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Wenn eine Krankenakte wie ein staatsgeheimnis gehalten wird

Der Fall Đinh Đăng Định (1963 – 2014)

31.05.2014 Dr. TK TRAN (MRVN) - Soldat war Herr Đinh Đăng Định und anschließend Chemielehrer. Wenn er nur in der Volksarmee gedient oder nur den braven Schülern die Chemieformeln beigebracht hätte, wäre sein Name in Vietnam selbst und in der ganzen Welt unbekannt. Doch Herr Định veröffentlichte in seinem Blog über die dramatischen Umweltkatastrophen aufgrund des Bauxit-Abbaus auf dem Hochland Vietnams und über die Sehnsucht nach Demokratie und Freiheit … Dies konnten die Machthaber in Vietnam nicht akzeptieren. So wurde Herr Định im Oktober 2011 verhaftet und ein Jahr danach zu sechs Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Im Gefängnis wurde bei ihm Magenkrebs diagnostiziert; er starb am 03. April 2014 ...

South China Sea: Chinese navy assaults Vietnamese marine surveillance vessels and trawlers

31.05.2014 by Paul N. Hung (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - In addition to, and warships , China also uses fighter jets that violate Vietnamese airspace. At least 30 Vietnamese patrol boats hit this week. A fishing boat was sunk . Another was boarded by Chinese military boarding The escalation of tension in the South China Sea shows no sign of abating. ...

25 years after Tiananmen Square, time to break the silence

31.05.2014 By Dan Southerland (The Washington Post) - Twenty-five years after the Chinese army fired on unarmed citizens defending pro-democracy protesters at Tiananmen Square, China’s Communist Party seems more determined than ever to silence critics who dare to speak out about the massacre. This year, the government began striking earlier and harder than before at those attempting to mark the highly sensitive anniversary dates of June 3 and 4. ...

Mar Chino meridional. Naves chinas en orden de guerra asaltan corbetas y pescadores vietnamitas

31.05.2014 de Paul N. Hung (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Además que a corbetas y naves de guerra, China usa también jet de combate que violan el espacio aéreo de Vietnam. Al menos 30 corbetas vietnamitas fueron atacadas en estos días. Una lancha de pesca fue hundida. Otro sufrió abordaje de parte de militares chinos. ...

Philippine SC urged to rule on exploration agreement with China, Vietnam

31.05.2014 (inquirer.net) - MANILA, Philippines — In the face of China’s recent aggressive actions against the country, a group of party-list lawmakers has asked the Supreme Court to immediately resolve a six-year-old petition seeking to declare as unconstitutional a 2008 agreement that allowed China and Vietnam to jointly explore with the Philippines oil resources in the country’s undisputed and claimed territories in the West Philippine Sea. ...

Law doesn't matter in the South China Sea

31.05.2014 Eric Posner (The Nation) - The South China Sea looks like a tongue hanging down from the Chinese mainland to its north. Vietnam lies to the west, Malaysia to the south, the Philippines and Taiwan to the east. Rocks, shoals, reefs and islands dot the sea. Fisheries abound, oil gurgles beneath the seabed. The countries that line its coasts all hunger for these resources. But they disagree over who owns what.

Both Vietnam and the Philippines have strong claims, and so it might seem reasonable for them to seek arbitration. But a tribunal can’t stop China from bullying its neighbours. ...

Vietnams Wirtschaft Am Gängelband Chinas

31.05.2014 Marco Kauffmann Bossart, Singapur (NZZ) - In Reaktion auf die schweren Spannungen mit Peking will Hanoi seine wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeit vom mächtigen Nachbarland verringern. Die vietnamesische Regierung verfügt indes nur über wenig Optionen. Anfang Woche ist im Südchinesischen Meer ein vietnamesisches Fischerboot nach einer Konfrontation mit chinesischen Schiffen gesunken. ...

Japan meldet erneut chinesische Schiffe in umstrittenem Gewässer

31.05.2014 (ZEIT ONLINE) - Tokio (AFP) Japan hat der chinesischen Küstenwache vorgeworfen, mit zwei Booten in das Hoheitsgewässer zweier umstrittener Inseln im Ostchinesischen Meer vorgedrungen zu sein ...

In unusually strong language, US warns China against aggression as allies seek more cooperation

31.05.2014 (The Times of India) - SINGAPORE: The United States warned China on Saturday to halt destabilizing actions in Asia, as Washington and its allies sought to boost defence cooperation in the face of what Japan called an "increasingly severe" security environment. ...

USA drohen China: „Wir sind entschieden gegen Einschüchterung“

31.05.2014 (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten) - US-Verteidigungsminister Chuck Hagel hat den Verbündeten in Südostasien zugesichert, die Amerikaner würden auch mit weniger Geld weiter ihre Interessen in der Region verteidigen. China, dem die Drohungen galten, versprach, keinen Ärger zu machen. Asien könnte der nächste Schauplatz für einen Ost-West-Showdown sein. ...

Gebietsstreitigkeiten in Asien Amerika ruft China zur Ordnung

31.05.2014 (FAZ) - Immer wieder kommt es derzeit vor den Küsten der Nachbarländer zu Provokationen der Chinesen. Mit ungewöhnlich harten Worten ruft nun Amerikas Verteidigungsminister Chuck Hagel Peking zur Ordnung - von „Einschüchterung“ und „Nötigung“ ist die Rede. ...

EEUU acusa a China de "desestabilizar" el mar de China Meridional

31.05.2014 (AFP) - EEUU advirtió este sábado a China de que no permanecerá de brazos cruzados si peligra el orden internacional, al acusar al país asiático de "acciones unilaterales, desestabilizadoras" en el mar de China Meridional, acusación que Pekín consideró "sin fundamento". ...

Très ferme mise en garde des Etats-Unis à la Chine contre ses "actions de déstabilisation" en mer de Chine

31.05.2014 (Le Huffington Post Quebec) - Le secrétaire américain à la Défense, Chuck Hagel, en tournée en Asie du Sud-Est, a accusé samedi la Chine d'entreprendre "des actions déstabilisatrices" en mer de Chine méridionale, avertissant que les Etats-Unis ne resteraient pas passifs si l'ordre mondial était menacé. ...

Scharfe Kritik an China bei Sicherheitskonferenz in Asien

31.05.2014 (Frankfurter Neue Presse) - Singapur. Im Streit mit China um Territorialansprüche im Südchinesischen Meer bekommen die Nachbarländer mächtige Rückendeckung aus den USA und Japan. US-Verteidigungsminister Chuck Hagel warf China Destabilisierung in der Region vor. ...

Japan boosts regional security role; China wary

31.05.2014 (The Hindu) - Japan’s moves to take a more “proactive” security role in Asia, outlined by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s offer on Friday to supply Vietnam and the Philippines with naval patrol vessels, has brought a wary response from China, which is embroiled in maritime disputes with the three countries. ...

Anh-Dao livre ses vérités sur le clan Chirac

30.05.2014 (Gala) - Recueillie par la famille Chirac à son arrivée du Viêtnam en 1979, Anh-Dao a été comme une fille adoptive pour le couple. Après une autobiographie mise en vente en 2006, elle déplore aujourd'hui ne pas avoir accès à son "père" et publie un livre pour donner son point de vue sur l'une des familles les plus connues de France. ...

Writing in tears, a letter from the wife of prisoner of conscience Ngo Hao

30.05.2014  Translate by Như Ngọc (Danlambao)  - I am Nguyen Thi Kim Lan, wife of the prisoner of conscience Ngo Hao who is currently  imprisoned in Xuan Phuoc prison, Dong Xuan district, Phu Yen province.

My husband was arrested on February 8, 2013, and sentenced to 15 years in prison for allegedly violating article 79 of the Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. He was convicted for engaging in "activities aimed at overthrowing the people's administration." In fact, he peacefully advocates for human rights, democracy and territorial integrity. ...

New Asia-Pacific Collective Defense Needed

30.05.2014 Written by Khanh Vu Duc and Duvien Tran (Asia Sentinel) - This year’s annual Shangri-La Dialogue, held by the International  Institute for Strategic Studies in Singapore, features Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as its keynote speaker. Perhaps not surprisingly,  the summit will feature discussions on conflict management, military-to-military cooperation, and, perhaps most noteworthy, the United States’ contribution to regional stability.

All of this comes after almost a month of tension between China and Vietnam when the former relocated one of its oil rigs inside Vietnam’s  200-mile exclusive economic zone. ...

Vietnam Prepares Suit Against China in Spat Over Oil Rig

30.05.2014 (Bloomberg News) - Vietnam has prepared evidence for a legal suit challenging China’s claim to waters off the Vietnamese coast and is considering the best time to file it, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said yesterday in an interview. ...

Asia's Week: Vietnam Oughta Pivot to a World's Fair

30.05.2014 Tim Ferguson (Forbes) - Violence against Chinese-owned factories in Vietnam has spread to mayhem at factories run by South Korean, Taiwan and Singapore companies as well. It’s as though Vietnamese were protesting not only the heavy-handed construction by China of an oil rig within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea but also giving voice to a long litany of complaints against all those whom the Vietnamese see as exploiting them. ...

ASEAN meet set to hear that Tokyo, Washington are ready to bolster security cooperation

30.05.2014 KYODO (The Japan Times) - SINGAPORE – Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged Friday to support Vietnam and the Philippines in their territorial disputes with China, saying the use of force and intimidation to change the status quo cannot be justified. ...

Shinzo Abe will Südostasien unterstützen - Im Grundsatz gegen China

30.05.2014 Patrick Zoll, Tokio (NZZ) - Shinzo Abe hat südostasiatischen Ländern Unterstützung bei der Lösung territorialer Konflikte versprochen. Damit will Japans Regierungschef die Reihen gegenüber China schliessen.  ...

In dig at China, Japan PM says supports SE Asia on freedom of sea, air

30.05.2014 by Masayuki Kitano and Raju Gopalakrishnan (Reuters) - SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, pushing for a greater role for Japan in regional security, said on Friday that Tokyo would offer its "utmost support" to Southeast Asian countries, several of which are locked in maritime disputes with its arch-rival China.  ...

Japan schmiedet Allianzen gegen China

30.05.2014, von Christoph Hein (FAZ) - Das Vordringen Chinas im Süd- und Ostchinesischen Meer bereitet wachsende Sorge. Am heutigen Freitagabend will Japans Ministerpräsident Shinzo Abe in Singapur seiner Strategie eines „proaktiven Pazifismus“ vorstellen, um Peking in seine Schranken zu weisen.   ...

Hagel to raise China disputes in meeting

30.05.2014 By Lolita C. Baldor AP (Taiwan News) - Days after the U.S. and China traded new accusations of cyberspying, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Thursday he will press the same issues in a face-to-face meeting with a top military officer from Beijing this weekend.  ...

China should stop its aggressive behavior in South China Sea

30.05.2014 (The Asahi Shimbun) - Nearly a month has passed since a Chinese state-owned enterprise started drilling for oil in waters close to the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea. It is natural that China’s strong-arm actions are stirring criticism from the international community.   ...

Vietnam edges closer to old US foe as maritime dispute with China heats up

30.05.2014 Kristine Kwok and Julian Ryall (South China Morning Post) - The territorial row with Beijing in the South China Sea is nudging Vietnam closer to the US and its regional allies, Japan and the Philippines, analysts say.  ...

Writing in tears, a letter from the wife of prisoner of conscience Ngo Hao

    Bài & Tin 2014/05 

30.05.2014  Translate by Như Ngọc (Danlambao)  - I am Nguyen Thi Kim Lan, wife of the prisoner of conscience Ngo Hao who is currently imprisoned in Xuan Phuoc prison, Dong Xuan district, Phu Yen province. My husband was arrested on February 8, 2013, and sentenced to 15 years in prison for allegedly violating article 79 of the Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. He was convicted for engaging in "activities aimed at overthrowing the people's administration." In fact, he peacefully advocates for human rights, democracy and territorial integrity.  ...

Vietnam's Religious Leaders Highlight Harassment of Pastor in Prison

30.05.2014 (RFA) - Vietnamese religious leaders have appealed to the government to put an end to the harassment in prison of a Mennonite pastor and investigate other abuses against “prisoners of conscience.”  ...

China's Ready to Rumble

29.05.2014 By Joshua Kurlantzick (Bloomberg Businessweek) - Over the past two months, as China’s maritime disputes with Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam have escalated, most foreign observers and American officials, though worried, have shown little concern that the conflicts would explode into a full-scale war.  ...

The Whole World Is Pivoting to China

29.05.2014 By Jean-Pierre Lehmann (The Jakarta Globe) - Only halfway through 2014 and it is clear the year will be remembered for a number of seismic shifts occurring in the Asia-Pacific region. Because Asia in the early 21st century is, as Europe was in the early 20th, the center of world power and potential, the implications for the wider global order are considerable. ...

India’s Modi and China’s Xi: Frenemies, or Just Plain Enemies?

29.05.2014 Michael Schuman (Time) - With two nationalists in power, relations between the world’s two most populous nations could turn even frostier. Narendra Modi, the newly installed Prime Minister of India, has no shortage of problems to tackle. The slumping economy requires a hefty dose of difficult reforms to get moving again. Malnourishment, miserable health conditions and a lack of opportunity haunt hundreds of millions of poor. ...

Vietnamese Fisherman Vows to Return to South China Sea

29.05.2014 Trung Nguyen (VOA) - The captain of a Vietnamese fishing boat that sank Monday after allegedly being rammed by Chinese vessels vowed to resume fishing in the South China Sea. Dang Van Nhan wants “to set examples for future generations” of fishermen, he told VOA’s Vietnamese Service shortly after being brought to shore. ...

Vietnam is no easy target for China

29.05.2014 Humphrey Hawksley (Nikkei Asian Review) - China's recent decision to force a showdown with Vietnam in waters around the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea tempers an argument that has gained momentum in recent months -- that is, with the growing assertiveness of Russia in Ukraine and China in East Asia, a weakening U.S. is being challenged by increasingly confident authoritarian governments. ...

Vietnamese Dissidents Who Backed Anti-China Protests Harassed in Prison

29.05.2014 (RFA) - Two jailed Vietnamese online activists who backed protests against China over a territorial dispute with Hanoi in the South China Sea are being regularly harassed in prison, their relatives have said after recent visits. ...

Vietnam Mulling New Strategies to Deter China

28.05.2014 By Carl Thayer (The Diplomat) - What is Vietnam’s strategy for resisting Chinese coercion?

International media coverage of the confrontation between China and Vietnam over Beijing’s placement of a mega oil rig in waters claimed by Vietnam has dried up with the passage of time. But daily confrontations continue. ...

Vietnams Zentralbank manipuliert den Goldpreis

28.05.2014 (Goldreporter.de) - In Vietnam hat die Zentralbank im vergangenen Jahr immer wieder Gold auf dem Markt geworfen, um den heimischen Goldpreis zu drücken. Sie will es wieder tun. Die State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) tut das, was man auch von den Zentralbanken im Westen vermutet. Sie interveniert auf dem heimischen Goldmarkt. ...

Haiyang 981: from water cannons to court?

27.05.2014 Author: Huy Duong, Southeast Asian Sea Foundation (East Asia Forum) - A dangerous clash has flared up between Vietnam and China over the latter’s deployment of an oil rig near the disputed Paracel Islands. One option for Vietnam is to submit the dispute to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea’s (UNCLOS) compulsory dispute settlement procedure. ...

The fight for Internet freedom must not only go on, but go global

26.05.2014 By Thanh Lam (rabble.ca) - So here’s the deal: the future of the open Internet is on the line. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an international trade deal involving 12 Pacific Rim countries, threatens to make the Internet we know and love more expensive, censored, and policed. The TPP has huge implications for all of us -- but let’s zoom in on one of the countries taking part to get an idea of the impact. Blocking and filtering content have long been a part of Vietnam’s Internet regulation practices, but the explosion of social media was unexpected, ...

ASEAN: A House Divided

28.05.2014 By V Suryanarayan (The New Indian Express) - China has recently installed a $1 billion oil exploration rig in South China Sea.  Vietnam naturally reacted vehemently; Hanoi even expelled ethnic Chinese working in Vietnam for anti-Vietnam activities. The Philippines, which also has territorial claims in the South China Sea, expressed its resentment a few days ago over Chinese moves to reclaim land around Johnson South Reef of the Spratly Islands, possibly to build an airstrip. Tensions began to mount when the Filipino maritime police arrested Chinese fishermen for poaching into what Manila considers its territorial waters. Why has South China Sea become an area of conflict? ...

US Alliances Lead Asian Allies to Be More Antagonistic Toward China

28.05.2014 By Ivan Eland (Antiwar.com) - President Barack Obama’s "pivot" to Asia is directed at strengthening U.S. Cold War era alliances to tacitly contain a rising China. However, that means that even minor disputes between American allies and China could drag the United States into a shooting war with a nuclear weapons state. Unfortunately, those minor quarrels are occurring now. ...

Cold War heats up in Asia

28.05.2014 By Peter Lee (Pakistan Observer) - Wednesday, May 28, 2014 - The People’s Republic of China decided to defy the “pivot to Asia” by parking its HYSY 981 drilling platform protected by a flotilla of various vessels perhaps not including PLAN ships- in waters that Vietnam considers part of its economic exclusion zone (EEZ). ...

S-Klasse für Kommunisten

28.05.2014 Von Michael Lenz (Der Farang) - HO CHI MINH CITY: Der deutsche Autohersteller Mercedes-Benz wird in diesem Jahr in Vietnam zehn Millionen US-Dollar in den Bau einer Produktionsanlage für die S-Klasse und den Ausbau des Vertreternetzes investieren. ...

Hanoi setzt auf Deeskalation

27.05.2014 Hans Spross, Cui Mu (Deutsche Welle) - Trotz des jüngsten Zwischenfalls in umstrittenem Seegebiet - ein vietnamesisches Boot wurde gerammt und sank - setzt Hanoi auf Deeskalation. Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu China sollen nicht weiter belastet werden. ...

Vietnam Weighs Sea Rights Against China Business: Southeast Asia

27.05.2014 (Bloomberg) - Vietnam’s leaders face growing pressure to challenge China in international court, risking economic retaliation by its largest trading partner, after a Vietnamese fishing boat collided with a Chinese ship and sank. Legal action is one of the few options Vietnamese leaders have to placate a population that expects the government to counter China’s increasingly aggressive moves in the South China Sea. ...

Chinesische Fabriken angezündet. Zehntausende Vietnamesen arbeitslos

27.05.2014 (n-tv) - Nach den anti-chinesischen Ausschreitungen in Vietnam haben nach Behördenangaben bis zu 60.000 Arbeiter ihre Jobs verloren. Bei den Krawallen wurden in der Provinz Binhz Duong im Süden des Landes zwölf Fabriken zerstört und zehn schwer beschädigt, zitiert die Zeitung "VNExpress" den Direktor der Sozialversicherungsbehörde, Bui Huu Phong. ...

Vietnam activist beaten by police at airport

Personal report from Anthony Lê Thanh Tùng, seized on return from a press freedom conference

22.05.2014 (ucanews) - Anthony Lê Thanh Tùng for Vietnamese Redemptorist News.

(Note: Anthony Lê Thanh Tùng is a Vietnamese human rights activist, who has associations with the local congregation of Redemptorists. He was recently invited to a Congressional briefing on media freedom in Washington DC, to coincide with World Press Freedom Day on May 3. On his return to Vietnam he was apprehended at the airport. This, in his own words, is an account of what happened.)  ...

Why Vietnam Can't Count on Its Neighbors to Rally Against China

27.05.2014 By Bruce Einhorn (Bloomberg Businessweek) - China’s fight with Vietnam has taken an even more dangerous turn. On May 2, a state-owned Chinese company began drilling for oil in a part of the South China Sea claimed by both countries, and relations have been deteriorating ever since. Ships from both sides have attacked one another and, fueled by media coverage of the incidents, anti-Chinese protesters went on a rampage around Vietnam, setting fire to Taiwanese owned factories with Chinese workers. Now comes the latest escalation: A Vietnamese fishing boat has been sunk in the disputed waters ...

Vietnam and China trade accusations over sinking of Vietnamese fishing boat

27.05.2014 Tania Branigan in Beijing (The Guardian) - Hanoi has accused Chinese boats of ramming and sinking a Vietnamese fishing vessel, while Beijing hit back by blaming the Vietnamese craft, amid growing friction in the South China Sea. ...

Vietnam accuses China as boat sinks

27.05.2014 (The Guardian) - Ten fishermen rescued after ramming in South China Sea, says Vietnamese media, as tensions simmer over oil rig.

A Chinese fishing vessel rammed and sank a Vietnamese fishing boat in the disputed South China Sea, Vietnamese state media reported Tuesday, in an incident likely to sharpen already dangerously high tensions between the two nations over their overlapping claims in the waters. ...

Vietnam denuncia ataque de navío chino contra un pesquero en aguas en disputa

27.05.2014 (La Voz de Galicia) - Un barco pesquero vietnamita, con diez tripulantes a bordo, acabó hundido cerca de las Islas Paracel tras ser golpeado por un navío chino, un nuevo incidente que aviva las tensiones entre ambos países en estas aguas en disputa, informan hoy medios vietnamitas. ...

Es riecht nach Eskalation

27.05.2014, von Christoph Hein (FAZ) - China versenkt im Südchinesischen Meer einen vietnamesischen Fischkutter. Die ohnehin angespannte Lage droht zu kippen. Manche warnen schon vor einem Krieg. Es riecht nach Eskalation, nach der nächsten Runde in einer Auseinandersetzung, die sich aufschaukelt ...

Chinesisches Schiff soll vietnamesisches Fischerboot versenkt haben

27.05.2014 (Deutsche Welle) - Der Streit zwischen China und Vietnam über Hoheitsrechte im Südchinesischen Meer eskaliert: Vietnam beschuldigt das Nachbarland, verantwortlich für das Sinken eines Fischerbootes zu sein: Es sei gezielt gerammt worden. 

Er könne bestätigen, dass das Boot gerammt worden sei, sagte ein Vertreter der vietnamesischen Rettungskräfte. Nach der Kollision sei das Boot umgekippt und gesunken. Die zehn Besatzungsmitglieder seien aber wohlauf und mittlerweile wieder an Land. ...

Nouvel incident entre la Chine et le Vietnam

27.05.2014 (Le Figaro) - Un navire chinois a percuté et coulé un bateau de pêche vietnamien près de la zone où la Chine a installé une plateforme pétrolière dans des eaux revendiquées par les deux pays, a annoncé mardi le chef des garde-côtes du Vietnam. ...

Philippines and Vietnam in the South China Sea: A Burgeoning Alliance

26.05.2014 Richard Javad Heydarian (The Huffington Post) - It was bound to happen. For decades, the Philippines (liberal democracy) and Vietnam (communist) have developed a lukewarm partnership -- within the confines of regional bonds of solidarity -- despite the increasing convergence of their strategic interests. But as China steps up its territorial claims in the South China Sea, the two Southeast Asian countries have inched closer to a genuine alliance. ...

Demonstration der Stärke: Militär-Manöver von China und Russland

26.05.2014 (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten) - Über dem ostchinesischen Meer demonstrieren China und Russland ihre gemeinsame Stärke. Der Westen ist nervös: Ein japanisches Flugzeug verletzte die Sperrzone und wurde abgedrängt. China und Japan haben mit dem Einsatz von Kampfjets über dem Ostchinesischen Meer ihren Territorialstreit verschärft. ...

China riles Vietnamese

26.05.2014 (Bangkok Post) - Anti-China riots in southern Vietnam have caused waves of problems and questions which still are not settled. Factories lie in ashes, hundreds are in jail and China has made theatre by "evacuating" thousands of Chinese workers from Vietnam. The May 13 riots represented a serious turn of events between the historically fractious neighbours. But it also must be noted that the riots began with a Chinese show of force apparently designed to spark an extreme response.

It is certain that the Hanoi regime allowed large anti-Beijing protests and rallies last week. Political-type demonstrations are tightly controlled in the country. ...

El mar de China, lleno de gas... y conflictos: ¿Crecen los roces entre China e Indonesia?

26.05.2014 (RT) - Las disputas territoriales en el mar de China Meridional se deben a que son zonas ricas en gas y petróleo. Tras las recientes tensiones entre China y Vietnam, parece que la crisis entre Indonesia y China también aumenta. ...

Strategie der Nadelstiche

Wie China versucht, seinen Machtanspruch in Südostasien durchzusetzen – und die Nachbarstaaten gegen sich aufbringt

25.05.2014 Von Felix Lee (Weser-Kurier) - Chinas mächtigem Staatspräsidenten Xi Jinping wird nachgesagt, er habe Angst vor Wladimir Putins Besuch Mitte der Woche in Schanghai gehabt. Nicht so sehr vor seinem russischen Amtskollegen an sich, sondern vor dem Medienecho. ...

Vietnam won’t be pushed around by China

25.05.2014 By H.D.S. Greenway (Boston Globe) - Vietnam may prove harder to push around than some of China’s other maritime neighbors in contested waters. Vietnamese and Chinese ships recently rammed each other and fired water cannons to contest China’s bringing in a giant oil rig off the barren sandspits called the Paracel Archipelago that both claim in the South China Sea. It was not the first such confrontation. ...

Vietnam blocks anti-China protests again

25.05.2014 (NHK World) - The Vietnamese authorities blocked anti-China protests on Sunday for the second weekend in a row. Protesters used the Internet to urge people to take part in rallies across the country. ...

Inselstreit: China und Japan liefern sich Auseinandersetzung über Luftraum

25.05.2014 (derStandard) - Peking/Tokio - China und Japan haben mit dem Einsatz von Kampfjets über dem Ostchinesischen Meer ihren Territorialstreit verschärft. China habe Militärjets gestartet, nachdem Japan während eines gemeinsamen Seemanövers mit Russland in den Luftraum über dem Ostchinesischen Meer eingedrungen sei, erklärte das chinesische Verteidigungsministerium am Sonntag. Nach japanischen Angaben näherte sich ein chinesischer Kampfjet einem japanischen Aufklärungsflugzeug ...

China Fighters Within Meters of Japan Military Planes: Minister

25.05.2014 By Kiyoshi Takenaka, Osamu Tsukimori & Paul Carsten (The Jakarta Globe) - Chinese fighter jets flew within a few dozen meters of Japanese military planes over the East China Sea, Japanese officials said on Sunday, prompting the defense minister to accuse Beijing of going “over the top” in its approach to disputed territory. ...

Japan, Vietnam: Solution based on intl. law needed

25.05.2014 (NHK World) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam say a peaceful resolution based on international law is needed for the tensions in the South China Sea. ...

China-Vietnam Sea Spat Heats Up

25.05.2014 By Wendell Minnick (DefenseNews) - TAIPEI — Thucydides, the Greek historian who penned the story of the Peloponnesian War, wrote that “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”. The quote might be an appropriate description of what Vietnam is suffering after the placement of a Chinese mega oil rig off its coast this month. ...

Vietnam activist beaten by police at airport

Personal report from Anthony Lê Thanh Tùng, seized on return from a press freedom conference

22.05.2014 (ucanews) - Anthony Lê Thanh Tùng for Vietnamese Redemptorist News.

(Note: Anthony Lê Thanh Tùng is a Vietnamese human rights activist, who has associations with the local congregation of Redemptorists. He was recently invited to a Congressional briefing on media freedom in Washington DC, to coincide with World Press Freedom Day on May 3. On his return to Vietnam he was apprehended at the airport. This, in his own words, is an account of what happened.)  ...

“Comment Crew“, “Beijing Group“: Chinas Hacker-Kollektive im Fokus

24.05.2014 (derStandard) - Erst kürzlich klagte ein US-Gericht chinesische Militärmitarbeiter aufgrund angeblicher Cyberspionage. Viel ist nicht über die Hacker-Brigade der Chinesen bekannt, einige Interviews mit Experten und ehemalige Hackern ermöglichen jedoch ein klareres Bild. Eine Gruppe namens “Kunming Group“ soll außerdem hauptsächlich Angriffe auf Vietnam durchführen. ...

Le russe Rosneft livrera 6 M t de pétrole par an au Vietnam

24.05.2014 (RIA Novosti) - SAINT-PETERSBOURG - Le groupe russe Rosneft livrera près de 6 millions de tonnes de pétrole de la marque VSTO (ESPO) par an à la raffinerie vietnamienne de Dung Quat jusqu'à 2039 conformément au contrat signé samedi par Rosneft et PetroVietnam Oil Corporation. ...

Freiheitsstatue trifft Freiheitsstatue: Künstler baut Ikone nach

24.05.2014 Von Christina Horsten, dpa (Frankfurter Neue Presse) - New York. Am Horizont hebt die Freiheitsstatue majestätisch ihre Fackel in die Höhe. Aus der Entfernung wirkt sie winzig, aber ein etwa vier Meter hoher Kupfer-Koloss macht deutlich, dass der Schein trügt. Das Kunstwerk in einem Park unterhalb der Brooklyn Bridge, rund einen Kilometer über das Wasser von der Freiheitsstatue entfernt, ist ein Nachbau der berühmten Ikone im New Yorker Hafen. Der Nachbau in Originalgröße ist eine Idee des 1975 in Vietnam geborenen und heute in Berlin und Mexiko-Stadt lebenden Künstlers Danh Vo. ...

Philippines: Using A Weapon Of Mass Distraction Against China

24.05.2014 (Strategy Page) - Vietnam now wants to join the Philippines in taking China to court over South China Sea disputes. In March the Philippines took its China dispute to the Permanent Court of Arbitration. This could result in a legal decision by 2015 but China has indicated that it will not abide by any such ruling. Challenging such a decision exposes China to trade sanctions, which would stall economic growth and create a recession that would cause unrest. Chinese leaders are eager to avoid that and are hostile to Vietnam going to an international court. ...

China’s Push in the South China Sea Divides the Region

24.05.2014 By Murray Hiebert (The Epoch Times) - As China brings in a $1 billion oil exploration rig, parking it in a disputed region of the South China Sea and unleashing a deadly anti-China protest in Vietnam, nearby Southeast Asian neighbors appear relatively mute and impotent. The 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations released a statement May 11 expressing “serious concerns over ongoing developments in the South China Sea”  but without mentioning China. ...

Cambodian Officials Speculate Vietnam Protests Could Shift Chinese Investment

24.05.2014 (Canada Standard) - Cambodian officials say their country could benefit economically from violent anti-Chinese protests in Vietnam.

Ken Ratha, a spokesman for Cambodia's Ministry of Commerce, said the violence may push some Chinese investors towards Cambodia. ...

Global freshwater conservation gains momentum among UN countries

21.05.2014 (WWF) - Thirty-five member countries of the United Nations have now officially agreed to common guidelines for sharing and managing freshwater resources that cross international borders. With Vietnam’s ratification, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (UNWC) will go into effect in August, transforming the way governments share fresh water and settle water-related disputes. ...

Could the Viet Violence Against China Turn Against Hanoi?

23.05.2014 Written by Khanh Vu Duc (Asia Sentinel) - The government has to be worried that the next target won’t be a Chinese drillship. It was a little more than two weeks ago when Chinese state-owned corporation CNOOC moved an oil rig into contested waters off the Vietnamese coast for “exploratory work” at the behest of Beijing. Not surprisingly, Hanoi was less than receptive to the oil rig’s new home, which it pointed out was located within Vietnam’s 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone. ...

China-Vietnam Maritime Dispute Tests US Pivot to Asia

23.05.2014 Scott Stearns (VOA) - The standoff over a Chinese oil rig in disputed waters off Vietnam is testing the Obama administration's so-called pivot of military and diplomatic assets to Asia. Vietnam says the oil rig threatens freedom of navigation and regional peace. The standoff is part of China pushing back against a bigger U.S. presence in the Pacific, according to Hillary Mann Leverett, a foreign policy expert and senior adjunct at American University. ...

Vietnam Faces ‘Finlandization’ from China

22.05.2014 Written by David Brown (Asia Sentinel) - A tame and timid ASEAN makes things worse. These last few weeks, China has extracted a great deal of satisfaction from the disarray of those who would curb its territorial ambitions in the seas stretching south from Hainan Island. Its deployment of the deep sea oil drilling rig Haiyang 981 into disputed waters off Vietnam's coast was tactically brilliant. The question is what, if anything, can be done about it. ...

PH, Indonesia urge China to settle row peacefully

24.05.2014 by RG Cruz (ABS-CBN News) - MANILA - Yudhoyono: Maritime accord with PH a model for resolving border disputes. After joining Vietnam in condemning China's incursions, the Philippines now has a conciliatory tone and joined Indonesia on Friday in calling for a peaceful resolution of disputes in the West Philippine Sea. This as the Philippines and Indonesia signed 3 agreements on Friday ...

Hanoi No Longer Confronting Chinese Ships

23.05.2014 Tra Mi (VOA) - Vu Hoang Lan, founder of California-based PhoBolsaTV, recently visited the area on board Vietnamese ships. He said in an interview with VOA's Vietnamese Service that Hanoi has shifted gears and is no longer confronting Chinese ships. ...

Philippines, Vietnam Reject Xi's Warning Against Military Alliances

23.05.2014 By Tyler Roney (The Diplomat) - Vietnam and the Philippines are growing closer together over Beijing’s claims and provocations. “To beef up military alliances targeted at a third party is not conducive to maintaining common security in the region,” Xi Jingping said at Shanghai’s CICA, a veiled reference to military alliances forming to stop China’s expansion in the South China Sea. But Vietnam and the Philippines were not listening; ...

Anti-China woman immolates self in Vietnam

24.05.2014 (The Gulf Today) - AFP - HANOI: A Vietnamese woman committed suicide by setting herself on fire in an apparent protest against China’s placement of an oil rig in contested waters that has aroused deep anger in Vietnam, state media reported Friday. Le Thi Tuyet Mai, 67, doused herself with petrol and set it alight in front of the landmark Reunification Palace in Ho Chi Minh City early on Friday, the website of the Thanh Nien newspaper quoted an official in the city as saying. ...

Woman denouncing China sets self on fire, dies

23.05.2014 (news24) Reuters - Hanoi - A Vietnamese woman carrying banners denouncing China's claim to most of the South China Sea died on Friday after setting herself on fire in front of a landmark in the country's largest city, local government officials said ...

Vietnamese Woman Self-Immolates to Protest China’s Oil Drilling

23.05.2014 By Associated Press (The Epoch Times) - HANOI, Vietnam—A 67-year-old Vietnamese woman died after setting herself on fire in downtown Ho Chi Minh City on Friday in protest against China’s deployment of an oil rig in waters claimed by Hanoi, state media reported. ...

Una mujer se inmola en protesta contra la invasión china de suelo vietnamita

23.05.2014 (La Voz de Galicia) - Una anciana vietnamita ha muerto este viernes tras prenderse fuego en la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh en una protesta contra las reivindicaciones soberanistas de Pekín en el mar de la China meridional, según fuentes de las autoridades locales. ...

Une Vietnamienne s'immole par le feu pour protester contre la Chine

23.05.2014 (Skynet) - Belga - Une Vietnamienne est morte vendredi dans le sud du Vietnam après s'être immolée par le feu pour protester contre le déploiement d'une plate-forme pétrolière chinoise dans des eaux contestées en mer de Chine méridionale, a indiqué la presse officielle. ...

Vietnamesin protestiert mit Selbstverbrennung gegen China

Teil antichinesischer Massenproteste in Vietnam

23.05.2014 (Die Welt) - Als Teil der antichinesischen Massenproteste in Vietnam hat sich eine Vietnamesin am Freitag in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt selbst verbrannt. ...

Aus Protest gegen GewässerstreitFrau in Vietnam zündet sich selbst an

23.05.2014 (n-tv) - In Vietnam hat sich eine Frau Medienberichten zufolge selbst angezündet. Neben der Leiche der 67-Jährigen vor dem Wiedervereinigungspalast in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt sei eine handschriftliche Notiz mit anti-chinesischen Slogans gefunden worden ... 

China baut künstliche Insel im Südchinesischen Meer

23.05.2014 Von Wolfgang Greber (DiePresse.com) - In den mittlerweile Jahrzehnte andauernden Gebietsstreitigkeiten zwischen den Anrainerstaaten des Südchinesischen Meers, die zuletzt zwischen China und Vietnam wegen einer chinesischen Ölbohrinsel eskalierten, schafft die mächtige Volksrepublik einfach neue Fakten: Ein kleines Riff der Spratly-Inseln, einer weit verstreuten Inselgruppe im Süden des Südchinesischen Meers, wird von den Chinesen zu einer "richtigen" Insel mit diversen Befestigungen ausgebaut ... 

Rohstoff-Ansprüche: Streit um Seegebiet - China baut künstliche Insel

22.05.2014 (Spiegel Online) Hamburg - China, Vietnam und die Philippinen streiten um Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer. Peking untermauert seine Gebietsansprüche jetzt auf drastische Art - und lässt eine künstliche Insel anlegen. Erst vor wenigen Tagen war es in Vietnam zu antichinesischen Krawallen gekommen, nachdem Peking eine Ölplattform vor der Küste Vietnams stationiert hatte.  ... 

Des centaines d'arrestations après des émeutes antichinoises au Vietnam

22.05.2014 (Liberation) - Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont été arrêtées au Vietnam à la suite des émeutes antichinoises ayant fait quatre morts et une centaine de blessés selon Pékin, a annoncé jeudi le gouvernement vietnamien, promettant que les auteurs des violences seraient sévèrement punis. ... 

Protestas contra China por controversia sobre plataforma petrolera se propagan en Vietnam

22.05.2014 Escrito por Mong Palatino, Traducido por Cecilia Cárdenas (Global Voices) - Las protestas contra la decisión de China de emplazar una plataforma petrolera ‘dentro’ de las aguas territoriales de Vietnam en el mar de China Meridional se han agravado. Según Vietnam, la plataforma petrolera [en] china conocida como Haiyang Shiyou 98 se encuentra 80 millas náuticas dentro de la zona económica exclusiva de Vietnam. El gobierno vietnamita le está exigiendo a China el retiro de la plataforma y de su escolta [en] formada por más de 80 buques de guerra.

Para controlar la situación, los funcionarios policiales informaron haber arrestado [en] a 1,000 personas por los violentos incidentes. China, por su parte, evacuó [en] a muchos de sus ciudadanos fuera del país y suspendió [en] la vigencia de algunos tratados bilaterales que había firmado con Vietnam. ... 

Vietnam asks world to condemn China for making ‘extremely dangerous’ situation in disputed sea

22.05.2014 By Jim Gomez, The Associated Press (The Lethbridge Herald) - MANILA, Philippines – Vietnam’s prime minister on Wednesday called on the world to condemn China for causing what he called an “extremely dangerous” situation in the disputed South China Sea, citing Beijing’s recent deployment of an oil rig near an island that both countries claim. ... 

Schulterschluss mit Peking: Moskau will Präsenz im Pazifik verstärken

22.05.2014 Von Elke Windisch (Der Tagesspiegel) - Der Raketenkreuzer „Warjag“ – das Flaggschiff der russischen Pazifikflotte – führte den Konvoi an, der Sonntag ins Ostchinesische Meer einlief. Ihm folgten unter anderem ein Zerstörer, ein großes U-Boot-Abwehrschiff und zwei Versorgungsschiffe.  „Maritimes Zusammenwirken 2014“ heißt die Demonstration der Stärke. Mit Vietnam, so der Diplomat, verhandle Russland bereits über die Wiedereröffnung der sowjetischen Marinebasis in Cam Ranh. ... 

China schafft extrem gefährliche Situation

22.05.2014 (NZZ) - (dpa) Vietnam und die Philippinen haben China aufgefordert, sein als aggressiv kritisiertes Gebaren im Südchinesischen  Meer sofort zu stoppen. China habe eine «extrem gefährliche Situation» in den umstrittenen Gewässern geschaffen, erklärten die Regierungschefs Vietnams und der Philippinen, Nguyen Tan Dung und Benigno Aquino, am Mittwoch in Manila.  ... 

Vietnam prüft Verteidigungsvarianten gegen China nach Skandal mit Erdölplattform

22.05.2014 (RIA Novosti) - Die vietnamesische Regierung prüft laut Premier Nguyen Tan Dung nach einem Skandal mit der Unterbringung einer chinesischen Erdölplattform im Raum der umstrittenen Paracel-Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer verschiedene Verteidigungsvarianten, darunter die Verhandlung vor Gericht, meldet Reuters.  ... 

Vietnam PM says considering legal action against China over disputed waters

22.05.2014 By Rosemarie Francisco and Manuel Mogato (Reuters) MANILA - Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said his government was considering various "defense options" against China, including legal action, following the deployment of a Chinese oil rig to waters in the South China Sea that Hanoi also claims.  ... 

Vietnam offers help to riot-hit companies

22.05.2014 (Associated Press) - HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - Vietnam has offered tax breaks for companies whose factories were damaged or destroyed during anti-Chinese riots last week. The move shows Hanoi in damage control mode and trying to limit the fallout from the rioting, which dented Vietnam's reputation as a low-risk country for foreign manufacturers. ... 

Rumours in Vietnam blame outside forces for deadly anti-Chinese riots

21.05.2014 Satish Cheney and Patrick Boehler in Ho Chi Minh City (South China Morning Post) - Vietnam is awash with theories that outside forces, possibly with a murky pro-China agenda, orchestrated last week's deadly anti-China riots. Although the identity of the supposed masterminds remains a subject of debate, few seem willing to believe that the violence that claimed four Chinese lives and injured scores of workers erupted spontaneously. ... 

Few barriers seen to China's assertiveness in South China Sea as nations shun joint action

21.05.2014 By Christopher Bodeen, Associated Press (U.S. News & World Report) - Beijing (AP) — China's planting of an oil platform in contested waters off Vietnam drew robust complaints from Hanoi, a messy standoff between ships and violent protests among Vietnamese — but nothing to dislodge the rig and no broader pushback in the region. ... 

South China Sea tensions slow Vietnam rice trade, pressure prices

21.05.2014 (Business Recorder) - BANGKOK: Tensions between Beijing and Hanoi have slowed Vietnam's rice trade and pressured prices for the grain, while plans to sell government stocks have made Thai rice more competitive, traders said on Wednesday. ... 

Vietnam insists on withdrawal of China oil rig, vessels

21.05.2014 (The Manila Times) - HANOI: Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh yesterday said Vietnam had held 20 direct meetings with China over the oil rig issue. Minh said Vietnam had consistently asked for the removal of the rig and all Chinese vessels, which he said had been placed illegally in Vietnamese waters since the beginning of May. ... 

El conflicto de Vietnam llega tarde a China por culpa de censores de Internet

21.05.2014 Escrito por Oiwan Lam, traducido por Juan Diego Fernández Rosado (Global Voices Español) - En las dos primeras semanas de mayo, se han reportado en varias ocasiones colisiones entre barcos de China continental y de Vietnam. Los incidentes se han producido en una zona del mar de la China Meridional, donde está surgiendo el conflicto en torno a una plataforma petrolífera que China está intentando instalar a pesar de la oposición de Vietnam. ... 

Vietnam's turmoil: what caused rioters to level plants owned by foreigners?

21.05.2014 (The Korea Times) - The riots and attacks in Vietnam on foreign-owned plants, ostensibly in response to China's having installed a drilling rig in waters of the South China Sea that both countries claim, is a curious development. ... 

Taipei sends delegation to seek compensation from Vietnam

21.05.2014 Lawrence Chung in Taipei (South China Morning Post) - Taiwan's vice-minister of economic affairs, Shen Jong-chin, is leading a delegation to Vietnam today to help Taiwanese firms seek compensation from authorities there for damages incurred in deadly anti-China riots. ... 

Chinese firm says Vietnam riot killed four employees

21.05.2014 (South China Morning Post) - Four employees of a state-owned Chinese company died in a riot in Vietnam, the firm said, doubling the previously announced toll with tensions simmering over a territorial dispute between the two countries. ... 

Cuatro empleados de empresa china MCC murieron durante protestas en Vietnam

21.05.2014 (Univision) - Pekín, 21 may (EFE).- La Corporación Metalúrgica de China (MCC en sus siglas en inglés) ha confirmado que cuatro de sus empleados que trabajaban en un proyecto de construcción murieron durante las violentas protestas antichinas de la semana pasada en la provincia vietnamita de Ha Tinh (centro del país). ... 

China Miscalculates with its Drill Rig

19.05.2014 Written by Bill Hayton (Asia Sentinel) - Has Beijing Overreached in the South China Sea?

What has China achieved by sending its deepwater drilling rig into the waters off the Paracel Islands?

In one single act it has managed to rupture relations with its brother communists in Vietnam, incensed Vietnamese popular opinion, generated gigabytes of critical international media coverage, revived the “China Threat” discourse in Southeast Asia and unified ASEAN behind a statement critical of its actions. ... 

South China Sea claimants must steel themselves against a more aggressive China

20.05.2014 Simon Tay and Nicholas Fang (South China Morning Post) - We now know Vietnam's immediate reaction to China's steps to begin drilling for oil in an area of the South China Sea that both sides claim. More than 20,000 Vietnamese workers ran amok at two Singapore-run industrial parks, attacking factories that they believed to be Chinese-owned. With reports of deaths and many injuries, other manufacturers have been closing as a precaution. Global supply chains have felt the effects and Hanoi has wisely asserted domestic order.

But will the conflict escalate? Must Vietnam be the only one to protest or should others respond, too? ... 

Human Rights: Nonsense On Stilts?

20.05.2014 (Forbes) - Saudi Arabia, China and Vietnam have been appointed to the United Nations Council on Human Rights. All three countries forbid free speech and harshly punish criticism of the regime. None respects religious freedom or freedom of conscience. None has a transparent system of law, and – to put it mildly – none has an immigration problem. So what does this tell us about the idea of human rights? ... 

Vietnam and China lock horns over South China Sea row

20.05.2014 (InterAksyon) - AFP - NAYPYIDAW, Myanmar - Vietnamese and Chinese officials have locked horns over a maritime dispute that sparked deadly rioting in Vietnam, with Hanoi's defense minister Tuesday saying the neighbors have yet to reach any agreement. ... 

China, Vietnam defense chiefs fail to narrow gap

20.05.2014 (NHK) - The defense chiefs of China and Vietnam have failed to narrow the 2 countries' differences over China's attempts to drill for oil in a disputed part of the South China Sea. ... 

Putin in China, Vietnam worries

20.05.2014 (Bangkok Post) - BEIJING (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in China on Tuesday for joint naval exercises and a meeting with President Xi Jinping as both seek to build ties in the face of Western criticism and territorial disputes. ... 

Targeted Nations Should Defy Chinese Bullying

20.05.2014 (The New Indian Express) - China’s recent fracas with Vietnam signals its growing assertiveness. Without any provocation, a Chinese vessel rammed into a few Vietnamese vessels in the latter’s territorial waters in the South China Sea. The Chinese even used water canons against the Vietnamese personnel injuring many. China has deployed an oil rig in the area in wanton violation of international laws. ... 

Editorial: The anti-Chinese riots

20.05.2014 (The Jakarta Post) - The violent anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam last week serve as a “warm-up” to a much more serious military  confrontation among the South China Sea claimants, especially China, Vietnam and the Philippines, as there are no indications that the conflicting states are willing to adopt internationally accepted norms of peaceful settlement. ... 

China 'playing victim' over evacuation effort following Vietnam riots

20.05.2014 (SCMP) Watched over by riot police, more than 3,000 Chinese workers left Vietnam on Monday on ships chartered by their government after deadly unrest broke out last week amid a dispute over sovereignty claims in the South China Sea. ...

China hits out at Asean over South China Sea issue

20.05.2014 (The Asian Age) - China on Monday lashed out at the Asean for backing Vietnam over tensions in the South China Sea sparked by Beijing’s deployment of an oil rig in disputed waters and asked the 10-member grouping to stay neutral to avoid “detrimental” impact on bilateral ties. ...

Ausländische Firmen halten Vietnam trotz Protesten die Stange

19.05.2014 (Tiroler Tageszeitung) - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt (Saigon)/Cupertino (Kalifornien) (APA/Reuters) - Wenige Tage nach den anti-chinesischen Protesten in Vietnam haben die meisten großen Fabriken dort den Betrieb wieder aufgenommen. In zwei von den Ausschreitungen betroffenen Industrieparks im Süden etwa wurde zum Wochenbeginn nach Angaben des Betreibers in 80 Prozent der insgesamt 326 Fertigungsstätten wieder gearbeitet. ...

Au lendemain des émeutes, un dérapage contrôlé?

19.05.2014 Christine Chaumeau & Agnès Gaudu (Courrier international) - Après les émeutes contre les Chinois qui ont fait au moins 2 morts et 140 blessés, et d’importants dégâts matériels dans des usines, Hanoï tente de rassurer les investisseurs étrangers en décrétant le retour à l’ordre. Plus de 1 000 personnes ont été arrêtées, annonce le quotidien de Hô Chi Minh-Ville Thanh Niên. Mais les émeutes sont  attribuées à des "gangs criminels, recherchés depuis longtemps par la police. ...

Was braut sich da in Asien zusammen?

19.05.2014 (BILD) - Gemeinsame russisch-chinesische Manöver und eine bevorstehende Sympathietour des russischen Präsidenten in Shanghai – dem Westen missfällt das sehr. Gleichzeitig hilft China Tausenden Landsleuten nach anti-chinesischen Krawallen in Vietnam zurück in die Heimat. Und dann sorgt auch noch Japan mit der Nachricht für Unruhe, man werde auf entlegenen Inseln Militärstützpunkte gründen – neue Nahrung im Territorialstreit mit China. ...

Chinese flee Vietnam as Hanoi counts cost of riots

19.05.2014 (The Guardian) - Nearly 1,000 Chinese citizens have fled Vietnam by sea, as Hanoi stifled fresh protests over a territorial dispute and foreign investors counted the cost of last week's riots.

Hanoi initially lauded "patriotic" displays by its citizens, but backpedalled after the violence – which affected a number of non-Chinese facilities – badly stained the country's image as a safe destination for sorely needed foreign investment. ... 

Vietnam: Branche beobachtet Proteste

19.05.2014 (TextilWirtschaft) - Die anti-chinesischen Proteste in Vietnam beschäftigen auch die Textilproduktionsunternehmen im Land. Aus dem Markt heißt es, Firmen hätten Mitarbeiter aufgrund der Unruhen im Land abgezogen. Auch Adidas hat nach Angaben einer Sprecherin dem Team vor Ort angeboten, das Land temporär zu verlassen. „Einige haben dieses Angebot angenommen“, heißt es. Inzwischen habe sich die Situation wieder normalisiert und die Produktion laufe. ... 

Standing up for human rights in Vietnam

17.05.2014 By Cu Huy Ha Vu (The Washington Post) - Facing mounting pressure by the international community and seeking trade and security commitments, the Vietnamese government recently released five prisoners of conscience. I was one of them. ... 

It's not just Cambodia, Vietnam - Southeast Asia struggles with Internet freedom

15.05.2014 Author Kyle James (Deutsche Welle) - Online freedoms are under attack in large parts of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. A Freedom House study says most counties in the region are either "not free" or only "partly free."

Laos and Vietnam continue their repression of voices that could challenge one-party rule. Vietnam has a large and flourishing online community, but posting about certain topics can result in jail time. ... 

China 'testing' ASEAN's solidarity with Vietnam

15.05.2014 Rodion Ebbighausen/Shamil Shams (Deutsche Welle) - Violent protests have erupted in Vietnam against the deployment of a Chinese oil rig to disputed waters. Southeast Asia expert Gerhard Will tells DW why the agitation could prove to be a double-edged sword for Hanoi. ... 

Pourquoi la Chine et le Vietnam sont au bord de la guerre

19.05.2014 Pierre Haski (Le nouvel Observateur) - Ce sont des images qui font monter les sentiments nationalistes : la télévision d’Etat chinoise CCTV a montré lundi les premières victimes des émeutes antichinoises au Vietnam, rapatriées en Chine. Des hommes sur des civières ou au visage tuméfié, après une flambée de violences contre des usines chinoises dans une zone industrielle près de Ho Chi Minh-Ville. ... 

Anti-chinese riots underscore anxiety about Beijing's territorial claims

19.05.2014 (Bangkok Post) - Escalating tensions between China and Vietnam, which exploded into violence last week, are expected to have some impact on the overall growth of Vietnam as investors grow worried about conditions ... 

Foreign manufacturers maintain faith in Vietnam despite riots

19.05.2014 By Nguyen Phuong Linh and Donny Kwok (Reuters) - May 19 (Reuters) - Most large companies operating in industrial parks hit by anti-China riots in Vietnam last week have resumed operations, underscoring the irresistible pull of the country as a low-cost manufacturing hub with a relatively skilled workforce. ...

Mar Chino meridional: después de las violencias, Beijing evacua a miles de trabajadores de Vietnam

19.05.2014 (AsiaNews) - Hanói - Beijing organizó un vuelo de emergencia, repatriar a un grupo de 16 trabajadores chino que estaban heridos gravemente durante los asaltos de los días pasados de los nacionalistas vietnamitas contra las fábricas extranjeras en el centro del País. ...

Taiwan company to seek riot damages from Vietnam

19.05.2014 (Channel NewsAsia) - TAIPEI: Taiwanese company Formosa Plastics Group on Monday said it will seek compensation from the Vietnam government after anti-China riots caused damage to its Vietnam facilities. ...

In der Flugbahn des Bumerangs

18.05.2014 Till Fähnders (FAZ) - Nach anti-chinesischen Krawallen in Vietnam sind 3000 Chinesen in ihre Heimat geflohen. Weitere Proteste will die Regierung vorerst nicht zulassen. Auch aus Sorge davor, dass die Demokratiebewegung stärker wird.... Die Ausschreitungen folgen einem Muster. In einem Restaurant des Industrieparks treffen sich an diesem Tag mehrere Manager aus Taiwan, um die Lage zu besprechen. Einer von ihnen ist Chiang Kaiyu, der für ein Elektrounternehmen arbeitet. Auf seinem Handy führt er ein Video vor, das den Angriff auf seine Fabrik zeigt. ...

Beijing's dangerous arrogance in the South China Sea

18.05.2014 Philip Bowring (SCMP) - China's current behaviour vis-à-vis its South China Sea neighbours is aggressive, arrogant and smacks of Han chauvinism and ethnocentrism. Far from being an expression of national pride, it is giving patriotism a bad name. Patriotic Hongkongers should recognise it for what it is: a dangerous ploy. ...

Chinese Military Said to Be Massing Near the Vietnam Border (+Photos)

18.05.2014 By Joshua Philipp (The Epoch Times) - Troops, tanks, trucks, artillery, and armored personnel carriers of China’s military were seen heading to the Vietnamese border on May 16 and 17, according to photographs taken by by residents near the border. ...

Anti-China Protests Spread in Vietnam Over Oil Rig Dispute

18.05.2014 Written by Mong Palatino (Global Voices) - Protests have escalated in Vietnam over China’s towing of an oil rig ‘inside’ the territorial waters of Vietnam in the South China Sea. According to Vietnam, the Chinese oil rig known as Haiyang Shiyou 98 is 80 nautical miles inside Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone. The Vietnamese government is calling China to withdraw the rig and its more than 80 escort naval ships. ...

Vietnam stifles new demonstrations as China fumes

18.05.2014 (The West Australian) - Hanoi (AFP) - Vietnamese security forces stifled fresh protests Sunday over China's plans to drill for oil in contested waters, as Beijing sent five ships to help evacuate its nationals from Vietnam following deadly mass riots last week.

Fearing an impact on vital foreign investment, Vietnamese authorities took no chances Sunday as activist groups tried to stage further demonstrations, though they insisted they would be peaceful. ...

Vietnam arrests demonstrators in renewed anti-Chinese protests

18.05.2014 Staff reporter in Ho Chi Minh City and Associated Press in Hanoi (SMCP) - More than one hundred people took to the streets in Vietnam’s southern hub Ho Chi Minh City on Sunday denouncing China, only days after earlier protests turned into deadly looting of Chinese factories.

The demonstrators, mostly middle-aged men, started clapping and shouting “Vietnam” at around 9am near the Youth Culture Centre, a Communist Party community service building, in the heart of the city formerly known as Saigon. ...

Vietnam acalla las protestas antichinas

18.05.2014 (Univision) - HANÓI, Vietnam (AP) — Vietnam acalló el domingo las protestas antichinas con una movilización masiva de efectivos de seguridad después que una serie de motines mortíferos desencadenados por una disputa territorial con China alarmó tanto a los inversionistas extranjeros como al gobierno autoritario. ...

Why China is squelching news of Vietnam protests

18.05.2014 By Adam Minter (Peninsula Newspaper) - Thursday morning news broke that anti-Chinese protests had turned violent overnight, resulting in the deaths of at least two (and perhaps as many as 16) Chinese workers, injuries to at least 100 others, and significant damage to Chinese, Taiwanese, and South Korean factories. ...

China fliegt seine Bürger aus Vietnam aus

18.05.2014 Von Johnny Erling, Peking (Die Welt) - Aus Furcht vor weiteren Protesten evakuiert Peking seine Landsleute aus Vietnam per Schiff und Flugzeug. Bei Demonstrationen gegen chinesische Firmen hatte es zwei Tote und Hunderte Verletzte gegeben. Peking befürchtet weitere antichinesische gewalttätige Massenproteste in Vietnam. Tausende dort lebende und arbeitende Bürger der Volksrepublik sollen in den nächsten Tagen mit Charterflugzeugen oder Schiffen heimgeholt werden. ...

Chinesen aus Vietnam evakuiert

18.05.2014 Markus Ackeret, Peking (NZZ) - Nach den Ausschreitungen von letzter Woche betrachtet Peking Vietnam als nicht mehr sicher für Chinesen. Hanoi unterband am Wochenende neue antichinesische Proteste. Peking will sein Vorgehen im Südchinesischen Meer nicht revidieren.

Zwischen China und Vietnam laufen die Drähte heiss, aber der Kontakt ist kein Ausdruck besonders enger Beziehungen. Er dient der Schadensbegrenzung, und auch dies nur in engem Rahmen. ...

Violences antichinoises au Vietnam : la Chine évacue 3 000 ressortissants

18.05.2014 (Le Monde) - Les tensions entre la Chine et le Vietnam s'accentuent chaque jour un peu plus. Devant ce constat, les autorités chinoises ont décidé, dimanche 18 mai, d'évacuer du Vietnam plus de 3 000 de leurs ressortissants. Pékin a également déployé cinq navires afin de rapatrier davantage de personnes, selon les médias officiels chinois, alors que de nouvelles manifestations sont prévues dimanche dans les grandes villes vietnamiennes. ...

China evacúa a más de 3.000 de sus ciudadanos en Vietnam por las protestas

18.05.2014 (Yahoo Noticias España) - Pekín, 18 may (EFE).- Más de 3.000 ciudadanos chinos residentes en Vietnam han sido evacuados los últimos días debido a la violencia de las protestas antichinas, que han causado hasta ahora la muerte de dos personas y un centenar de heridos. ...

Vietnam riots: China ships to evacuate workers

18.05.2014 (BBC) - China is sending five ships to evacuate Chinese nationals from Vietnam following a wave of anti-Chinese riots.

The Chinese government has already evacuated more than 3,000 people, Chinese state-run media report. ...

Standing up for human rights in Vietnam

17.05.2014 By Cu Huy Ha Vu (The Washington Post) - Facing mounting pressure by the international community and seeking trade and security commitments, the Vietnamese government recently released five prisoners of conscience. I was one of them. Such releases are always welcome, but they should not be confused with actual human rights improvements. ...

China evacuates 3,000 of its nationals from Vietnam amid oil rig row

17.05.2014 (Deutsche Welle) - China has evacuated more than 3,000 of its nationals from Vietnam in the wake of anti-China unrest, according to state media. Tensions have been on the rise since Beijing's deployment of an oil rig in contested waters.

More than 3,000 Chinese nationals have been evacuated from Vietnam, China's official state Xinhua news agency reported early Sunday. ...

On high seas, Vietnam and China play tense game

17.05.2014 (The Japan Times) - ABOARD VIETNAMESE COAST GUARD SHIP 4033 – Each day the Vietnamese ships tried to get close to the rig. And each day they were driven back by the much larger Chinese ships. But before they sped away, laboring engines spewing black smoke, the Vietnamese delivered a message: “Attention! Attention! We are warning you about your provocative act,” blasted out a recording from a loudspeaker in Vietnamese, Chinese and English. “We demand you respect Vietnam’s sovereignty. Please immediately halt your activities and leave Vietnamese waters.” ...

Anti-Chinese Violence Convulses Vietnam, Pitting Laborers Against Laborers

15.05.2014 By Chris Buckley and Chau Doan (The New York Times) - HA TINH PROVINCE, Vietnam — One Chinese laborer said angry Vietnamese workers had stomped on his hands, crushing them. Another said his son had been struck in the head with a metal rod by a Vietnamese mob that had sought out Chinese for beatings. At least one Chinese worker died. ...

Jagd auf chinesische Arbeiter

15.05.2014 (ARD) - Bei neuen anti-chinesischen Protesten sind in Vietnam mindestens ein chinesischer Arbeiter getötet und hundert weitere verletzt worden. Zu der Gewalteskalation kam es in der zentralen Provinz Ha Tinh, als rund Tausend Vietnamesen eine taiwanischen Stahlhütte im Industriekomplex Formosa attackierten. ...

Muere un ciudadano chino por disturbios en Vietnam

15.05.2014 (Univision) - HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Una multitud de unas mil personas entró por la fuerza a una fábrica taiwanesa de acero en Vietnam durante la madrugada y causó la muerte de un ciudadano chino y heridas a otros 90, dijo el jueves el embajador de Taiwán. ...

Plus d’une dizaine de “Chinois” tués au Vietnam

15.05.2014 Par Gabriel Gresillon & Yann Rousseau (Les Echos) - Les autorités d’Hanoï semblent avoir perdu le contrôle sur le mouvement de colère anti-chinois qui anime une partie de sa population depuis la semaine dernière. Après avoir toléré, pendant plusieurs jours, les manifestations de rue contre l’implantation par Pékin d’une plate-forme de forage pétrolier dans une zone maritime revendiquée par le Vietnam mais occupée par la Chine (voir la vidéo de l'AFP ci-dessous tournée dimanche), elles vont devoir maintenant répondre de l’apparent massacre de près de plus d’une dizaine de ressortissants chinois dans une province du centre du pays. ...

Hundreds of Chinese flee Vietnam violence, cross border into Cambodia

15.05.2014 (dna India) - Hundreds of Chinese nationals fled to Cambodia to escape the anti-China riots in Vietnam in which at least 20 people are reported to have been killed, Cambodian police said on Thursday. ...

Anti-China riots turn deadly in Vietnam

Reports of 20 or more killed as Beijing's expansionism in South China Sea provoke continued violent backlash in Vietnam

15.05.2014 Jonathan Kaiman, Kate Hodal (The Guardian)- Violent reaction in Vietnam to China's expansionist stance in disputed seas has turned deadly with reports that 20 or more people have been killed during rioting that began with attacks on foreign-owned factories. ...

Tote bei Anti-China-Protesten in Vietnam

15.05.2014 (Deutsche Welle) - In Vietnam haben sich die anti-chinesischen Proteste ausgeweitet. Diesmal stürmten Randalierer ein Stahlwerk. Dabei wurden mindestens ein Mensch getötet. Inzwischen verlassen immer mehr Chinesen das Land. ...

Ausschreitungen in Vietnam: 21 Tote

15.05.2014 (derStandard.at) - Hanoi - Bei anti-chinesischen Ausschreitungen in Zentral-Vietnam sind nach Angaben eines Arztes in der Nacht auf Donnerstag mehr als 20 Menschen getötet worden. ...

Proteste in Vietnam geraten außer Kontrolle

14.05.2014 (Deutsche Welle) - Proteste, wie sie Vietnam in den vergangenen Tagen erlebt hat, sind in dem Einparteienstaat äußerst selten. Normalerweise werden Demonstrationen von Polizei und Behörden unterbunden. Proteste, die sich gegen chinesische Unternehmen in den Industriezonen in der südlichen Provinz Binh Duong richteten, gerieten am Dienstag und Mittwoch (13./14.05.2014) außer Kontrolle. ...

Scharmützel um Chinas See

14.05.2014 Von Willi Germund (Frankfurter Rundschau) - In Vietnam verbrennen Tausende aufgebrachter Menschen in den Industrieparks Vietnam-Singapore und Binh Duong nahe Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt chinesische Fabriken – und fackeln versehentlich auch japanische, südkoreanische und taiwanesische ab. Sie protestierten gegen Chinas Absicht, eine Bohrinsel für eine Milliarde US-Dollar bei den Paracel-Inseln vor der Küste von Da Nang zu bauen. ...

Gerhard Will: "China ohne klare Strategie"

14.05.2014 (Deutsche Welle) - In Vietnam kam es zu heftigen Protesten gegen China. Mehrere chinesische Farbiken gingen in Flammen auf. Gerhard Will ordnet die heftigen Ereignisse im Interview mit der DW ein. ...

Festnahmen nach massiven Anti-China-Protesten in Vietnam

14.05.2014 (Die Oberbadische) - dpa - Hanoi - In Vietnam sind bei anti-chinesischen Protesten nach offiziellen Angaben etwa 100 Fabriken beschädigt worden. Die Behörden nahmen 191 Menschen fest, wie lokale Medien berichteten. Mehrere Fabrikhallen von 15 ausländischen Firmen seien zerstört und zehn Autos in Brand gesetzt worden. ...

Más de 400 detenidos por los disturbios contra China en el sur de Vietnam

14.05.2014 (Univision) Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), 14 may (EFE).- Más de 400 personas han sido detenidas en relación con los disturbios en las manifestaciones contra China en la que se quemaron varias fábricas en el sur de Vietnam, informaron hoy los medios locales. ...

Angriffe auf Fabriken: Schwere Unruhen bei Anti-China-Protesten in Vietnam

14.05.2014 (Spiegel-Online) - Hanoi - Vietnam erlebt die schwersten Unruhen seit Jahren. Demonstranten haben mehrere Fabriken im Süden des Landes geplündert und in Brand gesetzt. Offenbar waren die Angreifer davon ausgegangen, dass die Industrieanlagen chinesischen Besitzern gehörten - tatsächlich sollen die meisten von ihnen Taiwanern und Südkoreanern gehören. ...

Violences antichinoises au Vietnam: 500 émeutiers interpellés

14.05.2014 (Romandie) - Hanoï - Quelque 500 personnes ont été interpellées au Vietnam après des émeutes antichinoises contestant le déploiement par Pékin d'une plate-forme pétrolière dans des eaux revendiquées par le Vietnam, a annoncé la police mercredi. ...

China enacts "emergency mechanisms" after Vietnam protests

14.05.2014 (Reuters) - China called Vietnam a "provocateur" on Tuesday and expressed concern after thousands rampaged in industrial zones in the country's south ...

Taiwán condena los actos de violencia contra sus empresas en Vietnam

14.05.2014 (El Confidencial) - Taipei, 14 may (EFE).- Taiwán condenó hoy los actos de violencia contra sus ciudadanos y empresas en Vietnam durante las protestas antichinas que sacuden ese país, desencadenadas por las disputas entre Pekín y Hanoi en el mar de China Meridional. El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Taiwán envió a Hanoi una dura protesta y advirtió a Vietnam de que los ataques a las propiedades y seguridad personal de los taiwaneses afecta negativamente a las relaciones bilaterales y a las inversiones en ese país. ...

China protesta ante gobierno vietnamita por violencia antichina en Vietnam

14.05.2014 (Univision) - El gobierno chino transmitió a las autoridades vietnamitas una "protesta solemne" por las violentas manifestaciones antichinas y la quema de fábricas de empresas chinas en Vietnam, declaró en Pekín la portavoz del ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. ...

Singapore says companies in Vietnam industrial park JV set on fire

14.05.2014 (Reuters) - Singapore said on Wednesday that a number of companies at the Vietnam-Singapore industrial parks in Vietnam's Binh Duong province have been broken into and set on fire. ...

Tausende Vietnamesen stürmen ausländische Fabriken

14.05.2014 (Süddeutschen Zeitung) - Seit Jahren streiten Vietnam und China um Ölförderung im Südchinesischen Meer. Aus Protest haben nun 10.000 Vietnamesen etwa 100 Fabriken gestürmt und angezündet, die ihrer Ansicht nach in chinesischem Besitz sind. Doch sie lagen in einigen Fällen falsch. 

Ein Polizeisprecher erklärte, man habe etwa 500 Menschen festgenommen, die auf frischer Tat bei Plünderungen und Brandstiftungen an Fabriken gefasst worden seien. Es sollen insgesamt 10 000 Protestierende gewesen sein. ...

Neue Spannungen im Südchinesischen Meer

14.05.2014 (Deutsche Welle) - China sorgt für Ärger bei anderen Staaten: Die Philippinen verurteilen den Bau einer Landebahn in den umstrittenen Gewässern. In Vietnam wurden aus Protest gegen Ölbohrungen in dem Meer chinesische Fabriken angezündet. Im Süden des Landes wurden aus Protest gegen chinesische Ölbohrungen in den umstrittenen Gewässern mindestens drei Fabriken in Brand gesteckt, die von Chinesen betrieben werden. ...

15 factories torched, looted as anti-Chinese protests in Vietnam spin out of control

14.05.2014 By Chris Brummitt, Associated Press (U.S. News & World Report) - HANOI, Vietnam — Anti-China mobs torched up to 15 foreign-owned factories and trashed many more in southern Vietnam amid rising anger over China's recent installment of an oil rig in disputed Southeast Asian waters, officials and state media said Wednesday. ...

Der Rohstoff-Streit eskaliert

14.05.2014 (ARD) - In Vietnam ist es zu den größten Ausschreitungen seit Jahren gekommen. Demonstranten legten in mindestens drei Fabriken in einem Industriepark in der Binh Duong Provinz Feuer. Sie gingen davon aus, dass die Anlagen chinesischen Betreibern gehörten. Gegen den kommunistischen Nachbarstaat richtete sich der Zorn der Protestierenden, weil Peking jüngst Ölbohrungen im Südchinesischen Meer durchgeführt hat. ...

Vietnam: des manifestants anti-chinois mettent le feu à des usines

14.05.2014 (RTL) - Des Vietnamiens manifestant contre le déploiement par Pékin d'une plate-forme de forage pétrolier dans des eaux contestées ont incendié des usines chinoises, ont annoncé les autorités vietnamiennes mercredi. Ces incidents sont rarissimes au Vietnam, tenu par un régime communiste autoritaire à parti unique. ...

Manifestantes antichinos incendiaron fábricas en Vietnam

14.05.2014 (El País) - Manifestantes vietnamitas que protestaban contra el despliegue de una plataforma china de extracción petrolera en aguas litigiosas incendiaron varias fábricas de empresas chinas, anunciaron las autoridades de Vietnam este miércoles. Miles de vietnamitas que trabajan en las zonas industriales de capital extranjero se manifestaron el martes contra esa decisión china, en un contexto de tensión creciente entre Hanoi y Pekín. ...

USA kritisieren China im Seegebietsstreit mit Vietnam

13.05.2014 (ORF) - Im Gebietsstreit Chinas mit Vietnam und den Philippinen im Südchinesischen Meer hat sich der Ton weiter verschärft. Nach gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen mit Vietnam um chinesische Ölbohrungen vor der Paracel-Inselgruppe kritisierte US-Außenminister John Kerry das Vorgehen Pekings als „provozierend“. ...

Vietnamese workers stage unruly protest at Chinese factories over Beijing's rig deployment

13.05.2014 (StarTribune) - HANOI, Vietnam — Several thousand Vietnamese workers protested at Chinese-owned factories on Tuesday, vandalizing some of them, as anger flared at Beijing's deployment of an oil rig in waters claimed by Vietnam, a factory executive and media accounts said. Over the weekend, Vietnam's authoritarian government gave rare sanction to street protests against China as way of amplifying its own anger at Beijing. ...

Vietnam: manifestation anti-chinoise contre un projet de forage pétrolier

13.05.2014 (romandie) - AP - Hanoï - Des milliers de Vietnamiens travaillant dans les zones industrielles à capitaux étrangers ont manifesté mardi pour protester contre le déploiement par Pékin d'une plate-forme de forage pétrolier dans des eaux contestées, selon la presse officielle. ...

‘Deterioro’ de la situación de los Derechos Humanos en Vietnam

13.05.2014 Escrito por Mong Palatino, traducido por María Angélica Marín (Global Voices Español) - La Red de Derechos humanos en Vietnam entregó su informe [en] 2013 sobre el ‘deterioro’ de la situación de los Derechos Humanos en Vietnam: " …la situación de los Derechos Humanos en Vietnam dió un vuelco negativo en el 2013. El número de detenidos por opiniones políticas contrarias al partido en el poder aumentaron, ...

Why Did China Set Up an Oil Rig Within Vietnamese Waters? Why now and why Vietnam?

13.05.2014 By Ankit Panda (The Diplomat) - The who, what, where, when and how of China’s HD-981 oil rig foray into Vietnamese waters have been addressed comprehensively, both by commentators here at The Diplomat and elsewhere. The enduring question, as with many of China’s provocative actions in the Asia-Pacific, remains why? The opacity of China’s internal decision-making processes makes it rather difficult to conclusively answer that question, but a good amount of evidence suggests that the oil rig crisis with Vietnam was manufactured to test the mettle of ASEAN states and the United States. ...

Philippines charges Chinese caught in disputed sea

12.05.2014 By Jim Gomez (NewsObserver) -  MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines charged nine Chinese fishermen Monday with poaching more than 500 endangered sea turtles at a disputed South China Sea shoal despite China's demand for them to be immediately freed. ...

Wasserwerfer-Duelle im Südchinesischen Meer

12.05.2014 (derStandard.at) Peking/Hanoi - China hat laut vietnamesischer Zeitung rund 80 Schiffe zu dern Paracel-Inseln verlegt. Im Streit um eine Bohrinsel im Südchinesischen Meer haben sich chinesische und vietnamesische Schiffe mit Wasserwerfern "bekämpft". ...

Duelo de cañones de agua entre Vietnam y China

12.05.2014 (Univision) - HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Un navío patrullero vietnamita y varios barcos chinos se atacaron con cañones de agua el lunes cerca de una plataforma petrolera instalada por Beijing en aguas disputadas, informaron medios oficiales vietnamitas, en el incidente más reciente de un peligroso enfrentamiento entre los dos países. ...

ASEAN Silent In China/Vietnam Maritime Clash

12.05.2014 By Matt Schiavenza (IBTimes) - One way to deal with a local bully is for a neighborhood to band together. But when the bully is the People's Republic of China, even an organized group might fail to muster much resistance. ...

China and Vietnam at Impasse Over Rig in South China Sea

12.05.2014 By Keith Bradsher (The New York Times) - HONG KONG — China and Vietnam appear to have reached at least a temporary impasse over a giant drilling rig sent by a state-controlled Chinese oil company to a site in the South China Sea between the Vietnamese coastline and a cluster of disputed islands, as the confrontation has continued to raise thorny issues of international law.

Diplomats in Beijing said they knew of no substantive talks between China and Vietnam. ...

Vietnam cannot find support in dispute with China

12.05.2014 By Ed Adamczyk (UPI) - HANOI , Vietnam - The territorial dispute between China and Vietnam was not addressed at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations conference in Myanmar, leaving Vietnam without allies in the argument. The lack of support of Vietnam's position at the 10-nation summit meeting, which makes decisions by consensus, could be seen as a win for China. ...

Vietnam und China - Streit um chinesische Ölplattform

12.05.2014 (NZZ) - dpa - Im Streit um eine Bohrinsel im Südchinesischen Meer haben sich chinesische und vietnamesische Schiffe mit Wasserwerfern «bekämpft». Das berichtete die vietnamesische Zeitung «Tuoi Tre» am Montag auf ihrer Website. ...

Le ton monte entre la Chine et le Vietnam en mer de Chine méridionale

12.05.2014 (Le Huffington Post Quebec) - HANOI, Vietnam - Le ton monte entre la Chine et le Vietnam en mer de Chine méridionale, où Pékin a installé une plateforme de forage dans un secteur revendiqué par les deux pays. Un bateau patrouilleur vietnamien et plusieurs vaisseaux chinois se seraient affrontés à coups de canons à eau, lundi. Le quotidien Tuoi Tre affirme que c'est la première fois que les forces vietnamiennes répliquent à l'agressivité chinoise autour de la plateforme, qui a été mise en place le 1er mai. ...

Vietnam accepts ASEAN decision on South China Sea

12.05.2014 (Eleven) - NAY PYI TAW - Despite having different views over the statement on South China Sea dispute, Vietnam has accepted the decisions made by Myanmar and other ASEAN member countries. ...

China soll Luftraum von Vietnam verletzt haben

12.05.2014 (Stimme Russlands) - In den letzten 48 Stunden sollen chinesische Militärflugzeuge den Luftraum von Vietnam über dem Südchinesischen Meer mehrfach verletzt haben. ...

Vietnam, Chinese Ships Fire Water Cannons

12.05.2014 By Chris Brummitt Associated Press (ABC News) - A Vietnamese patrol boat and several Chinese vessels blasted each other with water cannons Monday near an oil rig recently positioned by Beijing in disputed waters, Vietnamese state media reported, in the latest incident in a dangerous standoff between the two nations. The Tuoi Tre newspaper said it was the first time that Vietnamese vessels have responded to aggressive Chinese actions close to the deep sea rig ...

VIETNAM Des manifestations anti-chinoises très autorisées

12.05.2014 (Courrier international) - L'installation d'une plate forme d'hydrocarbure chinoise dans les eaux revendiquées par le Vietnam suscite l'ire des autorités de Hanoï. Elles font appel au sentiment nationaliste anti-chinois de la population pour les soutenir. “Le Vietnam autorise des manifestations anti-chinoises,” titre le quotidien de Hong Kong, South China Morning Post. Les manifestations sont très contrôlées au Vietnam, où le parti communiste évite des rassemblements par crainte de les voir se transformer en espace de contestation du régime. ...

China rig anger boils over

12.05.2014 (The Star Online) - HANOI: Protesters staged one of Vietnam’s largest ever anti-China demonstrations, decrying Beijing’s deployment of a deep-water drilling rig in contested waters as territorial tensions soar. Vietnam said China’s decision was “illegal”, demanded the rig be withdrawn, and dispatched vessels to the area – which it claims were subsequently attacked and rammed by Chinese ships. ...

Dangereuse escalade des tensions entre la Chine et le Vietnam

12.05.2014 (20 minutes) - Les relations sino-vietnamiennes n’ont jamais été un long fleuve tranquille, mais ces derniers jours, les tensions entre les deux voisins ont atteint leur point culminant depuis plusieurs années. En annonçant le déploiement d’une plate-forme de forage pétrolier en eau profonde dans des eaux revendiquées par les deux pays, Pékin a mis le feu aux poudres. ...

ASEAN expresses alarm over territorial disputes

12.05.2014 (Mizzima News) - NAY PYI TAW (AFP) – Southeast Asian leaders expressed "serious concern" over territorial disputes in the South China Sea in a statement released on May 12 amid a growing row between Vietnam and China over disputed waters. The communique from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations followed a summit in the Myanmar capital on May 11 that was dominated by escalating maritime tensions. ...

Vietnam Stocks Tumble to Four-Month Low as China Tensions Rise

12.05.2014 (Bloomberg News) - Vietnam’s benchmark stock index plunged to the lowest level in four months while volatility surged to the highest since 2011 amid escalating tensions with China over disputed waters.

The VN Index (VNINDEX) fell 4.7 percent to 517.05, the lowest close since Jan. 9. PetroVietnam Gas JSC lost 4.4 percent. Vietnam Dairy Products JSC slid 4.6 percent to a 12-month low. ...

‘Worsening’ Human Rights Situation in Vietnam

11.05.2014 Written by Mong Palatino (Global Voices) - The Vietnam Human Rights Network released its 2013 report about the ‘worsening’ human rights situation in Vietnam: …the human rights situation in Vietnam took a turn for the worse in 2013.  ...

Vietnamese protests against China gather pace, fuelling regional tension

11.05.2014 Agence France-Presse in Hanoi (The Guardian) - More than 1,000 people gather outside the Chinese embassy in Hanoi, testing response of Vietnamese government. Protesters staged one of Vietnam's largest ever anti-China demonstrations on Sunday, decrying Beijing's deployment of a deep-water drilling rig in contested waters as territorial tensions soar. ...

Demonstration in Hanoi gegen chinesische Ölförderpläne

11.05.2014 (Deutsche Welle) - Eigentlich sehen sich die Volksrepublik China und die Sozialistische Republik Vietnam als Bruderstaaten. Kritik an der Politik des Partners ist verpönt. Jetzt hat Hanoi erstmals öffentlichen Protest gegen China geduldet.

Bis zu 1000 Menschen demonstrierten in der Hauptstadt Hanoi gegen Pekings Vordringen im Südchinesischen Meer. In einem Park vor der chinesischen Botschaft versammelte sich die Menschenmenge und hielt Plakate mit Aufschriften wie "China, stiehl nicht unser Öl" oder "China: Verlass vietnamesische Gewässer" in die Höhe. ...

Les Vietnamiens manifestent contre un projet pétrolier chinois

11.05.2014 (Yahoo News France) - HANOI (Reuters) - Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont manifesté dimanche dans les grandes villes du Vietnam pour protester contre l'installation par la Chine d'une plate-forme pétrolière géante dans un secteur contesté en mer de Chine méridionale. A Hanoi, 300 personnes étaient massées devant l'ambassade de Chine et quelques centaines d'autres devant le consulat de Chine à Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville, ont rapporté des témoins. Des manifestations ont également eu lieu à Hué et Danang, selon les sites internet de journaux. ...

Zu Wasser und auf der Straße

11.05.2014 Felix Lee (taz) - Normalerweise sind Demonstrationen in Vietnam nicht gestattet. Doch wenn sich der Protest gegen den Erzfeind China richtet, dann schon. Solche Szenen gibt es in Hanoi nur selten. Eine wütende Menschenmenge steht in einem Park vor der chinesischen Botschaft der vietnamesischen Hauptstadt. Sie halten Plakate und Transparente in der Luft. Polizisten schirmen die Botschaft zwar weiträumig ab, schreiten aber nicht ein. Dabei sind Demonstrationen im kommunistisch geführten Vietnam normalerweise verboten. Doch wenn es um den Erzfeind und einstigen kommunistischen Bruderstaat China geht, drücken die vietnamesischen Behörden ausnahmsweise ein Auge zu. ...

Vietnam permite protesta anti-China

11.05.2014 Por Chris Brummitt | Associated Press (Yahoo Noticias en Español) - HANOI, Vietnam — Vietnam autorizó a cientos de manifestantes efectuar el domingo una ruidosa protesta frente a la embajada china en Hanoi en contra de que Beijing instale una plataforma petrolera en aguas disputadas del mar de China Meridional, coyuntura que ha provocado una tensa crisis y aumentado los temores de una confrontación. ...

Proteste in Vietnam gegen chinesische Bohrplattform

11.05.2014 (Yahoo News Deutschland) - In Vietnam hat es große Proteste gegen chinesische Ölbohrungen in einem umstrittenen Seegebiet im Südchinesischen Meer gegeben. Rund tausend Menschen demonstrierten in einem Park vor der chinesischen Botschaft in Hanoi mit Plakaten mit der Aufschrift "China, stiehl nicht unser Öl" und "Schweigen ist feige". Hunderte Polizisten in Zivil und in Uniform schirmten die Botschaft ab, schritten aber nicht ein gegen die Protestkundgebung. ...

Rare rallies in Vietnam say 'hands off' to China over sea row

11.05.2014 By Minh Nguyen (Reuters) - Hundreds rallied on Sunday in Vietnam's biggest cities to denounce China's setting up of a giant oil rig in the South China Sea, a rare protest likely to prolong a tense standoff between the two communist neighbors. At least 300 people massed in front of China's embassy in Hanoi and a few hundred more at its consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, witnesses said  ...

Vietnam allows hundreds to protest against China over deployment of oil rig in disputed sea

10.05.2014 By Chris Brummitt | AP (Canadian Business) - HANOI, Vietnam – Vietnam allowed several hundred demonstrators to stage a noisy rally outside the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi on Sunday against Beijing’s deployment of an oil rig in the contested South China Sea that has triggered a tense standoff and raised fears of confrontation. ... The government has in the past forcibly broken up anti-China protests and arrested their leaders, many of whom are also campaigning for greater political freedoms and human rights.  ...

China and Vietnam's South China Sea clash dominates ASEAN summit

11.05.2014 By Bill Hayton (BBC) - South east Asian governments have called on China and Vietnam to end their confrontation in the South China Sea  ...

Regional concerns over clashes between China and Vietnam

11.05.2014 Daniel Flitton (The Sydney Morning Herald) - Regional concern is mounting after violent clashes between China and Vietnam in disputed waters, with Australia adding its voice to calls for restraint. Foreign ministers from south-east Asian nations warned at the weekend of "increased tensions in the area" following China's decision to deploy an oil rig near islands claimed by Vietnam.  ...

China feels the heat of its South Sea

11.05.2014 (Daily Pakistan Observer) - Sunday, May 11, 2014 - Tension escalated in the South China Sea region this week after China, Vietnam and the Philippines were involved in a series of potentially explosive confrontations over the territory. On Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman accused the United States for stoking tensions in the disputed Sea by encouraging countries to engage in dangerous behaviour.  ...

Experts: Sea spat part of larger strategy

11.05.2014 (The Star) - BEIJING: China sending an oil rig to waters disputed with Vietnam is a move to assert its legal claim and practical  hold over contested territory whatever the short-term political and diplomatic costs, analysts say – but could play into Washington’s hands. Beijing’s controversial move to dispatch the deep-water rig along with a reported 70 vessels triggered clashes in the South China Sea, just after a visit to the region by US President Barack Obama and ahead of this weekend’s Association of Asean summit. ...

China-Vietnam face-off in South China Sea leaves India worried

10.05.2014 (The Times of India) - NEW DELHI: India has joined the US in ringing alarm bells over China's expansionist expeditions in the South China Sea clashing with Vietnam and the Philippines early this week. Though trying to play safe, New Delhi refused to name China or Vietnam and instead called for freedom of navigation in the sea. ...

Keine Verurteilung Chinas bei Südostasien-Gipfel

10.05.2014 (Yahoo News Deutschland) - Nach neuen Spannungen mit China im Südchinesischen Meer hat die südostasiatische Staatengemeinschaft Asean in einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme Sorge geäußert. Die Außenminister der zehn Mitgliedsländer riefen alle Seiten zur Zurückhaltung auf, nannten China aber nicht beim Namen. ...

Next ASEAN summit to focus on South China Sea tensions

09.05.2014 (AsiaNews) - Naypyidaw - Hanoi and Manila will raise the issue of Beijing's recent "provocations" in the South China Sea, including the armed clash between Chinese and Vietnamese vessels near the disputed Paracel Islands, at the next ASEAN summit. In fact the 24th Plenary Assembly of the Association which brings together 10 nations of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN ) opened this morning in Yangon, Myanmar, and, in addition to the issue of the Rohingya Muslim minority in Burma, attention will focus on the disputes threatening to erupt in the Asia-Pacific waters. ...

Asean to discuss China 'provocation'

09.05.2014 (Bangkok Post) - Vietnam and the Philippines will raise the issue of China's recent "provocative" actions in the South China Sea, including a heated standoff between Chinese and Vietnamese armed vessels near the disputed Paracel Islands, in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) meetings that start in Myanmar's capital Friday, Asean diplomats told Kyodo News late Thursday. ...

China must stop oil drilling in South China Sea

09.05.2014 (The Asahi Shimbun) - Tensions are escalating dangerously in the South China Sea, where China and Vietnam have conflicting  territorial interests. Chinese government vessels rammed Vietnamese patrol boats near an oil rig that China's state-owned company is installing there, and shot water cannons at Vietnamese vessels. This is a very serious situation. China had no right to unilaterally start such an economic undertaking in disputed waters in the first place. The Chinese side must desist immediately. ...

China’s oil rig move leaves Vietnam, others looking vulnerable

09.05.2014 (The Japan Times) - HONG KONG/BEIJING – China’s decision to park its biggest mobile oil rig 190 km off the Vietnamese coast has exposed how vulnerable Hanoi, and other littoral states of the South China Sea, are to moves by the region’s dominant power to assert its territorial claims. ...

Inside the Business of Human Trafficking

08.05.2015 Mei-Ling McNamara (The Huffington Post UK) - In Jan 2011, I met a soft-spoken Vietnamese teenager under the railway lines at London Bridge station, while making an investigative documentary for Al-Jazeera English. As waves of commuters rushed past, over a coffee Tuan* recounted a story to me that seemed scarcely possible to believe. In fact, many in positions of power had not believed him, and for that, he had to pay the ultimate price for his crime - imprisonment, the threat of deportation, and a permanent criminal record. ...

Vietnam versucht, Chinas Ölsuche mit Marine zu stoppen

08.05.2014 (Hamburger Abendblatt) - Hanoi. Der Konflikt zwischen Vietnam und China über Ölbohrungen vor mehreren von beiden Staaten beanspruchten Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer spitzt sich zu. Chinesische Marineschiffe hätten am Mittwoch vietnamesische Schiffe gerammt und sie mit Wasserwerfern beschossen, sagte der Vize-Kommandeur der vietnamesischen Küstenwache, Ngo Ngoc Thu. ...

China Flexes Its Muscles in Dispute With Vietnam

08.05.2014 By Jane Perlez and Rick Gladstone (The New York Times) - BEIJING — China’s escalating dispute with Vietnam over contested waters in the South China Sea sent new shudders through Asia on Thursday as China demanded the withdrawal of Vietnamese ships near a giant Chinese drilling rig and for the first time acknowledged its vessels had blasted the Vietnamese flotilla with water cannons in recent days. ...

China 'determined' to change status quo in South China Sea

08.05.2014 Gabriel Domínguez (Deutsche Welle) - Tensions are rising in Southeast Asia as Vietnam claims two of its ships were rammed  by Chinese vessels in disputed waters. The row shows China is hardening its stance on maritime disputes, says analyst Gregory Poling. The confrontation began on May 2 when the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation placed its deep sea drilling rig HD-981 in disputed waters of the South China Sea. ...

China stellt Vietnam auf eine harte Probe

08.05.2014 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Im südchinesischen Meer kam es zu Zusammenstößen zwischen chinesischen und vietnamesischen Schiffen. Die ohnehin komplizierten Beziehungen beider Länder erreichen damit einen historischen Tiefstand. Am vergangenen Freitag (02.05.2014) hat das chinesische Staatsunternehmen "China National Offshore Oil Cooperation" die Tiefsee-Bohrinsel HD-981 an eine Stelle südlich der Paracel-Inselgruppe geschleppt. Die Inselgruppe, die im Vietnamesischen Hoang Sa und dem Chinesischen Xisha heißt, ist seit Jahren heftig umstritten. Sowohl Vietnam als auch China beanspruchen die Region für sich, die reich an Öl- und Gasvorkommen ist. Die Bohrinsel wurde von etwa 80 Schiffen, darunter sieben bewaffneten, der Volksrepublik China begleitet. Als Reaktion entsandte die Regierung in Hanoi 29 Schiffe, die die Verankerung der Bohrinsel stören und wenn möglich verhindern sollten. ...

Vietnam Releases Video of China Ramming Ships

08.05.2014 By Zachary Keck (The Diplomat) - A Vietnam-released video shows Chinese vessels ramming Vietnamese ships in the South China Sea. Earlier today Shannon and myself noted that Vietnam and Chinese vessels had collided in the South China Sea as Hanoi tried to prevent China from setting up an oil rig in the disputed waters. ...

Tensions rise as Vietnam accuses China of ramming ships

08.05.2014 (SBS) - Hanoi said Wednesday that Chinese ships protecting a deep-water drilling rig in disputed waters in the South China Sea had used water cannon to attack Vietnamese patrol vessels and repeatedly rammed them, causing injuries.

Tensions between the communist neighbours have risen sharply since Beijing unilaterally announced last week it would move the deep-water drilling rig into disputed waters -- a move the United States has described as "provocative". ...

US concern over South China Sea 'dangerous conduct'

08.05.2014 (BBC) - The US has spoken out over "dangerous conduct and intimidation" in the South China Sea, after ships from Vietnam and China collided in disputed waters. The collisions came as the Vietnamese ships tried to prevent China setting up an oil rig near the Paracel islands. ...

Grenzstreit: Chinesisches Schiff rammt Vietnams Küstenwache

08.05.2014 (Deutsche WirtschaftsNachrichten) - Ein chinesisches Schiff hat zwei Schiffe der Küstenwache Vietnams gerammt und schwer beschädigt. Wasserkanonen kamen zum Einsatz. Sechs Vietnamesen wurden verletzt. Vietnam prüft, ob es rechtlich gegen Chinas Bohrinsel vorgeht. Die Philippinen haben ihren See-Streit mit China bereits beim internationalen Gericht in Den Haag vorgebracht ...

US: Chinese oil rig off Vietnam ‘provocative, raises tensions’

08.05.2014 By Matikas Santos (inquirer.net) - MANILA, Philippines – The United States (US) called China’s move to put an oil rig in disputed waters off Vietnam “provocative and raises tensions.” “China’s decision to introduce an oil rig accompanied by numerous government vessels for the first time in waters disputed with Vietnam is provocative and raises tensions,” US Department of State Spokesperson Jen Psaki said in a statement released by the US Embassy in Manila. ...

Corruption still rampant in Vietnam, says party official

07.05.2014 (asiaone) - VIETNAM - Corruption was still an acute problem throughout Vietnam, Nguyen Phu Trong, Party General Secretary and Head of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption, told the first national conference on controlling the evil in the capital city  yesterday. ...

Une violente querelle Chine-Vietnam éclatent en mer de Chine méridionale

07.05.2014 Par The Associated Press (Le Huffington Post Quebec) - HANOI, Vietnam - Une violente querelle mettant aux prises la Chine et le Vietnam a éclaté en mer de Chine méridionale, quand la Chine a tenté d'installer une plateforme de forage dans la région le 1er mai. ...

Chinese Dispute With Vietnam Is Latest In Long Series Of Provocations

07.05.2014 By Meagan Clark (International Business Times) - When Vietnam accused a Chinese ship Wednesday of intentionally ramming two of its vessels near a Chinese oil rig in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, it was only the latest incident in which China has provoked its neighbors by overstepping its boundaries to seize land and resources. The collisions on Sunday significantly damaged the two Vietnamese ships, injured six people and have escalated tensions between the two Communist nations. ...

Streit um Bohrinsel: Chinesen rammen vietnamesische Küstenwachboote

07.05.2014 (Spiegel) - Hanoi - Im Streit um die Vorherrschaft im Südchinesischen Meer ist es zu einer erneuten Auseinandersetzung gekommen: Chinesische Schiffe griffen am Mittwoch vietnamesische Boote an, als diese die Verankerung einer Bohrinsel verhindern wollten. Die chinesische Hochseeschlepper rammten die fremden Boote und schossen mit Wasserkanonen auf sie. ...

Vietnam acusa a China de embestir a barcos vietnamitas y herir a 6 nacionales

07.05.2014 (Univision) - Bangkok (EFE) - El Gobierno de Vietnam acusó hoy a embarcaciones chinas de embestir deliberadamente a dos barcos vietnamitas, de disparar cañones de agua y herir a seis nacionales en un incidente ocurrido el pasado fin de semana en aguas próximas al archipiélago de Paracel, cuya soberanía reclaman ambos países. ...

Vietnam: Erneut zwei bekannte Blogger verhaftet

07.05.2014 Von Andrea Jonjic (netzpolitik) - Nicht mal einen Monat ist es her, dass ich über die Verurteilung des vietnamesischen Bloggers Pham Viet Dao schrieb. Nun wurden wieder zwei bekannte Blogger in Vietnam verhaftet, und wieder lautet der Vorwurf “Missbrauch demokratischer Freiheiten”. Nguyen Huu Vinh und dessen Mitarbeiter Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy sollen “üble Inhalte und falsche Informationen verbreitet haben, die das Ansehen und Vertrauen in staatliche Institutionen vermindert haben”. ...

Vietnam: Arrests of Internet Activists Escalate

07.05.2014 (HRW) - (Bangkok) – Vietnamese authorities should drop all charges and immediately release bloggers Nguyen Huu Vinh (also known as Ba Sam) and Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy, Human Rights Watch said today. The two were arrested on May 5, 2014, for publishing articles on the Internet, and charged under article 258 of the penal code for “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe on the interests of the state.”  ...

FVPOC: Vietnam Seriously Violates Freedom of Expression by New Arrests

07.05.2014 By FVPOC - Translation by Vu Quoc Ngu (Defend the Defenders) - On May 5, Vietnam’s police arrested Nguyen Huu Vinh, owner of the most popular Vietnamese online website AnhBaSam, and one co-partner for posting articles carrying out ““incorrect contents that aim to defame the party and state.” The arrest is pursuant to Article 258 under the Penal Code of the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam, the Ministry of Public Security said on its website.  ...

Two more bloggers arrested for “abusing democratic freedoms”

06.05.2014 (RWB) - Reporters Without Borders condemns yesterday’s arrest of two bloggers, Nguyen Huu Vinh and his employee Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy, for posting articles that allegedly contained “bad content and incorrect information that reduces prestige and trust in state agencies.”

They have been charged under article 258 of the penal code covering “abuse of democratic freedoms,” which carries sentences ranging from warnings to two years in prison, or seven years in “grave circumstances.”  ...

Deux nouveaux blogueurs arrêtés pour “abus des libertés démocratiques”

06.05.2014 (RSF) - Reporters sans frontières condamne l’arrestation le 5 mai 2014 du netcitoyen Nguyen Huu Vinh et de sa collègue Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy pour avoir posté des articles “contenant des fausses informations qui réduisent le prestige et la confiance dans les agences de l’Etat”. Cette accusation se base sur l’article 258 du code pénal traitant de l’“abus des libertés démocratiques” qui peut entraîner des peines allant d’un avertissement jusqu’à deux ans d’emprisonnement, voire sept années en cas de “circonstances graves”.  ...

Zwei regierungskritische Blogger festgenommen

06.05.2014 (NZZ) - (ap) Erneut haben die Behörden in Vietnam zwei bekannte regierungskritische Blogger verhaftet. Den Angaben zufolge wurde Nguyen Huu Vinh und Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy am Montag in der Hauptstadt Hanoi festgenommen. Ihnen wird Verstoss gegen den Artikel 258 vorgeworfen, was mit bis zu sieben Jahren Haft bestraft werden kann.  ...

Prominent blogger arrested in Vietnam for posting ‘bad content’

06.05.2014 By Agence France-Presse (Raw Story) - A prominent blogger has been arrested in Vietnam accused of disseminating anti-state articles in the communist country’s latest crackdown on online dissent, police said Tuesday. Nguyen Huu Vinh, 57, more commonly known as Anh Ba Sam, was arrested in Hanoi on Monday for posting articles “with bad content and incorrect information that reduces prestige and trust in state agencies,” the ministry of public security said in a statement.   ...

Vietnam arrests 2 bloggers in new crackdown

06.05.2014 By Chris Brummitt (Associated Press) - HANOI -- Vietnam has arrested two democracy activists for posting articles critical of the government on the Internet, signaling a continued crackdown on dissent despite the early release of three dissidents last month.

Authorities said the pair were arrested Monday in the capital, Hanoi.   ...

Detenidos célebre bloguero de Vietnam y su ayudante por criticar al Gobierno

06.05.2014 (sinembargo.mx) - (Vietnam), 6 may (EFE).- Un célebre bloguero de Vietnam y su ayudante fueron detenidos esta semana acusados de criticar sin fundamento al Gobierno, en otro ataque contra la libertad de expresión en esa nación asiática, informan hoy los medios locales. Según el Ministerio de Seguridad Pública, Ngueyn Huu Vinh, de 58 años de edad, es culpable de “divulgar por internet artículos con información engañosa para desprestigiar y originar desconfianza pública en funcionarios, organizaciones sociales y ciudadanos”.   ...

Arrestation d'un célèbre blogueur au Vietnam

06.05.2014 (Le Huffington Post Quebec) - Un célèbre blogueur vietnamien, accusé d'avoir écrit des articles contre l'Etat, a été arrêté, ont annoncé mardi les autorités du pays communiste, régulièrement accusé de vouloir réduire au silence toute dissidence. Nguyen Huu Vinh, 57 ans, plus connu sous le nom de Anh Ba Sam, a été interpellé à Hanoï lundi pour avoir posté des articles "au contenu mauvais et aux informations incorrectes qui sapent le prestige et la confiance envers les agences de l'Etat", a indiqué le ministère de la Sécurité publique dans un communiqué.  ...

re:publica live gebloggt – Die Eröffnung!

06.05.2014 Anna Biselli (Netzpolitik) - Los geht es mit der Vorstellung von inhaftierten Bloggern, die für eine bessere Welt kämpften und dafür Repressionen in Kauf genommen haben: Tạ Phong Tần [ta fong t^n], eine ehemalige vietnamesische Polizistin, hat wegen eines Blogs zehn Jahre im Gefängnis verbracht: Sie wurde 2011 wegen „anti-vietnamesischer Propaganda“ verurteilt.  ...

Chinese media threatens Vietnam with a ‘lesson it deserves’ over oil rig row

06.05.2014 (South China Morning Post) - China should give Vietnam a “lesson it deserves to get” if Hanoi ratchets up tension in the South China Sea, an aggressive editorial in state-run media said on Tuesday. The editorial in the Global Times newspaper comes after Vietnam reacted furiously to a decision by Beijing to move a deep-water drilling rig into disputed waters for the first time.  ...

Online Portal Documents Vietnam's Human Rights Abuses

05.05.2014 Andrew Lam (HuffPost Media) - Despite recent economic advances, Vietnam continues to languish when it comes to improving its human rights record, activists say. A new English-language online news portal, Vietnam Right Now, looks to inform readers on the Communist country's human rights situation, including updates on prisoners of conscience and others jailed for speaking out.  ...

EEUU y Filipinas lanzan maniobras en el mar de China

05.05.2014 (Univision) - Estados Unidos y Filipinas lanzaron unas vastas maniobras de entrenamiento, unos días después de la visita al archipiélago del presidente Barack Obama, que reiteró su apoyo a su aliado frente a las veleidades territoriales de China.  ...

China rejects Vietnam’s call to stop oil drilling

05.05.2014 By Chris Brummitt | AP (Arab News) - HANOI, Vietnam: Vietnam demanded China stop oil drilling operations in a disputed patch of the South China Sea, saying on Monday that Beijing’s decision to deploy a deep sea rig over the weekend was illegal.

China dismissed the objections, saying the activity was being carried out in its territorial waters.  ...

Vietnam protests Chinese oil rig in disputed sea

05.05.2014 (The Japan Times) HANOI – Vietnam demanded China stop oil drilling operations in a disputed patch of the South China Sea, saying on Monday that Beijing’s decision to deploy a deep sea rig over the weekend was illegal.  ...

Saigon: forgotten by Hanoi, S Vietnamese veterans helped by Catholics and Buddhists

05.05.2014 by Nguyen Hung (AsiaNews) - Catholics, Protestants and Buddhists came together in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in a show of solidarity for 435 South Vietnamese war veterans under the impetus of the city's Redemptorist Fathers. The old soldiers are former members of the armed forces of the US-backed Republic of Vietnam that lost the war to North Vietnam in 1975 when the country was reunified.  ...

Saigón: católicos y budistas en ayuda a los veteranos de guerra del sur, olvidados por Hanói

05.05.2014 de Nguyen Hung (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Ming City (AsiaNews)- Un movimiento interreligioso de Ho Chi ming City- que reúne a católicos, protestantes y budistas- bajo la iniciativa de los padres Redentoristas de Saigón, promovió un iniciativa de solidaridad hacia 435 soldados sud-vietnamitas veteranos de guerra. Se trata de combatientes de la ex República de Vietnam, filo americana, derrotada por el ejército del nord-vietnamita que en 1975 reunificó el País.  ...

Asean centrality rests on peoples not leaders

05.05.2014 Kavi Chongkittavorn (The Nation) - When the Asean senior officials got together recently in Singapore for the discussion on South China Sea, the situation in Ukraine was discussed on the sideline. There was a proposal from some Asean members to issue a joint statement on the annexation of Crimea by Russia.  ...

Revocation of Degree Four Years Later Leads to Protest by Vietnamese Academics

02.05.2014 (Committee of Concerned Scientists) - Hanoi National University of Education awarded Do Thi Thoan a Masters Degree in 2010, after it received the highest possible evaluation. In 2014, another committee revoked the degree without explanation to Ms. Thoan. Her research adviser was fired.  ...

Saigon: chrétiens et bouddhistes fêtent les vétérans de l’armée du Sud-Vietnam

02.05.2014 (Églises d'Asie) - « Malheur aux vaincus ! » Depuis la chute de Saigon, le 30 avril 1975, les blessés et mutilés de guerre appartenant au camp de l’ancienne République (2e) du Sud-Vietnam ont eu à subir cette cruelle et inhumaine loi de la guerre. Ils ont été ignorés, abandonnés et mis en marge de la société par le pouvoir en place.  ...

Threats, pressure, violence and prison: the daily life of Asia's "information heroes"

03.05.2014 (AsiaNews/Agencies) Phnom Penh - Today is World Press Freedom. Awards for Cambodian, Burmese, Chinese and Vietnamese journalists. The Beijing and Hanoi governments tighten censorship. Director General of RSF: "we honor the courage of journalists and bloggers who sacrifice their lives to follow their vocation". A young Cambodian reporter, victim of repeated attacks for denouncing human rights violations and a Burmese journalist jailed for having conducted an investigation are among this year's 100 "information heroes".  ...

Las amenazas, la presión, la violencia y la cárcel: la vida cotidiana de los "Héroes de la información" en Asia

03.05.2014 (AsiaNews/Agencies) Phnom Penh - Hoy se celebra en todo el mundo el Día Internacional por la libertad de la prensa. Premios para periodistas de Camboya, Birmania, China y Vietnami. Los gobiernos de Beijing y Hanoi refuerzan la censura. Director General de RSF: "En honor a la valentía de los periodistas y bloggers que sacrifican sus vidas para seguir su vocación". Un joven reportero camboyano, una víctima de repetidos ataques por denunciar violaciones de los derechos humanos y un periodista birmano encarcelado por haber llevado a cabo una investigación se encuentran entre los 100 "héroes de la información", 2014.  ...

Geht das Mekong-Delta bald unter?

02.05.2014 Von Peter Jaeggi (Fränkischen Nachrichten) - In etwa 50 Jahren wird das Mekong- Delta Südvietnams 70 Zentimeter unter Wasser stehen - so sagen es Modell- rechnungen voraus. Falls dies eintrifft, müssten sechs Millionen Menschen umgesiedelt werden. Die Folgen wären verheerend, denn das Delta ist die Reisschüssel Vietnams und seine wirtschaftliche Lebensader.  ...

Rückkehr nach Vietnam: Die Kinder des Feindes

02.05.2014 Sue Lloyd-Roberts (Huffington Post Deutschland) - Zwei Amerikaner mittleren Alters spazieren durch das Rotlichtviertel Saigons. Auf den ersten Blick wirken sie wie Touristen, die sich ins Nachtleben stürzen. Merkwürdigerweise beachten sie all die Mädchen in  Miniröcken jedoch nicht, die ihnen von ihren Barhockern aus zuwinken. Stattdessen nehmen sie Platz in einem einfachen Café und fangen an, sich über ihre ehemaligen Freundinnen zu unterhalten.  ...

US Panel Adds 8 Counties to List of Severe Violators of Religious Freedom

01.05.2014 (VOA) - A U.S. panel on religious freedom is asking the State Department to add eight more countries to the list where severe  violations of religious freedom are tolerated by their governments. In its annual report, the Commission on International Religious Freedom named Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Vietnam as new "countries of particular concern."  ...

U.S. to Raise Bloggers’ Crackdown Issue With Vietnam

01.05.2014 By Richard Finney and Mac Lam (RFA) - The United States will raise the issue of Vietnam’s persistent crackdown on bloggers at a bilateral human rights dialogue this month, a senior official said Thursday, as six Vietnam-based bloggers expressed concerns  in Washington over harsh restrictions on Internet freedom in the one-party communist state.  ...

UK anti-slavery bill must focus more on victims, MP says

01.05.2014 Author: Katie Nguyen (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - LONDON - The British government's proposed law to wipe out modern-day slavery is a landmark piece of legislation but needs to focus more on victims to ensure a higher rate of convictions.

Most victims were from Nigeria, Vietnam, Albania, Romania and China, and subjected to sexual exploitation and forced labour.  ...

Japan may stop importing Vietnamese shrimp

01.05.2014 (ANN) - Japanese businesses are planning to stop importing shirmp from Vietnam due to excessively high levels oxytetracycline (OTC) in the Vietnamese produce, according to the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (Vasep).  ...

BFAR arrests 7 Vietnamese for poaching

01.05.2014 (Inquirer.net) - SUBIC, Philippines—Seven Vietnamese fishermen were arrested by agents of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) for poaching in this town’s waters on Monday.  ...