...

SWR2 Tandem - Tagebuch einer Ausreise. Das Verhör

10.10.2017 Von Bùi Thanh Hiếu - Gelesen von Simon Mazouri - (SWR) - In den nächsten Monaten stellen wir in unseren Klappstuhllesungen Geschichten von Autorinnen und Autoren vor, die in ihren Heimatländern verfolgt werden. Den Anfang macht eine Erzählung von Bùi Thanh Hiếu, der 1972 in Hanoi/Vietnam geboren wurde. ...

One Year After Arrest, Demand for Release of Vietnamese Human Rights Defender Me Nam

10.10.2017 (Civil Rights Defenders) - Public Statement - On 10 October 2016, Vietnamese authorities arrested blogger Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, known by her pen name Me Nam (Mother Mushroom), on charges of spreading propaganda against the State. On 29 June, Me Nam was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Civil Rights Defenders calls on the government of Vietnam to immediately and unconditionally release Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh ...

Vietnam sacks top communist official

06.10.2017 (Daily Mail) - The communist party chief of one of Vietnam's largest cities was fired Friday for violating party rules, the government said, part of the country's massive anti-corruption sweep targeting political heavyweights and executives. ...

Morddrohungen gegen Journalisten

06.10.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN - Zwei vietnamesische Journalisten werden in Berlin Opfer einer Hetzkampagne. Zwei Frauen verfolgen sie und veröffentlichen ihre private Daten - „Ich möchte auf ihn zielen und einmal abdrücken. ...

Hanoi, so geht's aber nicht

06.10.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - In der Affäre um den aus Berlin entführten vietnamesischen Ex-Politiker Trinh Xuan Thanh besteht die Bundesregierung laut einer Presseerklärung nicht mehr auf der Rückführung des Mannes nach Deutschland. Sie fordert lediglich ein rechtsstaatliches Verfahren für den durch Vietnams Geheimdienst entführten Mann mit internationalen Prozessbeobachtern. Zudem die Bestrafung der Verantwortlichen sowie eine Entschuldigung der Hanoier Regierung, verbunden mit der Zusicherung, dass derartige Rechtsbrüche in Zukunft unterbleiben. ...

Bundespolizei deckt erneut Schleusung auf

05.10.2017 (Focus) - Am frühen Donnerstagmorgen beendeten Bundespolizisten die Einschleusung von vier Vietnamesen auf der Bundesautobahn 12. Den polnischen Schleuser nahmen die Beamten vorläufig fest. ...

Zuständig für Auslandspropaganda und Asylentscheide

04.10.2017 Von Peter Nowak (nd) - Der Bescheid des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) im thüringischen Jena/Hermsdorf war für Kanha Chhuns eine große Enttäuschung. Ihre Anträge auf Asylanerkennung wurden abgelehnt. Auch der subsidiäre Schutzstatus wurde ihnen nicht zuerkannt. Der Ablehnungsbescheid, der »nd« vorliegt, ist mit Ho unterzeichnet. Das Kürzel steht für Ho Ngoc. T. ...

Vietnam Battles Political Scandals As Trump Announces APEC Visit

04.10.2017 Brett Davis (Forbes) - It was confirmed in recent days that U.S. President Donald Trump will travel to Vietnam in early November to attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in the coastal city of Danang. Meanwhile, preparations for the gathering were thrown into turmoil after news broke two of Danang’s top leaders are facing disciplinary measures for what was described as “official misconduct.” ...

Death is no deterrent in corrupt Vietnam

03.10.2017 (The Nation) - BANGKOK - Conviction for corruption in high places in Vietnam can bring a sentence of death, and yet even that doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent there. Last week it was the turn of a former chairman of state-owned PetroVietnam to be handed a death sentence and a bank's former chief executive was jailed for life in what has been called the biggest fraud trial in modern Vietnamese history, involving 51 defendants. ...

What McMaster Gets Wrong About Vietnam

03.10.2017 By Ronald Spector (Politico) - The national security adviser wrote a rightly acclaimed history of America’s most controversial war. Thirty years later, it still has much to teach us about a conflict our leaders never understood. - In the middle of 1997, almost exactly 30 years after I had entered the Marine Corps and begun my own journey to Vietnam, I was asked to review a new book for the New York Times. ...

With Fundraisers, Vietnamese Show Love of Country, Rancor Towards China

02.10.2017 Ha Nguyen (VOA) - HO CHI MINH CITY — As Vietnam struggles to keep the peace with neighboring China, one of its citizens believes he has something to add to Hanoi’s arsenal: his antique collection. ...

Dissident Buddhist hermit arrested in An Giang

29.09.2017 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – Vietnamese authorities have held Vuong Van Tha, a member of an unsanctioned sect of Hoa Hao Buddhism, in solitary confinement since his arrest in May, this according to the Interfaith Council of Vietnam, a group that promotes religious freedom in the country. ...

Coupable de fraude de millions de dollars, un banquier condamné à mort

29.09.2017 (TVA Nouvelles) - Un ancien dirigeant de banque a été condamné à mort vendredi au Vietnam, dans un grand procès pour fraude de plusieurs millions de dollars qui met en lumière la corruption au plus haut niveau au sein du système financier du pays communiste. ...

An Giang, arrestado ermitaño budista disidente

29.09.2017 (AsiaNews) - Hanói - Las autoridades vietnamitas detienen en régimen de aislamiento desde mayo pasado a Vuong Van Tha, miembro de una secta no autorizada por el gobierno del budismo Hoa Hao. ...

Vietnam fraud trial: Death penalty for ex-head of OceanBank

29.09.2017 (BBC) - The former head of a major Vietnamese bank has been sentenced to death for his role in a fraud case involving millions of dollars of illegal loans. Nguyen Xuan Son, who served as general director of OceanBank, was convicted of embezzlement, abuse of power and economic mismanagement. ...

Vietnam - Ex-Chef von staatlichem Ölkonzern zum Tod verurteilt

29.09.2017 (Spiegel Online) - In Vietnam ist der ehemalige Vorstandsvorsitzende des staatlichen Ölkonzerns Petro Vietnam, Nguyen Xuan Son, zum Tode verurteilt worden. Ein Gericht in der Hauptstadt Hanoi sprach den 55-jährigen Ex-Manager wegen Untreue schuldig. ...

Vietnam Arrests Activist Nguyen Viet Dung For ‘Anti-State Propaganda’

28.09.2017 (RFA) - Authorities in central Vietnam’s Nghe An province have taken activist Nguyen Viet Dung into custody for allegedly disseminating anti-state propaganda, according to his father, who said the reason for his son’s arrest was unclear. ...

Vietnam has a debt problem

27.09.2017 By Khai Nguyen (Asia Times) - Country's communist leadership has failed to arrest a rising budget deficit rooted in government inefficiency and waste. Since 2000, the Vietnamese government has consistently overspent its budget. ...

Heimat für Fortgeschrittene - Vom Mekong in die Mitte Deutschlands

27.09.2017 (FVN21) - Claudius Verlag: Chi Dung Ngo flieht 1978 mit dem Einmarsch der Kommunisten in Südvietnam nach Deutschland. Als vietnamesischer Bootsflüchtling fängt er im Alter von nur 16 Jahren in Deutschland ein neues Leben an. Seine Geschichte ist die eines Aufbruchs ohne Ziel. ...

Vietnam's harsh summer: state launches largest crackdown on dissidents in years

26.09.2017 Bennett Murray in Hanoi (The Guardian) - Ho Thi Chau, 25, was left alone and blacklisted after her husband was returned to jail for “attempting to overthrow the [Vietnamese] government” last week. ...

Craintes sur la liberté religieuse au Vietnam

26.09.2017 Claire Lesegretain avec Église d’Asie (La Croix) - Le 11 septembre, Vu Chiên Thang a été nommé au poste de directeur du Bureau gouvernemental des affaires religieuses, l’organisme qui gère les activités et l’organisation des religions au Vietnam. ...

Vietnamesische Schüler sollen keine englischen Spitznamen tragen

26.09.2017 (NZZ) - (dpa) Das Bildungsreferat der 8,5-Millionen-Einwohner-Stadt verfügte nach einem Bericht der staatlichen Tageszeitung «Tuoi Tre», dass Lehrer ihre Schüler im Unterricht künftig mit dem vietnamesischen Namen ansprechen müssen. ...

Vietnam uses water cannon to disperse protest at global fashion brands supplier

25.09.2017 Mai Nguyen (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnamese authorities on Monday used water cannon and electric rods to end a five-month long protest by villagers blockading a textile plant that serves global fashion brands, an official and a villager said. ...

Malaria: Resistente Parasiten erreichen Vietnam

24.09.2017 (Deutsches Ärzteblatt) - Bangkok – Ein resistenter Stamm von P. falciparum, der sich seit einigen Jahren in Kambodscha ausbreitet, hat jetzt Vietnam erreicht. Britische Tropenmediziner sprechen von einer bedrohlichen Situation. ...

Will Vietnam let its human rights record stifle trade with the EU?

23.09.2017 By Xuan Loc Doan (Asia Times) - With the collapse of the Transpacific Partnership (TPP), of which it was tipped to be the biggest beneficiary, Vietnam is counting on a trade agreement with the European Union to diversify the country’s commercial ties and sustain economic growth. But the ambitious free-trade deal it agreed with the EU is now also at risk. ...

Following the abduction in Berlin - Another Vietnamese diplomat expelled

22.09.2017 (Federal Government) - Following the abduction of a Vietnamese national in Germany at the beginning of August, the German government has expelled another member of staff of the Vietnamese Embassy. The Vietnamese government has not used the weeks since the abduction to rebuild the trust that had been destroyed in bilateral relations, in spite of the calls of the German government. The abduction was an "unacceptable violation of the law". That is why the German government has expelled another employee of the Vietnamese Embassy. ...

Malaria warning as resistant strain spreads to Vietnam

22.09.2017 (France24) - BANGKOK (AFP) - A form of malaria that is resistant to standard treatment has spread to Vietnam for the first time, researchers warned Friday. ...

Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amts zu neuen Entwicklungen im Fall des in Berlin entführten Vietnamesen Trinh Xuan Thanh

22.09.2017 (Vertretungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Vietnam) - Ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amts sagte anlässlich neuer Entwicklungen im Fall des in Berlin entführten Vietnamesen Trinh Xuan Thanh heute (22.09.): ...

Statement of Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson on 22.9 in the case of Trinh Xuan Thanh

22.09.2017 (German Embassy Hanoi) - A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (22 September) in response to new developments in the case of Vietnamese citizen Trinh Xuan Thanh, who was abducted from Berlin: ...

Vietnamese Protesters to Maintain Blockade of Polluting Textile Factory

22.09.2017 (RFA) - Protesters in northern Vietnam’s Hai Duong province have vowed to continue blocking the entrance to a textile factory that has polluted local water supplies, despite threats from local authorities, until the company ceases operation and moves from the area. ...

Deutsch-vietnamesische strategische Partnerschaft auf Eis gelegt

22.09.2017 (Sputnik) - Die deutsche Bundesregierung hat einer Pressemitteilung des Auswärtigen Amts zufolge beschlossen, die strategische Partnerschaft mit Vietnam wegen der Entführung des vietnamesischen Geschäftsmanns Trinh Xuan Thanh in Berlin auszusetzen. ...

Weiterer Diplomat unter Verdacht und ausgewiesen

22.09.2017 (ARD) - Sechs Wochen nach der Entführung eines Vietnamesen in Berlin hat die Bundesregierung einen weiteren Mitarbeiter der vietnamesischen Botschaft ausgewiesen. Er wird verdächtigt, in den Fall verwickelt zu sein. Auch wird eine Entschuldigung erwartet. ...

Nach Entführung in Berlin - Weiterer Diplomat Vietnams ausgewiesen

22.09.2017 (Die Bundesregierung) - Nach der Entführung eines vietnamesischen Staatsangehörigen aus Deutschland Anfang August hat die Bundesregierung einen weiteren Mitarbeiter der vietnamesischen Botschaft ausgewiesen. Die Entführung sei für die Bundesregierung ein unakzeptabler Rechtsbruch, sagte Regierungssprecher Seibert in Berlin. ...

Germany expels second Vietnamese diplomat over 'Cold War-style' abduction

22.09.2017 Riham Alkousaa (Reuters) - Berlin - Germany said on Friday it had ordered a second Vietnamese embassy official to leave the country, after the alleged kidnapping of a Vietnamese businessman who had applied for asylum and was facing corruption allegations back home. ...

Deutschland weist weiteren vietnamesischen Diplomaten aus

22.09.2017 (DW) - Die Entführung eines Ex-Funktionärs der Kommunistischen Partei Vietnams sorgt für Krach zwischen Berlin und Hanoi. Die Bundesregierung wies als Konsequenz nun einen weiteren Mitarbeiter der vietnamesischen Botschaft aus. ...

A purge too far in Vietnam?

21.09.2017 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - In recent weeks, business executives have been arrested for corruption, state bankers have been sent to jail, leading politicians have gone strangely absent, the Politburo has been shuffled in a rare rotation and an ex-state enterprise leader was kidnapped by agents in the German capital of Berlin. ...

China's projects in Vietnam earn reputation for poor quality, delays

20.09.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review ) - HO CHI MINH CITY -- Hanoi's first elevated railway line has had its trial run in September cancelled without an alternative being proposed by the builders from China. ...

Jailed Viet Dissident is Latest in Rising Crackdown

20.09.2017 (Asia Sentinel) - In the latest sign of the increasing crackdown against dissidents by Vietnam’s government, Nguyen Van Oai, a citizen journalist and human rights defender, was sentenced earlier this week to five years in prison and four additional years of house arrest for “resisting persons in the performance of their official duties” and failing to execute judgments” while on parole for “attempting to overthrow the government” in 2013. ...

Traduction intégrale des remarques envoyées par les évêques à l’Assemblée nationale au sujet de la loi sur les croyances et la religion

19.09.2017 (Églises d’Asie) - La conférence épiscopale du Vietnam a adressé le 1er juin dernier ses remarques « sincères et franches » à l'Assemblée nationale au sujet de la loi sur les croyances et la religion. Voici la traduction intégrale de ce document. ...

Vietnam impone 5 años de cárcel a bloguero por violar el arresto domiciliario

18.09.2017 (El Español) - Un tribunal de justicia de Vietnam impuso hoy cinco años de prisión al conocido bloguero Nguyen Van Oai por haber violado reiteradamente el arresto domiciliario, al final de un juicio que comenzó en agosto. ...

Fünf Jahre Haft für christlichen Dissidenten

18.09.2017 (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - In Vietnam ist ein Dissident wegen staatsfeindlichen Verhaltens zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Nach seiner Entlassung werde Nguyen Van Oai zudem weitere vier Jahre in Hausarrest bleiben müssen ...

Vietnam’s cracking down on dissent ... so why Trump’s pat on back?

16.09.2017 By Logan Connor (SCMP) - The US president is not shy when it comes to praising autocratic regimes – good news for Hanoi, which is in the midst of a crackdown on anyone critical of its one-party state. When US President Donald Trump met Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc in May, he sent a clear message: by patting the backs of authoritarian leaders, the US is complicit in Vietnam’s rights abuses. ...

La limitada campaña contra la corrupción en Vietnam

16.09.2017 (El Diario) - Las autoridades vietnamitas han impulsado una campaña contra la corrupción sin precedentes en los últimos meses que ha procesado importantes dirigentes del Partido Comunista, de empresas estatales y de la banca, pero que no resuelve la corrupción endémica en el país. ...

South Vietnam Had an Antiwar Movement, Too

15.09.2017 Van Nguyen Marshall (NYT) - ... On April 30, 1967, a few weeks after King’s speech, the Saigon Student Union election ushered in a slate of antiwar, left-wing leaders. Some student leaders were actually working covertly for the National Liberation Front (also known as the Viet Cong) and the Lao Dong Party, the official name of the Vietnamese Communist party during the war. ...

Heroic virtues of Venerable Van Thuan celebrated in Rome

15.09.2017 (Vatican Radio) - The recognition of the heroic virtues of Cardinal François-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan of Vietnam was celebrated with a solemn Mass in the Church of Santa Maria della Scala in Rome on Friday, the eve of the 15th death anniversary of the saintly prelate. ...

Vietnams engagierter Menschenrechtler

15.09.2017 Martin Patzelt MdB (Martin Patzelt Newsletter Nr.89) - Die Ehefrau des in Vietnam inhaftierten Bloggers Nguyen Huu Vinh (Blogger anhbasam), Frau Minh Ha, war in dieser Woche zum Gespräch bei mir in Berlin. Es ist für mich beeindruckend, mit welchem ungebrochenen Engagement ihr Mann seine Zeit in der willkürlichen Haft sinnvoll nutzen will ...

Typhoon Doksuri Batters Central Vietnam, Killing 4

15.09.2017 (AP) - HANOI, Vietnam -- Typhoon Doksuri slammed into central Vietnam on Friday, killing four people and injuring 10 others as heavy rains and strong winds ripped off roofs and knocked over many electricity poles. ...

Taifun "Doksuri" wütete über Vietnam

15.09.2017 (Die Presse) - 80.000 Menschen wurden in Sicherheit gebracht, Fischerboote mussten an Land bleiben. "Doksuri" war zuvor über die Philippinen gezogen. ...

Death by dam for the Mekong

14.09.2017 (Asia Times) - The sleepy town of Pak Beng, best known as a stopover for slow boats connecting the Laos-Thailand border to the ancient Lao capital of Luang Prabang, will be transformed later this year by the launch of a third major hydro-dam on the lower Mekong River. ...

Vietnam state oil firm boss Nguyen Xuan Son faces death penalty for embezzlement

14.09.2017 (DW) - Vietnamese prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Nguyen Xuan Son, the former chairman of PetroVietnam. Son is one of dozens of officials connected to a corruption case that caused $69 million in losses. ...

Arbeiter in Vietnam setzen sich über staatliches Streikverbot hinweg

12.09.2017 (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - Trotz des staatlichen Streikverbots haben Arbeiter im sozialistisch regierten Vietnam mit einer Arbeitsniederlegung Zugeständnisse erstritten. ...

Deutsche Wirtschaft ist besorgt - Politthriller auf Vietnamesisch

12.09.2017 (Handelsblatt) - Es droht ein diplomatisches Scharmützel. Doch in die Vorfreude mischt sich nun auch Ernüchterung. Denn während sich Deutschland transparent und offen gibt, bleibt Vietnam eben doch ein verschlossener Ein-Parteien-Staat. Die Festnahme wirft auch ein Schlaglicht darauf, mit was für einem kompromisslosen Regime, Deutschland seine Geschäfte intensivierte. ...

Vietnamese pay thousands for ‘new life’ in UK

12.09.2017 (Yorkshire Post) - People smugglers are charging Vietnamese nationals more than £30,000 to reach the UK - where they are told they will live like royalty, a new report reveals. ...

UK: New Report Calls for Crackdown on Modern Slavery of Vietnamese Migrants

12.09.2017 (OCCRP) - Britain’s anti-slavery commissioner called on Monday for stronger measures in combating modern slavery of Vietnamese migrants who are increasingly exploited in nail bars, cannabis farms or as sexual workers. ...

Greater UK nail bar regulation needed to stop exploitation of Vietnamese trafficking victims

12.09.2017 Sally Hayden (Independent) - Vietnam is one of the top three source countries for modern slaves coming to Britain, new report finds. ...

Dong Nai, pressure on Catholics who defended their pastor

11.09.2017 Pham Van (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Many Catholics fear violent retaliation against the community of Thọ Hòa, Dong Nai province (Southeast Vietnam), who defended their pastor from the aggression of some Communist militants last September 4. ...

Dong Nai, presiones sobre católicos tras haber defendido a su párroco

11.09.2017 Pham Van (AsiaNews) - Hanói - Muchos católicos temen que se produzcan violentas represalias contra la comunidad de Thọ Hòa, en la provincia de Dong Nai (sudeste de Vietnam), luego de que el 4 de septiembre pasado defendiera a su párroco, ante la agresión de algunos militantes comunistas. ...

As a teenage refugee, he was the family cook. Now, he’s a lauded chef

11.09.2017 By Alex Witchel (Washington Post) - BERKELEY, Calif. — When chef Charles Phan was 16, he made Thanksgiving dinner for 10: his parents, aunt, uncle and five younger siblings. The family had recently arrived in San Francisco, having escaped South Vietnam in 1975 after the fall of Saigon and landing in Guam. ...

Green resistance mounts in communist Vietnam

10.09.2017 By David Hutt (Asia Ttimes) - Environmental causes have unified Vietnamese social activists across geography, class and ideals, a politically potent convergence the ruling Communist Party is struggling to stop. ...

Inside Vietnam City, the French holding camp for vulnerable UK-bound migrants

10.09.2017 by Amelia Gentleman (The Guardian) - Detailed accounts of a holding camp in Northern France, where hundreds of vulnerable Vietnamese young people are housed every year before being smuggled into exploitation in the UK, have prompted anti-trafficking charities to call on the British and French governments to disrupt the criminal networks running the site. ...

Vietnam will Autos bauen

09.09.2017 Von Christoph Hein (FAZ) - „Vinfast“, ein Konglomerat in Vietnam will in nur zwei Jahren ein eigenes Automobil für die mehr als 90 Millionen Vietnamesen entwickeln und bauen. ...

A glimpse of the party’s dark side in Vietnam

07.09.2017 By Kenichi Yoshida / Yomiuri Shimbun Hanoi Bureau Chief (The Japan News) - Reuters reported that as many as 15 activists have been arrested in Vietnam this year, as of early August, the highest tally in recent years.

Vietnam has also tightened control over the internet, a platform where criticism against the party and the government circulates. ...

Stadtverwaltung in Vietnam verbietet Jeans

06.09.2017 (n-tv) - Beamte der vietnamesischen Großstadt Can Tho dürfen keine Jeans mehr tragen. Stattdessen schlägt die Stadtverwaltung Stoffhosen oder gar ein traditionelles Gewand vor. Die neue Kleiderordnung soll für eine moderne und professionelle Atmosphäre sorgen. ...

Droht eine Eskalation im südchinesischen Meer?

06.09.2017 (Philippinenmagazin) - Seit Jahren beansprucht China kleine Inseln und Felsen im Südchinesischen Meer, die auch andere Staaten der Region als ihr Gebiet ansehen. Die USA reagieren mit Patrouillen. ...

‘Passive’ Vietnamese exporters struggling to cope with US regulations

04.09.2017 By RJ Whitehead (FoodNavigator-Asia) - Vietnamese food exporters remain “passive and sluggish” in complying with the demands of their target markets, especially America. ...

Hanoi, pro-democracy dissidents condemned and transferred to isolation

02.09.2017 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Two major dissidents have been secretly transferred from a prison in the province of Ha Nam, northern Vietnam, to a prison in the province of Thanh Hoa, far away from their homes, in an attempt to make visits and communications with relatives difficult. ...

Vietnam says violations found at central bank in war on graft

02.09.2017 (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnam has found faults with the central State Bank of Vietnam, including poor supervision of credit organizations and inefficiency in preventing corruption, the government said on Saturday. ...

Nationalfeiertag der Vietnamesen - Zweifel werden lauter

02.09.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - In diesem Jahr verzichtet die Botschaft auf einen Empfang zum Nationalfeiertag am 2. September. Die Entführung von Trinh Xuan Thanh sorgt für Misstrauen. Duc D. steht in seinem Imbiss in Lichtenberg und wartet auf Kundschaft. „Ich freue mich, dass die Polizei einen Spion festgenommen hat, der an der Entführung von Trinh Xuan Thanh beteiligt gewesen sein soll“, sagt er der taz ...

Vietnam Arrests Another Member of Online Democracy Group

01.09.2017 (RFA) - Authorities in northern Vietnam’s coastal Thai Binh province arrested another member of the Brotherhood for Democracy association on Friday, adding to the growing numbers of the online advocacy group put behind bars in recent weeks, the man’s wife said. ...

India most corrupt Asian country, Vietnam second: Forbes

01.09.2017 ANI | New Delhi (Business Standard) - A recent survey by the Transparency International states that India is the most corrupt country in Asia. India beats Vietnam, Thailand, ...

Chinese ships attack Vietnamese fishermen

01.09.2017 Hoang Chau (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – More than 2,300 fishermen have been injured, gone missing or died in Vietnamese territorial waters in the South China Sea, this according to Nguyễn Văn T, deputy minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. ...

Vietnam protests over Chinese military drills in South China Sea

01.09.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - HANOI--Vietnam on Thursday opposed what it said was a Chinese announcement of military exercises in the disputed South China Sea, amid rising tension between the neighboring countries. ...

Naves militares chinas atacan a pescadores vietnamitas

01.09.2017 Hoang Chau (AsiaNews) - Hanói - Más de 2.300 pescadores heridos, desaparecidos o muertos en las aguas territoriales vietnamitas del Mar Chino meridional. ...

A Vietnam Story Told Through the Eyes of Refugee Parents

01.09.2017 By Irene Noguchi (KQED Arts) - At first glance, Thi Bui’s illustrated memoir tells the story of her family fleeing Vietnam in the 1970s to start life anew in California. But on a deeper level, the book transcends the stereotypical refugee plot line. The Best We Could Do is the story of parents and children ...

Netizen Report: Vietnam Targets ‘Illegal Cyber Information’ — and Political Speech

31.08.2017 (Global Voices) - Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang called for tougher controls on the internet, charging that “hostile” entities online had “undermined the prestige of the leaders of the party and the state, [bringing about] a negative impact on cadres, party members and people.” ...

Vietnam Dissidents Sent to New Prison Far From Home

31.08.2017 (RFA) - Two high-profile Vietnamese dissidents have been quietly transferred from a prison in northern Vietnam’s Ha Nam province to a prison in Thanh Hoa province farther from their homes, a report on a Hanoi-based dissident web site says. ...

Chinese hackers target Vietnam as South China Sea dispute ramps up

31.08.2017 (Engineering and Technology) - Vietnam is being targeted by Chinese hackers amid a period of tension between the two countries over the South China Sea, according to cyber-security company FireEye. Both government and corporate targets have been impacted in recent weeks and FireEye has tracked the attacks back to suspected Chinese cyber spies. ...

Corruption de banquiers: les contours d'un procès très attendu au Vietnam

31.08.2017 Par Frédéric Noir (RFI) - Un procès-fleuve vient de s'ouvrir au Vietnam : 51 personnes poursuivies et 700 témoins attendus. Tous les prévenus ont travaillé pour le même établissement bancaire, Ocean Bank, en partie détenu par le plus grand groupe pétrolier du pays, la société d’Etat PetroVietnam. ...

Vietnamese artist’s painting breaks domestic auction record

31.08.2017 (The Nation) - Hanoi - A painting by Vietnamese artist Nguyễn Sáng has been sold for over $100,000, breaking domestic auction record. It is the first time an artwork has been sold for over $100,000 at a domestic auction event. ...

Vietnam may scuttle Trans-Pacific trade

30.08.2017 (SBS) - Vietnam may be reluctant to undertake tricky reforms to be part of a controversial Pacific free trade deal if there is no sweetener of better US market access. ...

Vietnam's Facebook dissidents test the limits of Communist state

30.08.2017 by Matthew Tostevin (Reuters) - HANOI - “This isn’t like China,” says Vietnamese activist ’Anh Chi’ at a noisy bar off one of the narrow streets of Hanoi’s Old Quarter. “They can’t shut Facebook down here.” ...

Australia: Rights groups raise ‘serious concerns’ over privacy implications of TPP

30.08.2017 by A. Azim Idris (Asian Correspondent) - DIGITAL rights advocates have reiterated their concerns over “serious consequences” for media freedom and access to knowledge as the remaining 11 countries of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) resume talks to push ahead with the deal ...

The band plays on for one-time Vietnamese political prisoner

29.08.2017 By Bennett Murray (Gulf Times) - Nguyen Van Loc, singer and former political prisoner, sings at his small Hanoi cafe to a crowd of mostly elderly Vietnamese. While Vietnam’s single-party communist state has since come to accept what it once pejoratively called “yellow music,” the traditional love songs from the pre-war era previously were banned for decades. ...

Nach der Entführung nach Vietnam - Hanois Mann im Bamf

29.08.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN - Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (Bamf) hat am Wochenende das Arbeitsverhältnis mit einem langjährigen vietnamesischstämmigen Mitarbeiter seiner Außenstelle Jena-Hermsdorf „umgehend beendet“. Das teilt Bundesamtssprecher Christoph Sander der taz mit. ...

In Vietnam poverty and poor development, not just floods, kill the most marginalised

29.08.2017 (The Conversation) - Flooding and landslides in northwest Vietnam have caused widespread devastation since the start of August. The disaster crippled the provinces of Son La, Dien Bien, Yen Bai and Lai Chau, situated within one of the most disadvantaged regions of the country. ...

Vietnam's Rural Areas Face Environmental Pollution

29.08.2017 (Bernama) - HANOI -- The use of pesticides and chemical fertiliser in farming and the discharge of solid waste from craft villages and households are the main causes of rural environmental pollution in Vietnam where nearly 67 per cent of the population live in rural areas, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported. ...

Vietnam resumes huge banking-sector corruption trial

28.08.2017 (DW) - Hanoi has seen the continuation of a court trial highlighting one of the largest graft cases in the history of Vietnam. Over 50 bankers in the Asian nation stand accused of embezzlement, mismanagement and corruption. ...

Vietnamese President Quang reappears after 1-month absence

28.08.2017 Atsushi Tomiyama (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI --  Speculation rife over the health and political standing of No. 2 leader. Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang met Herminio Lopez Diaz, the departing Cuban ambassador, in Hanoi on Monday, making his first public appearance in about a month. ...

Vietnam is worried that Trump's weakness is making China strong

27.08.2017 (WAToday) - Citizens of Vietnam have developed an unusual national pastime: Across the country and on social networks, people trade suspicions that their government is secretly giving in to an aggressive China. And lately, there has been plenty of fuel for their rumours. ...

China promotes army general who fought Vietnam in 1979 border war

27.08.2017 (Reuters) - BEIJING - China’s military has promoted an army general who fought Vietnam in a brief border war in 1979, the Defence Ministry said, part of a broad reshuffle expected as part of this autumn’s Communist Party congress. ...

Trafficking and exploitation in focus - 'I hope you’re ready to get married': in search of Vietnam's kidnapped bride

26.08.2017 by Kate Hodal (The Guardian) - Early one morning last April, Phượng woke to find over 100 missed calls on her mobile phone, all of them from her eldest daughter, Lý. “Mum!” Lý screamed, when she called back. “Where have you been? Cẩm is missing!” "She’s been sold!”. ...

Vietnam president's mysterious absence raising eyebrows

25.08.2017 Atsushi Tomiyama (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang has not been seen in public for nearly a month with no explanation from the government, fueling speculation about a power struggle and talk that the nation's top leader -- the head of the Communist Party -- could step down next year. ...

High costs and new taxes burden Vietnamese business enterprises

25.08.2017 (The Nation) - HANOI - According to the World Bank’s 2017 World Business Environment Survey, the costs of running a business in Vietnam are much higher than those in its regional neighbours. ...

Vietnam Lands in Chinese Hackers' Sights Again

24.08.2017 by Tara Seals (Infosecurity) - A hacking campaign is targeting large Vietnamese organizations—and is connected to the same party that previously targeted Vietnam Airlines back in 2016. ...

Proteste in Vietnam nach chinesischen Angriffen auf Fischerboote

24.08.2017 (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - Chinesen sollen im Südchinesischen Meer vietnamesische Fischerboote angegriffen und dabei ein Boot versenkt haben. Der vietnamesische Fischereiverband erklärte am Donnerstag, die Angriffe hätten nahe der von beiden Ländern beanspruchten Paracel-Inseln stattgefunden. ...

Vietnamese in Berlin verschleppt - Mutmaßlicher Agent sitzt in U-Haft

24.08.2017 (n-tv) - Ein vietnamesischer Ex-Funktionär wird in Berlin in ein Auto gezerrt und taucht kurz darauf in Vietnam auf - angeblich aus freien Stücken. Das Auswärtige Amt spricht hingegen von einer Entführung. Nun sitzt ein Verdächtiger in Untersuchungshaft. Der nun nach Deutschland ausgelieferte Verdächtige soll in Prag den Transporter gemietet und nach Berlin gebracht haben, in den der Ex-Funktionär gemeinsam mit einer Begleiterin gezerrt worden sein soll. ...

Vietnamese Abduction Suspect Is Extradited to Germany

24.08.2017 By Edmund Heaphy (NYT) - BERLIN — A Vietnamese man at the center of an unusual diplomatic spat between Berlin and Hanoi has been arrested and extradited to Germany. The man, identified only as Long N. H., 46, was arrested in the Czech Republic on Aug. 12, German federal prosecutors said on Thursday. ...

Suspected Vietnamese agent held in Berlin over Cold War-style kidnapping

24.08.2017 (DW) - Czech authorities extradited to Germany a 46-year-old Vietnamese agent involved in a brazen Berlin kidnapping in July. The man is accused of espionage and being an accessory to the abduction of a Vietnamese businessman. ...

Vietnam Rights Lawyer Threatened With ‘Discipline’ After Online Comment

23.08.2017 (RFA) - An official lawyer’s organization in central Vietnam’s Phu Yen province has threatened to “discipline” an attorney known for representing defendants in political cases after he suggested that most members of his profession use bribery to influence trials. ...

Chinas Gewicht in Südostasien ist heute fast zehnmal grösser als zur Jahrtausendwende

23.08.2017 von Manfred Rist, Singapur (NZZ) - Amerikaner oder Chinesen? Die Antwort auf die etwas provokative Frage, wen man lieber als Wohnungsnachbarn hätte, fällt in den meisten südostasiatischen Ländern klar aus: Wohl wächst Chinas Einfluss in der Region, aber die Herzen der meisten Filipinos, Indonesier, Thailänder und Burmesen schlagen dennoch – oder gerade deshalb – immer noch für die USA. ...

New Chinese Activity in Disputed Sea Challenges Sino-Philippine Friendship

23.08.2017 Ralph Jennings (VOA) - TAIPEI, TAIWAN — Reports that Chinese vessels came close to a major Philippine holding in the disputed South China Sea this month have touched off a tough debate in Manila that could disrupt a fragile, year-old friendship between the two sides. ...

Wind energy in Vietnam – blowing in the right direction?

23.08.2017 by David Foxwell (Offshore Wind Journal) - To encourage the development of wind power projects the Vietnamese government introduced a feed-in tariff (FIT) scheme back in 2011. The FIT of VND1,614/kWh (excluding VAT, equivalent to US$0.078) was seen at the time as an important step towards realising the country’s renewable energy ambitions. ...

Vietnam's GDP Won't Meet Its Goal This Year -- And That's OK With Most Investors

23.08.2017 Ralph Jennings (Forbes) - Vietnamese officials declared in early August that their legendarily fast-growing economy would gain another 6.7% this year. ...

Czechs Hand To Germany Vietnamese Man Accused Of Kidnapping

23.08.2017 Ian Willoughby (Radio Praha) - The Czech Republic has handed over to the German authorities a Vietnamese citizen wanted in Germany on espionage charges, the Czech News Agency reported. ...

Tschechien liefert verdächtigen Vietnamesen aus

23.08.2017 (RBB24) - Nach der mutmaßlichen Entführung eines vietnamesischen Geschäftsmanns in Berlin liefert die Tschechische Republik einen Verdächtigen an Deutschland aus. ...

25 Jahre nach Rostock-Lichtenhagen - Die Angst sitzt noch tief

22.08.2017 Von Silke Hasselmann (Deutschlandfunk) - Tagelang kam es 1992 vor der Aufnahmestelle für Asylbewerber in Rostock-Lichtenhagen zu Ausschreitungen. Der rassistisch motivierte Gewaltexzess traf unter anderem vietnamesische Arbeiter, die mit ihren Familien im sogenannten Sonnenblumenhaus wohnten. ...

Trinh Xuan Thanh kidnapping: German immigration suspends Vietnamese worker

22.08.2017 Ben Knight (DW) - Day work in a German agency while moonlighting for Vietnam's Communist Party? Such is the alleged double-life of the suspended worker who may have helped Vietnamese spies abduct businessman Trinh Xuan Thanh in Berlin. ...

China Is Boosting Its Phishing Attacks — Against Vietnam

22.08.2017 Kevin Collier (BuzzFeed) - A Chinese government hacker group appears to be peppering Vietnamese bureaucrats with phishing emails in attempts to gain advantage in upcoming trade talks. ...

Vietnam Proposes Wide-Ranging Tax Reforms

22.08.2017 by Mary Swire (Tax-News) - Vietnam's Ministry of Finance has proposed a number of changes to the country's tax regime, including a hike in value-added tax, a new tax on sugary drinks, ...

La libertad de expresión, encarcelada en Vietnam

21.08.2017 Ángel L. Martínez Cantera (El Pais) - El pasado mes de junio, la prominente bloguera vietnamita Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh –más conocida por Madre Seta, su pseudónimo en la red– fue condenada a 10 años de prisión; inculpada por "difamar" al régimen de Hanoi. ...

Energy dilemma weighs on Vietnam

21.08.2017 By Dan Southerland (Asia Times) - State planners say more than 50% of national power will be coal-fired by 2030, a big boost in the fossil fuel's use that will worsen pollution and undercut climate change goals ...

Vietnam's President Calls for Tougher Internet Controls

20.08.2017 (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnam's president called on Sunday for tougher controls on the internet in the face of dissidents who are using it to criticize the ruling Communist Party, and to combat threats to cybersecurity. ...

In Vietnam, the Best Education Can Lead to Worse Job Prospects

20.08.2017 By Nguyen Dieu Tu Uyen (Bloomberg) - Nguyen Van Duc graduated two years ago with a bachelor’s degree in economics from one of Vietnam’s best universities. Today, he earns about $250 a month as a motorbike taxi driver in Hanoi. ...

Warum sich Vietnamesen im Westen so gut zurechtfinden und als Integrationswunder gelten

18.08.2017 von Martin Beglinger (NZZ) - Wohin es sie auch verschlägt, Vietnamesen schaffen den Aufstieg in westliche Gesellschaften besser als andere Migranten. Ihr Beispiel zeigt: Kultur spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Integration. ...

Eine Vietnamesin im «Paradies der Arbeit»

18.08.2017 von Martin Beglinger (NZZ) - Nhung Agustoni-Phan lebt seit 51 Jahren in der Schweiz. Das Land ist ihre Wahlheimat geworden, aber nicht ihr Vaterland. ...

In Berlin gekidnappter Vietnamese - Ein Entführer ist wohl gefasst

18.08.2017 Marina Mai (tz) - BERLIN | Tschechische Polizisten nehmen einen Vietnamesen fest. Er soll der Fahrer sein, der einen Vietnamesen im Juli aus Berlin entführte. ...

RSF calls for release of Vietnamese blogger about to go on trial

18.08.2017 (RSF) - Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Nguyen Van Oai, a dissident blogger who is due to be tried in the central province of Nghe An on 21 August. It will be his second trial in four years. ...

To help flood victims, Caritas Vietnam avoids government involvement

18.08.2017 (Catholic Culture) - Catholic relief workers in Vietnam are avoiding involvement with the government in order to deliver supplies to flood victims in the remote Yen Bai province. ...

How climate change is already disrupting lives in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta

18.08.2017 (Climate Change News) - Climate change its causing flooding and droughts that damage agricultural land in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. The "rice bowl" of Asia produces 57 percent of rice production for the country ...

Vietnam battles dengue outbreaks with 42 per cent more cases

18.08.2017 Tran Van Minh (The Globe and Mail) - Vietnam has been battling raging dengue fever outbreaks with more than 10,000 new infections reported over the past week stretching its medical system. ...

Mehr als 90.000 Menschen mit Denguefieber infiziert

18.08.2017 (Stuttgarter Nachrichten) - Vietnam hat mit einem Ausbruch des Denguefiebers zu kämpfen. 24 Menschen sind bereits gestorben, mehr als 90.000 sollen verletzt sein. ...

10 000 cas de dengue en une semaine au Vietnam

18.08.2017 (Métro) - HANOÏ, Viêtnam — Quelque 10 000 infections à la fièvre dengue ont été détectées au Vietnam depuis une semaine, et le système de santé du pays croule sous le poids de ce fardeau. ...

Church against the pollution of Montagnard water resources in Kon Tum

17.08.2017 Nguyen Hung (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – In Vietnam’s mountainous Central Highlands (Tây Nguyên), water pollution is a serious threat to the environment and to health of the local indigenous population, the Montagnards. ...

Hanoi makes sharp U-turn on Japan-built bridge

17.08.2017 Atsushi Tomiyama (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- A dramatic about-face by the Vietnamese government on its assessment of a Japanese-built bridge in northern Vietnam, which went from "major" flaws to no issues at all in a couple of days -- suggests to some involved in the project that the Hanoi government may be playing for time to delay payment. ...

Kontum, la Iglesia contra la contaminación de las reservas hídricas de los Montagnard

17.08.2017 Nguyen Hung (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – En la región montañosa central de Tây Nguyên, la grave contaminación de las reservas hídricas constituye un serio peligro para el ambiente y la salud de la población indígena local, los Montagnard. ...

Vietnam's government must respect religious freedom, says Vatican envoy

17.08.2017 by Catholic News Service (The Tablet) - New 'Law on Belief and Religion' could 'condemn religious organisations when the government is dissatisfied'. The Vatican envoy to Vietnam called on the Southeast Asian nation's communist government to respect religious freedom. ...

Vietnam Activist Nguyen Bac Truyen Unaccounted For Two Weeks After Arrest

17.08.2017 (RFA) - The whereabouts of a member of an online democracy advocacy group are unknown more than two weeks after his arrest on charges of attempting to topple the country’s one-party state, his wife told RFA's Vietnamese Service on Thursday. ...

Korruptionsbekämpfung oder Machtkampf? - Vietnams Politiker im Tugend-Check

17.08.2017 Mathias Peer (Handelsblatt) - Bangkok - Teure Autos, Luxusvillen, ausschweifende Partys – das soll es künftig für Top-Funktionäre in Vietnam nicht mehr geben. Hinter der vorgeblichen Korruptionsbekämpfung verbirgt sich ein Machtkampf an der Spitze des Staates. ...

Das Amt und die Spitzelei

17.08.2017 Marina Mai (der Freitag, Ausgabe 33/2017) - In Berlin wurde ein Ex-Politiker gekidnappt, der Asyl beantragt hatte. In das Visier der Ermittler gerät der Mitarbeiter eines Bundesamts. Es erinnert an eine Geschichte aus dem Kalten Krieg ...

Vietnam tells officials to avoid graft and live modestly

15.08.2017 (Reuters) - HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam's Communist Party has set out rules for top officials with an emphasis on fighting corruption, avoiding nepotism and living modestly, the government website said on Tuesday. ...

Verschleppter Vietnamese - Spur führt zu deutscher Behörde

15.08.2017 Von Ronen Steinke (SZ) - Im Fall des mutmaßlich in Berlin verschleppten Managers Trinh Xuan Thanh gerät ein Mitarbeiter des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge ins Visier. Der Mann wurde von Hanoi belobigt. ...

De réfugié à Pulitzer

15.08.2017 Danielle Laurin (L’actualité) - Arrivé aux États-Unis parmi les boat people, Viet Thanh Nguyen a remporté le prix Pulitzer pour un roman qui raconte la guerre du Viêt Nam du point de vue des Vietnamiens. Les Américains en prennent pour leur rhume ...

Sentencian a activista vietnamita Trần Thị Nga a nueve años por “propaganda”

14.08.2017 Escrito por Don Le, Traducido por Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe (Global Voices) - Las autoridades vietnamitas sentenciaron a otra activista social a una larga condena a prisión, que sigue a una serie de duros castigos contra la discrepancia. ...

South China Sea: Vietnam takes up fight against China

14.08.2017 By Gregory Poling (CNN) - When it comes to the disputed waters of the South China Sea, Vietnam's leaders must feel very lonely these days. Their fellow Southeast Asian claimants have either reversed course after years of escalating tensions with Beijing, or are keeping their heads down and letting Hanoi take up the fight. ...

Drillship Leaves Disputed Field in South China Sea

14.08.2017 (The Maritime Executive) - Odfjell's Deepsea Metro I, a drillship contracted by Spanish oil major Repsol to drill for oil and gas in a Vietnamese exploration block in the South China Sea, has departed the area and arrived at the port of Labuan, Malaysia. ...

South China Sea: Vietnam capitulate to Chinese pressure over ship drilling for oil

14.08.2017 (Express) - Drilling by the Deepsea Metro I ship was suspended in Vietnam's Block 136/3 last month after pressure from China, which says the concession operated by Spain's Repsol overlaps the vast majority of the waterway that it claims as its own. ...

'We are jobless because of fish poisoning': Vietnamese fishermen battle for justice

14.08.2017 (The Guardian) - A year after Vietnam’s worst environmental disaster, lives remain ruined while the government cracks down on protesters seeking compensation. ...

Interview: ' We Are in a Very Unfavorable Situation'

14.08.2017 (RFA) - Vinh Diocese Bishop Nguyen Thai Hop led a delegation this month from his coastal region of Vietnam to Taiwan, home to Formosa Plastics Group's headquarters to seek redress for local fishermen affected by a marine disaster of April 2016. ...

Neuerscheinung: Was man nie vergessen kann: Erinnerungen vietnamesischer Bootsflüchtlinge

14.08.2017 (Peter Hammer Verlag) - Was man nie vergessen kann - Erinnerungen vietnamesischer Bootsflüchtlinge von Rupert Neudeck (Herausgeber), Christel Neudeck (Herausgeber). Rupert Neudeck, der mit seiner Frau Christiel die „Cap Anamur - Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V." gründete, initiierte dieses Buch, bevor er 2016 unerwartet starb. Christel Neudeck hat sein Projekt zu Ende geführt. ...

"Der Vietnamkrieg prägt bis heute das Agieren der USA"

14.08.2017 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Viet Thanh Nguyen hat einen ungewöhnlichen Roman zum Vietnamkrieg vorgelegt. Er bricht mit sämtlichen westlichen Erwartungen. Die Deutsche Welle traf den Pulitzer-Preisträger zum Gespräch in Berlin. ...

Vietnamesen in Berlin - Die Community ist verunsichert

13.08.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - Nach der Entführung des Expolitikers Trinh Xuân Thanh im Tiergarten demonstrieren vietnamesische Berliner. „Kein Geheimdienst Vietnams auf deutschem Boden“, „Menschenrechte für Vietnam“ und „Sofortige Ausweisung aller vietnamesischen KP-Diplomaten“. So stand es am Samstag auf den selbst gefertigten Transparenten, mit denen rund 70 Vietnamesinnen und Vietnamesen aus Berlin und Norddeutschland protestierten ...

Nach Entführung von Trinh Xuan Thanh - Leihwagen in Prag gefunden

13.08.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - Nach der mutmaßlichen Entführung eines ehemaligen vietnamesischen Politikers taucht das Tatfahrzeug auf. Inzwischen ermittelt die Bundesanwaltschaft. ...

‘It’s Very Easy to Die There’: How Prisoners Fare in Vietnam

12.08.2017 By Mike Ivesaug (NYT) - HANOI, Vietnam — Do Thi Mai said she was shocked to learn that her 17-year-old son, Do Dang Du, had fallen into a coma in prison a few weeks after he was arrested, accused by the police of stealing about $90. “It’s very easy to die there,” said Doan Trang, an independent journalist in Hanoi who has written extensively about state-led repression in the country. ...

Abgeordnete fordern nach Entführungsfall Sanktionen gegen Vietnam

12.08.2017 (SZ) - Im Entführungsfall des vietnamesischen Geschäftsmanns und Ex-Politikers Trinh Xuan Thanh treten Bundestagsabgeordnete für Sanktionen gegen Vietnam ein. ...

Divided ASEAN hands China diplomatic coup

12.08.2017 Richard Heydarian (Nikkei Asian Review) - Regional group is fading into irrelevance as the supposed engine of integration. ...

Vietnamese Art Has Never Been More Popular. But the Market Is Full of Fakes

11.08.2017 By Richard C. Paddock (NYT) - The exhibition at the Fine Arts Museum in Ho Chi Minh City was billed as a triumphant homecoming for works by some of Vietnam’s most influential artists. But Nguyen Thanh Chuong, a prominent artist himself, was stunned by what he saw. ...

Retten, was zu retten ist

11.08.2017 Tobias Schulze (taz) - Ein mutmaßlicher Propagandist der vietnamesischen Regierung hat über die Zukunft von Asylbewerbern entschieden. Das wirft viele Fragen auf. ...

Vietnam to Try Prominent Blogger For ‘Resisting Persons on Duty’

11.08.2017 (RFA) - Vietnam will try prominent blogger and former political prisoner Nguyen Van Oai on Aug. 21, a family member said Friday, seven months after his arrest on charges of resisting police officers and leaving his home while on probation. ...

U.S. destroyer challenges China's claims in South China Sea

11.08.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - WASHINGTON--A U.S. Navy destroyer carried out a "freedom of navigation operation" on Thursday, coming within 12 nautical miles of an artificial island built up by China in the South China Sea, U.S. officials said. ...

What’s Really Behind Vietnam’s Abduction in Germany?

11.08.2017 By Zachary Abuza (The Diplomat) - On August 2, news emerged that that Vietnamese security agents abducted an economic fugitive, Trinh Xuan Thanh, 51, from the streets of Berlin, ... Thanh’s capture has been a high priority for the Vietnamese government, which had been tracking his movements since he fled the country in 2016. In December 2016, Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong stated that his capture was the “highest priority.” ...

German federal prosecutors take over probe into Vietnam 'kidnapping'

10.08.2017 (DW) - German federal prosecutors have taken control of an investigation into whether Vietnam conducted illegal espionage in Berlin. The probe relates to the alleged kidnapping of a Vietnamese businessman-turned-asylum seeker. ...

Entführung von Trinh Xuan Thanh - Der Kommunist im Bundesamt

10.08.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN - Nun schaltet sich die Bundesanwaltschaft in den Fall Trinh Xuan Thanh ein: Am Donnerstagnachmittag gab die Behörde in Karlsruhe bekannt, die Ermittlungen wegen Entführung des vietnamesischen Expolitikers und seiner Begleiterin übernommen zu haben. ...

Verschwundener Vietnamese - Ein Fall für die Bundesanwaltschaft

10.08.2017 (ARD) - Unter mysteriösen Umständen verschwand der vietnamesische Ex-Funktionär und Asylsuchende Trinh Xuan Thanh vor knapp drei Wochen aus Berlin. Nun hat die Bundesanwaltschaft die Ermittlungen übernommen. Ursprünglich war die Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft zuständig. ...

Bundesanwaltschaft ermittelt - Vietnamese verschwunden - Geheimdienst im Spiel?

10.08.2017 (ZDF) - Hatte Hanoi die Hände im Spiel? Im Fall des mutmaßlich in sein Heimatland verschleppten vietnamesischen Geschäftsmannes ermittelt jetzt die Bundesanwaltschaft. ...

Verschleppung eines Vietnamesen - Generalbundesanwalt übernimmt Ermittlungen

10/08/2017 Von Martin Knobbe und Wolf Wiedmann-Schmidt (Spiegel Online) - Die Bundesanwaltschaft schaltet sich in die mutmaßliche Entführung eines vietnamesischen Ex-Politikers in Berlin ein. Die Flüchtlingsbehörde Bamf suspendierte einen Mitarbeiter, der sich abfällig über den Fall äußerte.

Who is the real ‘thief crying stop thief’ in South China Sea?

10/08/2017 By Xuan Loc Doan (Asia Times) - On Monday and Tuesday, China’s state-run media used very strong language to attack Vietnam, its communist neighbor and a key South China Sea rival. ...

Vietnam: Kidnapping undermines efforts to seek friends and influence

10.08.2017 By Helen Clark (The Interpreter) - Foreign investors and world trade institutions have long wished one thing for Vietnam: reform of its inefficient and corrupt state-owned enterprise sector. Competency, transparency and a measure of real competition would aid the nation’s economy and its business and trade relations tremendously. ...

Herr T. und der entführte Vietnamese

09.08.2017 Von Martin Knobbe und Wolf Wiedmann-Schmidt (Spiegel Online) - Die mutmaßliche Entführung eines vietnamesischen Ex-Politikers ist ein politischer Skandal. Nun kommentierte ein Mitarbeiter der Flüchtlingsbehörde Bamf den Fall auf Facebook - ganz im Sinne der Regierung in Hanoi. ...

Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Vietnam droht Eiszeit

09.08.2017 Von Stefan Lange (Finanztreff) - BERLIN (Dow Jones)--Nach der mutmaßlichen Verschleppung eines Vietnamesen aus Berlin droht ein Einbruch der zuletzt guten deutsch-vietnamesischen Beziehungen. Kanzleramt und Auswärtiges Amt machten am Mittwoch ihrem Unmut darüber Luft, dass Hanoi offenbar noch immer nicht auf die entsprechenden Anfragen aus Berlin reagiert hat. ...

China Cancels Vietnam Meeting Over South China Sea Spat

07.08.2017 By Keith Zhai and John Boudreau (Bloomberg) - China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi canceled a scheduled one-on-one meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart in Manila at the last minute on Monday due to a spat over the South China Sea, according to people familiar with the situation. ...

ASEAN alarmed by China's militarized South China Sea islands

07.08.2017 Cliff Venzon (Nikkei Asian Review) - MANILA -- Southeast Asian countries have expressed concern over China's militarized artificial islands in the South China Sea ...

„So etwas tolerieren wir unter keinen Umständen“

06.08.2017 Von Bärbel Krauß (Stuttgarter Zeitung) - Berlin - Ein vietnamesischer Asylbewerber wird vom Geheimdienst seines Heimatlandes entführt und nach Vietnam verschleppt. Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) ist darüber schockiert und stuft das bilaterale Verhältnis zu Vietnam als „enorm belastet“ ein. ...

Entführung von Trinh Xuan Thanh - Gabriel ist schuld? Oder BMW?

06.08.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - In vietnamesischen Medien wird der Entführungsvorwurf zurückgewiesen. Schuld an den diplomatischen Spannungen sei allein Deutschland. Vietnamesische Medien räumen seit Freitag öffentlich ein, dass Deutschland von einer Entführung und nicht von einer freiwilligen Rückkehr ausgeht. ...

ASEAN block wavers in support of Vietnam over South China Sea

06.08.2017 Lindsay Murdoch (Sydney Morning Herald) - Bangkok - Weeks after China threatened to attack Vietnam over oil and gas drilling in the flash point waters, Vietnam insisted that ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in Manila refer to China's build-up and arming of islands in a customary joint communique. ...

Entführung nach Vietnam - Deutschland prüft Sanktionen

05.08.2017 Sebastian Erb (taz) - BERLIN - Der Fall des in Berlin mutmaßlich vom vietnamesischen Geheimdienst entführten Vietnamesen Trinh Xuan Thanh hat auf verschiedenen Ebenen Konsequenzen für die deutsch-vietnamesischen Beziehungen. Nun stehen auch auch der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit beider Länder schwierige Zeiten bevor. ...

Vivir del metal, morir por el metal

04.08.2017 Sheila Torres (El Pais) - DAI BAI (VIETNAM) - En el poblado vietnamita de Dai Bai proliferan los casos de cáncer entre fábricas en las que se trabaja el alumnio sin regulación ...

Vietnam Arrests Fifth Member of Online Democracy Group

04.08.2017 (RFA) - Authorities in central Vietnam’s Quang Binh province arrested a member of an online democracy advocacy group on Friday, bringing to five the number of group members taken into custody during the last week. ...

Millions of cubic metres of toxic mud dumped into the sea

04.08.2017 Thanh Thuy (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City – Millions of cubic metres of toxic mud are being “sunk” at sea. Indifferent to the consequences for human health, provincial authorities in Binh Thuận, southern Vietnam, have allowed the Electricity Group of Viêt Nam (EVN) to contaminate the waters off the coast of Vĩnh Tân, through this 'innovative' method of waste disposal. ...

En Vietnam central, ‘sepultan’ en el mar millones de metros cúbicos de lodo tóxico

04.08.2017 Thanh Thuy (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City – Millones de metros cúbicos de lodo tóxico son “sepultados” en el mar. Despreocupándose por las consecuencias que esto pueda tener sobre la salud y sobre la vida de los ciudadanos, las autoridades de la provincia centro-meridional de Bình Thuận permiten que las plantas de la empresa Electricity Group of Viêt Nam (Evn) contaminen las aguas del mar de Vĩnh Tân, a través de este ‘innovador’ método de eliminación de residuos. ...

Entführung im Tiergarten - Seine Geliebte führte Geheimdienst zu Top-Manager

04.08.2017 Matthias Becker (BZ) - Seine Verschleppung war ein raffinierter Plan des vietnamesischen Geheimdienstes: Dem Geschäftsmann wurde seine Geliebte zum Verhängnis. Um 10.30 Uhr hält die Limousine in der Hofjägerallee. Drei bewaffnete Männer springen heraus, packen Thanh und die Frau. ...

Ein Thriller zwischen Berlin und Hanoi - Die Entführung des Trinh Xuan Thanh

04.08.2017 Christina Schmidt, Marina Mai (taz) - ... Am Montag, dem 24. Juli 2017, sollte Trinh Xuan Thanh frühmorgens in der Berliner Außenstelle des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge (Bamf) vorsprechen. Doch Thanh taucht nicht auf. ...

Bundesregierung erhöht in Entführungsaffäre Druck auf Vietnam

04.08.2017 (Reuters) - Wolfsburg - Die Bundesregierung droht Vietnam wegen der mutmaßlichen Entführung eines Geschäftsmannes mit einem härteren Vorgehen. "Wir beraten jetzt auch über weitere Maßnahmen, nicht nur über die Ausweisung der Verantwortlichen", sagte Bundesaußenminister Sigmar Gabriel am Freitag in Wolfsburg. ...

Germany angry at Vietnam for reported Cold War-style abduction of businessman

04.08.2017 (SCMP) - Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Friday that Germany was considering measures against Vietnam for kidnapping a former oil executive and described the abduction, denied by Hanoi, as reminiscent of Cold War spy movies. ...

Vietnam : Why is the Party cracking down harder on bloggers?

04.08.2017 (RSF) - Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is alarmed by a sudden increase in the persecution of dissidents by Vietnam’s authoritarian one-party state. Seven bloggers and citizen-journalists have been arrested in recent weeks and two have been given long jail terms. ...

Knatsch zwischen Berlin und Hanoi hält an

04.08.2017 Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN - Nach der Verschleppung eines ehemaligen Parteifunktionärs von Berlin nach Vietnam und der harschen Reaktion der Bundesregierung bemüht sich die Regierung in Hanoi um Schadensbegrenzung. ...

Vietnam: Menschenrechtler Nguyen Bac Truyen sofort freilassen

03.08.2017 (Martin Patzelt) - Die sofortige Freilassung des willkürlich verhafteten vietnamesischen Menschenrechtlers Nguyen Bac Truyen fordern die beiden Mitglieder des Bundestagsausschusses für Menschen-rechte und humanitäre Fragen, Martin Patzelt (CDU) und Philipp Lengsfeld (CDU) ...

Kidnapping makes Vietnam persona non grata in Germany

03.08.2017 By David Hutt (Aia Times) - Vietnam's abduction of one of its nationals in Berlin could upend a pending EU-Vietnam free trade pact and underlines pro-China versus pro-West factionalism in the ruling Communist Party ...

The Lexus-driving Vietnamese exec 'kidnapped' in Berlin

03.08.2017 by AFP (Digital Journal) - Portrayed by the Vietnamese government as a Lexus-driving tycoon who flaunted his wealth while costing the state millions of dollars, Trinh Xuan Thanh fled the country as he fell under the cross-hairs of a corruption crusade by communist authorities. ...

Vietnam bedauert diplomatische Krise mit Deutschland

03.08.2017 (RBB) - Wurde der ehemalige KP-Funktionär Trinh Xuan Thanh vom vietnamesischen Geheimdienst im Berliner Tiergarten gekidnappt? Die deutsche Bundesregierung hegt daran keine Zweifel, die vietnamesische Regierung spricht von einer freiwilligen Rückkehr Trinhs - und lässt ihn im Staatsfernsehen eine Erklärung verlesen. ...

Politthriller auf Vietnamesisch

03.08.2017 Frederic Spohr (Handelsblatt) - Bangkok - Wenn die Zeugenaussagen zutreffen, dann spielte sich am 23. Juli im Berliner Tiergarten eine Szene wie aus einem Agentenkrimi ab: Aus einem Fahrzeug mit tschechischen Kennzeichen stürmten bewaffnete Männer, schleppten zwei Passanten in einen Wagen und fuhren davon. ...

Menschenraub im Berliner Tiergarten

03.08.2017 (NZZ) - Ein Mann wird in Deutschland entführt und taucht in Vietnam wieder auf. Die Regierung in Hanoi bezichtigt den einstigen vietnamesischen Funktionär der Korruption – und spricht von freiwilliger Rückkehr.

Bei dem Mann soll es sich um Trinh Xuan Thanh handeln, einen Vietnamesen, der als Asylsuchender in Deutschland lebte. ...

Alemania ordenó la expulsión de un diplomático vietnamita por el "secuestro" de un solicitante de asilo

03.08.2017 (Tucuma Noticias) - El gobierno alemán ordenó la expulsión, en las próximas 48 horas, del representante de los servicios secretos vietnamitas en Berlín, a quien considera responsable del presunto secuestro de un ex funcionario de Vietnam que había solicitado asilo en el país, informó hoy la Cancillería ...

L'Allemagne accuse le Vietnam d'avoir enlevé un de ses ressortissants à Berlin

03.08.2017 (RFI) - L'Allemagne accuse Hanoi d'avoir enlevé à Berlin un ancien haut fonctionnaire vietnamien recherché dans son pays pour un délit financier, et de l'avoir rapatrié de force. L'homme avait déposé une demande d'asile auprès de l'Allemagne. ...

Vietnam: So sieht die andere Seite des Urlaubsparadieses

02.08.2017 (ZDF heute) - Vor Kurzem ist eine Regimekritikerin in Vietnam zu neun Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. ...

Geheimdienstskandal - Politthriller in Berlin

02.08.2017 Von Joachim Käppner, Christoph Neidhart und Robert Roßmann (SZ) - Die beiden Männer standen am frühen Montagmorgen auf den Fluren der Behörde an der Berliner Bundesallee und warteten. Doch der Flüchtling, über dessen Asylantrag hier am 24. Juli verhandelt werden sollte, erschien nicht. ...

Au Vietnam, le pasteur Nguyên Công Chinh libéré de prison

02.08.2017 Claire Lesegretain (La Croix) - Condamné à onze ans de prison en 2011, ce pasteur mennonite a été libéré cinq ans avant la fin de sa peine, mais à condition de s’exiler immédiatement avec sa famille aux États-Unis. ...

Vietnamese in Berlin verschleppt

02.08.2017 (ZDF) - Ein vietnamesischer Asylbewerber wurde in Berlin vom vietnam. Geheimdienst entführt. Dies sei ein "eklatanter Verstoß gegen deutsches Recht und gegen das Völkerrecht", sagte ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amtes. ...

Germany accuses Vietnam of kidnapping asylum seeker in Berlin

02.08.2017 (Reuters) - BERLIN - Germany accused Vietnam on Wednesday of kidnapping a former Vietnamese oil executive who was seeking asylum in Berlin and taking him home to face accusations of corruption. ...

Le Vietnam aurait enlevé un demandeur d'asile

02.08.2017 (Tribune de Genève) - Un Vietnamien aurait été enlevé à Berlin avant d'être ramené de force dans son pays pour y être jugé.

Le ministère allemand des Affaires étrangères a accusé mercredi Hanoï d'avoir orchestré l'enlèvement d'un demandeur d'asile vietnamien à Berlin et de l'avoir ramené de force dans son pays, où il fait l'objet de poursuites. ...

Alemania acusó a Vietnam de secuestrar en pleno Berlín a un exfuncionario vietnamita que había pedido asilo

02.08.2017 (TN) - ... El ministerio alemán de Relaciones Exteriores acusó este miércoles a Vietnam de orquestar el secuestro de un exfuncionario vietnamita en un parque de Berlín y de llevárselo a la fuerza a su país. "No hay ninguna duda sobre la participación de los servicios de inteligencia y de la embajada de Vietnam en el secuestro de un ciudadano vietnamita en Berlín", indicó el vocero de la diplomacia alemana, Martin Schäfer. ...

Kidnapped? Disappearance of Vietnamese businessman in Berlin ratchets up tension between Germany and Vietnam

02.08.2017 Author Ben Knight, Alexander Freund (DW) - Trinh Xuan Thanh has turned up in Hanoi after reportedly being abducted off the street by Vietnamese secret services. Berlin has expelled a Vietnamese official over the alleged incident. ...

Alemania critica a Vietnam por “secuestro” de empresario

02.08.2017 (Diario de Yucatán) - BERLÍN (AP) — Alemania dio a un representante de los servicios de inteligencia de Vietnam 48 horas para salir del país después del secuestro en Berlín de un ex ejecutivo petrolero vietnamita. ...

Crise diplomatique entre Berlin et Hanoï après l’enlèvement d’un Vietnamien en Allemagne

02.08.2017 (Le Monde) - ... Berlin, un matin d’été. Un homme se promène dans le parc de Tiergarten, non loin de la chancellerie, quand, soudain, des individus armés font irruption, lui administrent quelques coups et l’engouffrent dans une voiture immatriculée en République tchèque, avant de prendre la fuite à toute allure ...

Germany expels Vietnam attache over suspected kidnap

02.08.2017 (BBC) - Germany has expelled Vietnam's press attache over the suspected kidnapping of a man allegedly bundled into a car by armed men at Berlin Zoo. ...

Pressemitteilung - Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amts zu den deutsch-vietnamesischen Beziehungen

02.08.2017 (Auswärtiges Amt) - Zu den deutsch-vietnamesischen Beziehungen sagte ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amtes heute (02.08.) in Berlin:

Nachdem sich Hinweise verdichtet hatten und es nun keine vernünftigen Zweifel mehr über eine Beteiligung der vietnamesischen Dienste und der Botschaft der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam in Berlin bei der Entführung eines vietnamesischen Staatsangehörigen in Berlin gab, hat der Staatssekretär im Auswärtigen Amt, Markus Ederer, gestern den Botschafter der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam einbestellt. ...

Bundesregierung wirft Vietnam Entführung eines Asylbewerbers vor

02.08.2017 (Yahoo Nachrichten) - AFP - Die Bundesregierung wirft Vietnam vor, einen vietnamesischen Asylbewerber in Berlin entführt zu haben. Die Entführung des Mannes auf deutschem Boden sei ein "präzedenzloser und eklatanter Verstoß gegen deutsches Recht und gegen das Völkerrecht", sagte der Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amts, Martin Schäfer, am Mittwoch in Berlin. ...

Deutschland weist Vietnam-Diplomaten wegen Entführung aus

02.08.2017 (DW) - Mitten in Berlin soll ein ehemaliger Parteifunktionär vom vietnamesischen Geheimdienst entführt worden sein. Das Auswärtige Amt reagiert und erklärt einen Diplomaten zur persona non grata. ...

Schwere diplomatische Krise: Berlin wirft Vietnam Entführung eines Asylbewerbers vor

02.08.2017 (WELT-N24) - Die mutmaßliche Entführung eines Vietnamesen im Herzen Berlins durch die Geheimdienste seines Landes hat eine schwere diplomatische Krise ausgelöst. ...

Geschäftsmann wird entführt und taucht im Vietnam wieder auf

01.08.2017 (Focus) - Ein vietnamesischer Geschäftsmann ist offenbar in Berlin entführt und nach Hanoi verschleppt worden. Bei dem 51-Jährigen handelt es sich um einen einstigen Funktionär der kommunistischen Partei Vietnams. Er war Vorstandsvorsitzender eines staatlichen Unternehmens für Erdölfördertechnik und Vizechef einer Provinz im Mekongdelta im Süden des Landes. ...

Mögliche Entführung in Berlin - Aus dem Tiergarten nach Vietnam

01.08.2017 AutorIn Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN - Mitten in Berlin soll Vietnams Geheimdienst einen in Ungnade gefallenen Exfunktionär entführt haben. Nun ist er wieder aufgetaucht – in Hanoi. Bewaffnete Männer, die dem vietnamesischen Geheimdienst angehören sollen, sollen am 23. Juli im Berliner Tiergarten einen Vietnamesen entführt haben. ...

Regierung lässt Ex-Führungskader verhaften

01.08.2017 (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - In Vietnam ist ein ehemaliger Führungskader der Kommunistischen Partei nach fast einem Jahr internationaler Suche verhaftet worden. Der Ex-Funktionär Trinh Xuan Thanh, der sich längere Zeit in Deutschland aufgehalten haben soll, stellte sich nach Angaben der Polizei am Montagabend ...

Vietnamese pastor released from prison but exiled

01.08.2017 By Tola Mbakwe (Premier Christian Radio) - A Vietnamese pastor and religious freedom advocate has been released from prison after expressing his faith, but has been forced to leave the country in bad health. His release comes amid a spate of arrests of human rights activists in the country. ...

Vietnam targets 16 bankers in latest crackdown

01.08.2017 (Daily Mail) - Vietnam issued arrest warrants for 14 bankers and took two more into custody on Tuesday after accusing them of causing losses totalling hundreds of millions of dollars in the scandal-tainted sector. ...

South Vietnam’s ‘Daredevil Girls’

01.08.2017 Heather Stur (NYT) - ... By 1967, there were more than 2,700 women in the all-female unit. And yet we know precious little about those women and their experiences — or about the wartime experiences of South Vietnamese women generally. And yet we know precious little about those women and their experiences — or about the wartime experiences of South Vietnamese women generally. ...

China-Vietnam Relations Fall To A One-Year Low Over A New Maritime Dispute

31.07.2017 Ralph Jennings (Forbes) - After a world court tribunal ruled last year in July that Beijing lacked legal rights to claim most of the South China Sea, it stepped up talks with the chief maritime disputant Vietnam. Vietnam and China contest sovereignty over the sea’s two major island chains and a lot more. ...

Entenfleisch mit frischem Blut

31.07.2017 von Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN - Seit der Berliner Journalist Trung Khoa Le kritisch über die vietnamesische Regierung berichtet, erhält er Morddrohungen. An sein Telefon geht Trung Khoa Le nur noch, wenn er den Anrufer kennt. Der deutschvietnamesische Journalist aus Berlin sagt, er fühle sich bedroht. Von Offiziellen in Vietnam und von einer Privatperson aus München. Letzten Dienstag hat er Strafanzeige bei der Berliner Polizei gestellt ...

Vietnam proposes firing vice minister amid corruption crackdown

31.07.2017 (Reuters) -  HANOI - Vietnam's ruling Communist party said on Monday that a former executive of electricity firm Dien Quang Lamp should be sacked from her current position as a vice-trade minister as it continues a crackdown on corruption. Deputy trade minister Ho Thi Kim Thoa might lose all of her positions at the ministry ...

Vietnam’s tale of two metros, one built by the Japanese and the other by the Chinese

30.07.2017 By Michael Tatarski (SCMP) - ... For the first time in their histories, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi are both in the middle of desperately needed major metro-system projects that aim to transform their cities. Both are facing delays, but a series of high-profile accidents has already cast a larger shadow over the Chinese-led effort in the capital. In contrast, the metro project led by Japanese conglomerates in Ho Chi Minh City has been accident-free. ...

Vietnam arrests more dissidents

30.07.2017 (DW) - Vietnam has cracked down further on dissent, arresting four rights activists on charges of trying to overthrow the government. Hanoi has already faced EU, US and UN calls to release bloggers and a lawyer. Wives said the four activists were all arrested Sunday at their homes on the same charge leveled at lawyer Nguyen Van Dai and activist Le Thu Ha, who have been held since December 2015. ...

Four detained as Vietnam ramps up dissident crackdown

30.07.2017 (Daily Mail) - Four dissidents have been arrested in Vietnam on charges of trying to overthrow the state, authorities said Sunday as the country's communist leadership ramps up its crackdown on critics. Activists, rights lawyers and bloggers are routinely jailed in the one-party state but a new government in place since last year has vigorously pursued detractors. ...

Unending Punishment: Political Repression in Vietnam

29.07.2017 By Kaylee Dolen (Asia Sentinel) - On July 30, 2012, the mother of political prisoner Ta Phong Tan burned herself to death at a government building in despair over her daughter’s imprisonment. This is the fifth anniversary of her death. ...

Water Wars: Jockeying for Black Gold in the South China Sea

28.07.2017 By Jimmy Chalk, Sarah Grant (Lawfare) - China leverages its growing military presence, threatening Vietnam and building ties with the Philippines. Oil and gas play a significant role in the South China Sea dispute. ...

U.N. urges Vietnam to release blogger jailed for nine years

28.07.2017 (Reuters) - GENEVA - The United Nations called on Vietnam on Friday to release a prominent dissident, voicing deep concerns about her one-day trial this week and sentencing to nine years for anti-state propaganda in what it called an "intensifying crackdown". ...

Vietnam’s strategies in the South China Sea

28.07.2017 Author: Carlyle A. Thayer, UNSW Canberra (East Asia Forum) - A year ago on 12 July 2016, the Arbitral Tribunal handed down its award on the claims brought by the Philippines against China over their maritime disputes in the Spratly Islands. The Tribunal ruled unanimously on almost all of the Philippines’ claims. ...

Britain says it will send warship to South China Sea next year, in move likely to anger Beijing

28.07.2017 (SCMP) - Britain plans to send a warship to the disputed South China Sea next year to conduct freedom of navigation exercises, Defence Minister Michael Fallon said on Thursday, a move likely to anger Beijing. ...

Vietnam: l'Onu dénonce une intensification de la répression contre les dissidents

28.07.2017 (RTBF) - L'Onu a dénoncé vendredi une intensification de la répression contre les défenseurs des droits de l'Homme au Vietnam et exigé la remise en liberté immédiate des dissidents emprisonnés. ...

Die Menschenrechtsbeauftragte Bärbel Kofler zur Verurteilung der vietnamesischen Menschenrechtsaktivistin Tran Thi Nga zu neun Jahren Haft

27.07.2017 (Auswaertiges Amt) - Zum Urteil gegen die vietnamesische Menschenrechtsaktivistin Tran Thi Nga sagte die Menschenrechtsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Bärbel Kofler, heute (27.07.): Die sehr harte Verurteilung von Frau Tran Thi Nga zu neun Jahren Haft durch ein Gericht in Vietnam hat mich bestürzt. Tran Thi Nga hat sich mit friedlichen Mitteln gegen Korruption und Willkür sowie für Justizopfer, Arbeiterrechte und den Umweltschutz eingesetzt. Ihr Einsatz wurde von Amnesty International anlässlich des diesjährigen Internationalen Frauentages gewürdigt. ...

Au Vietnam, les opposants politiques ont leur propre équipe de football

27.07.2017 (franceinfo) - Au Vietnam, des opposants politiques au régime communiste au pouvoir ont créé une équipe de football pour contourner l'interdiction de rassemblement. ...

Vietnamese Activist Sentenced to 9 Years in One-Day Trial - A Chilling Warning to Supporters and Dissidents

27.07.2017 Shayna Bauchner (HRW) - A Vietnam court sentenced activist Tran Thi Nga on Tuesday to nine years in prison followed by five years under house arrest for spreading “anti-State propaganda.” The conviction was handed down during a one-day trial – a swift and harsh verdict her lawyer called pre-determined. ...

Südchinesisches Meer: Waffen statt Lösungen

27.07.2017 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Im Südchinesischen Meer spitzt sich die Lage zu. Doch nichts deutet darauf hin, dass die Konfliktparteien an einer konstruktiven Lösung arbeiten. Stattdessen kaufen sie mehr und mehr Waffen. ...

Ölstreit: China droht Vietnam mit Militärangriff

27.07.2017 (Sputnik) - China drohte vor kurzem, vietnamesische Stützpunkte anzugreifen, falls Hanoi die Öl- und Gaserschließung im umstrittenen Teil des Südchinesischen Meeres fortsetzen sollte. Vietnam nahm diese Drohung ernst und beauftragte den spanischen Ölkonzern Repsol, die Erschließung einzustellen. ...

“We can make a difference,” says Vietnamese Youth

27.07.2017 Peace Parks Foundation (National Geographic) - The continued senseless killing of African rhino for their horn, is driven by the demand for horn in primary consumer countries in Asia, such as Vietnam and China. More than 90% of horn goes to or through Vietnam. ...

Ho Chi Minh City Faces High Risks Of Land Erosion In Rainy Season

27.07.2017 (Bernama) --Ho Chi Minh City faces high risks of land erosion in the rainy season due to invasion of river banks, canals and illegal sand mining, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported. ...

Message by the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam on the conviction of Ms. Tran Thi Nga (blogger Thuy Nga)

26.07.2017 (Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam) - Yesterday's sentencing of Ms. Tran Thi Nga to 9 years in prison after she peacefully expressed her opinion on labour and land rights, directly contradicts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Vietnam is a party. ...

US ambassador calls for release of jailed Vietnam activist

26.07.2017 (AP) - The U.S ambassador in Vietnam called on the Communist government Wednesday to release an activist who was sentenced to nine years in prison on what the envoy says are vague charges of propaganda against the state. ...

Vietnam just sent a housekeeper-turned-political blogger to prison over her Facebook posts

26.07.2017 Tripti Lahiri (Quartz Media) - When she was just 20, Tran Thi Nga, shown above, got a job as a live-in domestic worker in Taiwan through a broker, and then moved on to factory jobs. It took many years but Thi Nga eventually realized that as a migrant worker she had been mistreated. On her return home, she became an activist for labor and political rights. ...

Vietnam's dissident footballers take aim at politics

26.07.2017 By AFP (Daily Mail) - A group of old pals trot onto the pitch for what looks like an ordinary football match in Vietnam. ...

Vietnam activist jailed for 'anti-state' charge

25.07.2017 By AFP (MailOnline) - A Vietnamese activist was jailed for nine years on Tuesday for "anti-state activity", her lawyer said, the second such heavy sentence handed down by the authoritarian state in less than a month. Anti-China activist Tran Thi Nga, 40, was sentenced after a one-day trial in a heavily guarded courthouse in northern Ha Nam province ...

Neun Jahre Haft für Regierungskritikerin in Vietnam

25.07.2017 (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - Wegen «anti-staatlicher Propaganda» ist eine Regierungskritikerin in Vietnam zu neun Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Ein Gericht in der Stadt Phu Ly verhängte gegen die 40-jährige Tran Thi Nga zudem noch fünf Jahre Hausarrest, wie ihre Anwälte am Dienstag mitteilten. ...

Vietnamese Activist Sentenced To 9 Years In Prison

25.07.2017 (AP) - HANOI, Vietnam -- A Vietnamese court on Tuesday sentenced an activist to nine years in prison on charges of producing videos that defamed the country's leadership, in the latest crackdown on dissent.

Tran Thi Nga was convicted of spreading propaganda against the state ...

Cárcel para activista vietnamita acusada de ofensa a líderes

25.07.2017 (Santa Maria Times) - HANÓI, Vietnam (AP) — Un tribunal en Vietnam sentenció el martes a una activista a nueve años de cárcel por producir videos considerados ofensivos a los líderes del país. ...

Neuf ans de prison pour une blogueuse vietnamienne

25.07.2017 (Ouest-France) - Une blogueuse vietnamienne a été condamnée à neuf ans de prison pour "diffusion de  propagande contre l’État". La femme de 39 ans avait été arrêtée après avoir posté des contenus jugés offensants sur Internet. Son avocat a dénoncé un verdict "inique". ...

Une blogueuse vietnamienne condamnée à neuf ans de prison

25.07.2017 (Le Monde) - L’opposante Tran Thi Nga a été déclarée coupable de propagande antiétatique au terme d’un procès d’un jour. Le verdict intervient un mois après la condamnation d’une autre blogueuse. ...

Vietnam detiene a otro disidente acusado de querer derribar el Gobierno

25.07.2017 (WRADIO) - Bangkok (EFE).- Los cuerpos de seguridad de Vietnam han arrestado a otro disidente acusado de querer derribar el Gobierno, cargo que suelen imputar a quienes critican al régimen comunista que gobierna el país, informan hoy los medios locales. ...

Vietnam police arrest dissident for alleged bid to overthrow government

25.07.2017 (PressTV) - Police officials in central Nghe An province announced on their news website that 51-year-old Le Dinh Luong was detained on Monday, saying he had been engaged in “regular activities with the aim to overthrow the authority and complicate local security,” without elaborating, Reuters reported Tuesday. ...

Vietnam police arrest dissident for attempt 'to overthrow government'

25.07.2017 (Reuters) - HANOI - Police in Vietnam have arrested a prominent dissident they have accused of conducting activities aimed at overthrowing the government, in what appeared to be latest effort by the Communist-ruled country to crack down on critics. Police in central Nghe An said Le Dinh Luong, 51, was arrested on Monday. ...

Vietnam Court Tries Woman For Posting Anti-State Content

25.07.2017 (AP) - HANOI, Vietnam -- A Vietnamese court was holding a trial Tuesday of a woman who posted articles and videos online that were described as anti-state propaganda. The trial of Tran Thi Nga, 40, was expected to last a day ...

China-Vietnam South China Sea Spat in the Spotlight

25.07.2017 By Prashanth Parameswaran (The Diplomat) - Reports indicate Beijing’s coercive efforts continue even as it plays up a cooling down period in the South China Sea. On July 24, the BBC cited both a Southeast Asian oil industry source and a Vietnamese diplomatic source as confirming that Hanoi had terminated a gas-drilling expedition ...

Alarming Escalation in the South China Sea: China Threatens Force if Vietnam Continues Oil Exploration in Spratlys - A new pattern of Chinese bellicosity?

24.07.2017 By Carl Thayer (The Diplomat) - On July 15, well-informed sources in Hanoi privately reported that Vietnam directed a subsidiary of Spain’s Repsol to suspend oil drilling in block 136-03 in the South China Sea. Nine days later a report by the BBC’s Bill Hayton finally confirmed this. ...

South China Sea: Vietnam halts drilling after 'China threats'

24.07.2017 By Bill Hayton (BBC) - Vietnam has reportedly terminated a gas-drilling expedition in a disputed area of the South China Sea, following strong threats from China. ...

Group urges Vietnam’s foreign donors to pressure govt into releasing Tran Thi Nga

24.07.2017 (Asian Correspondent) - A HUMAN rights watchdog on Monday called on Vietnam’s foreign donors to pressure the government into releasing Tran Thi Nga, a blogger who faces a trial tomorrow (July 25) for criticising the administration. ...

Taxation desperation in Vietnam

23.07.2017 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - ... While taxation from standard taxi firms accounts for annual revenue of US$91.7 million, according to local media reports, the app-based businesses have contributed a mere fraction of the total tax haul. Grab paid US$250,000 in taxes last year in Vietnam; Uber paid about US$1.7 million. ...

South Vietnam flag still flies high

23.07.2017 By Helen Clark  (Asia Times) - Buried at the bottom of a detailed account of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s trip to the G-20 Summit were a few lines on his meeting with Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc. “In his discussion with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, the Vietnamese leader raised concerns about five local councils in Australia that reportedly support the flying of the ‘yellow’ flag, which was the flag of the former government of South Vietnam,” reported Fairfax media. ...

With TPP’s demise, Vietnam looks to Europe for free trade

23.07.2017 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - Vietnam and the European Union are tentatively set to agree to and ratify a wide-ranging free trade pact, known as the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, or EVFTA, by early 2018. ...

Pollution de l'air : le Vietnam veut interdire les deux roues à moteur à Hanoï

22.07.2017 (Sud Ouest) - Initiative radicale au Vietnam pour lutter contre la pollution de l'air : le 4 juillet, les autorités ont annoncé leur volonté d’interdire les mobylettes et motos d’ici à 2030 à Hanoï. ...

VIET NAM: Immediately release labour and land rights defender Tran Thi Nga

21.07.2017 (The Observatory & VCHR) – GENEVA-PARIS - Vietnamese authorities must drop all charges against labour and land rights defender Tran Thi Nga and immediately release her, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (an FIDH-OMCT partnership) and the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) urged today. ...

Vietnam pollution fight hits supplier to global fashion brands

21.07.2017 Mai Nguyen (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnamese villagers blockading a textile plant that serves global fashion brands are seeking the permanent closure of the factory due to pollution concerns, highlighting a growing readiness in Vietnam to campaign over environmental issues ...

VIET NAM: La défendeuse des droits sociaux et des droits à la terre Tran Thi Nga doit être immédiatement libérée

21.07.2017 (L’Observatoire & VCHR) – – Les autorités vietnamiennes doivent abandonner toutes les charges qui pèsent contre la défendeuse des droits sociaux et des droits à la terre Tran Thi Nga et immédiatement la libérer, ont pressé aujourd’hui l’Observatoire pour la Protection des Défenseurs des droits de l’Homme (un partenariat FIDH-OMCT) et le Comité Vietnam pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (VCHR). ...

Can Vietnam’s Military Really Mind Its Own Businesses?

20.07.2017 By Nguyen The Phuong (The Diplomat) - The land disputes that surfaced recently in Dong Tam and the debate over whether or not to use the notorious Tan Son Nhat golf course to expand the highly overloaded Tan Son Nhat International Airport has ignited another sensitive but interesting issue within Vietnam: the role of the military in economic activities. ...

Whose line is it anyway? The growing threat of China’s maritime presence

20.07.2017 by Joanna Eva (Global Risk Insights) - China sent its first ever deployment of troops to its military facility in Djibouti on the Horn of Africa this week, under the guise of anti-piracy operations and humanitarian missions in the region. ...

The South China Sea seven years on

19.07.2017 Author: Michael McDevitt, CNA (East Asia Forum) - This month seven years ago at the Hanoi ASEAN Regional Forum, then secretary of state Hillary Clinton made a very public, and — for the Chinese — surprising, intervention into the South China Sea (SCS) disputes. ...

Gemüse aus Asien mit wahren Giftcocktails an der Grenze abgefangen

19.07.2017 (Blick) - Gemüse aus Asien enthält mitunter wahre Giftcocktails. Kritisch waren vor allem Produkte aus Thailand und Vietnam wie Koriander und Chilis. ...

Jakarta disregards Beijing, renames part of South China Sea

18.07.2017 Erwida Maulia (Nikkei Asian Review) - JAKARTA -- Citing a decision last year of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in Europe that has been ignored by China, Indonesia has renamed its exclusive economic zone in the southwestern part of the South China Sea. ...

Vietnam to reduce number of military businesses

18.07.2017 Jon Grevatt (IHS Jane's Defence Weekly) - The Vietnam government has announced a commitment to complete the restructuring of the businesses owned by the country’s military, vowing the divest stakes in the majority of companies. ...

Vietnam: Künftige Reporter in Kriegseuphorie

17.07.2017 Dieter Herrmann (web.de) - Dass das vietnamesische Fernsehen sich wieder bei mir gemeldet hat, hat einen sehr speziellen Grund - und es ist ein hochpolitischer. ...

Trinh T. Minh-ha: Gedanken aus dem Zwischenraum

16.07.2017 Interview Julia Grillmayr (derStandard) - "Grenzen sind leider ein extrem wichtiges Thema geworden": die Kulturwissenschafterin über ihre Arbeitsweise zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft und die politischen Verwerfungen in den Vereinigten Staaten. ...

Asserting sovereignty, Indonesia renames part of South China Sea

15.07.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - JAKARTA -- Indonesia renamed the northern reaches of its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea as the North Natuna Sea on Friday, the latest act of resistance by Southeast Asian nations to China's territorial ambitions in the maritime region. ...

Doi Moi II: Rule of Law and State Legitimacy in Vietnam

14.07.2017 By Le Vinh Trien and Kris Hartley (The Diplomat) -“Vietnam has the opportunity to define a next-generation model of liberalized development.” In Vietnam, growth facilitated by aggressive exploitation of cheap and idle resources is nearing an end, and the country must now plan for lower economic growth rates. ...

FDP Wirtschaftspolitik - Zusammenarbeit mit Vietnam vertiefen

14.07.2017 (FDP) - In Zeiten von Abschottung und Protektionismus setzen sich die Freien Demokraten für mehr internationalen Austausch und Freihandel ein. In Rheinland-Pfalz etwa engagiert sich Landeswirtschaftsminister Volker Wissing für eine vertiefte Zusammenarbeit mit Vietnam. ...

Report: Asia facing dire future toll from climate change

14.07.2017 (AP) - A report by the Asia Development Bank says Asia will endure extreme heat, rising sea levels, growing losses from severe weather and increasing food insecurity in coming decades as climate change raises temperatures and alters weather patterns across the globe. ...

Unwetter tobt in Vietnam - Überschwemmungen fordern 13 Todesopfer

12.07.2017 (n-tv) - Im Norden Vietnams sind bei schweren Überschwemmungen mindestens 13 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. ...

Vietnam reports outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in north - OIE

12.07.2017 (Reuters) - PARIS - Vietnam has reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 bird flu among backyard birds in the northern province of Ha Nam, the Paris-based World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) said on Wednesday ...

Vietnam Plans Talks With Catholic Officials Over Monastery Dispute

11.07.2017  HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnamese authorities plan to hold talks with a Catholic monastery and church officials to resolve a land dispute that prompted a violent scuffle last month, a provincial government body said.

Land disputes are common in Communist-ruled Vietnam ...

Vietnam: Wer ist "Mutter Pilz"? Bloggerin zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt

11.07.2017  von Hai Tran & Thach Duong (Forum Vietnam 21) - Eine prominente Bloggerin ist in einem eintägigen Prozess am vergangenen 29. Juni wegen Propaganda gegen den Staat zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Unter dem Vorwurf, gegen Artikel 88 oder Artikel 258 des vietnamesischen Strafgesetzbuchs verstoßen zu haben, werden Kritiker zum Schweigen gebracht. ...

Mother Mushroom: how Vietnam locked up its most famous blogger

09.07.2017 Bennett Murray in Hanoi (The Guardian) - One of Vietnam’s most influential political bloggers, given a courage award by Melania Trump, faces a decade behind bars for her ‘reactionary’ work. “Each person only has a life, but if I had the chance to choose again I would still choose my way.” ...

G-20 leaders reach deal on trade, struggle on climate

08.07.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - HAMBURG, Germany--Leaders of the world's top economic powers reaffirmed their support Saturday for free trade but tempered their statement by acknowledging countries could defend their home companies and markets against unfair practices. ...

Vietnam police detain blogger for anti-state propaganda, mother says

07.07.2017 (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnamese police have arrested a blogger for posting anti-state material on the internet, his mother said on Friday, as part of a crackdown on critics of the country's Communist rulers. Tran Hoang Phuc, 23, was arrested in Hanoi ...

G20 Summit: 40 NGO call for release of 3 Vietnamese human rights defenders

06.07.2017 (VETO!) - On the occasion of the G20 Summit in Hamburg (Germany) 40 human rights and civil society organizations in Europe, USA and Asia call the Vietnamese Prime minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to immediately and unconditionally release three prominent human rights defenders from three different religious communities and all other prisoners of conscience detained in Vietnam. ...

Vietnam singer Mai Khoi adds a youthful tone to aged politics

06.07.2017 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - The Vietnamese singer and activist Mai Khoi is an outspoken advocate for human rights and freedom of expression in Vietnam. After her performance at the Global Media Forum she spoke with DW about her political activism. ...

Conviction of Vietnamese Blogger

06.07.2017 (VOA) - A Vietnamese court recently sentenced blogger and human rights activist Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh to 10 years in prison."We are deeply concerned," said State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert, "about the conviction of. . .peaceful blogger, Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh."Also known as “Mother Mushroom,” she was the recent recipient of a 2017 International Woman of Courage Award at the State Department. ...

Vietnam Detains Young Activist Over Critical Facebook Comments

05.07.2017 (RFA) - Vietnam has arrested a young activist for posting material critical of the government on social media, his mother told RFA's Vietnamese on Wednesday.

Ho Chi Minh City native Tran Hoang Phuc, 23, was detained on July 3 on the accusation of "possessing materials, producing and posting videos on internet critical of the government" under article 88 of Vietnam's penal code, she said. ...

MUSHROOM AND BEAR - “Why did the fish die?”: The questions and Facebook posts that led Vietnam to imprison a mom blogger

05.07.2017 Visen Liu (Quartz) - With a blue fish painted on her cheek, a smiling Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh stares out from her Facebook page, where she writes in Vietnamese under the name Mẹ Nấm, or Mother [of] Mushroom. Last week, Vietnam convicted and sentenced her to prison for a decade on charges of “conducting propaganda against the state.” ...

Vietnam Makes Bold Move For Oil In Disputed South China Sea

05.07.2017 By Irina Slav (OilPrice) - Vietnam has allowed a drillship in a contested part of the South China Sea, according to an industry consultant who spoke to the BBC. ...

Terroristen auf den Philippinen töteten zwei vietnamesische Geiseln

05.07.2017 (derStandard) - Manila – Islamisten auf den Philippinen haben zwei entführte Seeleute aus Vietnam enthauptet. ...

Vietnam will Beziehungen zu Deutschland vertiefen

05.07.2017 (Focus Online) - Mainz (dpa/lrs) - Der vietnamesische Premierminister Nguyen Xuan Phuc will die Beziehungen zu Deutschland ausbauen. Das berichtete Bundesratspräsidentin Malu Dreyer (SPD) am Mittwoch nach einem Treffen in Mainz. ...

Vietnam hat einen Regimekritiker ausgebürgert und nach Frankreich abgeschoben

02.07.2017 von Hai Tran (Forum Vietnam 21) - Der Blogger und Regimekritiker Pham Minh Hoang wurde am 24.06.2017, von Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, ehemals Saigon, nach Frankreich abgeschoben. Zuvor, am 17.05., wurde ihm die vietnamesische Staatsbürgerschaft durch den Staatspräsidenten Tran Dai Quang aberkannt, mit der Begründung: „Verstoß gegen die Gesetze Vietnams“ ...

Facebook: bloguera condenada a diez años de cárcel por criticar al gobierno de Vietnam

02.07.2017 (El Popular) - Usar su cuenta en Facebook para criticar la política gubarnamental de Vietnam le costó caro a una ciudadana de ese país, quien fue condenada a diez años de prisión. La sanción generó la inmediata reacción de organismos defensores de Derechos Humanos que piden su liberación. ..

UN experts condemn Viet Nam’s jailing of prominent blogger Mother Mushroom

30.06.2017 (OHCHR) - GENEVA – Viet Nam must end what appears to be a pattern of targeting environmental defenders, UN human rights experts* have urged after the jailing of a popular blogger. ...

Vietnam condena a 10 años de cárcel a una bloguera por criticar al Gobierno

30.06.2017 Ismael Arana (El Mundo) - Una popular bloguera vietnamita fue condenada ayer jueves a 10 años de prisión tras ser declarada culpable de criticar al Gobierno y distribuir propaganda contra el Estado, una sentencia que ha provocado las críticas de gobiernos extranjeros y organizaciones internacionales de derechos humanos. ...

Viet Nam: blogger Me Nam sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment

29.06.2017 (PEN) - PEN International condemns the conviction of blogger and government critic Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, also known by her pen name Me Nam (‘Mother Mushroom’), on 29 June 2017. Me Nam, who has been detained since her arrest in October 2016, was convicted of “conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam” under Article 88 of the Penal Code and sentenced to 10 years in prison. ...

Vietnam sentences prominent blogger to 10 years in prison

29.06.2017 (AP) - HANOI, Vietnam -- A prominent Vietnamese blogger was sentenced Thursday to 10 years in prison after being found guilty of distorting government policies and defaming the Communist regime in Facebook posts and in interviews with foreign media, her lawyer said. Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, also known as "Mother Mushroom," was sentenced at the end of a one-day trial ...

Prominente vietnamesische Bloggerin verurteilt

29.06.2017 (DW) - Eine der bekanntesten vietnamesischen Bloggerinnen, Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, besser bekannt unter ihrem Pseudonym Me Nam ("Mutter Pilz"), ist wegen Propaganda gegen den Staat zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hatte die 37-jährige Bloggerin nach Paragraph 88 des vietnamesischen Strafgesetzbuches angeklagt. ...

Vietnam: 10 ans de prison pour une blogueuse dissidente

29.06.2017 (L'Orient-Le Jour) - Une dissidente et blogueuse vietnamienne, connue sous le nom de Me Nam ou "Mère champignon", a été condamnée jeudi à dix années de prison pour propagande antiétatique malgré une campagne internationale appelant à sa libération. Les journalistes de l'AFP n'ont pas été autorisés à assister au procès dans la province de Khanh Hoa, mais d'après les images qui circulaient sur les réseaux sociaux de nombreux policiers avaient été placés autour du tribunal. ...

Vietnam: Zehn Jahre Gefängnis für Bloggerin

29.06.2017 (ORF) - Eine prominente Bloggerin ist in Vietnam wegen staatsfeindlicher Propaganda am Donnerstag zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Die als "Mother Mushroom" bekannte Bloggerin war im Oktober verhaftet worden. ...

Vietnam: une blogueuse dissidente condamnée à dix ans de prison

29.06.2017 (RFI) - Une dissidente et blogueuse vietnamienne, connue sous le nom de Me Nam ou «Mère champignon», a été condamnée jeudi 29 juin à dix années de prison pour propagande antiétatique, malgré une campagne internationale appelant à sa libération. Avant le verdict, Quynh qui est restée calme tout au long du procès, a envoyé un message à ses deux enfants et à sa mère. ...

'Mother Mushroom': Top Vietnamese blogger jailed for 10 years

29.06.2017 (BBC) - One of Vietnam's top bloggers, Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, who is known as Mother Mushroom, has been jailed for 10 years for distributing propaganda against the state. Her lawyer told the BBC she had 15 days to appeal. ...

Vietnam jails prominent activist for propaganda against state

29.06.2017 (Reuters) - A Vietnamese court jailed a prominent blogger for 10 years on Thursday for publishing propaganda against the state, her lawyer said, the latest crackdown on critics of the Communist Party. Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, 37, known as "Me Nam" (Mother Mushroom), was found guilty at a full-day trial by a court in central province of Khanh Hoa ...

Vietnam puts prominent blogger on trial for anti-state acts

29.06.2017 (AP) - HANOI, Vietnam -- A lawyer says a prominent Vietnamese blogger is being tried for her Facebook posts that prosecutors say distorted government policies and defamed the regime. Lawyer Le Van Luan said prosecutors proposed a sentence of eight to 10 years in prison for Quynh, who maintained her innocence in the Thursday morning proceedings.

Vietnam blogger 'Mother Mushroom' on trial

29.06.2017 (dailymail) - A prominent Vietnamese blogger known as 'Mother Mushroom' went on trial Thursday for anti-state propaganda. Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, whose penname derives from her daughter's nickname "mushroom", was arrested in October 2016 ...

In Vietnam beginnt Prozess gegen prominente Bloggerin

29.06.2017 (Salzburger Nachrichten) - In Vietnam muss sich eine preisgekrönte Aktivistin und Bloggerin wegen angeblich staatsfeindlicher Kommentare vor Gericht verantworten. Der Prozess gegen Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh beginne am Donnerstag, teilte die Mutter der Angeklagten am Mittwoch mit. ...

Who is Mother Mushroom? Blogger accused of propaganda against Vietnam goes on trial

29.06.2017 By Divya Kishore (IBT) - Prominent Vietnamese blogger Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, who is accused of spreading propaganda against the state through her Facebook and blog posts, has gone on trial. ...

Vietnam: Free Blogger ‘Mother Mushroom’ !

28.06.2017 (HRW) - New York – Vietnam should immediately free Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh (also known as “Mother Mushroom”) and drop all charges against her, Human Rights Watch said today. “It’s outrageous to put Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh on trial simply for using her right to free expression to call for government reform and accountability,” said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. ...

Pham Minh Hoang: au Vietnam, «nous vivons dans une dictature» [Exclu RFI]

28.06.2017 Par Juliette Gheerbrant (RFI) - Le dissident franco-vietnamien Pham Minh Hoang est arrivé à Paris dimanche 25 juin après avoir été privé de sa nationalité vietnamienne et expulsé du pays par le régime à parti unique. Une mesure qualifiée de violation patente des droits de l'homme par Human Rights Watch. ...

Nations lose every time rights are denied

27.06.2017 By The Nation (The Nation, Bangkok) - In their intolerance of valid criticism, Vietnam and Laos are only hurting themselves. The governments of Laos and Vietnam have only hampered their countries’ progress by, in the first case, slapping three activists with harsh prison sentences and, in the second, stripping a mathematician of his citizenship. In Vietnam, as in Laos (and, yes, Thailand), freedom of expression ought to be a fundamental right, and if given even guarded leeway can bring much benefit to society. Smart leaders know that a country cannot be built except on a foundation of respect for the people. ...

China, Vietnam and hard talk about the Mekong: China Daily columnist

27.06.2017 By Asit K Biswas, Cecilia Tortajada (The Straits Times) - Much has been written about the building of hydropower dams in the upper reaches of the Mekong River and their role in causing droughts in the Mekong delta region in Vietnam. Many environmental and social activists claim Chinese dams have reduced the water flow in the delta, seriously harming rice cultivation and allowing saltwater to seep into soil. ...

The Weak Points in Vietnam's Military

27.06.2017 By Shang-su Wu (The Diplomat) - Despite significant defense investments, some neglected portions of Vietnam’s military are vulnerable to Chinese attack. While Hanoi’s new fighters, submarines, and frigates are not inferior to their Chinese counterparts, other Vietnamese capabilities would be vulnerabilities available for Beijing to exploit. Minesweeping, armored vehicles, and artillery are three major examples. ...

Mar del Sur de China, Hanoi y Beijing en desacuerd

26.06.2017 Thanh Thuy (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Se terminó abrupta e inesperadamente la visita a Vietnam del gen. Fan Changlong, vicepresidente de la Comisión Militar Central de la República Popular de China (RPC). ...

Vietnam expels dissident blogger to France

26.06.2017 (RSF) - Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is deeply shocked to learn that Pham Minh Hoang, a blogger and champion of the fight for free speech in Vietnam, was expelled from the country of his birth on Saturday night. ...

L’expulsion indigne du blogueur dissident Pham Minh Hoang vers la France

26.06.2017 (RSF) - Figure emblématique de la lutte pour la liberté d’expression au Vietnam, Pham Minh Hoang a été expulsé du Vietnam, son pays natal, vers la France dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche. L’organisation Reporters sans frontières (RSF) est profondément choquée par cette mesure ...

Deported Vietnamese-French blogger arrives in Paris

25.06.2017 (RFI) - A Vietnamese dissident blogger with dual French citizenship arrived in Paris on Sunday after he was stripped of his birth nationality by authorities in the one-party state and deported. Former math lecturer Pham Minh Hoang was put on a plane to Paris late Saturday, weeks after his Vietnamese citizenship was revoked ...

Le blogueur franco-vietnamien Pham Minh Hoang expulsé en France

25.06.2017 (France24) - Le blogueur dissident franco-vietnamien Pham Minh Hoang est arrivé à Paris dimanche 25 juin après avoir été privé de sa nationalité vietnamienne et expulsé samedi par le régime à parti unique. Le Vietnam est un pays où les opposants sont fréquemment emprisonnés, mais cet ancien professeur de mathématiques de 62 ans est le premier dissident de l'histoire récente à se voir retirer sa nationalité. ...

Vietnam blogger Pham Minh Hoang deported to France

25.06.2017 (BBC) - A French-Vietnamese dissident blogger has been deported to France after losing his nationality of birth. Pham Minh Hoang served a jail sentence after being convicted in 2011 over articles that "blackened the image of the country". ...

Un dissident franco-vietnamien expulsé en France

25.06.2017 (Romandie) - Paris - Un blogueur dissident franco-vietnamien est arrivé à Paris dimanche après avoir été privé de sa nationalité vietnamienne et expulsé par le régime à parti unique. ...

La Policía de Vietnam detiene a un activista crítico con el régimen y anuncia su deportación

23.06.2017 (Europa Press) - HANOI (Reuters/EP) - La Policía de Vietnam ha detenido este viernes y deportará este sábado a Pham Minh Hoang, un conocido activista y profesor con doble ciudadanía --vietnamita y francesa-- hasta que el régimen de Hanoi se la revocó el mes pasado, según declaraciones de su mujer. ...

Trump administration fails to call out Vietnam on its dismal human rights record

22.06.2017 (Washington Post) - PRESIDENT TRUMP met with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc last month to discuss trade and security issues. In their public statements about the visit, one topic got short shrift: human rights. This was a glaring lapse. ...

What’s Behind Vietnam’s Rising Violence?

22.06.2017 By David Hutt (The Diplomat) - The rise of physical violence committed against activists is a troubling trend. A recent report by Human Rights Watch, “No Country for Human Rights Activists: Assaults on Bloggers and Democracy Campaigners in Vietnam”, documents the rise of physical violence committed against activists, mainly by plain-clothed “thugs,” some of whom may be police or soldiers, and most of whom target their victims in very public place. ...

Viet Nam: charges against blogger Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh must be dropped

22.06.2017 (PEN) - PEN International calls on the Vietnamese authorities to drop all charges against blogger and government critic Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, also known by her pen name Me Nam (‘Mother Mushroom’), ahead of her trial, which is expected to take place on 29 June 2017. ...

Nixed China-Vietnam Meeting Highlights Illusion of South China Sea Calm

22.06.2017 By Prashanth ThuParameswaran (The Diplomat) - ... On Thursday, news surfaced that a China-Vietnam defense meeting had been unexpectedly canceled, reportedly due to private disagreements over the South China Sea rather than the logistical issues publicly mentioned by Chinese defense industry. ...

Hanoi targets over 13,000 Facebook accounts for tax

22.06.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review) - HO CHI MINH CITY -- Tax authorities in Hanoi on Tuesday advised thousands of social network users to register properly as businesses and pay taxes. ...

Vietnam sacks senior environment official over toxic leak that caused mass killing of fish

21.06.2017 (The Straits Times) - HANOI (AFP) - A senior Vietnamese environment official has been fired for negligence over a toxic waste dump that killed tonnes of fish in a major environmental crisis last year, according to officials and state media. ...

"Politik ist nicht kompliziert"

21.06.2017 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Die vietnamesische Sängerin und Aktivistin Mai Khoi engagiert sich für Menschenrechte und Meinungsfreiheit. Sie trat auf dem Global Media Forum der DW auf. Hier spricht sie über ihr politisches Engagement. Die Deutsche Welle lud die Sängerin und Aktivistin ein, um auf dem Global Media Forum 2017 zu sprechen und den Freedom of Speech Award musikalisch zu begleiten. ...

Vietnam: New Law Threatens Right to a Defense - Revised Penal Code Requires Lawyers Report on Clients, Penalizes Free Speech

21.06.2017 (HRW) - (New York) –  Vietnam should immediately repeal a provision in its revised penal code that would hold lawyers criminally responsible for not reporting clients to the authorities for a number of crimes, Human Rights Watch said today. The revised code also contains a number of changes heightening criminal penalties against criticism of the government or Vietnam’s one-party state. ...

Report: Vietnamese activists under constant threat of violence

21.06.2017 Abby Seiff, Hanoi (DW) - An alarming new report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) details dozens of violent assaults on rights activists and bloggers in Vietnam. State security services are also implicated in contributing to violent repression. ...

China Cancels Military Meeting With Vietnam Over Territorial Dispute

21.06.2017 By Mike Ives (NYT) - HONG KONG — State-run newspapers in Vietnam and China reported in recent days that senior military officials from the two countries would hold a fence-mending gathering along a border where their militaries fought a brief but bloody war in 1979. But Tuesday, the scheduled start of the gathering, came and went without any of the coverage in the state news media that readers in the two countries had expected. ...

Vietnamese-Canadian family's refugee story inspires new Heritage Minute

20.06.2017 By Carolyn Dunn (CBC) - For Sam and Rebecca Trinh, 1979 was the year they ran out of choices.

After the fall of Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War, Sam, a soldier, was slated for re-education at a labour camp in the Vietnamese countryside. ...

Législatives 2017 : qui est Stéphanie Do, REM, la nouvelle députée de Seine-et-Marne ?

19.06.2017 Par Martine Bréson (France Bleu) - Stéphanie Do, La République en Marche, a été élue dimanche députée de la 10e circonscription de Seine-et-Marne avec 56,31% au second tour des élections législatives. Stéphanie Do, 37 ans, est d'origine vietnamienne. ...

Vietnam verweigerte Besuch bei inhaftiertem Menschenrechtler

19.06.2017 Martin Patzelt (martin-patzelt.de) - Mit ausdrücklicher Unterstützung des Deutschen Bundestages habe ich zusammen mit meinem Bundestagskollegen Philipp Lengsfeld als Vertreter des Ausschusses für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe im Juni 2017 die Volksrepublik Vietnam besucht. Mein Kollege Lengsfeld unterstützt den Rechtsanwalt Le Quoc Quan, der inzwischen aus der Haft entlassen ist, aber nach wie vor unter dem Druck der Behörden steht. Ich persönlich setze mich für den Blogger Nguyen Huu Vinh ein, der nach wie vor im Gefängnis sitzt. ...

Gezielte Gewalt gegen Blogger in Vietnam

19.06.2017 (Die Tagespost) - Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch prangert systematische Gewalt gegen Demokratie-Aktivisten in Vietnam an. Insbesondere Blogger und Menschenrechtler seien das Ziel körperlicher und verbaler Attacken, kritisierte die Organisation in einem am Montag veröffentlichten Bericht. ...

Rights group condemns attacks on Vietnamese activists

19.06.2017 (Daily Mail) - HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - An international human rights group has condemned attacks on Vietnamese bloggers and activists by unknown assailants and urged the government to carry out impartial investigations and bring those responsible to justice. ...

Vietnam dissidents beaten, harassed by 'thugs': rights group

19.06.2017 (france24) - Plainclothes 'thugs' suspected of having links to Vietnam's government have attacked dozens of dissidents since 2015 in a bid to silence critics in the one-party state, Human Rights Watch and activists said. ...

Vietnam: End Attacks on Activists and Bloggers

19.06.2017 (HRW) - (New York) – Vietnamese bloggers and rights activists are being beaten, threatened, and intimidated with impunity, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. ...

Vietnam : Mettre un terme aux attaques contre les activistes et les blogueurs - Des défenseurs des droits humains sont régulièrement agressés à travers le pays

19.06.2017 (HRW) - (New York) – Des blogueurs et des activistes vietnamiens subissent passages à tabac, menaces et intimidations en toute impunité, a déclaré Human Rights Watch dans un rapport publié aujourd’hui. ...

Vietnam: Angriffe auf Aktivisten und Blogger beenden - Landesweit systematische, aggressive Übergriffe auf Rechtsaktivisten

19.06.2017 (HRW) - (New York) – Vietnamesische Blogger und Rechtsaktivisten werden in einem Klima der Straflosigkeit verprügelt, bedroht und eingeschüchtert, so Human Rights Watch in einem heute veröffentlichten Bericht ...

The new Heritage Minute tells my story as one of Vietnam’s boat people

18.06.2017 By Judy Trinh (The Star) - They fled bombs and death in Syria and have found safety here, but what will the future hold for them in Canada? Their escape reminds me of my family’s journey four decades earlier. ...

Roter Rausch

17.06.2017 Von Frederic Spohr (Die Zeit) - China war gestern, heute boomt Vietnam. Die Wirtschaft wächst rasant, seit sich das kommunistische Land für den Weltmarkt geöffnet hat. Die Löhne steigen, die Ungleichheit auch. Vielleicht haben sich die Kommunisten so die Zukunft ihrer Städte vorgestellt: Im Zentrum von Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt entsteht derzeit ein neues Viertel, das auf Werbeprospekten den Utopien vergangener Zeiten gleicht ...

Vietnamese cope with EET, face health insurance problem

16.06.2017 (Prague Monitor) - Prague, June 15 (CTK) - The introduction of e-registration of sales (EET) caused no big problems to Vietnamese in the Czech Republic last year, but the minority faced problems with insufficient health insurance of its members, according to an annual report the cabinet approved on Wednesday.

Hanoi's effort to control Vietnamese groups in the Czech Republic intensified in 2016, says the report completed by the government Council for Ethnic Minorities, which cites a representative of the Vietnamese community. ...

Upstream projects risk Mekong Delta disaster

16.06.2017 By Pratch Rujivanarom (The Nation) - FEARS are rising in the Mekong Delta in southern Vietnam about food and social insecurity caused by hydropower dams and water-diversion projects planned or already started further upstream. ...

On The Run, Vietnam's 'Most Wanted' Green Blogger Tells VOA He's Safe

16.06.2017 (VOA) - WASHINGTON — Vietnam’s most wanted human rights and environmental activist, Bach Hong Quyen, is safe and considering taking up residence outside his homeland, he told VOA's Vietnamese service after weeks on the run from authorities who issued a warrant for him in May. ...

Vietnam's solar energy push draws investors

16.06.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review) - Vietnam's TTC Group is planning to sink about $1 billion into solar energy projects in a country still dependent on coal-fired thermal and hydro power for its power needs, with national electricity demand growing faster than 10% annually. ...

Property disputes are Vietnam’s biggest political problem

15.06.2017 (The Economist) - FOR years residents of Dong Tam, a village on the edge of Vietnam’s capital, have fought for the right to continue tending farms on land earmarked for military development. Their patience evaporated in April, when authorities arrested a group of elders whom they had chosen to press their case with the government. ...

Vietnam Extends Detention of Blogger 'Mother Mushroom'

15.06.2017 (RFA) - Vietnamese authorities have extended the detention of activist and blogger Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, often known as blogger Mother Mushroom, and kept her incommunicado, her mother told RFA’s Vietnamese Service on Thursday. ...

Vietnam defends decision to revoke dissident's citizenship

15.06.2017 (Reuters) - Vietnam on Thursday defended its decision to revoke the citizenship of French-Vietnamese dissident Pham Minh Hoang, a former political prisoner who is accused of breaking the law and threatening state security. ...

Vietnam defiende la decisión de eliminar la ciudadanía a un disidente

15.06.2017 (Europa Press) - Vietnam ha defendido este jueves su decisión de anular la ciudadanía del disidente franco-vietnamita Pham Minh Hoang, un ex preso político acusado de infringir la ley y amenazar la seguridad del Estado. ...

Vietnamese Police Pursue Criminal Probe of Dong Tam Villagers in Land Standoff

13.06.2017 (RFA) - Vietnamese police on Tuesday began a criminal investigation of farmers in Dong Tam village, despite a promise by Hanoi’s mayor not to prosecute them as a result of hostage-release negotiations during an April standoff between villagers and the local government, sources with knowledge of the situation said on Tuesday. ...

Jailed Vietnamese pastor punished after US visit

13.06.2017 (UCANews) - An evangelical pastor imprisoned in southeast Vietnam is being held in a cramped confined space as punishment for telling a visiting U.S. diplomatic delegation about abuses he has suffered. ...

Vietnam Formally Charges Blogger Activist Honored by US

13.06.2017 An Hai (VOA) - Me Nam, or Mother Mushroom, the Vietnamese blogger who received the International Women of Courage Award from first lady Melania Trump in March has been formally charged by the Hanoi government for the very activities that earned her the honor, VOA Vietnamese reported. ...

Vietnam entzieht Blogger Staatsbürgerschaft

13.06.2017 (heise) - Pham Minh Hoang wurde vor sechs Jahren bereits wegen regierungskritischer Online-Beiträge zu drei Jahren Haft verurteilt. Nun verliert er die vietnamesische Staatsbürgerschaft. ...

Vietnam, el verdugo silencioso

13.06.2017 Eric San Juan (El Mundo) - Los números publicados por el régimen comunista de Vietnam lo sitúan como el tercer mayor verdugo del planeta, solo por detrás de China e Irán, unos datos mucho más altos de los que barajaban los observadores internacionales. ...

US-Vietnam Defense Ties in the Spotlight with Warship in Cam Ranh

13.06.2017 By Prashanth Parameswaran (The Diplomat) - On June 12, the U.S. Navy announced that a U.S. warship was conducting a port visit to Vietnam’s Cam Ranh Bay for maintenance. The engagement was the latest in a series that demonstrates the progress that Washington and Hanoi are making in their defense relationship ...

Hoa Hao Buddhists Under House Arrest Amid Religious Anniversary

12.06.2017 (RFA) - Several members of an unsanctioned sect of Hoa Hao Buddhism are being kept under de facto house arrest by unidentified men in Vietnam and denied access to social media as they mark the 78th anniversary of their religion’s founding, one of the people targeted in the crackdown said Monday. ...

Counter-Coercion Series: China-Vietnam Oil Rig Standoff

12.06.2017 By Michael Green, Kathleen Hicks, Zack Cooper, John Schaus and Jake Douglas (The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative / CSIS) - On May 1, 2014, Vietnam detected the Haiyang Shiyou 981 (HYSY 981) oil rig and three Chinese oil and gas service ships heading south from China’s Hainan Province. ...

Chemie-Tanker vor Vietnam havariert

12.06.2017 (Heute) - Vor Vietnam ist am Samstag der Chemietanker "Chemroad Journey" mit einer Fracht von mehreren Tausend Tonnen gefährlicher Chemikalien vor der kleinen Insel Phú Quý auf Grund gelaufen. ...

Vietnamese rice labeled with foreign names sells better than domestic brands

12.06.2017 (UkrAgroConsult) - Vietnamese choose foreign rice not because the latter is better, but because Vietnamese enterprises don’t know how to build their brands, experts say. ...

Vietnam revokes citizenship of French dual-national dissident

11.06.2017 (RFI) - Vietnam has stripped a French-Vietnamese former political prisoner and mathematics lecturer of his citizenship. Pham Minh Hoang is accused of tarnishing the country's image with a series of articles which authorities said were aimed at overthrowing the government. ...

Bad water linked to dialysis deaths in Vietnam, says Health Dept

11.06.2017 (The Star) - Hanoi: Poor water quality used in dialysis machines might have led to eight deaths in the largest fatal medical incident in Vietnam, said the Hoa Binh Province Department of Health. ...

Dieser Mann verwaltet das Glück eines ganzen Landes

11.06.2017 (SZ) - Ha Vinh Tho hat jahrelang Unglück in aller Welt erlebt, bevor er zum Programmverantwortlichen des Zentrums für Bruttonationalglück in Bhutan wurde ...

Dicke Wolken über dem Südchinesischem Meer

10.06.2017 (Philippinen Magazin) Manila, Philippinen – Das Südchinesische Meer wird zu einem neuen Spannungsfaktor in den Beziehungen zwischen den USA und China, schreibt die Zeitung „Iswestija“ am Freitag. ...

What Did the Vietnam Premier’s Japan Voyage Accomplish?

09.06.2017 By Prashanth Parameswaran (The Diplomat) - From June 4-8, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc paid a four-day visit to Japan. Japan has evolved to become Vietnam’s largest source of official development assistance, second largest foreign investor, third largest tourism partner, and fourth largest trading partner. ...

World Bank Approves $53 Million to Improve Urban Infrastructure in Lao Cai and Phu Ly cities

09.06.2017 (World Bank) - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved today $53 million to support infrastructure development in Lao Cai and Phu Ly, two emerging middle cities in northern Vietnam. ...

Indonesia releases 695 Vietnamese fishermen

09.06.2017 By Ainur Rohmah (Anadolu Agency) - TUBAN, Indonesia - Indonesia on Friday released 695 Vietnamese fishermen who were detained after straying into its waters. ...

Vietnam suspends sending workers to Qatar

09.06.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review) - Political situation sparks concern for over 1,000 nationals in construction, housekeeping - Labor-exporting companies in Vietnam have been asked to suspend sending workers to Qatar after other Gulf nations severed diplomatic ties with Doha. ...

Vietnam’s rice export price hits 3-year high

09.06.2017 (UkrAgroConsult) - The price of Vietnamese export rice has hit a three-year high thanks to increasing import demand and restricted supply. ...

A Hanoï, la vieille usine ferroviaire se meurt

08.06.2017 (L'Express) - Hanoï - L'usine ferroviaire raconte le Vietnam des 100 dernières années: construite par les Français pendant la colonisation, elle sert à fabriquer d'armes pendant la guerre et résistent aux bombardements américains. Mais aujourd'hui, elle est en bout de course. ...

Can Vietnam reform without the TPP?

08.06.2017 Author: Tran Van Hoa, Victoria University (East Asia Forum) - The withdrawal of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) under President Donald Trump almost immediately after his inauguration has raised a number of national policy and reform issues for its other members, especially Vietnam. ...

Vietnam conglomerate plans US$1b solar parks project

08.06.2017 (The Business Times) - [HO CHI MINH CITY] Vietnam's TTC Group, a sugar, energy, real estate and tourism conglomerate, is planning to spend as much as US$1 billion on an ambitious plan to build one of the country's largest portfolio of solar projects in an effort to capitalize on the nation's growing power needs. ...

Vietnam Is Losing Economic Ground To China Due To Lack Of High-Skilled Worker

07.06.2017 Ralph Jennings (Forbes) - ... Vietnam has grown at an average 6.2% per year since 2000, gaining fame worldwide as a go-to place for export manufacturing, largely because of cheap labor. The lack of more skilled labor has become an increasingly obvious barrier to growth in value-added exports such as high-tech goods, which require advanced studies for mastery. ...

Vandals Target Vietnam Church Known For Anti-Formosa Sentiment

07.06.2017 (RFA) - Two unidentified men vandalized a Catholic church Wednesday in Vietnam’s Nghe An province that has been targeted several times after members of its congregation criticized the government’s handling of a devastating toxic waste spill off the country’s coast last year, sources said. ...

Vietnam : French-Vietnamese blogger threatened with expulsion

07.06.2017 (RSF) - Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is extremely concerned about the Vietnamese government’s declared intention to expel Pham Minh Hoang, an outspoken blogger who has French as well as Vietnamese nationality. RSF condemns this persecution of Hoang and urges the French authorities to give him their support. ...

Mythos "Saigon" verschwindet

07.06.2017 (DW) - Was wäre das frühere Saigon ohne seine französische Kolonialarchitektur? Die heutige Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt würde zu einer asiatischen Metropole wie jede andere. Genau dieses Schicksal droht der Stadt in Vietnam. ...

Ho Chi Minh City's vanishing architecture

07.06.2017 (DW) - ... Any visitor to Ho Chi Minh City, as Saigon is now known, cannot help but notice the construction cranes dotting an increasingly crowded skyline. They are the most visible symbols of one of Asia's fastest growing economies. ...

Boomland Vietnam

07.06.2017 (Börse-Online) - Nicht nur als Urlaubsland ist Vietnam einer der heißesten Tipps. Auch die Wirtschaft in dem asiatischen Land boomt. Unter Fondsmanagern gelten vietnamesische Aktien als einer der Geheimtipps. ...

The Rich Men Who Drink Rhino Horns

07.06.2017 Sandy Ong (The Atlantic) - The Vietnamese government is now facing fierce international pressure to put an end to the crisis, before rhino populations are devastated beyond repair. But weeding out rhino-horn consumers is a challenge. ...

Vietnam Strips French-Vietnamese Professor of Citizenship: French Officials

06.06.2017 (RFA) - Vietnam’s government has stripped French-Vietnamese professor and former political prisoner Pham Minh Hoang of his citizenship against his will, throwing his right to stay in his home country into limbo, according to French consular officials. ...

Vietnam's Social Media Shaping New Environmentalism

06.06.2017 James Borton (Geopoliticalmonitor) - ... It was a turning point for Vietnam’s environmental and social activists, many who became first-time citizen reporters and posted their photos of tons of dead fish swept along a 125-mile coastline, devastating sea life and local economies dependent on fishing and tourism spanning several provinces from Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, and Quang Tri. With more than 35 million users, Facebook is rapidly becoming a lighting rod for environmental activism and sparking demands for improved environmental safeguards. ...

Vietnam quickly becoming Asia’s latest property hotspot

06.06.2017 Summer Zhen (SCMP) - Vietnam is fast becoming the region’s hottest property market for Hong Kong and mainland China investors, as prices at home continue to go through the roof. ...

Perfider Asylbetrug? Hunderte deutsche Männer geben sich als Väter von Flüchtlingskindern aus

06.06.2017 (Huffington Post) - Polizei und Staatsanwälte der Region Berlin-Brandenburg vermuten einen groß angelegten, bundesweiten Betrug bei der Asylvergabe. Ein besonders kurioser Fall: Ein 28-jähriger NPD-Anhänger, der schon wiederholt wegen des Tragens verfassungsfeindlicher Symbole verurteilt worden sei, soll die Vaterschaft für ein vietnamesisches Kind übernommen haben. ...

Chinese media mocks Australia, Japan, India, Vietnam alliance

06.06.2017 (Asia Times) - China’s Global Times described a new regional bloc as a “ridiculous utopia”, in response to a Reuters report that Australia, Japan, India and Vietnam were quietly stepping up talks to form an alliance to counter Beijing’s growing influence. ...

Asia loses faith in America as Mattis fails to ease Trump angst

05.06.2017 (The Business Times) - [SINGAPORE] The first question asked of US Secretary of Defence James Mattis at a Singapore security conference this weekend began just by thanking him for taking the job. It was a compliment meant for Mr Mattis, but not his boss. ...

Unsure of U.S., Asia builds new alliances to counter China

05.06.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - SINGAPORE--Several Asian nations are seeking to bolster informal alliances among themselves, regional diplomats and officials said, unsettled by growing fears that the United States could not be relied on to maintain a buffer against China's assertiveness. ...

7-Eleven will open its first Vietnam store in June

05.06.2017 (IGD) - Seven & I Holdings, which operates the largest chain of convenience stores in Japan, will enter Vietnam with its first store in Ho Chih Minh city. ...

Kim Thúy - Die vielen Namen der Liebe

04.06.2017 Von Christine Westermann (WDR) - Acht Jahre ist Vi, als sie mit der Mutter und den Brüdern aus Vietnam flieht und schließlich in Kanada neu beginnt, der Vater bleibt zurück. Eine kleine, leise Geschichte über Liebe, Sehnsucht und ein Leben zwischen den Kulturen. ...

Washington Zig-Zags in the South China Sea

02.06.2017 By Donald K. Emmerson (Asia Sentinel) - The latest American assertion of freedom-of-navigation rights in the South China Sea may have reassured some that new bonhomie between presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping won’t lead to abandonment of the region. But questions remain. ...

Stockschläge und Auswendiglernen – So erlebe ich Schule in Vietnam

02.06.2017 (Orange by Handelsblatt) - Klassen-Kampf: Jens studiert Management und jobbt als Lehrer in Vietnam. Der Alltag im Sozialismus erinnert ihn an die Schulgeschichten seiner Großeltern. Mitten im Unterreicht geht die Tür auf und meine Schüler springen auf. Ein Aufsichtslehrer kommt in die Klasse. ...

Vietnam: Sieben Dialyse-Patienten in Krankenhaus gestorben

01.06.2017 (derStandard) - Hanoi – Vietnam wird von einem schweren Skandal im Gesundheitswesen erschüttert: In einem staatlichen Krankenhaus in Hoa Binh im Norden des Landes starben sieben Dialyse-Patienten. Die Behörden sagten den Hinterbliebenen eine Entschädigung von umgerechnet jeweils 590 Euro zu. ...

Viet Premier Finds “Unexpectedly Good Dynamics” at White House

01.06.2017 By David Brown (Asia Sentinel) - There were lots of smiles as US President Donald Trump and Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc ended their White House meeting on May 31. ...

Spotify will Asiengeschäft mit Expansion nach Vietnam und Thailand ausbauen

01.06.2017 (IT-times) - STOCKHOM/SINGAPUR - Der schwedische Musik-Streaming-Dienst Spotify will sich den lukrativen Musikmarkt in Asien offenbar nicht entgehen lassen ...

As blast hits newly reopened Formosa Plastics plan, Catholics continue to be threatened and attacked

01.06.2017 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi  – A major explosion stopped production at a steel mill owned by Taiwan-based Formosa Plastics Group in Ha Tinh province, central Vietnam, the same that saw the worst environmental disaster in the country's history in April 2016. No casualties have been reported. ...

Explosion at Vietnamese Steel Plant

01.06.2017 (Financial Tribune) - An explosion rocked Taiwanese conglomerate Formosa Plastics Group's new steel plant in Vietnam late on Tuesday, a day after it resumed test operations for the first time since causing one of the country's worst environmental disasters. ...

Trump hails signing of deals worth 'billions' with Vietnam

31.05.2017 By Roberta Rampton and David Brunnstrom (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump discussed trade with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc during a White House visit on Wednesday and welcomed the signing of business deals worth billions of dollars and the jobs they would bring. ...

Explosion in wiedereröffneter Stahlfabrik in Vietnam

31.05.2017 (Westfällische Rundschau) - HANOI.  Kurz nach Wiedereröffnung einer Fabrik im Vietnamesischen Ha Tinh kam es zu einer Explosion. 2016 war aus der Fabrik Abwasser ins Meer gelangt ...

Knappe Mehrheit für Rupert-Neudeck-Schule

31.05.2017 (Die Glocke) - Langenberg (lani) -  Bonn hat eine, Köln ebenfalls und die Gemeinde Langenberg demnächst womöglich auch: eine Rupert-Neudeck-Schule. ...

A onetime enemy set for a warm White House welcome

30.05.2017 By James Borton and Sandra Erwin (The Washington Times) - Nations can’t choose their neighbors, but Vietnam, a country long buffeted by war, is proving it can certainly choose its friends. ...

No More Free Passes for Vietnam on Human Rights

30.05.2017 By Chuck Jordan (The Hill) - When President Donald Trump meets with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc Wednesday, May 31 in Washington, he has a chance to change policies of the past that failed to advance either U.S. interests or those of the Vietnamese people. ...

Korruption in Vietnam - Ein Parteistar stolpert

30.05.2017 von Jürgen Kremb, Singapur (NZZ) - Smart, witzig, gut gekleidet: Dinh La Thang fiel unter den grauen Herren von Vietnams Kommunistischer Partei von Anfang an auf. Seinem bemerkenswerten Aufstieg folgt nun ein ebenso rasanter Fall. ...

Taiwan steel plant opens in Vietnam after fish deaths

30.05.2017 (Channel NewsAsia) - HANOI: A Taiwanese steel firm behind a toxic waste dump that killed tonnes of fish in Vietnam last year started operations on Monday (May 29), state media in Hanoi reported. The incident was one of the worst environmental disasters in Vietnam ...

Japan holt verstärkt vietnamesische Studenten

29.05.2017 (Pressetext) - Hanoi (pte003/29.05.2017/06:10) - Im Kampf um wirtschaftlichen Einfluss in Südostasien beschreitet Japan nun einen neuen Weg und setzt dabei verstärkt auf die Bildungsschiene. Mit hoher Intensität wird dabei versucht, Studenten aus dieser Region anzuwerben um damit die Verflechtungen mit der Region zu erhöhen. Dabei steht vor allem Vietnam im Fokus der Bemühungen. ...

Vietnams Kampf gegen den Klimawandel

28.05.2017 (Inforadio) - Mehr als 245 Millionen Menschen werden weltweit mit Reis aus dem Mekong-Delta versorgt. Das macht Vietnam zum zweitgrößten Reisexporteur der Welt. Doch die Küstenregion kämpft wie kaum eine andere mit den Folgen des Klimawandels, die auch die Reisernte bedrohen. ...

China "strongly dissatisfied" with G7 statement on East, South China Seas

28.05.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review) - BEIJING (Reuters) - China is "strongly dissatisfied" with the mention of the East and South China Sea issues in a Group of Seven (G7) statement, ...

Will Phuc’s Washington visit boost Vietnam-US ties?

28.05.2017 By Xuan Loc Doan (Asia Times) - Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc will officially visit the United States and meet with President Donald Trump in the White House this week. ...

Google to cooperate with Vietnam to remove 'toxic' content

28.05.2017 By Sarmistha Acharya (IBT) - Google's parent company Alphabet will work with the Vietnam government to remove "toxic" and illegal content from its platform. ...

Myanmar, having warmed to the West, turns to China again

28.05.2017  (The Asahi Shimbun) - WASHINGTON -- Myanmar was supposed to turn away from China and toward the West when the United States helped the Southeast Asian country make the transition to a civilian government after five decades of military rule. ...

Chinese jets intercept U.S surveillance plane -U.S. officials

28.05.2017 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - WASHINGTON, May 26 (Reuters) - Two Chinese fighter jets intercepted a U.S. Navy surveillance plane over the South China Sea on Wednesday, with one coming within 200 yards (180 meters) of the American aircraft, U.S. officials told Reuters. ...

Gedenkfeier der „vietnamesischen Kinder" von Rupert Neudeck in Deutschland

27.05.2017 (Grünhelme) - Am 21. Mai trafen sich in Bad Homburg 300 Deutsche vietnamesischer Abstammung, um an Rupert Neudeck, den viele wie ihren Vater ehren, zu denken und die Grünhelme zu unterstützen. ...

Ärger in der Luft - Chinesische Jets fangen US-Flieger ab

27.05.2017 (Blick) - Ein Zwischenfall im Südchinesischen Meer sorgt für Missmut zwischen den USA und China. Zwei chinesische Kampfflugzeuge haben nach US-Angaben ein Aufklärungsflugzeug der US-Marine abgefangen. ...

What Vietnam Can Offer America

27.05.2017 Alexander Vuving (National Interest) - When Vietnamese prime minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc travels to the United States later this month, he will be the first national leader from Southeast Asia and the third from an Asian—but not Middle Eastern—country after Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese president Xi Jinping were hosted by President Donald Trump ...

Can Vietnam Maintain Its Economic Success?

27.05.2017 By James Birkett (The Diplomat) - In order to keep up it remarkable progress, Vietnam will need to grapple with pervasive corruption. ... Vietnam’s economic success partly reflects circumstances. The end of the U.S. trade embargo in 1994 and the renewal of diplomatic relations in 1995 was a highly significant event for the country – the United States is now Vietnam’s largest export market. ...

At 97, this Vietnamese grandma has mastered the Internet

27.05.2017 By Ray Yeh (Channel NewsAsia) - She Skypes, uses Facebook, and has spent her life fighting stereotypes with her hunger for learning new things. ...

After Talking To China About China, Vietnam Goes To Washington To Do It Again

26.05.20176 By Helen Clark (SCMP) - Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc is making his first trip to the United States since assuming office in April last year. He will arrive in Washington on May 29 and meet with US President Donald Trump on May 31 ...

Phuc, Trump, and geopolitical stabilization in the South China Sea

26.05.2017 By Lucas Niewenhuis (supchina) - Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc is scheduled to meet Donald Trump next week, and Reuters says, “Vietnam could hardly have asked for more: a U.S. warship challenging Chinese claims in the South China Sea, a meeting at the White House and six new coastal patrol boats.” ...

State of secrecy on death row in Vietnam

26.05.2017 Lauren Farrow, Australian Associated Press (The Australian) - Vietnam has been revealed to be the third-highest global executioner but details of who is on death row and why remains as elusive as ever. ...

Männer in Vietnam wollten Tiger schlachten und zu Arzneimittel verarbeiten

25.05.2017 (Focus) - In Vietnam hat die Polizei fünf Männer festgenommen, die einen Tiger schlachten wollten, um daraus Arzneimittel zu machen. ...

China, Vietnam behind cyber attacks on PH, Asia

25.05.2017 By Nelson Badilla (The Manila Times) - FireEye, an intelligence-led company, on Thursday disclosed that cyber attacks mounted on Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, for several years already were sponsored by the governments of China and Vietnam. ...

Vietnam-linked hackers likely targeting Philippines over South China Sea dispute: FireEye

25.05.2017 (Reuters) - Hackers linked with Vietnam's government are likely targeting Philippine state agencies to gather intelligence related to the maritime dispute in the South China Sea, cybersecurity company FireEye said on Thursday. ...

Vietnamese Students Are Pouring Into Japan

25.05.2017 by Yoshiaki Nohara and Nguyen Dieu Tu Uyen (Bloomberg) - In a battle with China for influence and opportunity in Southeast Asia, Japan is making inroads on a new front: education. ...

In a First Under Trump, a U.S. Warship Challenges Beijing's Claims in the South China Sea

25.05.2017 Idrees Ali and Phil Stewart / Reuters (Time) - (WASHINGTON) — A U.S. Navy warship sailed within 12 nautical miles of an artificial island built up by China in the South China Sea, U.S. officials said on Wednesday, the first such challenge to Beijing in the strategic waterway since U.S. President Donald Trump took office. ...

USA: opération pour la "liberté de navigation"

25.05.2017 (Le Figaro) - Un navire militaire américain est passé près d'un îlot revendiqué par Pékin en mer de Chine méridionale, dans une opération destinée à démontrer la "liberté de navigation" dans ces eaux contestées, a indiqué mercredi un responsable américain. ...

Provokantes Manöver: US-Präsident Trump schickt Kriegsschiff in Südchinesisches Meer

25.05.2017 (Huffington Post) - Ein US-Kriegsschiff durchquerte Gewässer in der Nähe der Spratly-Inseln, berichteten US-Medien am Donnerstag. China hat die Insel zum Teil künstlich aufschütten lassen. Damit will das Regime Einfluss in der Region gewinnen und seine Ansprüche unterstreichen. ...

Vietnam chain eateries give visitors a taste of authenticity

24.05.2017 Atsushi Tomiyama (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- Restaurant chains serving traditional food are flourishing in Vietnam. Classic dishes such as pho and banh cuon have until recently mostly been served at small restaurants and food stalls, which many foreign visitors shun due to concerns about poor hygiene, language problems and complicated pricing. ...

Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people

24.05.2017 Ron Csillag (The Globe and Mail) - In 1979, Canadians watched with horror as hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese refugees packed barely seaworthy boats and cast off into the treacherous South China Sea. It was the biggest peacetime exodus the world had seen. ...


23.05.2017 (Amnesty International) - On the 8th anniversary of the arrest of POC Trần Huỳnh Duy Thức – and half way through his 16-year prison sentence – the Directors of 12 Amnesty International offices call for his immediate and unconditional release. ...

Zu Gast in Zülpich Leben ohne Langeweile – Christel Neudeck koordinierte Hilfseinsätze

23.05.2017 (Kölnische Rundschau) - Zülpich - „Ich wollte immer einen Mann, mit dem mir nicht langweilig wird. Das habe ich geschafft“, sagt Christel Neudeck. Sie ist bei „Schwade im Jade“ in Zülpich zu Gast und berichtet den etwa 20 Zuhörern aus ihrem spannenden Leben. ...

Chinese tourists in Thailand, Vietnam ‘dumped’ if they shun forced shopping trips, state media reports

23.05.2017 Mandy Zuo (SCMP) - Chinese tourists taking part in tour groups in Thailand and Vietnam are often abandoned by the roadside if they refuse to shop for overpriced goods in designated stores, a major way for guides to earn cash ...

Dissidents’ Movements Blocked Ahead of US-Vietnam Rights Dialogue in Hanoi

23.05.2017 (RFA) - Vietnamese police surrounded the homes of two high-profile dissident bloggers this week in a move to isolate them just days ahead of a human rights dialogue scheduled with U.S. diplomats, family members and other sources said. ...

Vietnam: police attack protesters after activist’s arrest

23.05.2017 (Catholic Culture) - A Catholic environmental activist was arrested in Vietnam last week, and when his supporters gathered outside local government offices to demand an explaination, police attacked the crowd. ...

Catholic activist arrested in Vietnam, police beat up protesters

23.05.2017 (La croix International) - Police attacked demonstrators in north-central Vietnam while they were protesting the detention of a Catholic environmental activist. ...

Vietnam: Human rights blogger among five finalists for human rights award

23.05.2017 (Asian Correspondent) - VIETNAMESE blogger Pham Thanh Nghien has been named one of five finalists for the 2017 Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk, an award recognising activists who risk their lives to benefit their communities. ...

Trump to meet Vietnam's prime minister in White House next week

23.05.2017 by Sarah Westwood (Washington Examiner) - President Trump will meet with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc next week, the White House announced on Tuesday. ...

Indonesia, Vietnam agree to solve Natuna incident diplomatically

23.05.2017 (ANTARA News) - Jakarta - The Indonesian and Vietnamese governments have agreed to diplomatically solve the Natuna incident that occurred in Indonesias Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) on May 21, Marine Affairs and Fishery Ministrys Secretary General Rifki Effendi Hardijanto stated. ...

Vietnam, Indonesia Vessels Clash In South China Sea

23.05.2017 (AP) - JAKARTA, Indonesia -- Indonesia says several Vietnamese fishing vessels escaped its waters following a show of force by Vietnam's coast guard in the South China Sea. ...

Vietnam receives six Metal Shark patrol boats from the US

23.05.2017 Gabriel Dominguez, London (IHS Jane's 360) - The Vietnam Coast Guard (VCG) has received six 45 ft (13 m)-long Metal Shark patrol boats from the United States: a further indication of the growing security co-operation between the two countries. ...

Vietnamese Singer Released From Prison Four Months Early

22.05.2017 (RFA) - A Vietnamese Catholic jailed since 2011 for singing politically sensitive songs was released this week from prison four months before finishing his six-year term, sources said. ...

An Annoyed Vietnam Is Taking The Upper Hand In Relations With Washington

22.05.2017 Ralph Jennings (Forbes) - When Vietnam’s prime minister visits the White House as early as next week, he will probably push for a free trade deal with the United States. ...

Kaffee in Vietnam - Aus dem Katzendarm in die Kaffeetasse

21.05.2017 von Felix Lill (NZZ) - Vergessen Sie Wien und Paris und deren Kaffeehäuser: Als Kaffeeliebhaber geht man nach Vietnam. ...

Vietnam: Entdeckung einer fremden Kultur

21.05.2017 (Der Tagesspiegel) - Die Vorfahren der Vietnamesen müssen sehr musikalisch gewesen sein, zumindest in den Bergregionen Mittelvietnams. Dort entwickelten die Bewohner 2000 vor Christus eine wahre „Klangstein-Mode“. ...

Herpetologists describe an elf frog from the elfin forests in southern Vietnam

21.05.2017 (ScienceBlog) - Deep in the foggy, moss-covered forests of Southern Vietnam, herpetologists uncovered one of the smallest species of horned mountain toads. ...

Blogger Me Nam’s family is surrounded and confined by security police

21.05.2017 (Dân Làm Báo) - The mother of blogger Me Nam has just issued an emergency alert about her family’s situation and safety concerns. ...

Is Vietnam Really Planning on Bringing Back 50-Year-Old American Fighter Planes?

21.05.2017 Michael Peck (The National Interest) - ... At stake are the F-5s captured in 1975 when North Vietnam’s Soviet-equipped armies conquered South Vietnam. Among the spoils of war seized by Hanoi was a vast array of U.S.-supplied tanks, artillery and rifles (including nearly a million M-16s). ...

Ohne Trumps USA: TPP-Abkommen soll gerettet werden

21.05.2017 (T-Online) - Nach dem Nein von US-Präsident Donald Trump zum weltweit größten Freihandelsabkommen TPP wollen die verbleibenden elf Staaten das Abkommen alleine fortführen. ...

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Trade ministers commit to go ahead without United States

21.05.2017 (Firstpost) - Hanoi: Pacific Rim trade ministers meeting in Vietnam committed on Sunday to move ahead with the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact after the United States pulled out. ...

Türkische Hilfsorganisation IHH eröffnet bisher größte Moschee in Vietnam

20.05.2017 Anadolu Agentur (Daily Sabah) - Die Türkische Hilfsorganisation IHH eröffnete am Donnerstag die bisher größte Moschee in Vietnam. Sie wurde in „Chau Doc" in der Provinz „An Giang" erbaut. ...

Vietnamese city kids taking playtime inside

20.05.2017 Atsushi Tomiyama (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- Vietnam is going through a period of rapid housing and infrastructure development in urban areas -- a trend that is robbing kids of places to play. So the private sector has come up with a solution -- indoor play centers. ...

While the U.S. Is Distracted, Beijing Is Winning the Battle to Control the South China Sea

19.05.2017 Charlie Campbell / Beijing (Time) - Remember the furore over the South China Sea? The Chinese do. Americans seem preoccupied, though, with Russia's social media war on the U.S., and North Korea’s nuclear program. These, combined with huge gaps in the Trump administration’s foreign policy team, may be handing Beijing almost complete control of the South China Sea. ...

2017 U.S.-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue

19.05.2017 (U.S. State Department) - The 21st session of the U.S.-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue will be held May 23 in Hanoi, Vietnam. ...

Vietnam’s Communist Party Calls For Public Dialogue on Governance

19.05.2017 (RFA) - In a recent online conference to review the implementation of the Politburo’s “Directive No. 5” on learning from and following the ideology of Vietnam’s communist revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh, Central Propaganda Department chief Vo Van Thuong said the party is ready to look outside its ranks for ideas on governance. ...

Vietnam maintains ban on deep-water fishing in polluted area

18.05.2017 (AP) - HANOI, Vietnam -- Vietnam is maintaining the ban on deep-water fishing in four central provinces one year after a Taiwanese-owned steel plant discharged toxins into the sea and caused the country's worst environmental disaster. ...

China installs anti-diver rocket system on disputed reef

18.05.2017 (Straits Times) - BEIJING • China has installed rocket launchers on a disputed reef in the South China Sea to ward off Vietnamese military combat divers, according to a state-run newspaper, offering new details on China's ongoing military build-up. ...

China installiert Raketenwerfer auf umstrittenen Kagitingan Reef

17.05.2017 (Philippinen Magazin) - Manila, Philippinen – China hat Raketenwerfer auf einem der umstrittenen Riffe im Südchinesischen Meer installiert, berichtet eine staatliche chinesische Zeitung, ...

Vietnam's low-cost automaker Thaco set for growth spurt

16.05.2017 Atsushi Tomiyama, Nikkei staff writer (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- Truong Hai Auto, known as Thaco, is poised to take off as the Vietnamese automobile market's growth accelerates. ...


Präsident Duterte geht im Inselstreit weiter auf China zu

16.05.2017 (Philippinen Magazin) - Der philippinische Präsident Rodrigo Duterte ist im Streit um Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer weiter auf China zugegangen. Er könne sich vorstellen, die Bodenschätze in dem Gebiet zusammen mit China und Vietnam abzubauen, sagte Duterte. ...

Philippines: le président Duterte prêt à des accords sur la mer de Chine

16.05.2017 (L'Express) - Davao (Philippines) - Le président philippin Rodrigo Duterte s'est déclaré ouvert mardi à la possibilité d'explorer les ressources naturelles de la mer de Chine méridionale avec la Chine et le Vietnam, qui ont aussi des prétentions sur cette zone stratégique. ...

Vietnam police arrest dissident for 'abusing democracy rights'

15.05.2017 by Reuters (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - HANOI, May 15 (Reuters) - Police in Vietnam on Monday arrested a prominent dissident whom they accused of having abused democracy rights to infringe state interests, in the latest effort to crack down on critics in the Communist-ruled country. ...

Detenido un destacado opositor de Vietnam por "abusar de los derechos democráticos"

15.05.2017 (Noticias de Navarra) - HANOI. La Policía de Vietnam ha detenido este lunes al destacado opositor Hoang Duc Binh por "abusar de los derechos democráticos" perjudicando los intereses del Estado, en el marco de la represión de los críticos con el régimen comunista que gobierna la nación asiática. ...

China, Vietnam agree to keep S. China Sea tensions in check

15.05.2017 REUTERS (The Asahi Shimbun) - BEIJING--China and Vietnam will manage and properly control their maritime disputes, avoiding actions to complicate or widen them, so as to maintain peace in the South China Sea, the two nations said in a joint communique China released on Monday. ...

Vietnam's APT32 Marks a New Chapter in Cyber-espionage

15.05.2017 Tara Seals (Infosecurity Magazine) - An advanced threat group that conducts targeted intrusions at large multinational businesses with interests in Vietnam has been brought to light, code-named APT32. ...

IT-Experten: Cyberspionage gegen internationale Konzerne in Vietnam

15.05.2017 (Tiroler Tageszeitung) - Singapur (APA/Reuters) - In Vietnam sind nach Angaben der IT-Sicherheitsfirma Fireeye internationale Konzerne Opfer systematischer Cyberspionage. Die angestrebten Informationen ließen darauf schließen, dass die Regierung involviert sei, sagte Fireeye-Experte Nick Carr der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters. ...

Report: Hackers ‘aligned’ with Vietnam government attacked international firms and media

15.05.2017 (TechCrunch) - A hacker group “aligned with Vietnamese government interests” carried out attacks on corporate companies, journalists and overseas governments over the past three years, according to a report from cyber security firm FireEye. ...

Vietnam-Aligned Hackers Attack Foreign Firms, FireEye Says

15.05.2017 by Jason Scott (Bloomberg) - Cyber espionage attacks against foreign companies operating in Vietnam have been traced to a group of hackers “aligned with Vietnamese state interests,” according to a report from cyber-security provider FireEye. ...

Vietnam: corrupción e ideología

15.05.2017 por Valentí Popescu (Deia) - LA corrupción es tan vieja como la sociedad y acompaña a esta por doquier los seres humanos ambicionan poder y riqueza. Pero raras veces se ve esto con tanta claridad como en el Vietnam actual, donde el Partido Comunista ha emprendido una lucha contra la corrupción ...

Hundert Prozent JU-Kreisvorsitzende Thuy Tran einstimmig wiedergewählt

15.05.2017 Von Karl-Wilhelm Götte (SZ) - Kai Görgens brachte das Lob für Thuy Tran auf den Punkt, als er der wiedergewählten Kreisvorsitzenden der Jungen Union einen Blumenstrauß überreichte: "Du machst das nicht wegen der Karriere, du machst das mit Begeisterung, das merkt man." ...

Transitioning to Capitalism in The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

14.05.2017 By Jaana Woiceshyn (Capitalism Magazine) - ... Despite the increasing liberalization of trade, some privatization, and more respect for private property rights, the Vietnamese still don’t have economic freedom at the same level as North Americans. ...

Japan loses a friend in Ho Chi Minh City

14.05.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review) - TOKYO -- The dismissal of Dinh La Thang as the head of Ho Chi Minh City may bring negative consequences to Japanese businesses. ...

What’s really behind Vietnam’s sacking of top Communist Party official?

13.05.2017 By Helen Clark (SCMP) - Dinh La Thang, a former chairman of state-owned enterprise (SOE) PetroVietnam, and currently transport minister and party chief in Ho Chi Minh City, has been sacked from his position for violations and mismanagement during his time at the company. ...

The future of China - Vietnam relations

13.05.2017 Frank Sieren (DW) - Only recently were the two states at loggerheads over the disputed islands in the South China Sea. In 2014 China erected an oil rig in Vietnamese territorial waters, which drove Vietnam to military rearmament. What followed was a serious dispute between the two neighbors. ...

Pho no! Hunting in Hanoi for the best wanton noodles

13.05.2017 By Tung Ngo (Channel NewsAsia) - HANOI: For many first-time visitors to Hanoi, their food excursion in this fast-changing city usually includes pho (beef or chicken noodle) and bun cha (vermicelli and grilled chopped meat). ...

Catholic media launch appeal for Vietnamese priests defamed by the government

12.05.2017 Peter Đang (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Two priests from the diocese of Vinh are being targeted by the Vietnamese government. Fr. Đặng Hữu Nam and Fr. Nguyễn Đình Thục are the parish priests of the Phu Yên and Song Ngoc churches. Faced with this unprecedented attack on their confreres, members of the local clergy have not stood idly by. In a statement signed by many priests, they support Fr. Đặng Hữu Nam and Fr. Nguyễn Đình Thục. ...

Vietnam Issues Warrant for Environmental Activist

12.05.2017 An Hai (VOA) - Police in a Vietnamese province where a toxic spill caused a 100-ton fish kill last year have issued a rare "wanted" warrant for influential environmental activist Bach Hong Quyen. ...

Philippinen entsenden Truppen auf umstrittene Insel

12.05.2017 (Philippinen Magazin) - Die Philippinen haben ihre Truppen auf eine strittige Insel im Südchinesischen Meer verlegt. Das meldet die Agentur AP am Donnerstag. ...

Out with the old: 'Saigon's' disappearing colonial architecture

12.05.2017 (The Nation) - HO CHI MINH CITY - They formed the charming backdrop to Graham Greene's sin-filled Saigon in "The Quiet American", but the colonial-era buildings of Vietnam's biggest city are fast disappearing -- sparking fears it is losing its unique charm. ...

Asia rice buyers turn to Vietnam

12.05.2017 (UkrAgroConsult) - Buyers of Asian rice turned to Vietnam this week as prices remained firm in Thailand and India, traders said on Thursday. ...

Vietnams Schweinebauern leiden unter dem Embargo der Chinesen

12.05.2017 (DW) - China war der wichtigste Abnehmer von vietnamesischem Schweinefleisch. Doch es gibt politische Querelen und seit einem halben Jahr ein Importstopp. ...

Lawmakers Urged To Promote Proper Solutions To Climate Change

12.05.2017 (Bernama) -- HO CHI MINH CITY - Delegates to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Asia-Pacific conference on response to climate change have stressed the need to raise lawmakers' awareness of linkages among climate change, gender inequality and health care, ...

VIETNAM : Deux prêtres du diocèse de Vinh sont la cible d’une campagne de diffamation orchestrée par les autorités provinciales

11.05.2017 (Églises d'Asie) - Deux prêtres du diocèse de Vinh sont aujourd’hui dans le collimateur des autorités civiles locales. La campagne calomniatrice lancée contre les deux curés de paroisse a été reprise sur tous les médias officiels aussi bien à la télévision, à la radio que sur les journaux contrôlés par le pouvoir. ...

Detained Vietnam Labor Activist in Poor Health: Lawyer

11.05.2017 (RFA) - A human rights defender held in detention for online activism is in poor health and has been refused visits from her family, according to her lawyer, who met with her Thursday for the first time since she was arrested nearly four months ago. ...

Holz-Schmuggler zahlen Schmiergeld an Vietnam

11.05.2017 (Tageblatt) - Umweltschützer werfen der vietnamesischen Regierung und dem Militär des Landes vor, für Schmiergeldzahlungen über den Schmuggel von Holz aus Kambodscha nach Vietnam hinwegzusehen. ...

Logging Corruption in Vietnam and Cambodia

10.05.2017 By Michele Penna (Asia Sentinel) - In a new report that promises to make waves all the way to Europe, the watchdog Environmental Investigation Agency takes aim at Vietnam’s timber processing industry and the role it plays in the illicit timber trade from Cambodia. ...

Das ist der traurigste Bär auf unserer schönen Welt!

10.05.2017 (Heute) - Vier Pfoten enthüllt schockierende Bilder aus vietnamesischen Gallebären-Farmen. Dort werden die Tiere täglich "abgezapft". ...

Social media extends life of resistance for Vietnamese land holders

09.05.2017 Author: John Gillespie (East Asia Forum) - In recent weeks, long running land disputes in Vietnam have begun to change shape. On 16 April, villagers in My Duc district on the outskirts of Hanoi held state officials and some police officers hostage. ...

Vietnam: limogeage d'un homme fort au sein du Politburo

09.05.2017 Frédéric Noir (RFI) - Au Vietnam, Dinh La Thang, l’un des hommes forts du régime, membre du Politburo et responsable du Parti communiste à Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville, vient d’être démis de ses fonctions. ...

Beijing’s View of the World

09.05.2017 by Gordon G. Chang (Hoover Institution) - “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that’s just a fact,” said Yang Jiechi in July 2010. At a regional security meeting in Hanoi, Yang, then China’s foreign minister, shocked the audience as he looked at his counterpart from Singapore when uttering those contemptuous words. ...

ADB facing pressure to change

09.05.2017 Rintaro Tobita and Jun Endo (Nikkei Asian Review) - TOKYO -- As the Asian Development Bank finds its regional hegemony threatened by the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, members of the ADB are pushing for internal reform. ...

Netizen Report: Vietnam Says Facebook Will Cooperate with Censorship Requests on Offensive, ‘Fake’ Content

09.05.2017 by Global Voices Advocacy Netizen Report Team (MediaShift) - Vietnamese government officials said on April 26 that Facebook has committed to help local law enforcement prevent and remove from Facebook content that violates the country’s laws against “offensive” and anti-government messages. ...

Watchdog Says Vietnamese Officials Bribed By Log Smugglers

08.05.2017 (The Associated Press) - BANGKOK (AP) -- An environmental watchdog group has accused Vietnamese government and military officials of taking payoffs to ignore vast smuggling of lucrative lumber from neighboring Cambodia. ...

Member of Vietnam’s Politburo removed over ‘serious mistakes’

08.05.2017 (The Japan Times) - HANOI – A senior Vietnamese Communist Party official has been removed from the powerful Politburo for committing “very serious mistakes and violations” when he was head of the country’s oil and gas monopoly, PetroVietnam. ...

The Dong Tam hostage crisis: issues, interests and social media

08.05.2017 Helen Clark (The Strategist) - The Dong Tam hostage crisis in Vietnam’s north recently was a familiar mix of issues: possible corruption, land grabs, furious farmers, and a citizenry watching avidly from Facebook sidelines (they don’t trust their newspapers for this sort of stuff). However, the ending was a new one: the possibility of a fair resolution by the government. ...

Ostdeutsche Firmen wollen Asien erschließen / Germany Trade & Invest organisiert Unternehmerreise nach Vietnam

08.05.2017 (PolitikExpress) - In der Woche vom 08. bis 12. Mai reist eine Gruppe ostdeutscher Unternehmer in Begleitung von Iris Gleicke, der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für die neuen Bundesländer, nach Vietnam. Die Teilnehmer stammen aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen. ...

El régimen de Vietnam quiere limitar red social

07.05.2017 (Correo del Sur) - El régimen comunista de Vietnam trata de poner coto a la información que circula por las redes sociales, ya que su control de los medios de comunicación tradicionales ya no es suficiente para frenar la propagación de voces disidentes. ...

Vietnam’s crusade to clear the sidewalks

07.05.2017 (The Star) - ERADICATING the sidewalk economy to clear pavements for pedestrians is not a wise solution. Rather, the Vietnamese government should consider pavements as public goods and manage them in a manner that benefits all stakeholders. ...

Asian development lender takes stock as U.S. policy shifts

07.05.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - YOKOHAMA--Accelerating growth in Southeast and South Asia can help make up for slowing momentum in China but it requires smart investments in infrastructure and technology, the president of the Asian Development Bank said Saturday ...

Tiny Chinese fleet paves way for future carrier operations

06.05.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review) - TOKYO -- Three Chinese naval vessels arrived in Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday as part of a 20-nation, 180-day tour, the Chinese navy's longest overseas tour to date. Political Commissar of the Navy Miao Hua said the tour is intended to "convey friendship and show a good image of the Chinese navy." While that may well be one of the goals, the tour is also part of a longer-term strategy to boost China's regional influence. ...

ASEAN Water Partnership - The great Mekong River

06.05.2017 By Ambassador Amado Tolentino (The Manila Times) - THE Mekong River is the twelfth longest river in the world at 4,173 kilometers. The headwaters originate in the Tibetan region of China and the river then flows through Yunan province in China into five Asean countries: Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. ...

Vietnam village showdown may mark watershed in land conflicts

05.05.2017 David Brown (Nikkei Asian Review) - Last month, a band of farmers forced their way into the administrative compound of Dong Tam, an ancient village on the fringes of Hanoi, to protest the expropriation of their land. ...

Rising sea level a threat to Vietnamese farmers

05.05.2017 (Al Jazeera) - As sea levels rise, so the salt water is spreading further inland leading to saline intrusion and coastal erosion in Vietnam. The Mekong River Delta is amongst the most vulnerable regions in South Vietnam. ...

Partnership For Green Global Goals Discussed In Hanoi

05.05.2017 (Bernama) - HANOI -- A workshop was held here on Thursday by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) and the Danish Embassy as part of efforts to shape the new initiative "Partnering for the Green Global Goals 2030" ...

Vietnam Issues Arrest Warrant For Activist Blogger

05.05.2017 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam have issued a warrant for the arrest of an activist blogger who has drawn attention to the government’s handling of a toxic waste spill last year that devastated the country’s central coast, he and a fellow rights campaigner said Friday. ...

Formosa to invest US$1bn in Vietnamese subsidiary

05.05.2017 By Kuo Chia-erh (Taipei Times) - Major members of the Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), the nation’s largest industrial conglomerate, yesterday said they are planning to invest US$1 billion in its subsidiary in Vietnam. ...

Hanoi Health Authorities Warn of Dengue Outbreak Possibility

05.05.2017 (Sputnik) - MOSCOW – The Viet Nam News reported that the Hanoi health authorities called on the relevant agencies to remove waste water and take measures aimed at killing mosquitoes, as well as urged local residents to maintain sanitation and fight against mosquitoes. ...

Vietnam can leverage the ADB and AIIB to its advantage

04.05.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review) - Asia has two multinational lenders on the scene -- the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a situation some view as a recipe for rivalry. Others, however, see it as an opportunity. ...

ADB guides Vietnam, Cambodia to greater growth

04.05.2017 Rintaro Tobita (Nikkei Asian Review) - The Asian Development Bank funds physical infrastructure across the region, but unlocking a country's growth potential takes more than roads and railways. ...

Late Vietnamese cardinal jailed by communists moves closer to sainthood

04.05.2017 (Reuters) - The late Cardinal Francois Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan, an iconic figure of inspiration for Vietnamese Catholics who was jailed under the communists, has moved a step closer to sainthood, the Vatican said on Thursday. ...

Pacific leaders urged to pressure Vietnam on poaching issue

04.05.2017 (Radio New Zealand) - Pacific leaders are being urged to increase the pressure on Vietnam to accept responsibility for its fishermen poaching beche de mer and other marine resources in coastal waters. ...

Zigarettenmafia in den Neunzigern - Berlins Vietnamkrieg

04.05.2017 Von Philipp Wurm (Spiegel Online) - Es war die wohl blutigste Mafiafehde in Deutschland: 39 Gangster starben bei Kämpfen vietnamesischer Banden um die Macht im Zigarettenschmuggel - bis vor gut 20 Jahren eine Sondereinheit eingriff. ...

Vietnam Authorities to Probe Attack on Formosa Activist

03.05.2017 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam’s commercial capital Ho Chi Minh City will investigate a violent attack on an environmental activist which was filmed and posted to social media by a man believed to have planned the beating, state media reported Wednesday. ...

Vietnam Urged to Free Detained Citizen Journalist on World Press Freedom Day

03.05.2017 (RFA) - A group of human rights and internet security organizations marked World Press Freedom Day on Wednesday by calling on Vietnam to free detained citizen journalist Nguyen Van Hoa, held since January on charges of disseminating “anti-state propaganda.” ...

Asian nations turn to China as Trump puts America first

02.05.2017 REUTERS (The Asahi Shimbun) - MANILA--Across Asia, more and more countries are being pulled into Beijing's orbit, with the timid stance adopted by Southeast Asian nations on the South China Sea at a weekend summit a clear sign this fundamental geostrategic shift is gathering momentum. ...

Duterte's 'transactional approach' undermines ASEAN stance on China

02.05.2017 Richard Heydarian (Nikkei Asian Review) - By playing down South China Sea dispute, Philippine president weakens bloc's centrality. By the end of last year, Duterte said he would "set aside" entirely the arbitration ruling in order to improve relations with China. The Filipino leader also made it clear that he would not raise the arbitration case in regional gatherings, particularly within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. ...

How they became us: Orange County changed forever in the 40 years since the fall of Saigon

01.05.2017 By Chris Haire, Roxana Kopetman and Tom Berg (OCR) - The lucky ones carried bread bags holding all their worldly possessions. The others had nothing – no extra clothes, no money, not even a homeland after Saigon fell 40 years ago this week. ...

Philippines' Duterte hesitant on US visit, warm on China

01.05.2017 (Digital Journal) - by AFP - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday he may turn down an invitation by Donald Trump to visit the United States, as he welcomed three Chinese warships to his home town. ...

China: Signs Of An Expansionist Nation – Analysis

01.05.2017 By Bhaskar Roy (Eurasia Review) - Over the decades the People’s Republic of China has sold to the world the narrative that it is a self-contained power and has no ambition of coveting territories of other nations. This is far from the truth. ...

ASEAN-Mitgliedsstaaten verzichten im Inselstreit auf Kritik an China

01.05.2017 (Philippinen Magazin) - Manila, Philippinen – Die Asean-Staaten haben trotz des Streits einiger Mitglieder mit China um Inseln auf direkte Kritik an der Volksrepublik verzichtet. ...

Pacific countries meet to discuss Vietnamese poachers

01.05.2017 (Radio New Zealand) - Pacific countries affected by coastal poachers from Vietnam are meeting in Australia this week to seek a solution to the problem. ...

American Stories Are Refugee Stories

01.05.2017 By Bich Minh Nguyen (Lithub) - For most of my life, I could pretend I was not a refugee. I grew up in the Midwest, in a mostly-white town in the 1980s, and back then the idea was to forget the past and move along. Stay out of trouble. ...

Political Infighting Seen Behind Rare Call to Discipline Vietnam Politburo Member

01.05.2017 (RFA) - A recent proposal that a powerful top member of Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party be punished for misconduct while the head of state-run oil giant PetroVietnam came at the behest of the country’s party chief as part of a bid to secure his political future, according to observers. ...

Why the United States Went to War in Vietnam

28.04.2017 Heather Stur (FPRI) - Why did the U.S. go to war in Vietnam? This is a question historians continue to debate. One of the main reasons it remains a source of argument is that it is difficult to say when the U.S. war actually began. ...

Southeast Asia's leaders steer away from democracy: activists

28.04.2017 By Karl Malakunas (AFP) (digitaljournal) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's deadly drug war is part of a worrying assault on human rights and democracy across Southeast Asia, activists said as regional leaders gathered in Manila on Friday. ...

China and the South China Sea: ‘you shall not pass’

28.04.2017 William Choong (The Strategist) - Recently, a senior Vietnamese official asked Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi in Phnom Penh if negotiations with ASEAN on a South China Sea Code of Conduct (COC) would be completed by the end of the year. Mr Wang and his officials laughed it off, a Southeast Asian diplomat told me. ...

China gewinnt

28.04.2017 von Till Fähnders, Manila (FAZ) - Der für seine verbalen Ausfälle berüchtigte philippinische Präsident Rodrigo Duterte muss sich in diesen Tagen zurückhalten. Zum ersten Mal empfängt er als Gastgeber die höchsten Vertreter der südostasiatischen Staaten zu einem Gipfel in Manila. ...

Water Wars: Philippine Military Brass Makes Waves in South China Sea

28.04.2017 By Eliot Kim (Lawfare) - Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces General Eduardo Año made an unexpected visit last Friday to the disputed South China Sea island of Pag-Asa, also known as Thi tu. ...

Vietnam War: an alternative scenario

28.04.2017 By John J. Metzler (Asia Times) - Forty-two years ago, on April 30, 1975, North Vietnamese tanks smashed through the gates of Saigon’s Presidential Palace, thus dramatically ending what was known as the Vietnam War. South Vietnam had fallen, the US was politically stunned, and the narrative would switch to Vietnamese reunification. ...

Lack of water threatens localities in Vietnam

28.04.2017 (UkrAgroConsult) - More than 60 percent of water to Vietnam comes from other countries. Scientists have warned that 45 percent of land area in the southern region will suffer serious saline intrusion in the future. ...

Vietnam court condemns 8 to death for heroin trafficking

28.04.2017 (The Globe and Mail) - Vietnamese state media say a court in Hanoi has condemned eight people to death for heroin trafficking. ...

Vietnam Will Lose The Most From A Code Of Conduct In The South China Sea

27.04.2017 Ralph Jennings (Forbes) - Leaders from 10 Southeast Asian countries are talking this week, possibly about peaceful use of the heavily disputed South China Sea. ...

Senior Vietnamese Communist Party official faces punishment

27.04.2017 (The Seattle Times) - HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — A high-ranking Vietnamese Communist Party official faces punishment for wrongdoing when he was head of the country’s oil and gas monopoly, PetroVietnam. ...

Facebook to work with Vietnamese government to cut down on state criticism

27.04.2017 (Express) - VIETNAM'S government said Facebook has committed to work with it to prevent content that violates the country's laws from appearing on its platform. ...

Wie viel Kommunismus steckt noch in Vietnam und Laos?

27.04.2017 Von Marko Martin (WELT N24) - ... An der Oberfläche herrscht in Saigon jedenfalls eine bezirzende Gelassenheit – besonders am Wochenende, wenn das Pflaster des Nguyen-Boulevards zur entspannten Ausgehmeile wird. Gitarrenspieler links (keine Parteisongs klimpernd, sondern sich eher an Simon & Garfunkel versuchend), ...

Die Taufe einer Seemacht

26.04.2017 Von Kai Strittmatter, Peking (SZ) - Die Volksrepublik präsentiert ihren ersten selbstgebauten Flugzeugträger. Präsident Xi möchte die Vormachtstellung im Süd- und Ostchinesischen Meer ausbauen. Die Nachbarländer beobachten dies mit Sorge. ...

Die grösste Medienfreiheit in Kleinstaaten

26.04.2017 (NZZ) - In Skandinavien geniessen die Journalisten die grösste Freiheit. Norwegen, Schweden, Finnland und Dänemark belegen die ersten vier Plätze auf der aktuellen Rangliste der Medienfreiheit. Die Schlusslichter ("gravierende Situation") bilden unter anderen Ägypten (161), Iran (165), Saudiarabien (168), Kuba (173), Vietnam (175), China (176), Syrien (177) und Eritrea (179). ...

Reporters sans frontières : la liberté de la presse menacée comme jamais

26.04.2017 (Midi Libre) - Attaques anti-médias, fausses informations, répression et triomphe d'"hommes forts" comme Trump ou Erdogan : "Jamais la liberté de la presse n'a été aussi menacée", s'alarme Reporters sans frontières (RSF) dans son rapport 2017 publié mercredi. ...

ROG stellt neue Rangliste der Pressefreiheit vor: Pressefreiheit mittlerweile auch in Demokratien unter Druck

26.04.2017 (MEEDIA) - Die Lage für Journalisten und unabhängige Medien wird nach Angaben der Organisation Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG) prekärer. In autoritär geführten Staaten und Diktaturen sei der Umgang mit den Medien nach wie vor von Zensur und Verfolgung gezeichnet ...

Vietnam will 20.000 Familien im Mekong-Delta umsiedeln

26.04.2017 (derStandard) - Hanoi – Aus Sorge vor weiteren Erdrutschen will Vietnam im Delta des Mekong nach Berichten der staatlichen Presse 20.000 Familien umsiedeln. Demnach besteht in der südvietnamesischen Provinz An Giang auf einer Strecke von 30 Kilometern akute Gefahr, dass Häuser in den Fluss abrutschen. ...

Vietnamese houses slide into river after ground collapses

26.04.2017 (9news) - The problems of erosion and unauthorised building in Vietnam was brought home in dramatic fashion when 14 houses slid into a river on Saturday. ...

China launches first home-built aircraft carrier amid S.China Sea tension

26.04.2017 By Michael Martina (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - BEIJING, April 26 (Reuters) - China launched its first domestically built aircraft carrier on Wednesday amid rising tension over North Korea and worries about Beijing's assertiveness in the South China Sea. ...

Vietnamese protesters demand apology over police mistreatment

25.04.2017 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – Almost a thousand protesters surrounded the Quynh Luu police station in central Vietnam’s Nghe An province on Monday to demand an apology from police for seizing 200 T-shirts with protest slogans and beating two men transporting the shirts. ...

Was it ‘fall’ or ‘liberation’ of Saigon?

24.04.2017 By Kenichi Yoshida (The Nation) - In April 30, 1975, North Vietnamese tanks crashed into the palace in the city, then called Saigon, and the South Vietnamese regime collapsed. The communist government branded this day the “Day of Liberating the South”.” But was this really a “liberation”? ...

Lessons Learned From Vietnam's Dong Tam Standoff

24.04.2017 By Toan Le (The Diplomat) - The agreement that ended the hostage crisis in Dong Tam could be a model for other local governments in Vietnam. Conflicts over land, between the state and the people, appear to be leading Vietnam into unpredictable developments. ...

Vietnamese Protesters Surround Police Station, Demand Apology For Beatings, Stolen Shirts

24.04.2017 (RFA) - Nearly a thousand protesters surrounded the police station of Quynh Luu district in central Vietnam’s Nghe An province on Monday to demand an apology from police for their confiscation of 200 T-shirts carrying protest slogans and beating of the two men caught transporting the shirts, sources said. ...

In shadow of China's reef city, Philippines seeks upgrade for its island patriots

24.04.2017 By Ronn Bautista (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - THITU ISLAND, South China Sea - If the Filipinos on the remote South China Sea island of Thitu had binoculars, they might just be envious of how their neighbours on the next island live. ...

Das unfassbare Leid der "Gallenbären" Vietnams

24.04.2017 (Krone) - Etwa 1400 Schwarz- und Malaienbären vegetieren in Vietnam unter grausamsten Haltungsbedingungen vor sich hin. Meist als Jungtiere in der Wildnis eingefangen, fristen sie in winzigen Käfigen, ...

Los últimos ciclos a pedales de la antigua Saigón

24.04.2017 Eric San Juan (W Radio) - EFE - Los ciclos a pedales, una de las imágenes icónicas de la antigua Saigón (hoy Ho Chi Minh), se ven empujados a la desaparición por las restricciones legales y la imparable modernización de la ciudad. ...

Pence puts Trump administration on right foot with ASEAN

23.04.2017 Kavi Chongkittavorn (Nikkei Asian Review) -During his week-long trip to four major Asia-Pacific countries, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence delivered a strong message of a continued U.S. security commitment to the region and a firm stance on trade issues in line with U.S. President Donald Trump's priorities. ...

Conflict and Diplomacy on the High Seas

23.04.2017 By Pete Cobus (VOA) - One-third of global maritime traffic. An estimated $5 trillion in annual trade. Six claimant nations. One body of water. And that’s just on the surface. Welcome to the South China Sea, the geographic commons of Southeast Asia’s navigable rimland. ...

Agricultores liberan a 20 policías retenidos desde hace una semana en Vietnam

23.04.2017 (terra) - Un grupo de agricultores vietnamitas ha liberado a 20 agentes de Policía a los que retenían desde el pasado fin de semana por una expropiación forzosa de tierras en las afueras de Hanoi, informan hoy medios locales. ...

An-My Lê's first exhibition in France on view at Marian Goodman Gallery

23.04.2017 (artdaily) - PARIS.- Marian Goodman Gallery Paris is presenting the first exhibition of An-My Lê’s work in France. Born in Saigon in 1960, as a child, An-My Lê spent several years in Paris, a city where her parents had lived and were married in the late 1950s. For her first solo exhibition in Paris, An-My Lê presents The Silent General, a collection of new color photographs, first unveiled a few weeks ago at the Whitney Biennale in New York (on view until June 11, 2017). ...

12 Stunden arbeiten, 7 Tage die Woche – Realität in Vietnam

22.04.2017 Jan Bueltermann (Orange by Handelsblatt) - Ich gehe Frühstücken in Vietnam und der Kellner ist etwa so alt wie ich. Seine Schicht dauert zehn, oft zwölf Stunden. Eine 80-Stunden-Woche ist hier normal. Trotzdem reicht sein Geld kaum. ...

Vietnam: Land protesters release final 20 captives after city official visits

22.04.2017 (Asian Corresponden) - PROTESTERS involved in a land dispute near Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi, released the final 20 officials they had been holding as hostages for almost a week after a visit by a senior city official, Reuters witnesses said on Saturday. ...

Vietnam : libération de policiers retenus en otages par des villageois

22.04.2017 (Europe1) - Une quarantaine de policiers avaient été pris en otage il y a une semaine par des villageois qui protestaient contre la confiscation de leurs terres par l'État. ...

Vietnamese Villagers Release 19 Officials Held Hostage in Land Dispute

22.04.2017 (NYT) - HANOI, Vietnam — Villagers near Vietnam’s capital on Saturday released 19 officials they had held hostage for about a week, ending a rare standoff that underscored tensions over land rights in this Communist country. The remaining 19 were released after a meeting between the villagers and Hanoi’s top local official, Nguyen Duc Chung ...

Vietnam villagers release captives ending land fight

22.04.2017 By Eric DuVall (UPI) - - A contingent of villagers in Vietnam released 19 government officials they had been holding captive, ending a week-long standoff over land rights. ...

Catholics outraged by bad-mannered Chinese visitors in Nha Trang cathedral

22.04.2017 Nguyen Hung (AsiaNews) – Nha Trang - The local Communist Party section told the parish to keep the church open to visitors. Parishioners are opposed to this because Chinese tourists are aggressive towards worshippers, cause degradation and undermine local cultural traditions. ...

Trump Invites Vietnam's Prime Minister to Visit U.S.

21.04.2017 By My Pham (US News & World Report) - HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has invited Vietnam's prime minister to visit the United States, the Southeast Asian nation's government said on its website on Friday. ...

Vietnamese hold police hostages in six-day land drama

21.04.2017 (Bangkok Post) - HANOI - Authorities in Vietnam's capital promised on Thursday to review the use of land at the centre of a dispute with protesters who have held 20 officials hostage for five days, local media said. ...

Vietnam uses an old naval base to make new friends

20.04.2017 (The Economist) - NEAR the point where Vietnam bulges deepest into the South China Sea lies Cam Ranh Bay, perhaps the finest natural deepwater harbour in South-East Asia. These days Vietnam ostensibly follows a policy of “Three Nos”: no military alliances, no foreign bases and no joining with another country to fight a third. Nonetheless, adjacent to the Vietnamese naval base at Cam Ranh is a facility that receives foreign military vessels. ...

Vietnam authorities try to end hostage standoff

20.04.2017 by Reuters (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - HANOI, April 20 (Reuters) - Authorities in Vietnam's capital promised on Thursday to review the use of land at the centre of a dispute with protesters who have held 20 officials hostage for five days, local media said. ...

Vietnam village sealed off as police hostage crisis deepens

20.04.2017 (SMCP) - A group of Vietnamese farmers who took more than a dozen police and officials hostage over a land dispute said on Thursday they would resist any rescue attempt by the authorities and have sealed off their village. The incident began on Saturday in My Duc, a suburban district of Hanoi, ...

Vietnam: Hostage crisis deepens as villagers threaten to burn victims

20.04.2017 (Asian Correspondent) - A GROUP of Vietnamese farmers said on Thursday they had sealed off their village and would resist any rescue attempts by the authorities of the more than a dozen hostages they have been holding for six days. ...

Trump viajará en noviembre a Vietnam y Filipinas para cumbres de APEC y ASEAN

20.04.2017 (Terra) - El presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, viajará en noviembre a Vietnam para asistir a la cumbre de líderes del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC), y a Filipinas para las cumbres del Sudeste Asiático y la de líderes de EE.UU. y la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste de Asia (ASEAN). ...

Beware Vietnam's Death Machine

A closer look at capital punishment in the Southeast Asian state

20.04.2017 By David Hutt (The Diplomat) ... After reforms during the 2000s, “the death penalty was effectively abolished on certain crimes, such as robbery, disobeying orders or surrendering to the enemy. But in other cases, crimes were simply re-worded to mask their appearance and deceive international opinion,” the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights report reads. ...

Hoa Hao Buddhists Protest Against Harassment, Beatings in Vietnam’s An Giang

19.04.2017 (RFA) - Scores of Hoa Hao Buddhists in a village in southwestern Vietnam’s An Giang province protested on Wednesday against local authorities for harassing and beating them when they gathered to pray at the home of a former prisoner of conscience. ...

Fighting corruption in Vietnam requires institutional reform

19.04.2017 Author: Hai Hong Nguyen, UQ (East Asia Forum) - The first half of 2016 saw Vietnam’s fight against corruption gain new momentum. Having consolidated his power after being re-elected as Secretary-General of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), Nguyen Phu Trong issued resolutions and directives aimed at tightening party members’ ethical conduct. ...

Google entfernt regierungskritische Videos

19.04.2017 (Handelsblatt) - Hanoi - In Vietnam hat der US-Konzern Google nach offiziellen Angaben 1500 regierungskritische Videos aus dem Angebot seines Tochterunternehmens YouTube entfernt. Dies teilte der Informationsminister des kommunistischen Ein-Parteien-Staats am Mittwoch mit. ...

China Seeks Foreign Help in Risky Work Finding Oil in Disputed Sea

19.04.2017 Ralph Jennings (VOA) - TAIPEI — Beijing is looking for foreign contractors to help find oil and gas under the South China Sea but expects to meet resistance because other governments contest its claims and any discoveries may bring low returns. ...

The trees keeping Vietnam afloat

18.04.2017 By Erin Craig (BBC) - Rising sea levels threaten to drown the Mekong Delta, which produces the majority of Vietnam’s rice. The only thing standing between the country and the ocean is a tree. ...

Anger over Vietnam's poisoned coast

18.04.2017 (Yahoo New Zealand) - "The big fish are all dead," complained 50 year-old Mai Xuan Hoa, picking small fish from a net as he tried to rebuild his livelihood a year after Vietnam's worst environmental disaster.

"Where we caught 10 fish in the past, now we will only catch one or two," Hoa said. ...

Vietnam Farmers Free 15 Police Detained Amid Land Clash

18.04.2017 (RFA) - Farmers involved in a land dispute in Vietnam’s capital Hanoi freed 15 riot police Tuesday held in the aftermath of a clash with authorities over the weekend and said they are preparing to release around 20 additional local officials, according to state media ...

Vietnamese village holds police, officials hostage over land dispute

17.04.2017 By Tan Qiuyi (Channel NewsAsia) - HANOI: Villagers in the rural My Duc district of Hanoi held 32 people hostage for a third consecutive day on Monday (Apr 17) over an alleged land dispute. ...

This Village In Vietnam Is Holding A Dozen Police Officers Hostage Foreign Policy

17.04.2017 By Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian (Foreign Policy) - Villagers in a Hanoi suburb are holding twelve police officers and more than a dozen others hostage amid a land dispute. The standoff is rare in Communist Vietnam, where land seizures are common but protesters have few rights. ...

Vietnamese Villagers Are Holding Police Hostage in a Rare Protest Over Land Seizures

17.04.2017 By Feliz Solomon (Time) - A standoff between villagers and Vietnam’s communist authorities escalated this week after dozens of people were taken hostage, about a third of them police officers, by residents fuming over a land dispute. ...

Vietnam Villagers Hold Dozens Of Policemen in Land Dispute

17.04.2017 (Associated Press) - HANOI, Vietnam -- Villagers in Vietnam's capital on Monday were holding more than 30 people, most of them policemen, over a land dispute in a rare defiance of the communist government.

A dearth of coverage, competing global interests, and an omnipresent police state render violations largely unnoticed

17.04.2017 By Bennett Murray (The Diplomat) - Nguyen Chi Tuyen, a 43-year-old from Hanoi, was driving home after dropping his son off at school when he was attacked by thugs ...

San Jose: Nguyen Ngoc Hanh, legendary Vietnam War photographer, dies

16.04.2017 By Tatiana Sanchez (The Mercury News) - SAN JOSE — One of Nguyen Ngoc Hanh’s most iconic images depicts a young war widow clutching her late husband’s dog tags — a photograph recognized by almost every South Vietnamese. ...

Vietnamese Leader Halts Work on Steel Plant Over Threat of Chemical Spill

16.04.2017 (The New York Times) - Vietnam’s prime minister halted work on a $10.6 billion steel plant on Sunday over environmental concerns, aiming to prevent a chemical spill like the one last year at another steel plant, the local news media reported, citing a government statement. ...

Vietnam: Use of recording devices could be banned under proposed draft bill

16.04.2017 (Asian Correspondent) - CITIZEN journalists and bloggers are angered after Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security proposed a draft bill that bans the use of audio and video recording devices in the name of national security, as the authorities attempt to tame social media. ...

Despite the regime's persecution five ordinations took place in Thiên An

13.04.2017 Thanh Thuy (AsiaNews) - The bishop of Kontum made a pastoral visit at the monastery. The local administration wants to seize the area and adjacent buildings. The monastery is often attacked by thugs and police. ...

Vietnam Seeks to Calm Waters One Year After Environmental Disaster

11.04.2017 by Gary Sands (Foreign Policy Blogs) - ... The deaths of some 100 metric tons of fish in four central provinces were first recorded on April 6, 2016, and protesters soon gathered to accuse a steel mill in Ha Tinh. The accusations led to organized protests breaking out in several major cities, and resulted in the arrests and detainment of dozens of Vietnamese protesters. To date, there is some confusion over exactly how much compensation has been paid out. ...

Vietnam’s ‘conveyor belt of executions’ condemned by human rights watchdog

11.04.2017 (Asian Correspondent) - VIETNAM has secretly been the world’s third largest executioner over the last three years, executing 429 people between August 2013 and June 2016, Amnesty International has discovered. Only China and Iran executed more people during that time, Amnesty’s 2016 global review of the death penalty revealed on Tuesday. ...

Sand exported unethically from Vietnam ends up in Singapore

10.04.2017 Zhangxin Zheng (Mothership) - Earlier this year, two journalists from Vietnamese online news site Tuoi Tre News discovered that a large amount of sand — approximately 900 000 cubic metres of sand — was transported from Vietnam to Singapore from Jan 1 to Feb 23 this year, despite imposing a ban on sand export in 2009 ...

Vietnam govt to prosecute Formosa protesters, toughening stance

10.04.2017 (Reuters) - Vietnam's government said on Monday it would prosecute protesters who last week blocked the country's main highway, taking a tougher stance against a string of protests over the country's worst environmental disaster. About 100 people blocked Highway 1A a week ago with fishing nets, bricks and stones, holding up thousands of vehicles, the government said in a statement. ...

Formosa factory restart favors foreign over local interests

10.04.2017 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - Vietnam is poised to permit the Taiwan-owned Formosa Plastics Corp. steel plant to restart trial operations a year after the facility dumped toxic waste into the sea that polluted more than 200 kilometers of Vietnamese coastline spanning four provinces. ...

Duterte says will reinforce, not militarise, Philippines-controlled islet

10.04.2017 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - MANILA, April 10 (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Monday his order to the military to reinforce areas in the South China Sea controlled by Manila was to maintain the geopolitical balance, and assured China no "offensive weapons" would be placed there. ...

At strategic shoal, China asserts power through control, and concessions

10.04.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - REUTERS - SCARBOROUGH SHOAL, South China Sea--Far out in the South China Sea, where dark blue meets bright turquoise, a miles-long row of fishing boats anchor near Scarborough Shoal, backed by a small armada of coastguard projecting China's power in Asia's most disputed waters. ...

Iles Spratleys: le président philippin Duterte moins conciliant avec Pékin

10.04.2017 Par Dominique Cettour Rose (franceinfo) - Le président philippin Rodrigo Duterte va renforcer sa présence militaire sur une dizaine d'îles revendiquées par son pays en mer de Chine méridionale. ...

Vietnam wants to develop organic farming

10.04.2017 (UkrAgroConsult) - Organic farming is one of the new directions that Vietnamese agriculture must take to better respond to the general trend of domestic consumption and exports. ...

First Vietnamese ginseng seedling and herb centre introduced

09.04.2017 (The Star) - The Nam Tra My district in Quang Nam province has introduced the first ever Ngoc Linh ginseng (Vietnamese ginseng) and medical herbs centre as a major source of seed and sapling in Vietnam. ...

Vietnam’s Left-Behind Urban Migrants

08.04.2017 By Jonathan De Luca (The Diplomat) - Tough restrictions on internal migration are trapping Vietnam’s rural-to-urban migrants in a vicious cycle of poverty. When Ms. Thuan moved from her hometown of Nam Giang in the Red River Delta to Hanoi, she initially planned to stay for a year. ...

Spannungen im Südchinesischen Meer wachsen

07.04.2017, von Christoph Hein, Singapur (FAZ) - Genau während des Gipfels des amerikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trump und seines chinesischen Gegenübers Xi Jinping wachsen die Spannungen im Südchinesischen Meer, der wichtigsten Schifffahrtsroute der Welt. Der philippinische Präsident Rodrigo Duterte erklärte, er haben Truppen zum Schutz unbewohnter philippinischer Inseln entsandt. ...

Vietnamese Dissident’s Eyesight Failing in Prison, Relatives Say

07.04.2017 (RFA) - A Vietnamese activist jailed seven years ago for writing online articles criticizing government policies is suffering failing vision after being kept in a dark cell, family members said after visiting him in prison at the beginning of the month. Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, 51, was convicted in 2010 ...

Formosa Plastics clears Vietnam inspection

06.04.2017 Writer: Kuan-lin Liu (Eleven) - Nearly a year after Formosa Plastics Group was found severely polluting the waters along a 200-kilometer coastal stretch in central Vietnam, the Vietnamese government is reportedly considering letting the Taiwanese plastics company resume operations in the country. ...

Vietnamese protest one year after Formosa spill disaster

06.04.2017 (Reuters) - Protests were held at several places along Vietnam's coast on Thursday, a year after the country's worst environmental disaster was caused by a spill from a steel mill, activists said. ...

Vietnamese Catholics Demonstrate to Mark Anniversary of Formosa Chemical Spill

06.04.2017 (RFA) - Hundreds of Vietnamese Catholics from various parishes of central Vietnam’s Vinh diocese demonstrated on Thursday to mark the one-year anniversary of a toxic waste spill that polluted more than 125 miles of coastline in four coastal provinces. ...

Philippinischer Präsident Duterte befiehlt Besetzung von Inseln und Riffen

06.04.2017 (DW) - "Hisst die philippinische Flagge!" und sichert unsere Machtansprüche: so der Marschbefehl von Staatschef Duterte. Riskiert er damit, im brisanten Inselstreit die Chinesen mit ihren ehrgeizigen Zielen zu verprellen? ...

Chinese infrastructure construction on disputed Spratly Islands indicator of Chinese intent to press claim, despite UNCLOS ruling

06.04.2017 (IHS Jane's) - The completion of the bases represents an incremental increase of interstate war risks between China and regional states such as the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia ...

From Sea to Shining Sea - An immigrant’s journey

06.04.2017 (Eugene Weekly) - It’s morning at Y’i Shen Market and the restaurant’s kitchen is waking up.

Owner Phung Tu and I are sitting at a table in the restaurant section of the cheery shop. Nearby shelves are lined with Vietnamese staples: chili sauce, curry paste, rice vinegar, coconut milk and dried noodles. “I was born in 1960 in Đà Lạt, a small city in Vietnam,” Tu says. ...

For Philly’s Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees, Trump policies spark memories and mixed reactions

05.04.2017 By Jake Blumgart & Katie Colaneri (PlanPhilly) - Decades ago thousands of Southeast Asian refugees fled violent conflict and many resettled in Philadelphia, finding home in rowhouses and rebuilding old commercial strips. ...

Formosa Group, la Iglesia apoya a las víctimas del desastre ambiental

05.04.2017 (AsiaNews) - Hanói - A un año exacto del desastre ambiental (6 de abril 2016-6 abril 2017), decenas de miles de víctimas están aún esperando las indemnizaciones y el resentimiento contra el gobierno, acusado de corrupción y políticas fallidas. ...

Formosa Vietnam steel mill meets conditions for test runs a year after spill

05.04.2017 By My Pham (Reuters) - HANOI- Formosa Plastics Corp's steel mill in Vietnam has met environment ministry conditions to start test runs, state television said on Wednesday, a year after a toxic spill from the plant caused the country's worst environmental disaster. ...

Seven Vietnamese arrested for shoplifting cosmetics to sell back home

05.04.2017 (The Japan Times) - OSAKA – Seven Vietnamese nationals have been arrested for an alleged shoplifting spree in which they stole cosmetic products from drug and discount stores ...

Detained Vietnamese Human Rights Attorney to Receive Award For His Work

04.04.2017 (RFA) - Detained human rights attorney and activist Nguyen Van Dai will receive an award from the German Association of Judges on Wednesday, making him the first Vietnamese awarded the honor for his work in human rights ...

The Philippines Is Struggling To Stop Taiwan And Vietnam From Entering A Disputed Sea

04.04.2017 Ralph Jennings (Forbes) - China has earned a dubious name in the Philippines for asserting a claim to parts of a vast sea that Manila sees as its own. Chinese vessels bar Philippine fishing boats from entering a 150-square-km shoal where fishermen in the Southeast Asian country say the good hauls come from. ...

Anger burns on Vietnam's poisoned coast a year after spill

04.04.2017 (Reuters) - "The big fish are all dead," complained 50 year-old Mai Xuan Hoa, picking small fish from a net as he tried to rebuild his livelihood a year after Vietnam's worst environmental disaster. Within weeks, more than 200 km (125 miles) of coast had been sullied by the accidental release of chemicals including cyanide, phenols and iron hydroxide. ...

Anti-Korruptions-Beauftragter baut sich Villa

03.04.2017 (RP-Online) - Hanoi. Ein vietnamesischer Antikorruptionsbeauftragter hat einem Medienbericht zufolge eine Luxusvilla gebaut, die er normalerweise nie finanzieren könnte.

Das Haus in der Provinz Dak Lak habe er finanziert, indem er zusätzlich nachts als Fahrer von Motorrad-Taxis arbeitete, erklärte er der Zeitung "Tuoi Tre". ...

International Workshop On South China Sea Held In France

03.04.2017 (Bernama) - ASEAN could connect countries to address tensions in the South China Sea, an international workshop in France was told recently, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported. ...

South China Sea: The Fishermen on the Front Lines

01.04.2017 By Edyta Roszko (The Diplomat) - Under the cover of night, a Vietnamese boat with fishermen from one of Central Vietnam’s coastal provinces sneaks into the exclusive economic zone of Malaysia in the South China Sea to buy freshly caught seafood from other Vietnamese fishermen who act as brokers. Cam — a young Vietnamese fisherman — had just entered Malaysian waters when a speedboat with five masked and armed men on board seized his boat and quickly forced the fishermen to the bow and on their knees. ...

Trump sends letter to Vietnam's president to promote ties

01.04.2017 By My Pham | HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has written to Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang to promote more cooperation between the two countries, the government website cited Quang as saying. ...

Vietnam’s Pham Thanh Nghien Named Finalist for Rights Defenders at Risk Award

31.03.2017 (RFA) - Vietnamese blogger and former political prisoner Pham Thanh Nghien has been named a finalist for the Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk, honoring activists who jeopardize their own safety to benefit their communities. ...

China ist in der Lage Kampfjets auf umstrittene Inseln zu stationieren

29.03.2017 (Philippinen Magazin) - China kann US-Wissenschaftlern zufolge auf mehreren künstlichen Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer offenbar jederzeit Kampfflugzeuge stationieren. „Mit Stationierungen ist in naher Zukunft zu rechnen“, sagte der Wissenschaftler Greg Poling. ...

Vietnam Cracks Down on Unsanctioned Hoa Hao, Cao Dai Religious Groups

24.03.2017 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam have cracked down on two unrecognized churches in recent days, according to worshippers who said they were harassed, forbidden from holding religious services and had assets seized by the state. ...

Hanoi, detenidos dos bloggers y activistas por "propaganda contra el Estado" en la red

24.03.2017 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Las autoridades vietnamitas han detenido a dos bloggers y activistas, acusándolos de propaganda contra el Estado en virtud de un polémico artículo de la ley, también utilizado en el pasado por el gobierno comunista de Hanoi para golpear a los oponentes. De acuerdo a lo que refieren fuentes policiales, los detenidos sería Kim Khanh Phan, de 24 años y natural de la provincia de Phu Tho y Bui Hieu Vo, de 55 años de edad, del distrito de Go Vap, Ho Chi Minh. Las detenciones ocurrieron, respectivamente, el 21 y 17 de marzo. ...

Two bloggers detained for 'propagandizing against the state' in Vietnam

23.03.2017 (CPJ) - Bangkok, March 23, 2017--The Committee to Protect Journalists called today on Vietnam to immediately and unconditionally release bloggers Phan Kim Khanh and Bui Hieu Vo. The government announced on its official Facebook page yesterday that both had been detained on charges of "propagandizing against the state," ...

Les manifestations des catholiques touchés par la catastrophe environnementale se poursuivent et inquiètent les autorités

23/03/2017 (Églises d'Asie) - Tout récemment, mardi 21 mars, ce sont des centaines de pêcheurs de la commune de Ky Nam (province de Ha Tinh) qui protestaient contre l’insuffisance de l’indemnisation qui leur a été allouée après la catastrophe écologique. Portant leurs filets de pêcheur, les manifestants se sont rassemblés devant le siège du Comité populaire municipal. On y a exposé les injustices commises dans l’attribution et la répartition des indemnisations. ...

ANALYSIS: In lifting people’s well-being, Vietnam passes Philippines

23.03.2017 Jose M. Galang (ABS-CBN) - Vietnam has overtaken the Philippines in terms of human development, according to the latest United Nations Human Development Programme (UNDP) report on the state of people’s well-being across the globe. ...

Will the Environment Be the Vietnam Government’s Downfall?

22.03.2017 By David Hutt (The Diplomat) - Environmental protests are proving a tough challenge for the communist regime. For years, Tran Thi Nga was subjected to harassment and brutalization by the Vietnamese authorities, the details of which emerged in a fresh Human Rights Watch report published earlier this year. She was finally arrested in January for using the using “the Internet to post a number of video clips and articles to propagandize against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,” as the state media reported it. ...

Detenidos dos blogueros en Vietnam por propaganda antiestatal

22.03.2017 (Marti Noticias) - El gobierno comunista de Vietnam detuvo este miércoles a los blogueros Bui Hieu Vo, de 55 años, y Phan Kim Khanh, de 24, a quienes acusa de publicar comentarios contra el Estado, como una advertencia para que otras personas no hagan lo mismo ...

Vietnam Detains Two Bloggers for Anti-State Propaganda

22.03.2017 (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnam has detained two bloggers for posting anti-state comments, which the Communist-ruled country said should serve as a warning to others spreading dissent. Bui Hieu Vo, 55, known as "Hieu Bui" on Facebook, and Phan Kim Khanh, 24, were detained for investigation of "propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam" ...

In Asia’s Infrastructure Race, Vietnam Is Among the Leaders

22.03.2017 by Karl Lester M Yap and Nguyen Dieu Tu Uyen (Bloomberg) - It may be one of the smallest economies in Asia, but Vietnam is among those leading the infrastructure race. Vietnam's public and private sector infrastructure investment averaged 5.7 percent of gross domestic product in recent years, the highest in Southeast Asia and compares with 6.8 percent in China, according to the Asian Development Bank. ...

Vergiftungsgefahr - Warnung vor Red Snapper aus Vietnam

22.03.2017 (SZ) - Nach mehreren Erkrankungen warnt das Verbraucherschutzministerium vor dem Verzehr eines Tiefkühl-Fisches. Red-Snapper-Fischfilet aus Vietnam mit Fanggebiet Westpazifik FAO 71 sowie den Losnummern Lot: VN/385/III/122 und -124 stünden im Verdacht, mit Algentoxinen belastet zu sein. ...

Vietnamese gangs use teenagers as slaves in UK ‘cannabis farms’

22.03.2017 By Daniel Maxwell (Asian Correspondent) - VIETNAMESE gangs, who have long controlled the UK’s market in cannabis production, are using teenage slaves from Vietnam to tend their illegal crops. ...

Vietnam suspends air controller who slept on duty as planes tried to contact tower for 33 minutes

22.03.2017 (SCMP) - The aviation authority was reviewing operations at Cat Bi air traffic control and said officials would implement measures to prevent a repeat of the incident

Vietnam’s aviation authority has suspended three air traffic controllers, including one who fell asleep while on duty, for causing delays for two flights. ...

Vietnam seeks South Korean support in South China Sea

21.03.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - HANOI--Vietnam's Prime Minister sought support for the nation's stance in the South China Sea when he met South Korea's foreign minister in Hanoi on Monday. ...

Ivres, ils ouvrent les vannes d'un réservoir et inondent deux villages

21.03.2017 (Le Parisien) - Dans le sud du Viet Nam, trois hommes en état d'ébriété ont ouvert les vannes d'un réservoir. Deux villages ont été inondés. Les dégâts sont estimés à plus de 13 000 dollars ...

Digital in Vietnam: Is politics hindering progress?

20.03.2017 (Econsultancy) - With internet usage increasing by an average of 10% a year over the last five years, Vietnam is one of the fastest growing digital economies in the world, creating an amazing opportunity for ecommerce. This growth has created huge potential in the online economy — but there are some factors slowing progress. ...

In Vietnam: Betrunkene öffnen Staudamm und fluten zwei Dörfer

20.03.2017 (Focus) - Aus einer Schnapslaune heraus haben drei Männer in Vietnam zwei Dörfer unter Wasser gesetzt. Die betrunkenen Männer drangen nach Angaben der Polizei morgens um 2 Uhr in den Kontrollraum eines Staudamms ein und öffneten dort ein Ventil. ...

Tres borrachos inundan dos pueblos al manipular una presa en Vietnam

20.03.2017 (Diario de Navarra) - Tres hombres borrachos consiguieron entrar en la sala de control de una presa, abrieron una válvula e inundaron dos pueblos en el sur de Vietnam, informó este lunes la policía. ...

China’s South China Sea strategy

19.03.2017 (Taipei Times) - Reports earlier this week said that China was continuing its militarization of North Island (北島) in the Paracel Islands (Xisha Islands, 西沙群島) — which are also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam — including land clearing and what could be preparations for a harbor to support future military installations. ...

Vietnam rethinks contentious two-child policy

17.03.2017 Wayne Hay (Al Jazeera) - The Communist government of Vietnam is considering changing a law that restricts most families to two children. Adjustments to the policy may happen this year in certain parts of the country, which has been in place on and off for decades and is being blamed for a looming population problem. ...

Taiwan's Formosa Plastics to boost Vietnam steel plant investment by $346 mln

17.03.2017 (Nasdaq) - TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's Formosa Plastics Group will boost investment for a $10.7-billion steel project in Vietnam, hoping to launch production in the fourth quarter, after delays over the plant's role in an environmental disaster, an executive said on Friday. ...

Engineering in Vietnam: new projects, opportunities, employers and skills required

17.03.2017 By Sue Weekes (Engineering and Technology) - Like many countries, Vietnam has to plug a huge skills gap when it comes to digital skills in areas such as data and analytics and cyber security. It is predicted to face a shortage of more than 500,000 people in the IT sector by 2020. ...

Vietnam urges firms to stop YouTube and Facebook ads in protest over 'fake content'

16.03.2017 My Pham (Reuters) - Vietnam on Thursday called on all companies doing business there to stop advertising on YouTube, Facebook and other social media until they find a way to halt the publication of "toxic" anti-government information. ...

ÎLES PARACELS : Bras de FER pour un bras de MER

16.03.2017 (Thiesinfo) - La Chine aurait recommencé les travaux de construction sur un îlot en mer de Chine méridionale, selon de nouvelles images satellites. Selon ces données, Pékin pourrait construire un nouveau grand port sur les îles Paracels, dont la souveraineté est contestée. ...

The 'Chinazation' of Cambodia - China's deepening economic presence is bringing progress -- but at what cost?

16.03.2017 Kenji Kawase (Nikkei Asian Review) - HONG KONG/PHNOM PENH -- Just a few blocks from the Royal Palace, in the traditional heart of downtown Phnom Penh, sits one of Cambodia's most renowned Chinese schools. The school is one of the largest Mandarin-speaking elementary and junior high schools outside China and Taiwan. It currently has more than 11,000 students ...

Vietnamese journalist and Catholic activist victim of violence in prison

16.03.2017 Thanh Thúy (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Convicted on "subversion" charges for reporting corruption within the Communist Party, Catholic journalist and activist Nguyễn Đặng Minh Mân was the victim of “repeated acts of ill-treatment” in her prison cell, this according to her family. ...

Vietnam Committee on Human Rights denounces violations of Religious Freedom at UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

15.03.2017 (Quê Mẹ) - GENEVA, (VCHR) – Speaking on behalf of Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l’Homme at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva today, Mr. Võ Văn Ái, President of the Paris-based Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) denounced grave and consistent violations of the right to freedom of religion or belief in Vietnam, in particular the adoption of a new restrictive law on religion and the harsh treatment of religious prisoners. ...

Vietnam: Govt targets YouTube ads to combat dissent

15.03.2017 (Asian Correspondent) - SOME of Vietnam‘s biggest firms have suspended YouTube advertising as the communist country steps up a campaign against online dissent, which has also targeted global brands such as Unilever and Samsung. ...

Vietnamese workers protest in Taipei against Formosa mill pollution

15.03.2017 (Focus Taiwan) - Taipei  (CNA) Vietnamese migrant workers and human rights activists staged a protest in Taipei on Wednesday to demand that the Vietnamese government compensate the victims of an environmental disaster in Vietnam last year that was caused by a Taiwanese-owned steel factory. ...

China Has Begun New Construction Work on Disputed South China Sea Island

14.03.2017 Greg Torode / Reuters (Time) - (HONG KONG) — China has started fresh construction work in the disputed South China Sea, new satellite images show, a sign that Beijing is continuing to strengthen its military reach across the vital trade waterway. ...

Vietnam demands China stop cruises in South China Sea

13.03.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - REUTER - HANOI--Vietnam demanded on Monday that China stop sending cruise ships to the South China Sea in a response to one of Beijing's latest steps to bolster its claims in the strategic waterway. ...

EU und ASEAN nehmen Handelsgespräche wieder auf

13.03.2017 (Aktiencheck) - Das vereinbarten am Freitag (10.03.) EU-Handelskommissarin Cecilia Malmström und die Handelsminister der zehn ASEAN-Staaten in der philippinischen Hauptstadt Manila. ...

Vietnam’s ticking time-bomb of elderly poverty

12.03.2017 By Ray Yeh and Kim Wong (Channel NewsAsia) - More are working into old age to survive, in the world’s most rapidly aging country. Will solutions be too little, too late for Vietnam’s growing ranks of elderly poor?

Vietnam’s population is still relatively young - just over 10 per cent are aged 60 years and older - but it is fast greying. ...

Bis zu 2000 Euro pro Kilogramm. Wilderer "ernten" die letzten Seegurken

11.03.2017 (n-tv) - Je rarer etwas wird, umso teurer kann es verkauft werden. Das gilt auch für Seegurken. Wilderer aus Vietnam fahren zu einer Inselgruppe im Südpazifik und plündern dort die letzten Vorkommen. Die einheimischen Fischer sind erbost. ...

En augmentant modestement son budget de la défense, la Chine prouve-t-elle qu'elle veut vraiment la paix?

10.03.2017 Valérie Niquet (Le Huffington Post) - A l'ouverture de la réunion annuelle de l'Assemblée populaire nationale, Fu Ying, porte-parole de la session annuelle de l'APN, a annoncé le taux d'augmentation du budget de la défense, limité en 2017 à "environ 7%". ...

EU, ASEAN ready to restart free trade talks

10.03.2017 (DW) - The EU and the 10-member bloc of Southeast Asian states are to put a trade pact back on the agenda after a 7-year hiatus. Currently only Singapore and Vietnam have free trade deals with Europe. ...

Bis zu 125 Euro drohen: Hier geht es Wildpinklern jetzt an den Kragen

09.03.2017 (CHIP) - Wegen der vielen Wildpinkler in den Straßen von Hanoi bekommt Vietnams Hauptstadt zum ersten Mal seit Jahrzehnten wieder neue öffentliche Toiletten. Bis zum Ende des laufenden Jahres sollen 250 zusätzliche Häuschen aufgestellt werden ...

Amnesty names 6 women leading human rights activism in Southeast Asia

08.03.2017 (Asian Corresponden) - IN CONJUNCTION with International Women’s Day, Amnesty International has recognised Southeast Asian women activists for their resolve to stand up for human rights in the face of harassment, threats, imprisonment and violence. ...

UN rights experts condemn Viet Nam for incommunicado detention of blogger ‘Mother Mushroom’

08.03.2017 (OHCHR) - GENEVA - UN human rights experts are urging the Government of Viet Nam to immediately release a popular blogger known as Mother Mushroom, who has been detained incommunicado since October last year.Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, a 37-year-old environmental human rights defender, is accused of spreading propaganda against the Government. The charges are linked to her online activities that were critical of the Government. ...

Mother, Wife of Jailed Vietnamese Dissidents Describe Hardships on International Women’s Day

08.03.2017 (RFA) - As the mother and wife of jailed Vietnamese dissidents, Nguyen Thi Kim Lien and Linh Chau have both endured hardships since their loved ones were arrested. Lien’s son, Dinh Nguyen Kha, is serving a four-year prison term for “conducting propaganda against the state” over leaflets he distributed at a protest over territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea ...

A Vietnamese Refugee Draws Her Family’s Story

08.03.2017 (Hyperallergic) - Thi Bui was three years old when her parents and siblings stowed away in a rickety fishing boat bound for coastal Malaysia in 1978. ...

China says first draft of South China Sea code of conduct ready

08.03.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - BEIJING--A first draft of a code of conduct for behavior in the disputed South China Sea has been completed, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Wednesday, adding tension in the waterway had eased notably. ...

Vietnam says must be sure Formosa Plastics can operate safely

07.03.2017 (Églises d'Asie) - Pour la première fois depuis le début des réactions populaires déclenchées par la pollution environnementale qu’a provoquée le complexe sidérurgique de Formosa, la manifestation qui a eu lieu dans la matinée du dimanche 5 mars se voulait d’une envergure nationale, même si le nombre de participants dans le Sud a été peu nombreux ...

En la región Asia-Pacífico, al menos 900 millones de personas han pagado sobornos en el 2016

07.03.2017 (AsiaNews/Agencias) - Bangkok – Cerca de 900 millones de personas han dado sobornos, al menos una vez, en el 2016. Es el resultado arrojado por una investigación que tomó como muestra 20.000 individuos en 16 países de la región Asia-Pacífico, y que fue llevada a cabo por la agencia Trasparency International (TI). ...

Southeast Asia: As governments fail on human rights, women stand up

07.03.2017 (Amnesty International) - As the world marks International Women’s Day, Amnesty International recognizes the work of six distinguished women human rights activists who have faced harassment, threats, imprisonment, and violence for standing up for human rights in the region. ...

Asie du Sud-Est. Elles tiennent tête aux gouvernements qui ne respectent pas les droits humains

07.03.2017 (Amnesty International) - À l'occasion de la Journée internationale des femmes, Amnesty International tient à saluer le travail de cinq éminentes militantes des droits humains qui ont fait l'objet de harcèlement, de menaces, d'incarcérations et de violences pour avoir défendu les droits humains dans cette région. ...

900 mn in Asia had to pay bribes in last year: report

07.03.2017 (Digital Journal) - More than a quarter of people living in Asia had to pay a bribe while trying to access a public service in the past year, a watchdog said Tuesday, calling on governments to root out endemic graft in the region. The report by Berlin-based Transparency International surveyed more than 20,000 people in 16 countries spanning the Asia Pacific region from Pakistan to Australia. Bribery rates were highest in India and Vietnam ...

Rights Group Chides Vietnam For Treatment of Women, Human Rights Defenders

07.03.2017 (RFA) - The Vietnam Committee on Human Rights called on the Vietnamese government on Tuesday to release all women detained for demanding human rights and revise provisions of the criminal code routinely used to imprison female activists. The Paris-based organization issued a statement to call attention to the plight of women and female human rights activists in the authoritarian country on the eve of International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on March 8 to recognize the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. ...

Nuclear power in Vietnam: challenges and alternatives

06.03.2017 by Klaus-Peter Dehde, Germany; Kanna Mitsuta, Friends of the Earth, Japan; Dr. David Fig, Biowatch, South Africa; Nguy Thi Khanh, Green Innovation and Development Centre; and Dr. Sonja Schirmbeck, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (EE Publishers) - ... Beside the two “meltdowns” in Chernobyl and Fukushima, more than 30 accidents have been categorised according to the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), and countless smaller accidents have not been recorded internationally. ...

Google Translate starts using neural machine translation for Hindi, Russian, Vietnamese

06.03.2017 Jordan Novet (VentureBeat) - Google today is announcing that it’s switching to a modern approach called neural machine translation for translations of text in Hindi, Russian, and Vietnamese in its Google Translate app. ...

Vietnam's architectural gems are disappearing

04.03.2017 Zanna K. McKay (USA Today) - Once an architectural gem emblematic of Vietnam’s era as a French colony, the Tax Trade Center with its iconic Art Deco facade is now mostly rubble. Despite a petition drive spearheaded by a growing historic preservation movement, the building was demolished in recent months. ...

Vietnamese pastor beaten and left naked on road

03.03.2017 (World Watch Monitor) - A Vietnamese pastor and his colleague were abducted and violently attacked on 27 February during a visit to meet fellow activists in central Vietnam. ...

Two Protestant clergymen abducted and beaten

03.03.2017 (AsiaNews/Agencies) - Hanoi – In late February, a group of thugs attacked Rev Nguyễn Trung Tôn (pictured), a Protestant clergyman, and his colleague, Rev Nguyễn Việt Tú, who were stripped, robbed and beaten with a metal bar. ...

China and Vietnam: Thoughts From a Chinese Sojourner in Ho Chi Minh City

Different interpretations of history showcase hidden tensions in the China-Vietnam relationship.

... All of a sudden I remembered a quote widely attributed to Ho Chi Minh, the father of modern Vietnam. Ho reportedly made the following remarks in 1946, shortly after he agreed to allow French troops to return to Vietnam.

“You fools! Don’t you realize what it means if the Chinese remain? Don’t you remember your history? The last time the Chinese came, they stayed a thousand years. The French are foreigners. They are weak. Colonialism is dying. The white man is finished in Asia. But if the Chinese stay now, they will never go. As for me, I prefer to sniff French shit for five years than to eat Chinese shit for the rest of my life.” ...

Prozess um illegale Bankgeschäfte

02.03.2017 (MDR Sachsen) - Vor dem Landgericht Leipzig hat am Donnerstag ein neuer Prozess gegen einen Mann begonnen, der unerlaubte Bankgeschäfte betrieben haben soll. Dem Chef eines Leipziger Reisebüros wird vorgeworfen, rund 14 Millionen Euro an Landsleute in Vietnam transferiert zu haben. Dem Angeklagten werden 800 Fälle zur Last gelegt. ...

Gemeinsame Online-Petition zur Freilassung des Menschenrechtsanwalts Nguyen Van Dai in Vietnam

02.03.2017 Thach Duong (Forum Vietnam 21) - Die in Bad Nauheim ansässige Organisation VETO! Human Rights Defenders Network hat in einer gemeinsamen Initiative mit der Bundestagsabgeordneten Marie-Luise Dött (CDU) und dem Internationalen Katholischen Missionswerk missio Aachen eine Online-Petition für den inhaftierten vietnamesischen Menschenrechtsanwalt Nguyen Van Dai und seine Assistentin Le Thu Ha gestartet. ...

VETO! launches online petition for imprisoned Vietnamese human rights lawyer

01.03.2017 (VETO!) - (Bad Nauheim) - In a joint online-petition started today VETO! Human Rights Defenders’ Network, German MP Marie-Luise Dött (CDU) and the International Catholic Missionary Work Missio Aachen call for the release of the imprisoned Vietnamese human rights lawyer Nguyen Van Dai and his assistant Le Thu Ha. They are detained since December 16, 2015, without being granted access to their attorneys. ...

Freiheit für Nguyen Van Dai und Le Thu Ha

01.03.2017 (VETO!) - Der vietnamesische Rechtsanwalt Nguyen Van Dai (Foto) und seine Assistentin Le Thu Ha sitzen seit dem 16. Dezember 2015 in Untersuchungshaft. Der offizielle Vorwurf lautet „Propaganda gegen die Sozialistische Republik Vietnam“. ...

Missio unterstützt inhaftierten Menschenrechtler - Petition für Nguyen Van Dai

01.03.2017 (domradio) - Petition für Nguyen Van Dai - Das katholische Missionswerk Missio Aachen startet eine Online-Petition zur Freilassung des inhaftierten vietnamesischen Menschenrechtsanwalts Nguyen Van Dai. Ihm wird in seiner Heimat "Propaganda gegen die Sozialistische Republik" vorgeworfen. ...

San Jose flood: Vietnamese billionaire donated $5 million to help victims

01.03.2017 By Ramona Giwargis (The Mercury News) - SAN JOSE — In one of the largest private donations in San Jose history, a Vietnamese-American billionaire Wednesday donated $5 million to San Jose flood victims — the biggest gift for them since the disastrous flood engulfed three neighborhoods last week. ...

Vietnam commissions last two of six Russian-built attack submarines

01.03.2017 Gabriel Dominguez, London and Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore (IHS Jane's 360) - The Vietnam People's Navy (VPN) has commissioned the last two of six Project 636 'Kilo'-class diesel-electric attack submarines (SSKs) ordered from Russia in 2009, the Ministry of National Defence (MND) in Hanoi announced in a press statement. ...

Pastor Nguyen Trung Ton and friend assaulted

01.03.2017 (Frontline Defenders) - On 27 February 2017 Nguyen Trung Ton and Nguyen Viet Tu travelled to Ba Don town in Quang Binh province to meet with local activists there. On their arrival in the town at around 9.30pm, their car was stopped by at least six men in plainclothes, whom they believe were police officers. The two men were removed from their car, forced into another car and driven to Ha Linh commune in the neighbouring Ha Tinh province. ...

Vietnamese Activist and His Friend Kidnapped, Tortured and Robbed in Central Region

28.02.2017 (Defend the Defenders) - On February 27, Protestant pastor Nguyen Trung Ton, president of Brotherhood of Democracy, and his friend Nguyen Viet Tu were kidnapped, beaten and robbed by plainclothes agents in the central provinces of Quang Binh and Ha Tinh, Mr. Ton informed Defend the Defenders. ...

Two earthquakes occur near 190-MW Song Tranh hydropower plant in Vietnam

27.02.2017 By Gregory B. Poindexter (Hydroworld) - Two earthquakes occurred Feb. 26 about 50 km southwest of the US$260 million 190-MW Song Tranh 2 hydropower project, according to the Earthquake Information and Tsunami Warning Centre at Vietnam’s Institute of Geophysics (IGP) ...

China vs. America in the South China Sea: What Should Donald Trump Do?

27.02.2017 Michael Brady (The National Interest) - The foreign-policy issues confronting the United States are vast and complex. They range from terror groups such Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to Russia’s attempt at re-exerting its status as a major world power. One issue, competition to control the South China Sea, pits mainland China against its lesser rivals: Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei, the Philippines and Malaysia. ...

Vietnamese poachers plunder South Pacific sea cucumbers

27.02.2017 Michael Field (Nikkei Asian Review) - AUCKLAND -- Fleets of small and cheap wooden boats from Vietnam are being accused of plundering marine reef resources in Australia and the South Pacific, prompting countries in the region to discuss anti-poaching measures. ...

Drama on high seas as MMEA chase Vietnamese boats in Sabah waters

27.02.2017 By Awang Ali Omar (New Straits Times) - SANDAKAN: The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) engaged in an hour-long sea chase with two Vietnamese fishing boats in waters off Billien island here yesterday. ...

Kein Denkmal für Ho Chi Minh

25.02.2017 Andreas von Delhaes-Guenther (Bayernkurier) - Österreich liefert zur Zeit ein Paradebeispiel für die Untugend, dass kommunistische Massenmörder gerne verklärt werden, während man auf der rechtsradikalen Seite (zurecht) keine Gnade kennt. ...

Lange schallt es noch:  Ho, ho, ho, er lebe hoch! Kritik: Im Donaupark lässt Wien ein Denkmal für Ho Chi Minh bauen

24.02.2017 von Mirko Weber (Stuttgarter Zeitung) - Während in (Ost-)Berlin und Dresden die ehemaligen Ho-Chi-Minh-Straßen heuer wieder bürgerlich heißen, werbe Wien für sich, indem es einen „Tyrannen zum Helden“ mache, schreibt dieserhalb fast empört das deutsche Forum Vietnam 21 an den österreichischen OB. ...

Breaking a taboo, Hanoi recalls war with China

23.02.2017 By Xuan Loc Doan (Asia Times) - Several of Vietnam’s state-controlled news outlets have in recent days recalled the country’s 1979 border war with China, until now a strictly taboo topic. ...

Stadt stoppt Ho-Chi-Minh-Denkmal

23.02.2017 (ORF) - Vietnams Kommunistenführer Ho Chi Minh, laut Schätzungen für die Ermordung einer Million Menschen verantwortlich, soll im Donaupark ein Denkmal bekommen. Die Aufregung war groß - die Stadt hat die Pläne nun auf Eis gelegt. ...

Rudert zurück - Stadt Wien stoppt Ho Chi Minh-Denkmal

23.02.2017 (heute.at) Im Donaupark in Wien-Donaustadt sollte ein Denkmal für den umstrittenen vietnamesischen Ex-Präsidenten Ho Chi Minh entstehen. E gilt unter anderem als Verantwortlicher für die Ermordung von mindestens einer Million Menschen. Nach großer Aufregung am Donnerstag über die Pläne dieses Denkmals rudert die Stadt Wien zurück. ...

Hồ und Che: Kein Denkmal für Hồ Chi Minh in Wien

23.02.2017 Hans Rauscher (derStandard) - Che Guevara hat schon eines. Nun sollte auch der nordvietnamesische Revolutionär und Staatsgründer Hồ Chi Minh eines bekommen: ein Denkmal in Wien. Der Donaupark sollte offenbar ein Refugium für Denkmäler zweifelhafter kommunistischer Gewalttäter werden. Wien hätte sich in die Reihe jener revisionistischen Bewegungen eingereiht, wo die Statuen der alten kommunistischen Diktatoren nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion zunächst abgebrochen und dann teilweise wieder aufgestellt wurden. ...

Aufregung um Denkmal für Ho Chi Minh

23.02.2017 Von Christian Rösner (Wiener Zeitung) - Wien. Die "Gesellschaft Österreich Vietnam" will dem 1969 verstorbenen vietnamesischen Präsidenten und Revolutionsführer Ho Chi Minh in Wien ein Denkmal setzen - und zwar im Donaupark, wo bereits eine umstrittene Büste von Che Guevara steht. Die Opposition sprach von einem Skandal. Dann ließ am Donnerstagabend plötzlich eine Sprecherin von Mailath-Pokorny über die Austria Presseagentur ausrichten: "Die Stadt hat die weiteren Vorhaben für die Aufstellung des Ho-Chi-Minh-Denkmals gestoppt. ...

Denkmal für kommunistischen Politiker Ho Chi Minh im Donaupark geplant

23.02.2017 (meinbezirk.at) - Geht es nach der "Gesellschaft Österreich Vietnam", soll im Donaupark eine rund zwei Meter hohe Statue zur Erinnerung an den früheren vietnamesischen Präsidenten und Revolutionsführer Ho Chi Minh errichtet werden. An der Person Ho Chi Minh spalten sich jedoch die Meiungen gewaltig. Eine endgültige Entscheidung steht noch aus. "Ohne größeren Diskurs muss das nicht sein", sagt Bezirksklubobfrau Heidi Sequenz. Sequenz hätte zahlreiche Zuschriften von Vietnamesen und Österreichern erhalten, die sich klar dagegen aussprechen würden. "Da hätte ich schon ein bisschen Bauchweh dabei", sagt die Grüne. ...

Wien soll Denkmal des vietnamesischen Diktators Ho Chi Minh bekommen – Menschenrechtler empört

23.02.2017 (Epoch Times Europe) - Im Wiener Donaupark soll im Oktober 2017 ein Denkmal für den vietnamesischen Diktator und Massenmörder Ho Chi Minh eingeweiht werden. Doch nicht nur der rechte Flügel der österreichischen Politik sieht die Errichtung eines solchen Denkmals fragwürdig. Auch die Verfolgten des kommunistischen Regimes in Vietnam, die als „Boat People“ nach dem Sieg des Vietcong in den Westen flüchten konnten, haben ein Problem damit, berichtet die ehemalige Politikerin und Bürgerrechtlerin Vera Lengsfeld in ihrem Blog. ...

Statt dem Heldenplatz ein Denkmal für Ho Chi Minh? Die Diskussion um die Umbenennung des Wiener Heldenplatzes bekommt immer bizarrere Facetten

23.02.2017 Von Christian Weniger (Kleine Zeitung) - Weil der Heldenplatz im März 1938 durch die Ansprache Adolf Hitlers, in welcher er den Anschluss Österreichs an das Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Reich verkündete, bis heute belastet wurde, entzündete Kulturminister Thomas Drozda die Diskussion um eine Umbenennung des Platzes bei der Hofburg. So, jetzt bekommt aber diese Diskussion eine weitere Facette, eine kuriose. Wie bekannt wurde, will die Österreichisch-Vietnamesische Gesellschaft gerne ein Denkmal für Ho Chi Minh, den vietnamesischen Revolutionär, in den 1960er-Jahren ein Idol der jungen Demonstranten in Europa. Eines dürfte er aber sicher nicht sein - eine Lichtgestalt. ...

Massenmördergedenken in Wien - Protest von Exilvietnamesen

22.02.2017 (ef) - Im Wiener Donaupark soll im Oktober 2017 ein Denkmal für den vietnamesischen Diktator und Massenmörder Ho Chi Minh eingeweiht werden. Dafür hat der Gewerkschafter Marcus Strohmeier aus dem Kuratorium der Gesellschaft Österreich-Vietnam erfolgreich im Wiener Rathaus lobbyiert. Die Verfolgten des kommunistischen Regimes in Vietnam, die als „Boat People“ nach dem Sieg des Vietcong in den Westen flüchten konnten, sehen das allerdings anders. ...

Die USA werfen China Aufrüstung vor

22.02.2017 von Anne-Sophie Galli (NZZ) - China hat nach amerikanischen Erkenntnissen auf mehreren künstlichen Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer militärische Einrichtungen erstellt. In diesen könnten Flugabwehrraketen mit grosser Reichweite stationiert werden. ...

Ein Denkmal in Wien für Massenmörder Ho Chi Minh

22.02.2017 (Krone) - Unzählige Kriegsverbrechen, Millionen Tote, systematische Folter und blutiger Terror - diese leichenübersäte Leistungsbilanz ist offenbar die ideale Voraussetzung, um in der Stadt Wien mit einem Denkmal geehrt zu werden: Die Fans von Vietnams Kommunistenführer Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969, Bildmitte) dürfen jetzt im Wiener Donaupark mit dem Sanktus der rot-grünen Stadtregierung eine Statue ihres Idols aufstellen. ...

Vietnam names 11 officials over Formosa environmental disaster

22.02.2017 (Reuters) - Vietnam on Wednesday named for the first time 11 government, provincial and industry officials as being responsible for one of its worst environmental disasters, caused by a unit of Taiwan conglomerate Formosa Plastics. The Communist Party Inspection Commission's announcement, carried by the government news website, is the first time Vietnam has publicly named the officials responsible, 11 months after the accident. ...

Répression de manifestants catholiques au Vietnam: Réaction du diocèse de Vinh

22.02.2017 par Jacques Berset (cath.ch) - Le diocèse catholique de Vinh dénonce la répression brutale menée par la Sécurité publique contre les manifestants de Song Ngoc, une paroisse de ce diocèse situé au nord du Vietnam. Ces derniers protestent contre la grave pollution commise par le complexe industriel de Formosa. ...

Construction en Mer de Chine Méridionale : Washington y voit des ABRIS pour missiles

22.02.2017 Babacar Diouf (ThiesInfo) - La Chine a presque fini de construire deux (2) dizaines de structures sur des îles artificielles en mer de Chine méridionale. Bien que la finalité de ces installations reste toujours à préciser, des responsables américains affirment déjà qu’elles seraient conçues pour stocker des missiles sol-air de longue portée. ...

China's new South China Sea buildings could house missiles: US officials

22.02.1017 (Nikkei Asian Review) - WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- China, in an early test of U.S. President Donald Trump, is nearly finished building almost two dozen structures on artificial islands in the South China Sea that appear designed to house long-range surface-to-air missiles, two U.S. officials told Reuters. ...

Voice of a refugee's pain

21.02.2017 Olivia Ho (The Straitstimes) - Pulitzer-winning author Viet Thanh Nguyen draws on his early years as a refugee in the US to write his short story collection. Growing up as a Vietnamese refugee in California, author Viet Thanh Nguyen saw a sign in a shop window opposite the grocery store his parents set up. It read: "Another American driven out of business by the Vietnamese". ...

Haunting tales of heartbreak

21.02.2017 Olivia Ho (The Straitstimes) - Within the opening pages of its first story Black-Eyed Women, Vietnamese-American author Viet Thanh Nguyen's new short story collection hits like a punch in the gut. In a remarkable meditation on what it is to be haunted by the past - in more than one sense - he demonstrates his gift of giving voice to that which has been forced to remain unsaid. ...

ASEAN wants South China Sea deal with Beijing this year

21.02.1017 Cliff Venzon and Erwida Maulia (Nikkei Asian Review) - BORACAY ISLAND, Philippines -- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations hopes to strike a deal with China on a "framework" for a code of conduct in the South China Sea by the middle of this year, though some members of the regional grouping appear to be more enthusiastic about the idea than others. ...

Kim's alleged killer’s identity verified: Vietnam media

21.02.1017 By Bennett Murray HANOI, Vietnam (Anadolu Agency) - A Vietnamese state-controlled newspaper reported that it has seen government documents strongly suggesting that a woman held in Malaysia on suspicion of killing Kim Jong-nam was traveling on a legitimate passport. ...

Vietnam-born priest offers to swap US citizenship to allow refugee in

20.02.2017 (Catholic Herald) - A Vietnamese-born Salesian priest has offered to President Donald Trump that he would trade his own US citizenship with a refugee to allow into the United States someone from one of the countries Trump listed in his January 27 travel ban. ...

Why urban revolution is coming to Vietnam

20.02.2017 Adrian Bishop (OPP.Today) - A major change is happening in Vietnam residential city developments with the creation of green spaces. It is important to understand that many Vietnamese consider their doorsteps and streets a natural extension of their own home, ...

South China Sea may strain ASEAN unity this year

18.02.2017 (Nikkei Asian Review ) - MANILA -- The ability of Southeast Asia's regional bloc to tackle territorial disputes in the South China Sea with a united front will be tested as a newly China-friendly Philippines leads the discussions in that effort. ...

Vierter Verdächtiger nach Tod von Kims Halbbruder in Haft

18.02.2017 (Stern) - Kuala Lumpur - Nach dem rätselhaften Tod des ältesten Halbbruders von Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un hat die Polizei einen weiteren Verdächtigen festgenommen. In dieser Woche waren bereits zwei Frauen, eine 29-Jährige mit indonesischem Pass sowie eine 28-Jährige mit Papieren aus Vietnam, als Hauptverdächtige sowie ein Malaysier festgenommen worden. ...

North Korean man arrested in Malaysia over Kim’s death

18.02.2017 By Etsushi Tsuru (The Asahi Shimbun) - KUALA LUMPUR--Police in Malaysia said Feb. 18 they arrested a 46-year-old North Korean man in relation to the slaying of Kim Jong Nam, the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. China Press said one of the two women, Doan Thi Huong, 28, who has a Vietnamese passport, told police that she met one of the men in Malaysia about three months ago for the first time. ...

'I wanted to stay and fight for my beliefs' says jailed Vietnamese blogger forced into exile

17.02.2017 By Shawn W. Crispin (CPJ) - Vietnamese journalist and religious activist Dang Xuan Dieu was granted early release January 12 from a 13-year prison sentence on anti-state charges filed over his critical reporting. As with recent early releases of other jailed Vietnamese journalists, Dieu was forced to immediately board a plane and go into exile as a condition for his freedom. ...

Vietnamese gather to mark 40th anniversary of brief but bloody border war with China

17.02.2017 (SCMP) - China sent hundreds of thousands of troops into northern Vietnam 38 years ago, for what it said was to teach Vietnam a lesson for invading the China-backed Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. Several dozen people gathered on Friday in Hanoi to commemorate Vietnam’s brief but bloody border war with China nearly 40 years ago. ...

Why Is Asia Returning to Coal?

17.02.2017 By Grace Guo (The Diplomat) - Just a few short years ago, few would have dared to predict that coal could have a future in the energy policies of emerging and developed countries alike. Yet the fossil fuel is undergoing an unexpected renaissance in Asia, ...

Die grössten Verlierer eines US-Handelskriegs

16.02.2017 (Philippinen Magazin) - Drei Länder zahlen den höchsten Preis, wenn US-Präsident Donald Trump seine Drohungen wahr macht und mit Asien einen Handelskrieg anzettelt. Neben China wären Vietnam und die Philippinen am meisten betroffen. ...

Zweite Verdächtige nach Tod von Kims Halbbruder in Haft

16.02.2017 (SZ) - Kuala Lumpur (dpa) - Nach dem mutmaßlichen Giftmord am ältesten Halbbruder von Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un sitzen zwei asiatische Frauen als Hauptverdächtige in Haft. Am Mittwoch war bereits eine 28 Jahre alte Frau verhaftet worden, die Papiere aus Vietnam dabei hatte. ...

Vietnam's Got a New South China Sea Strategy

16.02.2017 Koh Swee Lean Collin (The National Interest) - The Vietnam People’s Navy is shifting from sea denial to counter-intervention. ...

What a Refugee Chef Wants You to Know About the 'Day Without Immigrants'

16.02.2017 Jessica Leigh Hester (Citylab) - Ryan McCaskey, the chef and proprietor at Chicago’s Michelin-starred Acadia restaurant, was evacuated from Vietnam as a toddler. Here’s why he shut down his restaurant in support of immigrant workers. ...

Who Called the Shots in Hanoi?

14.02.2017 Lien-Hang Nguyen (The New York Times) - As any account of combat in the Vietnam War will tell you, America fought an “elusive enemy”: guerrillas who would strike and then disappear; battalion commanders who refused to engage in open battles. But there’s more to the cliché than most people realize. ...

Wenn Alt-Achtundsechziger im Donaupark Ho-hopsen. Die Gemeinde Wien gönnt sich ein Denkmal für die vietnamesische 1968er-Ikone Ho Chi Minh. Warum denn das?

15.02.2017 Nina Horaczek (Falter) - "Ho-Ho-Ho-Chi-Minh!" riefen die Studenten der 68er-Bewegung und hüpften auf und ab. Jetzt, wo die Studis von damals die Pensionisten von heute werden, scheint im linken Flügel des Rathauses ein Hauch revolutionärer Nostalgie aufzukommen. ...

Vietnam police stop fishermen marching to make claims at steel firm

14.02.2017 (Reuters) - Police in Vietnam stopped hundreds of protesters on Tuesday from marching to present compensation claims against a steel plant over a toxic spill last year, activists said. ...

Vietnamese Authorities Send ‘Thugs’ to Beat Activists

14.02.2017 (RFA) - Vietnamese authorities appear to be systematically cracking down on activists, as environmentalists and others have been attacked by security forces and thugs associated with local police over the past week, RFA’s Vietnamese Service has learned. ...

Fue liberada Bùi Thị Minh Hằng, activista vietnamita que defiende los derechos humanos y la libertad religiosa

13.02.2017 Hung Quoc (AsiaNews) – Tras pasar tres años en prisión, las autoridades comunistas han liberado a la bloguera y activista Bùi Thị Minh Hằng, que fuera detenida en los alrededores del centro de Gia Trung, en Pleiku, capital de la provincia de Gia Lai, en los Altiplanos centrales de Vietnam. ...

Prominent Vietnamese Rights Defender Released From Prison

13.02.2017 (RFA) - Vietnamese authorities released prominent human rights defender and blogger Bui Thi Minh Hang on Saturday after she served a three-year prison sentence. ...

Vietnam Detains Bible Students, Expels Missionary

12.02.2017 (BosNewsLife) - HANOI, VIETNAM -- Rights activists say Christians in Vietnam face increased persecution after a foreign missionary was expelled and Bible students were detained by security forces ...

New top U.S. diplomat plays central role in Trump's China shift

11.02.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - WASHINGTON--President Donald Trump's acceptance of Beijing's demand that he re-commit to a "one China" policy was heavily influenced by his new top diplomat, who argued behind the scenes that relations would remain on hold until Trump cleared up doubts about a longtime bedrock of U.S.-China ties, officials said. ...

Vorfall im Südchinesischen Meer - Chinesischer Kampfjet bedrängt US-Flugzeug

10.02.2017 (n-tv) - Ein chinesisches Kampfflugzeug hat nach US-Angaben über dem Südchinesischen Meer einen Aufklärungsjet der US-Luftwaffe bedrängt. Das chinesische Flugzeug habe sich am Mittwoch der US-Maschine auf 300 Meter genähert, ...

Letter from a Vietnamese Priest to Donald Trump

10.02.2017 Peter Steinfels (Commonweal) - Yesterday, Phuong Nga Hillenbrand, our close friend of many, many years, forwarded to us an extraordinary letter from a Vietnamese priest to President Trump. ...

Apokalypse in der Reisschüssel

10.02.2017 Von Urs Wälterlin Phnom Penh (Tagesanzeiger) - Klimawandel und die Jagd nach billiger Energie bedrohen Reisfelder und Fischbestände im Mekongdelta. Die Folgen für die Nahrungssicherheit von Millionen Menschen sind dramatisch. ...

Is Vietnam in for Another Devastating Drought?

08.02.2017 By Nguyen Minh Quang (The Diplomat) - The Tet Holiday (Vietnamese lunar New Year) has come to an end, marking the commencement of a new dry season in Vietnam’s lower Mekong Delta. Right now in coastal provinces around the Delta, thousands of farmers, especially those who miserably suffered during last year’s historic drought, are mobilizing to prepare for another similarly devastating drought, which is expected to arrive in the Delta in a few weeks. ...

Vietnam: Der ehemalige politische Gefangene Nguyen Van Oai wieder in Haft

07.02.2017 von Hai Tran (Forum Vietnam 21) - Die Ehefrau des ehemaligen politischen Gefangenen Nguyen Van Oai bekam am 23.01.2017 eine Mitteilung der Polizei, in der man ihr erklärte dass der Grund, warum ihr Mann am 19. Januar auf offener Straße in der Gemeinde Hoang Mai, Provinz Nghe An, mysteriös festgenommen wurde ...

Le Vietnam change tous ses indicatifs téléphoniques

07.02.2017 Pauline Grall (Le Petit Journal)  - Au Vietnam comme en France, l'indicatif téléphonique local permet d'identifier la zone géographique où se situe un abonné détenteur d'un numéro de téléphone fixe. Au Vietnam cependant, chaque province possède un indicatif qui lui est propre et sur un total de 63 provinces, 59 seront concernées par ce changement y compris Ho Chi Minh Ville et Hanoi. ...

Vietnam: Plain clothes police block priests attending mass

06.02.2017 By Premier Journalist (Premier Christian Radio) - Plain clothes police officers in Vietnam have been accused of harassing and blocking a group of Catholic priests, stopping them from attending a church service. Vietnam, a Buddhist-majority country, is number 17 on Open Door's World Watch List 2017 for Christian persecution ...

Vietnam : des étudiants chrétiens arrêtés en plein cours biblique à Hanoï

06.02.2017 (Info Chrétienne) - Le Vietnam est classé en 17ème position dans l’index mondial de la persécution. À Hanoi, la semaine dernière, un groupe d’étudiants chrétiens rassemblés pour un cours biblique, ont vu les forces de sécurité faire intrusion et arrêter l’assistance. Le pasteur Nguyen, a rapporté que le 23 janvier dernier, ...

Activista vietnamita acusado de “abuso de las libertades democráticas”

06.02.2017 (AsiaNews/RFA) - Hanói – Un activista vietnamita, que se hizo conocido por haber filmado las protestas contra la contaminación causada por una empresa siderúrgica, fue acusado de “abuso de las libertades democráticas”. Es lo que comunican los corresponsales vietnamitas de Radio Free Asia (RFA). ...

Die Macht des Faktischen

06.02.2017 Von Martin Wagener (SZ) - Was bedeutet Donald Trump für die strategisch so wichtigen Beziehungen Amerikas zu Ostasien? Der Wahlkampf ließ nichts Gutes vermuten. Südkorea und Japan rief er auf, mehr für die dort stationierten US-Truppen zu zahlen. Peking käme so dem Traum von der Ablösung der derzeitigen Pax Americana durch die Pax Sinica schnell näher. Für die meisten Sicherheitspolitiker in Washington wäre dies ein Albtraum. ...

China welcomes Mattis' emphasis on South China Sea diplomacy

06.02.2017 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Beijing (Reuters) - China on Monday welcomed U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' suggestion that diplomacy should be the priority in the South China Sea, and that major U.S. military action was not being considered to contend with China's assertive behaviour there. ...

Zeitenwende im Südchinesischen Meer?

06.02.2017 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Trotz der markigen Worte, die der neue US-Außenminister Tillerson vor seiner Vereidigung zum Konflikt im Südchinesischen Meer wählte, ist die Strategie der USA noch unklar. Experten sehen bis jetzt China im Vorteil. ...

How Is Huy Fong’s Famous Sriracha Sauce Made?

06.02.2017 by Tod Perry (GOOD) - Huy Fong’s Sriracha sauce, known by many as “rooster sauce” because of the bird on its iconic green-capped bottle, has exploded in popularity over the past decade. Created in 1980 by Vietnamese refugee David Tran ...

New Book on Climate Change

05.02.2017 Leander c. Domingo (The Manila Times) - Southeast Asian scientists and researchers have written the book “Learning and Coping with Change: Case Stories of Climate Change Adaptation in Southeast Asia.” Now off the press, it was published by the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA). ...

What has Beijing achieved in the South China Sea?

03.02.2017 By Grant Newsham (Asia Times) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s comment during his confirmation hearing that the United States would deny China access to its man-made island bases in the South China Sea caused a predictable furor. However, few people seriously think the US is going to blockade the islands. This is a poor option anyway. ...

Czech Vietnamese Community Still Largely Isolated

03.02.2017 Chris Johnstone (Radio Praha) - The Czech Republic’s Vietnamese community is still largely closed in spite of integration efforts, according to a study by the Ethnological Academy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. ...

Vietnam: Erste Verhaftung eines Bloggers nach Artikel 258 des Strafgesetzbuches im neuen Jahr 2017

03.02.2017 von Tran Thanh (Forum Vietnam 21) - Der Blogger Nguyen Van Hoa, 22 Jahre alt, aus der Provinz Ha Tinh, Zentralvietnam, wurde am 11.01.2017 von der Sicherheitsbehörde auf offener Straße mit dem Vorwand „er hätte Drogen bei sich geführt“ verhaftet. Seine Familie war alarmiert, als er nach dem Besuch einer Gerichtsverhandlung in der Stadt Ky Anh am 11. Januar nicht nach Hause kam, sie erstattete bei verschiedenen Behörden eine Vermisstenanzeige ...

Public Anger Prompts Vietnam to Put the Brakes on Investment

03.02.2017 by Luu Van Dat (Bloomberg) - To Nguyen Tan Phong, a farmer in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta, the foreign-owned paper mill built upriver from his catfish ponds was an ecological disaster waiting to happen. Phong feared a repeat of last year’s toxic spill from a steel plant owned by Taiwan’s Formosa Plastics Corp. ...

Catholic Priests in Central Vietnam Still Harassed by Plainclothes Cops

02.02.2017 (RFA) - Plainclothes police in the central Vietnamese city of Hue blocked a group of Roman Catholic priests from attending a church service on Thursday, one of the priests said. ...

One year on since Zika emergency, Vietnam faces new infections

31.01.2017 Nyshka Chandran (CNBC) - One year ago today, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the mosquito-borne virus known as Zika an international public health emergency. Vietnam in particular has faced a high number of outbreaks over the past month. ...

Vietnam: Bloggerin wegen Regierungskritik verhaftet

30.01.2017 von Sven Braun (Netzpolitik) - Am 21. Januar verhafteten Polizisten die regierungskritische Bloggerin Tran Thi Nga und ihren Mann im Norden Vietnams. Ihr wird Propaganda gegen den Staat vorgeworfen, damit drohen bis zu 20 Jahre Haft. Die Vietnamesin bloggt unter dem Namen Thuy Nga über Menschenrechtsverletzungen in ihrem Land. ...

Vietnam on the move

30.01.2017 Erich Parpart (Bangkok Post) - People are migrating to cities in big numbers, creating a growing consumer class, big opportunities for investors and more challenges for the government. By 2025, half of the country's 93 million people are expected to be living in urban areas. ...

Work in progress

30.01.2017 Erich Parpart (Bangkok Post) - Vietnam is looking to offer shares in some major state enterprises but valuations and control remain major issues. Merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions have been surging in Vietnam, as steady economic growth and an expanding middle class draw interest from companies in Thailand, Japan and South Korea among others. ...

Vietnam: New Wave of Arrests of Critics - Crackdown Targets Activists and Bloggers

27.01.2017 (HRW) - (New York) – Vietnam should immediately release rights activist Tran Thi Nga and drop politically motivated charges against her, Human Rights Watch said today. Vietnam’s donors should issue public statements calling on the government to end harassment and prosecution of critics and rights campaigners. ...

Trump's economic policies create uncertainty for Asia

26.01.2017 Kotaro Hidaka (Nikkei Asian Review) - SINGAPORE -- The Trump storm is raging through the Asian economy. The new U.S. president touts protectionist policies and has declared that the U.S. will "permanently" withdraw from negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement, which covers 12 nations, including the U.S. and many Asian countries such as Singapore and Vietnam. ...

Videographer and blogger detained in Vietnam

26.01.2017 (CPJ) - Bangkok, January 26, 2017--Vietnamese authorities should unconditionally release videographer Nguyen Van Hoa and blogger Tran Thi Nga, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. ...

Vietnam punishes four officials over Formosa environmental disaster

26.01.2017 (Reuters) - Vietnam said on Thursday it would punish four officials over one of its worst environmental disasters, caused by a unit of Taiwan conglomerate Formosa Plastics, in the first action against government officials ten months after the accident. ...

In Vietnam geht das Regime nach wie vor scharf gegen Dissidenten und verhaftet weitere Aktivistin

26.01.2017 von Hai Tran (Forum Vietnam 21) Die Polizei der Provinz Ha Nam, einer angrenzenden Provinz südlich der Landeshauptstadt Ha Noi, hat am 21.01.2017 Frau Tran Thi Nga in ihrem Haus in der Stadt Phu Ly mit dem Vorwurf „Propaganda gegen die Regierung der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam“ nach dem Artikel 88 des Strafgesetzbuches, verhaftet. ...

Nouvelle arrestation d’un militant chrétien ayant déjà purgé une première peine de quatre ans de prison

25.01.2017 (Eglises d'Asie) - Ces derniers temps, divers observateurs ont dénoncé le relâchement de la surveillance de la situation des droits de l’homme au Vietnam. Certaines instances internationales ont tendance à faire preuve de moins de vigilance à ce sujet. C’est en particulier le cas des Etats-Unis depuis l’élection du nouveau président Donald Trump. ...

RSF decries arrests of three activist bloggers in Vietnam

25.01.2017 (RSF) - Reporters Without Borders condemns the “preventive” arrests of three bloggers and citizen journalists in the past few days in the run-up to the Vietnamese New Year, known as the Tet, and calls for their immediate release and the withdrawal of all charges against them. ...

As Hanoi’s crackdown continues, Christian activist Nguyen Van Oai arrested again

25.01.2017 (AsiaNews/EdA) - Hanoi – Vietnam’s Communist authorities have arrested a young Protestant activist, previously released from prison in 2015 after serving a four-year sentence. Nguyên Van Oai was first arrested in August of 2011 ...

Urgent Statement on Vietnam’s arrest of Activist Tran Thi Nga

25.01.2017 (Defend the Defenders) - On the morning of January 21, 2017, Vietnam’s communist government arrested activist Ms. Tran Thi Nga on charge of conducting anti-state propaganda under Article 88 of the country’s Penal Code. We, the undersigned, demand:

– Vietnam’s government must release Ms. Nga immediately and unconditionally as she is a prisoner of conscience detained solely for peaceful activities in defending human right. ...

Hanói, el líder cristiano Nguyên Van Oai es llevado nuevamente a prisión. Apriete a los activistas

25.01.2017 (AsiaNews/EdA) - Hanói – Las autoridades comunistas vietnamitas arrestaron a un joven activista cristiano protestante, que ya fue preso político en el pasado y que salió de la cárcel en agosto de 2015, tras haber descontado cuatro años en prisión. ...

Viet Nam: Arbitrary detention of labour and land rights defender Ms. Tran Thi Nga

24.01.2017 (OMCT) - The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a partnership of FIDH and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Viet Nam.

The Observatory has been informed by the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) about the arbitrary arrest and detention of labour and land rights defender Ms. Tran Thi Nga. ...

Australien sieht nach US-Aus Platz für China bei TPP

24.01.2017 (Blick) - Sydney – Nach dem Ausstieg der USA aus dem Transpazifischen Freihandelsabkommen TPP will Australien das Abkommen retten. Der australische Premierminister Malcolm Turnbull sagte am Dienstag, seine Regierung sei in «aktiven Diskussionen» mit den anderen TPP-Staaten. ...

Tran Thi Nga Arrested

23.01.2017 (Front Line Defenders) - On 21 January 2017 human rights defender Ms Tran Thi Nga was arrested in Ha Nam province on charges of anti-state propaganda. Two days earlier, fellow human rights defender Mr Nguyen Van Oai was arrested in Nghe An province on charges of ‘resisting officials on duty’ and violating his probation. Front Line Defenders urges the authorities in Vietnam to: 1. Immediately and unconditionally release Tran Thi Nga and Nguyen Van Oai, ...

Vietnamese immigrant to advise president on policy

23.01.2017 (Taipei Times) - Vietnamese immigrant Hu Ching-hsien (胡清嫻) gained recognition for her contributions to the Southeast Asian community in Taiwan after she was asked by the Presidential Office late last month to serve as national immigration policy adviser to President Tsai Ing-wen ...

Vietnam arresta a una activista por difundir propaganda contra el estado

22.01.2017 (WRadio) - (Agencia EFE) - Las autoridades de Vietnam arrestaron a Tran Thi Nga, de 39 años, destacada activista en la defensa de los derechos humanos a la que acusa de difundir propaganda contra el estado, informaron hoy activistas. ...

Vietnam police arrest dissident for propaganda against state

21.01.2017 (Reuters) - Police in Vietnam arrested a dissident on Saturday for posting anti-state material on the internet, as part of an ongoing crackdown on critics of the Southeast Asian country's Communist rulers. ...

Vietnam: Wieder ein Regimegegner aus dem Gefängnis ins Exil verbannt

21.01.2017 von Hai Tran (Forum Vietnam 21) - Der politische Gefangene Dang Xuan Dieu wurde am 13. Januar 2017 unmittelbar aus dem Gefängnis Nr. 5 „Nam Yen Dinh“, in der Provinz Thanh Hoa, nach Frankreich abgeschoben. Die vietnamesische Regierung gewährte ihm nicht einmal die Möglichkeit, dass er sich von seinen Familienangehörigen verabschieden konnte. ...

Tensions in the South China Sea National Intelligence Estimate: The Next Two to Three Years

20.01.2017 by Daniel Urchick (Small Wars Journal) - The South China Sea is developing at an extraordinarily rapid rate and the events that transpire in the region in the next two to three years will be some of the most significant geopolitical events in the world. ...

'It's made in Vietnam!' At inauguration, origin of red Trump hats shocks many

20.01.2017 By Melissa Fares and Dustin Volz | WASHINGTON  (Reuters) - One of the biggest cheers President Donald Trump received from supporters watching his inaugural address on Friday was his call to "buy American and hire American." Many of those supporters were sporting Trump's trademark red "Make America Great Again" baseball caps that were made in China, Vietnam and Bangladesh. ...

South China Sea Conflict: Vietnamese Police Arrest Anti-China Protesters In Hanoi

19.01.2017 By Vishakha Sonawane (IBT) - Police in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi arrested several people Thursday who had gathered to mark the 43rd anniversary of the Chinese invasion of the disputed Paracel Islands in South China Sea, according to reports. Police took away banners and hauled at least a dozen of people in a bus. ...

Vietnam police halt anti-China protest over islands

19.01.2017 (Reuters) HANOI - Police in Vietnam's capital stopped an anti-China protest within minutes on Thursday at a ceremony to commemorate a clash between the two countries in the South China Sea more than four decades ago. ...

La Policía de Vietnam frena una protesta contra China en Hanoi

19.01.2017 (Europa Press) - HANOI (Reuters/EP) - La Policía de Vietnam ha frenado este jueves una protesta anti China en Hanoi durante una ceremonia para conmemorar un enfrentamiento entre los dos países en el mar de China Meridional hace más de cuatro décadas. ...

Vietnamese police break up antiChina Paracels rally

19.01.2017 (NATION) - Vietnamese police on Thursday scuffled with activists marking the 1974 Chinese invasion of a disputed island chain as they arrested several people and dispersed journalists. Plainclothes police swiftly swooped in, snatching banners away and hauling at least a dozen people into a nearby bus. ...

Vietnam: manifestation antichinoise, plusieurs arrestations

19.01.2017 (L'Orient-Le Jour) - La police vietnamienne a brutalement mis fin jeudi à Hanoï à une manifestation antichinoise et arrêté plusieurs participants, ont constaté des journalistes de l'AFP. ...

With Growth of Coal Power Plants, Vietnam's Future Is Grim

17.01.2017 By Viet Phuong Nguyen (The Diplomat) - On January 12, 2017, the academic journal Environmental Science & Technology published a study by researchers from Harvard University, Greenpeace, and the University of Colorado Boulder titled “Burden of Disease from Rising Coal-Fired Power Plant Emissions in Southeast Asia.” ...

Govt arrests 32 alleged sex workers in Jakarta, mostly from Vietnam

15.01.2017 Moses Ompusunggu (The Jakarta Post) - The Law and Human Rights Ministry announced Friday it had arrested 32 foreigners, allegedly sex workers, violating immigration procedures in numerous entertainment centers in Jakarta proper. ...

South China Sea: China, Vietnam agree to manage maritime difference

15.01.2017 (ANI) - Beijing - China and Vietnam have agreed to manage maritime differences and safeguard the peace and stability of the disputed South China Sea. A joint communique issued on Saturday said that both countries pledged to seek basic and long-term solutions that both sides can accept via negotiation. The communique was issued as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong paid a four-day official visit to China ...

Japan, Australia to strengthen defence ties, stress importance of TPP

15.01.2017 By Harry Pearl  (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - SYDNEY - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met his Australian counterpart Malcolm Turnbull in Sydney on Saturday where the pair agreed to deepen defence ties and stressed the importance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). ...

Vietnamese journalist Dang Xuan Dieu released from prison

13.01.2017 (CPJ) - Bangkok - The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release from prison of Vietnamese journalist Dang Xuan Dieu and calls on Vietnamese authorities to free unconditionally all journalists held behind bars. Shawn Crispin, CPJ's senior Southeast Asia representative: "We call on authorities to stop using vague unjust laws to punish the press, and to release all journalists still jailed." ...

Vietnam Sends a Dissident to France but Blocks Another From Leaving

13.01.2017 (RFA) - Vietnamese authorities released one dissident from jail this week as they exiled the former political prisoner to France, but at the same time they blocked another well-known dissident from leaving the country. Dang Xuan Dieu, a blogger, was released late Thursday ...

Mysterious Stone Instruments Keep Being Discovered in Vietnam

13.01.2017 By Cara Giaimo (Atlas Obscura) - The country has embraced dàn đá', but no one is quite sure of its exact history. In April of 2015, farmer Pham Dinh Huyen of Quang Binh, Vietnam set to work on his new fishpond. He had barely started digging when his shovel hit a rock. ...

China tabloid: U.S. must ‘wage war’ to block off S. China Sea isles

13.01.2017 (The Asahi Shimbun) - BEIJING--Blocking Chinese access to islands in the South China Sea would require the United States to "wage war," an influential Chinese state-run tabloid said on Friday, after U.S. Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson suggested the strategy on Wednesday. ...

Burden of Disease from Rising Coal-Fired Power Plant Emissions in Southeast Asia

12.01.2017 Shannon N. Koplitz, Daniel J. Jacob, Melissa P. Sulprizio, Lauri Myllyvirta, and Colleen Reid (American Chemical Society) - Southeast Asia has a very high population density and is on a fast track to economic development, with most of the growth in electricity demand currently projected to be met by coal. ...

Selon le ministère de l’Environnement, la catastrophe écologique du Centre-Vietnam n’est pas un des dix événements marquants de l’année 2016

12.01.2017 (Églises d'Asie) - En ce début d’année, les divers ministères récapitulent les quelques faits saillants de l’année écoulée et publient la liste des événements ayant marqué les esprits. Dans la liste des dix événements les plus marquants concernant les ressources naturelles et l’environnement, aucune allusion n’est faite à la pollution maritime des côtes du Centre-Vietnam. ...

Vietnam: End Crackdown on Bloggers and Activists

12.01.2017 (HRW) - New York – The Vietnamese government engaged in a broad crackdown on freedom of speech, opinion, association, assembly, and religion in 2016, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2017. Rights bloggers and activists faced constant police intimidation and harassment, were subject to incommunicado detention, and imprisoned for exercising their basic rights. ...

Vietnam Recalibrates After Trump-Duterte Combo Upsets Strategy

12.01.2017 by Chris Blake and John Boudreau (Bloomberg News) - Vietnam is moving to firm up key relationships after the rise of unpredictable politicians in the U.S. and the Philippines upset its trade and security strategy. A trio of high-profile diplomatic exchanges over the next week highlight a careful balancing act ...

Social media lets Vietnamese vent like never before

12.01.2017 Atsushi Tomiyama (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI Rapid economic development is widening the gap between Vietnam's haves and have-nots.Traditionally, the government has sought to control public opinion through state-run media and by stifling dissent. Now it is realizing that the social media genie is nigh impossible to put back in the bottle -- and that it had best listen to its restless citizens. ...

Mit dieser gefährlichen Idee könnte der kommende US-Außenminister die USA an den Rand eines Krieges bringen

12.01.2017 von Susanne Klaiber & Lennart Pfahler (The Huffington Post) - Der künftige US-Außenminister Rex Tillerson hat sich schon vor seinem Amtsantritt mit einer Weltmacht angelegt. Ein diplomatisch höchst heikler Schritt für den amerikanischen Chefdiplomaten in spe. ...

Corporate reform in Vietnam is slow going

12.01.2017 Atsushi Tomiyama (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI - As Vietnam marks its 10th anniversary as a member of the World Trade Organization in January, the one-party state has finally begun showing progress on promises to make the country's state-run enterprises more compliant with market principles and less dependent on government largesse. ...

Vietnam's Religious Law: Testing the Faithful

12.01.2017 By Luke Hunt (The Diplomat) - Vietnam’s new Law on Belief and Religion sparks worry about freedom of religion in the communist country. ... People here are still wary of upsetting the authorities in Hanoi, where religions of all persuasions are viewed with suspicion. ...

Trump's Asia summit dilemma: Irritant or opportunity?

10.01.2017 Lex Rieffel (Nikkei Asian Review) - Will U.S. President-elect Donald Trump attend the 2017 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Vietnam? Or the 2017 East Asia Summit in the Philippines? Does it even matter? ...

Vietnam's Next Environmental Hotspot

10.01.2017 By Nguyen Minh Quang (The Diplomat) - Less than a year after a major pollution crisis, trouble is brewing in the Mekong Delta.In recent weeks, the public’s deep concerns about the Mekong Delta’s environmental pollution, generated by industrial campuses and export-processing zones surrounding its major rivers, seem to have been overshadowed by the outbreak of a new high-profile case related to state agencies responsible for foreign investment promotion and management. ...

Vietnamese actress reveals secret husband — and more

09.01.2017 (The China Post) - TAIPEI -- Vietnamese actress Nguyen Thanh Dao (阮菁桃) on Sunday shocked her fans but also elicited sympathy when she admitted to having lied about her marital status, place of birth and academic record. Nguyen, better known in Taiwan by her stage name Helen Thanh Dao (海倫清桃), called a press conference in Taipei ...

After free laser healing, ‘Napalm Girl’ can finally feel her little grandson’s touch

08.01.2017 By Alex Harris (Miami Herald) - Kim Phuc Phan Thi, 53, known by many as the"Napalm Girl" after being photographed at the age of 9, fleeing a napalm attack during the Vietnam War. She was badly burned in the attack and has recently undergone laser treatments in Miami to help remove the scars from her skin. ...

Fish Kill Disaster in Vietnam Fails to Make Official Top 10 Environmental Events

06.01.2017 (RFA) - A steel plant disaster that killed more than 100 tons of fish and rained economic devastation on Vietnam’s central coast was conspicuously absent from a list of 2016’s top environmental events last year released on Friday by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. ...

Vietnamese Dissident Attorney's House Vandalized by Thugs

06.01.2017 (RFA) - Unidentified thugs vandalized the Hanoi home of a prominent human-rights attorney, smearing it with red paint and putrid-smelling shrimp paste late Thursday night, the lawyer told RFA’s Vietnamese Service. Tran Thu Nam told RFA that he was working at his home around midnight when he went to his front door to investigate a mysterious commotion. ...

HCM City Export Zone Reports Outbreak Of Chickenpox

06.01.2017 (Bernama) - An outbreak of chickenpox has been reported at Gunze Vietnam Co Ltd in HCM City's Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone, with 30 people contracting the disease since Nov 17, Vietnam news agency (VNA) reported the HCM City Preventive Health Centre as saying. ...

How Tippi Hedren Led to the Modern Manicure

05.01.2017 by Caroline Hallemann (Town And Country) - What does Tippi Hedren have to do with the history of nail salons in America? Apparently quite a bit. Nicknamed the "godmother of the Vietnamese nail industry," Hedren's contribution to the beauty industry started after the fall of Saigon in 1975. ...

China Everbright eyes more projects to generate power from waste in Asia

05.01.2017 Eric Ng (SCMP) - China Everbright International (CEI), one of the nation’s largest operators of municipal waste incinerators that produce electricity, is in talks to build more projects in southern Asia after it won the region’s first open tender in Vietnam last July. ...

Taiwan protests Vietnam deporting fraud suspects to China

05.01.2017 (AP) - BEIJING - Taiwan has protested to Vietnam after the country deported four Taiwanese accused of fraud to its rival, China, alleging that this was done under pressure from Beijing. Countries including Malaysia, Cambodia and Kenya have recently deported Taiwanese suspects to China, in deference to Beijing's claim to sovereignty over the self-governing island. ...

Weniger Reis, mehr Smartphones

03.01.2017 von Manfred Rist (NZZ) - Die vietnamesische Wirtschaft weist gemäss offiziellen Angaben aus Hanoi das schwächste Wachstum seit 2012 auf, doch die Dynamik bleibt beachtlich. Der Agrarsektor, in dem Kaffee, Reis, Fisch und Seafood eine wichtige Rolle spielen, legte um bloss 1,4% zu. Das hat zum einen mit der Trockenheit im zentralen Hochland zu tun, die die Kaffee-Ernte schmälerte, zum anderen mit dem Wassermangel und der Versalzung in Teilen des Mekong-Deltas, was den Reisanbau beeinträchtigte. ...

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of Chinese Tourists In Vietnam

02.01.2017 By Michael Tatarski (SCMP) - It’s late and it’s hot, and thoughts have turned to air-conditioned hotel rooms, so the Chinese group can be forgiven for missing the subtle geopolitical implications of what their unlicensed leader is saying. For instance, the guide tells them while Vietnam is no longer a part of China and has claimed its independence, it still depends on China and pays tribute to it. Or that the city’s My Khe Beach, a broad sweep of white sand once dubbed China Beach by American soldiers, really belongs to China ...

Vietnamese structural reforms still in doubt

02.01.2017 Author: Suiwah Leung, ANU (East Asia Forum) - The Vietnamese economy has shown resilience in the face of global headwinds. GDP growth is projected by the World Bank to be around 6 per cent for 2016 — higher than the large ASEAN economies of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.  Yet the economic outlook is mixed, as rising global economic uncertainty challenges Hanoi’s commitment to necessary medium-term structural reforms. ...

Man-made marine disaster in Vietnam - Can the world community do more than look?

01.01.2017 Thục-Quyên (Save Vietnam's Nature) - In early April 2016, tones of dead fish began washing up along the coast of Ha Tinh province and neighboring Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien-Hue provinces: miles and miles of fishes, countless clams, some occasional whales, seabirds, etc. followed by the death of diver Le Van Ngay after suffering chest pains and breathing difficulties. For nearly a whole month, the Vietnamese government hasn´t showed sign to start any investigation, but instead, on April 23, Deputy chairman of the People´s Committee of Ha Tinh Province Dang Ngoc Son made an irresponsible statement, “We can eat seafood such as squid, shrimp, crab which are still alive, and we can also be reassured to swim in these waters” ...

Diskussion 10.01.2018

Der Lange Arm von Hanoi?

Immer mehr Journalisten verlassen aus Angst vor Verfolgung ihre Heimat. Ein Abend über das Leben und Arbeiten im Exil.

Mehrere vietnamesische JournalistInnen, SchriftstellerInnen und BloggerInnen schreiben und senden von Berlin aus für ein vietnamesischsprachiges Publikum in Vietnam und in der weltweiten Diaspora. Viele ihrer Seiten sind in Vietnam geblockt.

Für manche ist Berlin Ort des politischen Exils, denn in Vietnam waren sie inhaftiert oder wurden bedroht. Seit dem Sommer 2017, insbesondere seit der Entführung des vietnamesischen Ex-Politikers Trinh Xuan Thanh aus Berlin nach Hanoi, fühlen sie sich auch in Berlin nicht mehr sicher.

Die Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperation von taz und Reporter ohne Grenzen mit

• Bui Thanh Hieu, Blogger, Schriftsteller, Asylberechtigter und ehemaliger Stipendiat des PEN-Clubs „Writers in Exil“

• Trung Khoa Le, Journalist, Unternehmer und Herausgeber von Thoibao.de

• Anne Renzenbrink, Pressereferentin und Asienexpertin bei Reporter ohne Grenzen

Moderation: Marina Mai, freie Journalistin

Dolmetscher: Dr. Thanh Van Pham

Wann: Mi, 10.01.2018, 18.30 Uhr

Wo: taz Café

Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23


Eintritt frei

Thông báo



 Dr. RUPERT NEUDECK: 12/05/2018

[đọc tiếp]

Freedom for Nguyen Van Dai

Freiheit für Nguyen Van Dai

Mời tham dự

Hội thảo Nhân Quyền

Thứ bẩy 27.05.2017

 [đọc tiếp]


    Bài & Tin mới 

seit 06 Dez 13