
67 năm Hiến chương Nhân quyền LHQ từ 10.12 đến 21.12.2015 tại Hannover do Trung Tâm Việt Nam Hannover và Tổ chức Nhân quyền Việt Nam cùng phối hợp với các đoàn thể Đức và Ngoại quốc tổ chức

Glaubensfreiheit in Vietnam retten!15.11.2015 (gfb) - In Vietnam diskutiert das Parlament zurzeit über den Entwurf eines Religionsgesetzes. Wenn es durchgeht, wird der Staat noch strenger als bisher religiöse Einrichtungen und Institutionen kontrollieren. Die Regierung hätte dann de-facto die Macht, Vietnamesinnen und Vietnamesen am Ausleben ihres Glaubens zu hindern! Bitte setzen Sie sich gemeinsam mit unserer Menschenrechtsorganisation, der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV), dafür ein, dass Religionsfreiheit in Vietnam geschützt wird!Kritische Stimmen in Vietnam brauchen unsere Unterstützung!

Wir als GfbV unterstützen die Kampagne #TuDoTonGiao („Religionsfreiheit“) der „Association to Protect Freedom of Religion“ (APFOR). Sie ruft junge Vietnamesinnen und Vietnamesen dazu auf, sich an der öffentlichen Diskussion über die Bedeutung der Glaubensfreiheit zu beteiligen.

Einen Einblick in die Kampagne bietet dieses YouTube-Video in Vietnamesisch mit englischen Untertiteln. Hören Sie, warum Vietnamesinnen und Vietnamesen Glaubensfreiheit so wichtig ist.  [Weiterlesen]

Buddhist Leaders Around The World Join Call To End Climate Change

31.10.2015 By Rina Marie Doctor (Tech Times) - Buddhist leaders called on world heads to act now and end climate change through a letter released on Thursday, Oct. 29. Dalai Lama together with 14 other officials signed the letter, which urges the eradication of fossil fuels and promotion of total use of renewable energy. ...

Amantes de la Croix de Thu Thiêm : pour les autorités, les anciennes écoles ne leur appartiennent plus

30.10.2015 (Eglises d'Asie) - Les réseaux sociaux (1) ont diffusé, ces jours derniers, des informations supplémentaires sur l’intrusion de la police du second arrondissement de Saigon dans une ancienne école secondaire, appartenant aux sœurs des Amantes de la Croix de Thu Thiêm. Ces nouvelles confirment ... ... le retrait de la police hors des locaux de l’école, mais laissent entendre qu’il ne s’agit là que d’un répit. ...

Mer de Chine : la Cour d’arbitrage de La Haye compétente

30.10.2015 (Le Monde) - La Cour permanente d’arbitrage de La Haye s’est déclarée jeudi 29 octobre compétente pour statuer sur certaines revendications territoriales présentées par les Philippines contre la Chine au sujet de zones disputées de mer de Chine méridionale. ...

Vietnam: „Glaubensfreiheit bedroht“

30.10.2015 (Radio Vatikan) - Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker mit Sitz im deutschen Göttingen befürchtet eine weitere Einschränkung der Glaubensfreiheit in Vietnam durch ein neues Religionsgesetz. „Der Gesetzentwurf, der heute in erster Lesung vom vietnamesischen Parlament beraten wird, verletzt internationale Menschenrechtsstandards, zu deren Einhaltung sich auch Vietnam verpflichtet hat“, erklärte der Asienreferent des Verbands, Ulrich Delius, am Donnerstag in Göttingen. ...

Viet Nam: Bishop appeals in an open letter to end harassment against Catholics

30.10.2015 (Vatican Radio) - Bishop Michael Hoang Duc Oanh of Kontum diocese has just issued an open letter to local government questioning the motive of local government behind their relentless effort to urge Catholics in a remote village to destroy a makeshift church. ...

This action does not comply with the terms both sides -the government and our congregation - agreed upon

30.10.2015 (VRNs) - My name is Sr. Maria Ngoan Thi Nguyen, currently being Mother Superior of the Order of The Lovers Of The Holy Cross Of Thu Thiem Vietnam. Since Oct 22, 2015 until this day, the government of District 2 has sent a mass of police officers and construction workers over to smash and level off our school buildings. ...

Philippines Awaits Decision on South China Sea

30.10.2015 Simone Orendain (VOA) - MANILA, PHILIPPINES— The Philippines is cautiously welcoming an international arbitration court's announcement that it will accept Manila's complaint about China's expanded activities in the South China Sea. ...

Chinas Marinechef warnt USA vor Krieg im Südchinesischen Meer

30.10.2015 (Stern) - Nachdem der Konflikt um die Spratly-Inseln kürzlich wieder neu aufgeflammt ist, beginnt nun das Säbelrasseln. Chinas Marine warnt vor weiteren Schritten, die den Beginn von kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen bedeuten könnten. ...

Amerika pocht auf freie Schifffahrt - Der Provokateur fühlt sich provoziert

29.10.2015 von Beat U. Wieser (NZZ) - China fühlt sich von den USA provoziert, weil ein amerikanisches Kriegsschiff eine imaginäre Zwölf-Meilen-Zone um ein aufgeschüttetes Riff im Südchinesischen Meer geritzt hat. Dass die von Peking frei erfundene Zone in den Weiten des Meeres vom internationalen Seerecht nicht gedeckt wird, interessiert die chinesische Regierung nicht. China setzt eigenes Recht im Südchinesischen Meer, das es sozusagen als sein Eigentum betrachtet. ...

VIETNAM : des religieuses déterminées à défendre leur patrimoine

29.10.2015 (La Croix) - Le 24 octobre dernier, Sr Maria Ngoan Thi Nguyên, supérieure de la congrégation des religieuses des Amantes de la Croix de Thu Thiêm (2ème arrondissement de Saïgon) a fait paraître, sur divers sites indépendants, une lettre ouverte rédigée en anglais (1). Elle est adressée aux autorités et à toutes les personnes de bonne volonté. ...

China Is Worst Place on Earth for Internet Users

28.10.2015 By Jack Phillips (Epoche Times) - Internet freedom has declined around the world yet again, but in no place was it worse than China, which was ranked dead last, according to a new yearly report from nongovernmental organization Freedom House. At the bottom after China, Syria, and Iran are Ethiopia, Cuba, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. ...

Vietnam Rubber Group stripped of Forest Stewardship Council certification for forest destruction, illegal land grabs and human rights abuses

26.10.2015 (Global Witness) - Rubber giant Vietnam Rubber Group (VRG) has been expelled from the world’s leading forest certification body, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), following an investigation into illegal land and forest clearance in Cambodia. Responding to a complaint submitted by Global Witness last November, the FSC found that the state-owned company had illegally destroyed at least 50,000 hectares of forest for its rubber plantations in Cambodia alone, including wildlife sanctuaries and protected areas. ...

Vietnam - Zwischen Hammer und Sichel und Burger King

26.10.2015 von Edith Grünwald/APA (Format) - Das Straßenbild in Vietnams Hauptstadt Hanoi ist von Hunderten roten Fahnen mit Hammer und Sichel geprägt, die auf Laternen, Strommasten und entlang der Ausfallstraßen aufgehängt sind. Ebenso fallen die großen Werbeplakate für westliche Produkte ins Auge. Die Sozialistische Republik hat dem Kapitalismus weit die Türen geöffnet, die politische Macht bleibt jedoch fest in Händen der Einheitspartei. ...

Nonproliferation and Nuclear Energy: The Case of Vietnam

26.10.2015 By Oliver Thränert for Center for Security Studies (ISN ETH Zurich) - For many years, the international nuclear non-proliferation regime has been in deep crisis. This became apparent most recently when the ninth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in May 2015 ended without a common final document. At the same time, a number of threshold countries are planning to begin using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes....

In a country with single-party rule such as Vietnam, no major public protest movements against the construction of nuclear reactors are to be expected. There is no freedom of speech or press. ...

Laserbehandlung soll Schmerzen des "Napalm-Mädchens" lindern

26.10.2015 (Spiegel Online) - Am 8. Juni 1972 machte der Fotograf Nick Ut ein Foto, das die Welt verändern sollte: Nordwestlich von Saigon greifen südvietnamesische Soldaten mit Napalm ein Dorf an, in dem Vietcong vermutet werden. Aus der brennenden Napalmwolke laufen auf Ut mehrere Menschen zu, ein halbes Dutzend Frauen und Kinder.

Eine der Personen ist Kim Phuc. Das Mädchen ist damals neun Jahre alt. Es hat sich die brennenden Kleider vom Leib gerissen... Phuc ist derzeit bei einer Ärztin im Miami in Behandlung, die sich auf die Behandlung von Patienten mit Brandwunden spezialisiert hat.. ...

Viet Nam: Halt imminent execution of Le Van Manh and order investigation into allegations of torture

24.10.2015 (AI) - Amnesty International has written to Truong Tan Sang, President of Viet Nam, calling on him to order a halt to the imminent execution of 32-year-old Le Van Manh ...

Ein Land im Konsumrausch

24.10.2015 (Handelsblatt) - Hanoi - Was würde Ho Chi Minh wohl zu der Vincom Mega Mall sagen? Im Süden von Vietnams Hauptstadt Hanoi, nicht weit vom Mausoleum des kommunistischen Führers entfernt, hat der Milliardär Pham Nhat Vuong das größte unterirdische Einkaufszentrum Asiens in die Erde gemauert. Das ganze Areal trägt den nicht gerade kommunistischen Namen "Royal City". ...

Lasers may ease pain for napalm victim captured in iconic photo

24.10.2015 (Chicago Tribune) - In the photograph that made Kim Phuc a living symbol of the Vietnam War, her burns aren't visible — only her agony as she runs wailing toward the camera, her arms flung away from her body, naked because she has ripped off her burning clothes. More than 40 years later she can hide the scars beneath long sleeves, but a single tear down her otherwise radiant face betrays the pain she has endured since that errant napalm strike in 1972. ...

U.S. will send ships, planes into Spratly waters to challenge China's claim

23.10.2015 by Atsushi Okudera in Washington and Nanae Kurashige in Beijing (The Asahi Shimbun) - The Obama administration is planning to send ships or planes into the 12-nautical-mile zone around artificial islands China has built in the South China Sea in moves likely to ratchet up tensions with China, which claims them. ...

Vietnamese 'Princelings' Rise, Sparking Debate

22.10.2015 Trung Nguyen (VOA) - Some prominent children of high-ranking Vietnamese officials, including those of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, have been elected by Vietnam’s Communist Party members to key positions in provinces and municipalities, sparking debate about the role of "princelings.". Facing harsh public criticism, Vietnamese officials quickly responded that such promotions were conducted in accordance with “guidelines and administrative procedures” and were a “positive move.” ...

Vietnam turns to Facebook to reach out to its youth

22.10.2015 (Toronto Star) - HANOI, VIETNAM—Communist Vietnam, which in the past frowned on citizens’ use of Facebook, is turning to the social media website to reach its young people. ...

Vigoureuse lettre ouverte de l’évêque de Kontum à propos de la liberté religieuse sur les Hauts Plateaux

22.10.2015 (Eglises d'Asie) - Le 5 octobre dernier, deux jours avant la nomination par le pape François de son successeur à la tête du diocèse de Kontum, Mgr Michel Hoang Duc Oanh a écrit une lettre ouverte au président du Comité populaire d’un des districts qui composent le territoire dont il est responsable. ...

TÜV testet Leder und Schuhe in Vietnam

22.10.2015 (SchuhMarkt) -Der deutsche Prüfkonzern TÜV Süd bietet nun Test-Dienstleistungen für Schuhe und Lederwaren in seinem Softlines-Prüflabor in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt in Vietnam an. ...

Wir fordern Freilassung für Nguyen Huu Vinh und Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy

20.10.2015 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Vietnam, den 18.10.2015

An die Herren

Trương Tấn Sang, Präsident der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam

Nguyễn Sinh Hùng, Präsident der Nationalversammlung der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam

Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, Premierminister der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam

Nguyễn Hòa Bình, Direktor der obersten Staatsanwaltschaft

Trần Đại Quang, Polizeiminister

Organisationen und Menschenrechtler im In-und Ausland. ...

Wir rufen Organisationen und Menschenrechtler im In- und Ausland auf, uns wirksam beizustehen. Wir fordern die vietnamesischen Behörden auf, Nguyen Huu Vinh und Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy freizulassen. Alle Inhaftierten, die ihre grundlegenden Menschenrechte gemäß der vietnamesischen Verfassung und dem internationalen Menschenrechtsabkommen, dem Vietnam beigetreten ist, ausüben möchten, müssen ebenfalls freigelassen werden. ...

New Bishop of Kontum, a diocese wounded by poverty, leprosy and lack of religious freedom

20.10.2015 by Thanh Thao (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City (AsiaNews) - The Holy Year of Mercy "is near, and so I chose the motto Caritas in Veritate, which reminds me my call to an honest and pure love”, says Msgr. Aloisio Nguyễn Hùng Vi, the new bishop of the diocese of Kontum. The diocese includes the provinces of Kontum and Gialai, in the central highland of Vietnam. The Catholics of the diocese also face attacks on religious freedom ...

Vietnam: Streik in Schuhfabrik

20.10.2015 (Rote Fahne News) - In der vietnamesischen Provinz Thanh Hoa traten vergangene Woche mehr als 1.000 Beschäftigte der Hong Fu-Schuhfabrik wegen der miesen Arbeitsbedingungen in den Streik. ...

Die schönsten und schlimmsten Flughäfen weltweit

20.10.2015 (SZ) - Es gibt Flughäfen, da möchten alle nur eines: so schnell es geht das Weite suchen - wenn das denn möglich wäre, so schlecht und widersprüchlich ist die Ausschilderung, so lang sind die Schlangen vorm Check-in. Platz 8 - Ho Chi Minh City Tân Sơn Nhất International Airport, Vietnam: Bestechung ist das Hauptproblem ...

First Vietnamese-American U.S. general escaped Saigon as child

20.10.2015 By David Vergun (Army News Service) - WASHINGTON -- April 29, 1975 is a day then-9-year-old Viet Luong said he remembers vividly. He was at the Tan Son Nhut Airport in Saigon and bombs were dropping. North Vietnamese forces, led by Gen Van Tien Dung, were on their final push to take the capital of South Vietnam. "I was saying my Hail Mary's -- praying to the Virgin Mary to save our family," said Luong, who is now a brigadier general and is director ...

Haftentlassung mit Schönheitsfehler

20.10.2015 Michael Lenz (Der Farang) - HANOI: Mit Kritik an der Menschenrechtspolitik von Vietnam reagiert die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) auf die vorzeitige Haftentlassung der Bloggerin Ta Phong Tan. Die HRW kritisierte, dass die 47 Jahre alte Ta Phong Tan gleich nach ihrer Entlassung aus dreijähriger Haft Vietnam in Richtung USA verlassen musste. ...

Bloggers keep the windows open in Vietnam’s constitutional debates

20.10.2015 John Gillespie, Monash University (East Asia Forum) - ... In tandem with Party-managed debates in state-mediated forums, there is a vibrant constitutional deliberation amongst ‘left-side’ (ben trai) social media circles. Reaching 36 per cent of the population, social media penetration in Vietnam is among the deepest in Southeast Asia. ...

Religious freedom under threat in Vietnam

19.10.2015 by Laura Southgate (Global Risk Insights) - This October, Vietnam’s Government Committee for Religious Affairs is finalizing the draft Law on Belief and Religion, before it is presented for debate at the National Assembly. This will be the fifth version of the draft law. On April 17th, 2015, the Committee for Religious Affairs sent the 4th Draft Law to 62 religious organizations, requesting they return their opinions on the law by May 5th.  On May 11th, the Interfaith Council of Vietnam responded to the draft law with a letter of protest. According to the Council, the government did not allow religions adequate time to provide a response to the request. ...

Czechs ask Germans for help in anti-drug talks with Vietnam

19.10.2015 (Prague Daily Monitor) - Nuremberg, Germany (CTK) - Prague has asked Germany for diplomatic assistance in talks with Vietnam as the biggest pervitin distributors are from the Vietnamese community living in the Czech Republic, Czech Interior Minister Milan Chovanec said after meeting his Bavarian counterpart Friday. Chovanec said representatives of the Vietnamese security forces promised the Czech Republic to help break the ethnic Vietnamese groups that produce drugs, but they have not met the promise. ...

Japan demonstrierte Marine-Stärke vor den Augen Chinas

18.10.2015 (derStandard) - Tokio – Japan hat am Sonntag eine Armada von Kriegsschiffen vor seiner Küste zu einer großen Flottenparade versammelt. 50 Schiffe und 61 Flugzeuge nahmen daran teil, darunter auch Kriegsschiffe aus den USA, Indien, Südkorea, Australien und Frankreich. Die Flottenparade findet alle drei Jahre statt. ...

Why the TPP Trade Deal Isn't All Good for Vietnam's Factories

18.10.2015 By Kathy Chu (NASDAQ) - The landmark 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal could bring more business to Vietnamese manufacturers, but there is a potential downside: higher labor costs and strained production at the country's factories. Avery Dennison, a Glendale, Calif.-based producer of labels and packaging materials that opened a 300,000 square- foot facility in southern Vietnam this year, says it doesn't see the trade pact as a way to cut its costs in the country. ...

Malaysia slams China's "provocation" in South China Sea

18.10.2015 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - BEIJING - China's construction work on islands in the disputed South China Sea is "unwarranted provocation", Malaysia's armed forces chief said on Sunday, in a rare public comment about the spat from a country which has its own claims in the seas. ...

China’s Island Building in the South China Sea: will other nations follow suit?

18.10.2015 Hemantha Abeywardena (Asian Tribune) - China, the world’s second largest economy, seems to be undeterred by the concerns expressed by those who have claims of ownership in the South China Sea, where the former has been building artificial islands at an alarmingly accelerated phase. Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan also claim the territorial waters, where the Chinese have been reclaiming the sea, while raising artificial islands on top of existing submerged reefs. ...

They died for Henry Kissinger’s “credibility”: The real history of our Vietnam immorality

18.10.2015 David Milne (Salon) - Détente with the Soviet Union and the opening to China were significant breakthroughs in their own right. Indeed, a positive appraisal of the Nixon administration’s foreign policies is predicated on our viewing them this way. But Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger did not view them in isolation at the time. ...

Viet Nam: Bishop appeals in an open letter to end harassment against Catholics

16.10.2015 (Vatican Radio) - Bishop Michael Hoang Duc Oanh of Kontum diocese has just issued an open letter to local government questioning the motive of local government behind their relentless effort to urge Catholics in a remote village to destroy a makeshift church....

Religious freedom denied: Bishop of Kontum slams church demolition

16.10.2015 by Stephanie Nguyen (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City - In an open letter to the local authorities, the bishop of Kontum has defended the campaign of local Catholics against ongoing attacks on religious freedom in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The most recent episode was the decision by the provincial administration to demolish a house church in a small village located in a remote area of ​​the diocese. ...

Libertad religiosa denegada: el obispo de Kontum contra la demolición de una iglesia

16.10.2015 de Stephanie Nguyen (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City - Con una carta abierta dirigida a las autoridades locales, el obipso de Kontum relanza la batalla de los católicos contra los ataques a la libertad religiosa, que vienen ejerciéndose desde hace en los Altiplanos centrales de Vietnam. El último episodio, cronológicamente hablando, es la decisión de la administración provincial de demoler una iglesia doméstica situada en una pequeña aldea, en una zona remota de la diócesis. ...

Asia’s developing nations pessimistic on equality for women

16.10.2015 (Free Malaysia Today) - BANGKOK: People in Asia’s developing countries believe the next generation of women will face a tough time combating gender inequality, according to a survey released on Friday. Among the developing countries index scores were highest in Malaysia (54.4), the Philippines (36.5) and Thailand (27.1), and lowest in Myanmar (11.6), Indonesia (9.5) and Vietnam (1.9). ...

Historic floods show true cost of Vietnam's cheap coal

15.10.2015 By Tan Qiuyi (Channel NewsAsia) - Vietnam’s coal industry was hit by one of its worst environmental disasters this year after torrential rain flooded its coal hub in the northeast Quang Ninh province, causing landslides and toxic coal ash spills. ...

Vietnam says China becoming more ‘aggressive and brutal’ against its fishermen after latest boat sinking

15.10.2015 (SCMP) - Tensions could rise further as the southeast Asian nation accuses its Communist neighbour of sinking another one of its fishing vessels. Vietnam on Thursday accused China of sinking one of its fishing boats near disputed islands in the South China Sea, in the latest incident that could further raise tensions between the Communist neighbours. ...

Possible Wriggle Room on South China Sea Claims

14.10.2015 By Ashley Townshend (Asia Sentinel) - While tensions continue to rise in the South China Sea, with steady military build-up by all sides, especially by China, a new pathway may be opening for peaceful resolution of the territorial disputes. The Arbitral Tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration will soon announce whether it has jurisdiction to rule on the Philippines’ case against China’s expansive maritime claims. ...

The U.S. Reasserts Its Freedom to Navigate the South China Sea

14.10.2015 (Time) - The declaration is a rebuff to China, which lays claim to large swathes of the disputed waters.

Despite a recent warning from China to stay away from the contested islands in the South China Sea, the U.S. has said it would continue to operate in any airspace and waters sanctioned by international law. ...

Chinas Ansprüche im Südchinesischen Meer - Leuchttürme des Anstosses

14.10.2015 von Nina Belz (NZZ) - China hat zwei Leuchttürme gebaut – auf Inseln, die nicht nur von China beansprucht werden. Die Nachbarn protestieren. Den USA scheint angesichts des aggressiven Vorgehens Chinas die Geduld auszugehen. ...

Even faith can be wiped out by belief in nuclear power

14.10.2015 Michiko Yoshii (The Asahi Shimbun) - ... Last month, I visited Ninh Thuan province, the planned site of a nuclear power plant in Vietnam... "We now live in a time when we no longer know the location of Po Ryad." The holy place of the deity is the planned site for the No. 1 Ninh Thuan nuclear power plant that Russia will build. ...

Vietnam protestiert gegen chinesische Leuchttürme auf Riffen

14.10.2015  (Der Farang) - (dpa) - HANOI: Vietnam hat gegen chinesische Leuchttürme auf den Spratly-Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer protestiert. ...

Vietnamese Authorities Harass Independent Buddhist Church

13.10.2015 (RFA) - Vietnamese authorities in the southern coastal province of Ba Ria Vung Tao have begun a campaign of harassment against a small, independent Buddhist church operating outside of government control, sending mobs to harass community members and block access to their building, sources say. ...

US-Bürgerrechtsorganisation zu TPP: "Schlimmsten Befürchtungen eingetreten"

10.10.2015 (derStandard) - Die Whistleblowing-Plattform Wikileaks hat Details zum Handelsabkommen TPP veröffentlicht. Dieses wurde kürzlich unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit zwischen den USA und zehn Pazifikstaaten abgeschlossen. Konkret geht der Leak auf Wikileaks auf das Thema geistiges Eigentum ein. So wurde beschlossen, dass jedes Mitgliedsland Rechtsmittel bereitzustellen hat, die Internet-Provider dazu zwingen können, geschütztes Material offline zu nehmen. ...

Young boy beaten to death in adult prison

10.10.2015 Grace Bui (CNN) - A 17 year old boy, Do Dang Du, was arrested by the police in August because he had stolen some money from his neighbor. Even though his mom paid back the money, the neighbor decided to report the incident to the authorities. At first the police lied to the family and asked his mom to sign some paperwork to send the boy to a youth reeducation camp. ...

Vietnam–US relations balancing ideology and geopolitics

09.10.2015 Author: Cuong T. Nguyen, University of Chicago (East Asia Forum) - On 7 July 2015, Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met US President Barack Obama at the Oval Office, marking a historic milestone in advancing US–Vietnam relations. But the trip was largely symbolic as Trong returned to Hanoi with only modest progress on comprehensive US–Vietnam relations. ...

Ponderings at Auschwitz: Okinawa and Vietnam where the same thing can happen again

09.10.2015 Michiko Yoshii (The Asahi Shimbun) - I decided to visit Auschwitz. On my way back from an international conference in Berlin in July, I first went to Poland. "The Nazis saw the Jews as an inferior race, and thought it better to kill and liberate them from their miserable lives on Earth. These are the kinds of stories they invented before murdering them. Around 1.5 million people ...". ... I again thought of Vietnam. I remembered something said by the Cham, an indigenous people who live at the planned site of a nuclear power plant with reactors exported from Japan. ...

Vietnam. Dreißigjähriger Krieg - Und die Folgen

08.10.2015 Josef Bordat (Blog jobo72) - ... Heute führt das kommunistische Regime auf seine Art einen Krieg gegen die Freiheit. Journalisten, Blogger, Priester – wenn sie sich kritisch äußern, müssen sie damit rechnen, inhaftiert zu werden. Manchmal auch schon, wenn sie auf Fakten hinweisen. Nach der Abschiebung der Ex-Polizistin Maria Ta Phong Tan wurde nun ein ranghoher Ex-Soldat als Regimekritiker festgenommen: Tran Anh Kim. ...

Exiled Activists Fight for Freedom in Vietnam

06.10.2015 By Hao-Nhien Vu (Voice of OC) - Orange County is now host to two of Vietnam's leading human rights activists, both of whom were exiled to the U.S. straight from their prison cells. While the Vietnamese government probably believes it has neutralized these activists by shipping them off, both are saying they will adapt their activism to the long distance. The two are Nguyen Van Hai, better known as blogger Dieu Cay ("Peasant Pipe"), and Ta Phong Tan, two founding members of the Free Journalists Club, whose very name runs contrary to government rules. ...

Poor trade-off: Jailed journalists released into exile as Vietnam pushes for weapons deal

06.10.2015 By Bob Dietz/ CPJ Asia Program Coordinator (CPJ) - In September, Vietnamese blogger Ta Phong Tan was released after serving three years of a 10-year prison term and was immediately flown to Los Angeles. In October 2014 Tan's colleague Nguyen Van Hai, whom she co-founded the Free Journalists Club with in 2007 and who was also imprisoned for his work, followed the same route. ...

Prominenter Dissident in Vietnam erneut festgenommen

06.10.2015 (Asienzeitung) - Hanoi (dpa) - In Vietnam ist ein Kritiker der kommunistischen Partei nach Angaben seiner Ehefrau verhaftet worden. Tran Anh Kim (66) hat bereits fünfeinhalb Jahre Gefängnis hinter sich. ...

Einigung auf Pazifik-Freihandelsabkommen

06.10.2015 von Christian Mihatsch (Badische Zeitung) - Nach jahrelangen Verhandlungen haben sich am Montag die USA und elf andere Pazifik-Anrainerstaaten auf ein Freihandelsabkommen geeinigt. TPP umfasst "die strengsten Regeln zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmern in der Geschichte der Handelsabkommen". Dies war während der Verhandlungen vor allem für Vietnam ein Problem. Dort gibt es bislang keine unabhängigen Gewerkschaften. ...

Ratio Homme/Femme – Grave déséquilibre au Vietnam

06.10.2015 (Le PetitJournal) - Il pourrait y avoir entre 2,3 M et 4,3 M de femmes de moins que d’hommes au Vietnam à l’horizon 2025. Le ratio à la naissance au Vietnam était de 110,5 garçons pour 100 filles en 2009 ; en 2014, il s’était aggravé, du fait du recours à l’échographie et à l’avortement, pour atteindre 112,2 pour 100. ...

Berlin wegen verprügelten Bloggers sauer auf Vietnam

05.10.2015 Von Daniel Friedrich Sturm (Die Welt) - Ein deutscher Staatssekretär trifft einen bekannten Blogger in Vietnam. Der wird danach übel zugerichtet – eine Racheaktion des Regimes liegt nahe. Im Auswärtigen Amt werden schwere Vorwürfe erhoben. Drei Wochen nachdem sich Staatssekretär Lange mit Anh Chi getroffen hatte, wurde der Blogger morgens vor seinem Hauseingang verprügelt. ...

Vietnam: un militant prodémocratie arrêté

05.10.2015 (Le Figaro) - Un ancien gradé de l'armée vietnamienne devenu militant prodémocratie a été arrêté au Vietnam pour "tentative de subversion" du régime communiste à parti unique, une accusation qui lui a déjà valu cinq ans de prison, a-t-on appris aujourd'hui auprès d'une source proche de sa famille. ...

Deal reached on giant 12-nation trade pact

05.10.2015 By Doug Palmer (Politico) - ATLANTA - Negotiators from the U.S., Japan and 10 Pacific Rim nations on Monday cinched a sweeping trade pact, setting the stage for President Barack Obama to send the deal to a divided Congress early next year. As part of the agreement, all 12 TPP member nations would have to abide by international standards that allow for the right to collective bargaining, prohibit child labor and prevent employee discrimination. Vietnam would be required to allow independent unions and Malaysia would have to address human trafficking concerns. ...

Pazifik-Anrainer einigen sich auf Freihandelsabkommen

05.10.2015 (Blick) - Atlanta – Zwölf Pazifik-Anrainerstaaten haben sich auf die Gründung der grössten Freihandelszone der Welt geeinigt. Die Unterhändler brachten die jahrelangen Verhandlungen über die Transpazifische Partnerschaft (TPP) am Montag in Atlanta zu einem erfolgreichen Ende. Zusammen stehen diese Länder für rund 40 Prozent der weltweiten Wirtschaftsleistung. ...

Vietnam arrests ex-soldier for attempted subversion: sources

05.10.2015 (The Star) - HANOI (AFP) - A former soldier turned democracy campaigner has been arrested in Vietnam for attempted subversion, sources said Monday, the same charge that previously saw him jailed for more than five years.

Tran Anh Kim, 66, was taken into police custody on September 21, a source close to the family told AFP ...

Refugees tell their stories 40 years after the fall of Saigon

04.10.2015 By Paul Luke, with profiles by Dan Fumano (The Province) - Ordinary Canadians deserve to pat themselves on the back for their country’s compassionate response to the Vietnamese boat people crisis, historians say.

Canada, after all, resettled some 69,000 Vietnamese following the fall of Saigon to North Vietnamese forces ...

Vietnam’s Book People - A new exodus is taking place from Vietnam

04.10.2015 By Kris Hartley (The Diplomat) - More than two decades after the emigration of Vietnam’s “boat people” reached its apex, a new exodus is underway. Increasing numbers of university-aged Vietnamese students are pursuing degrees abroad. These new emigrants – who can perhaps be termed “Book People” – see high value in degrees from American, British, and Australian schools. Further, many remain in their host countries after graduation, attracted by high paying jobs matching their skill sets. ...

Vietnam Is Changing... And So Is the Balance of Power in Asia

02.10.2015 By Carl Thayer (The Diplomat) - On September 15, Vietnam’s political log jam suddenly burst with the simultaneous launch of a website dedicated to preparations for the twelfth national party congress and the release of the draft Political Report and Socio-Economic Plan for 2016-2020. The Vietnamese public has been given until the end of October to send in comments on the draft policy documents. Only four months remain to complete preparations for the twelfth congress scheduled for January 2016. ...

Phnom Penh denies asylum to nine Vietnamese Montagnards fleeing persecution

02.10.2015 (AsiaNews) - Phnom Penh - The Cambodian authorities have rejected a request for political asylum presented yesterday by a group of nine Montagnards from Vietnam, who had traveled - without detection - up to Phnom Penh to ask for help. The group arrived in the Cambodian capital on September 30. ...

Joint statement on harassment and threat to Luong Tam TV

01.10.2015 (FVPoC) - Luong Tam TV (Conscience TV) is the program, with short video clips on Youtube, established by the Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience (FVPoC) and cooperated with the Brother for Democracy Association (BFDA). ... But, after just three video clips (starting from Aug 19, 2015), the Communist authorities cracked down it. ...

Vo Phien, writer who preserved Vietnamese culture, dies

01.10.2015 (SFGATE) - LOS ANGELES — When the Communist forces pushed into Saigon in the final days of the Vietnam War, Vo Phien sensed that his country’s past was about to be erased. Books would be burned, history lessons rewritten, entire cities stripped of their names. What emerged years later, after he landed in America as a refugee with little more than his wife and teenage daughter, is a volume of Vietnamese writings that otherwise might have vanished. ...

Report: Plastic Pollution in the Ocean Is Reaching Crisis Levels

01.10.2015 (Time) - There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic trash in the world’s oceans, and each year, 8 million tons of plastic are added to the count. A new report by the Ocean Conservancy calls for a focus on improving waste management systems in a handful of developing countries that are most responsible for the plastic leakage into the ocean. China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam contribute more than half of the oceans’ plastic since their waste infrastructure hasn’t kept up with rapid industrialization. ...

US, Vietnam Eye Deeper Coast Guard Cooperation

30.09.2015 By Prashanth Parameswaran (The Diplomat) - The head of the U.S. Coast Guard has expressed interest in deepening cooperation with Vietnam, local media outlets reported last week. ...

From the archive, 30 September 1978: Welsh haven for Vietnamese 'boat people'

30.09.2015 Philip Jordan (The Guardian) - Many hundreds have left Vietnam in the flimsiest of craft, trusting their lives to the waves and the humanity of others to save them from the new regime. In a quiet Welsh seaside town 27 Vietnamese are learning how to live with the British. ...

Censure Internet au Vietnam

29.09.2015 (Censure Internet & Agence Presse) - La censure Internet au Vietnam bloque les sites web allant à l’encontre des principes du gouvernement vietnamien. Le Viet Nam règlemente l’accès de ses citoyens à Internet par des moyens à la fois techniques et par la législation ...

Les Montagnards chrétiens persécutés au Vietnam

29.09.2015 CSI France (Le Journal Chrétien) - Depuis près de trois ans, le gouvernement communiste du Vietnam procède de façon de plus en plus répressive à l’égard des chrétiens parmi les Montagnards, ces peuples qui habitent les régions retirées des hauts plateaux centraux....

Vietnamese Land-Rights Petitioner Receives 18-Month Prison Term

29.09.2015 (RFA) - A Vietnamese court on Monday sentenced a land-rights petitioner to 18 months in prison on public-order charges after she petitioned unsuccessfully for the legal right to land farmed by her family in the northern province of Ninh Binh, sources said. ...

Van Gogh für eine Handvoll Dong

28.09.2015 Von Sigrid Mölck-Del Giudice (Wiener Zeitung) - Ein Ölbild made in Vietnam ist ein Reiseandenken besonderer Art. Begehrt sind Kopien europäischer Meisterwerke. ...

Higher powers - A proposed law on religion will not help the faithful

26.09.2015 (The Economist) - Bulldozers are idling outside the Lien Tri Pagoda, a complex of yellow buildings near the Saigon River. Officials plan to destroy it and fill this sparsely populated district of Ho Chi Minh City with skyscrapers. But the pagoda’s chief monk, Thich Khong Tanh, is not so enthusiastic. He is fighting eviction. ...

Le Vietnam veut réorganiser ses médias

26.09.2015 (zonebourse) - Le Vietnam veut profondément réorganiser ses médias et enrayer leur "commercialisation" qui "affecte négativement l'opinion publique", rapporte samedi le journal Tuoi Tre (Jeunesse), géré par le ministère de la Défense. ...

Was ein iPhone in Arbeitstagen kostet

26.09.2015 (derStandard) - Teils große Unterschiede – in Österreich muss man acht Tage für das Gerät arbeiten, in Vietnam 87. Die Preise des Smartphones schwanken dabei teils stark von Land zu Land. ...

Authorities in Vietnam Crack Down on New Independent Broadcast Service

25.09.2015 (RFA) - Vietnamese authorities have detained the staff of a new independent news service that broadcasts videos on social media, according to an activist-lawyer involved with the news organization. ...

Vietnamese Authorities Detain Pro-Democracy Activist

25.09.2015 (RFA) - The whereabouts of Vietnamese former political prisoner Tran Anh Kim, who was detained by police on Monday, remain unknown, according to the pro-democracy activist’s wife. ...

Vietnamese Refugees Reach out to Syrians Fleeing by Boat

24.09.2015 By Amy Taxin (abc news) - When Jonathan Huynh heard the haunting story of two young Syrian boys and their mother fleeing their country and drowning when their small rubber boat capsized on its way to Greece, he saw himself. ...

A China-Vietnam Military Clash

23.09.2015 Author: Joshua Kurlantzick (Council on Foreign Relations) - The risk of a military confrontation between China and Vietnam is rising. Although the two countries have enjoyed close party-to-party ties for decades, since 2011 they have both asserted conflicting claims to the South China Sea. Beijing claims 90 percent of the sea as its exclusive economic zone. China has repeatedly moved oil rigs into disputed areas, dredged and occupied parts of the disputed Paracel Islands, and constructed at least one and potentially multiple airstrips, possibly for military use, in the Spratly Islands. ...

Vietnam’s rising repression

22.09.2015 By Zachary Abuza (New Mandala) - Clampdowns on dissent by the country’s rulers are more targeted and smarter. On 19 July, Vietnam released one of its most prominent dissidents, former policewoman turned legal blogger, Tạ Phong Tần, exiling her to the United States. ...

Well-known blogger freed but 15 other citizen-journalists still held

22.09.2015 (Reporters Without Borders) - ... A former policewoman held since 5 September 2011, Ta Phong Tan was released on 19 September and immediately boarded a flight to Los Angeles for exile in the United States. In September 2012, she was sentenced to ten years in prison for criticizing corruption and human rights violations in the police and judicial system on her blog “Cong Ly va Su That” (Justice and Truth). ...

Menschenrechtsbeauftragter Strässer zur Freilassung vietnamesischer Bloggerin Ta Phong Tan

21.09.2015 (Auswärtiges Amt) - Der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Menschenrechtspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe, Christoph Strässer, sagte heute (21.09.) anlässlich der Freilassung der vietnamesischen Bloggerin Ta Phong Tan:

Ich freue mich sehr, dass die vietnamesische Bloggerin Ta Phong Tan freigelassen wurde. Wir haben uns sehr dafür eingesetzt. Gleichzeitig bedauere ich, dass eine Freilassung aus dem Gefängnis offenbar nur um den Preis einer unmittelbaren Ausreise ins Ausland möglich ist. ...

Freed Vietnamese Dissident Threatens Legal Action Against Hanoi

21.09.2015 By Doug Bernard, Trung Nguyen (VOA) - A freed Vietnamese blogger says she and another online activist plan to take action against Vietnamese authorities in international court. Ta Phong Tan, author of the blog “Cong Ly v Su That” – Vietnamese for ‘Justice and Truth’ - arrived in the United States on Sunday after being released early from a 10-year prison sentence.  ...

Vietnam lässt Bloggerin Ta Phong Tan frei

21.09.2015 (dw) - Wegen Kritik an den Behörden war Ta Phong Tan zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt worden, nun kam die prominente vietnamesische Bloggerin Tan nach drei Jahren frei. Ein Happy-End bedeutet ihre Entlassung aber nicht. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) übte scharfe Kritik. Damit setze Vietnam "seine zynische Praxis fort, prominente Dissidenten direkt aus dem Gefängnis ins Exil zu zwingen", sagte HRW-Sprecher Phil Robertson. ...

Gute Nachricht, schlechte Nachricht

20.09.2015 Josef Bordat (Blog jobo72) - „Vietnam has released a high-profile blogger [Maria Ta Phong Tan, J.B.] who has traveled to the United States, the American embassy said on Sunday, but a human right group said the move extended a ‘cynical’ practice by Hanoi to send its critics into exile.“ Diese Nachricht zerfällt, wie man unschwer erkennen kann, in zwei Teile: 1. Frau Ta Phong Tan, die 2012 zu einer zehnjährigen Haftstrafe verurteilt worden und im Juni diesen Jahres aufgrund der katastrophalen Haftbedingungen in einen Hungerstreik getreten war, ist frei; das ist gut. ...

ASPO: Die geostrategische Bedeutung des Südchinesischen Meers

16.09.2015 (ee-news) - Seit anfangs Juli befasst sich in Den Haag ein internationales Schiedsgericht mit der Frage, ob es für den Inselstreit in Südostasien zuständig ist. Denn: Die Philippinen versuchen den Streit mit China um Riffe und Meeresgebiete im Südchinesischen Meer auf der Ebene internationaler Schiedsgerichtbarkeit auszutragen, auch wegen Erdölvorkommen und -Transportwegen. ...

Expertos militares chinos justifican nueva pista aérea en islas disputadas

16.09.2015 (Univision) - Pekín (EFE).- Expertos militares chinos justifican hoy la construcción por parte del Gobierno de Pekín de una tercera pista de aterrizaje en las islas Spratly, en el Mar de la China Meridional y reclamadas por Filipinas, para cumplir con el objetivo estratégico chino de tener una Marina potente. ...

Vietnam Mulls Clarification of 'Anti-state' Laws

15.09.2015 Trung Nguyen (VOA) - The Chairman of Vietnam’s legislature has surprised many by saying his country should clarify its so-called anti-state laws in order to prevent arbitrary arrests that violate human and civil rights. ...

Spratly-Inseln: China baut offenbar weitere Startbahn im Südchinesischen Meer

    Bài & Tin mới 

15.09.2015 (Der Spiegel) - China schafft im Südchinesischen Meer weitere Fakten. Die Volksrepublik bereitet offenbar den Bau einer dritten Landebahn auf den Riffen der Spratly-Inseln vor. Darauf lassen Satellitenbilder schließen, die der US-Thinktank "Center for Strategic and International Studies" (CSIS) veröffentlichte. ...

Abe pledges more ships to Vietnam’s top leader to offset China

15.09.2015 by Masaaki Kameda (The Japan Times) - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Vietnamese supreme leader Nguyen Phu Trong agreed Tuesday that Japan will provide more used vessels to shore up Vietnam’s maritime law enforcement capabilities to counter China’s increasing power in the South China Sea. ...

Vietnam calls for reforms, anti-corruption drive ahead of party congress

15.09.2015 (Asian Correspondent) - HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party has called for reforms and a stepped-up fight against corruption as it prepares for an upcoming party congress. ...

Rule of origin puts Vietnamese garment industry in a spot

15.09.2015 (Fibre2Fashion) - The inking of a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is likely to have a clause on the origin of goods, presenting a challenge to Vietnam's textile and apparel industry. Vietnam, even after being one of the world's largest garment exporters, still imports raw materials from countries like China and Korea. The lack of weaving, dyeing, and fibre manufacturing units impose challenges on Vietnam's garment sector. ...

Vietnam still has more than 1.5m illiterates

11.09.2015 (The Nation) - HANOI - Vietnam has more than 1.5 million illiterates between the ages of 15 and 60, an official from the education and training ministry has said. ...

Following the leaders in Vietnam

11.09.2015 By Carlyle A. Thayer (Asia Sentinel) - The Vietnam Communist Party (VCP) is scheduled to hold its next national party congress reportedly in early 2016. There are signs, however, that consensus has not been reached on a number of issues including the South China Sea and relations with China and the selection of Vietnam’s future leadership. This could result in a rescheduling of the congress until a later date. ...

China and the Deep Blue Sea

08.09.2015 James Borton & Nguyen Chu Hoi (Project Syndicate) - HO CHI MINH CITY – Since December 2013, China has added more than 1,200 hectares to islands in the South China Sea. Thousands of coral reefs, seagrass beds, and other shallow-water ecosystems are rapidly being destroyed and buried as China’s leaders rush to stake their claim to the region. ...

Il est interdit d’entrée au Vietnam, malgré son visa

07.09.2015 (Tribune de Genève) - Le 31 août, alors qu’il s’apprêtait à rejoindre son épouse vietnamienne et sa fille de 4 ans à Hanoï, Siamak Heydary a été refoulé vers la Suisse par les agents de l’aéroport. ...

Rosneft and Japan Drilling partner to drill offshore exploration wells in Vietnam

07.09.2015 (EBR) - Rosneft Vietnam and Japan Drilling have inked an agreement for drilling offshore exploration wells in Vietnam. ...

Russian tourists defect from Vietnam as Western sanctions take toll on rouble

06.09.2015 Matthew Clayfield in Nha Trang, Vietnam (ABC Radio Australia) - Nha Trang, a resort town on the South China Sea 300 kilometres north-east of Ho Chi Minh City, is the epicentre of Russian tourism in Vietnam. But Nha Trang's status as Moscow-on-the-South China Sea is under pressure. Between January and March, the number of Russian visitors to Vietnam was down 27 per cent on the same period last year. ...

China must drop 'deceitful rhetoric'on disputedsea: Philippines

06.09.2015 (Business Standard) - Beijing must offer more than hollow promises if it wishes to secure peace in the disputed South China Sea and beyond, a spokesman for the Philippine defence department said today.

The remarks came days after China flaunted its military might with a massive parade to mark the end of World War II, though President Xi Jinping said at the event his country was dedicated to peace and does "not seek hegemony". ...

Ho Chi Minh ruft die Unabhängigkeit Vietnams aus – mit Hilfe der USA

05.09.2015 Von Rolf Steininger (Tiroler Tageszeitung) - Der 2. September 1945 ist ein denkwürdiges Datum in der Geschichte der USA, Japans, Vietnams und Frankreichs... In den letzten Kriegsmonaten gab es eine Art Bündnis zwischen den Vietminh, den Unabhängigkeitskämpfern Ho Chi Minhs, und den USA. Ein sieben Mann starkes OSS-Team mit dem Codenamen „Deer Mission“ sprang am 16. Juli 1945 mit Fallschirmen und Waffen für hundert Mann in Nordvietnam ab und stieß dort auf Ho Chi Minh ...

If China is serious about peace, it must show convincing actions

05.09.2015 (The Asahi Shimbun) - In a speech delivered Sept. 3 during China’s huge military parade, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to cut the country’s 2.3-million-strong military force by 300,000.

We cannot welcome his announcement simply as a positive step toward arms reduction. ...

Vietnam-US relations: What the Vietnamese say

04.09.2015 By Nga Pham In Hanoi (BBC) - Four decades since the Vietnam War ended, America is the largest importer of Vietnamese commodities, while the Vietnamese are the eighth largest foreign student community in the US. ...

Vietnamese-Canadians reach out to displaced Syrians

04.09.2015 (CBC/Radio-Canada) - The picture of the small, lifeless body of three-year-old Alan Kurdi went viral this week after his body washed up on a Turkish beach. Alan, his five-year-old brother Galib, and their mother Reham, all drowned while trying to flee by boat to the Greek island of Kos. The Kurdi family was among the over four million Syrians who have fled the civil war in their country.

The Vietnam war created a refugee crisis of its own when hundreds of thousands of people fled after the fall of Saigon. Tom Tang is now spearheading an effort in the Vietnamese community through Lifeline Syria to help sponsor Syrian refugee families to come to Canada. ...

China Declares Indian Oil Exploration in South China Sea ‘Illegal’

04.09.2015 by John Hayward (Breitbart) - China is consolidating its newfound authority over the international South China Sea by declaring it controls international waters off the coast of independent Vietnam. ...

Malgré l’opposition des milieux religieux, le projet de loi sur la religion est en passe d’être adopté

04.09.2015 (Églises d'Asie) - Les promoteurs du projet de « loi sur les croyances et la religion » sont décidés à mener leur entreprise à son terme, sans tenir compte des nombreuses réactions négatives déjà enregistrées au sein des communautés religieuses et tout particulièrement de la part de la hiérarchie catholique. Sous la conduite du Bureau des Affaires religieuses, le texte du projet franchit peu à peu les étapes qu’il doit parcourir avant son adoption définitive par l’Assemblée nationale, avant ou après le prochain congrès du Parti communiste qui doit avoir lieu dans le courant de l’année 2016. ...

Vietnamese Activist is Detained and Questioned on Return to Hanoi

02.09.2015 (RFA) - A Vietnamese civil society activist was held at an airport in Hanoi on Tuesday and questioned for more than 12 hours on his suspected ties to “anti-government” forces following his return to the country from an overseas trip, he said. ...

2 Catholic activists freed in Vietnam

02.09.2015 (Catholic World News) - Two young Vietnamese Catholic human rights activists have been released after serving four-year prison sentences on charges of plotting to overthrow the government. ...

Vietnamese Farmer, Released From Prison, Gets Hero’s Welcome

01.09.2015 Trung Nguyen (VOA) - A Vietnamese fish farmer who fought off an eviction squad with homemade guns and mines has been given a hero’s welcome home after being freed from jail early. ...

Als Deutschland sein Herz für Boatpeople entdeckte

01.09.2015 Von Benno Müchler (Die Welt) - Ende der 70er-Jahre flohen Millionen Menschen vor dem kommunistischen Vietcong aufs offene Meer hinaus. Doch niemand wollte sie haben. Es war ein deutscher Politiker, der das Leiden für viele beendete. ...