

Indonesia protests to China over border intrusion near South China Sea

31.12.2019 (Asahi Shimbun) - JAKARTA--Indonesia said on Monday it had protested to Beijing over the presence of a Chinese coastguard vessel in its territorial waters near the disputed South China Sea, saying it marked a "violation of sovereignty." ...

Thủ Thiêm parish is safe: regime estate agents will not be able to demolish it

31.12.2019 (AsiaNews) - The structure that houses Sisters of the Congregation of the Holy Cross Lovers and the church built on the ground of Thủ Thiêm (photo), in Ho Chi Minh City, are safe: the authorities have given them the  status of "buildings of historical value", thus prohibiting any type of construction or construction intervention in the two new monuments. ...

Assessing Vietnam's Law on Belief and Religion

31.12.2019 (VOA) - Das US-amerikanische Komitee für internationale Religionsfreiheit (USCIRF), eine unabhängige Kommission, die die US-Regierung in Fragen der Religionsfreiheit berät, veröffentlichte kürzlich ein Update zur Umsetzung des vietnamesischen Gesetzes über Glauben und Religion von 2018. ...

Vietnam: les luttes intestines du régime planent sur la campagne anti-corruption

30.12.2019 (RFI) - Un ancien ministre en charge de l’Information a été condamné à la prison à vie et un haut dirigeant du parti a été arrêté ce week-end dans le cadre d’une affaire anti-corruption. Mais pour certains observateurs, derrière la lutte anti-corruption se cache aussi une lutte de pouvoir interne. ...

Seis años de cárcel en Vietnam por compartir material «antiestatal» en Facebook

30.12.2019 Por Álvaro Geneiro (Viruji) - Una corte de Vietnam ha sentenciado a un usuario de Facebook a seis años de prisión, más dos de arresto domiciliario, por una serie de publicaciones en la red social consideradas «antiestatales», según el Gobierno del país del sureste asiático. ...

Thai Official Warns of Water Shortages Due to Weather, Dams

30.12.2019 By Associated Press (VOA) - BANGKOK - Thailand should brace for serious water shortages when the hot season begins in March after a year with unusually little rainfall, one of the country's top water management officials said Monday. ...

Mord an Studentin: Todesurteil für sechs Männer in Vietnam

30.12.2019 (Der Farang) - Hanoi – Für die Vergewaltigung und den Mord an einer Studentin sind in Vietnam sechs Mitglieder eines Drogenrings zum Tode verurteilt worden. ...

The Next China? Vietnam Looks Good Only on Paper

29.12.2019 Shuli Ren (Bloomberg News) - A young labor force, a real estate boom, a politically stable Communist-led country that can reap riches through exports and a friendly relationship with the U.S. — many have compared Vietnam to what China was more than two decades ago. ...

Vietnam ex-minister gets life sentence in bribery case

28.12.2019 (Daily Mail) - A court in Vietnam sentenced a former communications minister to life in prison Saturday for receiving millions of dollars in bribes, as the hardline administration presses its anti-graft drive against once-powerful figures in the communist state. ...

Vietnamese Activists Are Now Charged as ‘Criminals’ in a Government Bid to Destroy Support

27.12.2019 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam are changing the charges filed against democracy advocates and rights supporters being hunted by police, saying the activists are not wanted for political offenses but for common crimes, sources in the country say. ...

Vietnamese boat refugee shares power of education

27.12.2019 Tatiana Sanchez (San Francisco Chronicle) - After the Vietnam War ravaged his homeland, Hao Lam tried to flee Saigon more than 10 times. ...

In East China Sea, Beijing plays long game

26.12.2019 By Grant Newsham (Asia Times) - Geography blocks China’s access to the open Pacific, so it is beefing up its navy and strategizing a breakout. ...

Vietnam Wants to Be Next Singapore

26.12.2019 (VOA) - As the only Southeast Asian nations in what was once called the TPP trade agreement, Vietnam and Singapore seem far apart. One has the lowest income per capita among agreement members, the other has the highest. ...

Korea regains biggest foreign investor status in Vietnam

26.12.2019 By Lee Min-hyung (The Korea Times) - Korea has regained its status as the biggest foreign investor in Vietnam in 2019, surpassing Japan which clinched the spot for the past two years, according to data. ...

Minderheitenpolitik in China: Chinas Ethnien zwischen Anpassung und Widerstand

24.12.2019 Autor Hans Spross (DW) - In Tibet hat China weitgehend "Stabilität" nach seinen Vorstellungen hergestellt, in Xinjiang arbeitet es noch daran. Auch die Hui-Minderheit, Muslime wie die Uiguren, wird schärfer reglementiert. ...

Why Old Friends China, Malaysia Suddenly Disagree over Tract of Sea

23.12.2019 By Ralph Jennings (VOA) - TAIPEI, TAIWAN - China and Malaysia, old friends with a complex trade and investment relationship, are disagreeing over Malaysia's rights to extend sovereignty into part of a disputed sea that's rich in fossil fuel reserves. ...

Once cumpleaños en prisión: Entrevista con hija del disidente vietnamita Tran Huynh Duy Thuc

23.12.2019 Escrito por The 88 Project, Traducido por Andrea González (GlobalVoices) - El señor Tran Huynh Duy Thuc es uno de los disidentes políticos más destacados en Vietnam y tiene una visión de reforma política exhaustiva para el país. Es un ingeniero y empresario originario de la ciudad Ho Chi Minh. ...

Vietnam Utility Dares Mekong Devastation

22.12.2019 By: David Brown (Asia Sentinel) - Inertia and the inherent tone-deafness of an authoritarian regime have set Vietnam on a course toward economic and political disaster. It is not too late, however, for the ruling party’s top leaders, the Politburo, to disavow support for state-owned PetroVietnam’s plans to build a huge dam on the Mekong River. ...

Vietnam-linked Hacking Group Targets Toyota, Other Companies

22.12.2019 (investing) - (Bloomberg) -- A Vietnam-based hacking group is learning from China’s playbook, using increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks to spy on competitors and help Vietnam catch up to global competitors, according to cybersecurity experts. ...

Südchinesisches Meer: Machtspiele auf offener See

22.12.2019 Eine Analyse von Hauke Friederichs und Steffen Richter (Die Zeit) - Malaysia zensiert einen Hollywood-Kinderfilm, Vietnam verbietet ihn. Dahinter steckt ein Konflikt von weltpolitischer Dimension. Hauptakteure: China und die USA. ...

Two Vietnamese Activists Now in Failing Health in Prison

20.12.2019 (RFA) - Two activists held in Vietnam on political charges are in poor health in prison, with authorities failing over the last several months to address medical concerns previously brought to their attention, family members say. ...

267 Millionen Facebook-Datensätze online

20.12.2019 (Linux Magazin) - Eine Facebook-Datenbank mit 267 Millionen Nutzernamen, IDs und Telefonnummern ist im Netz aufgetaucht. Die gefundenen Daten betreffen mehrheitlich amerikanische Nutzer. Diatschenko und Comparitech vermuten, dass Kriminelle aus Vietnam die Daten gestohlen haben. ...

À 12 ans, ses peintures se vendent plus de 100.000 €

20.12.2019 (Metro) - Xeo Chu est un artiste hors du commun. Du haut de ses 12 ans, cet enfant vietnamien expose ses peintures dans une galerie new-yorkaise et ses œuvres s’arrachent pour plus de 100.000 €. ...

Vietnamese tanker captain jailed over Shell oil heist in Singapore

20.12.2019 (CNA) - SINGAPORE: A Vietnamese tanker captain has been jailed in Singapore for his part in a scheme that saw about US$150 million (S$203 million) worth of oil stolen from energy giant Shell's largest refinery ...

11 anniversaires en prison : interview avec la fille du dissident vietnamien Tran Huynh Duy Thuc

19.12.2019 Ecri par The 88 Project, Traduit par Rémy Vuong (GlobalVoices) - M. Tran Huynh Duy Thuc est l'un des principaux dissidents politiques au Viêt-Nam, et il a une vision globale de réforme pour son pays. ...

Baby geschmuggelt - Zwei Männer an Grenze zu Vietnam festgenommen

19.12.2019 (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - Beim Versuch, ein zwei Wochen altes Baby von Vietnam nach China zu schmuggeln, sind zwei Männer festgenommen worden. ...

Police in Vietnam Detain Falun Gong Follower, Seize Her Pamphlets

19.12.2019 (RFA) - Police in Vietnam’s northern Quang Ninh province detained a garment worker suspected of recruiting for the Falun Gong spiritual movement this week, confiscating 65 leaflets she was carrying, state media sources said. ...

Vietnam fights China's 'nine-dash line' amid old enmities

18.12.2019 by Sen Nguyen (AlJazeera) - Vietnam is pushing back on Chinese claims over the South China Sea targeting Beijing's controversial nine-dash line. It came as no surprise to Vietnamese student Doan Thanh Hai that China's infamous nine-dash line has been causing trouble in his country. ...

Am schönen blauen Mekong

18.12.2019 Manfred Rist (NZZ) - Der Mekong, die Lebensader zwischen China und Vietnam, hat seine typisch braune Farbe verloren. Was wie eine gute Nachricht tönt, ist in Wirklichkeit ein Alarmzeichen. ...

MILITÄRMACHT CHINA: China feiert sich - und seinen Flugzeugträger

17.12.2019 (DW) - Mit ganz viel Pomp und noch mehr Nationalstolz hat China seinen ersten selbstgebauten Flugzeugträger in Dienst gestellt. Es war eine Machtdemonstration: Die Zeremonie fand auf dem großen Marinestützpunkt Sanya auf der südchinesischen Insel Hainan statt - unweit der von China beanspruchten Seegebiete im Südchinesischen Meer. ...

Vietnam’s workers finally lose their chains

16.12.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - New FTAs force ruling Communist Party to allow independent unions that could deter not promote new foreign investment. Currently, all trade unions must be approved by and affiliated with the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL), a state-run federation that is part of the Party’s Fatherland Front, ...

Zwei Ex-Minister wegen Korruption vor Gericht

16.12.2019  (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - Zwei frühere vietnamesische Informationsminister müssen sich wegen Korruption vor Gericht verantworten. ...

Vietnam : la capitale Hanoï fait face à une pollution de l’air persistante

14.12.2019 (mapecology) - Hanoï – La pollution de l’air dans la capitale vietnamienne, Hanoï a continué de s’aggraver, classant la ville parmi les plus polluées au monde. ...

China finanziert eine Autobahn in Montenegro: vom Traum zur Tragödie

14.12.2019 von Andrea Jeska (Frankfurter Rundschau) - Eine von China finanzierte Autobahn soll das Land Montenegro aus Isolation und Armut befreien - es gibt jedoch erhebliche Bedenken.

„Die Straße ist Leben.“ So wirbt die Regierung von Montenegro für die Bar-Boljare-Autobahn, das „Jahrhundertprojekt“ des kleinen Balkanlandes. Ein Leben, das lange brauchte, um zu solchem zu werden. ...

L’Église vietnamienne installe Mgr Joseph Nguyen Nang comme nouvel archevêque d’Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville

14.12.2019 (Eglises d'Asie) - Mercredi dernier dans la cathédrale Notre-Dame d’Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville (Saïgon), dans le sud du Vietnam, Mgr Marek Zalewski, représentant non résident du Saint-Siège, le cardinal Pierre Nguyen Van Nhon, archevêque émérite de Hanoï, et 25 évêques vietnamiens étaient présents pour l’installation de Mgr Joseph Nguyen Nang comme nouvel archevêque, aux côtés de près de 900 fidèles. ...

Délocaliser des habitants, une solution face au "tsunami" de la montée des mers

13.12.2019 (L'Antenne) - Face à la montée continue du niveau des mers engendrée par le réchauffement climatique, élus et chercheurs ont appelé mercredi 4 décembre à Montpellier à "sortir du déni" et à "anticiper", y compris en délocalisant des populations de zones régulièrement submergées. ...

The Vietnamese football club that defies China

12.12.2019 (The Economist) - Its name rejects Beijing’s expansive claims to the South China Sea.

It is just a practice match, but the footballers are wearing their full kit anyway. As the shadows stretch across the pitch in inner-city Hanoi, the words emblazoned on their bright yellow jerseys catch the eye. ...

Vietnamese Dissident Who Died Behind Bars is Buried at Prison

12.12.2019 (RFA) - A retired teacher who died in prison this week while serving a 13-year term for ‘subversion’ because of Facebook postings was buried in a prison cemetery on Tuesday, the day he died, with only a few family members present, sources said. ...

Vietnam’s Internet Control: Following in China’s Footsteps?

11.12.2019 By Justin Sherman (The Diplomat) - Vietnam’s new cybersecurity law suggests that the government is attempting to follow China’s model of internet control. On January 1 of this year, a new cybersecurity law entered into effect in Vietnam after its passage in the Vietnamese National Assembly in June 2018. ...

La détention de Nguyen Van Hoa est arbitraire, continuons à réclamer sa libération !

11.12.2019 (ACAT) - Le jeune défenseur des droits humains Nguyen Van Hoa purge actuellement une peine de sept ans de prison. Bien que sa détention ait été reconnue comme « arbitraire » par des experts onusiens, il continue de subir menaces et mauvais traitements derrière les barreaux. ...

2019 Franco-German Human Rights and the Rule of Law Prize (10 December 2019)

10.12.2019 (France Diplomatie) - The Franco-German Human Rights and the Rule of Law Prize, created in 2016, is awarded every year to human rights defenders around the world, but also to lawyers who represent the human rights defenders and journalists who work to make the truth known. Through this prize, France and Germany wish to show their support for the work of these individuals. ...

Prix franco-allemand des droits de l’Homme et de l’État de droit 2019 (10 décembre 2019)

10.12.2019 (France Diplomatie) - Le prix franco-allemand des droits de l’Homme et de l’État de droit, institué en 2016, honore chaque année des défenseurs des droits de l’Homme à travers le monde, mais aussi des avocats qui les défendent et des journalistes qui se battent pour faire connaître la vérité. La France et l’Allemagne souhaitent, par ce prix, marquer leur soutien à leur action. ...

„Ihr Mut macht auch anderen Mut!“

10.12.2019 (Auswärtiges Amt) - Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages der Menschenrechte am 10. Dezember vergeben Deutschland und Frankreich seit 2016 jährlich gemeinsam den Deutsch-Französischen Preis für Menschenrechte und Rechtsstaatlichkeit an 15 Menschenrechtsverteidiger und Menschenrechtsverteidigerinnen. ...

Deutsch-Französischer Preis für Menschenrechte und Rechtsstaatlichkeit 2019 (10. Dezember 2019)

10.12.2019 (France Diplomatie) - Ausgezeichnet mit dem 2016 zum ersten Mal verliehenen Deutsch-Französischen Preis für Menschenrechte und Rechtsstaatlichkeit werden jedes Jahr sowohl Persönlichkeiten, die sich weltweit für die Verteidigung der Menschenrechte einsetzen, ...

“Your courage inspires others with courage!”

10.12.2019 (Federal Foreign Office) - To mark the Human Rights Day, every 10 December since 2016 Germany and France have jointly presented the Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law to 15 human rights defenders. ...

11 birthdays in a prison: Interview with the daughter of Vietnamese dissident Tran Huynh Duy Thuc

10.12.2019 (Global Voices) - Mr. Tran Huynh Duy Thuc is one of the most prominent political dissenters in Vietnam and has a comprehensive political reform vision for the country. ...

Vietnam struggles to stay a trade war winner

10.12.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - Vietnam is under rising US pressure to stop transshipment of tariff-dodging China-made goods ...

Michelle Obama promotes girls education in Vietnam school

10.12.2019 By Hau Dinh (AP) - LONG AN, Vietnam — Former U.S. first lady Michelle Obama spoke to students at a school in southern Vietnam while promoting education for girls to help reach their full potential. ...

Local Authorities Destroy Christmas Nativity Scene in Ho Chi Minh City’s Loc Hung

09.12.2019 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam Sunday clashed with citizens over a Christmas nativity scene display in a part of Ho Chi Minh City that has been embroiled in a land dispute. ...

Naval Resupply Advance Gives China New Edge in Maritime Disputes

09.12.2019 (VOA) - A Chinese military supply ship has made its first transfer from a civilian vessel, Chinese media say. Improved at-sea resupply capacity in turn will enable the People’s Liberation Army Navy better to control tracts of disputed waterways in East Asia ...

Zahradil 'conflict of interest' over EU-Vietnam trade deal

09.12.2019 By Nikolaj Nielsen (EUobserver) - An MEP spearheading EU trade talks with Vietnam says he doesn't have to declare his role in a group with ties to the ruling repressive communist state regime in Hanoi - despite European Parliament rules. ...

Michelle Obama und Julia Roberts setzen sich im Vietnam für Schülerinnen ein

09.12.2019 (Deutschland Today) - Can Giuoc (AFP) - Die frühere First Lady der USA, Michelle Obama, hat sich bei einem Besuch im Vietnam gemeinsam mit Hollywoodstar Julia Roberts für die Schulbildung von Mädchen eingesetzt. ...

Michelle Obama et Julia Roberts réunies en Asie pour promouvoir l'éducation des jeunes filles

09.12.2019 Lisa Hanoun (Le Figaro) - En pleine tournée asiatique, Michelle Obama et Julia Roberts se sont rendues, ce lundi 9 décembre, dans un lycée vietnamien pour promouvoir l’éducation des jeunes filles. ...

Vietnamese Hackers Compromised BMW and Hyundai: Report

09.12.2019 Phil Muncaster (Infosecurity Magazine) - A Vietnamese state-backed threat group has been blamed for cyber-attacks that compromised the networks of BMW and Hyundai over recent months. ...

Will the Chinese Century End Quicker Than It Began?

08.12.2019 by Richard Javad Heydarian (The National Interest) - China’s new paramount leader, Xi Jinping, has completely discarded the low-key diplomacy of his predecessors in favor of an all-out bid for global primacy. ...

Dem Untergang geweiht

08.12.2019 Von Jessica von Blazekovic (FAZ) - Das Mekongdelta ist die „Reisschüssel“ Vietnams. Doch schon in 30 Jahren könnte es im Meer versinken. Zu Besuch in einer Region, die der Klimawandel besonders hart trifft. ...

Ericsson akzeptiert Milliardenvergleich

07.12.2019 (DW) - Der schwedische Netzwerkausrüster Ericsson hat sich mit den US-Behörden auf einen Vergleich geeinigt, um ein Korruptionsverfahren abzuschließen. Das Unternehmen zahle mehr als eine Milliarde Dollar ...

They stole my mother’s organs: a Vietnamese human trafficking victim on going to the UK

07.12.2019 Raquel Carvalho (SCMP) - Nguyen was held captive in Vietnam and then forced to work on cannabis farms and in a restaurant in the UK before being rescued by the authorities. ...

Une nouvelle chance pour Ho Duy Hai, dans les couloirs de la mort depuis 11 ans

06.12.2019 (ACAT France) - Le 30 novembre 2019, le Parquet populaire suprême vietnamien a reconnu que le cas de Ho Duy Hai, condamné à mort en 2008 ...

Vietnam Draws Lines in the Sea - Hanoi’s new defense white paper reflects fears of Chinese encroachment

06.12.2019 by Huong Le Thu (Foreign Policy) - The 2019 defense white paper released last month, Vietnam’s first in 10 years, doesn’t offer detailed updates on the force structure and organization of its military forces ...

BMW and Hyundai hacked by Vietnamese hackers, report claims

06.12.2019 By Catalin Cimpanu for Zero Day (ZDNet)  - German media is reporting that hackers suspected to have ties to the Vietnamese government have breached the networks of two car manufacturers, namely BMW and Hyundai. ...

Norwegian Embassy in Hanoi wearing orange to support movement against gender based violence

06.12.2019 by Zazithorn Ruengchinda (ScandAsia) - The Norwegian ambassador to Vietnam, H.E.Grethe Løchen togther with members of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Hanoi wore orange colour every Monday ...

BMW von Hackern ausgespäht

06.12.2019 Von Hakan Tanriverdi und Josef Streule, BR (Tagesschau) - Einer Hackergruppe ist es nach Informationen des BR gelungen, in Computernetzwerke von BMW einzudringen. Es soll sich um eine Gruppe handeln, die im Auftrag des Staates Vietnam agiert. ...

Experts say Mekong River’s new color a worrying sign

05.12.2019 By Busaba Sivasomboon, AP (Washington Post) - BANGKOK — Experts say the aquamarine color the Mekong River has recently acquired may beguile tourists but it also indicates a problem caused by upstream dams. ...

Vietnamese Girls Trafficked to Brothels, Nail Salons While on Student Visas in the UK, Report Claims

05.12.2019 (NextShark) - Nearly a dozen Vietnamese children have gone missing in the United Kingdom due to trafficking in the last few years, a recent report claims. ...

Three men found guilty of smuggling Vietnamese teens into UK using boat

05.12.2019 By Euan O'Byrne Mulligan (Sutton & Croydon Guardian) - Three men who trafficked Vietnamese teens into the UK using an inflatable boat have been jailed. ...

US, China rivalry puts Vietnam in a no-win bind

04.12.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - Hanoi is finding it increasingly difficult to strike a non-aligned balance between the rival superpowers. ...

‘I feel grateful’: Vietnamese human rights advocate and his family set to enjoy first Christmas in Canada

04.12.2019 By Sahar Fatima (Toronto Star) - Quyen Bach missed the birth of his first child. Instead the Vietnamese human-rights advocate was in jail, imprisoned for daring to speak out against his government. ...

Police and thugs stop Catholics helping South Vietnam veterans in Tiền Giang

04.12.2019 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – Policemen and thugs in the southern province of Tiền Giang prevented the Catholic Church from helping former soldiers of the US-backed Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). The latter was defeated by Communist North Vietnam after 20 years of war reuniting the country in 1975. ...

Civil society calls on European Parliament not to ratify EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement without firm guarantees on human rights

03.12.2019 (Quê Mẹ) - BRUSSEL (VCHR) – At a Conference on “Human Rights and the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA)”, hosted by MEP Julie Ward (S&D Group) and organized by Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) and Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), civil society organizations urged Euro-MPs not to ratify EVFTA until Vietnam has taken concrete steps to improve human rights. ...

La société civile appelle le Parlement Européen à ne pas ratifier l’Accord de Libre-échange UE-Vietnam sans garantie sérieuse pour les droits de l’Homme

03.12.2019 (Quê Mẹ) - BRUXELLES (VCHR) – Lors de la conférence sur “les droits de l’Homme et l’Accord de Libre-échange (EVFTA)”, présidée par la députée européenne Julie Ward (Groupe S&D) et organisée par le Comité Vietnam pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (VCHR) et Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), les organisations et personnalités de la société civile ont pressé les députés européens de ne pas ratifier l’EVFTA tant que le Vietnam n’aura pas garanti réellement et concrètement les droits de l’Homme. ...

Umwelt-Konferenz: Das Meer am Mekong

02.12.2019 Von Kristiana Ludwig, Vinh Hung (SZ) - Vietnam leidet unter dem Klimawandel, die Bundesregierung schickt deshalb Hilfe. Doch eine neue Umweltpolitik ist mit dem autoritären Regime nicht leicht umzusetzen. ...

Eleven North Korean defectors detained in Vietnam, seek to block deportation: activists

02.12.2019 Sangmi Cha (Reuters) - SEOUL - Eleven North Koreans seeking to defect to South Korea have been detained in Vietnam since Nov. 23 and are seeking help to avoid being repatriated, a South Korean activist group said on Monday. ...

Dieser ökologische Eistee kommt aus Bad Rappenau

02.12.2019 Von André Daub (Heilbronner Stimme) - Bad Rappenau  Tiger Thai Tea aus Bad Rappenau vertreibt einen ökologischen Eistee nach einem alten Familienrezept. Damit hat es das Gründer-Ehepaar bereits in die ersten Supermarktketten geschafft. Alles begann mit einem Kanu auf dem Mekong. ...

Kidnappingfall Trinh Xuan Thanh - Rechnung für Regierungsflug

01.12.2019 Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN  - 2017 wurde ein vietnamesischer Ex-Kader von Berlin nach Hanoi entführt. Nun belastet eine Rechnung den damaligen slowakischen Innenminister, eine Rechnung über 17.000 Euro des slowakischen Innenministeriums an das Innenministerium in Viet­nam über Flugkosten nach Moskau für den 26. Juli 2017. ...

Umweltverschmutzung in Vietnam - Wachstum statt Umwelt

01.12.2019 Marina Mai (taz) - Wasserkraft gilt in Vietnam als „unsicher“. Deshalb setzen Regierung und Bürger auf Energiequellen, die sie für moderner halten: Kohle und Erdöl. Wer das verstehen will, sollte einmal in das nördliche Bergland fahren ...

Vietnam - Katastrophe auf den zweiten Blick

01.12.2019 (Frankfurter Rundschau) - Noch sind die Reisfelder saftig grün, suhlen sich die Wasserbüffel im Matsch – doch kaum ein Ort auf der Welt ist stärker vom Klimawandel bedroht als das Mekongdelta in Vietnam. ...

MTV Stuttgart holt Turn-Titel - Warum Kim Bui unverzichtbar ist

01.12.2019 Von Elke Rutschmann (Stuttgarter Zeitung) - Ludwigsburg - Kim Bui holt mit dem MTV Stuttgart ihren elften deutschen Mannschafts-Meistertitel und beweist, wie eminent wichtig sie für das Team ist. ...

Tischtennis: Als Aufsteiger befreit aufspielen

30.11.2019 (Augsburger Allgemeine) - Von den großen Langweider Erfolgen hat die Italienerin Thi Hong Loan Le spät erfahren. Im Interview erklärt sie, woher ihr Name kommt ...

Essex lorry deaths: last of bodies returned to Vietnam

30.11.2019 (The Guardian) - The remains of the last 23 of 39 Vietnamese people found dead in a lorry near London in October have been brought to Vietnam. ...

Alle Leichen aus Lkw-Anhänger eingetroffen

30.11.2019 (Der Farang) - BERLIN (dpa) - Die letzten der 39 in einem Lkw-Anhänger in Großbritannien entdeckten Leichen sind offiziellen Angaben zufolge nach Vietnam zurückgebracht worden. ...

Vietnam: Boom bei Solarenergie – grösste Solaranlage von Südostasien errichtet

30.11.2019 (Schönes Thailand) - Interessante gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen haben in Vietnam in den letzten zwei Jahren zu einem Boom bei Solarenergie beigetragen. Das Land konnte in Solaranlagen die Anzahl in 2 Jahren verneunfachen. ...

„Eiskalte Propaganda statt harmloser Teezeremonien“ - FDP warnt vor Konfuzius-Instituten an deutschen Unis

29.11.2019 (Der Tagesspiegel) - Von Peking gesteuerte Institute tragen laut FDP-Bildungsexperte chinesische Propaganda an deutsche Unis. Er fordert: Endlich den Geldhahn zudrehen. ...

Workers of Vietnam, Unite?

29.11.2019 By David Hutt (The Diplomat) - Vietnam’s revised Labor Code, agreed to overwhelmingly by the National Assembly on November 20, was mixed news for workers. It failed to reduce maximum working day limits, which stayed at eight hours a day or 48 hours a week. ...

Vietnamese authorities stop priest from attending mass led by Pope

29.11.2019 By Tola Mbakwe (Premier Christian Radio) - A Vietnamese priest was prevented from travelling to Japan to attend a mass celebrated by the Pope last weekend. Christian Solidarity Worlwide's (CSW) chief executive Mervyn Thomas has condemned Vietnamese authorities for their actions. "We call on Vietnam to allow the priest to travel freely, and to cease all harassment." ...

Why Vietnam Needs Six Airlines

29.11.2019 Ralph Jennings (Forbes) - Vietnam already supports five operating commercial airlines and a sixth is on the way. That’s because so many of the country’s newly minted middle class is literally going places. ...

Vietnam jails three more activists in crackdown on Facebook posts

28.11.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnam has jailed three more people for anti-government posts on social media platform Facebook deemed to defame the ruling Communist Party and the government, state media and police said on Thursday, bringing the total imprisoned this month to five. ...

Beijing turns South China Sea code into barrier for US and Japan

28.11.2019 (Nikkei Asian Review) - TOKYO -- China has changed tack on a proposed South China Sea code of conduct with Southeast Asian countries, potentially paving the way to exclude rivals, including the U.S. and Japan, from the hotly contested waters. ...

Vietnamese village holds funeral for UK trafficking victims found in truck

28.11.2019 (TVNZ) - The village of Dien Thinh bid farewell yesterday to two of its sons, victims of a human trafficking tragedy unveiled last month when the bodies of 39 Vietnamese were discovered in a truck in England. ...

Tod im Kühllaster - Erste Opfer in Vietnam beigesetzt

28.11.2019 Von Lena Bodewein, ARD-Studio Singapur (Tagesschau) - Fünf Wochen nach dem Fund von 39 toten Vietnamesen in einem Kühllaster in England sind die ersten Opfer beigesetzt worden. Für die Familien ist es eine Erleichterung, dass sie ihre Toten bestatten können. ...

Ab heute in Berlin: Wieviel Konfuzius ist überhaupt in den Konfuzius-Instituten?

27.11.2019 Von Christina Spirk (The Epoch Times) - Und das nicht nur wegen Spionage. Der Film "In the Name of Confucius" will mit Veranstaltungen in Berlin und neun anderen Städten diesen "blinden Fleck" aufklären. ...

Busting the myth of China’s New Silk Roads

27.11.2019 By Bertil Lintner, Chiang Mai (Asia Times) - If China’s state media and other propaganda organs are to be believed, Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is reopening ancient trade routes around the world once known as the “Silk Roads.” But there is no credible historical record of a “Southern Silk Road” connecting China and India, as China’s multiple attempts to penetrate Myanmar miserably failed. ...

Les premiers corps de migrants découverts morts dans un camion rapatriés au Vietnam

27.11.2019 (Le Monde) - Les premiers corps des migrants vietnamiens retrouvés morts à la fin d’octobre dans un camion frigorifique près de Londres ont été rapatriés mercredi 27 novembre au Vietnam, après de douloureuses semaines d’attente pour leurs familles, qui vont pouvoir organiser les funérailles. ...

Vietnam: Stop Intimidation and Harrassment of Independent Publishing House

27.11.2019 (Human Rights Watch) - Vietnamese authorities must immediately end the escalating crackdown on an independent publishing house, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said today. As part of the crackdown, dozens of people have been harassed and intimidated by police across the country, and at least one person has reported torture and other ill-treatment in detention. ...

Did Vietnam Just Doom the Mekong?

26.11.2019 By Tom Fawthrop (The Diplomat) - The recent decision by a Vietnamese oil company, Petrovietnam, to invest in a huge dam close to the much-loved World Heritage Site in Luang Prabang, Laos, has caused confusion and dismay for many Mekong experts, civil society groups, and some government officials in Hanoi. ...

Vietnam jails another Facebook user as dissent crackdown intensifies

26.11.2019 (Vancouver Sun) - REUTERS - HANOI — A court in Vietnam sentenced a Facebook user to six years in prison on Tuesday for a series of posts he made on the social media platform that the Southeast Asian country’s government said were “anti-state.” Nguyen Chi Vung, 38, was accused of “making and spreading anti-state information and materials” at the one-day trial at the People’s Court of Bac Lieu province ...

Vietnam Jails Six on Anti-state, Security Charges in Various Trials Across Country

26.11.2019 (News18 India) - AFP - Hanoi: Vietnam on Tuesday jailed six people on various security and anti-state charges in three separate cases, in one of the harshest days of sentencing in the communist country where dissidence is routinely quashed. ...

Vietnam publishes 2019 Defence White Paper, with eye on boosting self-sufficiency

26.11.2019 Jon Grevatt, Bangkok (Jane's Defence Industry) - Vietnam published on 25 November its Defence White Paper 2019, which outlines the country’s commitment to self-sufficiency and specifically its pledge towards the ‘Three No’ policy that was highlighted in previous White Papers. Deputy Defence Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh indicated the inclusion in the 2019 White Paper of a ‘fourth no’: that Vietnam will not use force or threaten to use force in international relations. ...

Another company expands recall of frozen tuna from Vietnam

26.11.2019 (Food Safety News) - More frozen tuna from Vietnam is under recall because of the danger of scombroid fish poisoning. Northern Fisheries LTD of Little Compton, RI, has expanded its voluntary recall of frozen, wild-caught yellowfin tuna “medallions” from Vietnam ...

Hanoi Police Block Access to Concert With Environmental Theme, Turn Activists Away

25.11.2019 (RFA) - Police in Vietnam’s capital Hanoi on Sunday blocked access to a piano recital held in the city’s Opera House, roughing up a group of environmental activists who had hoped to attend and preventing them from entering, sources said. The concert, titled “Awake” and performed by pianist Pho An My, featured an environmental theme, the civil society group Green Trees said in a Facebook posting after its members were turned away. ...

39 Tote in einem Kühllaster - Purfleet, Vietnam und die moderne Sklaverei

25.11.2019 von Andreas Stamm, Purfleet (ZDF) - Purfleet ist ein kleiner Ort an der Themse-Mündung. Doch seit Ende Oktober 39 Tote in einem Kühllaster entdeckt wurden, steht Purfleet auch für den modernen Menschenhandel. ...

Essex: LKW-Fahrer verdiente Geld als Schleuser

25.11.2019 (Zeit Online) - Im Oktober wurden in England zahlreiche Vietnamesen tot in einem Kühllaster gefunden. Der Fahrer des Wagens gestand nun, gegen Geld Menschen ins Land geschleust zu haben. ...

Vietnam: Blogger Faces Jail For Publishing Anti-Government Articles

23.11.2019 UCAN (EurasiaReview) - Human Rights Watch has called for the release of a human rights activist and blogger facing a possible lengthy prison term in Vietnam for allegedly publishing and distributing anti-government material. ...

Au Vietnam, ils ont tout perdu en devenant chrétien

23.11.2019 (Portes Ouvertes) - Thuan et son épouse Hien sont devenus chrétiens. Ils vivent au Nord du Vietnam où croire en Christ est considéré comme une trahison. ...

Vietnamese Facebook User Arrested on ‘Anti-State’ Charges After Six Months on the Run

22.11.2019 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam’s coastal Ha Tinh province arrested a Facebook user this week for “spreading information against the state” amid a continuing crackdown on freedom of expression online in the one-party communist country, according to Vietnamese sources. ...

Vietnam : fuite en ligne de deux millions de comptes d’une grande banque

23.11.2019 (Maroc Diplomatique) - Des pirates informatiques ont divulgué des informations personnelles de deux millions de comptes de la Banque maritime et commerciale du Vietnam (MSB) sur Internet. ...

Essex lorry deaths: Teenager escaped Dutch asylum centre

23.11.2019 (BBC) - One of the teenagers among 39 people found dead in a refrigerated lorry in Essex had gone missing from an asylum centre in the Netherlands, it has emerged. ...

Bericht: Mehrere in Kühl-Lkw gefundene Vietnamesen waren vor ihrem Tod in Berlin

23.11.2019 (Deutschland Today) - Berlin (AFP) - Von den 39 Vietnamesen, deren Leichen im Oktober in einem Kühllastwagen in Großbritannien gefunden wurden, haben sich einem Medienbericht zufolge mehrere vor ihrem Tod in Berlin aufgehalten. ...

Ten thousand Vietnamese faithful in Bangkok for the Pope: "When will he come to Vietnam?"

23.11.2019 by Thanh Tam (AsiaNews) - At least 3 thousand faithful came from Vietnam;  another 7,000 are migrants in Thailand.  Happiness: is seeing the Pope "at least once in a lifetime".  In Thailand, with 1% of Christians, there were two papal visits;  in Vietnam, with 10% of Catholics, no visits.  "The Vietnamese Church has proposed to invite the pontiff many times, but the official invitation must come from the government." ...

20 000 jeunes catholiques vietnamiens rassemblés dans le diocèse de Bui Chu

22.11.2019 (Eglises d'Asie) - Plus de 20 000 jeunes catholiques venus de onze diocèses du nord du Vietnam ont participé à un rassemblement annuel, du 19 au 20 novembre, dans la basilique de l’Immaculée Conception de Phu Nhai, dans le diocèse de Bui Chu, sur le thème « rentre à la maison auprès des tiens ». ...

Vietnam’s assault on a journalist

22.11.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - The Vietnamese Communist Party’s desire to suppress the bravest and noblest voices knows no ends. Human Rights Watch puts the number of political prisoners at more than 130. Now to be added to that growing inventory is Pham Chi Dung, a fearless and enlightening independent journalist. ...

Vietnamese Facebook User Arrested on ‘Anti-State’ Charges After Six Months on the Run

22.11.2019 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam’s coastal Ha Tinh province arrested a Facebook user this week for “spreading information against the state” amid a continuing crackdown on freedom of expression online in the one-party communist country, according to Vietnamese sources. ...

Ein unabhängiger vietnamesischer Journalist, Dr. Pham, Chi Dung, wurde in Saigon festgenommen

22.11.2019 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Nachdem andere prominente Oppositionelle wie der Blogger Dieu Cay, der Menschenrechtsanwalt Nguyen Van Dai u.a.m. verhaftet, verurteilt und anschließend in die USA bzw. nach Deutschland abgeschoben wurden, ist nun auch Pham, Chi Dung, einer der letzten im Lande verbliebenen prominenten Dissidenten festgenommen worden. ...

Vietnam’s Big Ethnic Challenge

22.11.2019 By David Hutt (The Diplomat) - The plight of Vietnam’s ethnic groups seems to be weighing heavily on the Communist Party’s mind in recent weeks, with the Politburo stating earlier this month that more action is needed to raise the economic situation of Vietnam’s 53 ethnic minority groups. ...

Vietnamese Authorities Arrest Journalist Pham Chi Dung for Writings Critical of the State

21.11.2019 Eugene Whong (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam arrested a prominent independent journalist Thursday for his criticism of the communist government. State media reported that Pham Chi Dung was detained by security officers at his home in Ho Chi Minh City ...

Vietnam 'bans' activist priest from attending Pope's Japan mass

21.11.2019 (The Straits Times) -  HANOI (AFP) - Vietnam blocked a Catholic priest from travelling to Japan to attend a mass by the Pope, he said on Thursday (Nov 21), accusing the government of targeting him because of his environmental activism. ...

Razzien im Münsterland - Geschleust und ausgebeutet - schwere Vorwürfe gegen Nagelstudio-Bande

21.11.2019 (Münstersche Zeitung) - Münster/Dülmen/Greven - Wie die Staatsanwaltschaft und das Hauptzollamt Münster in einer gemeinsamen Presseerklärung mitteilen, sind am Mittwoch in Münster sechs in Vietnam geborene Personen verhaftet worden. Diesem Schlag gegen die illegale Schleusung und Beschäftigung seien „sehr intensiv und verdeckt geführte” Ermittlungen vorausgegangen. ...

Verhaftet in Rottweil - Bande soll Vietnamesen in Nagelstudios ausgebeutet haben

21.11.2019 (Stuttgarter Nachrichten) - Münster/Rottweil - Bei einer Razzia in Rottweil und Nordrhein-Westfalen ging Ermittlern eine vietnamesische Bande ins Netz die ihre Landsleute zuerst nach Deutschland geschleust und dann ausgebeutet haben soll. ...

Haftbefehle wegen des Verdachts des bandenmäßigen Menschenhandels vollstreckt

21.11.2019 Siegfried Schönfeld (Lokalkompass) - Nach sehr intensiv und verdeckt geführten gemeinsamen Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft Münster und dem Hauptzollamt Münster sind am gestrigen Tag sechs Beschuldigte unter anderem wegen des Verdachts des gewerbs- und bandenmäßigen Menschenhandels und Einschleusens von Ausländern ...

Festnahmen wegen möglichen Menschenhandels

21.11.2019 (radiohochstift) - Ein 40-jähriger Paderborner gehört zu den Festgenommenen bei einem Schlag gegen Schleuserkriminalität. Die Staatsanwaltschaft und das Hauptzollamt Münster hatten zuvor mit riesigem Aufwand an dem Fall gearbeitet. ...

Vietnam: Longtime Critic Facing Trial - Persecuted for Criticizing the Government on Facebook

20.11.2019 (HRW) - (Bangkok) – Vietnamese authorities should drop all charges against the blogger Pham Van Diep and immediately release him, Human Rights Watch said today. ...

U.S. to provide ship to Vietnam to boost South China Sea patrols

20.11.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - The United States announced on Wednesday it will provide Vietnam with another coast guard cutter for its growing fleet of ships, boosting Hanoi’s ability to patrol the South China Sea amid tensions with China. ...

Papst an junge Vietnamesen: „Liebt euer Zuhause“

20.11.2019 (Vatican News) - Während Franziskus auf seiner 32. Apostolischen Reise in Thailand eingetroffen ist, hat der Vatikan an diesem Mittwoch eine Videobotschaft veröffentlicht, die der Papst an ein anderes südostasiatisches Land gerichtet hat. ...

1000 Euro für Auswanderung nach Deutschland: Mutmaßlicher Menschenschmuggler in Vietnam festgenommen

19.11.2019 (Sputnik) - In Vietnam ist ein mutmaßlicher Menschenschmuggler festgenommen worden, der Landesleuten versprochen haben soll, sie illegal nach Deutschland zu bringen. ...

Vietnam offers grieving families loans to return bodies

19.11.2019 Chris Humphrey and Bac Pham in Hanoi (The Guardian) - Impoverished relatives of the 39 people found dead in a refrigerated lorry in Essex last month have been told that neither the British nor Vietnamese governments will bear the costs of repatriating the bodies. ...

China Calls on US to 'Stop Flexing Muscles' in South China Sea

18.11.2019 By Reuters (VOA) - BANGKOK - China on Monday called on the U.S. military to stop flexing its muscles in the South China Sea and to avoid adding "new uncertainties" over Taiwan, during high-level talks that underscored tension between the world's two largest economies. ...

China sails carrier through Taiwan Strait, drawing Taipei's ire

18.11.2019 (Nikkei Asian Review) - BEIJING (Reuters) -- China's first domestically-built aircraft carrier is on its way to the South China Sea for tests and to take part in exercises, the Chinese navy said on Monday, after sailing through the Taiwan Strait in a mission denounced by Taipei as intimidation. ...

For the U.S., Vietnam is a friend in need

18.11.2019 by James Stavridis (Japan Times) - WASHINGTON – Vietnam is a country bursting with youthful energy. The nearly 100 million Vietnamese have an average age of just 31, and despite living under single-party communist rule,  they have a thriving capitalist economy that may hit 10 percent growth this year. ...

Viêt-Nam. Une militante arrêtée à son retour dans le pays

18.11.2019 (Amnesty International) - Réagissant aux informations signalant que la militante de premier plan Dinh Thao a été arrêtée et placée en détention à son arrivée à l’aéroport d’Hanoi Noi Bai ce matin, Joanne Mariner, responsable de la recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est et le Pacifique à Amnesty International, a déclaré : ...

Vo Trong Nghia plants fruit trees on the roof of a house in Vietnam

17.11.2019 Jon Astbury (de zeen) - Recycled water from a ground-floor fish pond is used to nourish fruit trees on the roof of a house in Danang City, Vietnam, by Vo Trong Nghia Architects. ...

Nguyen Le: Overseas (ACT)

16.11.2019 by Bill Meredith (JazzTimes) - Areticent guitar hero born in Paris to Vietnamese parents, Nguyen Le has cast a wide stylistic net over his 30-year recording career, fusing jazz, rock, world music, and hip-hop. ...

Viet Nam: Activist detained on her return to country

15.11.2019 (Amnesty International) - Responding to reports that prominent activist Dinh Thao was taken into custody upon her arrival at Hanoi Noi Bai airport this morning, Joanne Mariner, Amnesty International’s Research Director for Southeast Asia & the Pacific, said: ...

Zahl der Vietnamesen ohne Papiere in Deutschland wächst

15.11.2019 (Finanznachrichten) - Es gelangen vermehrt Vietnamesen illegal nach Deutschland. Das berichtet der "Spiegel". Im vergangenen Jahr entdeckten Beamte etwa 2.000 vietnamesische Staatsbürger, die sich illegal in Deutschland aufhielten ...

Vietnam Court Convicts Music Teacher of Anti-State Actions

15.11.2019 By The Associated Press (The New York Times) - HANOI, Vietnam — A Vietnamese court sentenced a music teacher on Friday to 11 years in jail for “anti-state” Facebook posts, state media reported. ...

Lehrer in Vietnam muss wegen Facebook-Posts für elf Jahre in Haft

15.11.2019 (Börse-Online) - HANOI (dpa-AFX) - Im kommunistischen Vietnam sind erneut Aktivisten verurteilt worden. Ein 43 Jahre alter Musiklehrer aus der Provinz Nghe An muss für elf Jahre in Gefängnis, weil er auf Facebook staatsfeindliche Kommentare gepostet haben soll ...

Un profesor de música condenado a 11 años de prisión por "atentar" contra el régimen comunista

15.11.2019 (RFI) - Un profesor de música fue condenado el viernes a 11 años de prisión tras un juicio sumario en Vietnam, acusado de "atentar" contra el régimen comunista, que no cesa de endurecer la represión contra los opositores. ...

Vietnam: un professeur de musique condamné à onze ans de prison pour avoir porté «atteinte» au régime

15.11.2019 (Journal de Montreal) - Hanoï - Un professeur de musique a été condamné vendredi à onze ans de prison au terme d’un procès expéditif au Vietnam, accusé d’avoir «porté atteinte» au régime communiste qui ne cesse de durcir sa répression contre les opposants. ...

Attorney Ejected From Trial of Vietnam Lawyer Who Offered to Defend Blogger

14.11.2019 (RFA) - A trial judge in Vietnam’s Nha Trang City on Thursday ejected from her courtroom a defense attorney representing a lawyer who was charged with tax evasion after offering to represent a former blogger for Radio Free Asia. ...

Libraire, au Vietnam : “Le livre contient quelque chose d’absolu et d’immortel”

14.11.2019 Nicolas Gary - Librairie Blue Horizon - Hanoi Vietnam libraire - Nguyễn Hương Lan (ActuaLitté) - ENTRETIEN – Nguyễn Hương Lan se dit volontiers « amoureuse de la lecture », au point d’en faire un métier. «Source d’inspiration inépuisable», les livres sont au cœur de son existence, à plus d’un titre. ...

Brussels man jailed for human smuggling of Vietnamese nationals

14.11.2019 (The Brussels Times) - The 45-year-old man, identified as a Brussels resident of Vietnamese origin, was sentenced by the Bruges correctional court to 37 months in jail, one of them suspended, Bruzz reports. ...

L’interminable casse-tête du rapatriement des 39 migrants vietnamiens morts dans un camion en Angleterre

14.11.2019 Par Anne-Diandra Louarn (InfoMigrants) - Trois semaines après la découverte de 39 migrants vietnamiens morts dans un camion frigorifique dans le sud de l’Angleterre, les familles des victimes attendent toujours que les corps soient rapatriés. ...

Confusion, anguish in Vietnam as families await UK truck dead

13.11.2019 James Pearson (Reuters) - HANOI- Tradition in Vietnam dictates that the dead should be buried within three days, but Nguyen Dinh Gia is still waiting for his son’s body to come home. ...

Next ASEAN Summit: How Will Vietnam Lead? – Analysis

12.11.2019 By Nazia Hussain (Eurasia Review) - The regional security architecture is evolving. While China is fast making inroads, US seems to be withdrawing from a region it has long dominated. How will the recently-concluded ASEAN Summit pave the way for multilateral initiatives under the next Chair, Vietnam? ...

Australian response to Chau Van Kham sentence condemned as 'pitifully weak'

12.11.2019 By James Massola (The Sydney Morning Herald) - Canberra's reluctance to criticise a Vietnamese court decision to sentence Australian citizen Chau Van Kham to 12 years jail over links to a peaceful pro-democracy organisation has been labelled "pitifully weak" by a leading human rights advocate. ...

Vietnamese families struggle to repatriate Essex lorry victims

12.11.2019 Chris Humphrey and Bac Pham in Hanoi (The Guardian) - The families of the 39 Vietnamese people found dead in a refrigerated lorry in Essex last month are facing financial difficulties over repatriating the bodies of their relatives. ...

Vietnam's coal, crude oil imports surge on rising energy demand

12.11.2019 Khanh Vu (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnam’s coal and crude oil imports surged in the first ten months of this year, government data released on Tuesday showed, highlighting the Southeast Asian country’s increasing reliance on imported energy to support its fast-growing economy. ...

Verloren geglaubte Tierart - Der Maushirsch ist wieder da

12.11.2019 (Spiegel Online) - 28 Jahre lang galt der Vietnamesische Maushirsch als verschollen. Dann sind gleich mehrere der kurios aussehenden Tiere in Kamerafallen getappt. ...

Incredibly Rare 'Mouse Deer' Spotted in Vietnam After Vanishing For Almost 30 Years

12.11.2019 (AFP) - A very rare species of small, deer-like animal thought to be on the verge of extinction has been spotted in the northwestern jungle of Vietnam for the first time in nearly 30 years. ...

Vietnam : un cerf-souris photographié pour la première fois depuis près de 30 ans

12.11.2019 (CNEWS) - Alors que les scientifiques l’avaient perdu de vue depuis 29 ans, un étonnant chevrotin à dos argenté, aussi appelé «cerf-souris», a été photographié au nord-ouest du Vietnam, révèle une étude publiée dans la revue «Nature Ecology & Evolution». ...

Australian Van Kham Chau sentenced to 12 years in Vietnamese prison for 'terrorism'

11.11.2019 by Maani Truu (SBS) - A Vietnamese court has sentenced Australian citizen Van Kham Chau to 12 years in prison for "terrorism" as a result of his affiliation with a US-based human rights group. ...

Australian man to face Vietnamese court on terrorism charges

10.11.2019 By James Massola (The Sydney Morning Herald) - Chau Van Kham, a retired baker from Sydney who once fought for south Vietnam's republican army during the country's long civil war, is one of three men charged with terrorism because of alleged links with an overseas-based political party, Viet Tan. Kham, who is now an Australian citizen after fleeing Vietnam in 1983, will stand trial alongside Nguyen Van Vien and Tran Van Quyen. ...

Laos Defends Latest Plans to Dam the Mekong

10.11.2019 By Zsombor Peter (VOA) - Laos has dismissed fears that its next hydropower dam on the Mekong River would devastate downstream communities after neighboring countries and rights groups raised their doubts at a regional forum in the capital last week. ...

Organised crime gangs turn Scotland into Vietnam human trafficking hotspot

10.11.2019 By Norman Silvester (Daily Record) - The number of men and women from the south-east Asian country being kept as slaves in Scotland has almost doubled in 12 months. ...

Los rostros de la tragedia de Essex: Hay 10 adolescentes entre los 39 cadáveres del camión

10.11.2019 (Noticias y Protagonistas) - Vietnam se encontraba de luto este viernes, un día después de que se confirmase que los 39 migrantes hallados muertos dentro de un camión en Inglaterra eran vietnamitas que en su mayoría huían de la pobreza, mientras el gobierno realizaba intensas gestiones para repatriar los cuerpos. ...

Trial Date Set in Vietnam for Lawyer Who Offered to Defend RFA Blogger

08.11.2019 (RFA) - Nearly 60 lawyers in Vietnam have now applied to represent a lawyer charged with tax evasion after he agreed to defend a dissident blogger and RFA contributor who was abducted in Thailand in January and brought back to Vietnam by force. ...

Nach Leichenfund in Lkw - Zehn Teenager unter den Opfern

08.11.2019 (Tagesschau) - Zwei Wochen nach dem Fund von 39 Leichen in einem Lkw in Großbritannien hat die Polizei weitere Details zur Identität der Opfer bekannt gegeben. ...

UK police identify truck victims; 10 teenagers among 39 dead

08.11.2019 By Danica Kirka (AP) - LONDON — Ten teenagers were among the 39 Vietnamese found dead in a truck container in southeast England last month, local police said Friday while relaying for the first time details of those who died. ...

GB/camion charnier: deux ados de 15 ans parmi les 39 victimes vietnamiennes

08.11.2019 (La Rép des Pyrénées) - Deux adolescents de 15 ans figurent parmi les 39 migrants vietnamiens retrouvés morts fin octobre dans un camion frigorifique près de Londres, dont les noms ont été publiés vendredi par la police britannique. ...

Essex lorry deaths: Police name 39 Vietnamese victims

08.11.2019 (BBC) - The names of all 39 Vietnamese nationals who were found dead in a refrigerated lorry in Essex have been released by police. Ten teenagers, including two 15-year-old boys, were among the victims. ...

Troubles on the Mekong - How Climate Change, Dams, and Geopolitics Threaten a River’s Future

07.11.2019 By Sam Geall (Foreign Affairs) - On October 29, Laos unveiled a new dam in the country’s north. The 1.3-gigawatt Xayaburi dam sits on the Mekong River, which flows the length of the country. But the dams threaten to choke an already encumbered river. ...

Vietnam: Drop Terrorism Charges Against Political Campaigners, Stop Repression of Political Opposition

07.11.2019 (HRW) - (Sydney) – Vietnam should drop terrorism charges against three men accused of affiliation with an overseas political group that presently advocates for democracy, human rights, and political reform, Human Rights Watch said today. ...

30 Jahre Mauerfall - DDR-Vertragsarbeiter: Ausgegrenzt und angefeindet

07.11.2019 Autorin: Melina Grundmann (DW) - Die DDR warb ausländische Vertragsarbeiter an, um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln. Sie sollten hart arbeiten, aber unsichtbar bleiben. Und nach der Wende am besten schnell wieder verschwinden. Manche blieben bis heute. ...

Resist And Reward: Vietnam’s Naval Expansion

06.11.2019 By Felix K. Chang (FPRI) - Without a doubt, the Southeast Asian country most willing to challenge Chinese claims in the South China Sea has been Vietnam. Its government and people have long resisted China. ...

Orange County man still faces up to 12 years in Vietnamese prison after appeal is denied

06.11.2019 By Roxana Kopetman (PE) - Michael Phuong Minh Nguyen, of Orange, has been accused of trying to overthrow the Vietnamese government. His family denies the allegations. ...

Über die 39 toten Migrant*innen aus Vietnam - Traum vom schnellen Wohlstand

05.11.2019 Sven Hansen (taz) - Vietnam trauert um 39 Mi­grant*innen, die vor Kurzem bei der illegalen Einreise nach Großbritannien in einem Kühlcontainer starben ...

Südchinesisches Meer: Vietnam bestraft Volkswagen wegen Navi-Karte

05.11.2019 (Spiegel) - VW hat schon wieder juristischen Ärger. Der ist nicht so groß wie beim Abgas-Skandal, aber kurios: Der Konzern soll die "Souveränität des Staats Vietnam" verletzt haben - durch eine Navigations-App. ...

Milliarden-Auftrag für kleinen Kölner Energie-Dienstleister

05.11.2019 (Deutsche Mittelstandsnachrichten) - Ein Anbieter, der gerade mit Macht versucht, seinen Fuß in den Markt hineinzubekommen, ist der Kölner Dienstleister „de Raj“, jetzt hat „de Raj“ einen Mega-Auftrag an Land gezogen: Das Unternehmen, das vom indischen CEO Vaidyanathan Nateshan geführt wird, unterzeichnete eine Absichtserklärung mit der Raffinerie Binh Son Refining & Petrochemical (BSR) aus Vietnam, um das Werk zu erweitern. ...

Young Vietnamese emigrate due to poverty and persecution, says priest in Nghe An

05.11.2019 (AsiaNews) - Nghệ An – The main factors driving young Vietnamese towards illegal migration are unemployment, debts, sick elderly parents, and persecution, this according to Fr Nguyễn Đình Thục, vicar of Song Ngọc parish (Diocese of Vinh), in Nghệ An province, north-central Vietnam. ...

Nhung Dam über Realität und Roman - „Fantasie kann ein Ausweg sein“

04.11.2019 Katharina Borchardt führte das Interview (taz) - Nhung Dam ist in den Niederlanden als Schauspielerin erfolgreich. Im Interview spricht sie über Herkunft, Migration, Familie und ihr Romandebüt „Tausend Väter“. ...

Teil eines Schleuserrings? Leichenfund in Lkw nahe London: Acht Festnahmen in Vietnam

04.11.2019 (Stern) - Hanoi - Nach dem Fund von 39 Leichen in einem Lastwagen nahe London hat die vietnamesische Polizei acht Verdächtige in der Provinz Nghe An festgenommen. ...

Vietnam arrests eight over UK truck deaths

04.11.2019 (AFP) - Vietnam has arrested eight more people in connection with the deaths of 39 people found in a truck in Britain who are believed to be Vietnamese, police said Monday. ...

Camion de l'horreur au Royaume-Uni : huit arrestations au Vietnam

04.11.2019 (CNEWS) - La police vietnamienne a arrêté huit nouvelles personnes soupçonnées d'être impliquées dans le drame des 39 migrants, probablement vietnamiens, retrouvés morts fin octobre à l'arrière d'un camion frigorifique près de Londres. ...

People smuggling gangs are using unsuspecting British private schools to traffic Vietnamese children into the UK on student visas before pulling them from classes to work in cannabis farms, brothels and nail bars

04.11.2019 By Martin Robinson (Mail Online) - Private schools are making hundreds of thousands of pounds from Vietnamese teenagers who arrive on student visas and then vanish into Britain within weeks of arriving, it emerged today. ...

Ringen um größte Freihandelszone der Welt

03.11.2019 (DW) - Ein Drittel der Weltwirtschaft und fast die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung sind beteiligt: In Bangkok verhandeln 16 asiatische Staaten das größte Freihandelsabkommen der Welt. Die Initiative dafür kam aus China. ...

Essex lorry deaths: Vigil for Vietnamese victims

03.11.2019 (BBC) - A vigil has been held in memory of the 39 Vietnamese victims who were found dead in a refrigerated lorry in Essex. More than 100 people attended the service at the Church of the Holy Name and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in east London. ...

Changement climatique - Climat : 300 millions de personnes menacées par la montée des océans d'ici 2050

02.11.2019 Léa Stassinet (RTL) - Plus des deux-tiers des populations concernées se trouveront en Chine, au Bangladesh, en Inde, au Vietnam, en Indonésie et en Thaïlande, selon une étude parue dans "Nature Communications". ...

Vietnamese smugglers call it the 'CO2' route: How the 'box people' travel to Europe

02.11.2019 Benjamin Mueller (The Independent) -  An estimated 18,000 Vietnamese migrants attempt this perilous journey each year. Vietnamese smugglers call it the “CO2” route: a poorly ventilated, oxygen-deficient trip across the English Channel in shipping containers or trailers piled high with pallets of merchandise, the last leg of a perilous, 6,000-mile trek across Asia and into Western Europe. ...

Far from Vietnam’s boomtowns, a rural region looks to Europe’s distant shores for escape

02.11.2019 By Michael Tatarski (Washington Post) - YEN THANH, Vietnam — For decades, since the height of the Cold War, young adults have left this rural region in droves — not for Vietnam’s booming cities but for more distant shores. ...

39 Leichen in Lkw – Britische Polizei: Alle Opfer kommen aus Vietnam

02.11.2019 (Südtirol Online) - Bei den 39 Todesopfern in einem Lastwagen nahe London handelt es sich nach neuen Erkenntnissen der britischen Polizei um Vietnamesen. ...

British police: All 39 found dead in trailer were Vietnamese

02.11.2019 By Allen Cone (UPI) - The 39 men and women found dead in a truck trailer near London were Vietnamese, police said. ...

Why Vietnam Can’t Stop Risky Migration to Richer Countries

01.11.2019 By Ralph Jennings (VOA) - The discovery by police in southeastern England quickly cast attention on human trafficking from Vietnam to Europe where incomes are higher. Several arrests have been made in the United Kingdom, and one man was charged with conspiracy to traffic people. ...

Vietnamese turn to traffickers to help chase fortunes abroad

01.11.2019 By Hau Dinh (AP) - DIEN THINH, Vietnam — For many Vietnamese, a job in a Western European country is seen as a path to prosperity worth breaking the law. But the risks of doing so are high and the consequences can be deadly, as the discovery of 39 bodies in a truck in England last week proved. ...

Vietnam makes arrests as it cracks down on people smuggling after UK truck deaths

01.11.2019 (SCMP) - Vietnam ordered an investigation into overseas trafficking after the bodies of 39 migrants were found in a truck in Britain on October 23. Three were arrested after a man who paid them US$36,000 to send his son to the US complained when they refused to give him a refund. ...

Vietnam arrests two people, questioning others over UK truck deaths -statement

01.11.2019 (Reuters) - Police in Vietnam arrested two people and summoned others for questioning on Friday on suspicion of involvement in the deaths of 39 people whose bodies were found in the back of a truck in Britain last week, authorities said. ...

Crossing a red line: Chinese transgressions in South China Sea need strong pushback

01.11.2019 Baladas Ghoshal (TOI) - Haiyang Dizhi 8, a Chinese survey vessel that encroached deep into Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) before withdrawing has clearly impinged on the country’s territorial integrity and economic security. Asean, whose one member has been subjected to aggression, must tell China to refrain from such activities. ...

L’Église saluée pour son rôle dans la romanisation de l’écriture vietnamienne

31.10.2019 (MEP) - La Commission épiscopale sur la culture de la Conférence des évêques du Vietnam (CBCV) a organisé, du 25 au 26 octobre, une conférence au centre pastoral d’Hô-Chi-Min-Ville afin de marquer les quatre cents ans de la création du système d’écriture romanisé de la langue vietnamienne (1618-2018). ...

US official urges ASEAN to stand up to China in sea row

31.10.2019 By Eileen Ng (AP) - KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — A senior U.S. official on Thursday urged Southeast Asian nations meeting this weekend in Bangkok to put up a stiffer resistance to China’s militarization of the disputed South China Sea. ...

Die „Missione Vietnam“ der italienischen Marine

31.10.2019 By Eileen Ng (AP) - KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — A senior U.S. official on Thursday urged Southeast Asian nations meeting this weekend in Bangkok to put up a stiffer resistance to China’s militarization of the disputed South China Sea. ...

'Easy money and a better life': Vietnamese undeterred by UK truck tragedy

31.10.2019 By AFP (Daily Mail) - The traffickers have gone underground but they'll come back, villagers and brokers say, with the deaths of 39 migrants in a truck in Britain unlikely to deter the country's vast pool of rural Vietnamese from making perilous journeys abroad. Trafficking networks reach deep into these remote communities. ...

ASEAN-GIPFEL - Trumps Politik verunsichert Südostasien

30.10.2019 (Wiener Zeitung) - Die Staatengemeinschaft Asean sieht sich von China bedrängt. Sie weiß aber auch nicht, wie sehr sie sich noch auf die USA verlassen kann. Die Abwesenheitsliste ist von großer Bedeutung. Wenn am Donnerstag in Thailands Hauptstadt Bangkok der Gipfel der Südostasiatischen Staatengemeinschaft (Asean) beginnt, dann werden zwei prominente Politiker, die eingeladen waren, dort nicht anwesend sein: US-Präsident Donald Trump und sein Außenminister und Chefdiplomat Mike Pompeo. ...

Camion charnier de Londres : " Les Vietnamiens s'invisibilisent pour réussir leur exil"

30.10.2019 N'daricaling Loppy (TV5MONDE)  - Ils étaient partis en quête d’une vie meilleure au Royaume-Uni. Entassés dans un camion et à court d’air, 39 personnes ont trouvé la mort dans la capitale britannique. Des analyses sont encore en cours pour identifier les victimes et l’enquête révèle peu à peu les conditions de leur arrivée sur le sol britannique. ...

Klimawandel: Anstieg der Meere bedroht 300 Millionen Menschen

30.10.2019 Von Christoph von Eichhorn (SZ) - Der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels könnte im Jahr 2050 rund 300 Millionen Menschen bedrohen. 70 Prozent der gefährdeten Menschen leben in acht asiatischen Staaten, in China, Bangladesch, Indien, Vietnam, Indonesien, Thailand, den Philippinen und Japan. ...

Essex lorry cops 'close in' on 'ringleader' behind operation that killed 39

30.10.2019 By Christopher Bucktin & Matt Mathers (Daily Star) - A man known as Mr Truong who is the suspected ringleader of a Vietnam people smuggling racket. Cops probing the discovery of 39 migrants found dead in the back of a lorry in Essex are thought to be closing in on the ringleader behind the operation, according to reports. ...

In Vietnam’s ‘Billionaire Village’, migrant cash can buy a palace

30.10.2019 (Reuters) - DO THANH, Vietnam - Vietnam’s “Billionaire Village” doesn’t sound like a place people would want to leave, but at least three of the 39 victims found in the back of a truck in Britain last week set off from there in search of their fortunes. A billion dong may only be around $43,000, but in the rural, northern-central Vietnamese town of Do Thanh, the money goes a long way, ...

Die „Missione Vietnam“ der italienischen Marine

29.10.2019 Von Tilmann Kleinjung (Deutschlandfunk) - Vor 40 Jahren schickte Italien Kriegsschiffe nach Südostasien, um vietnamesische Boatpeople zu retten. Die Vietnam-Mission war einzigartig. Italien war das einzige Land, das den sogenannten Boatpeople zu Hilfe eilte. ...

Who are the Vietnamese feared dead in UK truck tragedy?

29.10.2019 By AFP (Daily Mail) - AFP has spoken to several families of Vietnamese nationals missing in Britain, feared to be among the 39 people found dead in a truck in Essex last week. ...

Qui sont les Vietnamiens victimes présumées du « camion de l’horreur » en Angleterre ?

29.10.2019 Par L'Obs avec AFP (L'Obs) - 39 migrants qui voulaient tenter leur chance au Royaume-Uni ont été retrouvés morts la semaine dernière, entassés à l’arrière d’un camion frigorifique, près de Londres. Une partie des victimes pourrait être originaire des régions pauvres du centre du Vietnam. ...

UK truck deaths reignite calls to tackle nail bar slavery

29.10.2019 by Emma Batha (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - It is well documented that some Vietnamese - lured to Europe by promises of lucrative jobs - end up exploited in illegal cannabis farms and cheap nail bars. ...

'A few don't make it, but THOUSANDS do': Vietnamese migrant, 32, says the 'rewards outweigh risks' after he paid £16,000 for 'metal coffin' trip to UK - before immigration officials sent him home

29.10.2019 By Sebastian Murphy-Bates (Daily Mail) - A Vietnamese migrant has revealed how he paid £16,000 for a trip in a 'metal coffin' to the UK before immigration officials sent him home. ...

Tod in Kühllaster – warum Vietnamesen unbedingt nach Grossbritannien wollen

28.10.2019 Patrick Zoll (NZZ) - Der Fall von 39 toten Migranten in einem Lastwagen in Grossbritannien wirft ein Licht auf den Wunsch vieler Vietnamesen, dort zu arbeiten. Kultureller Druck daheim führt ebenso zu Arbeitsmigration wie schöne – häufig falsche – Versprechen. Die meisten Opfer stammen wahrscheinlich aus armen, ländlichen Gebieten im nördlichen Vietnam, insbesondere den Provinzen Ha Tinh und Nghe An. ...

Postcards from a poisoned coast: Vietnam's people-smuggling heartland

28.10.2019 (Reuters) - NGHE AN, Vietnam - The countryside in the Vietnamese provinces of Nghe An and Ha Tinh is dotted with billboards for labour export companies advertising jobs or study overseas. That phenomenon is now in sharp focus after 39 bodies were discovered in a truck outside London last week. ...

After UK Truck Deaths, Prospering Vietnam Asks Why Workers Go Abroad

28.10.2019 By Ha Nguyen (VOA) - Today Vietnam has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, high levels of optimism in public opinion surveys, and good relations with its old wartime enemies, the United States and France. Some here are surprised that people would spend tens of thousands of dollars, equivalent to hundreds of millions of Vietnam dong, to leave, even though Vietnam has a fast-growing economy that has lifted many out of poverty. ...

Von Vietnam nach Großbritannien - Das grausame Geschäft der Menschenhändler

28.10.2019 Von Solveig Bach (n-tv) - Sie starten mit der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben. Die Reise scheint gut organisiert und sicher. Doch der Fall der Toten von Grays zeigt, dass der weltweite Menschenhandel ein skrupelloses Geschäft ist. ...

Vietnamesen berichten: Schlepper bieten „Holz-“ oder „Businessklasse“ an

28.10.2019 (Krone) - Im Kühlcontainer eines Lastwagens östlich von London waren vergangenen Mittwoch die Leichen von 31 Männern und acht Frauen entdeckt worden. Für Vietnamesen, die sich auf die gefahrvolle Reise nach Europa machen wollen, gibt es eine entscheidende Frage: „Holz- oder Businessklasse“. ...

Leichenfund in Lkw: Briten bitten Vietnam um Hilfe bei Identifizierung von Toten

28.10.2019 (Zeit) - Gemeinsam wollen Großbritannien und Vietnam herausfinden, wer die Menschen sind, die in dem Container starben. Dazu wurden Haarproben möglicher Angehöriger genommen. ...

Bored and broke, Vietnam migrants risk lives for riches in Europe

27.10.2019 (Bangkok Post) - HANOI: Young, aspirational and poor Vietnamese are risking their lives to travel to Europe, taking on large debts to join well-worn trafficking routes in the hope of a better future thousands of miles from their rural homes. ...

Mass prayers for Vietnamese feared dead in UK truck tragedy

27.10.2019 (AFP) - A Catholic mass was held Sunday for Vietnamese feared among 39 people found dead in a truck in Britain, as families desperately awaited news of relatives who have not been heard from in days. ...

Großteil der Toten in LKW in Großbritannien möglicherweise aus Vietnam

27.10.2019 (Stern) - Vier Tage nach dem Fund von 39 Leichen in einem Lastwagen in Großbritannien verdichten sich die Hinweise, dass es sich bei einem Großteil der Opfer um Vietnamesen handeln könnte. Seit Freitag meldeten mehrere Familien aus dem verarmten Zentrum Vietnams ihre Angehörigen als vermisst ...

Bei der Identifizierung der Leichen sieht die Polizei ein großes Problem

27.10.2019 (Welt) - Die Identität der 39 Toten im Lkw ist bislang ungeklärt, die britischen Ermittler vermuten Vietnam als Herkunftsland. Die mutmaßlichen Angehörigen berichten von mysteriösen Anrufen. ...

Die schwimmende Müllabfuhr: Niederländer will auch Flüsse säubern

27.10.2019 (Epoch Times) - Das Projekt The Ocean Cleanup des 25-jährige Niederländers Boyan Slat entwickelte eine schwimmende Müllabfuhr, die auch auf Flüssen eingesetzt werden kann. Zwei Schiffe sind bereits in Indonesien und Malaysia im Einsatz, ein drittes Schiff soll bald Müll in Vietnam einsammeln. ...

Vietnam: Intolerance, injustice become state law

26.10.2019 By Nguyen Hoang Bao Viet (Asia Times) - At the opening of the 42nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, on September 9, 2019, UN Secretary-General António Guterres published his annual report mentioning acts of intimidation or reprisals committed by governments and non-state actors in 38 states around the world. ...

La majorité des 39 victimes de camions britanniques probablement du Vietnam – prêtre

26.10.2019 (news-24) - YEN THANH, Vietnam (Reuters) – La majorité des 39 personnes retrouvées mortes à l'arrière d'un camion près de Londres provenaient probablement du Vietnam, un dirigeant de la communauté rurale productrice de riz où de nombreuses victimes seraient venues de dit Reuters samedi. ...

Father of Vietnamese woman believed dead in Essex truck: Smugglers said this was a 'safe route'

26.10.2019 By Nguyen The Phuong, Sandi Sidhu and James Griffiths (CNN) - Ha Tinh, Vietnam - Nguyen Thi Phong and Pham Van Thin live in a small house in Nghen, a town in Vietnam's Ha Tinh province. The family doesn't have much but they say they managed to scrape together the money to pay for their daughter, Pham Thi Tra My, to travel to the UK ...

Vietnam: No-U FC, el equipo de fútbol que desafía a las autoridades

25.10.2019 (El Comercio) - Anh Chi, uno de los fundadores del equipo, dice que les “gusta jugar al gato y al ratón” con la Policía de su país. El nombre del club, No-U FC, no es inocente, alude a las reclamaciones chinas en forma de letra U en el mapa que abarcan casi todo el mar de China Meridional, incluidos los territorios que Vietnam reclama para sí ante su aliado comunista. ...

Trafficked Vietnamese and the lure of UK nail bars and cannabis farms

25.10.2019 Amelia Gentleman (The Guardian) - Anti-slavery groups have been warning for years of rise in young Vietnamese being smuggled into UK. ...

Vietnam - Kritik an Festnahme von Künstler Thinh Nguyen

25.10.2019 (Deutschlandfunk) - Human Rights Watch kritisiert die Festnahme des vietnamesischen Künstlers und Umweltaktivisten Thinh Nguyen in seiner Heimat. ...

Vietnamese Environmental Activist Detained in Hanoi For Films Critical of Government

25.10.2019 (RFA) - Vietnamese environmental activist and filmmaker Thinh Nguyen, a member of the independent civil group Green Trees, was detained on Friday in Hanoi in what was thought to be the government’s response to a film on other environmental activists who were detained for their advocacy. ...

Two Vietnamese Migrants Among 39 Found Dead in British Truck

25.10.2019 (RFA) - Two of the 39 people whose bodies were found in a refrigerated container in the United Kingdom this week came from Vietnam, RFA’s Vietnamese Service confirmed on Friday. ...

39 Leichen in Lkw gefunden: Opfer twitterte letzte Worte - neue Details zu Herkunft der Toten

25.10.2019 (Merkur) - Unter den 39 Toten, die in dem Lkw-Container gefunden wurden, befinden sich womöglich mehrere Vietnamesen. Zunächst waren die Ermittler von Chinesen ausgegangen. ...

'I can't breathe': Final texts to mum from Vietnamese woman feared among lorry victims

25.10.2019 (Sky) - A Vietnamese woman is feared to be among the 39 people found dead in a lorry container at an industrial estate in Essex. ...

Polnischer Zoll entdeckt Migranten in einem Lastwagen

25.10.2019 (Der Farang) - WARSCHAU (dpa) - Beamte des polnischen Zolls haben nahe der Ostgrenze des Landes zehn Migranten aus Vietnam in einem Lastwagen entdeckt. ...

Singapore - Vietnamese woman charged with offering bribe to Singapore police officer to escape custody

24.10.2019 (CNA) - SINGAPORE: A Vietnamese woman was charged on Thursday (Oct 24) with offering a bribe to a Singapore police officer to release her from custody ...

Staudämme mindern Sedimenttransport des Mekong

24.10.2019 (Stern) - Das Mekongdelta liefert die Lebensgrundlage für mindestens 17 Millionen Menschen. Ein wichtiger Faktor sind dabei die vom Fluss mitgebrachten nährstoffreichen Sedimente. Staudämme könnten diesen wichtigen Eintrag weitgehend stoppen, warnen Forscher. ...

Swine fever-infected pigs dumped on Vietnam river bank

24.10.2019 (The Pig Site) - Seven sacks containing pig remains infected with African swine fever were found on the banks of the river Nghe An on Wednesday (23 October). ...

Chinese ship heads away from Vietnam after disputed surveys in South China Sea

24.10.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - A Chinese oil survey vessel that has been embroiled in a tense standoff with Vietnamese vessels in the South China Sea left Vietnamese-controlled waters on Thursday after more than three months, marine data showed. ...

Vietnamese Activist Loses Bid for Asylum, is Sent Home by US

23.10.2019 (RFA) - A Vietnamese environmental activist was sent back to Vietnam by the United States this week, ending his quest for political asylum, a U.S. lawmaker said in a press statement on Tuesday. ...

What’s Behind Dreamworks’ Chinese Propaganda Map In ‘Abominable’

23.10.2019 By Helen Raleigh (The Federalist) - Hollywood is in hot water once again. A growing list of Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and Malaysia are boycotting American animation studio DreamWorks’ latest film “Abominable” over a map of China. ...

Obesity Among Vietnamese Rises Even as They Search for Healthful Food

22.10.2019 By Ha Nguyen (VOA) - HO CHI MINH CITY - There’s a familiar trend of fast food chains like KFC and Burger King entering developing countries, where citizens start to see obesity rates increase amid all the new junk food options. ...

Why China’s Coast Guard Spent 258 Days in Waters Claimed by Malaysia

20.10.2019 By Ralph Jennings (VOA) - TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Chinese coast guard vessels spent 70% of the past year patrolling in a tract of the South China Sea claimed by Malaysia, an American think tank says ...

'Abominable' film axed in Malaysia after rebuffing order to cut China map

20.10.2019 (The Asahi Shimbun) - KUALA LUMPUR-- DreamWorks' animated movie "Abominable" will not be released in Malaysia after its producers declined to meet a censor board requirement to cut a scene showing China's "nine-dash line" in the South China Sea, the movie distributor said on Sunday. ...

Weg vom traditionellen Essen - Südostasien hat ein Problem: Die Menschen sind zu dick – welche Rolle der Wohlstand darin spielt

19.10.2019 Denise Snieguole Wachter (Stern) - Das Problem wird immer größer: Zwischen 2010 und 2014 ist die Rate der Übergewichtigen in Singapur um 24 Prozent gestiegen, in Malaysia um 27 Prozent und in Vietnam um ganze 38 Prozent. ...

Du Tu Le, beloved Vietnamese poet who came to U.S. as a refugee, dies

19.10.2019 By Anh Do (Los Angeles Times) - Du Tu Le, a towering literary figure in Vietnam and in the cities and towns across America where the waves of Vietnamese refugees and immigrants settled after the fall of Saigon, has died at his home in Garden Grove ...

Laos Urged to Cancel Latest Dam for Mainstream Mekong

19.10.2019 By Zsombor Peter (VOA) - BANGKOK - Environmental rights groups are calling on Laos to cancel the latest hydro-electric dam it has approved for construction across the Mekong River, warning of dire consequences for the millions of people who rely on the waterway for a living. ...

La lutte contre la tuberculose toujours d’actualité au Vietnam

19.10.2019 (Églises d’Asie) - En 2018, le Vietnam a enregistré 126 000 nouveaux cas de tuberculose et 13 000 décès suite à une infection par voie aérienne. Le pays est le 16e pays au monde le plus affecté par la tuberculose, et le 13e au monde concernant le nombre de patients atteints de tuberculose multirésistante. ...

Ein Zeichentrickfilm zeigt eine Landkarte – und prompt gibt es Krach in Ostasien

19.10.2019 Patrick Zoll (NZZ) - Eine kurze Szene im Zeichentrickfilm «Everest – ein Yeti will hoch hinaus» verärgert Vietnam. Daher wird der Film dort jetzt verboten. Grund der drastischen Massnahme ist ein Territorialstreit mit China. ...

Le dessin animé Abominable ravive les tensions géopolitiques entre la Chine et ses voisins

18.10.2019 (Le Figaro) - Le film, coproduit par Dreamworks, donne à voir une carte des frontières maritimes qui entérine les revendications territoriales de Pékin provoquant la colère du Vietnam, de la Malaisie ou des Philippines. ...

Trump to Asian allies: You may be abandoned next

18.10.2019 By Jonathan Manthorp (Asia Times) - Despite pause in Syria, the damage has been done already to allied confidence. Asian military strategists and security risk assessors are re-reading their disaster scenarios after Donald Trump threw the United States’ Kurdish allies to the wolves. ...

Tragödie in Vietnam: Vize-Minister stürzt von Hochhaus in den Tod!

17.10.2019 (tag24) - Hanoi - Schlimme Nachrichten aus Fernost: Der vietnamesische Vize-Bildungsminister Le Hai An ist vom achten Stock des Ministeriumsgebäudes in den Tod gestürzt. ...

Frankfurter Buchmesse: „Sie nennen uns Verbrecher“

17.10.2019 Von Elena Witzeck (FAZ) - Ein bisschen überraschend ist es doch, dass einen Tag nach der Eröffnung der Buchmesse, bei der so viel vom Kampf um die Meinungsfreiheit, die Bedeutung der Literatur in autoritären Systemen und die Macht des Widerstands durch Sprache die Rede war, an diesem Nachmittag nur eine Handvoll Besucher hören will, was drei asiatische Autoren über die politische Literatur in ihrer Heimat zu sagen haben ...

EU and Viet Nam step up security and defence cooperation

17.10.2019 (EEAS) - High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Federica Mogherini, and the Minister of National Defence of Viet Nam, General NGO Xuan Lich, signed an Agreement establishing a framework for the participation of Viet Nam in European Union crisis management operations. ...

Vietnamese deputy minister dies after falling from eighth-storey balcony

17.10.2019 (The Straits Times) - HANOI (DPA) - Vietnam's deputy minister of education died on Thursday (Oct 17) morning after falling from the eighth floor of his office, the ministry said. ...

Vietnamese Rights Group: Government Campaign to Limit the Scale of Funerals Unfairly Targets Hmong Minority

17.10.2019 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam have initiated a campaign that would limit the length and scale of traditional funerals, but ethnic minority rights advocates say that the plan unfairly targets the country’s Hmong minority, known for holding wakes that last several days to a week. ...

Vietnamese Hoa Hao Follower Goes on Hunger Strike in Prison

16.10.2019 (RFA) - A jailed member of a dissident Vietnamese religious group has gone on hunger strike to protest being moved to a cell occupied by a prisoner convicted on drug charges, family members said on Wednesday. ...

Sieben Vietnamesen wegen Diebstahl von Kosmetika in Japan verhaftet

15.10.2019 Von: Iliana (Sumikai) - Die Präfektur-Polizei von Nara erklärte am Samstag, sieben vietnamesische Staatsangehörige verhaftet zu haben. Den Männern wird vorgeworfen, über Jahre hinweg Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und Kosmetika in Japan gestohlen und anschließend in Vietnam weiterverkauft zu haben. ...

Vietnam urges restraint amid maritime tensions with China

15.10.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnamese President and Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong has called for restraint in the disputed South China Sea amid a tense months-long standoff between Chinese and Vietnamese ships, state media reported on Tuesday. ...

Vietnam: Katholischem Musiklehrer drohen zwölf Jahre Haft

15.10.2019 (Vatican News) - Die katholische Kirche in Vietnam zeigt sich solidarisch mit einem katholischen Musiklehrer und Aktivisten, der am Donnerstag vor Gericht steht. Dem 43-Jährigen Nguyen Nang Tinh wird „Propaganda gegen den Staat“ vorgeworfen. ...

Catholics praying for music teacher who could get 12 years in prison

14.10.2019 by Viet Hung (AsiaNews) - Hanoi- Nguyễn Năng Tĩnh, 43, actively participated in social outreach and charity work in various parishes in the Diocese of Vinh. According to the authorities, he is a member of “opposition groups”. For his wife, “My husband does not do wrong things. He also does not violate the laws of Vietnam. ...

Vietnam pulls DreamWorks' 'Abominable' film over South China Sea map

14.10.2019 Khanh Vu, Phuong Nguyen (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnam has pulled DreamWorks’ animated film “Abominable” from cinemas over a scene featuring a map which shows China’s unilaterally declared “nine-dash line” in the South China Sea, state media reported on Monday. ...

Karte im Film zeigt Besitzanspruch Chinas in umstrittenem Seegebiet: Animationsfilm in Vietnam wegen Streit um Südchinesisches Meer verboten

14.10.2019 (Täglicher Anzeiger Holzminden) - Hanoi - Eigentlich geht es nur um einen chinesischen Teenager, der einem Yeti hilft, in seine Heimat zurückzukehren: Doch wegen der Gebietsstreitigkeiten mit China um das Südchinesische Meer hat Vietnam den Animationsfilm "Everest - Ein Yeti will hoch hinaus" wieder aus den Kinos genommen. ...

Le Vietnam tire le film "Abominable" de DreamWorks sur la carte de la mer de Chine méridionale

14.10.2019 (news-24) - HANOI (Reuters) – Le Vietnam a retiré le film animé DreamWorks "Abominable" des cinémas sur une scène présentant une carte montrant la "ligne à neuf tirets" déclarée unilatéralement par la Chine dans la mer de Chine méridionale, ont annoncé lundi les médias officiels. ...

Drivers and Risks of China’s Pressure on Vietnam

13.10.2019 By Lucio Blanco Pitlo III (AMTI) - A concoction of regional and domestic factors is driving China’s increased pressure on Vietnam in the South China Sea, but this strategy entails serious risks for Beijing and, if overplayed, may backfire. ...

Neuer Streit im Südchinesischen Meer

12.10.2019 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - China setzt im Südchinesischen Meer seit Monaten verstärkt auf Konfrontation. Die Anrainerstaaten haben dem wenig entgegenzusetzen. In Vietnam mehren sich Stimmen, China zu verklagen. ...

Vietnam’s ongoing crackdown on online commentators

11.10.2019 (ifex) - During the first nine months of 2019, Vietnam convicted at least 11 people and sentenced them to between two and nine years in prison for criticising the government. Vietnamese police arrested a pro-democracy activist on September 23, 2019 based on his Facebook postings, Human Rights Watch said today. ...

Jailed Vietnamese Environmental Activist in Solitary After Cellmate Beat Him Unconscious

11.10.2019 (RFA) - Detained Vietnamese environmental activist Nguyen Ngoc Anh has been placed in solitary confinement after being beaten unconscious at the hands of his cellmate and refused treatment for his injuries, his wife said Friday, adding that he “fears for his life” in jail. ...

Huan Nguyen First Vietnamese American Navy Rear Admiral

11.10.2019 (US Navy) - WASHINGTON -- Huan Nguyen became the first Vietnamese American promoted to the rank of rear admiral during a ceremony at the Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C., Oct. 10. ...

Spionage-Warnung: China-Reisen nur mit "Wegwerfhandy" und "sauberem" Laptop

08.10.2019 Göran Schattauer (Focus) - Der Verfassungsschutz warnt deutsche Touristen und Geschäftsleute, die nach China reisen, vor Ausspäh-Angriffen chinesischer Geheimdienste. Hintergrund sind die seit Mai 2019 geltenden verschärften Visa-Bestimmungen. ...

Vietnamese activist arrested for criticising Communist government on Facebook

08.10.2019 Kate Lamb (The Guardian) - Nguyen Quoc Duc Vuong is being held in conditions ‘conducive to mistreatment or torture’, says Human Rights Watch. Human rights groups have called for the immediate release of a Vietnamese activist arrested for criticising one-party Communist rule on his Facebook page. ...

Water Wars: Drill, Maybe, Drill

07.10.2019 By Sean Quirk (Lawfare) - China and Vietnam are poised for confrontation over oil drilling in the southwestern portion of the South China Sea. Vietnam alleges that a Chinese survey vessel, Haiyang Dizhi 8, has been conducting an oil and gas survey within Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone ...

Air quality app under 'coordinated attack' in Vietnam amid heavy Hanoi smog

07.10.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - Independent online air quality index monitor AirVisual said on Monday it is under “coordinated attack” to discredit the company after its data showed Hanoi has at times recently topped the list of the most polluted cities in the world. ...

Kim Phuc, "la petite fille au napalm" photographiée au Vietnam il y a 47 ans, se raconte dans "Sauvée de l'enfer"

06.10.2019 (franceinfo) - Kim Phuc Phan Thi, "la petite fille au napalm" au centre d'une photographie de Nick Ut devenue l'un des symboles de la guerre au Vietnam, raconte ses souffrances et sa foi en l'avenir dans son livre "Sauvée de l'enfer". ...

Käfigfarmen in Vietnam: Die stillen Schreie der Gallenbären

05.10.2019 von Till Fähnders (FAZ) - In Vietnam werden Schwarzbären oft in Käfigen gehalten, damit skrupellose Geschäftsleute den Saft ihrer Galle verkaufen können. Das ist nicht nur illegal, sondern äußerst grausam. ...

Russia offers most advanced types of military hardware to Vietnam

04.10.2019 (Tass) - HANOI - Russia is prepared to provide to Vietnam its cutting-edge weapons and other military hardware, for it faces no external restrictions in this field, Russian export and import giant Rosoboronexport’s delegates told TASS on the sidelines of the international exhibition Defense and Security Expo underway in Hanoi ...

Hanoi's planned metro, already 2 years late, hit with new delays

04.10.2019 Tomoya Onishi (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- Safety checks screech to halt as Chinese builder fails to submit paperwork. Vietnam's first metro system under construction in Hanoi faces yet another obstacle, leaving residents waiting more than two years after the trains were expected to go into service. ...

Samsung ends mobile phone production in China, moves plants to Vietnam and India

04.10.2019 (The Indian Express) - Samsung has officially ended its mobile phone production in China, according to an official statement from the company. According to Reuters, Samsung has shut down its last China phone factory. ...

Catholic initiatives in favour of ‘integral ecology’ in Ho Chi Minh City

03.10.2019 by Paul Nguyen Hung (Asia News) - Caritas Saigon has organised several seminars on Laudato si’. Youth in Hàng Xanh parish have become involved in collecting and reselling recyclable waste to fund useful projects. ...

Deforestation Threatens the Mekong, but New Trees Are Growing in Surprising Places

02.10.2019 Katie Reytar, Fred Stolle and Will Anderson (WRI) - More than 70 million people live in Southeast Asia's Mekong region, where trees and forests have multiple benefits for people and biodiversity. ...

Inondations record à Saigon et dans le Delta du Mékong

02.10.2019 (Lepetitjournal) - Les fortes marées qui ont atteint près de 1,77 mètre provoquent des inondations record à Saigon depuis le 29 septembre 2019, dépassant celles de février 2018 avec un pic mesuré à 1,71. ...

In Südostasien weht ein kühler Wind – ausser in Vietnam

02.10.2019 Manfred Rist, Singapur (NZZ) - Die Globalisierung hat Südostasien zwanzig gute Wachstumsjahre beschert. Aufgrund des amerikanisch-chinesischen Handelsstreits zeichnet sich eine starke Abkühlung ab. ...

Vietnam to discuss South China Sea at security meeting

02.10.2019 Rezaul H Laskar (Hindustan Times) - New Delhi: Vietnam will raise the situation in the South China Sea, including four intrusions by Chinese vessels into its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) since July, in the upcoming annual security dialogue with India this month, Vietnamese ambassador Pham Sanh Chau has said. ...

Vietnamese reporter beaten unconscious for investigating illegal logging

02.10.2019 (RSF) - Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Vietnamese authorities to identify and punish the clandestine loggers who gave a journalist a severe beating after he discovered a large hoard of illegally-felled precious woods near Pleiku, the capital of Gia Lai province, in Vietnam’s central highlands, on 26 September. ...

Vietnam : le reporter Kieu Dinh Lieu violemment battu pour une enquête sur le trafic de bois

01.10.2019 (RSF) - Expert en questions juridiques, le journaliste venait de découvrir un important stock de bois précieux abattu illégalement. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) appelle les autorités vietnamiennes à identifier et traduire en justice les trafiquants responsables de son passage à tabac. ...

Ocean Vuong: "Ich habe gelernt, ein Chamäleon zu sein"

01.10.2019 Interview: Khuê Phạm (Zeit) - Der Debütroman von Ocean Vuong ist ein literarisches Ereignis dieses Jahres. Ein Gespräch mit dem Autor über Vietnam, asiatische Stereotype und die Einsamkeit im Schulbus. ...

Vietnam Enacts Rules Against Graft Ahead of Party Meeting

01.10.2019 By Ha Nguyen (VOA) - HO CHI MINH CITY - Vietnam has passed a new regulation that details prohibitions against corrupt behavior by state officials, down to the last fruit basket. ...

The Displaced: Climate change in Vietnam 'destroying family life'

30.09.2019 (BBC) - Vietnam is one of the world's most vulnerable countries to climate change.

It's already having a huge impact on the lives of those in the Mekong Delta, the agricultural heartland of the country and home to 20% of the country's population. ...

Vietnam Arrests Young Businessman For Critical Facebook Comments

30.09.2019 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam’s Lam Dong province have arrested businessman Nguyen Duc Quoc Vuong for posting information about political and social issues on Facebook, his brother told RFA’s Vietnamese Service on Monday. ...

Is Vietnam’s Trong Still Going Strong?

27.09.2019 By David Hutt (The Diplomat) - The state of the president and communist party chief’s health could have major implications for Vietnamese politics. About eleven months ago, it was announced that, astonishingly, Vietnamese Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong would become the new state president, following the death of the incumbent. ...

Vietnam Political Prisoner Nguyen Van Dien on Second Hunger Strike of 2019

27.09.2019 (RFA) - Vietnamese political prisoner Nguyen Van Dien has launched his second hunger strike of this year to protest the mistreatment of prisoners of conscience, his father told RFA’s Vietnamese Service on Friday after his recent monthly visit to see his son. ...

Advice for Our Vietnamese Friends on China

27.09.2019 By David Archibald (American Thinker) - China has invaded Vietnam on and off since 111 B.C. The Vietnamese have a long history of fighting Chinese invasions, starting with the Trung Sisters in A.D. 39. ...

Vietnam Confronts China, Alone

26.09.2019 By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan (The Diplomat) - Hanoi has not found as much support as it hoped for despite its bold confrontation of Beijing in the South China Sea. ...

Vietnam says 'urgent measures' needed to combat Mekong Delta erosion

24.09.2019 HANOI (Reuters) - Six provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta region have been scrambling to battle the severe erosion of the sprawling river and coastal network, with some areas now requiring “urgent measures”, state media said on Tuesday. ...

Castro’s Torture of American POWs in Vietnam

24.09.2019 Jamie Glazov (Frontpage Mag) - The death of communist tyrant Fidel Castro has yielded much-deserved coverage of the monstrous nature of his tyrannical rule. What has gone virtually unreported, however, is the direct and instrumental role Castro played in the torture and murder of American POWs in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. ...

Vietnam Court Rejects Bloggers’ Appeals, Sends Them Back to Prison

23.09.2019 (RFA) - A court in southern Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City threw out the appeals of two jailed dissident bloggers on Monday, returning the women to prison to serve their full terms, according to reports in state media. ...

Danh Vo review – the extraordinary artefacts of a Vietnam escapee

23.09.2019 Adrian Searle (The Guardian) - He fled Vietnam in a boat built by his father. Is that why this sly, sexy spellbinding exhibition – which includes the personal belongings of ex-US secretary of defence Robert McNamara – revels in serendipity? ...

Vietnam Airlines - Piloten begehen Kardinalfehler: Jet fliegt haarscharf an Katastrophe vorbei

21.09.2019 (Stern) - Das hätte in einer Katastrophe enden können: Eine Boeing 787 befand sich im Landeanflug auf den Flughafen von Melbourne – allerdings mit eingezogenem Fahrwerk. In letzter Sekunde fällt dem Tower der Fehler auf. ...

After a China-Vietnam Standoff, Expect a Turn to the US

20.09.2019 By Christopher Sharman (The Diplomat) - Coercive Chinese tactics to settle South China Sea disputes serve as a catalyst for enhanced Vietnam-U.S. security cooperation. ...

How China is using tourists to realise its geopolitical goals

19.09.2019 Author: Anu Anwar (East Asia Forum) - Decades of astonishing economic growth have given China new tools for extending its influence abroad and achieving its political goals. ...

Facebooker Nguyen Van Cong Em Convicted of Anti-state Posts, Second Blogger Sentenced within Two Weeks amid Increasing Online Crackdown

19.09.2019 (Defend the Defenders) - Vietnam’s communist regime convicted Facebooker Nguyen Van Cong Em of “conducting anti-state propaganda,” imprisoning the second blogger within the last two weeks for their online posts which are critical for the regime. ...

Vietnam Criticized at UN Meeting in Geneva Over Rights Violations

19.09.2019 (RFA) - Human rights groups hit out at Vietnam this week over the country’s suppression of religious freedoms and civil society, accusing the one-party communist state of multiple violations and continuing refusals to engage in sincere dialogue with foreign governments and NGOs. ...

Why Vietnam Isn’t The New China

19.09.2019 by Paul Jacobs (Palisades Hudson Financial Group) - Economists often claim that nobody wins a trade war. Yet when it comes to the dispute between the U.S. and China, Vietnam certainly isn’t losing. While Vietnam’s labor pool is cheap, especially by Western standards, it is limited in both skill and size. ...

Plane set to touch down in Melbourne is forced to abort after air crew FORGET to release the landing gear

19.09.2019 By Sahar Mourad (Daily Mmail) - The Boeing 787 Dreamliner was flying into Melbourne from Ho Chi Minh City. Issue was spotted at 8.04am when plane's landing gear wasn't deployed. ...

Jailed Pro-democracy Activist Le Dinh Luong Not Permitted to Meet with Family

18.09.2019 (Defend the Defenders) - Police officers in Ba Sao Prison camp have blocked jailed pro-democracy activist Le Dinh Luong from meeting with his family during regular prison visits on September 17 without giving specific reasons ...

Vietnam Becomes a Victim of Its Own Success in Trade War

18.09.2019 Michelle Jamrisko and Nguyen Xuan Quynh (BNN Bloomberg) - The Southeast Asian growth engine has a young and growing middle class, a horde of free-trade agreements, and a booming manufacturing industry. Businesses from Alphabet Inc.’s Google to Crate & Barrel Holdings Inc. are lining up to invest in the country as supply chains migrate from neighboring China ...

Vietnam, Fastest-Growing Carbon Polluter, Urged to Shift Cargo From Land to Water

18.09.2019 By Ha Nguyen (VOA) - HO CHI MINH CITY - Carbon emissions are growing faster in Vietnam than any other country in the world, according to a recent analysis of world energy by oil and gas company, BP. ...

Covering climate now: Drought, poor rice harvest signs of climate change in Southeast Asia

18.09.2019 (The Asahi Shimbun) - What seemed like extraordinary scenes due to climate change just a few years ago are now almost commonplace. Higher temperatures, drought and rising seawater levels are having a devastating effect on the lives of countless people around the world. ...

Ein neuer Rudyard Kipling - „Tausend Jahre im Augenblick" von Ngo Nguyen Dung

18.09.2019 Josy I. Wonder (Bawülon) - Ngo Nguyen Dung, Autor mit vietnamesischen Wurzeln, hat seinen neuen Roman' auf Deutsch geschrieben. Feinsinnig und kenntnisreich erzählt Ngo Nguyen Dung vom Aufeinanderprallen sehr unterschiedlicher Kulturen. Ein brandaktuelles Thema. ...

Vietnamese slam government, opposed to country becoming a haven for Chinese criminals

17.09.2019 by Tran Hung (Asia News) - Many Vietnamese are upset because the authorities resort far too often to "administrative sanctions" instead of prison. They are critical of the extradition agreement signed by Hanoi and Beijing in 2015. For many, national sovereignty is at stake. ...

RFA Blogger Formally Indicted in Vietnam for ‘Abuse of Power’

17.09.2019 (RFA) - An RFA blogger held in Vietnam since the beginning of the year has been formally indicted on a charge of taking advantage of his position and powers during the performance of his official duties, state media reported on Tuesday. ...

Coming Soon to the United Nations: Chinese Leadership and Authoritarian Values

16.09.2019 By Kristine Lee (Foreign Affairs) - As Washington Steps Back, Beijing Will Take Charge.

For many years, the annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September was a centerpiece of U.S. global leadership. But when presidents and prime ministers gather in New York starting this week, they will do so under the auspices of an organization that is undergoing a profound transformation. ...

Detained Vietnamese Activist Comes out of Solitary Confinement after Four Months

16.09.2019 (RFA) - A Vietnamese activist and RFA blogger serving a seven-year prison term for his role in protesting a chemical waste spill on Vietnam’s coast three years ago is no longer in solitary confinement, according to a fellow prisoner. ...

Vietnamese Human Rights Activists Voice Safety Concerns

14.09.2019 Daniela Lazarová (Radio Prague) - The kidnapping of a former Vietnamese Communist party official from Berlin via the Czech Republic and Slovakia to Vietnam, which took place two years ago, has raised security concerns among the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic. ...

Chinese pressure may drive ExxonMobil from Vietnam

13.09.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - Market speculation is rife that American oil and gas giant ExxonMobil is poised to withdraw from the US$10 billion Blue Whale energy project covering Vietnam’s largest gas field in the South China Sea. ...

Vietnam digs in on South China Sea oil and gas projects amid Chinese pressure

13.09.2019 Tan Hui Yee (The Straits Times) - BANGKOK - Vietnam, locked in one of its most protracted test of wills with China of late, is trying to allay fears that yet another foreign joint venture energy project in the South China Sea may be canned due to pressure from Beijing. ...

Chinese Ships Must Leave Vietnamese Waters, Hanoi Again Demands

12.09.2019 By Richard Finney (RFA) - Vietnam renewed calls on China on Thursday to withdraw from waters claimed by Vietnam, saying that the continued presence of the Chinese oil survey ship Haiyang Dizhi 8 and escort vessels in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) violates Vietnam’s sovereign territory. ...

What Would a US-Vietnam Strategic Partnership Really Mean?

12.09.2019 By Prashanth Parameswaran (The Diplomat) - Over the past few months, amid planned high-level engagements, there has been more talk about the potential of formally elevating the state of U.S.-Vietnam relations to the level of a strategic partnership in the future. ...

"Reporter ohne Grenzen" zeichnet bedrohte Journalisten aus

12.09.2019 Ben Knight (DW) - Sie stammen aus Malta, Saudi Arabien und aus Vietnam: Drei Journalistinnen sind in diesem Jahr mit dem "Press Freedom Award" ausgezeichnet worden. Nur einer von ihnen war es möglich, den Preis entgegenzunehmen. ...

Press Freedom Awards: Gewinner aus Saudi-Arabien, Malta und Vietnam

12.09.2019 (Reporter ohne Grenzen) - In Berlin sind am Abend die 27. internationalen Press Freedom Awards von Reporter ohne Grenzen verliehen worden. Für ihren Mut wurde die saudi-arabische Bloggerin und Journalistin Eman al-Nafjan geehrt. Den Preis für unabhängigen Journalismus erhielt die Malteserin Caroline Muscat. Die Vietnamesin Pham Doan Trang wurde mit dem Press Freedom Award für besonders wirkungsvollen Journalismus ausgezeichnet. ...

Journalists from Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and Malta honoured at RSF’s 2019 Press Freedom Awards

12.09.2019 (Reporters sans frontières) - Reporters Without Borders (RSF) awarded its 2019 Press Freedom Prize today (12 September) to Saudi journalist Eman al Nafjan, Vietnamese journalist Pham Doan Trang and Maltese journalist Caroline Muscat, at a ceremony held for the first time in Berlin. ...

La saoudienne Eman al Nafjan, la vietnamienne Pham Doan Trang, et la maltaise Caroline Muscat, lauréates du Prix RSF 2019 pour la liberté de la presse

12.09.2019 (Reporters sans frontières) - Ce 12 septembre, Reporters sans frontières (RSF) a remis le Prix pour la liberté de la presse 2019 à la journaliste saoudienne Eman al Nafjan, à la vietnamienne Pham Doan Trang ainsi qu’à la journaliste maltaise Caroline Muscat, lors d’une cérémonie organisée pour la première fois à Berlin. ...

Las periodistas Eman al Nafjan (saudí), Pham Doan Trang (vietnamita) y Caroline Muscat (maltesa) reciben el Premio RSF por la Libertad de Prensa 2019

12.09.2019 (Reporteros sin Fronteras) - El 12 de septiembre Reporteros sin Fronteras (RSF) entregó el Premio por la Libertad de Prensa 2019 a la periodista saudí Eman al Nafjan, la vietnamita Pham Doan Trang y la maltesa Caroline Muscat. Por primera vez la ceremonia de premiación se realizó en Berlín. ...

A tale of two countries: PH and Vietnam

12.09.2019 By Kay Calpo Lugtu (The Manila Times) - ... In the region, we also see the development of Vietnam in recent times. Here we assess parallel comparisons between Philippines and Vietnam and the impact they create in the process in the areas of e-commerce and logistics. ...

Besuch aus Hongkong - Chinas Botschafter gegen Aktivist Wong: Streit um Foto mit Minister Maas eskaliert

11.09.2019 Torsten Riecke, Thomas Sigmund, Moritz Koch (Handelsblatt) - Berlin - Zwischen Joshua Wong und Wu Ken liegen zur Zeit der Eskalation nur vier Kilometer. Der eine, führender Aktivist der Protestbewegung in Hongkong, hat an diesem Mittwoch in der Bundespressekonferenz angekündigt, den Kampf für freie Wahlen und gegen Pekings politische Repressionen in der Finanzmetropole fortzusetzen. ...

To close Vietnam’s human capital development gap, look to ethnic minorities

09.09.2019 Anh Thi Quynh Le, Keiko Inoue (World Bank) - While Vietnam’s Human Capital Index is at 0.67 – exceeding the upper-middle-income average – such indexes for ethnic minorities groups are consistently lower.  A closer look at Vietnam’s Index data indicates this inequality clearly ...

Vietnamese Light Bulb Company Used Mercury in Factory Destroyed by Fire

09.09.2019 (RFA) - A Vietnamese light bulb maker admitted to using liquid mercury, a danger to human health at high temperatures, and its director issued a public apology after fire destroyed a Hanoi factory that released the toxic metal that forced hundreds of people to evacuate schools and homes. ...

How Hong Kong's protest movement is forging solidarity with Australia's Uyghurs and Tibetans

07.09.2019 By Erin Handley and Iris Zhao (ABC) - On a sunny street in the heart of Melbourne, a Uyghur woman wearing a hijab converses with a Vietnamese man dressed in bright red-and-yellow-striped bandana. ...

South China Sea: China Targets Vietnam, Again

07.09.2019 by Panos Mourdoukoutas (Forbes) - China is back to Vietnamese waters this week, with an eye on the country’s oil and gas. Early on the week, a large crane ship owned by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), sailed to Vietnamese exclusive economic zone (EEZ). ...

Rassismus im Osten: "Ich fühle mich, als ob ich einer riesigen Bedrohung gegenüberstehe"

07.09.2019 (Zeit) - Die AfD ist im Osten stark wie nie. Wie zehn junge Ostdeutsche damit umgehen, dass Rassisten in ihren Parlamenten und neben ihnen in der S-Bahn sitzen. Wir wollten mit denen sprechen, die der Hass, die Vorurteile und Politik der AfD trifft: People of Color, Kinder von Migrantinnen, Geflüchtete. ...

Vietnam's Mekong Delta Sinks Five Centimeters per year

06.09.2019 (Prensa Latina) - Vast areas at the mouth of Vietnam's Mekong River sink two to five centimeters each year and in about four decades, these areas could be under water. ...

Vietnam dissent - Vietnam's Lady Gaga who sacrificed musical stardom for political struggle

06.09.2019 by Eric San Juan (efe-epa). Known as Vietnam’s Lady Gaga, Mai Khoi was a successful pop singer in the country until she tried to run for parliamentary elections with a message critical of the communist regime.

"Since I got involved in activism I lost a lot of fans. I have been isolated by the government ...

Can Beijing and Hanoi overcome their latest South China Sea flashpoint at Vanguard Bank?

06.09.2019 Lye Liang Fook, Ha Hoang Hop (SCMP) - Vietnam and China are embroiled in a tense stand-off over oil and gas fields in the disputed waterway, ramming each other’s vessels and firing water cannons. Though the two claimant states are still talking, Hanoi shows no sign of backing down, and some say Vietnam is ready to take tougher action without fear of the consequences. ...

Hohe Quecksilber-Werte nach Brand in vietnamesischer Fabrik

05.09.2019 (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - In Vietnams Hauptstadt Hanoi sind nach einem Großbrand in einer Glühbirnenfabrik mehr als 15 Kilogramm Quecksilber ausgetreten. Auf dem Gelände wurden in der Luft Quecksilber-Werte gemessen, die teils das 30-Fache des zulässigen Höchstwertes erreichten, ...

Giant China crane ship turns up near Vietnamese coast

05.09.2019 Laura Zhou (SCMP) - Beijing stretches Hanoi’s maritime capacity after weeks of tension in South China Sea. A Chinese giant crane vessel has been tracked to 90km (56 miles) from the Vietnamese coastline – in an area claimed by Hanoi as its exclusive economic zone – fuelling the risk of further maritime confrontation between the two countries. ...

Facebook users' phone numbers exposed online

05.09.2019 by Tim Dandle (Digital Journal) - Hundreds of millions of phone numbers linked to Facebook accounts were found online. The passwordless server contained over 419 million records over several databases on users across geographies. The passwordless server contained over 419 million records over several databases on users across geographies, including 133 million records on U.S.-based Facebook users, 18 million records of users in the U.K., and another with more than 50 million records on users in Vietnam. ...

Facebook-Datenbank mit über 400 Millionen Telefonnummern von Nutzern frei zugänglich

05.09.2019 von Kai Schmerer (ZDnet) - Nach einem Bericht von TechCrunch war eine Facebook-Datenbank mit mehr als 419 Millionen Telefonnummern seiner Nutzer öffentlich zugänglich. Die Datensätze lassen sich Anwendern verschiedener Regionen zuordnen, darunter 133 Millionen Datensätze von US-amerikanischen Facebook-Nutzern, 18 Millionen Datensätze mit Benutzern in Großbritannien und ein weiterer mit mehr als 50 Millionen Datensätzen mit Benutzern in Vietnam. ...

Three Vietnamese sue Fukushima firm over decontamination work at crippled nuclear facility

05.09.2019 (Jiji Press) - Three Vietnamese have sued a construction firm for damages, claiming they were exposed to radiation after the company had them engage in decontamination work related to the March 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima Prefecture. ...

Official from the Vietnamese abduction scandal left the Interior Ministry

04.09.2019 (The Slovak Spectator) - Head of Close Protection Officers, Peter Krajčírovič, no longer works at the Interior Ministry. He left the Office for the Protection of Constitutional Officials in late August, as reported by the Sme daily. Krajčírovič became prominent last August when the scandal around the abduction of Vietnamese citizen Trinh Xuan Thanh surfaced. ...

Neuerscheinung: Geboren in Südvietnam von Patrick Thanh Nguyen-Brem

04.09.2019 (jpc) - Für den jungen Patrick Thanh Nguyen brechen mit seinem Stipendium für ein Studium in Deutschland aufregende Zeiten an. Als er seiner leidgeprüften Heimat Vietnam beim Aufbruch den Rücken kehrt, ahnt er noch nicht, dass dies ein Abschied für immer sein wird. ...

Inspired by the Pope, the Vietnamese Church promotes the integration of migrants

03.09.2019 by Thanh Thuy (AsiaNews) – Helping Vietnamese workers to integrate into their Asian countries of emigration is the latest initiative of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Vietnam (CBCV) ...

Changes on the Indo-Pacific's geopolitical chessboard

02.09.2019 by Brahma Chellaney (The Japan Times) - NEW DELHI – The Indo-Pacific region’s geopolitical flux is being highlighted by several developments. The escalating U.S.-China trade war is setting in motion a gradual “decoupling” of the world’s top two economies ...

Manœuvres navales inédites entre les États-Unis et dix pays d'Asie du Sud-Est

02.09.2019 (RFI) - Des manœuvres navales inédites entre les Etats-Unis et dix pays d'Asie du Sud-Est ont débuté lundi dans un contexte de lutte d'influence croissante dans la région entre Américains et Chinois. ...

China's quickly losing its position as the world's smartphone factory

02.09.2019 by Chris Stokel-Walker (wired) - For decades, China has been the world’s electronics manufacturing hub – but not for much longer. Google is the latest company to shift some of its production out of China ...

Daughter of Vietnamese immigrant receives desk after testing into top Taiwan school

02.09.2019 by Keoni Everington (Taiwan News) - TAIPEI -- The daughter of a Vietnamese immigrant who lives in a makeshift home has received a new desk and container house after news broke of her plight and her successful entrance to a top girls' high school in southwestern Taiwan. ...

Vietnam: Essen mit Gefühl

02.09.2019 Kim Thuy (Kulturaustausch III/2019) - Kim Thúy, geboren in Saigon, Vietnam, ist Schriftstellerin und lebt in Kanada. Sie erzählt KULTURAUSTAUSCH, wie man in Vietnam seine Gefühle ausdrückt ...

Chancenlos im Kampf um umstrittenes Gebiet

01.09.2019 Von Arne Perras, Singapur (SZ) - Fünfmal reiste Philippiniens Präsident Duterte nach Peking, aber die Ansprüche seines Landes im Südchinesischen Meer kann er nicht durchsetzen. ...

Buying Cambodia: China’s long embrace of a tyrant

01.09.2019 by Jonathan Manthorpe (Asia Times) - Authoritarian PM Hun Sen has reportedly given Beijing the green light for a naval base on the Gulf of Thailand. ...

40 Jahre Cap Anamur: Appelle zur Flüchtlingshilfe

31.08.2019 (SZ) - Mit Appellen zur Flüchtlingshilfe ist in Köln des 40-jährigen Bestehens der Hilfsorganisation Cap Anamur gedacht worden. 1979 hatte das Ehepaar Christel und Rupert Neudeck ein Schiff gechartert, um damit Menschen zu retten, die über das Südchinesische Meer vor der kommunistischen Regierung von Vietnam flohen ...

U.K., France, Germany ‘Concerned’ About South China Sea Tensions

30.08.2019 Philip J. Heijmans (Bloomberg) -- The U.K., France and Germany have called for restraint in the South China Sea amid reports that Chinese and Vietnamese vessels are facing off in the disputed waters over competing territorial claims. ...

Google is reportedly looking to shift Pixel production from China to Vietnam

30.08.2019 by Humza Aamir (TechSpot) - With a plan to double its smartphone shipments from 2018, Google is looking to sell between 8-10 million Pixel units this year. To achieve that, the company is looking to move some manufacturing from China to Vietnam ...

Detained RFA Blogger in Vietnam Has First Meeting With Lawyer

29.08.2019 (RFA) - An RFA blogger held in Vietnam on charges of corruption has been allowed to meet with a lawyer for the first time since he was abducted in Thailand earlier this year and forced back to Vietnam ...

Vietnamese family ‘brutally attacked’ for converting to Christianity

29.08.2019 by Ruth Sax (Premier Christian Radio) - A Vietnamese family have been “brutally attacked” because of their Christian faith, according to Open Doors charity who serve persecuted Christians around the world. ...

ROG gibt Nominierte bekannt

29.08.2019 (ROG) - Anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestehens der deutschen Sektion von Reporter ohne Reporter ohne Grenzen werden die renommierten Press Freedom Awards am 12. September erstmals in Berlin verliehen. ...

Vietnam seeks 'peaceful' solution to South China Sea tensions

28.08.2019 Tomoya Onishi (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- Vietnam will work with its Southeast Asian neighbors to seek a peaceful solution to tensions in the South China Sea, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc told reporters here Tuesday after a meeting with Malaysian counterpart Mahathir Mohamad. ...

Submission by Human Rights Watch to Australia-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue

27.08.2019 (HRW) - Human Rights Watch appreciates the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing preparations for the forthcoming 16th Australia-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue, scheduled to be held in Canberra in August 2019. Vietnam’s human rights record worsened since 2017 as the authorities imprison more dissidents for longer prison terms and passed new draconian laws. ...

Mekong nears tipping point as US-China rivalry grows

27.08.2019 Brian Eyler and Aaron Salzberg (Nikkei Asian Review) - The Mekong River, which originates on the Tibetan Plateau and flows nearly 5,000 km through China, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam to the South China Sea, is in danger of drying up. The five downstream countries must act now to defend their collective interests or risk ceding control of the river to China, which controls the headwaters. ...

Vietnam shuns Huawei as it seeks to build Southeast Asia’s first 5G network

27.08.2019 (SCMP) - Vietnam is intent on being the first Asean nation to provide a 5G network – without China’s tech powerhouse Huawei.Viettel Group, Vietnam’s largest mobile carrier owned by the defence ministry, will deploy Ericsson AB’s equipment in Hanoi and Nokia Oyj’s technology in Ho Chi Minh City, said Viettel chief executive officer Le Dang Dung. ...

Chinese fakery : goods rebranded ‘Made In Vietnam’

26.08.2019 (Anorak) - Last week US President Donald Trump pledged a hike in tariffs on Chinese imports to the US. Trump accuses China of bad trading practices and intellectual property theft. USA Today has news of a Chinese work-around ...

Vietnam - Der lachende Dritte im Handelsstreit

26.08.2019 Von Lena Bodewein, ARD-Studio Südasien (Tagesschau) - Wenn zwei sich streiten, wandern die Unternehmen zum lachenden Dritten ab. So scheint es im Fall von China, den USA und - Vietnam. Dort siedeln sich viele Firmen an, die aus China weggehen ...

Chinese ship inches closer to Vietnam coastline amid South China Sea tensions

25.08.2019 Khanh Vu (Reuters) - A Chinese survey vessel yesterday extended its activities to an area closer to Vietnam’s coastline, ship tracking data showed, after the US and Australia expressed concern about China’s actions in the disputed waterways. The Chinese vessel was about 102km southeast of Vietnam’s Phu Quy Island and 185km from the beaches of the southern city of Phan Thiet ...

Preis auf Langzeittief - Wie Brasilien und Vietnam den Kaffeemarkt beherrschen

25.08.2019 (cash) - Für einen guten Start in den Tag ist er für viele unverzichtbar: Kaffee. Was viele nicht wissen: Nach Brasilien ist Vietnam der zweitgrösste Exporteur der ursprünglich aus Afrika stammenden Bohnen. ...

Citizens are speaking out in Vietnam

23.08.2019 Author: Benedict J Tria Kerkvliet, ANU (East Asia Forum) - Several times in June 2018, tens of thousands of Vietnamese poured into downtown Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other cities, causing huge traffic jams. The crowds were demonstrating against pending national legislation to create three special economic zones that Chinese enterprises would be able to lease for up to 99 years. ...

Vietnam’s uphill battle in the South China Sea: a need for more international actors

23.08.2019 by Nguyen Thanh Trung (AMTI) - The standoff between China and Vietnam near Vanguard Bank has passed the two-month mark without showing any sign of a resolution. Since mid-June 2019, a Chinese survey ship and its coast guard escorts have been maneuvering in a threatening manner in the southern part of Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) ...

Vietnam and America: foes on paper, friends out of necessity

23.08.2019 Xuan Loc Doan (SCMP) - Donald Trump has accused Vietnam of treating America ‘even worse’ than China does on trade, and has imposed heavy duties on its steel imports. “Almost the single worst abuser of everybody.” This was how US President Donald Trump [1] described Vietnam’s approach to trade in an interview in June. ...

Vietnamese Facebook User Gets Six-Year Prison Term For ‘Negative’ Posts

23.08.2019 (RFA) - Vietnamese democracy advocate Huyn Dac Tuy was sentenced on Wednesday by a court in southern Vietnam’s Quang Ngai province to a six-year prison term, followed by three years’ probation, for criticizing the country’s communist government in a series of online posts, according to state media reports. ...

Vietnamesischer Oppositioneller: Eine Abschiebung und ihre zynischen Folgen

23.08.2019 Professor Volker Blumenthaler, Nürnberg; Professor Jeremias Schwarzer, Nürnberg (SZ) - "Vietnamesin darf fertig studieren" vom 7. August: In Ihrem Artikel wird über die Situation der jungen Pianistin Nguyen Hong An und die Abschiebung ihrer Eltern, des Menschenrechtsaktivisten Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan und dessen Frau, berichtet. Den Abgeschobenen drohe angeblich keine strafrechtliche Verfolgung, so die Information des Bundesverbandes der vietnamesischen Flüchtlinge in der BRD. Das ist eine aus unserer Sicht unverantwortliche Verharmlosung der Situation, in der die Eltern in Vietnam sich befinden. ...

Vietnam’s Security Forces Detain Environmentalist Dang Vu Luong, Beating Pro-democracy Campaigner Nguyen Van Phuong

23.08.2019 (Defend the Defenders) - On August 22, Vietnam’s security forces detained environmentalist Dang Vu Luong for more than ten hours, and beat pro-democracy campaigner Nguyen Van Phuong when he and others came to question about the detention, Defend the Defenders has learned. ...

Agreement reached on permanent Holy See representative to Vietnam

23.08.2019 By Hannah Brockhaus (CNA) - Vatican City - A Holy See-Vietnam diplomacy working group, which met inside the Vatican this week, reached an agreement on establishing a permanent resident papal representative to the southeast Asian country. ...

44 Jahre ohne Nuntius

23.08.2019 (Domradio) - Nach dem Vietnamkrieg hatte der Papst seinen Botschafter in Vietnam zurückgerufen – und seitdem keinen neuen eingesetzt. Nach insgesamt acht diplomatischen Gesprächen soll sich das "frühestmöglich" ändern. ...

Flucht, Schicksal und Frühlingsrollen: Das Ehepaar Nguyen ist auf dem Freitagsmarkt äußerst beliebt – das ist ihre Geschichte

23.08.2019 von Guy Simon (Südkurier) - Einige Wochen lang waren etliche Besucher des Freitagsmarktes auf dem Alten Festhallenplatz enttäuscht. An jener Stelle, an der eigentlich immer der kleine weiße Anhänger stand, herrschte Leere. Das hat sich jetzt wieder geändert. Der Anhänger gehört Thi Kim Tanh Nguyen und Thoi Duc Nguyen. ...

Le dialogue progresse entre le Vietnam et le Saint-Siège

23.08.2019 (VaticanNews) - Dans un communiqué publié vendredi 23 août, la Salle de Presse du Saint-Siège fait savoir que les deux parties ont eu un échange de vues approfondies sur les relations entre le Vietnam et le Saint-Siège, y compris sur les questions concernant l’Église catholique au Vietnam. ...

Vietnam Seeks Australia’s Support on the South China Sea

23.08.2019 By Du Nhat Dang (The Diplomat) - Vietnam is hosting Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison amid escalated tensions between Hanoi and China in the South China Sea. Morrison is the first Australian prime minister to travel to Vietnam for a bilateral visit in 25 years. ...

El Vaticano y Vietnam destacan avances en la normalización diplomática

23.08.2019 por Miguel Pérez Pichel (ACI Prensa) - El Grupo de Trabajo entre Vietnam y la Santa Sede finalizó el 22 de agosto su VIII encuentro, celebrado en el Vaticano, con un balance positivo, según un comunicado conjunto difundido por la Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede. ...

Estados Unidos critica a China por su “escalada” en el mar de China meridional

23.08.2019 (Metro) - Estados Unidos criticó la “escalada” de China en “sus esfuerzos de intimidación” en el mar de China meridional, en especial contra Vietnam. ...

US and ASEAN to hold first joint naval drills near South China Sea

23.08.2019 Marimi Kishimoto (Nikkei Asian Review) - BANGKOK -- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is holding its first joint military exercise with the U.S. Navy in the Gulf of Thailand early next month. The 10-country ASEAN and the U.S. had agreed to the drills at a defense ministers' meeting in Singapore last year. ...

Vietnam kann China nicht ersetzen

22.08.2019 Achim Sawall (Golem Media) - Seit dem Beginn des Handelskriegs mit China versuchen US-Konzerne, ihre Auftragsfertigung nach Vietnam zu verlegen. Doch laut einem Bericht des Wall Street Journals wird es noch viele Jahre dauern, bis das südostasiatische Land China als Produktionsstandort ersetzen kann, wenn dies überhaupt gelingt. ...

L’Église vietnamienne célèbre la journée de commémoration des victimes de persécutions religieuses

22.08.2019 (Missions Etrangères de Paris) - À l’occasion du 22 août, désigné par l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU comme la Journée internationale de commémoration des victimes de violences basées sur la religion ou les convictions, l’Église catholique au Vietnam a organisé de nombreuses activités pastorales pour les victimes de violences religieuses. ...

Morrison urged to address human rights on Vietnam visit after calling nation 'free'

22.08.2019 Sarah Martin (The Guardian) - Human Rights Watch raises concerns of ‘dire’ human rights record, including at least 133 political prisoners. Scott Morrison has been urged to raise human rights concerns with the Vietnamese government when he makes his first official visit there this week, ...

China, Vietnam Coast Guard Ships Face Off Near Indian Oil Block In South China Sea

22.08.2019 By James Patterson (International Business Times) -  China has deployed its coast guard ships near an oil block in the Vietnamese EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) where India’s state-run Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has been carrying out oil exploration in the South China Sea. ...

China Escalates Coercion against Vietnam’s Longstanding Oil and Gas Activity in the South China Sea

22.08.2019 (U.S. Department of State) - The United States is deeply concerned that China is continuing its interference with Vietnam’s longstanding oil and gas activities in Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claim. ...

Choppy waters: China’s unilateralism in South China Sea doesn’t help anyone, including Beijing

22.08.2019 Rudroneel Ghosh (The Times of India) - In another conflagration in the South China Sea, the Chinese survey vessel Haiyang Dizhi 8 has returned to waters within Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), this time with more air support. ...

River of no return: Mekong faces grim future

21.08.2019 Luke Hunt, Phnom Penh (UCAnews) - The Mekong River is again striking record lows, threatening crop production, fish stocks and the livelihoods of 70 million people amid rampant over-development and dire warnings. But this year’s drought, the second in three years, could mark a turning point and a bleak future. ...

Vietnam edges towards a succession crisis

20.08.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - Ruling Communist Party is splitting on pro- and anti-China lines ahead of a pivotal 2021 Congress that will determine new leaders and directions. ...

USA kritisieren chinesische „Mobbing-Taktiken“ im Südchinesischen Meer

20.08.2019 (Epoch Times) - Die USA haben sich mit einer neuen scharfen Warnung gegen die chinesischen Aktivitäten und Gebietsansprüche im Südchinesischen Meer gewandt. ...

La Maison Blanche accuse Pékin de «tactiques d'intimidation» en mer de Chine méridionale

20.08.2019 (Le Figaro) - La Maison Blanche a accusé mardi Pékin de recourir à des «tactiques d'intimidation» en mer de Chine méridionale, eaux riches en ressources naturelles et en proie à des tensions croissantes. ...

Südchinesisches Meer: Philippinen warnen China

20.08.2019 (DW) - Im Streit um das Südchinesische Meer hat die philippinische Regierung eine indirekte Drohung an China ausgesprochen. Bisher verhielt sich Präsident Rodrigo Duterte in dem Konflikt eher zurückhaltend. ...

China’s incursion into Vietnam’s EEZ and lessons from the past

20.08.2019 Huong Le Thu (The Strategist) - The Haiyang Dizhi 8, a survey vessel belonging to a Chinese government-run corporation, began surveying a large swath of seabed on 3 July northeast of Vanguard Bank, which falls within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone. ...

Massenproteste in Hongkong: Peking hat schon gewonnen

19.08.2019 Lea Deuber (SZ) - Die Protestbewegung in Hongkong hat bei den Festlandchinesen keinerlei Unterstützung. Chinas kommunistisches Regime hat es verstanden, seinen Bürgern die Lust an der Demokratie auszutreiben. ...

Why Vanguard Bank and Why Now? Explaining Chinese Behavior in the South China Sea

19.08.2019 by Derek Grossman (RAND) - During the course of my recent discussions with Vietnamese interlocutors, one question has recurred: after a period of prolonged quiet in Vietnam-China relations in the South China Sea (SCS), why has Beijing all of a sudden decided to take a stand at Vanguard Bank? ...

Philippines: China Defends Aggressive Arrogance

19.08.2019 (StrategyPage) - The Chinese effort is massive. For example, during the first three months of 2019 China deployed 900 navy, coast guard and naval militia ships around Pagasa Island to block access to fishing areas that Filipinos have been using for centuries. ...

Vietnam Activists Stage Rare Anti-China Protest Amid Concerns Over Survey Ship

19.08.2019 (RFA) - Four activists in south-central Vietnam’s Khanh Hoa province were detained by police on Sunday morning for staging an anti-China protest at a landmark popular with Chinese tourists in the provincial capital Nha Trang, one of the protesters said. ...

Nha Trang: Holding an anti-China banner is "violating the constitution"!

18.08.2019 (Dân Làm Báo) -  This morning on August 18th, 2018, one group of patriotic citizens in Nha Trang city was surrounded by military, police officers and security guards in Hon Chong and Vinh Phuoc beaches area. They are Facebookers Son Dang, Nguyễn Lai, Phạm Hải, Nguyễn Bá Vinh and Trần Vũ Việt. ...

Vietnam and Indonesia stand out as Belt and Road bets, reports show

18.08.2019 Dylan Koh (Nikkei Asian Review) - Southeast Asia draws flurry of investment but concerns over China linger. Southeast Asia is becoming ever more of a hotbed for investment related to China's Belt and Road Initiative, two separate reports issued this month show. ...

Vietnam demands Chinese ship leave disputed waters as end of fishing ban threatens to inflame tensions

17.08.2019 Laura Zhou  (SCMP) - Vietnam protests against ‘repeated Chinese violations’ from surveyors as fishing fleets head for contested waters around the Paracel Islands and the Scarborough Shoal. Presence of survey vessel in oil-rich waters has already triggered a month-long stand-off between the two sides. ...

Vietnam aims to sell stakes in nearly 100 state firms by end of 2020

16.08.2019 (The Asahi Shimbun) - HANOI -- Vietnam plans to speed up its privatization program by selling stakes in nearly 100 state-owned firms by the end of 2020, including Agribank, the government said late on Thursday. ...

The Vanguard Bank standoff shows China remains undeterred

16.08.2019 Trinh Le (The Interpreter) - Coercion rather than conciliation is Beijing’s preferred tactic in South China Sea disputes. Tensions have risen once again in the South China Sea. ...

Ganze System steht auf dem Spiel: 11 Punkte zeigen, wie wichtig Hongkong für China ist

16.08.2019 Gabor Steingart (Focus) - Derweil die ehemalige britische Kronkolonie Hongkong unter chinesischer Repression leidet, herrscht im Weißen Haus des Donald Trump ein Triumphalismus wie zuletzt unter Ronald Reagan. ...

Vietnam demands Chinese ship leaves its exclusive economic zone

16.08.2019 (CNA) - HANOI: Vietnam has demanded that China remove an oil survey vessel and its escorts from the Southeast Asian country's exclusive economic zone, amid a month-long standoff in waters seen as a potential global flashpoint as the United States challenges Beijing's maritime claims. ...

CITES 2019: Weltkonferenz für den Artenschutz

16.08.2019 Arnulf Köhncke (WWF Deutschland) - Jetzt beginnt in Genf die 18. Konferenz des Washingtoner Artenschutzabkommens CITES. CITES reguliert den Handel mit wilden Tieren und Pflanzen. Inzwischen ist Vietnam der größte Abnahmemarkt für Elfenbeinprodukte und für Nashornhorn. ...

Resignation ist keine Option

15.08.2019 Leonie Gubela (taz) - Für die 24-jährige Nhi Le war Leipzig lange ein Sehnsuchtsort. Mittlerweile erlebt sie dort einen immer aggressiveren Rassismus.

Man könnte meinen, Nhi Le sei nicht zum ersten Mal in dieser Küche. Zügig verteilt sie Schneidebrettchen, Messer und Schnibbelanweisungen an die anwesenden taz-RedakteurInnen, stellt den Herd an und erklärt nebenbei, warum sie sich für das Dinner in der Dresden-WG Sommerrollen gewünscht hat.

Seit 2016 gibt Le auch Workshops zu Antirassismus, Antisexismus und Hate Speech. Was sie ihren ZuhörerInnen mit auf den Weg geben will? „Dass es sich um Muster handelt, um gesellschaftliche Strukturen.“ Auf gar keinen Fall dürfe das Bild entstehen, dass Diskriminierung nur ein paar Einzelnen passiere. [Weiterlesen]

Beijing starts military exercise in disputed South China Sea as tensions with Vietnam rise

15.08.2019 Laura Zhou (SCMP) - China started a series of military training exercises near the Paracel chain of islands in the disputed South China Sea on Tuesday, amid growing tensions with Vietnam over the vital maritime trade route.

Ships were prohibited from entering three locations in and near the Paracels from Tuesday morning until Thursday afternoon, according to three brief notices published on the Maritime Safety Administration website on Monday.

On Tuesday, Vietnamese police said they had dispersed a brief protest outside the Chinese embassy in Hanoi, in which about 10 people demanded the departure of the Chinese ships from Vanguard Bank. The protest came just days after a Vietnamese fishermen’s association publicly urged the government to take stronger action to remove the ships, which it said had disrupted fishing in the area. [read more]

EU-Vietnam trade deal shows EU will bend human rights standards if the price is right

14.08.2019 By Skylar Lindsay (ASEAN Today) - The new EU-Vietnam free trade agreement (FTA) shows the EU will look past human rights violations to push a trade agenda. But as FTAs with ASEAN states don’t offer the EU the same economic benefits, it’s unlikely the bloc will pen more in the near future.

The Vietnamese government regularly violates civil rights to freedom of association and expression. Small landholders lose their property and livelihoods to government and private development projects. Political dissidents are regularly silenced and punished. The EVFTA gave hope to other actors in the region. It showed that in cases where the EU stands to benefit economically, trade negotiators are willing to overlook political repression and rights issues. [read more]

Mer de Chine méridionale: un navire chinois de retour dans les eaux revendiquées par Hanoï

14.08.2019 (Sputnik) - Un navire chinois est de nouveau entré dans la zone économique exclusive du Vietnam en mer de Chine méridionale, au risque de relancer la confrontation diplomatique entre Pékin et Hanoï sur ces eaux riches en ressources revendiquées par les deux pays et d'autres Etats d'Asie du Sud-Est.

Haiyang 8, un navire de prospection appartenant au Service géologique chinois, «est de nouveau entré dans la zone économique spéciale vietnamienne le 13 août», accompagné d'au moins deux autres bateaux des gardes-côtes chinois, selon le Centre de recherche américain C4ADS cité par l'AFP. [en savoir plus]

China hammers message as survey ship returns to waters claimed by Vietnam

14.08.2019 (Japan Times) - HANOI – A Chinese survey vessel has re-entered disputed waters in the South China Sea, according to ship tracking analysis, after a tense monthlong standoff in the same area inflamed tensions between Hanoi and Beijing.

China has been accused of deploying warships, arming outposts and ramming fishing vessels in the waters, stoking ire from other claimants on the global shipping route.

Hanoi said last week the ship had left the area, but on Tuesday it had returned, according to the U.S.-based Center for Advanced Defense Studies. [read more]

"Dieselben Bilder, dasselbe Drama, so viele Jahre danach"

13.08.2019 Ein Interview von Alex Raack (Spiegel Online) - 1979 trat das Rettungsschiff "Cap Anamur" in den Dienst - Tausende Flüchtlinge verdanken den Helfern um Christel und Rupert Neudeck ihr Leben. Hier spricht die Gründerin über Mut und Hass, Böll und Rackete.

Gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Rupert und prominenten Freunden wie dem Schriftsteller Heinrich Böll initiierte Christel Neudeck 1979 das Hilfsprojekt "Ein Schiff für Vietnam" inmitten der humanitären Katastrophe im Südchinesischen Meer. Vier Jahre zuvor hatte der Vietnamkrieg mit dem Sieg des kommunistischen Nordens geendet, ein Terrorregime folgte. Vor willkürlichen Verhaftungen und Umerziehungslagern, vor Folter und Mord flohen etwa 1,5 Millionen Menschen mit oft seeuntauglichen Booten übers Meer. [Weiterlesen]

Flucht aus Vietnam: Gerettet von der "Cap Anamur"

13.08.2019 von Sebastian Stoll (NDR) - Vor 40 Jahren begannen Retter auf der "Cap Anamur" ihre Hilfsaktion im südchinesischen Meer. Auf dem umgebauten Frachter aus Hamburg fanden Menschen Zuflucht, die mit Booten aus dem kommunistischen Vietnam flohen. Eine Überlebende erinnert sich.

Es beginnt mit einem kleinen Schauspiel: Über Monate hinweg streiten sich die Eltern von Alicia Le-Sattler - und immer, wenn die Mutter für ein paar Tage auszieht, nimmt sie ein Möbelstück mit. Die Wohnung leert sich, aber Mama bleibt. Der ganze Streit - alles nur inszeniert, damit die Nachbarn von den Fluchtplänen nichts mitbekommen. [Weiterlesen]

Vietnam’s lagging 5G ambitions

13.08.2019 Author: Phan Le, ANU (East Asia Forum) - On 10 May 2019, Vietnam became one of the first countries to successfully establish a 5G-powered phone call. It was a milestone for the country given Hanoi’s ambitious plan to deploy a 5G network for commercial operations by 2020 using domestically-developed technology. But while Vietnam’s 5G rollout is on the right track, fully realising this ambition still requires overcoming myriad challenges in technology, national security and governance.

From a technical standpoint, Viettel’s demonstration on 10 May reveals neither the company’s capability to meet its goal of 5G self-reliance, nor its ability to roll out a 5G network which is standards-compliant, robust and feature-complete. Viettel’s biggest goal of self-developing its core network equipment, including multiple state-of-the-art chipsets, likely amounts to a pipe dream. Even leading 5G suppliers — Huawei, ZTE, Nokia and Ericsson — still rely on external chip developers such as Qualcomm or Intel. [read more]

Vietnamese Scholars Denounce China’s Movements in South China Sea

12.08.2019 (RFA) - A group of well-known Vietnamese scholars gathered this weekend outside China’s consulate in Ho Chi Minh City to protest Chinese ship movements in waters claimed by Vietnam in the South China Sea, dispersing only after an angry exchange with police, sources told RFA.

Participants included retired professors and academics Hoang Dung, Tuong Lai, Vo Van Thon, Le Cong Giau, Ha Thuc Huy, Nguyen Thanh Van, and Huynh Tan Mam, retired professor Hoang Dung told RFA’s Vietnamese Service in an interview. [read more]

What’s in a Deeper EU-Vietnam Security Partnership?

10.08.2019 By Prashanth Parameswaran (The Diplomat) - Earlier this week, the European Union and Vietnam officially announced a number of steps to further deepen their security and defense partnership. While many of these developments were expected, they nonetheless highlighted the efforts by both sides to further strengthen their security ties amid shared priorities and outstanding challenges.

This week, the defense aspect of the relationship was in the headlines again with the visit of Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission, to Vietnam. [read more]

Bruderland – Sozialistische Vertragsarbeiter in der DDR

10.08.2019 Armin Siebert (Sputnik) - Auch in der DDR gab es „Gastarbeiter“. Sie kamen aus befreundeten sozialistischen Staaten wie Vietnam, Mosambik, Kuba oder Angola. Wie haben sie die DDR erlebt und was passierte mit ihnen nach der Wende? Die Webdoku „Eigensinn im Bruderland“ erzählt die Geschichte der DDR-Migranten. Sputnik hat mit einer der Autorinnen, Julia Oelkers, gesprochen.

Frau Oelkers, wie kamen die Vertragsarbeiter in die DDR? Aus welchen Ländern kamen sie und war es eine Auszeichnung, in der DDR zu lernen und zu arbeiten?

Wir haben uns in unserer Webdoku auf Ende der 1970er / Anfang der 1980er Jahre fokussiert. Es kamen aber schon seit den 1950ern Studierende und Arbeiter aus sogenannten „befreundeten sozialistischen Ländern“ in die DDR. [Weiterlesen]

Vietnamese Police Disperse Protesters at Chinese Embassy over South China Sea

09.08.2019 Ben Kew (Breitbart) - Police in Vietnam broke up a demonstration outside the Chinese embassy in Hanoi as protesters campaigned against Beijing’s aggressive pursuit of territory in the South China Sea, Reuters reported Tuesday.

The demonstration took place as ships from the two countries remain in a prolonged standoff over an oil block belonging to Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone. Hanoi has accused Beijing of illegally surveying the zone and has demanded that they withdraw all their ships. [read more]

South China Sea stand-off shows Vietnam has few options in dealing with Beijing’s bullying

08.08.2019 Le Hong Hiep (SCMP) - Impasse at the Vanguard Bank suggests diplomacy is Vietnam’s first – and last – line of defence against China’s assertiveness in the contested waters.

The Vietnam–China stand-off at Vanguard Bank in the South China Sea [1] has been going on for more than one month. Despite Vietnam’s repeated diplomatic protests and international pressures, China has not completely withdrawn its vessels from the area, which is part of Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

According to marine traffic data, the Haiyang Dizhi 8 survey vessel, which is at the centre of contention, moved together with some accompanying ships to China-controlled Fiery Cross Reef [2] in the Spratlys last Wednesday evening, but two Chinese coastguard vessels remained in Vietnamese waters near Block 06-01. It is unclear if the Haiyang Dizhi 8 and accompanying vessels will return to Vanguard Bank in the coming days or not. [read more]

Vietnam police disperse protest at Chinese embassy over South China Sea standoff

06.08.2019 James Pearson (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnamese police on Tuesday broke up a brief protest outside the Chinese embassy in Hanoi against Beijing’s maritime survey of an offshore block in the southeast Asian nation’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), a Reuters witness said.

Vietnamese and Chinese ships have been in a weeks-long standoff near the oil block, the latest confrontation in waters that are a potential global flashpoint as the United States challenges China’s sweeping maritime claims.

Protests in the authoritarian and Communist-ruled Southeast Asian country are rare, and police dispersed the short-lived demonstration of about 10 activists of the “No-U” group within minutes. [read more]

Vietnamese Activists Cry Slander at Documentary Accusing them of Incitement

06.08.2019  (RFA) - Vietnamese activists accused of spreading disinformation or incitement in a documentary produced by the country’s state-run media are saying the accusations are slanderous.

In “Opposite: The reverse side of social media,” Vietnam Television (VTV) says that activists have used social networks to provoke protests and misrepresent or falsify information to advance the agenda of “Abolishing the leadership of the Communist Party and overthrowing the People’s Government.”“I challenge any Party organization, radio stations or VTV station to point out any incorrect facts from my articles or interviews, or to show where there is any misrepresentation or agitation,” said independent journalist Pham Chi Dung, one of the accused, in a statement issued shortly after Opposite was broadcast. [read more]

Pianistin darf fertig studieren

06.08.2019 Von Dietrich Mittler (SZ) - Abgelehnte Asylbewerberin aus Vietnam wird nicht wie ihre Eltern abgeschoben.

Monatelang hatte die junge vietnamesische Pianistin Hong An Nguyen bangen müssen, dass sie als abgelehnte Asylbewerberin ebenso wie ihre Eltern in ihr früheres Heimatland abgeschoben wird - doch diese Gefahr ist offensichtlich gebannt. Sie darf in Nürnberg ihr Studium fortsetzen. Kürzlich erst hatte sie die Prüfung zum Masterstudiengang an der dortigen Hochschule für Musik bestanden. Olaf Kuch, Chef des Nürnberger Einwohneramts, sagte: "Ihr Studium kann sie auf jeden Fall hier absolvieren, auch wenn ihr Status noch nicht endgültig geklärt ist."

Nach Angaben von Amtschef Olaf Kuch hat Hong An Nguyen inzwischen mehrere Optionen bezüglich des weiteren Aufenthalts. Unter anderem sei sie bald vier Jahre in Deutschland und könnte folglich auch eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis für gut integrierte Jugendliche und Heranwachsende bekommen. [Weiterlesen]

Warnung vor „Militarisierung“ des Südchinesischen Meeres

05.08.2019 (ORF) - Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini hat vor einer „Militarisierung“ des Südchinesischen Meeres gewarnt. Die EU sei besorgt über „zunehmende Spannungen“ in dem Gebiet, sagte Mogherini heute bei einem Besuch in Vietnam. Diese Spannungen und die Militarisierung des Gebiets seien „einer friedlichen Umgebung definitiv nicht zuträglich“, sagte sie in der Hauptstadt Hanoi. [Weiterlesen]

Das Schicksal der „Boat people“ im Chinesischen Meer - „Cap Anamur“ rettet Flüchtlinge aus dem Meer – vor 40 Jahren

05.08.2019 (Kirche+Leben) - Humanitäre Großtat oder „Beihilfe zur illegalen Einwanderung“? Unter diesem Vorwurf ist Carola Rackete, Kapitänin der „Sea Watch 3“, angeklagt, weil sie ihr Schiff mit 40 Flüchtlingen an Bord in den Hafen von Lampedusa steuerte, trotz Verbots der Behörden. Ähnliche Diskussionen um die Seenotrettung gab es schon vor 40 Jahren.

Damals war der Schauplatz das Chinesische Meer und die Flüchtlinge kamen aus Vietnam. Am 13. August 1979 stach das Hospitalschiff „Cap Anamur“ von Japan aus in See und nahm sechs Wochen später die ersten Bootsflüchtlinge an Bord. „Boat people“ wurden die Menschen genannt, die in winzigen, völlig überfüllten Booten ihr Heil in der Flucht über das Meer suchten. [Weiterlesen]

Wie die "Cap Anamur" die Boatpeople gerettet hat

05.08.2019 (NDR) - Dicht gedrängt flüchten die Menschen auf kleinen Holzbooten über das offene Meer. Schon nach wenigen Tagen gibt es nichts mehr zu essen und zu trinken. Piraten überfallen die überfüllten Boote und bringen die Flüchtlinge um ihr letztes Hab und Gut. Mehr als 200.000 Vietnamesen - Boatpeople genannt - ertrinken auf ihrer Reise.

Am 1. August 1979 heben er, seine Frau Christel und einige Freunde - darunter Literaturnobelpreisträger Heinrich Böll - die Kölner Hilfsorganisation Cap Anamur aus der Taufe. [Weiterlesen]

EU, Vietnam to become brothers in arms

01.08.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - On August 5, the European Union’s (EU) chief diplomat Federica Mogherini will sign a new defense agreement with Vietnam, the first such security deal Brussels will have with a Southeast Asian nation.

It is the latest indication that the EU is trying to forge a closer defense relationship with the region and Vietnam in particular, which is at the heart of disputes with China in the South China Sea.

After taking part in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum and an EU-ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference in Bangkok between August 1 and 2, Mogherini will head to Hanoi to sign “an agreement on Vietnam’s participation in our European military and civilian missions”, she told regional media earlier this week. [read more]

China tells 'nonregional' players to stay out of South China Sea

31.07.2019 Cliff Venzon and Masayuki Yuda (Nikkei Asian Review) - BANGKOK -- China and Southeast Asian countries wrapped up the first round of negotiations for a South China Sea code of conduct on Wednesday, setting the stage for tougher diplomatic brinkmanship that includes Beijing's bid to push the U.S. out of the disputed waters. ...

Vietnamese fishermen call for action against China

30.07.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - A Vietnamese fishermen’s group has called on the government to take stronger measures for the removal of a Chinese oil survey vessel that Vietnam accuses of violating its sovereignty in the South China Sea. ...

Vietnamese Activist Gets 30 Months in Toll-Booth Protest

30.07.2019 (RFA) - A court in northern Vietnam’s Bac Ninh province sentenced a local activist to 30 months in jail on Tuesday for “causing public disorder” at a toll-booth set up under Vietnam’s controversial Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) scheme, which has drawn protests around the country, sources said. ...

Dams threaten way of life in Mekong countries

30.07.2019 Dominic Faulder (Nikkei Asian Review) - BANGKOK -- The operation of dams along the Mekong River is exacerbating conditions in a particularly dry year and choking off a lifeline for Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. ...

Your Next iPhone Might Be Made in Vietnam. Thank the Trade War

30.07.2019 By Raymond Zhong (The New York Times) - Samsung already assembles half of its handsets in the country, which got a big lift from U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods. Now Apple is homing in. No country on earth has benefited from President Trump’s trade fight with China more than Vietnam. ...

Katz-und-Maus-Spiel im Südchinesischen Meer

29.07.2019 Patrick Zoll (NZZ) - Wenig beobachtet von der Weltöffentlichkeit, spielt sich im Südchinesischen Meer ein Schachspiel der grossen Dimension ab. Im Mai hat der russische Konzern Rosneft, der eine vietnamesische Lizenz im Gasfeld Lan Do hält, eine japanische Plattform gechartert, um ein neues Förderloch zu bohren. Doch seit Mitte Juni patrouilliert ein chinesisches Küstenwachschiff in der Gegend, das die Plattform und ihre Versorgungsschiffe bedrängt und behindert. ...

Vietnam briefs India about Chinese action in South China Sea

29.07.2019 (The Economic Times) - Vietnam has briefed India about the escalating tension in the South China sea after China deployed a large number of survey vessels in Vietnamese waters including around areas where India's ONGC has oil exploration projects. ...

Vietnam Political Prisoners End Hunger Strike Over Poor Conditions, But Demand Monthly Phone Calls

29.07.2019 (RFA) - At least three political prisoners at a detention center in north-central Vietnam’s Nghe An province have ended their hunger strike over poor conditions after they were given fans, but warned they will resume the protest if they are not provided monthly calls home, family members said Monday. ...

Rumble At Sea: China’s ‘peaceful rise’ theory is being tested in the South China Sea

29.07.2019 Rudroneel Ghosh (Times of India) - Reports are coming in of another serious incident in the South China Sea (SCS) involving a Chinese seismic survey vessel called Haiyang Dizhi 8 and its activities deep inside Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The Haiyang Dizhi is being escorted by several Chinese coast guard and fishing vessels and since July 4 has conducted marine surveys within Vietnam’s waters. ...

Viet Nam: Activist faces trial for statements on Facebook

29.07.2019 (Amnesty International) - Ahead of peaceful activist Ha Van Nam’s trial in a court in Viet Nam tomorrow, Joanne Mariner, Amnesty International’s Senior Crisis Adviser, said: "Yet another Vietnamese activist is being unfairly punished for speaking out on Facebook. ...

China’s Disregard for Vietnamese Sovereignty Leaves the Region Worse Off

28.07.2019 By Ankit Panda (The Diplomat) - Approaching the third anniversary of the tribunal ruling in the Philippines’ favour against China over maritime entitlements in the South China Sea, it became clear that Beijing was no closer to adhering to the international court’s binding award. ...

China swings a small stick in the South China Sea

28.07.2019 By James R. Holmes (The Hill) - It’s hard to drive China out of the headlines. Yet a dispute between Iran and Great Britain, each of which has seized a tanker ship belonging to the other, has managed it in recent weeks — eclipsing a running feud between Vietnam and China, whose ships have squared off at Vanguard Bank, ...

Vermisster vietnamesischer Mönch tot aus Biggesee geborgen

28.07.2019 (Kölnische Rundschau) - Olpe - Der seit Mittwoch im Biggesee in Olpe vermisste buddhistische Mönch ist tot aus dem Wasser geborgen worden. Einsatzkräfte der DLRG bargen die Leiche aus sechs Metern Tiefe, teilte die Polizei mit. ...

Santé et éducation : l’excellence des services catholiques vietnamiens auprès des pauvres

27.07.2019 (MEP) - L’Église au Vietnam est de plus en plus reconnue dans le pays pour ses nombreuses activités caritatives, malgré le contexte d’un athéisme d’État et d’un gouvernement communiste. ...

Meet the Artist - Die Autorin Kim Thúy

27.07.2019 (DW) - Zwischen zwei Welten zuhause sein, Heimat in der Fremde finden: Davon erzählen Kim Thúys Romane. Sie ist zehn, als sie mit ihrer Familie aus einem Flüchtlingslager nach Kanada flieht. ...

Schmuggler plündern Strand

26.07.2019 (Mannheimer Morgen) - Der weltweite Bauboom hat die Nachfrage nach Sand und Kies einer neuen Studie zufolge in 20 Jahren verdreifacht. Am Mekong in Asien mache sich der Sandabbau in Laos, Thailand und Kambodscha und im Flussdelta in Vietnam durch Erosion bemerkbar. ...

Vietnam : Une liberté religieuse ambigüe

26.07.2019 (Info Chrétienne) - Le Vietnam est une république officiellement athée. Sa Constitution reconnaît le droit à quiconque de suivre ou non une religion. Cependant, le dernier rapport américain sur la liberté religieuse internationale évoque l’article 14. Ce dernier  » autorise toutefois le gouvernement à passer outre aux droits de l’homme, y compris la liberté de religion, pour des raisons de ‘sécurité nationale, d’ordre et de sécurité sociaux, de moralité sociale et de bien-être social’ « ...

Vietnam demands 'immediate withdrawal' of China ship in disputed sea

25.07.2019 (France24) - Vietnam on Thursday called for the "immediate withdrawal" of a Chinese ship in the South China Sea, as the standoff over the disputed waters intensified. ...

Mer de Chine: Hanoï exige le «retrait immédiat» d'un navire de prospection chinois

25.07.2019 (Le Figaro) - Le Vietnam a exigé ce jeudi le «retrait immédiat» d'un navire chinois d'eaux disputées de mer de Chine méridionale, qui font l'objet d'une confrontation géopolitique entre Pékin et plusieurs pays d'Asie du Sud-Est. ...

School, health, education: the work of Vietnamese Catholics 'excellence of the country'

25.07.2019 by Thanh Thao (AsiaNews) - In the largely socialist and atheist Vietnamese society, the work of Catholics in the social sector in favor of the poor, the disabled and the marginalized is acquiring more and more value and meaning. ...

Blut und Schreie auf Vietnams Straßen

24.07.2019 Von Andrea Gottke (Deutschlandfunk Kultur) - Mai Khoi war ein Popstar in Vietnam. Dann wurde sie zur Aktivistin – durch Begegnungen mit einem repressiven Staat, der versucht, sie und andere kritische Stimmen kleinzuhalten. Mai Khoi singt von Schreien in den Straßen, von Uniformierten, die Menschen verhaften, von Blut, das fließt. Sie singt über die Menschen, die anderen so etwas antun – und die Busse fahren daran vorbei, an den Schreien und den Schlägen. ...

Philippines: China Wants It All

24.07.2019 (Strategy Page) - The government is trying to be more realistic on the Chinese effort to take possession of the South China Sea. The Philippines and Vietnam have the most to lose but all other Western Pacific countries feel threatened by growing Chinese naval power and aggressiveness. ...

Vietnamesische, chinesische Schiffe in wochenlangem Stillstand nahe dem Südchinesischen Meer Ölblock

24.07.2019 (Tekk) - Die Spannungen zwischen China und Vietnam im umstrittenen Südchinesischen Meer sind stark gestiegen, wobei Schiffe aus beiden Ländern in den letzten Wochen “aggressive Manöver” in den ölreichen Gewässern durchführten. ...

Video: Vietnamese-American musician’s song in support of anti-extradition protesters inspires Hongkongers

24.07.2019 (Hong Kong Free Press) - A song written by a Vietnamese-American composer who was inspired by the anti-extradition bill protests in Hong Kong has gone viral among both Vietnamese and Hong Kong netizens. ...

Vietnam's 'homespun Facebook' swamped after launch

24.07.2019 (Daily Mail) - A homegrown Vietnamese social media app was overloaded with users hours after launching as the one-party state tries to boost its own web platforms while tightening its grip on internet freedoms. ...

New social media app Gapo aims to rival Facebook in Vietnam, as state clamps down on tech giants

24.07.2019 (SCMP) - Gapo, a mobile app that lets users create personal profiles and share posts to a Facebook-style ‘news feed’, is eyeing 20 million users by 2021. The app has launched as the Communist government tightens its grip on the internet. ...

Entführter vietnamesischer Ex-Politiker - Hanois Türen bleiben verschlossen

23.07.2019 Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN - Vor zwei Jahren wurde der aus Vietnam stammende Asylbewerber und ehemalige Politiker Trinh Xuan Thanh im Berliner Tiergarten vom vietnamesischen Geheimdienst gekidnappt und wenige Tage später in einer geheimdienstlichen Aktion bis nach Vietnam gebracht. ...

Concern for Australian citizen jailed without charge in Vietnam

23.07.2019 Hannah Ellis-Petersen (The Guardian) - Human rights groups and relatives have expressed concern for the wellbeing of a 70-year-old Australian citizen who has been imprisoned in Vietnam for six months without charge. ...

Drug resistant malaria spreading in South East Asia

23.07.2019 (University of Oxford) - A rapidly evolving multi-drug resistant lineage of P. falciparum malaria parasites continues to spread in South East Asia, leading to alarmingly high treatment failure rates in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam for DHA-piperaquine, one of the world’s most important anti-malaria drugs. ...

Multiresistente Malaria-Erreger breiten sich in Südostasien aus

23.07.2019 (Hannoversche Allgemeine) - London/Hamburg - Resistente Malaria-Erreger verbreiten sich zunehmend über weite Regionen Südostasiens. Multiresistente Varianten der gefährlichsten Erregerart Plasmodium falciparum seien inzwischen in großen Teilen von Kambodscha, Thailand, Vietnam und Laos vorherrschend ...

What’s in the New China-Vietnam South China Sea Tensions?

22.07.2019 By Prashanth Parameswaran (The Diplomat) - Over the past few weeks, another round of tensions has been simmering between China and Vietnam over energy resources in the South China Sea. ...

Ocean Vuong: „Auf Erden sind wir kurz grandios“ - Sicher dauerhaft grandios

21.07.2019 Von Insa Wilke (Deutschlandfunk) - In den letzten Jahren ist eine neue Form der politisch engagierten Literatur entstanden. Ihre Grundlage sind meistens migrantische, oft auch queere Erfahrungen, Erfahrungen von Rassismus, traumatische Erlebnisse, die sich in die Körper eingeschrieben haben. ...

US State Department is concerned by 'China's repeated provocative actions' after Vietnam reports interference in South China Sea

21.07.2019 (Daily Mail) - The U.S. State Department said on Saturday it is concerned by reports of China's interference with oil and gas activities in the South China Sea, including Vietnam's long-standing exploration and production activities. ...

USA besorgt über Chinas Einmischung in South China Sea

21.07.2019 (Miet Spiegel News) - Die Vereinigten Staaten sagte, es besorgt über die Berichte von China Störungen mit öl-und gas-Aktivitäten in den umstrittenen Gewässern des Südchinesischen Meeres, wo Vietnam wirft Peking der Verletzung seiner Souveränität. ...

Is Vietnam swimming naked?

21.07.2019 Author: David Dapice (East Asia Forum) - Vietnam’s economy has benefitted from a redirection of FDI from China due to a combination of rising wages in China, a shrinking domestic labour force and trade tensions. But cross-currents make deep reforms more difficult, in spite of a reform-oriented prime minis ...

Ocean Vuong: Auf Erden sind wir kurz grandios

21.07.2019 (Sounds & Books) - Die auf den ersten Seiten abgedruckten Lobpreisungen diverser Autoren überschlagen sich förmlich. Der 1988 in Vietnam geborene und im Alter mit zwei Jahren in die USA gezogene Ocean Vuong ist als Lyriker bereits u.a. mit dem T.S. Elliot Prize sowie dem Whiting Award for Poetry ausgezeichnet worden und zeigt mit seinem autobiographisch gefärbten Debütroman sein Talent für Sprache auch als Prosaschriftsteller. ...

Will Vietnam’s Trong loosen his grip on absolute power?

20.07.2019 Author: Hai Hong Nguyen (East Asia Forum) - The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) is preparing for its 13th Congress scheduled to be held in early 2021. Surely it will elect someone else to take over from 75-year-old Nguyen Phu Trong as general secretary. ...

Dam disaster on the way

20.07.2019 (Bangkok Post) - It is now early on in the rainy season and the water volume on the Mekong River should have been high. But water levels on certain stretches of the international river, which runs from China through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, have reached their lowest points for 57 years. ...

Vietnamese Lawyers Petition Government Leaders in Case of Abducted RFA Blogger

19.07.2019 (RFA) - More than 50 lawyers in Vietnam signed a petition this week calling on authorities to protect the legal rights of a lawyer accused of tax evasion after agreeing to defend a dissident blogger abducted in Thailand in January and brought back to Vietnam by force. ...

Kim Thúy initiera des rencontres à ARTV

19.07.2019 (Le Journal de Québec) - MONTRÉAL | L’auteure Kim Thúy aura son émission de rencontres et d’échanges sur la chaîne ARTV, l’hiver prochain. ...

Freedom House Applauds White House Meeting with Religious Persecution Survivors

18.07.2019 (Freedom House) - “We commend President Trump for providing strong public support to victims of religious persecution around the world,” said Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House. ...

"Wir sollten die Demokratie zu schätzen wissen", sagt Thi-Dai-Trang Nguyen

18.07.2019  Von Mark Alexander (Badische Zeitung) - Thi-Dai-Trang Nguyen blickt auf eine bewegte Geschichte – mit zwölf Jahren kam sie aus Vietnam nach Deutschland. Nun will sie für die Grünen im Gemeinderat etwas bewegen. ...

Trump Meets Victims of Religious Persecution at White House

17.07.2019 (VOA) - WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump, who has made religious freedom a centerpiece of his foreign policy, met Wednesday with victims of religious persecution ...

The Chinese Merchant Marine Supports Beijing's Security Interests

17.07.2019 By Devin Thorne and Ben Spevack (The Maritime Executive) - On a late June morning in 2014, Vietnamese fisheries inspection vessel KN 951 approached HYSY 981, a Chinese-owned mobile oil platform operating within Vietnam’s claimed exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Three Chinese state-owned commercial vessels retaliated by spraying, ramming, and chasing KN 951 for approximately11.5 nautical miles, ultimately doing substantial damage to the Vietnamese vessel’s hull. ...

China-Vietnam: Comrades in words, not in actions?

17.07.2019 By Xuan Loc Doan (Asia Times) - While a visiting senior politician from Vietnam and her Chinese hosts talked in Beijing about the friendship and comradeship between the two communist neighbors, it was reported that their coast-guard vessels had been involved in a confrontation over a reef in the South China Sea. ...

China Attempts to "Intimidate" its Neighbors' Offshore Drilling Rigs

17.07.2019 (The Maritime Executive) - According to a new analysis from the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI), the China Coast Guard has recently deployed vessels to monitor oil and gas drilling in Vietnamese and Malaysian waters of the South China Sea - often at unusually close range. ...

South China Sea Standoff Likely Signals China’s ‘Push of Maritime Claims’ Amid Vietnam Backdown

17.07.2019 (RFA) - An ongoing standoff between Chinese and Vietnamese vessels in disputed waters of the South China Sea likely indicates that Beijing is “prepared to push its maritime claims” after Hanoi cancelled oil exploration activities in the area in recent years, according to experts. ...

Vietnam wächst schneller als China

17.07.2019 (Handelszeitung) - Die zweitgrösste Volkswirtschaft der Welt wird vom kleinen Nachbar überholt. Vietnam profitiert dabei auch von den tiefen Lohnkosten. ...

Anti-dumping duty likely on aluminium and zinc coated flat products from China, Vietnam and Korea

16.07.2019 PTI New Delhi (Business Line) - The government may impose a provisional anti-dumping duty of up to $ 199 per tonne on imports of aluminium and zinc coated flat products from China, Vietnam and Korea, according to a notification of the commerce ministry. ...

Undocumented Vietnamese intercepted on fishing boat

16.07.2019 (The Taipei Times) - Fourteen undocumented Vietnamese immigrants were apprehended on Saturday onboard a Taiwanese fishing boat in waters off Tainan, the Coast Guard Administration said on Sunday. ...

Die Kämpfe der Aktivistinnen in Vietnam

14.07.2019 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Das 88 Project  unterstützt und fördert die freie Meinungsäußerung in Vietnam, indem es die Geschichte vietnamesischer Aktivisten, die wegen ihres friedlichen Dissenses verfolgt werden, veröffentlicht und sich für sie einsetzt. In dem ersten von 88 Project geführten Videointerview spricht Pham Doan Trang, eine dissidente Journalistin und politische Aktivistin, über Herausforderungen, mit denen die Frauen als Bloggerinnen und Menschenrechtsaktivistinnen in Vietnam konfrontiert sind. ...

A Deeper Look at Vietnam’s Trade Deal With Europe

14.07.2019 By Stuart Brown (The Diplomat) - The EU’s drive to become the defender of multilateralism promises further opportunities for Southeast Asia. On June 30, Vietnam signed a trade agreement and investment protection agreement with the European Union (EU). ...

China and Vietnam in stand-off over Chinese survey ship mission to disputed reef in South China Sea

12.07.2019 Liu Zhen (SCMP) - Coastguard vessels eye each other across Vanguard Bank. Haiyang Dizhi entered waters near reef to carry out seismic survey operation. ...

Family Members, Activists Beaten by ‘Thugs’ During Vietnam Prison Visit

12.07.2019 (RFA) - More than 20 social activists and relatives of political prisoners were attacked by assailants wearing civilian clothes when they attempted to visit a detention center in north-central Vietnam’s Nghe An province on Friday, members of the group said. ...

Mutmaßlich ein Müllproblem

10.07.2019 Marina Mai (taz) - In der vietnamesischen Community rumort es: Die Brandursache im Dong-Xuan-Center könnte illegale Müllverbrennung sein. Von der 5.000 Quadratmeter großen Lagerhalle im Dong-Xuan-Center in Lichtenberg, die am Donnerstag abbrannte, stehen noch die Außenmauern und ein Gewirr an Metallträgern. ...

Die Neuaufteilung der Welt: Führen alle Straßen nach Peking?

08.07.2019 Von Stephan Bierling (FAZ) - Die globale Dominanz Europas und der Vereinigten Staaten neigt sich ihrem Ende zu. Heute strebt Peking entschlossen nach Wiedergewinnung früheren Einflusses, indem es den eurasischen Wirtschaftsraum integriert. ...

China: Raketentests im Südchinesischen Meer unterstreichen Pekings Ziele in der Region

08.07.2019 Von Frank Fang (Epoch Times USA) - Pekings jüngste Raketentests im Südchinesischen Meer verstärkte die Besorgnis über die militärischen Aktivitäten Chinas in den umstrittenen Gewässern. Am letzten Juni-Wochenende testete China dort mehrere Schiffsabwehrraketen. ...

Vietnam Gambles on Workers’ Rights

07.07.2019 By Joe Buckley (Jacobin) - In a desperate effort to tame rebellious workers, Vietnam is now building a collective bargaining regime. But empowering independent trade unions could backfire for the country’s authoritarian government — and allow workers to fight back against multinational capital. ...

Washington belegt vietnamesischen Stahl mit Einfuhrzöllen von mehr als 400 Prozent

06.07.2019 (RT) - Nach der Kritik des US-Präsidenten gegenüber Hanoi und der Anschuldigung, den US-Handelskrieg mit China auszunutzen, führen die USA hohe Zölle auf Stahl aus Vietnam ein. Hanoi wird beschuldigt, Antidumping- und Antisubventionszölle der USA umgangen zu haben. ...

VIETNAM : Portrait de Mgr Nguyen Van Thuan, messager d’Espérance

05.07.2019 (AED) - Cet été, l’AED vous propose de découvrir les vies héroïques de témoins de l’Espérance, que ce soit en Algérie, en Roumanie, ou ailleurs, à travers une série de portraits. Aujourd’hui, voici celui de Mgr François-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan,  archevêque coadjuteur de Saïgon interné pendant treize ans dans les camps et prisons du gouvernement vietnamien. ...

Two Americans sentenced to prison in Vietnam. One got out; the other can’t

05.07.2019 (The Mercury News) - William Nguyen and Michael Nguyen don’t know each other, but their lives are intertwined. William Nguyen, an American citizen, participated in a political protest in Vietnam last summer, a rally that Michael Nguyen, an American who lives in Orange, was accused by Vietnamese officials of helping to organize. And as a result of the protest — staged June 10, 2018, in Ho Chi Minh City — both men were arrested. ...

China Missile Tests in South China Sea Highlights Beijing’s Ambitions in Region

03.07.2019 By Frank Fang (Epoch Times) - Over the past weekend, China tested multiple anti-ship ballistic missiles in the disputed waters, said a U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, according to Reuters.

The Pentagon on July 3 condemned the tests, saying it was a “disturbing” act that contradicted Chinese pledges not to militarize the region. ...

Buddhismus in Frankreich - Die Sehnsucht nach Erleuchtung

03.07.2019 Von Margit Hillmann (Deutschlandfunk) - Frankreich ist laizistisch – und multireligiös. Hier leben mehr Buddhisten als in jedem anderen Land der EU. Die Tempel und Pagoden müssen die Gläubigen selbst finanzieren. Ein Besuch bei den Nonnen und Mönchen des Klosters Khanh-Anh in Evry. ...

Auf der Suche nach den verschwundenen Kinder-Sklaven

03.07.2019 Von Til Biermann und Fabian Matzerath (BZ) - 474 minderjährige Vietnamesen sollen seit 2012 in Berlin verschwunden sein. Die Spur der verschwundenen Kinder führt in einen vietnamesischen Großmarkt in Berlin-Lichtenberg. B.Z. hat dort recherchiert. ...

Menschenrechtsanwalt unter Verdacht der Steuerhinterziehung

02.07.2019 (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - Dem bekannten Menschenrechtsanwalt Tran Vu Hai ist in Vietnam Steuerhinterziehung zur Last gelegt worden. Wie die Polizei in dem kommunistischen Einparteienstaat am Dienstag weiter mitteilte, wurden die Wohnung und das Büro des 57-Jährigen in der Hauptstadt Hanoi durchsucht. ...

Vietnam gerät im Handelskrieg zwischen die Fronten und zieht Trumps Zorn auf sich

02.07.2019 (RT) - Vietnam versucht, die USA zu beschwichtigen, nachdem das Land als der eigentliche Gewinner in den Handelsstreitigkeiten zwischen Washington und Peking bezeichnet wurde. US-Präsident Donald Trump sagte, Vietnams Handelspraktiken seien "noch schlimmer" als die Chinas. ...

Why Trump thinks Vietnam is worse than China on trade

02.07.2019 Ko Tin-yau (Hong Kong Economic Journal) - In a recent interview, US President Donald Trump called Vietnam the “single worst abuser” of trade ties with the United States, and that the country takes advantage of the US even worse than China does. ...

Vietnam says will have African swine fever vaccine 'soon', experts skeptical

02.07.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnam said on Tuesday it has had initial success in creating a vaccine to fight African swine fever, which has infected farms throughout the Southeast Asian country and prompted the culling of around 10% of its pig herd. ...

Food poisonings in Vietnam

02.07.2019 (MENAFN) - The country's Preventive Health Department said on Monday that 866 people in Vietnam suffered from food poisoning, ...

New documentary series highlights the struggles of women activists in Vietnam

01.07.2019 Written by Don Le (Global Voices) - The 88 Project, an organisation supporting freedom of expression in Vietnam, released the first video of an ongoing interview series with female activists in Vietnam. ...

Une série de documentaires met en lumière les difficultés rencontrées par les femmes activistes au Vietnam

01.07.2019 Ecrit par Don Le, Traduit par Jade Dussart (Global Voices) - The 88 Project, une organisation de défense de la liberté d'expression au Vietnam, a mis en ligne la première vidéo d'une série d'interviews à venir avec des femmes activistes au Vietnam. ...

Interview: ‘We Are Worried About The Degenerated Situation For Human Rights in The Area’

01.07.2019 (RFA) - On Sunday, the European Union and Vietnam signed a landmark free trade agreement (FTA). In a recent interview with RFA’s Roseanne Gerin at European Commission headquarters in Brussels prior to the signing of the EU-Vietnam FTA, Malmström discussed the intersection between trade and human rights issues in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar. ...

Family Plans Visit Amid Concerns for Vietnam Political Prisoner’s Health

01.07.2019 (RFA) - Nguyen Trung Truc, a jailed member of the online advocacy group Brotherhood for Democracy, is in “very weak” health and his family plans to visit him in Thanh Hoa province, his son told RFA’s Vienamese Service on Monday. ...

Erderwärmung - Geplante Kraftwerke sprengen Klimaziele

01.07.2019 (SZ) - Mit 42 Milliarden Tonnen CO2 stieß die Menschheit 2018 so viel aus wie nie zuvor, ergibt einen gegenwärtigen Rekordwert von 415 Teilchen CO2 pro eine Million Luftmoleküle. In Vietnam könnten sich die Emissionen aus der Kohlekraft bis 2030 fast verzehnfachen ...

Vietnamese hacking group has a ‘Swiss Army knife’ of tools at its disposal

01.07.2019 Written by Sean Lyngaas (cyberscoop) - A set of remote access tools used by Vietnam’s top hacking group remained largely undetected for years despite their reliance on sloppy code and other hacking techniques that fall short of the group’s normally high standard, according to research published Monday by BlackBerry Cylance. ...

EU und Vietnam unterzeichnen Freihandelsabkommen

30.06.2019 (Deutschlandradio) - Nach jahrelangen Verhandlungen einigten sich Vertreter beider Seiten in der vietnamesischen Hauptstadt Hanoi auf die Abschaffung nahezu aller Zölle. Einige werden allerdings erst über einen zehnjährigen Zeitraum fallen. ...

Vietnam Gives Eight-Year Prison Term to Man For Role in June 10, 2018 Protests

28.06.2019 (RFA) - A court in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City handed down an eight-year prison term on Friday to a man convicted of “disrupting public security” during rare and widespread protests last year against controversial draft laws, state media said today. ...

Vietnam jails man for eight years on charge of trying to overthrow state

27.06.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - A court in Vietnam on Thursday jailed for eight years a man who formerly worked as a lawyer, on a charge of attempting to overthrow the state, just days after a U.S. citizen got 12 years on a similar charge. ...

Book Review: Speaking Out in Vietnam. Public Political Criticism in a Communist Party-Ruled Nation

25.06.2019 By: David Brown (Asia Sentinel) - There are two sorts  of ‘politics’ in Vietnam.

First, there are the arguments among the leaders of the Communist Party. Its four million (or so) members staff the government and make all the decisions for over 90 million fellow-citizens. ...

Vietnam jails US man for 12 years for trying to overthrow state

24.06.2019 (Al Jazeera) - A court in Vietnam has sentenced a US citizen to 12 years in prison after finding him guilty of "attempting to overthrow the state", the man's lawyer said. Michael Phuong Minh Nguyen, a 55-year-old father of four, pleaded guilty before the Ho Chi Minh City court on Monday during a trial which lasted only half a day. ...

'Unholy alliance'? Southeast Asian authorities accused of trading exiled activists

21.06.2019 Kay Johnson, Panu Wongcha-um (Reuters) - BANGKOK - Three Thai policemen approached Vietnamese refugee Nguyen Van Chung at his home in Bangkok in January and asked him whether he was in touch with another Vietnamese man, Truong Duy Nhat, who had fled to Thailand. ...

Thai Police Helped Vietnam Abduct RFA Blogger: Rights Group

21.06.2019 By Richard Finney (RFA) - Thai police helped Vietnamese police abduct a dissident blogger seeking asylum in Thailand and return him to custody in Hanoi, revealing a pattern of cooperation between security services in the neighboring Southeast Asian countries, rights group Amnesty International said on Friday. ...

Verschwundene vietnamesische Kinder - Innenausschuss will über mutmaßlichen Menschenhandel beraten

21.06.19 (rbb24) - Nach rbb-Recherchen zum Menschenhandel mit vietnamesischen Kindern will die Berliner SPD das Thema im Abgeordnetenhauses beraten. Die Polizei bestätigt, dass das Dong Xuan Center eine Rolle spielt. Der Betreiber versichert, umfänglich mit der Polizei zu kooperieren. ...

Lichtenberg - Das Dong Xuan Center und der Verdacht des Menschenhandels

21.06.2019 Von Mike Wilms Jochen Knoblach (Berliner Zeitung) - Berlin - Ein langer Mittelgang teilt die Markthalle 18 des Dong Xuan Centers in Lichtenberg. Nichts wirkt ungewöhnlich, und doch sind die Nagelstudios gerade im Fokus von Polizei und Zoll. Es geht um illegal eingeschleuste Minderjährige aus Vietnam und den Verdacht, dass sie als Arbeitssklaven ausgebeutet werden. ...

Vietnamese Activists Say Authorities Ally With Gangsters to Suppress People

20.06.2019 (RFA) - In the first half of 2019, Vietnamese media have reported at least three separate incidents of gang violence against the police. In each incident it was reported that groups of thugs armed with weapons, ranging from knives and swords to metal pipes, confronted police officers and sometimes attacked them. ...

Eingeschleuste Vietnamesen - Die verschwundenen Kinder

20.06.2019 Von Adrian Bartocha, RBB (Tagesschau) - Eingeschleust, aufgegriffen, verschwunden - bundesweit herrscht Unklarheit über das Schicksal illegal eingereister Kinder aus Vietnam. Offenbar steckt ein internationales Schleusernetzwerk dahinter. ...

Hanoi - Moskau - Berlin: Menschenhändler liefern Kinder-Sklaven

20.06.2019 (n-tv) - Internationale Schleusernetzwerke spezialisieren sich zunehmend darauf, Minderjährige in Vietnam anzuwerben. Aus den Versprechen für ein besseres Leben wird dann jedoch Sklavenarbeit. Auch in Berlin. ...

Nuns bring hope to ethnic people in Vietnam Disabled and other members of the Van Kieu minority gain craft and job skills

20.06.2019 (La Croix international) - Peter Ho Van Long, who suffers paralysis of both legs, in 2017 initiated a bamboo products project by involving 27 fellow Van Kieu ethnic people with disabilities making baskets, tables, chairs, brooms, toothpicks and furniture. ...

Vietnam calls in Russian experts to help preserve Ho Chi Minh’s body

20.06.2019 (RT) - Vietnam has called on the expertise of four Russian scientists to help preserve the embalmed body of former Communist leader Ho Chi Minh. Ho’s body was first embalmed after his death, almost 50 years ago, and resides in a glass coffin in a Hanoi mausoleum ...

Des experts russes au Vietnam pour conserver la momie d'Ho Chi Minh

20.06.2019 (TV5MONDE) - Le Vietnam a fait appel à des experts russes pour aider à prolonger la conservation du corps du père de la révolution, Ho Chi Minh, exposé au public dans un mausolée comme Lénine. ...

Vietnam to slap anti-dumping duties on China, South Korea coated steel

20.06.2019 Fay Gao (S&P Global) - Singapore — Vietnam plans to impose anti-dumping duties on coated steel from China and South Korea effective from June 25, for around four months, before final determinations in the ADD investigations are made ...

Banh cuon 101: Everything you need to know about Vietnamese rice sheets

19.06.2019 By Andrea Nguyen (Los Angeles Times) - I grew up scarfing platefuls of banh cuon — rice noodle rolls — which my parents fashioned from freshly made rice sheets that they’d line with a pork, shrimp and mushroom mixture ...

Vietnamese Man Makes Biodegradable Straws From Wild Grass to Solve World’s Plastic Problem

19.06.2019 By Chris Ford (The Epoch Times) - An innovation by a Vietnamese man named Tran Minh Tien has shown how a certain type of grass named Lepironia articulata that is prolific around the Mekong Delta in Vietnam  is converted into drinking straws. ...

Vietnam : après la pollution, Formosa rattrapé par la justice

18.06.2019 Par Arnaud Vaulerin (Liberation) — Trois ans après la pollution qui avait ravagé quatre provinces dans le centre du pays, plus de 7 800 plaignants ont déposé une plainte collective à Taiwan pour obtenir des compensations et des informations sur les conséquences de la catastrophe. ...

Jailed Vietnamese Environmental Activists ‘Seriously Ill,’ Says Wife of Group Leader

14.06.2019 (RFA) - Elderly members of an environmental protection group jailed in 2013 in Vietnam on charges of plotting to overthrow the government are “seriously ill,” according to the wife of the group’s leader, who called for international support, saying requests to suspend their sentences on medical grounds have gone unanswered. ...

La lutte des jeunes enseignants face à la jungle de l’éducation vietnamienne

12.06.2019 (Eglises d'Asie) - En 2018, le Vietnam comptait 1,16 million d’enseignants dans les écoles primaires et les collèges. Même si l’éducation vietnamienne a besoin de près de 76 000 enseignants supplémentaires, le secteur reste peu attractif en raison du faible niveau des salaires comparé aux autres secteurs. ...

Vietnam Blogger Le Anh Hung’s Mother Appeals For His Release From Mental Hospital

12.06.2019 (RFA) - The mother of Vietnamese blogger Le Anh Hung has called on authorities in the communist state to release him from an involuntary stay in a mental hospital, where she said he was forced to take medicine and is suffering “both mentally and physically.” ...

Vietnam asks brands to stop spending ad dollars on YouTube, calling it a 'propaganda machine'

12.06.2019 By Shawn Lim (The Drum) - Vietnam has urged brands to stop spending advertising dollars on YouTube, accusing the Google-owned platform of willingly carrying ‘anti-state propaganda’. ...

Vietnam Augmente La Pression Sur Les Annonceurs De Google Sur YouTube

12.06.2019 By Sameh (news-24) - HANOI (Reuters) – Le Vietnam a demandé aux entreprises de ne pas faire de publicité pour les vidéos hébergées sur YouTube qui contiennent "une propagande anti-étatique", a déclaré mercredi un média sud-asiatique alors que des pays du Sud-Est asiatique faisaient pression sur les géants de la technologie augmenté. ...

Vietnam ramps up pressure on Google's YouTube advertisers

12.06.2019 James Pearson (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnam has asked companies not to advertise on videos hosted by Google’s YouTube that contain “anti-state propaganda,” state media said on Wednesday, as the Southeast Asian country ramps up pressure on global tech giants. ...

Fishermen accuse Chinese of stealing squid

12.06.2019 (The Star) - Hanoi: Vietnam’s fishing trade association has accused a Chinese vessel of robbing Vietnamese fishermen near disputed islands in the South China Sea, state media here reported. ...

Call for disaster compensation

12.06.2019 (The Star) - Taipei: Representatives of 7,800 Vietnamese people affected by a 2016 chemical spill filed a lawsuit against Taiwanese multinational Formosa Plastics Group in Taipei. The spill caused by Formosa Ha Tinh Steel, a Vietnamese subsidiary of the Taiwan-based parent company, killed hundreds of tonnes of fish in the seas off four central Vietnamese provinces, the plaintiffs’ representatives said outside Taiwan Taipei district court yesterday. ...

Vietnam: un Américain risque la peine de mort pour avoir voulu renverser le gouvernement

11.06.2019 (Le Figaro) - Un Américain d'origine vietnamienne, arrêté en juillet 2018 au Vietnam pour tentative de renverser le régime communiste, sera jugé fin juin, un procès au terme duquel il risque la peine de mort, a annoncé sa famille mardi. ...

US man Michael Nguyen could face death penalty in Vietnam for ‘attempting to overthrow the state’ by travelling with activists

11.06.2019 (SCMP) - Michael Nguyen’s family said he has been denied access to lawyers during his detention and insisted he is innocent. Michael Nguyen has been held for nearly a year in Vietnam, which has tightened its grip on power since a new administration came to office in 2016 and took a harder line on dissent of any kind. ...

Vietnamese victims of 2016 marine disaster have filed a landmark lawsuit against Formosa Plastics Group in Taiwan

11.06.2019 (Global Voices) - In a landmark move, victims of the 2016 marine disaster that affected the coastal communities in central Vietnam filed a transnational lawsuit against the Taiwanese corporation responsible for the environmental damage, Formosa Plastics Group (FPG), on Jun 11, 2019. ...

So wollen Chinas Exporteure die US-Sanktionen umgehen 

11.06.2019 Mathias Peer (Handelsblatt) - Mit dem Produkthinweis „made in Vietnam“ versuchen chinesische Exporteure, US-Strafzölle zu umgehen. Doch in Vietnam regt sich Widerstand. ...

China accused of using 'Made in Vietnam' labels to dodge US tariffs

11.06.2019 (Sky) - Vietnamese officials fear the fake labels could damage the country's economy and lead to possible "tariff retribution". Chinese companies are using illegal "Made in Vietnam" labels to avoid tariffs imposed as part of the ongoing trade war with the US, Hanoi has claimed. ...

Sanctions commerciales: Hanoï sévit contre le faux "Made in Vietnam" chinois

10.06.2019 (L'Express) - Hanoï - Les autorités vietnamiennes vont renforcer les sanctions contre les fabricants chinois estampillant leurs produits "Made in Vietnam" pour contourner la hausse des tarifs douaniers imposés par Washington à Pékin. ...

Vietnam: China Companies Using Fake 'Made in Vietnam' Labels

10.06.2019 (The New York Times) - HANOI, Vietnam — Vietnam's government says it is taking more steps to prevent Chinese companies from using illegal "Made in Vietnam" labels to avoid high tariffs that have been imposed by the United States on Chinese goods. ...

Vietnamese Activist to be Deported From U.S. After Seven-Country Asylum-Seeking Odyssey

07.06.2019 (RFA) - A Vietnamese activist on the run is facing possible deportation from the U.S. back to Vietnam after fleeing the country and embarking on a journey through seven countries in a quest to seek asylum. ...

Seeking asylum: Facing pirates, storms and gunfire to flee Vietnam

06.06.2019 (BBC) - The stories of five people who fled persecution in their own countries and found sanctuary in Wales are being told via a virtual reality exhibition in Cardiff. Hanh Tran was one of thousands of Vietnamese people who escaped by boat once Communist forces took over the country. ...

EU fordert Freilassung vietnamesischen Fischers

06.06.2019 (DW) - Ein Gericht in Vietnam hat den Umweltaktivisten Anh wegen Kritik an der Regierung zu langjähriger Haft verurteilt. Der Richterspruch wurde mit kritischen Einträgen des Garnelenfischers in sozialen Netzwerken begründet. Die Europäische Union forderte die sofortige Freilassung Anhs und aller anderen Blogger und Menschenrechtler, die in Vietnam inhaftiert sind und deren einziges Vergehen darin besteht, friedlich ihre freie Meinung geäußert zu haben. Eine Sprecherin der EU-Außenbeauftragten Federica Mogherini sprach von einer besorgniserregenden Entwicklung. ...

Posten von Regierungskritik auf Facebook ist ein Verbrechen in Vietnam, Nutzer eingesperrt

06.06.2019 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Ein Volksgericht von Ben Tre Provinz im Süden Vietnams verurteilte heute einen Facebook-Nutzer und Umweltaktivist zu sechs Jahren Haft mit anschließendem Hausarrest von fünf Jahren, weil er "Informationen und Dokumente gegen den Staat erstellt und verbreitet" hatte. ...

Vietnamesischer Regierungskritiker zu sechs Jahren Haft verurteilt

06.06.2019 (Spiegel-Online) - Der kommunistische Ein-Parteien-Staat Vietnam geht immer wieder gegen Regierungsgegner vor. Das jüngste Beispiel: ein Garnelenfarmer, der nun sechs Jahre ins Gefängnis muss. ...

Vietnam jails activist for six years after Facebook posts

06.06.2019 (Daily Mail) - Vietnam sentenced an environmental activist to six years in prison for "undermining" the government in Facebook posts, state media reported, the latest harsh sentence in a crackdown on online dissent. ...

Viet Nam: Sham trial shows authorities ‘abusing Facebook’ to silence criticism

05.06.2019 (Amnesty International) - Ahead of the court hearing in the case of Nguyen Ngoc Anh tomorrow, Nicholas Bequelin, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and Southeast Asia, said: “The court should drop these politically-motivated charges and release him immediately and unconditionally.” ...

Vietnam: Authorities crack down on Facebook users in bid to silence critics

05.06.2019 (Amnesty International UK) - The Vietnamese authorities are cracking down on social media users, Amnesty International warned, ahead of the controversial trial of government critic Nguyen Ngoc Anh tomorrow. ...

Viêt-Nam. Un simulacre de procès montre que les autorités «utilisent abusivement facebook» pour étouffer les critiques

05.06.2019 (Amnesty International France) - En amont de l’audience qui va se tenir demain dans l’affaire mettant en cause Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Nicholas Bequelin, directeur régional pour l’Asie de l’Est et du Sud-Est à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Les fausses accusations dont fait l’objet Nguyen Ngoc Anh montrent que plus personne n’est en sécurité sur Facebook au Viêt-Nam. ...

Vietnam: Dissident Targeted for Facebook Posts - Environmental Activist Faces Show Trial

04.06.2019 (HRW) - (New York) – An environmental activist faces a show trial for his Facebook posts, as part of Vietnam’s continuing attack on freedom of expression, Human Rights Watch said today. The Vietnamese government should immediately release the activist, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, and drop all charges against him. ...

Vietnam Steps Up Punishment of Journalists, Bloggers

04.06.2019 (VOA) - Twenty-five members of Congress wrote to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last week to urge greater freedom of expression in Vietnam, where the one-party communist state has aggressively jailed bloggers and activists. ...

Asien will nicht mehr die Mülldeponie des Westens sein

04.06.2019 (derStandard) - Nach den Philippinen beginnt auch Malaysia, illegal importierte Abfälle zurückzuschicken Seit China zu Jahresanfang den Import von 24 Sorten Recyclingmaterialien, darunter unsortierter Plastikmüll und alte CDs, verboten hat, haben westliche Müllexporteure ein Problem. ...

Vietnam: Bekämpfung der Afrikanischen Schweinepest versagt

03.06.2019 Martina Hungerkamp (agrarheute) - Bemühungen der vietnamesischen Behörden, die Ausbreitung der Afrikanischen Schweinepest (ASP) unter Kontrolle zu bekommen, schlagen fehl. Das berichten lokale Medien. ...

Inside China’s state-owned industrial park in Vietnam, Beijing’s image trumps trade war profits

03.06.2019 Cissy Zhou (SCMP) - Until the middle of 2018, business was slow for the only Chinese state-owned industrial park in Vietnam, located in the northeastern manufacturing hub of Haiphong and wholly-owned by the Shenzhen city government. ...

Vietnam worried by the environmental impact of Chinese companies

03.06.2019 by Ngoc Linh (Asia News) - In recent years, Beijing has built infrastructure, set up manufacturing plants and opened agricultural plantations along the border. In Vietnam this is widely seen as the prelude of an invasion, based on China’s aggressive expansionism in other parts of the country, and in the South China Sea, which in Vietnam is known as the East Sea. ...

Asian Countries Fear Being Forced to Choose between China, US over Disputed Sea

03.06.2019 Ralph Jennings (VOA) - TAIPEI — Asian countries that pride themselves on neutral foreign policies face growing pressure to support either China or the United States in a sticky maritime sovereignty dispute, but they are expected to bid for both and keep the aid coming in. ...

Vietnam: Evangelischer Pastor in einem Straflager eingesperrt

01.06.2019 (idea) - Frankfurt am Main/Wetzlar – Als „Gefangenen des Monats Juni“ haben die Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM) und die Evangelische Nachrichtenagentur idea den vietnamesischen Pastor Nguyen Trung Ton benannt. Sie rufen dazu auf, für ihn einzutreten und zu beten. ...

USA mahnen China zu Zurückhaltung gegenüber asiatischen Nachbarn

01.06.2019 (Yahoo Nachrichten) - Die USA haben China davor gewarnt, mit militärischem Gebahren seine asiatischen Nachbarn zu bedrohen. ...

In major speech, Shanahan says China’s behavior must end

01.06.2019 By Simon Roughneen, Singapore (Asia Times) - US Defense Secretary reasserts Indo-Pacific commitment with new ‘toolkit of coercion’ while falling short of asking nations to take sides ...

Washington veut que Pékin cesse "d'éroder" la souveraineté de ses voisins

01.06.2019 (RTL) - Les Etats-Unis ont appelé samedi la Chine à cesser "d'éroder la souveraineté" de ses voisins et prévenu qu'ils investiraient massivement dans les cinq prochaines années pour maintenir leur suprématie militaire dans la région. ...

Vietnam promotes the development of renewable energies

01.06.2019 (REVE) - In order to meet the growing demand for electricity in Vietnam, it is expected that alternative sources such as wind energy and solar power will be the future for the energy sector in the Indochinese country in the coming years. ...

Vietnam has culled two million pigs after the deadly African swine fever spread to 48 of 63 provinces in the Southeast Asian nation

01.06.2019 (SBS) - Vietnam has culled two million pigs in a bid to curb an outbreak of deadly African swine fever, and called on the nation to join the fight against the rapidly spreading disease. ...

Eólica en Vietnam: nuevo parque eólico

01.06.2019 (REVE) - La construcción de un parque eólico con una capacidad de 50 MW comenzó en la comuna de Vinh Hau A, en la provincia de Bac Lieu en el Delta del Mekong, como parte de las actividades durante la Semana del Mar y las Islas de Vietnam y el Mes de Acción por el Medio Ambiente. ...

Vietnam: Lehrer wegen Facebook-Posts verhaftet

01.06.2019 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Aktivisten, Rechtsanwälte und Blogger sind seit langem in dem Einparteienstaat im Visier, in dem unabhängige Medien und öffentliche Proteste verboten sind. Kritiker greifen zunehmend auf soziale Medien zurück, um ihre Unzufriedenheit auszudrücken. Jetzt wurde ein Lehrer, am 29. Mai 2019 verhaftet, weil er Material veröffentlicht hatte, das den Staat untergraben soll, ...

Book of the month: Duong Thu Huong

31.05.2019 Ann Morgan (A Year of Reading the World) - One title was completely new to me, however: Paradise of the Blind by Duong Thu Huong, translated by Phan Huy Duong and Nina McPherson. ...

Mer de Chine méridionale: Manille met en garde contre un «embrasement des tensions»

31.05.2019 (Le Figaro) - Le président philippin Rodrigo Duterte a adressé vendredi une mise en garde à la Chine au sujet de ses revendications sur la mer de Chine méridionale, craignant un «embrasement des tensions». ...

US ‘Very Concerned’ Over Growing Crackdown in Vietnam: Diplomat

30.05.2019 (RFA) - The U.S. voiced strong concern in May at a growing crackdown over the last two years on dissent in Vietnam, and has urged the one-party communist state to free all political prisoners now held in the country’s jails, a senior U.S. diplomat said on Wednesday. ...

Catholic activist arrested, accused of 'undermining' Vietnamese government

30.05.2019 (The Catholic Register) - HANOI, Vietnam -- Police in Vietnam have been accused of abducting a Catholic advocate for social and charitable activities. Nguyen Thi Tinh said her husband Nguyen Nang Tinh was seized and pushed into a truck by police officers ...

Vietnam: un professeur de musique arrêté pour « atteinte à l’autorité de l’Etat »

30.05.2019 (Epoch Times) - Un professeur de musique a été arrêté mercredi pour « atteinte à l’autorité de l’État » au Vietnam qui ne cesse de durcir sa répression contre les opposants, a-t-on appris jeudi auprès de sa famille.

Nguyen Nang Tinh, âgé de 42 ans, est poursuivi pour avoir publié sur sa page Facebook ...

Catholic activist 'beaten' in Vietnam prison

30.05.2019 By Ruth Sax (Premier Christian Radio) - Prisoners of conscience are suffering beatings and poor health in prison in Vietnam, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW). ...

US Lawmakers Urge Greater Push For Vietnam Press Freedoms

29.05.2019 (RFA) - U.S. lawmakers called in a letter on Tuesday for a stronger push by the United States to demand that Vietnam uphold the right to freedom of expression in the wake of the jailing of bloggers and activists in the one-party communist state. ...

Vietnamese Student Blogger Jailed

28.05.2019 (VOA) - HANOI, VIETNAM - A court in northern Vietnam on Wednesday sentenced a student activist to six years in prison for using social media to promote a multiparty system and press freedom amid a heightened crackdown on dissent. ...

À 99 ans, Pham Thi Ca résiste contre les bulldozers

28.05.2019 (free) - Malgré la destruction de sa maison, cette Vietnamienne de 99 ans ne baisse pas les bras face à la construction d'une centrale à charbon sur ses terres. "Non, je ne pars pas. Je reste ici chez moi." Voici les mots de Pham Thi Ca, 99 ans, prononcés avec vigueur. ...

Un Vietnamien condamné à six ans de prison pour planification d'attentat

28.05.2019 (Le Figaro) - Un Vietnamien a été condamné lundi à six ans de prison pour avoir planifié un attentat, selon la presse officielle du régime communiste, qui l'accuse d'avoir voulu se venger d'avoir été exproprié. Le Quoc Binh avait été interpellé en août 2018, ...

Amnesty International Condemns ‘Torture’ of Jailed RFA Blogger in Vietnam

24.05.2019 (RFA) - Rights group Amnesty International on Friday described Vietnamese prison authorities’ treatment of jailed blogger Nguyen Van Hoa as “torture,” calling him a prisoner of conscience and urging his immediate release. ...

Facebook increased Vietnam content restrictions by 500% during 2018 - report

24.05.2019 (Reuters) HANOI - Facebook increased the amount of content it restricted access to in Vietnam by over 500% in the last half of 2018, the U.S. social media giant said in a report released on Friday, as the Southeast Asian country ramps up its crackdown on online dissent. ...

Prisoners of Conscience Hoang Duc Binh, Nguyen Bac Truyen in Hunger Strike to Protest Placing Jailed Blogger Nguyen Van Hoa in Isolation

23.05.2019 (Defend The Defenders) - Prisoners of conscience Hoang Duc Binh and Nguyen Bac Truyen and others are conducting hunger strike in An Diem Prison camp to protest the prison’s placing their co-inmate Nguyen Van Hoa in isolation, ...

Vietnam – Country Updates on Human Rights and Democracy 2018

22.05.2019 (European External Action Service) - While overall conditions in the daily life of Vietnamese citizens have been improving, 2018 was not a positive year in the promotion and protection of human rights. Vietnam has been expanding its body of law and striving for international integration, however the space for civil society has been shrinking. ...

Vietnamese Authorities Sentence 17 For Involvement in 2018 Protests

22.05.2019 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam Tuesday tried and sentenced a group of 15 protesters who demonstrated against a solid waste treatment plant last year in Quang Ngai province. ...

'Fear and paranoia': How Vietnam controls its media

20.05.2019 by Faras Ghani (Al Jazeera) - 'Level of terror rises sharply' as Vietnam ranks 176th out of 180 countries in the 2019 Press Freedom Index. Nguyen Hang* remembers her first day as a "news assistant" in 2008 for an international publication in Vietnam. She was asked to attend a meeting with the police who asked her to sign on a paper affirming that her new job was to protect the country. ...

Female Anti-Corruption Activist Beaten, Five Others Detained for Protesting Arbitrarily-placed Toll Booth

20.05.2019 (Defend The Defenders) - On May 20, police in Soc Son district, Hanoi, brutally beat Mrs. Dang Thi Hue and arrested her and five other drivers who came to Bac Thang Long-Noi Bai toll booth to protest its illegal collection of transport fee ...

25 Vietnamese fishing boats detained, 123 arrested in multi-agency operation

18.05.2019 (The Star) - A joint task force has detained 25 Vietnamese fishing vessels for illegal fishing. ...

Chinese companies moving to Vietnam keep quiet on trade war to avoid wrath of authorities and staff

16.05.2019 He Huifeng (SCMP) - Many factory owners planning to relocate outside China fear response from Chinese governments, employees, suppliers and local communities. ...

Food Safety, Pollution Top Vietnam’s Latest Survey of Public Concerns

15.05.2019 Ha Nguyen (VOA) - HO CHI MINH CITY — The biggest worries among Vietnamese people are food safety, pollution, and corruption, according to a new survey that suggests not enough has been done about these issues since they were raised two years ago. ...

US Says Vietnam Blocks Dissidents From Contact With Rights Delegation

15.05.2019 (RFA) - The U.S. State Department voiced strong concern Tuesday over reports that Vietnamese democracy advocates have been prevented from meeting with members of a U.S. delegation ahead of a human rights dialogue later this week. ...

Vietnam Is the Chinese Military’s Preferred Warm-Up Fight

14.05.2019 By Derek Grossman (The Diplomat) - At some point, the Chinese military will need to test its new capabilities – and Vietnam is likely the preferred. adversary. In mid-April, China conducted a series of fresh military flights through the Bashi Channel and Miyako Strait, on the south and north ends of Taiwan, respectively. ...

Weder Furchtsam noch Tollkühn

14.05.2019 Christel Neudeck über Rupert und "seine" Schulen (Grünhelme) - Auf dem Denkmal, welches die ehemaligen Boatpeople aus Vietnam Rupert an der Burg Wissem in Troisdorf errichteten, steht der Wahlspruch seiner Heimatstadt Danzig: WEDER  FURCHTSAM  NOCH  TOLLKÜHN. ...

Le Vietnam dénoncé pour ses atteintes aux droits de l’homme

13.05.2019 Par Ilona Métais (Le Figaro) - Un rapport d’Amnesty International, publié ce lundi 13 mai, souligne que les incarcérations pour délits d’opinion au Vietnam ont augmenté de 30% en un an, ...

Vietnam intensifies crackdown on online dissent: Amnesty report

13.05.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - Vietnam has stepped up its imprisonment of political activists, Amnesty International said in a report on Monday, intensifying a crackdown that has seen the number of prisoners of conscience increase by almost a third since last year ...

At least 128 prisoners of conscience in Vietnam: Amnesty

13.05.2019 (Al Jazeera) - The number of prisoners of conscience in Vietnam has risen by a third over the past year amid a continuing crackdown on freedom of expression in the Southeast Asian nation, Amnesty International has said.

Viet Nam: Surge in number of prisoners of conscience, new research shows

13.05.2019 (AI) - The number of prisoners of conscience unjustly jailed across Viet Nam has surged by one third to 128 in signs of a growing crackdown on peaceful activism, new research by Amnesty International reveals today. ...

Viêt-Nam. Le nombre de prisonniers d’opinion a fortement augmenté, selon une nouvelle étude

13.05.2019 (AI) - Le nombre de personnes injustement emprisonnées pour leurs opinions au Viêt-Nam a augmenté d'un tiers, passant à 128, signe d'une répression grandissante contre le militantisme pacifique, a révélé ce lundi 13 mai une nouvelle étude d’Amnesty International. ...

Vietnam sperrt zwei Aktivistinnen wegen "Verbreitung von Propaganda" auf Facebook ein

13.05.2019 Thach Duong (Forum Vietnam 21) - Zwei Aktivistinnen wurden im Oktober 2018 verhaftet und beschuldigt, nach Artikel 117 des Strafgesetzbuches schädliche Propaganda gegen den Staat auf Facebook verbreitet zu haben. Nun hat das Volksgericht in Provinz Ðồng Nai die Aktivistinnen Vũ Thị Dung, 54, und Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Sương, 51, am vergangenen Freitag zu sechs bzw. fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt ...

Opportunity awaits well-prepared investors in Vietnam

13.05.2019 (Bangkok Post) - All eyes these days are on Vietnam -- a densely populated developing economy with a young, abundant labour force, strong manufacturing sector, stable political system, low inflation, stable currency and steady foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. ...

Vietnam jails two activists for 'spreading propaganda' on Facebook

11.05.2019 (Daily Mail) - A Vietnamese court has jailed two activists on charges of publishing damaging anti-state propaganda about the communist-run country, state media reported Saturday, the latest convictions under a hardline leadership intolerant of dissent. ...

Prisión para dos activistas de Vietnam por difundir propaganda contra el Estado

11.05.2109 (14ymedio) - (EFE)- Al menos 244 personas se encuentran en prisión de forma provisional o con condena firme por razones políticas en Vietnam. Un Tribunal de Vietnam condenó con penas de prisión a dos activistas acusadas de difundir propaganda contra el estado por publicar en Facebook artículos críticos con el régimen comunista, informa este sábado la prensa oficialista. ...

Etappensieg im Kampf gegen Plastikmüll

11.05.2019 (SZ) - 187 Länder hatten sich am Freitagabend in Genf darauf geeinigt, dass künftig nur noch sortierter, gereinigter und wiederverwertbarer Plastikmüll gehandelt werden darf. Anfang 2018 hat China die Importe von Kunststoffabfällen zum Recycling stark eingeschränkt. Nun landen diese Abfälle in anderen Ländern vor allem in Südostasien, etwa Malaysia, Indonesien, Vietnam, Thailand und Indien. ...

Jailed Vietnam Blogger is Returned to Mental Hospital, Forcibly Medicated

10.05.2019 (RFA) - Prison authorities in Vietnam took jailed Vietnamese blogger Le Anh Hung back to a mental hospital this week after a brief return to the prison where he is awaiting trial on a charge of “abusing democratic freedoms,” a friend and fellow blogger said on Friday. ...

Plastikmüll: Die traurige Wahrheit in Vietnam

10.05.2019 Alisha Weigand (WWF Deutschland) - Plastikmüll in unseren Ozeanen ist das Thema meines Trainee-Jahres beim WWF. Um die Situation vor Ort besser einschätzen zu können und neue Projektregionen zu erkunden, flogen meine Kollegen und ich nach Vietnam. Wir fanden wunderschöne Orte, tolle und engagierte Menschen… Und viel Plastikmüll. ...

Das ewige Gift

10.05.2019 (Spiegel Online) - Hunderttausende Vietnamesen leiden an Genschäden, weil die USA im Krieg das Pflanzengift Agent Orange versprüht haben. Noch immer werden missgebildete Babys geboren. Nach 44 Jahren verspricht Amerika plötzlich mehr Hilfe. ...

How can Vietnam avoid becoming China’s dirty industrial backyard?

09.05.2019 Lam Thanh Ha (SCMP) - The Asian giant is now the fifth biggest investor in Vietnam, but critics argue the benefits are unbalanced and Hanoi must tread carefully to avoid exploitation ...

Why Does Trump Like Communist Vietnam? Because It’s Capitalist

08.05.2019 Mark Karlin (Truthout) - Before Donald Trump’s February summit with Kim Jong Un in Hanoi, Vietnam, The Washington Post ran an article headlined, “The US wants North Korea to follow the ‘miracle’ of Vietnam’s path.” ...

Bauboom und der Rohstoff Sand: UN warnen vor Umweltschäden

07.05.2019 (Welt) - Genf (dpa) - Der weltweite Bauboom hat die Nachfrage nach Sand und Kies einer neuen Studie zufolge in 20 Jahren verdreifacht. ...

Vietnam: The Net as the New ‘Battlefield’

06.05.2019 by Southeast Asian Press Alliance (PCIJ) - IT WOULD be almost impossible to discuss media freedom in Vietnam without first reviewing the country’s political situation over the past year.

Vietnam in 2018 remains an authoritarian state under the rule of the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP). ...

Vietnamese Dissident Blogger Released After Serving Five-Year Term

06.05.2019 (RFA) - Authorities in Vietnam released dissident blogger Nguyen Huu Vinh this week at the end of a five-year term served for posting politically sensitive writings online, sources said on Monday. ...

Too Many Jobs, Too Few Qualified Workers are Economic Obstacles in Vietnam

06.05.2019 Ha Nguyen (VOA) - Vietnam has long been a tough place to hire and keep employees, but it’s even tougher now, as business trends force companies to scramble to recruit enough staff, according to a new report. ...

Vietnam, la Chine émergente?

06.05.2019 Andrea Astone (Allnews) - En s’intéressant de plus près au Vietnam on constate rapidement de nombreuses similitudes avec la Chine d'il y a 15 ans. En effet, le rythme de développement du pays depuis son ouverture au monde en 1990 est presque identique aux 18 premières années de croissance de la Chine après 1977. ...

Nguyen Phu Trong: la extraña desaparición del ojo público del presidente de Vietnam

05.05.2019 (La Prensa Grafica) - El mandatario del país asiático lleva semanas sin aparecer en público y los rumores sobre una posible enfermedad se extienden a través de las redes sociales. Pero el Partido Comunista prefiere mantener el secretismo. ...

An Intense Look into the Evacuation of South Vietnam

04.05.2019 By Elise Cooper (American Thinker) - Honorable Exit by Thurston Clarke delves into the facts behind the evacuation of the South Vietnamese people.  Many Democrats have shown their disgust with President Trump over his stance on illegal aliens and refugees. ...

Vietnam: Sustaining Water Resources and Building Climate Resilience

03.05.2019 (The World Bank) - The Mekong Delta Water Management for Rural Development project created gains in agricultural productivity for local farmers, provided access to water supply for rural households, ...

Nguyen Phu Trong: Where is the president of Vietnam?

03.05.2019 (BBC) - The president of Vietnam has not been seen in public for nearly three weeks, fuelling speculation over his health. Nguyen Phu Trong, 75, vanished from the public eye after falling ill on 14 April. ...

Vietnam Develops Own Smartphones After Decades of Contract Work

03.05.2019 Ralph Jennings (VOA) - Vietnam is used to being an order taker. Companies such as Nokia and Samsung Electronics use the Southeast Asian country’s cheap labor to assemble consumer electronics for export. ...

Vietnamese Human Rights Campaigner Leaves Thailand for Canada

02.05.2019 (RFA) - Human rights activist Bach Hong Quyen left Thailand for Canada on Thursday, ending fears he could be extradited to Vietnam for his role in helping a dissident Vietnamese blogger apply for asylum in Bangkok before he was abducted by Vietnamese agents. ...

Vietnamese woman giving back after long road to self-sufficiency

01.05.2019 By Joseph Yeh, CNA staff reporter (Focus Taiwan) - Starting a business in Taiwan's highly competitive service sector has never been easy, especially for someone like Huang Chun-chuang (黃春莊), a Vietnam native who came to Taiwan 18 years ago ...

"Ich war immer sehr leise, aber ich möchte nicht mehr so sein"

01.05.2019 Von Dietrich Mittler, Nürnberg (SZ) - Kürzlich wurde ein vietnamesischer Regime-Kritiker abgeschoben, ihm soll in der Heimat soziale Isolation drohen. Seine Tochter, eine Pianistin, will kämpfen, doch auch ihr Aufenthalt ist nicht sicher. ...

Vietnamesen rätseln um Staatschef

01.05.2019 Marina Mai (taz) - Staatsmedien räumen ein, Nguyen Phu Trong habe gesundheitliche Probleme. Experten zufolge soll es einen Kampf um die Nachfolge geben. ...

China’s economic clout in Vietnam: Bane or boon?

01.05.2019 by Nguyen Thanh Trung (Asia Dialogue) - Vietnam’s Prime Minister Ngyuen Xuan Phuc’s visit to Beijing at the end of April is seen as vital for Vietnamese involvement in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). ...

What’s in Russia’s New Military Facility in Vietnam?

30.04.2019 By Prashanth Parameswaran (The Diplomat) - Last week, a Russian state-owned defense firm officially announced the start of operations for a new maintenance facility in Vietnam. ...

Vietnam: une grand-mère et son fils expulsés par leur famille

27.04.2019 (Portes Ouvertes) - Au Vietnam, un homme et sa mère de 90 ans ont été chassés de leur village par leur famille parce qu'ils se sont convertis au christianisme. ...

Vietnamese shocked after party official rapes eight-year-old girl

26.04.2019 by Peter Thanh (Asia News) - The man was identified thanks to Mạng xã hội, a social networking service that defends citizens from government abuses. Nguyễn Hữu Linh, 61, was vice president of the People's Procuratorate in Đà Nẵng City. ...

Vietnam leader Nguyen Phu Trong suffering from illness: Sources

25.04.2019 (CNA) - HANOI: Vietnamese leader Nguyen Phu Trong, the architect of the Southeast Asian country's anti-corruption drive, has been suffering from an unspecified illness, four diplomatic sources have told Reuters. ...

LG verlagert Produktion nach Vietnam

25.04.2019 Silvio Werner (Notebookcheck) - LG Electronics hat angekündigt, die Produktion von Smartphones zu verlagern. Konkret soll diese nicht mehr im Heimatland Südkorea, sondern in Vietnam stattfinden. ...

Nur die Partei hat Recht

24.04.2019 Von Michael Leh (Die Tagespost) - Wie in kommunistischen Regimen ein religiöses Bekenntnis gefährlich werden kann, zeigte eine Veranstaltung in der Gedenkstätte Hohenschönhausen – Der Blick ging nach Vietnam und in die DDR. Heiner Bielefeldt, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Menschenrechte und Menschenrechtspolitik an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg betonte: „Die Religionsfreiheit ist ein zentrales Menschenrecht.“ Einparteien-Regime seien geprägt von einer „unersättlichen Kontrollobsession“. ...

Plastikmüll-Exporte wechseln rasch die Zielländer

23.04.2019 (SZ) - Berlin (dpa) - Wenn ein Land die Einfuhr von Plastikmüll stoppt, landet der Abfall eben anderswo: Als China die Importe weitgehend gestoppt hat, seien zunächst Malaysia, Vietnam und Thailand in den Fokus gerückt ...

Russia sets up engine MRO facility in Vietnam

23.04.2019 Jon Grevatt, Bangkok (Jane's Defence Weekly) - Russian defence industrial group Rostec has announced the opening of a new helicopter engine maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) facility in Vietnam. ...

New book reveals truth behind this famed Fall of Saigon photo

23.04.2019 By Reed Tucker (New York Post) - It’s one of the iconic images of the Vietnam War. Hubert van Es’ snapshot shows a military helicopter perched atop the US Embassy in Saigon as Americans stream up a stairway desperately boarding the last flight out. ...

Skyluck, the ship that smuggled 2,600 boatpeople to Hong Kong – and freedom

23.04.2019 By Gary Jones (SCMP) - June 29, 1979, turned out to be a “day of high drama” for Talbot Bashall, who had recently been appointed controller of the Hong Kong government’s Refugee Control Centre, and he recorded its chaos in his diary. ...

Vietnam: from utopia to geopolitical reality

22.04.2019 By Alexander Casella (Asia Times) - In December 1955, the newly elected president of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, adopted a nationality law that stipulated that all Chinese born in Vietnam were entitled to Vietnamese nationality. ...

Students in Vietnam under fire in college admission scandal

22.04.2019 By Elizabeth Shim (UPI) - More than 100 university students in Vietnam are accused of manipulating their test scores in order to gain admission to the country's top colleges, according to a South Korean press report. ...

Is Vietnam’s leader Trong on his deathbed?

22.04.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - Vietnam’s social media outlets have been abuzz for the past week with claims that Communist Party chief and President Nguyen Phu Trong was rushed to hospital on April 14 and has yet to re-emerge in the public eye. ...

Hier rauschen Fernzüge mitten durch die Stadt

22.04.2019 Von Christiane Flechtner (Welt) - In Hanois Train Street rattert die Bahn mehrmals am Tag haarscharf an den Fassaden der Häuser vorbei. Die Anwohner räumen nur für kurze Zeit die Gleise. Und die Touristen hoffen auf spektakuläre Fotos. ...

Vietnam to Encourage Environmentally Friendly Building Design

22.04.2019 Ha Nguyen (VOA) - Consider that buildings can be designed, in relation to the sun, depending on whether occupants want to maximize the amount of natural light their windows let in, or to minimize the heat absorbed by the building. ...

China to show new warships as Beijing flexes military might

21.04.2019 (Taipei Times) - China is to show off new warships, including nuclear submarines and destroyers, at a parade on Tuesday marking 70 years since its navy’s founding, a senior commander said yesterday ...

US launches latest clean-up effort for Vietnam War-era site

21.04.2019 (SBS) - The US launched on Saturday a US$183 million clean-up at a former Vietnam storage site for Agent Orange, a toxic defoliant used in their bitter war which years later is still blamed for severe birth defects, cancers and disabilities. ...

USA entfernen Giftrückstände in Vietnam

20.04.2019 (DW) - Jahrzehnte nach Ende des Vietnamkriegs soll ein neues Projekt die Spätfolgen des Konflikts beseitigen. Eine frühere US-Militärbasis im Süden des asiatischen Landes wird vom damals eingesetzten Gift Agent Orange befreit. ...

Vietnamesen müssen in Haft, weil sie Affen geschlachtet und gefilmt haben

19.04.2019 (derStandard) - Hanoi – Weil sie einen seltenen Affen vor laufender Kamera geschlachtet und das Video live bei Facebook übertragen haben, müssen drei Männer in Vietnam nun ins Gefängnis. ...

La libertad de prensa retrocede en más países

19.04.2019 (Noticias de Gipuzkoa) - Las declaraciones de líderes contra los medios desembocan en un aumento de la violencia. Por tercer año consecutivo, Noruega aparece como el país más favorable al desarrollo de la libertad de prensa... la última posición a Corea del Norte, por debajo de Eritrea, China, Vietnam y Sudán. ...

Cancer killed more than 300 Vietnamese every day in 2018

18.04.2019 (Asia Times) - Liver cancer the most frequent among men, breast cancer for women.

According to official statistics, almost 115,000 citizens in Vietnam were killed by cancer in 2018 – meaning more than 300 died of the disease each day. ...

China, Vietnam Fall Further in Already Low Rankings for Press Freedoms: Report

18.04.2019 By Richard Finney (RFA) - Tightened political controls in China and Vietnam caused both countries to see further declines in press freedoms during the last year, with each dropping another point to 177 and 178 respectively in a 180-country ranking released by media watchdog Reporters Without Borders on Thursday. ...

Liberté de la presse 2019: la haine grandit contre les journalistes

18.04.2019 (La Liberté) - Le nombre de pays où les journalistes peuvent exercer leur métier en toute sécurité continue à se réduire. L’édition 2019 du Classement mondial de la liberté de la presse de Reporters sans frontières (RSF) révèle une hostilité grandissante face aux médias. Le Vietnam (176e), talonné par la Chine (177e, -1), perd également une place. ...

Rights Groups Urge EU To Press For Freedom of Vietnam Political Prisoner

16.04.2019 By Paul Eckert (RFA) - A group of 21 international and Vietnamese human rights groups have written top European Union officials to ask for help during trade negotiations between Hanoi and Brussels in winning the freedom of political prisoner Nguyen Bac Truyen, who is serving am 11-year jail term for legal and pro-democracy advocacy. ...

Ramelow: Ausbildung von jährlich bis zu 1000 Vietnamesen

16.04.2019 (t-online) - Thüringen will jährlich bis zu 1000 junge Leute aus Vietnam für eine Berufsausbildung oder ein Studium aufnehmen. ...

Men Still Have an Edge in Communist Vietnam’s Gender-Equal System

16.04.2019 Ha Nguyen (VOA) - when considering all of the data that indicate Vietnam is ahead of most other countries in gender equality - like the percentage of women who are in the labor force or who are chief executive officers - it is easy to overlook the fact that men still have an edge in so many areas. ...

Brother of Vietnam’s richest man faces arrest for bribery

14.04.2019 (The Star) - Hanoi: Police in Vietnam issued an arrest warrant for the brother of the country’s richest man for allegedly bribing officials in a telecoms scandal, state-run media reported, a shocking development as the communist state widens its crackdown on corruption. ...

Die Tochter des Dissidenten

12.04.2019 Marina Mai (taz) - Ende März wurden ein vietnamesischer Oppositioneller und seine Frau abgeschoben. Jetzt hofft ihr Kind auf eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung. ...

Vietnam Dismisses ‘Inaccurate’ Reports of Huge Payout in Arbitration Over Dutchman’s Seized Assets

12.04.2019 (RFA) - Vietnam’s government on Friday dismissed as “inaccurate” reports about the verdict in a case filed by an ethnic Vietnamese man of Dutch citizenship after leaked documents showed he was awarded nearly U.S. $40 million in compensation for the seizure of his property more than 20 years ago. ...

Environment - Southeast Asia looks for outside help to flush sewage problems

12.04.2019 Yukinori Hanada (Nikkei Asian Review) - TOKYO -- Southeast Asia's growing industrial activity and rising population are spelling disaster to natural waterways, forcing nations in the region to ramp up spending on sewage projects to tackle the problem of poor water quality. ...

Is European Union overenthusiastic about Hanoi's empty promises?

11.04.2019 Pham Chi Dung (VNTB) - President of the National Assembly of Vietnam, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, has recently toured Western Europe to advocate the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). ...

'Harsh' tactics used to keep wages low for Vietnamese garment workers

11.04.2019 by Beh Lih Yi (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - KUALA LUMPUR - European and U.S. fashion brands sourcing from Vietnam must stop their "harsh" tactics that push down workers' wages and trap millions in poverty, labour rights campaigners said on Thursday. ...

Thüringens Ministerpräsident in Vietnam - Ramelow hält die Klappe

11.04.2019 Anna Lehmann (taz) - Der Linken-Politiker reist mit Unternehmern durch Vietnam. Die Deutsche Botschaft freut sich. Aber kritische Themen spart Ramelow aus. ...

Neue exotische Wirkstoffe für Naturkosmetik

11.04.2019 von Leo Frühschütz (bio-markt.info) - Der Rambutan-Baum ist mit der Litschi verwandt. Er produziert rote stachelhaarige Früchte und kosmetisch interessante Wirkstoffe. Der Chemiekonzern ist nach eigenen Aussagen der wichtigste Lieferant für Naturkosmetik-Zutaten und hat jetzt eine neue Wirkstoff-Familie vorgestellt. Für die Gewinnung dieser Rohstoffe hat BASF nach eigenen Angaben eine „sozial und ökologisch verantwortungsvolle Lieferkette“ aufgebaut. Dafür arbeite man seit 2015 eng mit lokalen Partnern aus den ersten biozertifizierten Rambutan-Gärten in Vietnam zusammen. ...

Vietnamese Boy Refuses to Support Government Propaganda Justifying His Forced Eviction

10.04.2019 (RFA) - A boy who lost his home in the January demolitions in Ho Chi Minh City’s Loc Hung Vegetable Garden settlement refused Monday to stand in front of his school and read government propaganda justifying the forced eviction of his and other families in the community. ...

PetroVietnam shaken as scale of overseas losses comes to light

10.04.2019 Tomoya Onishi (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- A report by the Ministry of Industry and Trade found that PetroVietnam, as the company is known, has frozen or is unable to recoup its investments in 11 of its 13 overseas projects, local media reported. ...

Zahl der weltweiten Hinrichtungen geht zurück - doch die Dunkelziffer ist groß

10.04.2019 (Stern) - DPA - Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International verzeichnet im Jahresbericht 2018 zur Todesstrafe mindestens 690 Hinrichtungen in 20 Staaten. Vier Länder waren demnach für 78 Prozent der dokumentierten Exekutionen verantwortlich: Iran (mindestens 253), Saudi-Arabien (149), Vietnam (mindestens 85) und der Irak (mindestens 52). ...

Angekommen – um welchen Preis? Viet Thanh Nguyen erzählt von vietnamesischen Flüchtlingen

09.04.2019 Katharina Borchardt (NZZ) - In zwei grossen Wellen trafen zwischen 1975 und Mitte der 1980er Jahre vietnamesische Flüchtlinge in den USA ein. Auch Viet Thanh Nguyen zählte zu ihnen – und der 1971 in Buôn Ma Thuôt geborene Autor hat aus solchen Schicksalen sein Lebensthema gemacht. ...

Thüringen soll Sonderwirtschaftszone in Vietnam bekommen

08.04.2019 (t-online) - dpa - Thüringen soll einem Medienbericht zufolge eine Sonderwirtschaftszone in der vietnamesischen Hauptstadt Hanoi bekommen. ...

Consternation en Allemagne après l'expulsion d'un écrivain vietnamien

05.04.2019 (RFI) - L'expulsion vers Hanoï de l'écrivain et critique du régime vietnamien Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan a suscité, jeudi 4 avril, indignation et incompréhension en Allemagne. ...

Bundesregierung lässt Abschiebung von vietnamesischen Dissidenten überprüfen

05.04.2019 (Welt) - Die Bundesregierung lässt die umstrittene Abschiebung eines vietnamesischen Dissidenten in seine Heimat überprüfen. ...

Protest gegen die Abschiebung eines Schriftstellers nach Vietnam

05.04.2019 Rosalia Romaniec (DW) - Die Abschiebung des vietnamesischen Dissidenten Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan und seiner Frau aus Deutschland nach Vietnam stößt auf heftige Kritik. Die Bundesregierung will den umstrittenen Fall jetzt überprüfen. ...

Vietnamese Blogger Awaiting Trial Moved from Prison to Mental Institution

04.04.2019 (RFA) - A jailed Vietnamese blogger currently awaiting trial for “abusing democratic freedoms” was transferred from prison to a mental hospital, his mother said on Thursday. ...

Ausgewiesen in Verfolgung und Bedrohung

04.04.2019 (Verdi) - Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) hat entschieden, dass der regimekritische Autor Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan und seine Frau nach Vietnam abgeschoben werden. Der Verband deutscher Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller fordert das Bundesinnenministerium auf, alles dafür zu tun, dass Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan sofort nach Deutschland zurückgeholt wird. ...

Vietnamesischer Autor in Eilverfahren abgeschoben - Halb Afrika bleibt

04.04.2019 Von Boris Reitschuster (Publico) - Bayerns Behörden schoben einen kranken vietnamesischen Regimekritiker ab – weil es so leicht war. Viele Abschiebe-Kandidaten aus Afrika dürfen dagegen bleiben. ...

Vietnamesischer Autor in Eilverfahren abgeschoben - Halb Afrika bleibt

04.04.2019 (unzensuriert.at) - Das Motto „wir schaffen das“ besteht bis in die Gegenwart. Allerdings gilt das nur für halb Afrika und jegliche Menschen, die sich ohne ihr Zutun eine bessere Zukunft in Deutschland erwarten. Nicht allerdings für einen angesehenen Schriftsteller, der in seinem Heimatland Vietnam als „Volksfeind“ geführt wird ...

Offener Brief an Bayerischen Innenminister Herrmann und Präsident des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge Sommer

04.04.2019 (PEN-Zentrum) - ...als Vizepräsident und Writers-in-Prison-Beauftragter des deutschen PEN-Zentrums bin ich entsetzt über die Abschiebung des vietnamesischen Schriftstellers und Menschenrechtsaktivisten Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan und seiner Frau aus Nürnberg. Das deutsche PEN-Zentrum fordert das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge auf, seine Entscheidung zu revidieren. ...

Opposition kritisiert Abschiebung

04.04.2019 Marina Mai (taz) - Bayern hat einen Regierungskritiker und dessen Frau nach Hanoi abgeschoben. Es schalten sich Flüchtlingsrat, Grüne und FDP ein ...

„Dinge wieder ans Licht bringen“

03.04.2019 Nicholas Potter (taz) - Mit dem Stück „Danke Deutschland“ von Sanja Mitrović beginnt das Festival Internationaler Neuer Dramatik an der Schaubühne in Berlin. Nun feiert ihre Inszenierung „Danke Deutschland – Cảm ơn nước Đức“ im Rahmen des FIND-Festivals ...

Auszubildende aus Vietnam: Mit 19 in ein fremdes Land

03.04.2019 Eike Kellermann (InSüdthüringen) - Es ist die bisher größte Regierungsdelegation aus Thüringen. Mehr als 100 Teilnehmer, angeführt von Ministerpräsident Bodo Ramelow (Linke), fliegen Ende der Woche nach Vietnam. ...

Vietnamesischen Autor abgeschoben - Nicht genau genug hingeschaut?

03.04.2019 Paul Kreiner (Stuttgarter Nachrichten) - Stuttgart - Abgeholt haben sie ihn, sagt sein Anwalt, ohne Vorwarnung. Und kurze Zeit später fand sich Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan zusammen mit seiner Frau im Abschiebeflugzeug nach Vietnam wieder – und das, obwohl die Regierung in Hanoi ihn den „Volksfeinden“ und zu den „antivietnamesischen Kräften“ zählt. ...

Proteste - Menschenrechtler nach Vietnam abgeschoben

03.04.2019 (Süddeutsche Zeitung) - Die Abschiebung des renommierten vietnamesischen Schriftstellers und Menschenrechtlers Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan und dessen Frau hat am Mittwoch Proteste bis hinein in den Landtag ausgelöst. ...

Vietnamesischer Regimekritiker aus Nürnberg abgeschoben

02.04.2019 Lisa Weiß (Bayerischer Rundfunk) - Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan ist ein bekannter vietnamesischer Autor, Blogger und Regimekritiker. In den vergangenen Jahren lebte er in Nürnberg und wurde kürzlich abgeschoben. Jetzt will das BAMF seinen Fall nochmals prüfen. ...

Frankfurt-Delegation besucht Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt

01.04.2019 von Ilse Romahn (Frankfurt Live) - Von Sonntag, 31. März, bis Dienstag, 2. April, besucht Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann gemeinsam mit Stadtverordnetenvorsteher Stephan Siegler sowie Vertretern von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft die Wirtschaftsmetropole Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt. ...

Malaysia: Murder Charge Dropped for Second Defendant in Killing of Kim Jong Nam

01.04.2019 (RFA) - A Vietnamese woman accused of assassinating the half-brother of the leader of North Korea by using lethal chemical weapon escaped the death penalty on Monday after a court reduced her murder charge to a lesser offense of causing injury through dangerous means. ...

Abschiebung nach Vietnam - One-Way nach Hanoi

01.04.2019 Marina Mai (taz) - BERLIN - Bayern hat am Dienstag einen vietnamesischen Schriftsteller und Menschenrechtler abgeschoben, der 2017 und 2019 für den Literaturnobelpreis nominiert war. Aktuell ist er zudem für den Robert-Kennedy-Preis of Human Rights sowie für den Václav-Havel-Menschenrechtspreis vorgeschlagen. In Vietnam ist der bekannte Autor massiv bedroht. ...

UN Watchdog Blasts Vietnam Over Repression, Abuses

30.03.2019 Lisa Schlein (VOA) - The U.N. Human Rights Committee, which monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, has examined the records of six countries, including Vietnam during its latest session. ...

For Tiffany Chung, Finding Vietnam’s Forgotten Stories Began as a Personal Quest

29.03.2019 By Roger Catlin (SmithsonianMag) - To map the post-war exodus, the artist turned to interviews and deep research, starting with her own father’s past. “Tiffany Chung: Vietnam, Past is Prologue,” her first major solo museum exhibition ...

Ein Händchen für Hände

29.03.2019 (Onetz) - Sie ist eine erfahrene Fachärztin für Chirurgie, Handchirurgie und Plastische Chirurgie. "Dies macht Dr. Vanilla Nguyen für uns zu einem echten Gewinn": Das betont Geschäftsführer Marius Aach bei der Vorstellung der neuen Ärztin. ...

Nine Tonnes of Ivory Seized in Vietnam, World’s Largest Haul

29.03.2019 (OCCRP) - Vietnamese customs has seized over nine tonnes of ivory found in a container shipment from the Republic of Congo. ...

Mehrere Tonnen Elfenbein in Vietnam sichergestellt

29.03.2019 (Südtirol Online) - Der vietnamesische Zoll hat in einem Schiff aus der Demokratischen Republik Kongo mehr als 9 Tonnen mutmaßliches Elfenbein sichergestellt. ...

Vietnam: 9 tonnes d'ivoire présumé saisies sur un bateau venant du Congo

29.03.2019 (Le Figaro) - «Un énorme lot de 9,1 tonnes de marchandise soupçonnée être de l'ivoire, dissimulé dans un chargement de bois, a été confisqué», ont précisé les douanes du pays communiste dans leur journal officiel. ...

Incauta Vietnam 9 toneladas de marfil

29.03.2019 (Omnia) - Ciudad Ho Chi Minh - La Policía de Vietnam incautó más de 9 toneladas de colmillos de elefantes que habían llegado al país en un barco de mercancías procedente de África central, informaron las autoridades locales. ...

U.N. Committee Slams Vietnam for Suppression of Activists and Journalists

29.03.2019 Eugene Whong (RFA) - A U.N. committee has issued a report highly critical of the Vietnamese government, demanding Hanoi stop jailing activists and journalists for speaking out against state policies, while also condemning Vietnam for executing high numbers of people guilty of minor crimes after unfair trials. ...

Concern as Vietnamese Dissident, Wife Expelled by Germany And Returned to Vietnam

29.03.2019 (RFA) - Veteran Vietnamese human rights activist and political prisoner Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan and his wife are back in Vietnam after being expelled from Germany this week ...

Ein vietnamesischer Menschenrechtsverteidiger in Nürnberg wurde nach Vietnam abgeschoben

28.03.2019  Marina Mai (Thời báo) - Am Dienstag, 26. März um 8 Uhr morgens wurde der vietnamesische Menschenrechtsverteidiger Nguyen Quang Hong Nhan und seine Ehefrau in ihrem Asylheim in Nürnberg von der Polizei abgeholt, um abgeschoben zu werden. ...

Driving gender reform in Vietnam’s Labour Code

27.03.2019 Author: Jane Aeberhard-Hodges, Australian Government (East Asia Forum) - Globally, removing sex discrimination from regulatory texts continues to ride a positive wave. This might be a response to a new generation of free trade agreements, which call for regulatory frameworks to be socially and environmentally compliant with international standards. ...

Public criticism pressures Vietnam to back down on new economic zones

26.03.2019 Tom Fawthrop (chinadialogue) - In June 2018, public demonstrations swept through major towns in six provinces, catching the Vietnamese government off guard and pressuring it to postpone a law on Special Economic Zones (SEZs). ...

Report: Fallen North Korea soldiers of Vietnam 'enshrined' in Pyongyang

26.03.2019 By Elizabeth Shim (UPI) - SEOUL -- North Korea keeps the remains of 27 fallen soldiers who died during the Vietnam War at a national cemetery in Pyongyang, according to a pro-North Korea newspaper based in Japan. North Korea may have deployed ten MiG-17 fighter aircraft and sent troops to fight with the North Vietnamese in 1966 and 1967. ...

Vietnam's VinSmart enters global smartphone fray with Europe debut

26.03.2019 (Nikkei Asian Review) - Vietnamese smartphone maker VinSmart is entering the European market in a bold bid to become the country's first globally recognized smartphone brand. ...

Vietnam pours it on in Japan's coffee sector

26.03.2019 Sachiha Kurose and Akihide Anzai (Nikkei Asian Review) -  Vietnam is making its presence felt in Japan's vibrant coffee sector, as the world's second-largest coffee producer leverages its proximity and low-priced beans to close in on market-leader Brazil. ...

In Little Saigon, this newspaper has been giving a community a voice for 40 years

25.03.2019 by Anh Do, LA Times (The Modesto Bee) - WESTMINSTER, CALIF. - The articles brought news of people driven from Indochina by decades of war, and as he read them, his hands began to ink in accent marks over the words that needed them, so that their emotions burst forth, forming the narrative for the pages of his refugee newspaper. ...

Grüne fordern: Altmaier muss bei Vietnam-Reise Menschenrechte ansprechen

23.03.2019 (Epoch Times) - Die Grünen im Bundestag fordern Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier (CDU) auf, bei seiner bevorstehenden Reise nach Vietnam die Menschenrechtslage in dem Land anzusprechen. ...

Benötigt: Praxisorientierung

22.03.2019 Stefan Hase-Bergen (DAAD) - Vietnamesische Hochschulen bilden noch zu theorielastig und damit an den Bedürfnissen des Arbeitsmarktes vorbei aus. ...

Vietnam Broke Its Own Laws in Arrest of Blogger Spirited from Thailand-Experts

22.03.2019 (RFA) - Vietnamese authorities violated criminal procedure laws when they detained a local blogger for Radio Free Asia, Truong Duy Nhat, who disappeared in Bangkok in late January amid suspicions he was abducted by Vietnamese agents and was revealed this week to be in a Hanoi jail, experts said on Friday. ...

Wirtschaftliches Potenzial: Vietnam

22.03.2019 (LN Online) - Die internationalen Handelsverbindungen sortieren sich neu. Die transatlantische Kooperation ist unter Druck, China und die USA ringen miteinander. Europa sucht neue Partner. Etwa in Vietnam. Zeitgleich mit der Veröffentlichung des Abkommens legte die Kommission eine Analyse dazu vor, wie sich das Abkommen auf die Menschenrechte und eine nachhaltige Entwicklung auswirken kann. ...

Bundeswirtschaftsminister Altmaier reist zu wirtschaftspolitischen Gesprächen nach Vietnam

22.03.2019 (BMWI) - Vom 24. bis 26. März besucht Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier in Begleitung einer hochrangigen Wirtschaftsdelegation sowie von Bundestagsabgeordneten Hanoi und die Wirtschaftsmetropole Ho-Chi- Minh-Stadt. ...

Vietnam's last public letter writer, 'a witness of Saigon'

22.03.2019 by Valerie Plesch (Al Jazeera) - As Ho Chi Minh City's French colonial architecture recedes into the background and the number of shiny skyscrapers grows in the Southeast Asian megacity there is one man who might be the last vestige of Vietnam's colonial past. ...

Vietnamese and Thai authorities must come clean about journalist’s disappearance

21.03.2019 (Amnesty International) - Reliable reports that independent journalist and former prisoner of conscience Truong Duy Nhat is being detained in Viet Nam raise major questions about his safety and the circumstances of his disappearance in Thailand in late January, Amnesty International said today. ...

Le blogueur vietnamien Truong Duy Nhat emprisonné à Hanoi

21.03.2019 (RFS) - Vu pour la dernière fois à Bangkok le 26 janvier dernier pour y demander le statut de réfugié, la femme du journaliste-citoyen a annoncée mercredi qu’il est actuellement détenu à Hanoi et ce depuis le 28 janvier. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) appelle les autorités à éclaircir les raisons de son emprisonnement. ...

Denuncian detención de periodista crítico del gobierno en Vietnam

21.03.2019 Por Luis Alberto Laborda (Radio Canadá Internacional) - Un bloguero vietnamita de Radio Free Asia (Radio Asia Libre), que había desaparecido mientras se encontraba en Tailandia, fue detenido en Vietnam, según confirmó su esposa. ...

Vietnamese blogger turns up in Hanoi jail after going missing in Bangkok

21.03.2019 (RFS) - Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Vietnamese authorities to clarify why they are holding Truong Duy Nhat, a well-known citizen-journalist and blogger who was last seen on 26 January in Bangkok, where he had requested refugee status ...

Vietnamese blogger who vanished in Thailand jailed in Hanoi

21.03.2019 (Daily Mail) - A Vietnamese blogger who vanished in Thailand earlier this year is being held in a Hanoi prison, his friend and wife confirmed Thursday. ...

Vietnam Court Jails Activist For 2 Years Over Facebook Posts

20.03.2019 (RFA) - A court in the southern Vietnamese district of Binh Thuy  sentenced activist and Facebook commentator Le Minh The to two years in prison for  “dividing the people from the (Communist) Party, his sister told RFA’s Vietnamese Service ...

Können Pfarrer Liebesgeschichten schreiben?

18.03.2019 Von Sieglinde Stahl (Kornwestheimer Zeitung) - Kornwestheim - Wenn ein Pfarrer einen Liebesroman schreibt, geht das dann schief? Pfarrer Franz Nagler von der Katholischen Kirchengemeinde St. Martinus gab zu, das Buch von Pater Stefan Taeubner, „Die neuen Leiden des Mädchen Kieu“, mit einer gewissen Skepsis in die Hand genommen zu haben. ...

Schriftstellerin Kim Thúy - Zwei Welten, eine Stimme

18.03.2019 von Lars von Törne (Tagesspiegel) - Kim Thúy erzählt in ihren Romanen von Flucht und Identität. Nun liest die kanadische Autorin in München, Hamburg, Berlin und auf der Leipziger Buchmesse ...

Vietnam: Globalized Party-State – Analysis

18.03.2019 By Börje Ljunggren (Eurasia Review) - For US President Donald Trump, his second summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un was reality check rather than success. For host Vietnam, though, the summit was undoubtedly a grand triumph. ...

bq steht als Marke vor dem Aus

17.03.2019 (AICS) - Als Ende letzten Jahres bekannt wurde, dass der Smartphone-Hersteller bq mehrheitlich nach Vietnam verkauft wurde, hatte man es schon geahnt. bq steht als Marke vor dem Aus! ...

Big Read: US tech giants face stricter censorship under new Vietnamese cyber security law

17.03.2019 (NZ Herald) - When Vietnam's government took offense at a game on Google's app store in which a player could battle characters named after the country's political figures, the tech behemoth caved. It blocked access to the app in Vietnam ...

Vertrautes aus Berlin in Vietnam

16.03.2019 Torsten Harmsen (Berliner Zeitung) - ... Vor unserem Hotel erhob sich eine Art zweiter Berliner Dom: mit barocker Kuppel, Säulen, Giebeln und Ecktürmen. Als mein Blick in die Ferne schweifte, erfasste er mehrere solcher Dombauten, alle noch im Rohbau. Was war das? ...

VinSmart drängt nach Europa: Neue, billige Konkurrenz für Xiaomi ...

15.03.2019 (WinFuture) - Aus Vietnam kommt in Kürze neue Konkurrenz für Smartphone-Hersteller im unteren Preissegment. Die dort erst im Dezember gestartete Smartphone-Marke VinSmart bringt ihre Geräte jetzt nach Europa ...

Second Kim slay suspect not released

15.03.2019 by Associated Press (The Manila Times) - SHAH ALAM, Malaysia: Malaysia’s attorney general ordered the murder case to proceed against a Vietnamese woman accused in the killing of the North Korean leader’s estranged half brother, prosecutors said in court Thursday. ...

Thailand urged to respect Vietnamese blogger’s refugee status

15.03.2019 (RSF) - Following a Thai police raid two weeks ago on the home of Bach Hong Quyen, a Vietnamese blogger who fled his country and currently lives in Bangkok, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) fears that the Thai authorities could allow Vietnamese agents to abduct Quyen and urges them to respect his UN-guaranteed status as a political refugee. ...

Vietnam: 6 Activists Headed to Prison

14.03.2019 (HRW) - (Bangkok) – Six Vietnamese activists and bloggers are facing long prison sentences for their peaceful opposition, Human Rights Watch said today. Vietnam’s government should immediately release the six, who are being prosecuted for peaceful political activities ...

RSF demande à la Thaïlande de respecter le statut de réfugié du blogueur vietnamien Bach Hong Quyen

14.03.2019 (RSF) - La police thaïlandaise a récemment perquisitionné le domicile du blogueur vietnamien Bach Hong Quyen, actuellement exilé à Bangkok. Craignant qu’elles ne se rendent complices de son enlèvement par des agents vietnamiens, Reporters sans frontière (RSF) appelle les autorités du royaume à respecter son statut de réfugié politique garanti par les Nations unies. ...

Malaysia will mutmassliche Kim-Attentäterin aus Vietnam nicht freilassen

14.03.2019 (NZZ) - Nach der überraschenden Freilassung ihrer Mitangeklagten aus Indonesien dämpft Malaysia die Hoffnung der noch in Haft verbliebenen Angeklagten, ebenfalls aus der Haft entlassen zu werden. Beide Frauen hatten stets ihre Unschuld betont, sie seien hinters Licht geführt worden. ...

Assassinat de Kim Jong-nam : la libération de la seconde accusée a été rejetée

14.03.2019 (France24) - Un tribunal malaisien a rejeté jeudi la demande de libération de Doan Thi Huong, une Vietnamienne accusée dans l'assassinat en 2017 du demi-frère du dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-un. ...

Vietnam’s Communist Party Ousts Historian Who Criticized Its China Policy

13.03.2019 By Mike Ives (The New York Times) - A prominent Vietnamese historian who criticized his government for not doing more to challenge Beijing’s territorial claims in the South China Sea has been ousted from Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party over comments he made on Facebook. ...

#CollateralFreedom: RSF unblocks 22 sites censored in their own country

12.03.2019 (RSF) - To mark World Day Against Cyber-Censorship, celebrated on 12 March, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) announces that it is now providing alternative online access to a total of 22 media outlets that are blocked in their own country, in an operation launched in 2015 that has enabled millions of people to access freely reported news and information. ...

Reporter ohne Grenzen entsperrt zensierte Medienwebsites

12.03.2019 (derStandard) - Die internationale Journalistenorganisation Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG) hat anlässlich des Welttags gegen Cyber-Zensur am 12. März bekanntgegeben, dieses Jahr drei weitere staatlich zensierte Webseiten von Medienunternehmen entsperrt zu haben. ...

NGO Hits Back at Vietnam’s Denials of Rights Abuses

12.03.2019 (RFA) - Assertions by Vietnam that it protects civil freedoms and human rights in the one-party communist state were sharply rebutted on Monday by a monitoring group at a U.N. review of the country’s rights record held this week in Geneva, Switzerland. ...

China Eyes Alternative Sources for Maritime Expansion

08.03.2019 Ralph Jennings (VOA) - TAIPEI — Officials in Beijing are expected to take money from non-defense sources this year to solidify their military control in the disputed South China Sea following a proposed slowdown in formal defense spending. China will increase defense spending by 7.5 percent this year, according to a draft budget report submitted to a National People's Congress session Tuesday. ...

Tensions Soar After Chinese Boat Rams, Sinks Vietnamese Vessel In Disputed Waters

08.03.2019 by Tyler Durden (ZeroHedge/ABC) - Tensions in the South China Sea are once again soaring after a Vietnames fishing boat reportedly came under attack by a Chinese vessel near the contested Paracel Islands, a Vietnamese official said Friday. According to the Australian Associated Press the dangerous incident has sent tensions in the region to "a new high". ...

South China Sea expert expelled from Vietnam's Communist Party

08.03.2019 By AFP (Daily Mail) - Vietnam's Communist Party has purged a prominent researcher whose work on his country's claims to the disputed South China Sea had threatened to ruffle feathers in Beijing, which says it owns most of the resource-rich waterway. ...

Viet Nam: Prisoner of conscience suffers behind bars: Huỳnh Trương Ca

08.03.2019 (Amnesty International) - Prisoner of conscience Huỳnh Trương Ca is being held in conditions of detention that further violates his rights. He shares a small, unlit cell with four other prisoners and cannot leave the cell, not even for meal times. ...

Vietnam jails 15 over anti-China protests

07.03.2019 (France24) - Hanoi (AFP) - Vietnam on Thursday jailed 15 people for "causing public disorder" after violent demonstrations last year over a proposed investment project that protesters said catered to Chinese firms. ...

RSF decries increase in Vietnam’s mistreatment of imprisoned journalists

07.03.2019 (Reporters Without Borders) - As the detained Vietnamese blogger and video reporter Nguyen Van Hoa continues a two-week-old hunger strike in protest against the beatings he has received in prison, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) announces that it is referring the increase in mistreatment of Vietnam’s imprisoned journalists to the United Nations special rapporteur on torture. ...

On International Women's Day, CPJ highlights jailed female journalists

07.03.2019 By Sarah Guinee/CPJ Patti Birch Fellow for Gender and Media Freedom (CPJ) - On International Women's Day, CPJ has highlighted the cases of female journalists jailed around the world in retaliation for their work. At least 33 of the 251 journalists in jail at the time of CPJ's prison census are women. ...

Vietnam : RSF dénonce l’intolérable traitement réservé aux journalistes emprisonnés

06.03.2019 (Reporters sans frontières) - Incarcéré depuis plus de deux ans, le journaliste et vidéaste Nguyen Van Hoa a récemment entamé une grève de la faim pour protester contre les violences qui lui sont infligées. Face à la recrudescence des cas d’abus contre les journalistes emprisonnés, Reporters sans frontières (RSF) annonce qu’elle saisit le Rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur la torture pour que cesse cette situation. ...

40 Years After The Vietnam War, Some Refugees Face Deportation Under Trump

04.03.2019 Shannon Dooling (National Public Radio npr) - More than four decades after the Vietnam War brought waves of expatriates to the United States, the Trump administration wants to deport thousands of Vietnamese immigrants, including many refugees, because of years-old criminal convictions. ...

#FREE THEM ALL - Nguyen Van Hoa

01.03.2019 (Welt) - Im Jahr 2016 erschütterte eine der bis dato schwersten Umweltkatastrophen Vietnam: In der Ha-Tinh-Provinz hatte die Formosa-Stahlfabrik giftige Abwässer ins Meer geleitet. Der Bürgerjournalist Nguyen Van Hoa filmte die Umweltschäden – und die Proteste der Anwohner gegen das Verhalten der Regierung. ...

Vietnamese bloggers under close watch during Trump-Kim meet in Hanoi

01.03.2019 (Reporters Without Borders) - Several Vietnamese bloggers were arrested or placed under close surveillance during this week’s talks in Hanoi between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns this latest harassment of Vietnam’s few remaining dissident voices. ...

Sommet US-Corée du Nord à Hanoi: les blogueurs vietnamiens sous haute surveillance

01.03.2019 (Reporters sans frontières) - Plusieurs blogueurs vietnamiens ont été arrêtés ou mis sous surveillance durant le sommet diplomatique entre les Etats-Unis et la Corée du Nord à Hanoi. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) condamne fermement ces nouvelles pressions contre les dernières voix discordantes du pays. ...

Jailed Vietnamese Activist Goes on Hunger Strike Over Beatings by Police

28.02.2019 (RFA) - A Vietnamese activist serving a seven-year prison term for his role in protesting a chemical waste spill three years ago on Vietnam’s coast has entered the seventh day of a hunger strike calling for police officers and prison guards who assaulted him to be punished. ...

Nach Treffen in Vietnam - Wer ist Schuld am Scheitern? Auch Nordkorea will es nicht gewesen sein - und widerspricht Trump

28.02.2019 (Stern) - Am Ende stehen widersprüchliche Schuldzuweisungen. Der zweite Gipfel von Trump und Kim in Hanoi endete vorzeitig ohne Einigung. ...

The Collapse Of Trump-Kim Summit

28.02.2019 (The Nation) - The news says that the Kim-Trump Summit proved a collapse. The failure of Hanoi talks was not unexpected. Experts cited two reasons for the fait accompli of the much-awaited summit on denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula. ...

Treffen mit Kim Jong Un: Zu früh gefreut

28.02.2019 Frederic Spohr, Hanoi (Zeit Online) - Kurz vor dem Scheitern des Gipfels erlebte die Welt eine Premiere. Das erste Mal beantwortete Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un die Frage eines ausländischen Journalisten – in einer Art und Weise, wie es auch ein ganz normaler Politiker getan hätte. ...

Trumps Gipfel-Debakel

28.02.2019 (SZ) - Hanoi (dpa) - Die Tafel im Hotel "Metropole" in Hanoi war schon gedeckt, Blumen schmückten den Tisch, um 11.55 Uhr wollte US-Präsident Donald Trump hier mit Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un speisen.

Nicht nur das Essen, auch die Erklärung fiel am Donnerstag aus. Der Gipfel ist gescheitert. Ein Debakel für Trump - der einen Erfolg angesichts des gewaltigen Ärgers zu Hause so dringend gebraucht hätte. ...

Vietnam Wants Western Politicians, Not Western Politics

27.02.2019 By Bill Hayton (Foreign Policy) - As Hanoi welcomes Trump, it shuts down a key reformist think tank.

As the orange man meets the rocket man this week, the venue is also drawing attention. Vietnam, the host for U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s second meeting, is being held out as a model for North Korea to follow. But Vietnam is currently giving the world a reminder that, fundamentally, it remains a communist state. ...

Vietnamese Activists Kept Under Wraps During US-North Korea Summit in Hanoi

26.02.2019 (RFA) - Vietnamese dissident bloggers and democracy advocates are being kept under police watch at their homes as U.S. president Donald Trump prepares to meet for talks this week in Hanoi with North Korean national leader Kim Jong Un, sources in Vietnam say. ...

Hanoi summit cannot gloss over human rights atrocities in North Korea

25.02.2019 (Amnesty International USA) - As US President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet with his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-un at a two-day summit on February 27 – 28 to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam, Francisco Bencosme, advocacy manager for Asia Pacific at Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement ...

Doppelgänger unerwünscht

25.02.2019 (Tagesschau) - Sie wollen doch nur posieren - sind aber unerwünscht. Vor dem Gipfeltreffen zwischen Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim und US-Präsident Trump in Vietnam musste einer ihrer Doppelgänger das Land verlassen. ...

Thousands of Vietnamese Refugees in the U.S. Fear Trump Will Send Them Back

25.02.2019 By Sheridan Prasso (Bloomberg Businessweek) - At the Banh Mi Cho Cu bakery in Westminster, Calif., in Orange County’s Little Saigon, Andy Trinh, 42, the affable only son of the family that owns the business, worries as he works. ...

Hanoi summit nightmare scenario: Bad deals and little change

24.02.2019 By Foster Klug (The News & Observer) - HANOI, VIETNAM - The nightmare scenario heading into the second summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un isn't so much "fire and fury" and millions dead. Rather, some experts fear the meeting could result in an ill-considered deal that allows North Korea to get everything it wants while giving up very little, even as the mercurial leaders trumpet a blockbuster nuclear success. ...

Statt Flugzeug: Kim fährt mit Panzer-Zug zum Treffen mit Trump

24.02.2019 (Stern) - Am Mittwoch trifft Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un in Vietnam auf US-Präsident Donald Trump. Weil Kim statt ein Flugzeug seinen gepanzerten Zug nimmt, ist er schon mal losgefahren. Ein Flug hätte ihn nur fünf Stunden gekostet. ...

Les combattants oubliés de la Corée du Nord au Vietnam

24.02.2019 (Le Vif) - Non loin de Hanoï, quatorze pierres tombales rendent hommage aux soldats nord-coréens tombés lors de la guerre du Vietnam contre les "impérialistes" américains. ...

Les blessures profondes de la guerre sino-vietnamienne, quarante ans après

22.02.2019 (Eglises d’Asie) - Quarante ans après la guerre sino-vietnamienne, brève mais meurtrière, qui a frappé la frontière du nord du Vietnam en 1979, les proches des victimes de guerre et les vétérans affirment qu’ils ont été délaissés durant des dizaines d’années par le gouvernement et les autorités locales, par peur de représailles chinoises. ...

Vietnam detains impersonators of Kim Jong Un and Trump

22.02.2019 (BBC) - Impersonators of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump have been questioned by police in Vietnam. Kim impersonator Howard X and Trump lookalike Russell White were reprimanded after staging a "meeting" in Hanoi. ...

US Lawmakers Urge Trump to Push Vietnam on Rights Record During North Korea Summit

22.02.2019 (RFA) - Three U.S. lawmakers have called on U.S. President Donald Trump to raise human rights issues with officials in Vietnam when he travels to the one-party Communist Southeast Asian nation next week for a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. ...

Detained Female Activist Duong Thi Lanh Charged with “Anti-state Propaganda,” Facing Lengthy Imprisonment

21.02.2019 (Defend the Defenders) - Authorities in Vietnam’s Central Highlands province of Dak Nong have officially charged local female activist Duong Thi Lanh with “conducting anti-state propaganda,” around two weeks after detaining her without arrest warrant, Defend the Defenders has learned. ...

Asia's exports to China plunge as economy stumbles

21.02.2019 Kensaku Ihara and Mariko Kodak (Nikkei Asian Review) - TAIPEI/TOKYO -- Asian exports to China are contracting as its economic slowdown reverberates throughout the region's supply chains, a trend that is likely to accelerate as companies grapple with the fallout from the trade war between Beijing and Washington. ...

Vietnam to Try Democracy Activist Le Minh The on Allegation of Abusing Democracy Freedom on March 6

20.02.2019 (Defend the Defenders) - Authorities in the Mekong Delta hub of Can Tho will soon try democracy advocate Le Minh The on charge of “Abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State, lawful rights and interests of organizations and/or s” under Article 331 of the country’s Penal Code. ...

Vietnam’s new view of an old war

20.02.2019 By David Hutt, Phnom Penh (Asia Times) - Hanoi marked the 40th anniversary of its bloody 1979 border war with China with unprecedented candor, a revisionist reflection of declining contemporary ties. ...

Vietnam und Deutschland beraten Neuausrichtung ihrer Strategischen Partnerschaft

20.02.2019 (Auswärtiges Amt) - Außenminister Heiko Maas betont im Gespräch mit seinem Kollegen Pham Bình Minh das Interesse an einer engen Zusammenarbeit, die auf der Achtung gemeinsamer Werte beruht. ...

Kriminalität - Deutsch-vietnamesische Krise offensichtlich beigelegt

20.02.2019 Von dpa (Berliner Morgenpost) - Berlin. Deutschland sieht die diplomatische Krise mit Vietnam wegen der Entführung eines vietnamesischen Geschäftsmannes aus Berlin offensichtlich als beendet an. Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas sagte am Mittwoch anlässlich eines Besuchs seines vietnamesischen Amtskollegen Pham Binh Minh in Berlin, dass es wegen der Verschleppung "in der Vergangenheit" spürbare Differenzen gegeben habe. ...

Jailed Vietnamese Activist Deemed by Authorities to be Serving Sentence 'Badly'

19.02.2019 (RFA) - Jailed Vietnamese activist Hoang Duc Binh has been declared by prison authorities to be serving his prison term “badly” by refusing to confess his guilt or accept his sentence, his brother told RFA’s Vietnamese Service on Tuesday. ...

Marxisten gegen Marxisten

18.02.2019 Lea Deuber (Tages-Anzeiger) - Vor 40 Jahren begann der Chinesisch-Vietnamesische Krieg, der für die Angreifer ziemlich desaströs endete. Er war ein Zeichen für Chinas Weltmachtstreben. Man müsse ihnen «eine Lektion erteilen», die sie nicht vergessen, schimpfte Deng Xiaoping erbost. Die Volksrepublik China liess nur wenige Tage nach Dengs Wutanfall ihre Soldaten in Vietnam einrücken. Es war der 17. Februar 1979. ...

Reisfelder zu Golfplätzen

16.02.2019 Pierre Daum (taz) - In Vietnam gehört das Land immer noch dem Staat. Er nimmt es den Bauern weg und verkauft es an Spekulanten und Investoren. "Was an die Öffentlichkeit dringt, ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs“, erklärt die Journalistin Ly ...

Huge Land Loss Predicted for Vietnam's Mekong Delta

16.02.2019 David Boyle (VOA) - BANGKOK — Nearly the entire Mekong Delta in Vietnam — an area that helps feed about 200 million people — will sink underwater by the year 2100 at current rates, a new study predicts. ...

Kim Jong Un to arrive in Vietnam on February 25 ahead of Trump summit

16.02.2019 James Pearson (Reuters) - HANOI - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will arrive in Vietnam on Feb. 25 ahead of a planned second summit with U.S. President Donald Trump, three sources with direct knowledge of Kim’s schedule told Reuters on Saturday. ...

Rekordbeschlagnahme von Rhinozeros-Hörnern am Flughafen

15.02.2019 (Südtirol Online) - Zöllnern am Flughafen Hongkong ist die bisher größte Beschlagnahmung von Rhinozeros-Hörnern bei Flugpassagieren gelungen. Sie nahmen zwei Schmugglern aus Südafrika mindestens 24 Hörner ab, wie die Zollbehörde am Freitag mitteilte. Die beiden Männer seien während der Zwischenlandung auf dem Weg nach Vietnam festgenommen worden ...

Vietnamese airlines allowed to fly to US for first time

15.02.2019 by Rachel Frazin (The Hill) - Vietnamese airlines are now allowed to fly to the United States for the first time, the Federal Aviation Administration announced Thursday.  ...

Displaced Families in Vietnam’s Loc Hung Community Accept Compensation

14.02.2018 (RFA) - A majority of the families displaced by the January demolitions in Ho Chi Minh City’s Loc Hung Vegetable Garden settlement are accepting compensation from Vietnamese authorities, officials said on Thursday. ...

Huawei remains 'confident' of winning Vietnam 5G deals

14.02.2019 Tomoya Onishi (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- Huawei Technologies believes it stands a good chance of being chosen to supply 5G network equipment to Vietnam's mobile carriers, the Chinese company's local chief executive said in an interview. ...

Neue Schildkrötenart steht kurz vor Ausrottung

13.02.2019 (SZ) - Dresden (dpa) - Wissenschaftler haben eine neue Schildkrötenart beschrieben und gleichzeitig Alarm geschlagen. Denn die in Nordvietnam und China nachgewiesene Flecken-Weichschildkröte sei akut vom Aussterben bedroht, teilte die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung mit. ...

BACC displays the wisdom of a Zen Master. It is written

12.02.2019 Writer: Yvonne Bohwongprasert (Bangkok Post) - Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh might be best known for his spiritual leadership, poetry and activism, but it's his calligraphic meditation practice that has most impacted the lives of people in search of inner peace through mindfulness. ...

Jailed Vietnamese Democracy Advocate to Submit Complaint to Court Over Appeal Filing

11.02.2019 (RFA) - Vietnamese democracy advocate and blogger Phan Kim Khanh, who is serving a six-year jail sentence for “spreading propaganda against the state” will submit a complaint to his local court after officials there failed to respond to an appeal he previously filed ...

Kim Phuc: "Ich dachte, nun würde ich hässlich sein"

11.02.2018 Gönna Ketels (DW) - Sie ist "das Mädchen auf dem Foto", eine Ikone des Vietnamkriegs. Am Montag ist Kim Phuc für ihren Einsatz für kriegstraumatisierte Kinder mit dem "Dresden-Preis" ausgezeichnet worden. ...

Kim Phuc: 'Napalm Girl' from harrowing Vietnam War image receives German prize for peace work

11.02.2018 Samuel Osborne (Independent) - Kim Phuc, known as “Napalm Girl“ in an iconic photo showing her during the Vietnam War, has received an award in Germany for her work for peace. ...

Vietnamesischer Blogger verschwunden - Ein neuer Entführungsverdacht

10.02.2018 Marina Mai (taz) - Der nach Thailand geflohene vietnamesische Blogger Truong Duy Nhat ist verschwunden. Freunde vermuten, dass ihn der Geheimdienst entführt hat. Hat Vietnams Geheimdienst nach der Entführung des Ex-Politikers Trinh Xuan Thanh im Juli 2017 von Berlin nach Hanoi erneut einen vietnamesischen Staatsbürger entführt, der im Ausland Schutz suchte? ...

Ich bin das Napalm-Mädchen aus dem Vietnam-Krieg

10.02.2018 von: C. Lord und B. Schilz (Bild) - Dresden – Wer die lachende Frau am Sonntag auf dem Theaterplatz in Dresden sah, dachte wohl an eine der vielen asiatischen Touristen, die Dresden besuchen. Doch diese Frau ist weltberühmt. Hunderte Millionen haben sie schon gesehen – ohne etwas über sie zu wissen. ...

US Welcomes Thai Investigation Into Vietnamese Blogger's Disappearance

09.02.2018 (RFA) - The United States on Friday welcomed news that Thailand will investigate the disappearance of Truong Duy Nhat, a Radio Free Asia blogger from Vietnam who disappeared on Jan. 26 after fleeing to Thailand to seek political asylum with a U.N. refugee agency. ...

Investigation ordered into disappeared Vietnamese blogger in Bangkok

08.02.2019 (Bangkok Post) - BANGKOK: The Immigration Bureau promised on Thursday to investigate the disappearance of a dissident Vietnamese journalist believed to have been abducted at the northern Bangkok Future Park mall two weeks ago. ...

Au Vietnam, la minorité Hmong tente de se réapproprier son patrimoine

07.02.2019 (RTL 5minutes) - AFP - Amère, Vuong Duy Bao se promène dans les pièces sombres et froides de son ancien palais familial, un trésor du patrimoine de la minorité Hmong, réquisitionné par les autorités vietnamiennes pour en faire un musée. ...

The battle for Hmong heritage in Vietnam

07.02.2019 (Daily Mail) - Vuong Duy Bao surveys his ancestral palace, a vestige of Vietnam's marginalised Hmong ethnic minority that he says was taken from his family by local officials. ...

China lässt die Nachbarn hoffen – und erzittern

07.02.2019 Manfred Rist, Singapur (NZZ) - Gibt es wirklich Nutzniesser des Handelsstreits zwischen China und den USA? Solche Hoffnungen gab es in Thailand und Vietnam. Realistischer ist die Einschätzung, dass sich Südostasien auf härtere Zeiten einstellen muss. ...

Trump und Kim wollen in Vietnam Koreakrieg offiziell beenden

07.02.2019 (derstandard) - Seoul – 66 Jahre nach dem Ende der Kampfhandlungen könnte der Koreakrieg Ende Februar offiziell ein Ende finden. Die "Korea Times" berichtet am Donnerstag in ihrer Online-Ausgabe von angeblichen Plänen der USA und Nordkoreas ...

Thailand: Vietnamese journalist 'seized at a shopping centre'

06.02.2019 (Amnesty International UK) - Responding to the announcement by Radio Free Asia that one of their contributors, Truong Duy Nhat, was reportedly abducted in the city of Bangkok in Thailand, Amnesty’s Senior Director for Global Operations, Minar Pimple, said: ...

Well-known Vietnamese blogger missing in Bangkok

06.02.2019 (RSF) - Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Thai authorities to shed all possible light on the disappearance of Truong Duy Nhat, a famous Vietnamese blogger who went missing in Bangkok on 26 January ...

Widerstand in Vietnam - Der zarte Protest aus Saigon

06.02.2019 Von Philipp Eins (Deutschlandradio) - Die Kommunistische Partei hat Medien, Militär und 95 Millionen Vietnamesen fest unter Kontrolle. Aber 89 Jahre nach ihrer Gründung begehren junge Studierende in Saigon auf. Sie gehen auf die Straße für Umweltschutz und Meinungsfreiheit im Netz. ...

Nächster Gipfel von Trump und Kim - Wiedersehen in Vietnam

06.02.2019 (Spiegel Online) - Donald Trump und Kim Jong Un wollen sich erneut treffen, dieses Mal in Vietnam. Wie wichtig ihm die gemeinsame Linie mit Peking ist, das bewies Kim Jong Un vor wenigen Wochen. ...

Pourquoi le Vietnam a été choisi pour la rencontre Donald Trump - Kim Jong-un

06.02.2019 (France24) - Le président américain Donald Trump a annoncé, mardi soir, que son prochain sommet avec le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-un aura lieu les 27 et 28 février au Vietnam. Un pays hautement symbolique pour les deux États. ...

Why is Donald Trump meeting Kim Jong Un in Vietnam?

06.02.2019 Ate Hoekstra (DW) - In his State of the Union address, the US president announced he would meet the North Korean leader in Vietnam in February, and there are some important arguments in favor of choosing the communist country as a venue. ...

Trump y Kim Jong-un se reunirán en Vietnam a finales de febrero

06.02.2019 Macarena Vidal Liy (El Pais) - Los dos líderes intentarán destrabar un proceso de negociación nuclear sin apenas progresos desde su reunión de hace ocho meses en Singapur ...

Gipfeldiplomatie - Kim-Trump-Gipfel - Warum in Vietnam?

06.02.2019 Ate Hoekstra (DW) - In seiner Rede an die Nation erklärte US-Präsident Trump, dass er Nordkoreas Führer Kim Ende Februar in Vietnam treffen werde. Es gibt gute Gründe, die für Vietnam sprechen. ...

Vietnam: vers une nouvelle année de répression?

05.02.2019 (Libération) - L'Action des chrétiens pour l'abolition de la torture appelle Emmanuel Macron, lors de son prochain voyage en 2019, à améliorer l'état de droit au Vietnam où toute opposition est actuellement terrassée par les autorités vietnamiennes. ...

Video of Alleged Police Beating in Vietnam Goes Viral

30.01.2019 Eugene Whong (RFA) - A video showing a Vietnamese police officer allegedly kicking a man on the floor of a police station has gone viral after being published on social media, calling attention to police brutality in Vietnam. ...

Former chief of protocol involved in Vietnamese businessman's abduction gets new job

30.01.2019 (The Slovak Spectator) - Radovan Čulák, the former chief of protocol at the Interior Ministry, should become a director of the ministry's spa and rehabilitation institute Bystrá in Liptovský Ján (Žilina Region), the Sme daily reported. Čulák was the main coordinator of the abduction of the Vietnamese citizen Trinh Xuan Thanh, ...

40 Jahre Cap Anamur - Vom See-Retter zur Hilfsorganisation

29.01.2019 Von Pete Smith (Ärzte Zeitung) - Ein Schiff für Vietnam – unter diesem Motto entstand vor 40 Jahren die Hilfsorganisation Cap Anamur/Deutsche Not-Ärzte. Mittlerweile leistet der Verein in Krisenherden und auf Flüchtlingsrouten weltweit nicht nur medizinische Hilfe. ...

Vietnamese Democracy Advocate Moved to New Prison Far From Home

29.01.2019 (RFA) - Prison authorities in central Vietnam’s Quang Binh province have moved a jailed member of the online advocacy group Brotherhood for Democracy to a new prison in Thanh Hoa province seven hours’ drive to the north, sources said. ...

Verlieren die Vietnamesen das Internet? (Video)

28.01.2019 (ARTE TV) - Vietnam ist ein bisschen wie China: Die Liberalisierung der Wirtschaft brachte dem Land große Dynamik, doch das politische System bleibt autoritär und zentralistisch. ...

Die Thanh-Entführung – ein Schurkenstück im Staatsauftrag

28.01.2019 Miguel Sanches (Westfälische Rundschau) - BERLIN  Das Urteil gegen einen der Kidnapper des Vietnamesen Trinh Xuan Thanh in Berlin legt offen, wie Geheimdienste das Recht brechen. ...

Les Vietnamiens vont-ils perdre Internet ? (Video)

28.01.2019 (ARTE TV) - Le Vietnam, c’est un peu comme la Chine : la libéralisation de son économie en a fait un pays dynamique, mais le système politique demeure autoritaire et centralisé. En 2018, 55 internautes au moins ont été arrêtés. ...

Graying Vietnam can’t afford to get old

28.01.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - At first blush, Vietnam’s socialized healthcare system looks hale and hearty, a key measure of the ruling Communist Party’s ability to deliver crucial public goods. But underneath the surface, shifting demographics and financial woes signal ill health ahead. ...

Vietnam vexes foreign automakers with import rules

27.01.2019 Tomoya Onishi (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- Government steadfast in efforts to nurture domestic industry. A year on from Vietnam's abrupt launch of regulations on car imports, foreign companies are still struggling to cope while hoping for a lucrative market that should eventually emerge. ...

Can a real estate developer jump start Vietnam’s car industry?

26.01.2019 By Le Hong Hiep (SCMP) - Within a year, VinFast has built a huge manufacturing complex and developed two prototypes that debuted in Paris. Can it keep up the pace? ...

Vietnam Arrests Two More Democracy Advocates

25.01.2019 (RFA) - Vietnamese police have arrested two democracy activists, one an ethnic Vietnamese citizen of Australia, in an ongoing round-up of advocates for political reform in the one-party communist state, a Vietnamese dissident group said on Friday. ...

Japan must stand with Vietnamese human rights activists

24.01.2019 Teppei Kasai (HRW) - As Vietnam’s largest bilateral donor, Japan is in a unique position to raise human rights issues. For Vietnamese activist Nguyen Chi Tuyen, it was supposed to be just another day in Hanoi. In the morning, he dropped off his son at elementary school and was driving his motorbike home when a group of masked men surrounded his car. ...

Chau Van Kham, Australian citizen and pro-democracy activist, detained in Vietnam

24.01.2019 By Erin Handley and Emilia Terzon (ABC News) - Australian authorities have confirmed Australian citizen and pro-democracy activist Chau Van Kham has been detained in Vietnam. ...

The Monk Who Taught the World Mindfulness Awaits the End of This Life

24.01.2019 By Liam Fitzpatrick / Hue, Vietnam (Time) - At a Buddhist temple outside Hue, Vietnam’s onetime capital, 92-year-old Thich Nhat Hanh has come to quietly “transition,” as his disciples put it. ...

Vietnam jails man for 14 years for attempting to overthrow state

23.01.2019 (Reuters) - HANOI - A court in Vietnam has jailed a man for 14 years for attempting to overthrow the state, in cahoots with a group based in the United States, the Ministry of Public Security said on Wednesday. ...

‘Redefine the skyline’: how Ho Chi Minh City is erasing its heritage

21.01.2019 by Nick Van Mead (The Guardian) - More than a third of the Vietnamese city’s historic buildings have been destroyed over the past 20 years. Can it learn from mistakes made by other fast-growing Asian cities before it is too late? ...

Vietnam’s Politburo clamps down

20.01.2019 Author: David Brown (East Asia Forum) - Nguyen Phu Trong and his proteges have consolidated their command of Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party and its government. ...

Second Trump-Kim summit to take place in Vietnam: report

20.01.2019 By Brett Samuels (The Hill) - President Trump's second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is slated to take place in Vietnam next month, Bloomberg reported Sunday ...

Hun Sen turns to China as Cambodia-EU relations cool

20.01.2019 (RFI) - Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen has begun a four-day visit to China amidst cooling relations with Brussels. China is a long-term backer of Cambodia, supporting it against Vietnam under Khmer Rouge rule, and more recently it is interested in Cambodia's strategic position in southeast Asia. ...

Vietnam artists seek 'liberation' from cybersecurity law

18.01.2019 Author Sonia Sarkar (DW) - Vietnamese authorities have recently passed a law requiring social media censorship of "anti-state" content. Dissident artists and activists fear that their space for expression and protest will soon vanish. Mai Khoi is not afraid to push boundaries in her native Vietnam. Her latest album "Dissent" features titles like "Cuffed In Freedom" and "Re-education Camp." ...

Vietnam: Intensifying Rights Crackdown

18.01.2019 (HRW) - (New York) – Vietnam intensified its systemic suppression of basic civil and political rights during 2018, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2019. ...

What does Vietnam’s new cyber law mean for online dissent?

15.01.2019 Written by Quinn Libson (AsiaNews) - Facebook is in violation of a Vietnamese new cybersecurity law by allowing its users to post content critical of the communist government on its platform, the Ministry of Information and Communication announced on Wednesday of last week. The new legislation requires internet companies to comply with government demands to remove user-posted material it doesn’t like. ...

Viethaus: eine seltsame Geschichte

14.01.2019 Marina Mai (taz) - Mit Kultur machte das Viethaus nicht von sich reden, eher mit Veranstaltungen der Neuen Rechten, mit Mauscheleien und diplomatischen Tricks der Verantwortlichen.

Ende 2018 schloss das Viethaus am Spittelmarkt in Berlin. Das Gebäude, das in den letzten Jahren ein trostloses Dasein gefristet und hauptsächlich als Ort von Veranstaltungen der extremen Rechten Schlagzeilen gemacht hatte, ...

From Tibet to the 'Nine Dragons', Vietnam's Mekong Delta is losing sand

14.01.2019 Mai Nguyen, James Pearson (Reuters) - MO CAY, Vietnam - In the dead of night, the entire front half of shopkeeper Ta Thi Kim Anh’s house collapsed. Perched on the sandy banks of the Mekong River, it took just a few minutes for one half of everything she owned to plunge into its murky depths. ...

Chinese Tourists Are Vital For ASEAN Tourism

14.01.2019 By Veeramalla Anjaiah (Eurasia Review) - Senior business players in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) tourist industry will gather from Jan. 14 to 18 in Ha Long city in Vietnam for the 38th ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) to discuss the sustainable, inclusive and balanced development of tourism in Southeast Asia. ...

From bikes to phones, 'Made in Vietnam' grows with foreign help

13.01.2019 Tomoya Onishi (Nikkei Asian Review) - HANOI -- Vietnamese companies are branching out into new areas, in line with the government's goal of establishing the country as a manufacturing powerhouse by 2020. ...

Mgr Long describes the ordeal of parish land seizure in Ho Chi Minh City

11.01.2019 (AsiaNews) - Sydney - Hundreds of Catholic families from Lộc Hưng have lost everything. Many are poor, students, former prisoners of conscience and South Vietnamese army veterans. “I call on the people of good will, both inside and outside Vietnam, to support the victims of the land seizure in their struggle for justice and dignity,” writes the Bishop of Parramatta (Australia). ...

74 Vietnamese who left tour groups found so far: NIA

11.01.2019 (Focus Taiwan) - Taipei, Jan. 11 (CNA) Half of the 148 Vietnamese who left their tour groups after entering Taiwan last month have been located, the National Immigration Agency (NIA) said Friday. ...

Im Welthandel haben US-Farmer das Nachsehen

11.01.2019 Von Anja Krüger (taz) - Der riesige gemeinsame Binnenmarkt von Australien, Japan, Kanada, Mexiko, Neuseeland und Singapur ist seit dem 30. Dezember Wirklichkeit. Am Montag nun wird Vietnam offiziell beitreten, in Kürze werden Brunei, Chile, Peru und Malaysia folgen. ...

Homes Destroyed, Residents Evicted in Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City

10.01.2019 (RFA) - Authorities in southern Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City have demolished at least 112 houses in a parcel of land claimed by the Catholic Church, forcing many residents from their homes, Vietnamese sources say. ...

Vietnam's 'Cybersecurity' Law Says Little on Security - Law Focuses More on Fighting Anti-Government Speech

10.01.2019 Suparna Goswami (DataBreachToday) - The so-called cybersecurity law actually speaks little about IT security measures and instead focuses on various prohibited acts, such as spreading information that opposes the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. ...

EU: Postpone Vote on Vietnam Free Trade Agreement - Rights Demands Not Met; Intensifying Crackdown

10.01.2019 (HRW) - (Brussels) – The European Parliament and the European Council should postpone the ratification of the proposed EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement until the Vietnamese government takes concrete steps to improve its increasingly abusive human rights record, Human Rights Watch said today. In Vietnam’s latest move to restrict rights, a new draconian cybersecurity law went into effect on January 1, 2019. ...

Vietnamesischer Priester liest in Manila Messen auf Deutsch

10.01.2019 (Philippinen Magazin) - Manila, Philippinen – Nanu? Mitten in Manila feiert ein vietnamesischer Priester regelmäßig mit deutschen Gottesdienstbesuchern die Heilige Messe – in fließendem Deutsch. Weil er etwas zurückgeben möchte. Dahinter steckt eine besondere Geschichte. ...

Despite Assurances, Vietnam Arrests Returned Asylum Seekers

10.01.2019 Written by Carmen Munir, Sluchanksy and Ryan Flynn (Diplomatic Courier) - It was a stormy June night in 2016 when Van Huynh loaded a fishing skiff with rice, spices, meat, and fish—provisions that were supposed to be enough to last for a month at sea. ...

Jailed Vietnamese Environmental Activist in Declining Health - Brother

09.01.2019 (RFA) - Jailed Vietnamese activist Hoang Duc Binh is suffering back pain, rashes from poor hygiene and failing eyesight from being in a dark cell in a prison in Quang Nam province, his brother told RFA’s Vietnamese service on Wednesday. ...

Facebook rebuts Vietnam claims over alleged illegal content

09.01.2019 (The State) - HANOI, VIETNAM - Facebook was defending itself Wednesday against allegations that it allows illegal content in violation of Vietnam's new cybersecurity law. ...

Vietnam acusa a Facebook de violar la ley de ciberseguridad del país

09.01.2019 (La Vanguardia) - HANÓI (Reuters/EP) - Las autoridades de Vietnam han acusado este miércoles a la compañía Facebook de violar la controvertida ley de ciberseguridad del país al permitir a los usuarios difundir comentarios antigubernamentales a través de su plataforma, según han informado medios locales. ...

Vietnam wirft Facebook Verstöße gegen Gesetz zur Kontrolle des Internets vor

09.01.2019 (Deutschland Today) - Hanoi (AFP) - Vietnam wirft dem sozialen Netzwerk Facebook Verstöße gegen sein neues Cybersicherheitsgesetz vor. ...

Der Übersetzer des Papstes

08.01.2019 Von Dietrich Mittler (SZ) - Hong-Lam Pham kam 1980 als Flüchtling nach Bayern. Der gläubige Christ hat im Laufe der Jahre mehrere Werke Benedikts XVI. ins Vietnamesische übertragen. ...

Made in... Vietnam? Wie chinesische Firmen Trump austricksen und die US-Strafzölle umgehen

07.01.2019 (Focus) - dpa - Tausende chinesische Firmen leben seit fast einem Jahr mit Strafzöllen der USA. In der Zeit haben sie kreative Methoden entwickelt, Gesetzeslücken zu finden, um die Sonderabgaben zu umgehen. Die meisten bewegen sich in einer rechtlichen Grauzone. ...

How Vietnam lost and China won Cambodia

07.01.2019 By David Hutt (Asia Times) - Forty years ago today, some 100,000 Vietnamese soldiers accompanied by almost 20,000 Cambodian defectors marched into Phnom Penh to overthrow the radical Maoist Khmer Rouge regime.

“It’s clear that while Vietnam invaded Cambodia, it’s China that won Cambodia ...

Vor 40 Jahren endete die Terrorherrschaft der Roten Khmer in Kambodscha – doch für den Westen standen die Befreier auf der falschen Seite

07.01.2019 Manfred Rist, Singapur (NZZ) - Im Jahrzehnt nach der Vertreibung des Pol-Pot-Regimes aus Kambodscha wurde das südostasiatische Land zum Spielball der Grossmächte. Die Hauptrollen hatten dabei die USA, Vietnam, China und – bis zu ihrem Zerfall – die Sowjetunion. ...

Schmeicheleien am Arbeitsplatz verboten

05.01.2019 (Der Farang) - HANOI (dpa) - In Vietnam dürfen Regierungsbeamte ihren Vorgesetzten künftig nicht mehr schmeicheln. Die Regierung habe ein Verbot erlassen, dass das Komplimente-Machen am Arbeitsplatz verbiete, ...

Vietnam’s Controversial Cybersecurity Law Spells Tough Times for Activists

04.01.2019 By Thoi Nguyen (The Diplomat) - On the first day of 2019, Vietnamese dissidents, human rights activists, and bloggers weren’t celebrating – they were worrying about the new cybersecurity law that went into effect that same day in Vietnam. ...

Latest Count: Vietnam Holds 244 Prisoners of Conscience

03.01.2019 (NOW! Campaign) - According to the NOW! Campaign, an initiative involving 14 international and Vietnamese civil society organizations, the government of Vietnam is holding at least 244 in prisons or similar forms of detention compared to 165 cases in November 2017, when the campaign was launched. ...

Is Vietnam’s ivory trade fuelling the elephant poaching crisis?

03.01.2019 By Mongabay (Asian Correspondent) - VIETNAM’s illegal ivory markets are still thriving, according to a new report by TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network. ...

Japan most popular choice for Vietnamese labourers

03.01.2019 (Bangkok Post) - HANOI: Japan became the most popular destination for Vietnamese migrant labourers in 2018 following five years in the second spot after Taiwan, the Vietnamese government said on Wednesday. ...

Vietnam Bottled Water Market to 2023 - Increasing Demand for Safe and Clean Drinking Water

03.01.2019 (Research and Markets) - Vietnam bottled water market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 11% to reach $ 717 million by 2023, on account of deteriorating water quality in many areas of the country, which is resulting in increasing demand for safe and clean drinking water. ...

Von Russland gelieferte T-90S-Panzer in Vietnam gesichtet – Militärportal

03.01.2019 (Sputnik) - Im Netz sind Fotos aufgetaucht, auf denen zu sehen ist, dass die erste Partie russischer T-90S-Panzer nach Vietnam geliefert wurde. Darüber schreibt das Militärportal bmpd. ...

Former Vietnamese boat person shares his 'impossible dream' in new book

03.01.2019 Kevin Yarr (CBC News) - Thien Tang was born in the middle of the Vietnam War. It ended as he entered his teenage years, but his troubles were only just beginning. Tang has now published a book, The Other Side of the Sun, about his experience. A book dedicated to those who cannot tell their stories ...

Südchinesisches Meer: China in der Nationalismusfalle

02.01.2019 Sascha Zhivkov (Zeit) - Um seinen Anspruch auf das Südchinesische Meer zu bekräftigen, hat Chinas Regierung ein nationalistisches Geschichtsbild aufgebaut. Das könnte gefährlich werden. ...

Cybersécurité: une loi draconienne entre en vigueur au Vietnam

02.01.2019 (informaticien) - Une loi obligeant les entreprises de l'internet à supprimer tout contenu jugé « toxique » par les autorités communistes est entrée en vigueur mardi au Vietnam, ses critiques dénonçant « un modèle totalitaire de contrôle de l'information ». ...

Hanoi setzt Gesetz zur Internetkontrolle um

01.01.2019 (DW) - In Vietnam ist ein drakonisches Gesetz zur Kontrolle des Internets und seiner Nutzer in Kraft getreten. Unternehmen wie Google und Facebook werden verpflichtet, der Regierung Daten von Nutzern preiszugeben. ...

Communist Vietnamese government enacts strict Internet censorship laws

01.01.2019 Leon Wolf (Blaze) - The communist government of Vietnamese has enacted a series of Internet censorship laws that will help the government monitor and censor what its citizens view online. ...

Vietnam’s new cyber law curbs dissents and business

01.01.2019 By Jan van der Made (RFI) - A law requiring Vietnamese internet companies to remove content deemed "harmful" to the state has come into effect, in a move denounced by critics as "a totalitarian model of information control". ...

Film + Diskussion 09.01.2020

„Đừng Sợ! Hab keine Angst!“

Der Film verdeutlicht, wie die 2016 durch eine Stahlfabrik verursachte Umweltkrise in Vietnam den Kampf um eine unabhängige Zivilgesellschaft formte.

Der Film „Đừng Sợ! Hab keine Angst!“ (32 Minuten auf vietnamesisch mit englischen Untertiteln) der Umweltorganisation Green Trees Vietnam dokumentiert die Entwicklung einer unabhängigen Zivil-gesellschaft in dem südostasiatischen Land.


Wann: Do., 09.01.2020, 19 Uhr

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