Disidente vietnamita: Hanoi usa los presos políticos como moneda de cambio en las negociaciones
31.10.2014 (AsiaNews) - Washington - Estaba obligado a firmar un documento en el que pedía "perdón" por sus (presuntas) actividades de "propaganda contra el Estado", luego se le metió a bordo del primer vuelo a los Estados Unidos, con sólo la ropa que llevaba puesta a la salida de la cárcel. Así es como el gobierno vietnamita ha "indultado" y puesto en libertad el blogger y activista Nguyen Van Hai, más conocido por su apodo de Dieu Cay, que fue condenado a 12 años de prisión en septiembre de 2012 por la promoción de actividades subversivas. ...
Vietnam dissident Nguyen Van Hai claims he was forced onto US flight
31.10.2014 Associated Press in Los Angeles (South China Morning Post) - One of Vietnam's most prominent dissidents says he was asked to sign a form seeking a pardon for spreading "propaganda against the state" before his release from prison last week, then forced on to a US-bound flight with just the clothes he was wearing. Nguyen Van Hai, who blogged under the name Dieu Cay, said on Thursday that he refused to sign the document. ...
Vietnamese dissident: Hanoi using political prisoners as bargaining chips in negotiations
31.10.2014 (AsiaNews) - Washington - Vietnamese authorities asked one of Vietnam's foremost dissidents to sign a form seeking a pardon for spreading "propaganda against the state" before his release from prison last week, then forced him onto a US-bound flight with just the clothes on his back. ...
31.10.2014 by Elizabeth C. Economy (Council on Foreign Relations) - The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum is just around the corner, and Beijing is pulling out all the stops. Elegant Chinese limousines will ferry the region’s leaders to and fro. The Gods—or maybe just the Communist Party, in this case—have preordained clear skies (since all factories within polluting distance will be shut down and each day half of all cars will be banned from the road). ...
Meinungsfreiheit steht jedem zu
Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler engagiert sich für Inhaftierten
31.10.2014 (Pressemitteilung) „Meinungsfreiheit ist ein Recht, welches jedem Menschen zusteht“, so Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler. Sie ist Mitglied im Menschenrechtsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages und hat sich wiederholt für Menschenrechtsaktivisten in Vietnam eingesetzt. ...
AP Interview: Dissident forced to leave Vietnam
31.10.2014 By Daisy Nguyen (Associated Press) - LOS ANGELES (AP) -- One of Vietnam's most prominent dissidents said he was asked to sign a form seeking a pardon for spreading "propaganda against the state" before his release from prison last week, then forced onto a U.S.-bound flight with just the clothes on his body.
Nguyen Van Hai, who blogged under the name Dieu Cay, told The Associated Press on Thursday that he refused to sign the document because he didn't believe he had committed a crime. ...
La ONU alerta que la integración en Asia puede favorecer al crimen organizado
31.10.2014 (Univision) - Bangkok (EFE).- Naciones Unidas llamó hoy a los países del Sudeste Asiático a tomar medidas para evitar que el aumento de los flujos comercial y migratorio propiciado por el proceso de integración regional favorezca la expansión del crimen organizado....
Is Vietnam in denial on military strategy?
30.10.2014 Author: Shang-su Wu, RSIS (East Asia Forum) - Vietnam’s recent, and significant, investment in military hardware is aimed at coping with a changing strategic environment. But will it make any significant difference in balancing against China’s military might in the South China Sea? ...
Pursue National Interest, Disregard China Claims ...
30.10.2014 (The New Indian Express) - The defence agreement India and Vietnam have signed during Vietnamese prime minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s visit to New Delhi is a sign of the growing ties between the two nations. ...
Pork Feast in Vietnam Spurs Monsanto GM Corn Push
30.10.2014 By Diep Ngoc Pham (Bloomberg) - Vietnam plans to sow genetically modified crops for the first time as demand for corn to fatten hogs expands in the country where pork consumption climbed 80 percent in the past decade. ...
Indien will Raketen an Vietnam liefern
29.10.2014 (NZZ) - Indien und Vietnam bauen mit Blick auf Peking ihre wirtschaftliche und militärische Zusammenarbeit aus. Im Rahmen eines Besuchs des vietnamesischen Regierungschefs Nguyen Tan Dung bei seinem indischen Amtskollegen Narendra Modi am Dienstag in Delhi wurde eine Vereinbarung über den Verkauf von vier indischen Kriegsschiffen an Vietnam geschlossen. ...
Delhi und Hanoi gegen Peking - Des Feindes Feind
29.10.2014 (NZZ) - Im Rahmen eines Besuchs des vietnamesischen Regierungschefs Nguyen Tan Dung bei seinem indischen Amtskollegen Narendra Modi am Dienstag in Delhi wurde eine Vereinbarung über den Verkauf von vier indischen Kriegsschiffen an Vietnam geschlossen. ...
India ignores China's frown, offers defence boost to Vietnam
29.10.2014 Indrani Bagchi (The Times of India) - After his meeting with visiting Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Narendra Modi said, "Our defence cooperation with Vietnam is among our most important ones. For the first time, India sent clear signals that it may be willing to sell the Brahmos short range cruise missiles to Vietnam ...
Interview: Voices Calling for Democracy in Vietnam Must be Heard
28.10.2014 (RFA) - A week after being deported to the United States following his release from a prison in Vietnam, dissident blogger Nguyen Van Hai, also known by his pen name Dieu Cay, spoke to RFA's Vietnamese Service about his plans to continue working to bring democracy to the Southeast Asian communist state. ...
How Vietnam Woos China and India Simultaneously
28.10.2014 By Carl Thayer (The Diplomat) - In managing relations with India and China, Vietnamese diplomacy has grown dynamic and creative. - Vietnam is a master of using its multilateral relations with external powers to insulate itself from unwanted pressures from any of the major powers. Vietnam’s agility to pursue multilateral balancing will be put to the test this week by two separate but interrelated events.....
Vietnam beef tallow proven to be inedible
28.10.2014 (The China Post) - TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The tallow products and coconut oil from Vietnamese manufacturer Dai Hanh Phuc Company (大幸福公司) have been proven to be made from animal feed oil and are not appropriate for human consumption, Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW) Vice Minister Shiu Ming-neng (許銘能) said yesterday. ...
27.10.2014 (English PEN) - English PEN joins colleagues from ACAT France, Access, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Legal Defence Initiative, PEN International and Viet Tan in issuing a statement of concern for the imprisoned activist Dang Xuan Dieu ...
As China flexes its muscles, Vietnam seeks India’s ‘active support’ on South China Sea row
27.10.2014 (The Times Of India) - NEW DELHI: As disputed South China Sea witnesses increased Chinese influence, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on Monday pitched for India's "active support" to peacefully resolve all disputes and sought its greater linkages across the region. ...
La Chine et le Vietnam cherchent à réduire leurs tensions territoriales
27.10.2014 (Romandie) - Hanoï - Pékin et Hanoï ont affiché lundi leur volonté de réduire leurs tensions territoriales, alors que les voisins communistes étaient jusqu'ici à couteau tiré autour la Mer de Chine méridionale. ...
Will look into Vietnam offer of oil blocks in South China Sea: India
27.10.2014 (The Indian Express) - India has said it is examining Vietnam’s offer of additional oil blocks in the South China Sea. Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung is scheduled to arrive in the country Monday for a two-day visit. ...
Three states miss launch of Asian bank
27.10.2014 (Independent Online) - Reuters Shanghai - AUSTRALIA, Indonesia and South Korea skipped the launch of a China-backed Asian infrastructure bank on Friday as the US said it had concerns about the new rival to Western-dominated multilateral lenders. ...
Vietnam: arrestation d'un banquier de premier plan
26.10.2014 (DH.be) - Hanoï (AFP) - Un banquier vietnamien, parmi les hommes d'affaires les plus riches du pays, a été arrêté dans le cadre d'une enquête sur l'octroi de prêts douteux, a annoncé la banque centrale vietnamienne (BCV). Ha Van Tham, ancien président de la banque privée Ocean Bank, a été arrêté vendredi, a précisé la BCV sur son site internet. ...
Instant noodles pulled from shelves: Uni-President used Vietnamese tallow
26.10.2014 (Soshiok) - TAIPEI, Taiwan - Nineteen instant noodle products from Uni-President Enterprises Corporation were pulled from shelves yesterday for containing tallow from Vietnam, following the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) issuance of a preventive recall on Oct 22 ...
EEUU insta a Vietnam a proteger derechos humanos
26.10.2014 (terra.es) - Un funcionario estadounidense dijo el domingo que si bien Vietnam hizo progresos en el respeto a derechos humanos, debe hacer más si quiere forjar lazos económicos y de seguridad más estrechos con Estados Unidos. El asistente del secretario de Estado Tom Moalinowski dijo a la prensa en Hanoi tras una visita de cinco días que el gobierno comunista debe reformar sus leyes para que cumplan plenamente la constitución vietnamita de 2013 y sus obligaciones internacionales. ...
US Official Urges Vietnam to Improve Human Rights
26.10.2014 (AP) - HANOI, Vietnam -- A U.S. official said Sunday that while Vietnam has made progress on human rights, it must do more if it is to forge closer economic and security ties with the United States. ...
China seen risking naval confrontation with Spratly claimants
26.10.2014 By Jaime Laude (The Philippine Star) - MANILA, Philippines - China appears to be risking an open confrontation with Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan with its announcement of a plan to build air and naval bases on the reclaimed Kagitingan (Fiery Cross) Reef, Kalayaan island town Mayor Eugenio Bito-onon Jr. said yesterday. ...
Grant Associates landscaping Vietnam uni
26.10.2014 (Bath Chronicle) - Staff at Bath landscape architecture firm Grant Associates are currently working on plans for a new university campus in Vietnam. ...
Als vietnamesisches Kind in der DDR
26.10.2014 (Süddeutsche Zeitung) - Trung Hoàng Lê, 1980 in Hanoi geboren, aufgewachsen bei Ostberlin, Psychologe in Hamburg. Als vietnamesisches Kind, das kurz vor der Wende aus Hanoi in die DDR gekommen ist, habe ich dieselben Erfahrungen gemacht wie die DDR-Kinder. Als die Mauer fiel, standen meine Eltern vor dem Nichts. ...
Chinese Nuclear Submarines, 'Boomers' Missiles Could Hit Hawaii, Alaska: Report
25.10.2014 By Charles Poladian (IBT) - China may launch this year a new class of submarines carrying fully armed nuclear missiles for the first time -- so-called boomers -- according to the Wall Street Journal, which cited a report by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence, or ONI. The new submarines would be equipped with missiles that could potentially hit either the continental U.S. from the mid-Pacific Ocean or Alaska and Hawaii from East Asia. ...
South China Sea deal with Vietnam?
25.10.2014 (The Asian Age) - Ahead of the visit of Vietnamese PM Nguyen Tan Dung to India next week, India on Friday indicated that it is open to accepting Vietnam’s offer, if found commercially viable, of participation in additional oil blocks in the South China Sea, despite Chinese concerns. ...
China-Japan Maritime Dispute: China Recalls Navy Ships, But Sends More Fishing Boats
24.10.2014 (IBT) - China’s military may be backing down when it comes to patrolling the waters surrounding the disputed islands in the East China Sea, known as the Diaoyu in China and the Senkaku in Japan, but that does not mean it is retreating. ...
Vietnam Catholics Demand Return of Land in Rare Protest
24.10.2014 (RFA) - A group of Catholics in Vietnam held a rare protest demanding that local officials in the capital Hanoi halt the filling of a lake on property they say belongs to their parish, according to priests and church members on Friday. ...
S. Korea, Australia, Indonesia absent as China launches regional bank
24.10.2014 (Yonhap News Agency) - BEIJING, Oct. 24 (Yonhap) -- South Korea, Australia and Indonesia on Friday did not join the launch of a regional bank led by China to fund infrastructure projects in Asia, amid Washington's concerns over the new regional lender seen as a counterweight to established multilateral lenders such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB). ...
China treibt asiatische Infrastruktur-Bank voran
24.10.2014 (derStandard) - Peking - Unter Chinas Führung nimmt eine neue Entwicklungsbank für Asien Gestalt an. In Peking unterzeichnete China am Freitag zusammen mit 20 Partnerländern eine Absichtserklärung für den Aufbau das Institut. ...
Phnom Penh, police arrest 10 activists for attempting to overthrow government
24.10.2014 (AsiaNews) - Phnom Penh - Cambodian police have arrested 10 people accused of having organized an armed unit with the aim of overthrowing the legitimate government of Prime Minister Hun Sen. The 10, most of whom are farmers, intended to promote peaceful demonstrations outside the Vietnamese embassy in Phnom Penh, to ask the Hanoi government to comply with the Paris agreements. ...
A Deepening Partnership With Vietnam
24.10.2014 (NYT) - Two decades after normalizing relations with Vietnam, the United States is seeking to forge even closer ties as the two countries face a common challenge in China. To that end, the Obama administration recently eased a longtime ban on providing lethal weapons to Vietnam and approved the sale of technology for a civilian nuclear energy program. ...
China's top diplomat to visit Vietnam again amid sea dispute
24.10.2014 (Reuters) - BEIJING - China's top diplomat will visit Vietnam next week, China said on Friday, five months after he last visited during a period of tension over a Chinese oil drilling rig working in part of the South China Sea both countries claim. ...
Globalisierung am Mekong
24.10.2014 (chemie.de) - Vietnam ist ein Land, dessen Märkte zum Teil stark auf Importe angewiesen sind und sich daher zunehmend den Herausforderungen der Globalisierung stellen müssen. Themen wie zuverlässige Qualitätskontrollen bei Nahrungs- oder Arzneimitteln rücken in den Vordergrund. ...
Vietnamese tycoon held on suspicion of fraud: sources
24.10.2014 (Reuters) - Police in Vietnam have detained one of the country's biggest tycoons, the founder and chairman of conglomerate Ocean Group, on suspicion of financial irregularities, banking sources and state media said on Friday. ...
Rupert Neudeck zu "Deutschlands Bürger des Jahres" ausgezeichnet
23/10/2014 (WDR) - Der zum fünften Mal ausgeschriebene Bürgerpreis der deutschen Zeitungen geht an Rupert Neudeck aus Troisdorf. Das hat die Chefredakteursjury beim Zeitungskongress des Bundesverbands Deutscher Zeitungsverleger (BDZV) in Berlin entschieden. ...
China Human Rights Abuses 2014: Chinese Executed 2,400 Last Year, Tops Global Death Penalty List
23.10.2014 By Cristina Silva (IBT) - China allegedly executed 2,400 people last year, roughly three times more than all other countries' death penalties across the globe combined, according to the human rights group Dui Hua Foundation. ...
Vietnam property: No-man’s land no more
23.10.2014 Leslie Shaffer (CNBC) - Vietnamese property may finally be shaking off its years-long bear market to rise from the flames, with analysts pointing to rising sales and increased investment. "It's a real-estate market turnabout," said David O'Neil, chief investment officer at Asean Investment Management (AIM). ...
Looking for a plus-one, Japan turns to Vietnam
23.10.2014 Author: Kensuke Yanagida, Japan Institute of International Affairs (East Asia Forum) - As Japan seeks to diversify its investments beyond China, an opportunity arises for Vietnam to attract greater international investment. Over the past few years, firms invested in China have started diversifying their investment destinations and reducing their overreliance on China, in what is called the ‘China Plus One Strategy’. ...
23.10.2014 (Amnesty International) - Der vietnamesische Blogger Nguyen Van Hai wurde freigelassen. "Die Haftentlassung eines der bekanntesten gewaltlosen politischen Gefangenen in Vietnam ist zwar ein positiver Schritt, aber die Behörden müssen nun endlich auch die übrigen friedlichen Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten freilassen", erklärte Amnesty International heute. ...
Vietnam: 4.000 Arbeiter streiken
23.10.2014 (rf-news) - In Ho Chi Minh Stadt in Vietnam traten am Dienstag 4.000 Arbeiter von Vina Duke Comp. in den Streik gegen die miserabelen Arbeitsbedingungen. ...
Vietnam Boat Attacked by Chinese Surveillance Ship
23.10.2014 By John Boudreau and Mai Ngoc Chau (Bloomberg) - A Vietnamese fishing boat captain said his vessel was attacked this month by the crew of a Chinese law enforcement ship near the disputed Paracel islands, risking a fresh escalation in tensions in the South China Sea. ...
Chủ tịch quốc hội Đức Lammert: Việt Nam cũng phải tiếp tục phát triển dân chủ 15/10/2014
Nghệ sĩ Kim Chi: Quốc hội này không phải là của dân15/10/2014 Phỏng vấn
Biểu tình chống phái đoàn Nguyễn Tấn Dũng đến Stuttgart 14/10/2014
Nỗi Khổ Dân Oan 13/10/2014
Hà Nội: dân oan biểu tình phản đối bắn pháo hoa11/10/2014 Video
Trí thức Đức đòi tự do cho LS. Lê Quốc Quân và tù nhân lương tâm VN 10/10/2014
Dân oan Bắc - Trung - Nam biểu tình tại Hà Nội tố cáo tham nhũng và ruộng đất bị cướp đoạt 09/10/2014
Hải tặc thả tàu chở dầu Sunrise 689 và các thủy thủ09/10/2014
Lời hứa của Hồ Chí Minh 60 năm ấy bây giờ ra sao ?!08/10/2014
Dân oan Tiền Giang biểu tình ở Hà Nội 07/10/2014 Video
Anh Trương Minh Tam vừa mãn hạn tù 07/10/2014
Tuyên cáo về tập hợp vì nền dân chủ tại Hồng Kông và Việt Nam 06/10/2014
Ngày cuối cùng ở Việt Nam 04/10/2014
Đại học thứ hai của Mỹ cắt quan hệ với Viện Khổng Tử của Trung Quốc 04/10/2014
Thấy gì từ cuộc biểu tình ở Hồng Kông? 04/10/2014Phỏng vấn
Điểm sáng Hồng Kông và cục diện Dân chủ 04/10/2014Phỏng vấn
Hồng Kông – một lần tôi đã gặp 03/10/2014
Hoa Kỳ nới lỏng lệnh cấm bán võ khí sát thương cho Việt Nam 02/10/2014
Người biểu tình Hong Kong: Nguồn khích lệ cho các nhà hoạt động VN 02/10/2014
Cuộc cách mạng “ô dù”, quyền tự quyết của người dân Hồng Kông 02/10/2014 Phỏng vấn
Tù nhân lương tâm Đậu Văn Dương được thả trước thời hạn 01/10/2014
Nghĩ về Joshua Wong và tuổi trẻ Việt Nam 01/10/2014
'Nếu Joshua Wong ở Việt Nam...' 01/10/2014
Vom Gefängnis direkt zum Flughafen: bekanntester Blogger Vietnams ins Exil ausgewiesen 22.10.2014 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Ha Noi/Los Angeles - Der bekannteste vietnamesische Blogger Nguyen, Van Hai, Bloggername Dieu Cay, wurde gestern aus Vietnam ausgewiesen. Nachrichten aus Vietnam zufolge wurde Blogger Dieu Cay aus dem Gefängnis Nghe An im Norden Zentralvietnams von Sicherheitskräften abgeholt und zum Ha Noier Flughafen Noi Bai gebracht, wo sein Flugzeug gegen 19 Uhr 30 abhob. Nach kurzem Aufenthalt in Hongkong, wo er ein anderthalbminütiges Telefonat mit seinem Sohn in Saigon führen konnte, flog er weiter nach Los Angeles. ...
Vietnam police hunt hackers behind mass outage
22.10.2014 By Tim Hornyak (Network World) - Vietnamese cybersecurity authorities are hunting hackers believed to be responsible for the country’s biggest-ever online attack last week, according to the founder of a security website in Hanoi. ...
Viet Nam: Freedom for all peaceful activists must follow blogger’s release
22.10.2014 (Amnesty International) - The release from prison of one of Viet Nam’s most high profile prisoners of conscience is a positive step, but authorities must now free the scores of other peaceful activists behind bars, said Amnesty International today.
Nguyen Van Hai, better known by his pen name Dieu Cay (“peasant’s pipe”), was released from prison yesterday, having served four years of a 12-year prison sentence. Immediately after his release he was taken to the airport and put on a plane, eventually bound for the USA. ...
Freed Vietnam dissident vows to fight for democracy and other detainees
22.10.2014 (gulfnews) - West Los Angeles: A leading Vietnamese dissident freed by Hanoi was mobbed by supporters late Tuesday as he arrived in the United States, vowing to fight for democracy and other detainees in his home country. “This trip is the decision of the US government,” he said, adding: “The US government wants me to become a citizen of the US but I don’t understand why the Vietnamese government wants to deport me.” ...
Vietnamese political blogger Dieu Cay receives hero's welcome in the US after prison release
22.10.2014 By Nina Teggarty (ABC News) - Vietnam's most famous political blogger, Nguyen Van Hai, has received a hero's welcome in Los Angeles after being released from prison in Vietnam.
Mr Hai's son, Nguyen Tri Dung, told the ABC he was shocked when he received a surprise call from the US embassy in Hanoi on Tuesday, saying his father would be freed. ...
Le Vietnam libère le dissident Dieu Cay, qui est arrivé aux USA
22.10.2014 (RTL) - Le Vietnam a libéré un de ses dissidents, le blogueur Dieu Cay, dont le cas avait été évoqué par le président américain Barack Obama, et qui est arrivé tard mardi aux Etats-Unis, accueilli de façon enthousiaste par ses partisans.
Dieu Cay, de son vrai nom Nguyen Van Hai, a choisi de se rendre à Los Angeles où il a affimé qu'il continuerait à lutter pour la démocratie et les autres prisonniers au Vietnam. ...
Bloguero vietnamita es liberado y se exilia en Estados Unidos
22.10.2014 (ABC) - EFE -Nguyen Van Hai, uno de los blogueros disidentes más destacados en Vietnam, fue liberado de prisión por las autoridades vietnamitas y tomó un avión para exiliarse en Estados Unidos, informó el portal de Radio Free Asia.
El activista, también conocido como Dieu Cay, fue condenado a doce años de prisión en 2012 acusado de "atacar" con propaganda al Estado comunista ...
RWB Hails Vietnamese Journalist Dieu Cay’s Release
21.10.2014 (RWB) - Reporters Without Borders is relieved to learn that Nguyen Van Hai, a citizen journalist better known by the blog name of Dieu Cay, was released today, but points out that 26 other citizen journalists are still held in Vietnam, the world’s third biggest prison for netizens. ...
RSF se réjouit de la libération du journaliste vietnamien Dieu Cay
21.10.2014 (RSF) - Reporters sans frontières a appris avec soulagement la remise en liberté du journaliste citoyen Nguyen Van Hai, plus connu sous le nom de Dieu Cay, le 21 octobre 2014. L’organisation rappelle que 26 autres journalistes citoyens sont toujours emprisonnés au Vietnam, 3ème plus grande prison du monde pour les net-citoyens. ...
Big developing countries fuel surge in smartphone sales in S-E Asia
21.10.2014 (asiaone) - SINGAPORE - Smartphone sales in South-east Asia spiked by 44 per cent in volume and 24 per cent in value in the 12-month period up to August, compared to the same period the previous year, according to latest data. Big developing countries in the region, like Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand, ...
21.10.2014 By Terry Nage (SLS News) - STANFORD, Calif., October 21, 2014—Allen Weiner, director of the Stanford Program in International and Comparative Law at Stanford Law School, today filed an update concerning the petition initially submitted to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) in Geneva in July 2012 contesting the illegal arrest and ongoing detention of 16 Vietnamese social and political activists. ...
AI decries exploitation of migrant workers in South Korea
20.10.2014 (DW) - Intimidation, deception, forced labor - a new report by Amnesty International finds that South Korea's Employment Permit System is contributing to the abuse of migrant agricultural workers. "At the vegetable farm, I regularly worked from six am to midnight with only an hour lunch break. The employer got angry anytime we took a break to stretch our body [...]
China-Vietnam Defense Hotline Agreed: What Next?
20.10.2014 By Carl Thayer (The Diplomat) - Beijing and Hanoi are looking to reset bilateral relations following a turbulent year. When the China-Vietnam oil rig crisis broke out in May, regional analysts opined that bilateral relations had been set back several decades as a result of the worst crisis since the 1979 border war. ...
China tries softer approach to win over world
20.10.2014 Gaku Shimada, Nikkei staff writer (Nikkei Asian Review) - BEIJING -- Taking a page right out of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War", China is looking to win the battle for global dominance without ever fighting. The strategy is to win over the international community with culture and values. But Beijing's playbook may be missing some important chapters. The Chinese government frequently uses Confucius as the symbol of Chinese culture and tradition. This includes the Confucius Peace Prize. This year's shortlist, announced Sept. 28, includes former CIA employee Edward Snowden, South Korean President Park Geun-hye, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama -- and Syrian President Bashar Assad. ...
Amnesty International: Gastarbeiter in Südkorea werden ausgebeutet
20.10.2014 (derStandard) - Seoul - Sie werden geschlagen und ausgebeutet und können doch ihre Arbeitgeber nicht wechseln: In Südkorea sitzen laut einem Bericht von Amnesty International Zehntausende ausländische Landwirtschaftshelfer in einer von der Regierung gestellten Falle. ...
Umstrittene Bärenfarmen in Nordvietnam geschlossen
20.10.2014 Redaktion DER FARANG (dpa) - HANOI: Nach heftigem Protest von Aktivisten haben zwei Bärenfarmen im Norden Vietnams ihren zweifelhaften Betrieb eingestellt. ...
19.10.2014 Written by David Brown (Asia Sentinel) - Still under construction. For Vietnamese youth, a university degree is the entry ticket to the middle class and a promise, often unfulfilled, of an urban professional job. Vietnam’s enrollment in higher education has grown from 162,000 in 1992 to more than 2 million last year, some 25 percent of the nation’s college-age population. ...
Vatican and Vietnam Edge Closer to Restoring Diplomatic Ties
19.10.2014 (Yahoo News) - Vatican City. Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung met Pope Francis in Rome Saturday with both saying they were committed to restoring diplomatic relations. ...
Vietnam’s Ex-Lawmaker Maintains Innocence After 18-Year ‘Harsh’ Jail Term
17.10.2014 (RFA) - Fresh from his release from 18 years in jail, a former Vietnamese lawmaker said he had faced harsh treatment during his imprisonment, most of which was in solitary confinement, because he had maintained his innocence on charges of plotting to overthrow the communist government in Hanoi. ...
Ausländische Unternehmen in Vietnam bemängeln qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte
17.10.2014 (Expat News) - Obwohl sich Vietnams Wirtschaft noch immer in einem Erholungsprozess befindet, steigt die Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften stark. So suchen Unternehmen insbesondere erfahrene Teamleiter, Supervisor, Manager und Direktoren, während die Nachfrage nach neuen Absolventen gering bleibt. Viele Unternehmen haben deshalb Schwierigkeiten, Personal für das mittlere und höhere Management zu finden ...
China and Vietnam Pledge to ‘Address and Control’ Maritime Disputes
17.10.2014 (Jakarta Globe) - China and Vietnam have agreed to “address and control” maritime disputes, state media said on Friday, as differences over the potentially energy-rich South China Sea have roiled relations between the two countries and other neighbors.
Ties between the Communist countries sank to a three-decade low this year after China deployed a $1 billion-oil rig to the disputed waters which straddle key shipping lanes. ...
17.10.2014 (PRNewswire) - PHILADELPHIA -- A Southeast Asia Conference was recently held in Washington, D.C., featuring diverse, local and international, speakers from Hawaii, Thailand and France as well as Laotians, Khmers, Montagnards and Americans with related expertise and experiences from academic institutions, business communities, and Law firm and past US government involvements. ...
Cambodia's immigrant census stokes fears among Vietnamese
17.10.2014 Abby Seiff, Phnom Penh (ucanews) - Located just a ten-minute ferry ride from Phnom Penh, the floating village of Kandal’s Preaek Akrei Khsat commune is a world apart. Everyone speaks Vietnamese. Some speak Khmer, but many more speak it poorly or not at all. Houses are moored to one another — rising in the rainy season, dropping in the dry season, and able to move at a moment’s notice should the authorities clear them out. ...
Vietnam consults Lightbridge on research reactor
17.10.2014 (WNN) - US-based Lightbridge Corp has extended its nuclear cooperation with Vietnam by agreeing to offer consultancy services for setting up a nuclear research centre, including a research reactor, in the country. ...
Concerns fester in Vietnam over China policy, industrial pollution
16.10.2014 Ari Nakano (The Asahi Shimbun) - Many times I have heard intellectuals critical of Vietnam's system of Communist Party rule say, "This country's political system will change in a few years."
I do not know in how many years exactly, but some experts among those demanding the enactment of civil rights ...
China threat requires an Asian NATO
16.10.2014 Anders Corr (Nikkei Asian Review) - China's increasing belligerence in the East and South China seas, and toward India, has fundamentally destabilized the security dynamics of Asia. Japan is seeking a closer alliance with India and is likely seeking advanced offensive weapons from the U.S. Vietnam is considering a U.S. alliance. China increasingly makes common cause with Russia, using unethical and illegal practices in trade and geopolitics. ...
Will Vietnam’s FDI-led economy get stuck in a middle income trap?
16.10.2014 Author: Tran Van Tho (East Asia Forum) - The Vietnamese economy has experienced a downturn in growth since 2008. In the past five years, the growth averaged about 5.5 per cent a year and is not expected to be much higher in the coming years. For a country of per capita income of about US$2000, that rate of growth is low. Increasing the rate of growth to somewhere in the vicinity of 8 per cent a year is imperative if Vietnam is to avoid the so-called middle income trap. ...
Vietnamese Authorities to Inspect Controversial Bauxite-Mining Plant
16.10.2014 (RFA) - Local news organizations that reported on the spill at the Tan Rai bauxite plant in Lam Dong province in southern Vietnam’s central highlands cited scientists who had previously warned about the adverse environmental effects of such reservoirs if they overflow and pollute rivers. ...
Journalisten und Medienexperten aus Vietnam zu Besuch in Berlin
16.10.2014 (KAS) Vietnam - Auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hält sich in dieser Woche eine Gruppe von Journalisten und Medienexperten in Berlin auf. Der Besuch ist ein wichtiger Baustein in der weiteren Entwicklung unserer Medienarbeit in Vietnam. ...
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam and Japan: A public relations disaster for China PRC
16.10.2014 By James Lee (eTurboNews) - HONG KONG, China – China’s public image is being severely battered across Asia ever since the start of the year as the China government is hardening its stance following a repressive movement launched by China President Xi Jinping who has embarked into a consolidation of power for the Communist Party and is muzzling any signs of discontent. Internally, international media and observers are talking about increasing repression against human rights defenders, lawyers, or social media. ...
Vietnams Position im Territorialkonflikt
16.10.2014 Autor Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - China baut seine Präsenz im Südchinesischen Meer aus. Vietnam setzt unterdessen auf Verständigung, will aber seine Rechte wahren. Dabei kommt eine Rüstungsvereinbarung mit den USA gerade recht. ...
Taiwan considers permanent armed ships for disputed South China Sea island
16.10.2014 By Michael Gold (Yahoo News) - TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan is considering stationing armed vessels permanently on a disputed South China Sea island, officials said, a move bound to renew friction in a region claimed almost wholly by China, with Vietnam already dismissing such a plan as "illegal". ...
"Vietnam und China müssen Vertrauen aufbauen"
16.10.2014 Autor Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Eine Eskalation der Gebietsstreitigkeiten zwischen Vietnam und China in der Südchinesischen See könnten Auswirkungen weit über die Region hinaus haben, sagt Vietnams Premier Nguyen Tan Dung im DW-Exklusiv-Interview. ...
Zwickau: Vietnamesen als Fachkräfte für Straßenbau
16.10.2014 (ShortNews) - Auf Initiative des Berufsförderungswerkes Bau Sachsen reagierten Baufirmen in Zwickau auf den Mangel an Fachkräften, indem sie im weit entfernten Vietnam Lehrlinge gesucht haben. Für einen Ausbildungsplatz zum Straßenbauer fand man dort auf Anhieb hundert Bewerber, teilweise sogar Ingenieure. ...
Vietnam – Human rights defender Mr Dang Xuan Dieu severely mistreated in prison
15.10.2014 (Front Line Defenders) - On 7 October 2014, the former cell mate of imprisoned Vietnamese human rights defender Mr Dang Xuan Dieu reported the severe, inhuman treatment of Dang Xuan Dieu who has been held in isolation and unable to communicate with anyone outside of the prison since April 2014, when he began a long-term hunger strike in protest over prisoners' rights. ...
Bundestagspräsident Lammert: Vietnam auch demokratisch weiter entwickeln
15.10.2014 (Deutscher Bundestag) - Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert hat seine Erwartung zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass Vietnam sich nicht nur wirtschaftlich, sondern auch in seinen demokratischen und rechtsstaatlichen Strukturen weiter entwickelt. Der Bundestagspräsident sprach unter anderem auch die neue vietnamesische Verfassung an, die bei den westlichen Partnern hinter den Erwartungen zurückgeblieben sei. ...
15.10.2014 (VRNs) - Saigon - The Interfaith Council of Vietnam said: " Unfortunately, we are helpless against the communist government's decision. We would like to request that in your upcoming meeting with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, please appeal ...
Vietnam muss keine Mahnungen aus Deutschland fürchten
Vietnams kommunistische Führung steckt Demokratieaktivisten ins Gefängnis, jedes Jahr sterben Menschen in Haft. Die deutsche Politik ist eher an Geschäften interessiert.
14.10.2014 Von Matthias Lohre (ZEIT) - Bereits vor drei Jahren unterzeichnete Angela Merkel bei einem Besuch im südostasiatischen Land die Hanoier Erklärung. Beide Länder wollen seither ihre "strategische Partnerschaft" in Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft ausbauen. Vermutlich sprechen die Regierungschefs auch über die angespannte Situation im Südchinesischen Meer. ...
La UE concede a Vietnam 400 millones euros en ayuda a desarrollo en 2014-2020
13.10.2014 (Univision) - Bruselas (EFE) - La Unión Europea concederá a Vietnam 400 millones de euros en concepto de ayuda al desarrollo en el periodo 2014-2020, según un documento que firmaron hoy las dos partes en Bruselas. ...
Asian Cold War: Escalating Conflict in North-East Asia Bigger Threat Than War on Terror
13.10.2014 By Shar Adams (Epoch Times) - CANBERRA—The world may be focused on the “war on terror”, but the arms build up in North-East Asia poses a far greater threat to global stability, says Professor Desmond Ball, a senior defence and security expert at the Australian National University (ANU). ...
Vietnam's PM looking to boost trade ties with the EU
13.10.2014 Author Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - According to the European Commission data, the EU is Vietnam's second largest trading partner, and the Southeast Asian nation has enjoyed a comfortable trade surplus for years. Over the past decade, bilateral commerce has increased from around five billion euros to more than 26 billion euros. the EU calls for strict competition rules and stronger intellectual property laws. ...
Deadly radiation traces found in contaminated imported cigarettes and customs on red alert
13.10.2014 By Alan Hall (Mirror) - The boxes of Red Marlboro were seized last year and contained Strontium 90, a chemical isotope used in nuclear weapons. German customs have warned that counterfeit Red Marlboro cigarettes may flood into Europe from Vietnam ...
Radioaktive Zigaretten alarmieren Zoll
12.10.2014 (Süddeutschen Zeitung) - Nach dem Fund radioaktiv verseuchter Zigaretten in Polen ist der deutsche Zoll alarmiert. Im September sei eine Warnung vor radioaktiv kontaminierten Zigaretten an alle deutschen Zollämter gegangen, sagte der Sprecher des leitenden Zollkriminalamtes Köln am Sonntag. ...
China Gets Aggressive in the Pacific -- and Gives U.S. Arms Dealers a New Customer
11.10.2014 By Rich Smith (The Motley Fool) - On March 29, 1973, the U.S. declared an end to the Vietnam War, withdrawing the last American "combat soldiers" from South Vietnam. Forty-one years later, it looks like we're going back. Last week, the U.S. State Department confirmed that the United States will resume sale of military weapons to Vietnam. ...
America partially lifts an arms embargo against a former foe
11.10.2014 (The Economist) - ... On October 2nd Vietnam’s foreign minister, Pham Binh Minh, called on John Kerry. The American secretary of state told Mr Minh that the United States would partially ease its long-standing ban on sales of weapons to Vietnam. The embargo, in place since 1984, has persisted even as ties have warmed—Vietnam’s record on human rights, after all, is dismal. ...
Vietnam Wants India to Help Reduce Dependence on China
11.10.2014 By Devirupa Mitra (The New Indian Express) - NEW DELHI: As Vietnam hopes to reduce its dependence on the Chinese economy, its Prime Minister will land on the Indian soil later this month, marking an unprecedented level of intensity of interaction between the two countries - three high-level visits in three consecutive months. ...
Vietnams Premier auf Europatour
10.10.2014 Autor Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Nach Angaben der Europäischen Kommission ist die EU der zweitgrößte Handelspartner Vietnams. Dabei erzielt Vietnam seit Jahren einen komfortablen Handelsbilanzüberschuss. ... Nicht zuletzt will die EU-Kommission den Schutz der Menschenrechte in dem Abkommen festschreiben. ...
... Fast vierzig Jahre nach dem Ende des Kriegs ist Vietnam im 21.Jahrhundert alles andere als ein demokratisches Land. Das kommunistische Regime in Vietnam regiert mit harter Hand. Hanoi missachtet und verletzt den Internationalen Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte (Zivilpakt) der Vereinten Nationen, den Vietnam selbst ratifiziert hat. Vietnam ist auch bekannt als einer der größten Feinde des Internets. ...
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel empfängt den Premierminister der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam
10.10.2014 (Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung) - Die stellv. Sprecherin der Bundesregierung, Christiane Wirtz, teilt mit: Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel empfängt am 15. Oktober 2014 um 11.45 Uhr den Premierminister der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam ...
10.10.2014 By Ted Galen Carpenter (CATO) - Beijing’s behavior on the international stage over the past few months has been surprisingly restrained—in marked contrast to an earlier, lengthy period of assertive, if not abrasive, conduct toward its neighbors. Not too long ago, policymakers in the United States and throughout East Asia were alarmed by China’s initiatives. ...
China criticizes U.S. decision on Vietnam arms
10.10.2014 By Richard Tomkins (UPI) - WASHINGTON -- China objected Friday to the U.S. decision to partially lift its ban on selling weapons to Vietnam, calling it an interfering and destabilizing action. The objection came in a news story printed by People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Beijing government. ...
Rohstoff-Ansprüche: China baut weitere Insel im Südchinesischen Meer
China treibt seine Gebietsansprüche im Südchinesischen Meer voran: Satellitenbilder zeigen, dass Peking in den Gewässern um die Spratly-Inseln ein weiteres künstliches Eiland angelegt hat.
10.10.2014 (Spi) - Hamburg - Der Streit zwischen China und Vietnam um Rohstoffe im Südchinesischen Meer droht erneut zu eskalieren. China hat nach einer ersten nun eine zweite künstliche Insel in der Region angelegt. ...
New islands are being made in the disputed South China Sea by the might of the Chinese state. But a group of marooned Filipinos on a rusting wreck is trying to stand in the way.
09.09.2014 By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes (BBC) - ... The appearance of these new islands has happened suddenly and is a dramatic new move in a longstanding territorial struggle in the South China Sea. ...
Vietnam, intelectual católico en la cárcel "tratado como un esclavo"
09.10.2014 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - El ingeniero e intelectual católico Francis Dang Xuan Dieu, que fue condenado por su activismo y preso político en las cárceles vietnamitas, en la celda sufre palizas, humillaciones y es tratado de la misma manera que un "esclavo". La denuncia proviene de su hermano y un compañero de prisión libre ahora, según los cuales detrás de la violencia está la negativa del hombre a llevar el uniforme de la prisión. ...
Vietnamese Catholic intellectual treated like "a slave" in prison
09.10.2014 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Vietnamese engineer and Catholic intellectual Francis Dang Xuan Dieu imprisoned for his activism has been beaten, humiliated and treated like a "slave" in jail after refusing to wear a prisoner uniform, his brother and a former inmate said Wednesday. The authorities have prevented the family from meeting him, after the activist sent a letter to the police minister complaining about the mistreatment. ...
Study: Vietnamese, Chinese choose capitalist road
09.10.2014 By Paul Wiseman, AP Economics Writer (MSN) - WASHINGTON — Enthusiasm for free markets runs higher in communist China and Vietnam than in traditional capitalist bastions the United States and United Kingdom, the Pew Research Center reports. ...
Hijackers Release Vietnam Tanker After Diesel Fuel Theft
09.10.2014 By John Boudreau and Mai Ngoc Chau (Bloomberg) - Pirates released a Vietnamese oil tanker and its 18 crew members yesterday after siphoning part of its diesel cargo, according to the coast guard. ...
'Sie legten Messer an unsere Kehlen'
09.10.2014 (Handelsblatt) - Der seit einer Woche in Südostasien vermisste Tanker aus Vietnam ist nach Angaben eines Besatzungsmitglieds von Piraten entführt und wieder freigelassen worden. Der stellvertretende Kapitän der 'Sunrise 689', Pham Van Hoang, berichtete am Donnerstag telefonisch ...
Un pétrolier vietnamien libéré par des pirates
09.10.2014 (7sur7) - Un pétrolier battant pavillon du Vietnam, détourné par des pirates au large de Singapour, a été libéré, ont indiqué jeudi les autorités vietnamiennes. ...
Los piratas liberan un petrolero secuestrado en el Mar de China Meridional
09.10.2014 (Univision) - Bangkok (EFE).- El petrolero con bandera vietnamita Sunrise-689 fue liberado por los piratas que lo secuestraron el viernes pasado en el Mar de China Meridional a las pocas horas de partir de Singapur, informó hoy la prensa local. ...
A Different Kind of Vietnam Story
09.10.2014 By J.T. Price (The Daily Beast) - “High above, a helicopter was hovering, its rotor slapping madly as it waited to land,” concludes a battle sequence in Lan Cao’s second novel, The Lotus and the Storm. You can hear the choppers descending even if you have never set foot in the country. The steady, entrancing rhythms are a well-established motif in dramatizations of the American war in Vietnam. ...
China construye pista de aterrizaje en isla disputada con Vietnam
08.10.2014 (emol.com) - BEIJING.- Beijing construyó una pista de aviación en una isla del mar de China meridional destinada a aparatos militares, una acción que podría provocar la indignación de Vietnam y Taiwán, que también reivindican su soberanía. ...
Fixing the United States' Human Rights Misstep With Vietnam
08.10.2014 By John Sifton (HRW) - The United States government made a mistake this month in relaxing a ban on lethal arms sales and transfers to Vietnam — a non-democratic, one-party state with an abysmal human rights record. ...
Vietnam unter den sechs größten Blockierern von Social Media
08.10.2014 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Spannende Informationen rund um die größten Blockierer von sozialen Netzwerken hat der amerikanische Webhosting-Dienstleister WhoIsHostingThis in einer Infografik zusammengefasst. Laut WhoIsHostingThis ist Vietnam einer der sechs größten Blockierer von Social Media neben Nordkorea, Iran, China, Pakistan und Türkei. Obwohl die Hanoier Regierung alle Vorwürfe der Blockierung von sich wies, haben viele kritische Facebooker Zugriffschwierigkeiten auf die Website erfahren müssen. ...
China builds military airstrip on disputed island, reports state media
08.10.2014 (The Japan Times) - BEIJING – Beijing has completed a runway for military aircraft on a South China Sea island also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan, state-run media reported Tuesday. ...
China unhappy over India-US reference to South China Sea
08.10.2014 Ananth Krishnan (indiatoday) - China on Wednesday warned India and the United States against interfering in the South China Sea dispute. Both countries had during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to the US, expressed concern about rising maritime tensions in the region. ...
Vietnam Hunts for Missing Diesel Tanker Amid Sea-Hijacking Probe
08.10.2014 By John Boudreau and Mai Ngoc Chau (Bloomberg) - A Vietnamese oil tanker missing for five days may have been hijacked after sailing from Singapore last week, say maritime officials searching for the vessel.
The Sunrise 689 vanished from radar at 1:21 p.m. Vietnam time on Oct. 3, about 20 hours after leaving the city-state
Wird es ein chinesisches oder asiatisches Jahrhundert?
07.10.2014 Von Theo Sommer (Zeit Oline) - Wir alle starren in diesen Tagen gespannt und gebannt auf die Ukraine-Krise und auf die gewalttätigen Umbrüche im Mittleren Osten. Dabei gerät uns völlig aus dem Blick, dass sich zur gleichen Zeit im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum eine geopolitische Umwälzung historischen Ausmaßes vollzieht. ...
Cambodians Say Land Grabs Have Led To Crime Against Humanity; Want The ICC To Investigate
07.10.2014 Megha Bahree (Forbes) - A few Cambodian citizens are filing a complaint today at the Hague against a group of politicians, security chiefs and business tycoons, alleging that a systematic and sustained land grab by them amounts to a crime against humanity that needs to be tried at the International Criminal Court. ...
Vietnamese Bloggers Plan Protest Over Hanoi Fireworks Celebration
07.10.2014 (RFA) - Emboldened by pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, Vietnamese activists are rallying for demonstrations against government plans to hold an elaborate celebration marking the 60th anniversary of Hanoi’s liberation from French rule. The government has organized fireworks displays in 30 districts of Hanoi as part of the celebration on Friday evening. ...
Worker influx, affinity with China fuel anti-Vietnam sentiment in Cambodia
07.10.2014 By Manabu Sasaki (The Asahi Shimbun) - PHNOM PENH--A succession of anti-Vietnam protests here highlights growing anger over a border issue coupled with an influx of cheap labor from Cambodia's powerful neighbor. In the latest protest, held Oct. 6, dozens of monks and demonstrators assembled in front of the Vietnamese Embassy in Phnom Penh around noon. ...
Vietnam-flagged tanker goes missing, hijack feared
07.10.2014 (Yahoo News) - Kuala Lumpur (AFP) - A Vietnam-flagged tanker has gone missing en route from Singapore to the Vietnamese port of Quang Tri and is feared hijacked, a world piracy watchdog said on Tuesday, amid growing concern over piracy in Southeast Asian waters. ...
Vietnamesischer Öltanker vermisst
07.10.2014 (Bild) - Hanoi – Ein vietnamesischer Öltanker mit 18 Besatzungsmitgliedern an Bord wird zwischen Malaysia und Indonesien vermisst. ...
Parti de Singapour, un pétrolier vietnamien a disparu
07.10.2014 (Romandie) - Un pétrolier battant pavillon vietnamien a disparu, ont indiqué mardi les autorités maritimes de Malaisie. Il avait quitté Singapour il y a cinq jours pour le port de Quang Tri, au Vietnam. ...
Hong Kong’s protests cast a shadow across Asia
06.10.2014 Ishaan Tharoor (The Washington Post) - HONG KONG -- Last Thursday as tens of thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators massed in Hong Kong's streets, a parallel rally took place 500 miles to the east in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. Thousands of Taiwanese chanted "Go Hong Kong" in a public park and held up banners in support of Hong Kong's students seeking democratic reforms in the Chinese territory. ...
Vinh : libération d’un jeune militant catholique arrêté en 2011
06.10.2014 (Églises d'Asie) - Une nouvelle libération vient d’être annoncée le 2 octobre 2014 par Radio Free Asia (en langue vietnamienne). Le prisonnier de conscience Dâu Van Duong vient en effet d’être relâché avant d’avoir achevé la totalité de sa peine. ...
06.10.2014 By Paul N. Hung (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City - Seguridad en el Mar de China del Sur (y oriental), el fortalecimiento de la cooperación bilateral en vista de los 20 años de la reanudación de las relaciones diplomáticas entre los dos países (1995-2015), la aplicación de los acuerdos alcanzados en el pasado reciente. Estos son los temas centrales de la reunión entre el Secretario de Estado John Kerry y el Viceprimer Ministro Pham Binh Minh en Hanoi, durante los dos días de la visita oficial del alto funcionario vietnamita a los Estados Unidos. ...
The US Lifts Arms Embargo: The Ball Is in Vietnam’s Court
06.10.2014 By Carl Thayer (The Diplomat) - The United States partially lifted the embargo. The next move will be Vietnam’s. On October 2, Secretary of State John Kerry finally met officially with his Vietnamese counterpart Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh in Washington. In May, Secretary Kerry invited Minh to visit but the invitation was not taken up immediately. Vietnamese officials privately told The Diplomat at the time that Binh’s visit was “too sensitive” because of the oil rig crisis with China. ...
Washington to sell weapons to former foe to contain Beijing in South China Sea
06.10.2014 By Paul N. Hung (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City - US Secretary of State John Kerry and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh met to discuss current issues during an official two-day visit (1-2 October) by the Vietnamese official in Washington.
The two discussed security in the South and East China Seas, Beijing's "imperialism" in the region, ...
US-Viet Weapons Deal: No Room for Human Rights
05.10.2014 Written by Khanh Vu Duc and Duvien Tran (Asia Sentinel) - The US decision to partially lift arms embargo will be met with enthusiasm in Hanoi but will be received with some concern by human rights groups
Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh can return to Hanoi content, if not delighted. His meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington, D.C., concluded late last week with the announcement that the United States would ease its arms embargo on Vietnam. ...
Hong Kong Protesters Influence Vietnam Activists
05.10.2014 (VOA) - Activists in Vietnam are closely watching the crowds filling the streets of Hong Kong. The Hong Kong dissenters are demonstrating anger with the mainland Chinese government about elections in 2017. They also demand democratic reforms and the resignation of the territory’s chief official. In nearby Vietnam, feeling against China also is strong. That is especially true because of Vietnamese and Chinese competing claims of territorial rights in the South China Sea. But police usually quickly end protests in Vietnam. ...
Int’l writers hit Beijing for ‘cultural genocide’04.10.2014 Joselito B. Zulueta, Philippine Daily Inquirer (inquirer.net) - The annual congress of the International PEN (Poets, Playwrights, Essayists and Novelists)—a global group of writers including Nobel laureates—has condemned Beijing for human rights abuses and for banning the languages and literatures of the Tibetans and China’s Uighur minority. Other resolutions took note of the worrisome and even dangerous condition of writers and journalists, and their exercise of freedom of speech in Cuba, Mexico, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Iran, Tibet, Honduras, Syria, North Korea and Turkey ...
US-Vietnam Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Becomes Effective
03.10.2014 (GlobeNewswire) - Washington - A U.S.-Vietnam agreement on civilian nuclear energy cooperation has entered into force. The agreement establishes the terms for commercial nuclear trade, research and technology exchanges between the two countries as provided under Section 123 of the Atomic Energy Act. ...
An Inconvenient Protest for Both China and the U.S.
03.10.2014 By Mark Landler (NYT) - Washington — President Obama is scheduled to visit China next month, and with tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters on the streets of Hong Kong, human rights could force itself onto the agenda between the United States and the Chinese in a way not seen in many years. ...
Vietnam: Catholic activist Dau Van Duong free after three years in prison and beatings
03.10.2014 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - The Vietnamese government has released the 26 year old Catholic activist Antonie Dau Van Duong, after more than three years in prison where he risked death from repeated beatings, humiliation and abuse at the hands of prison guards.
The guards even confiscated his Bible in an attempt to undermine his faith. ...
Vietnam: después de 3 años de cárcel y violencias, libre el activista católico Dau Van Duong
03.10.2014 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - El gobierno vietnamita liberó al activista católico de 26 años, Antoine Dau van Duong, que estaba encarcelado desde hace más de 3 años donde casi se muere, por las repetidas palizas y violencias que le proporcionaron los guardias de la cárcel. Éstos le prohibieron hasta de leer la Biblia, en el tentativo de hacer decaer su fe. ...
Obispos vietnamitas: por la paz en Asia y en el mundo, China se convierta a la Virgen de Fátima
03.10.2014 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - La política imperialista de Beijing en el mar Chino meridional, no sólo no terminaros después de la remoción de la plataforma petrolífera, sino que se han "intensificado en una modalidad inquietante". Los chinos están transformando "en una gigantesca obra" un trecho de la costa de las islas Paracels, violando "en modo gravísimo" la "soberanía de Vietnam" y "poniendo en grave peligro la paz" en la región Asia-Pacífico. Es cuánto denuncian los vértices de la Comisión episcopal Justicia y Paz de la Iglesia católica en Vietnam, en una larga carta enviada "al pueblo de Dios dentro y fuera del país" y publicada por la Eglise D´Asie (EdA). ...
For Vietnamese bishops, peace in Asia and the world require China to convert to the Virgin of Fatima
03.10.2014 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Beijing's imperialist policy in the South China Sea did not end with the removal of a controversial oilrig. On the contrary, it has "intensified in a disturbing way," said the leaders of the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of the Catholic Church in Vietnam, in a long letter addressed to "the people of God within and outside the country" published by Église d'Asie (EDA). ...
Vietnamese 'targeted' in Cambodia
03.10.2014 (BBC) - Growing anti-Vietnamese sentiment is behind a five-day protest that is due to start in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh this weekend. Tensions have been brewing for months and there are fears they will soon boil over. ...
Vietnam’s Weapons of War for China
03.10.2014 By Zachary Keck (The Diplomat) - Earlier this week on Flashpoints, Carl Thayer outlined the strategic logic behind Vietnam’s counterinvention strategy towards China. Coincidentally, the same day that we published Thayer’s piece Real Clear Defense published a piece by Kyle Mizokami outlining the five weapon systems Vietnam will need to implement this strategy. They complement each other nicely. ...
US loosens arms embargo on Vietnam. Why now?
03.10.2014 By Michael Holtz, Staff writer (The Christian Science Monitor) - The United States has partially lifted a 40-year ban on lethal weapons to Vietnam, a move that comes at a tense time in the South China Sea. The easing of the ban applies only to maritime equipment. But the decision reflects growing concern in Washington over China’s rising assertiveness in the region as Beijing pushes its claims to resource-rich territorial waters and islands that other countries claim as well. ...
Why the US Shouldn't be Selling Arms to Vietnam
03.10.2014 John Sifton (HRW) - The Obama administration announced on Oct. 2 that it was relaxing a decades-old ban on sales of lethal military equipment to Vietnam. The United States will now allow the Pentagon and U.S. companies to provide Vietnam with "maritime security-related defense articles." The move coincided with a visit to Washington by Deputy Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh -- where he met with Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel -- and came without much warning. This may have been intentional given the controversy surrounding it. ...
Estados Unidos levanta parcialmente el embargo de armas a Vietnam tras 40 años
03.10.2014 (rtve.es) - Estados Unidos ha levantado parcialmente el embargo de armas de fuego letal que mantenía sobre Vietnam desde hace cerca de 40 años para ayudar a la mejora de la seguridad marítima tras observar que el país da pasos en la buena dirección hacia el respeto de los derechos humanos. Aunque las organizaciones en defensa de estos derechos no coinciden en este punto, Washington ve en este paso una oportunidad para restaurar el equilibrio en Asia-Pacífico. ...
USA lockern Waffenembargo gegen Vietnam
03.10.2014 (Nordbayerischer Kurier) - Washington. Rund 40 Jahre nach Ende des Krieges mit Vietnam haben die USA ihr Waffenembargo gegen das südostasiatische Land gelockert. Dies sei eine Antwort auf das fortschrittliche Verhalten Vietnams etwa im Hinblick auf Menschenrechte, teilte die Sprecherin des US-Außenministeriums am Freitag mit. ...
Snatched from their homes, crammed into cages and beaten to death to be eaten: Inside the world of Vietnam's brutal dog-meat industry
03.10.2014 By Alasdair Glennie (Daily Mail) - It is a sight that will horrify any animal lover or pet owner. Snatched from their homes, crammed into metal cages and force-fed for restaurant tables, these animals are the victims of Vietnam’s booming dog-meat industry.
Thousands of pets are stolen from gardens and front porches every year to feed the appetites of diners who treat dog meat as a delicacy. ...
Argument: The Road to Improved US–Vietnam Relations is Economic Reform
02.10.2014 Written by Khanh Vu Duc and Duvien Tran (Asia Sentinel) - Guns will not be enough to secure desirable relation between the US and Vietnam Lost amid the threat of ISIS and ISIL and the turmoil and devastation in the Middle East has been the United States’ strategic rebalance to Asia-Pacific. It was Hillary Clinton in 2011, during her stint as secretary of state, who detailed the importance of Asia-Pacific in an article for Foreign Policy. Titled “America’s Pacific Century,” Clinton predicted the dominance of Asia-Pacific in global affairs and the necessity for America to focus its attention on the region. ...
Vietnamesen in Berlin - Der Nord-Süd-Konflikt
02.10.2014 Von Bettina Malter (Der Tagesspiegel) - Ehemalige Boat People hier, linientreue Kommunisten da: Nach dem Mauerfall standen sich in Berlin Vietnamesen aus zwei Welten gegenüber. Bis heute ist man einander fremd. Eine Beziehungsgeschichte. Folgt man den Klischees unter Vietnamesen, so kann man an der Kleidung vieler der hier versammelten Betenden eine Teilung ablesen, die auch noch 25 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall besteht. Zwei vietnamesische Communitys gibt es in Berlin; eine im Osten, eine im Westen. ...
La Commission ‘Justice et Paix’ appelle à prier pour la paix et la justice, notamment en Chine
02.10.2014 (Églises d'Asie) - Ces temps derniers, les guerres ouvertes et les conflits larvés se sont multipliés dans le monde. Au Vietnam, le conflit de souveraineté territoriale avec la Chine s’est subitement envenimé avec l’installation d’une plate-forme pétrolière chinoise dans les eaux territoriales du Vietnam. Sur les lieux, deux marines se sont affrontées. A l’intérieur du pays, des manifestations antichinoises parfois violentes ont eu lieu. Cette situation a incité la Commission ‘Justice et Paix’ à intervenir dans une lettre adressée « à l’ensemble du peuple de Dieu », datée du 13 septembre 2014. ...
Hong Kong Protesters 'Inspire' Vietnam Activists
02.10.2014 Marianne Brown (VOA) - Hanoi — As thousands of people fill the streets in Hong Kong, pro-democracy activists in neighboring Vietnam are taking notes. Anti-China sentiment runs high in the communist country, particularly when it comes to competing territorial claims in the South China Sea, but protests are usually met with swift police crackdowns. ...
02.10.2014 (Bloomberg) - Almost 40 years after their war, the U.S. and Vietnam have long since stopped being enemies. Trade between them has grown to more than $20 billion. Yet one major obstacle to a full rapprochement remains: the U.S. embargo on lethal weapons sales to its former adversary. This should be removed. The obstacle has been Vietnam's spotty human-rights record: The regime continues to limit freedom of expression, association and public assembly, and more than 100 people charged with political offenses languish in prison. ...
US to partially lift Vietnam arms embargo
02.10.2014 (BBC) - The US is to partially lift its decades-old embargo on providing lethal military support to Vietnam, to help improve its maritime security. The state department said it applied to weapons for maritime purposes only.
It followed talks between US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Vietnamese counterpart in Washington on Thursday. ...
02.10.2014 (news24) - Hanoi - A retired judge in Vietnam could face up to 12 years in jail after a man sentenced to life in prison for murder was later found to be innocent, authorities said on Thursday. ...
Falsches Mordurteil: Richter in Vietnam angeklagt
02.10.2014 (Südtirol Online) - Ein Richter ist in Vietnam angeklagt, weil er einen Unschuldigen hinter Gitter gebracht haben soll. Der 65-Jährige sei wegen „Verantwortungslosigkeit mit ernsten Konsequenzen“ angeklagt ...
Le premier Airbus A350 de Vietnam Airlines prend forme
02.10.2014 (Air Journal) - Airbus a dévoilé hier une image du premier A350-900 destiné à la compagnie aérienne Vietnam Airlines, lors de son entrée dans la chaine d’assemblage final. ...
Second U.S. university cuts ties with China's Confucius Institute
01.10.2014 By Sharon Bernstein (Yahoo News) - A second major U.S. university in a week is severing ties with China's government-funded Confucius Institute, which critics call a propaganda arm wrapped in culture and language education. Pennsylvania State University said Wednesday it would end its five-year relationship with the institute at the end of this year ...
Erster Airbus A350 für Vietnam Airlines
01.10.2014 (Flug Revue) - In Toulouse hat die Endmontage des ersten Airbus A350 XWB für Vietnam Airlines begonnen. Die Fluggesellschaft wird der zweite Betreiber des neuen Twins. ...
Airbus begins final assembly of first A350 XWB for Vietnam Airlines
01.10.2014 Linda Blachly (ATW) - Airbus has begun final assembly of the first A350 XWB for Vietnam Airlines at the Roger Béteille Final Assembly Line (FAL) in Toulouse, France. ...
Undercover in Vietnam - CPJ Series
By Shawn W. Crispin/Southeast Asia Representative
Room for debate frees up but bloggers remain imprisoned
30.09.2014 (CPJ) - Incarcerated for the past six years in poor prison conditions, Nguyen Van Hai has suffered dearly for his critical views on China. First detained on trumped up tax evasion charges in 2008, and subsequently convicted in 2012 on anti-state charges for blogging, 62-year-old Hai is currently serving a 12-year jail term that his family fears could be a death sentence in view of his declining health. ...
Exile is high price reporters pay for press freedom
29.09.2014 (CPJ) - On December 9, 2012, mainstream journalist and sometimes blogger Pham Doan Trang was arrested while reporting on an anti-China protest in Ho Chi Minh City. She was taken to a rehabilitation camp for commercial sex workers, where she was interrogated by a group of seven officials. ...
Reporters become martyrs for their paper's cause
26.09.2014 (CPJ) - In a church compound in the bustling heart of Ho Chi Minh City, journalists and editors upload the latest online edition of Redemptorist News in a secret backroom bureau. First established in 1935, the Catholic newspaper was shut down by the ruling Communist Party in 1975 after consolidating its control over the country's once divided northern and southern regions. Redemptorist News was resurrected and re-launched as an online multi-media platform in 2009 by a group of Catholic priests and activists. ...
Bloggers play risky game of cat-and-mouse to report
25.09.2014 (CPJ) - When Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh left her home in the central coastal city of Nha Trang to cover anti-China protests a 10-hour bus ride away in southern Ho Chi Minh City, the prominent blogger disguised her appearance to evade plainclothes officials stationed nearby to monitor her meetings and movements. On the road, Quynh disembarked 10km from her ticketed destination to avoid being detained by police she feared may be waiting for her at the bus station. ...
Opfer von "Land Grabbing" in Vietnam: sieben Bauer zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt
28.09.2014 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Ein Volksgericht in Ha Dong, Nordvietnam hat in den vergangenen Wochen in drei Prozessen sieben Bauer aus Duong Noi, einem Dorf in der Nähe der Hauptstadt Hanoi zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt. Duong Noi ist vor allem für seine langjährigen Landstreitigkeiten mit den Behörden bekannt. Die Landaktivisten wurden im März und April verhaftet, nachdem sie versuchten die Polizei an der Landnahme zu hindern. Duong Noi ist ein Dorf im Bezirk Ha Dong, rund 14 Kilometer südwestlich von Hanoi. Vor Jahren begannen Landstreitigkeiten im Dorf, als die Bauern sich weigerten, ihre Äcker an die Nam Cuong Immobiliengruppe zum Bau eines Komplexes von Wohn-und Bürogebäuden, Hotels und Schulen abzutreten. Tausende Polizisten und Helfer in Zivil waren zur Landnahme am 25. April im Einsatz. Die Landraubopfer behaupteten, die Behörden hätten bezahlte Schläger eingesetzt um den Widerstandswillen der Bauern zu brechen. ...