
Home - Trang đầu 2014/04



Europa: Übereinkommen zu Zwangsarbeit aktualisieren

30.04.2014 (HRW) - (Berlin) – Europäische Regierungen sollen den Tag der Arbeit am 1. Mai 2014 zum Anlass nehmen, um ihr Engagement für neue, rechtsverbindliche Normen zur Prävention von Zwangsarbeit sowie zum Schutz und zur Entschädigung von Opfern zu unterstreichen, so Human Rights Watch. Nach Schätzungen der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) sind weltweit 20,9 Millionen Frauen, Männer und Kinder in Zwangsarbeit gefangen. ... 

Europe : Il faut mettre à jour la convention sur le travail forcé

30.04.2014 (HRW) - (Berlin) – Les gouvernements européens devraient marquer la Fête du Travail, le 1er mai 2014, en s’engageant à mettre en place des normes juridiquement contraignantes pour prévenir le travail forcé et pour protéger et indemniser les victimes, a déclaré Human Rights Watch aujourd'hui. L'Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT) estime que 20,9 millions de femmes, d’hommes et d’enfants sont victimes du travail forcé dans le monde entier. ... 

Europa debe modificar el tratado sobre trabajo forzado

30.04.2014 (HRW) - (Berlín) – El 1 de mayo de 2014, los gobiernos europeos deberían celebrar el Día del Trabajo expresando un compromiso de adoptar normas jurídicamente vinculantes para prevenir el trabajo forzado, y proteger y resarcir a las víctimas, señaló hoy Human Rights Watch. La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) calcula que 20,9 millones de mujeres, hombres y niños en todo el mundo están en situación de trabajo forzado. ... 

Europe: Update Treaty on Forced Labor

29.04.2014 (HRW) - (Berlin) – European governments should mark Labor Day on May 1, 2014, with a commitment to create legally binding standards to prevent forced labor and to protect and compensate victims, Human Rights Watch said today. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 20.9 million women, men, and children are trapped in forced labor worldwide. ... 

Vietnam’s Blogosphere Poses Big Challenge to State Media, Activists Say

29.04.2014 By Rachel Vandenbrink (RFA) - Vietnam’s blogosphere is posing a big challenge to state media as social media grows in popularity and government-sanctioned newspapers lose readership, a group of Vietnamese citizen journalists and digital activists told U.S. lawmakers at a meeting in Washington Tuesday. ... 

Rights activists say Vietnamese trafficking victims forced to grow marijuana in Europe

29.04.2014 Author: Rachel Browne (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - TORONTO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A Vietnamese grandmother doing time in an Irish prison is the face of a recent trend in human trafficking, human rights activists say. She was lured from her rural village in Vietnam in 2012 with promises of a good job in Europe taking care of children. ...

Vietnam border shoot-out raises Uighur questions

29.04.2014 By Nga Pham (BBC) - Last weekend Thai authorities said they had arrested a group of 16 suspected illegal migrants thought to be Uighurs from Xinjiang, China. The arrests came days after a violent incident on the border between Vietnam and China in which seven people died. ...

RWB publishes profiles of “100 information heroes”

29.04.2014 (Reporters Without Borders) - For the first time ever, Reporters Without Borders is publishing a list of profiles of “100 information heroes” for World Press Freedom Day (3 May). Through their courageous work or activism, these “100 heroes” help to promote the freedom enshrined in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the freedom to “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” They put their ideals in the service of the common good. They serve as examples. ...

RSF publie la liste des “100 héros de l’information”

29.04.2014 (Reporters sans frontières) - A l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse 2014, Reporters sans frontières (RSF) publie pour la première fois une liste de “100 héros de l’information”.

Dotés d’un courage exemplaire, ces “100 héros” contribuent, par leur travail ou leur combat, à promouvoir la liberté prévue par l’article 19 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, celle de “chercher, de recevoir et de répandre, sans considérations de frontières, les informations et les idées par quelque moyen d’expression que ce soit”. Les “100 héros” mettent leur idéal “au service du bien commun”. A ce titre, ils ont valeur d’exemple. ...

RSF publica la lista de los “100 héroes de la información”

29.04.2014 (Reporteros sin Fronteras) - Con ocasión del Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa 2014, Reporteros sin Fronteras (RSF) publica por primera vez una lista de “100 héroes de la información”.

Dotados de un valor ejemplar, estos “100 héroes” contribuyen por su lucha o su trabajo a promover la libertad, contemplada en el artículo 19 de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, de “investigar y recibir informaciones y opiniones, y de difundirlas, sin limitación de fronteras, por cualquier medio de expresión”. Los “100 héroes” ponen su ideal “al servicio del bien común”. Y por ello, tienen el valor del ejemplo. ...

Greenwald bis Tat: 100 "Helden der Pressefreiheit"

29.04.2014 (derStandard.at) - Paris/Wien - Vor dem Welttag der Pressefreiheit am kommenden Samstag hat Reporter ohne Grenzen 100 "Helden der Pressefreiheit" aus 65 Ländern aufgelistet und porträtiert. "Wir wollen die Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Unerschrockenen lenken. Gerade in repressiven Staaten leisten sie einen unermesslichen Beitrag für die Entwicklung ihrer Gesellschaften", so ROG-Österreich-Präsidentin Rubina Möhring. Bekannte Namen finden sich in der - beispielhaften und naturgemäß unvollständigen - Liste. Auch der katholischen Priester Le Ngoc Thanh aus Vietnam ...

A message from son of Vietnam blogger Nguyen Van Hai

29.04.2014 By Bob Dietz/CPJ Asia Program Coordinator (CPJ) - In preparation for today's Congressional Briefing on Media Freedom in Vietnam, organized by members of the U.S. House of Representatives and featuring a panel of Vietnamese bloggers and others, CPJ has been in close contact with the family of Nguyen Van Hai, a blogger who has been in jail since 2008. We have also met with several other bloggers from Vietnam, some of whom are in Washington, D.C. today. ...

Vietnamese Women for Human Rights call for the unconditional release of Do Thi Minh Hanh, Ta Phong Tan and Ho Thi Bich Khuong

28/04/2014 (PNNQVN) Translation by Chan Minh (Defend The Defenders) - Under great pressure from the US on its human rights record, utterly powerless to stop and reverse the accelerating decline of the anemic economy, and unable to reach out and join the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty, the Government of Vietnam (GVN) recently considered its options and did something it hasn’t done in long time. It released five well known prisoners of conscience well ahead of their jail terms. The released prisoners of conscience are: MM. Cu Huy Ha Vu, Nguyen Tien Trung, Vi Đac Hoi, Đinh Đong Đinh and Nguyen Huu Cau. ...

Painful memories at Tiananmen museum

28.04.2014 Beatrice Siu (The Standard) - The world's first museum dedicated to the events of June 4 in Tiananmen Square 25 years ago brought back painful memories for some visitors. Among them was Beijing resident David Chan who visited the June 4 museum in Tsim Sha Tsui along with his 4-year-old son. ...

Hong Kong: le premier musée commémorant Tiananmen ouvre ses portes

28.04.2014 (Le Nouvel Observateur) - Hong Kong (AFP) - Le premier musée dédié à la répression sanglante sur la place Tiananmen à Pékin en 1989, a été inauguré samedi à Hong Kong, lors d'une cérémonie lourde d'émotion et perturbée par une manifestation pro-chinoise.

L'exposition permanente rend hommage aux victimes de la répression brutale du soulèvement étudiant en faveur de la démocratie les 3 et 4 juin 1989 dans la capitale chinoise. ...

The New Censors of Hanoi

27.04.2014 By Nguyen Qui Duc (The New York Times) - HANOI, Vietnam — More and more state-owned enterprises in Vietnam, from banks to shipbuilders, are being turned over to private hands. Government-run television stations broadcast competing commercials for consumer goods. For some urban families, weekly trips to megamalls and KFC have become de rigueur. In cafes or on social websites, the young show off branded clothes, electronic toys and photos of trips abroad — while in the streets loudspeakers blare out news of party meetings and decrees.

Communism and capitalism make awkward bedfellows, especially when it comes to culture. The government continues to monitor art exhibitions and music shows, films and TV programs, books and CDs. ...

Museum zum Gedenken an Tiananmen-Proteste

27.04.2014 (Südostschweiz) - In Hongkong ist am Samstag ein Museum zum Gedenken an die Tiananmen-Proteste eingeweiht worden. Vor rund 25 Jahren schoss das chinesische Militär auf dem Pekinger Platz des Himmlischen Friedens (Tiananmen) auf Demonstranten. Auf knapp 75 Quadratmetern werden im Museum vor allem Videos und Fotos der damaligen Ereignisse gezeigt, darunter auch die berühmte Aufnahme von einem Mann in weissem Hemd, der sich todesmutig einer Reihe von Panzern entgegenstellt. ...

World's first Tiananmen museum opens in Hong Kong

27.04.2014 (The Sydney Morning Herald) - Hong Kong: The world's first museum dedicated to the Tiananmen Square crackdown has opened in Hong Kong with an emotive ceremony and protests from pro-China demonstrators.

Almost 25 years after Chinese authorities' brutal repression of pro-democracy protesters in Beijing, the permanent exhibition is one of the only places in China where the massacre of June 3-4, 1989, can be commemorated. ...

Abre en Hong Kong el primer museo dedicado a la masacre de Tiananmen

27.04.2014 (Euronews) - A poco más de un mes del vigésimo quinto aniversario de la masacre de Tiananmen, un museo dedicado a la represión de los estudiantes chinos en 1989 acaba de ser inaugurado en Hong Kong, uno de los pocos oasis de libertad de expresión en China, donde cualquier referencia a este hecho histórico está prohibida. Para los que crecieron en la China continental los hechos relatados son algo nuevo: “Aquí he aprendido sobre la situación día a día de los estudiantes”, decía una de las primeras visitantes.  ...

Hanoi: 1000 police suppressed Duong Noi farmers and kidnapped Mrs. Cấn Thị Thêu

26.04.2014 CTV Danlambao/Translated by Danlambao's reader - In the early hours of April 25, 2014, the authorities mobilized forces up to 1000 troops to start operation of land confiscation and suppression of farmers who were trying to keep their land in Duong Noi (Ha Dong District, Hanoi).  ...

Viet Nam – lift retaliatory travel restrictions on human rights defender

25.04.2014 (ICJ) - The ICJ today called on the government of Viet Nam to immediately return human rights defender Pham Chi Dung’s passport so he can travel to the United States to testify before Congress later this month.

Representatives Loretta Sanchez and Zoe Lofgren have invited Pham Chi Dung to testify before the US. Congress about media freedom on 29 April 2014. He’s also scheduled to speak at a seminar of non-governmental organizations in Washington D.C. on 1 May 2014 called “Towards a Free Media in Viet Nam.”  ...

Vietnam Bars Bloggers From Attending U.S. Congressional Briefing

25.04.2014 (RFA) - Three Vietnamese bloggers have been barred from traveling to testify at a U.S. congressional briefing in Washington next week and attend a series of events to mark World Press Freedom Day, rights groups say, criticizing the authoritarian government in Hanoi for attempting to curtail a vibrant netizen movement in the country. ...

Vietnam Court Suspends Ruling on Corruption Death Sentence

25.04.2014 Tra Mi (VOA) - The high profile corruption case of a Vietnamese shipping executive has taken another unexpected turn, with an appeals court in Hanoi questioning the defendants instead of ruling on their sentences.

Duong Chi Dung, former chairman of the Vietnam National Shipping Lines (Vinalines), was convicted and sentenced to death late last year for stealing $1.6 million and then fleeing the country to avoid prosecution. ...

Fotos für die Pressefreiheit 2014: Einladung zur Buchpräsentation mit André Vieira (Brasilien) am 2. Mai 2013 in Berlin

25.04.2014 (ROG) -Zum Internationalen Tag der Pressefreiheit am 3. Mai veröffentlicht Reporter ohne Grenzen das Buch „Fotos für die Pressefreiheit 2014“. Der diesjährige Band zum 20-jährigen Bestehen der deutschen ROG-Sektion stellt die Arbeiten renommierter Fotografen in den Mittelpunkt, die Bilder aus ihren Heimatländern zeigen. Oft lenken sie den Blick auf Aspekte ihrer Gesellschaften, über die die Mächtigen nur ungern sprechen. ... 

Report on Violations of Freedom of Religion by the Government of Vietnam for First Quarter of 2014

24.04.2014 (VRNs) - Saigon - From January 1st through March 31st of 2014, there had been numerous cases of violations of freedom of religion by offices in the Vietnamese government system upon individuals and religious organizations.


Report on Violations of Freedom of Religion by the Government of Vietnam

Report Numbered 01/2014 for First Quarter of 2014  ...  - [tiếng Việt]

Why Can’t Vietnam Grow Better Rice?

Although the country is a major rice exporter, the industry suffers from quality issues

24.04.2014 By Elisabeth Rosen (The Diplomat) - Rice has been Vietnam’s staple food for more than a thousand years. Today, the government designates 3.8 million hectares for growing the grain; this quota represents nearly half the total land for agricultural production. About one-third of the annual harvest is shipped overseas. With India and Thailand, Vietnam is one of the world’s top three rice exporters. Last year, the country earned nearly $3 billion from selling rice overseas. ...

Apple's sales boom in communist Vietnam

24.04.2014 (fin24) - Hanoi - Communist Vietnam is suddenly Apple Inc's hottest market after sales there tripled in its fiscal first half, a growth rate five times faster than in India where it is spending heavily in a battle for market share. ...

Vietnam Measles Outbreak ‘Could Have Been Prevented’: WHO

23.04.2014 (RFA) - The World Health Organization chief in Vietnam said the deadly measles outbreak in the country could have been prevented through a more effective vaccination program, but added that the authorities have strengthened their capability to contain the crisis.

Doctors say that more than 7,000 children have been affected by the highly contagious virus since it resurfaced in Vietnam late last year, while at least 127 have died—nearly all of whom were located in the capital Hanoi and other nearby localities. ...

Parents slam government as measles outbreak kills 123 children in Vietnam

23.04.2014 (AsiaNews) Hanoi - The country's Health Ministry comes in for criticism for hiding the extent of the outbreak and failing to take appropriate action. Health Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien dismisses fear-mongers, claims "only" 25 children have died so far. Some 3,430 cases have been confirmed with an additional 5,800 suspected.

A possible measles outbreak has been reported in Vietnam after 123 children were reportedly killed by the disease. This in turn has sparked a wave of popular discontent with the government's response, deemed inadequate by many. ...

Vietnam, epidemia de sarampión mata a 123 niños. Los padres atacan al gobierno

23.04.2014 (AsiaNews) Hanói - En la mira el ministerio de la Salud, que habría escondido la situación, en lugar de intervenir. El ministro Nguyen Thi Kim Tien minimiza y habla de "solo" 25 víctimas. Por el momento hay 3.430 casos confirmados y más de 5.800 sospechosos. La Oms sigue de cerca la evolución de la situación. Padres alarmados toman por asalto los hospitales. ...

Amerikaner wegen Heroinhandels zum Tode verurteilt

23.04.2014 (NZZ) - (ap) Ein Gericht in Vietnam hat gegen einen amerikanischen Bürger wegen Heroinhandels die Todesstrafe verhängt. Wie die Zeitung «Liberated Saigon» am Mittwoch berichtete ...

Vietnam sentences American man to death for heroin

22.04.2014 (The Associated Press) - HANOI, Vietnam - State media say a court in Vietnam has sentenced an American to death for heroin trafficking.

The Liberated Saigon newspaper says Jason Dinh, 41, was convicted of trafficking 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of heroin at a one-day trial by Ho Chi Minh City's People's Court on Tuesday. ...

Why China fears the Putin precedent

22.04.2014 John Lee (Business Spectator)- In a visit to Japan last week for discussions with some officials in the Shinzo Abe administration, the topic of Russia’s virtual annexation of Crimea was frequently raised by my Japanese hosts. Although Japan has few interests in that part of the world, the prospect of a military power using force – or at least the threat of it – to seize control of territory claimed and administered by another country is not a worry unique to the former Soviet Union republics. As we all know, Japan has a dispute with China over areas in the East China Sea. China is also in disagreement with the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia over areas in the South China Sea, and with India in Arunachal Pradesh. ...

How the Vietnamese Government is Using Its Political Prisoners to Gain Leverage

22.04.2014 By Leila Chacko (Amnesty International USA) - In the past couple of weeks, Viet Nam has released 3 prominent prisoners of conscience: Nguyen Tien Trung, Vi Duc Hoi and Cu Huy Ha Vu.

The release of the 3 prisoners seems, at first glance, to be a step in the right direction for human rights. But, is this Viet Nam playing the old “shell game?” Viet Nam plays its shell game by having revolving prison doors. The government moves prisoners of conscience in and out of prison, whenever it seems like a favorable move. ...

Kontum: Easter among Vietnamese Catholics is stronger than Communist repression

22.04.2014 by TT (AsiaNews) - For many communities in the diocese, Christmas and Easter are the only time when they can attend Mass. The local bishop celebrated Mass in a private home because the local administration has not allowed the construction of a place of worship. He performed the rite of the 'Washing of the Feet' to 100 people, including women and children. ...

After blocking Philippine supply ship, China blocks fishermen from disputed shoal, marine says

22.04.2014 By Jim Gomez, The Associated Press (canada.com) - MANILA, Philippines - Chinese coast guard vessels repeatedly blocked or chased Filipino and Vietnamese fishermen from a disputed shoal where they previously had only tried to block military supply runs, a Philippine marine officer said Tuesday. ...

Kontum: la Pascua de vietnamitas católicos, más fuerte que la represión de las autoridades comunistas

22.04.2014 de TT (AsiaNews) - Para muchas comunidades de la diócesis, Navidad y Pascua son las únicas maneras para que participen en la misa. El obispo celebró la misa en una casa particular, debido a que la administración local impide la construcción de un lugar de culto. Se ha realizado el rito del lavatorio de los pies para 100 fieles, entre ellos mujeres y niños. ...

Tensiones de China y vecinos planean en el encuentro de Armadas del Pacífico

22.04.2014 (Univision) - Pekín (EFE).- Unos 140 delegados de 25 fuerzas navales de Asia-Pacífico abrieron hoy en el puerto oriental chino de Qingdao un encuentro con el que buscan mayores consensos en la región, aunque sobre las reuniones planean una vez más las tensiones marítimas entre China y sus vecinos asiáticos, especialmente Japón.  ...

Murder at the China-Vietnam Border

21.04.2014 Written by Rose Tang (Asia Sentinel) - I was speechless for a long time today, looking at a photo my Vietnamese Facebook friend Henry Pham shared with me of several bodies slumped on three small carts like sandbags, some with their hands tied at their backs. A dozen people stood a few meters away looking on.

According to official press on both sides of the Vietnam-China border, five Chinese were killed along with two Vietnamese border guards Friday in a confrontation that began when the border guards sought to stop 16 Chinese from entering Vietnam illegally. According to the official media, some of the detainees grabbed assault rifles from the guards and started shooting. The border guards allegedly shot back, killing the interlopers.  But pictures taken at the border showed some of the dead were already handcuffed.  ...

Authorities in Vietnam Incite Villagers to Attack Christian Converts

15.04.2014 (Morning Star News) – Inciting social hostility appears to have become a key way government officials in rural Vietnam try to contain, or at least slow, the growth of Christianity among ethnic minorities, sources said. Ethnic Hmong Christians were the targets of two incidents the past two months in Vietnam’s northwest. Village officials in Son La Province dragged a couple from their home in late March, and the previous month authorities in neighboring Dien Bien Province incited a mob to beat a Christian family – including a 9-year-old girl – and drive them from the village.  ...

Airport Border Gate’s Colonel: “I am law!”

14.04.2014 Cui CacTruong Hoa Minh (Blog Cùi Các) - “I am law!”- Such are the words uttered by Senior Lieutenant Colonel of Vietnam’s Public Security Force Vu Xuan Ai when he responded while on duty to Ms. Huyen Trang, a reporter from the Vietnamese Redemptorists’ News (VRNs), who was prohibited from leaving the country at Tan Son Nhat border gate in Ho Chi Minh city last Saturday. ...

Biodiversity - Vietnam uses ecological engineering to save rice

21.04.2014 Marianne Brown (Deutsche Welle) - Inside 30 years Vietnam has gone from importing rice to becoming the world’s second largest rice exporter. Over-use of pesticides is damaging the environment, but farmers in the Mekong Delta say they've found a solution.

There is a hint of gold in the verdant rice fields that fill the horizon in Kien Giang province - a sign for the farmers here in the south west of Vietnam’s Mekong Delta that harvesting time is not far away. But along the paths between the paddies, known as bunds, there are also neat row of speckled color - yellow, orange and purple nectar flowers - that are not part of the typical pastoral scene here.  ...

Vietnam Detains 21 More Migrants

20.04.2014 By James Hookway and Nguyen Pham Muoi (The Wall Street Journal) - HANOI—Vietnamese security forces intercepted 21 illegal migrants attempting to cross from China by sea just hours after a clash with another group of migrants left seven people dead, state media reported on Sunday. The reports have put new focus on how some Chinese migrants appear to view Southeast Asia as a conduit to a new life overseas. Five Chinese nationals and two Vietnamese border guards died in the initial confrontation on Friday. ...

Developing the wrong kind of port

20.04.2014 Michael Pinto (Smartinvestor.in) - Vietnam has suddenly woken up to a new and unusual problem. On its 3,400 kilometre-long coastline, along one of the busiest sea routes it is dismayed to find that its policy of encouraging the establishment of more and more ports has only led to overcapacity, and has put a question mark over its ability to attract the sort of high-value manufacturing that depends on efficient logistics systems. Almost every province along the coast has managed to grab a port project, and the Vietnamese government has projected private investment of more than $32 billion until 2020 to develop transport infrastructure. ...

Deadly Clash Reported on Border of China and Vietnam

19.04.2014 By Edward Wong (The New York Times) - BEIJING — Five Chinese civilians and two Vietnamese border guards died Friday during a clash between Vietnamese border guards and Chinese citizens who were trying to enter Vietnam illegally, according to official Vietnamese news reports on Friday and Saturday. ...

Vietnam moves towards a green economy

19.04.2014 (The Malay Mail Online) - HANOI, April 19 — Vietnam needs to continue studying and perfecting relevant mechanisms and policies while learning from the experiences of other countries in moving towards a green economy, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported citing the Nhan Dan (People) online newspaper. Green economy is still a relatively new concept in Vietnam, requiring study and the popularisation of related knowledge to leaders, policymakers, enterprises and residents. ...

Une épidémie de rougeole meurtrière touche le Vietnam

19.04.2014 (Romandie) - Une épidémie meurtrière de rougeole a déjà tué, depuis le début de l'année, au moins 112 personnes, principalement des enfants de moins de 10 ans, a annoncé le ministère de la Santé. Elle en a contaminé des milliers d'autres. ...

Chinesischer Flüchtling erschoss in Vietnam sieben Menschen

18.04.2014 (ORF) - Ein chinesischer Flüchtling hat bei seiner Abschiebung aus dem Nachbarland Vietnam sechs Menschen erschossen und sich dann selbst getötet. ...

Vietnam: 7 morts à la frontière chinoise

18.04.2014 (Le Figaro) - Sept personnes ont été tuées aujourd'hui dans une fusillade entre des garde-frontières vietnamiens et des migrants chinois illégaux à un point de passage isolé entre la Chine et le Vietnam, ont annoncé les autorités vietnamiennes.  ...

Leading the Way: Vietnam’s Push for Gay Rights

Is one of Asia’s most repressive states paving the way for gay marriage?

18.04.2014 By David Mann (The Diplomat) - Ngan and Huong have been together for 10 years. Although both are originally from the countryside, each moved to the more liberal Ho Chi Minh City for university. It was here, over an iced coffee between lectures, that they first met. “We realized there was a spark straight away,” Ngan, aged 31, says. “It was like everything suddenly clicked into place.”

After secretly dating for a year, both eventually summoned the courage to come out to their respective parents. Ultimately, a lack of understanding from loved ones forced the couple to move in together in 2005. But despite living together for the last nine years, their relationship isn’t recognized under Vietnamese law. ...

Indeed, international human rights groups acknowledge that the CPV may be trying to exploit recent progress on gay rights as a means of “rainbow washing” its questionable record.  ...

Les récentes libérations anticipées de dissidents signifient-elles un changement de politique des autorités vietnamiennes?

18.04.2014 (Églises d'Asie) - Le plus ancien prisonnier politique du Vietnam, Nguyên Huu Câu, avait purgé 37 années de détention quand il a été libéré le 21 mars dernier. Les autorités vietnamiennes ont-elles résolu de changer d’attitude ? Toujours est-il qu’au cours de la semaine dernière, elles ont procédé à la libération anticipée de plusieurs prisonniers politiques, tous condamnés pour avoir exprimé publiquement une opinion critique sur le régime. Le docteur en droit Cu Huy Ha Vu a été libéré, bien avant le terme de sa peine, le 7 avril dernier. Deux autres dissidents bien connus, Nguyên Tiên Trung et Vi Duc Hôi, sont également sortis de prison, le 11 avril, avant l’expiration de leur peine.  ...

Mehr als 100 Kinder sterben bei Masern-Ausbruch

18.04.2014 (Hannoversche Allgemeine) - Bei einem Masern-Ausbruch in Vietnam sind seit Anfang des Jahres mindestens 112 Kinder gestorben. Das berichtete das Nachrichtenportal „Tuoitrenews“ am Freitag unter Berufung auf das Gesundheitsministerium.  ... 

Isabelle Poujol: «Ces photographies sont parfois le seul témoignage de ces édifices disparus du Vietnam»

18.04.2014 Dominique Poiret (Liberation) - A l'occasion d'une exposition qui rassemble, à Paris, les photographies prise par l'Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient au Vietnam au début du XXe siècle, rencontre avec la co-comissaire du musée Cernuschi.  ... 

Die gekaufte Braut

13.04.2014 Von Khue Pham (Die Zeit) - Südkorea hat dasselbe Problem wie Deutschland: Es gibt zu wenige Kinder. Statt auf Elterngeld und Kitaplätze setzt Korea darauf, heiratswillige Frauen aus Vietnam ins Land zu holen – wie die 23 Jahre alte Mai.  ...  - [tiếng Việt]

State of Political Blogging in Vietnam

16.04.2014 Written by Mong Palatino (GlobalVoices) - Doan Trang observed that a growing number of Vietnamese bloggers have been tackling human rights and other political issues by. But only few are writing in English  ...

La situation du blogging politique au Vietnam

16.04.2014 Ecrit par Mong Palatino, Traduit par Claire Ulrich (GlobalVoices) - Doan Trang remarque qu'un nombre croissant de blogueurs vietnamiens s'attaquent à la question des droits humains, ainsi qu'à d'autres sujets politiques ... Mais quelques uns seulement de ces blogueurs publient en anglais  ...

The trade in rhino horn: asset stripping on an apocalyptic scale

17.04.2014 Paula Kahumbu with Andrew Halliday (The Guardian) - The South African government’s plan to legalise rhino horn sales will simply make life easier for the organised crime cartels that are exterminating the species.

What is happening in South Africa is truly in a league of its own. But the fact is that, of the 200 South African rhino hunts in 2013, only 15 were genuine hunts. The rest were rhinos shot by mostly Vietnamese ‘pseudo hunters’, who pay for the privilege of trophy hunting but have no intention of ever mounting their trophy on a wall.  ...

Rising unemployment among bachelor degree holders in Vietnam

17.04.2014 (china.org.cn) - There is now an increasing number of unemployed college graduates in Vietnam, which shows a wide gap between the number of graduates and the actual manpower requirements of Vietnamese business establishments.

Statistics from the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) showed that for the first three months of 2014, the rate of unemployed college and university graduates, aged between 20 and 24, has increased by 20.75 percent year on year. ...

Chinese cell phone brands to dominate Vietnamese market in coming years

17.04.2014 By Nguyen Thi Ngan (Shanghai Daily) - HANOI, April 17 (Xinhua) -- Chinese brands of cell phones will dominate Vietnamese market in the near future not only because they are cheaper but also because of their excellent quality, according to a top official of a Chinese global mobile phone manufacturing firm. According to the director, who requested anonymity, his firm is now putting in the Vietnamese market with cheap and reliable mobile phones and smart phones. ...

Measles Outbreak Kills More Than 100 in Vietnam

17.04.2014 Tra Mi (VOA) - A measles outbreak sweeping through Vietnam is now blamed for 108 deaths, many of them children, far more than the 25 reported by the Health Ministry just last week.

Vietnam however, has yet to declare the disease an epidemic despite an online outcry and appeals from health experts, including doctors who met with the minister of health on Wednesday. ...

Menschenrechtler aus Vietnam nicht vergessen

11.04.2014 Martin Patzelt, MdB (Martin Patzelt Newsletter) - Trotz der Haushaltsberatungen tagten weiterhin die Ausschüsse. Ich konnte als Mitglied des Ausschusses für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe ein Gespräch mit Frau Thi Ngoc Minh Tran aus Vietnam, der Mutter einer inhaftierten Menschenrechtlerin, initiieren. ...

Leveraging the TPP for Human Rights in Vietnam

16.04.2014 Written by Khanh Vu Duc (Asia Sentinel) - Hanoi’s recent release of political prisoners is nothing more than a distraction. The US should use the TPP to demand serious reform

Since March, five political prisoners have been released by Hanoi as part of its “policy of leniency.” These dissidents represent the spectrum of those individuals who have been detained by the Vietnamese government. ...

Son of prisoner of conscience Nguyen Xuan Nghia banned from exiting Vietnam

16.04.2014 Phạm Thanh Nghiên (Danlambao) / Translate by Như Ngọc (Danlambao) - Mr. Nguyen Thanh Thuy, 26, son of prisoner of conscience Nguyen Xuan Nghia, is currently detained at Tan Son Nhat Airport. Reportedly, Thuy was accepted for resettlement in the United States. While the staffs of the International Organization of Migration were guiding Thuy with customs procedures, the airport security informed his name is on the list of people banned from exiting Vietnam. ...

Tycoon on trial as Vietnam counts cost of its rogue bankers

Vietnam's banks reel from fraud, bad debt - Dozens face trial for embezzlement during boom years - Economists say regulation, oversight remain weak

16.04.2014 By Nguyen Phuong Linh (Yahoo! - News Finance) - HANOI (Reuters) - A half-dozen shell companies, piles of forged documents, tax dodges, illegal stock trades and 19 bank staff unwittingly complicit in embezzlement on a massive scale.

The indictment against Vietnamese tycoon and former banker Nguyen Duc Kien reads like a "how-to" guide for masterminding fraud in a country with banking oversight so slipshod it brought one of Asia's most promising emerging economies to the brink of crisis. ...

Reforms vital for Vietnamese economy to stay on track

16.04.2014 Author: Suiwah Leung, ANU (East Asia Forum) - After several years of macroeconomic turmoil, 2013 finally saw a return to some semblance of stability in the Vietnamese economy. There is no time to lose.

The government needs to push through significant reforms in key areas in order to lift long-term growth. ...

Vietnam lässt Dissidenten frei

15.04.2014 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Seit Jahren geht die Regierung Vietnams mit Kritikern hart ins Gericht. Jetzt wurden in zwei Wochen gleich drei freigelassen. Experten vermuten, dass Verhandlungen über ein Wirtschaftsabkommen der Grund sind.

Niemand hat damit gerechnet, doch seit Samstag (12.04.2014) ist der vietnamesische Dissident Nguyen Tien Trung frei. Auch Vi Duc Hoi ist seit Freitag (11.04.2014) frei. ... Namhafte Experten im In- und Ausland, wie der emeritierte australische Südostasienwissenschaftler Carlyle Thayer, kritisierten die Verhaftung als Versuch, Regierungskritiker mundtot zu machen. ...

Senator Thanh Hai Ngo hosts Religious Freedom Roundtable at the Senate of Canada

15.04.2014 (Rallying for Democracy) - OTTAWA – On April 11th 2014, the Honourable Senator Thanh Hai Ngo hosted a religious freedom roundtable with numerous religious leaders from the Vietnamese-Canadian community. He was joined by Mrs. Lois Brown, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development, and representatives from the Department of Religious freedom and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada. Members of Vietnamese religious groups representing the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV), Hoa Hao Buddhism, Cao Dai, the Catholic Church of Vietnam, the Montagnard and the Lay Buddhist Group joined in the roundtable discussion of religious freedom in Vietnam. ...

La Commission ‘Justice et Paix’ déplore l’extension du mensonge au sein de la société

15.04.2014 (Églises d'Asie) - Depuis longtemps déjà, aussi bien le discours du magistère catholique que la presse indépendante au Vietnam ont dénoncé la pratique ordinaire au plus haut niveau du mensonge, de la fraude, de la dissimulation de la vérité. Un article paru sur le site Internet de la Commission ‘Justice et Paix’, signé Pierre Nguyên, s’interroge à nouveau à ce sujet (1). Il propose au lecteur « un certain nombre d’hypothèses » susceptibles d’expliquer cette omniprésence oppressante du mensonge au sein de la société vietnamienne d’aujourd’hui. ...

Rising sea levels threaten farmers' livelihoods in Vietnam

14.04.2014 By Nina Tietzel (SBS) - Vietnam's Mekong Delta is one of Asia's most fertile agricultural regions and is frequently referred to as the 'Rice Bowl of Vietnam'. But the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has warned this status is under threat by climate change.

According to IFAD, rising sea levels and increasingly extreme weather are posing serious challenges to farmers in the Mekong Delta, where 60 per cent of the country's rice is grown. ...

600 Euro in Vietnam abgehoben

15.04.2014 (Kleine Zeitung) - Anfang März 2014 wurde in Graz durch widerrechtlich erlangte Kreditkartendaten ein Bankomatkunde geschädigt. 600 Euro wurden in Vietnam abgehoben. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass es noch mehr Geschädigte gibt, weil die widerrechtlichen Behebungen erst später am Kontoauszug ersichtlich sind. ...

Viet Nam: Prisoners of conscience released but dozens remain jailed

14.04.2014 (AI) - The early release in Viet Nam of several prisoners of conscience is welcome, but serves to highlight the situation of at least 70 others who remain jailed for peacefully expressing their opinions, Amnesty International said today. Nguyen Tien Trung, Vi Duc Hoi and Cu Huy Ha Vu have all been released over the past week. ...

Debido a las presiones internacionales, Hanói excarcela a dos activistas pro-democracia

14.04.2014 (AsiaNews) - En los días pasados han dejado la cárcel Nguyen Tien Trung de 31 años y Duc Hoy de 57. Ambos fueron arrestados y condenados por propaganda anti-gobierno y tentativo de derribar al gobierno. En realidad piden sólo un sistema multi-partítico y reforma institucionales. Decisiva la obra diplomática del extranjero. ...

Un ancien étudiant rennais, détenu au Vietnam, vient d'être libéré

14.04.2014 Par Stéphane Grammont (France 3 Bretagne) - Nguyen Tien Trung, diplômé de l'INSA en 2007, avait été mis en prison pour avoir appelé à plus de libertés au Vietnam. Il vient d'être libéré après plus de 4 ans d'enfermement. Il reste en liberté surveillée. ...

Two netizens released from prison, 31 others still held

14.04.2014 (RWB) - Reporters Without Borders is relieved to learn that two netizens who had spent several years in prison – Vi Duc Hoi and Nguyen Tien Trung – were released on 11 and 12 April respectively although they are now assigned to a form of house arrest. ...

Deux net-citoyens sortent de prison, 31 restent en détention

14.04.2014 (RSF) - Reporters sans frontières est soulagée d’apprendre la sortie de prison de Nguyen Tien Trung et Vi Duc Hoi intervenue respectivement le 11 et le 12 avril 2014. Les deux hommes restent cependant assignés à résidence. ...

Le Vietnam libère deux autres célèbres dissidents

14.04.2014 (Le Huffington Post) - Le Vietnam a libéré deux militants politiques célèbres, quelques jours après la libération d'un dissident de premier plan, alors que le régime communiste est sous pression internationale concernant les droits de l'Homme. Le blogueur Nguyen Tien Trung a déclaré lundi à l'AFP que lui-même et Vi Duc Hoi, un ancien responsable du Parti communiste devenu dissident, avaient été libérés samedi. ...  [tiếng Việt]

Wegen Freihandelsabkommen mit USA und EU - Vietnam lässt überraschend zwei Dissidenten frei

14.04.2014 (n-tv) - Überraschend hat die Regierung Vietnams zwei Dissidenten freigelassen. Nguyen Tien Trung war 2010 wegen Umsturzversuchen zu sieben Jahren Haft verurteilt worden, Vi Duc Hoi bekam ein Jahr später acht Jahre Haft wegen "Propaganda gegen den Staat". ...   [tiếng Việt]

Vietnam frees two high-profile dissidents

14.04.2014 (The Malay Mail Online) - HANOI, April 14 — Vietnam has released two political activists, the latest high-profile dissidents to be freed as the communist nation comes under increasing international pressure over its human rights record. Blogger Nguyen Tien Trung told AFP that he and Vi Duc Hoi, a Communist Party official turned democracy campaigner, had been freed on Saturday. ...   [tiếng Việt]

Vietnam libera a otros dos disidentes políticos

14.04.2014 (Martí noticias) - Vietnam, bajo presión internacional para que respete los derechos humanos, liberó este fin de semana a dos conocidos militantes políticos pocos días después de la puesta en libertad de otro destacado disidente. El bloguero Nguyen Tien Trung anunció el lunes a la AFP que había sido liberado el sábado junto a Vi Duc Hoi, un exresponsable del Partido Comunista, que se convirtió en disidente. ...   [tiếng Việt]

Twenty tonnes of giant clams seized from Vietnamese fishermen

14.04.2014 (The Star, Malaysia) - KOTA KINABALU: Dozens of giant clams weighing nearly 20 tonnes were seized from nine Vietnamese fishermen at the Mengalum Island near here on Monday.  ...


   Bài & Tin 2014/04 

Vietnam Frees Two Prominent Dissidents Following Foreign Pressure12.04.2014 (RFA) - Vietnam on Saturday freed two prominent dissidents following international pressure on the one party communist state to improve its human rights record.

Pro-democracy activist Nguyen Tien Trung and writer and blogger Vi Duc Hoi were released after serving up to nearly five years in prison and prior to completion of their full sentences, family members said. ...   [tiếng Việt]

Philippines: Invite all Southeast Asia to Pacific pact

11.04.2014 (The Asahi Shimbun) - WASHINGTON - An U.S.-backed Pacific free trade pact could cause resentment in Southeast Asia as it would leave some nations in the region better positioned to access America's market than others, a top Philippine official said on April 10.

Philippine Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima proposed inviting all 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership  ...

Garnelen wegen Antibiotika zurückgerufen

11.04.2014 (Radio Bremen) - Wegen eines möglicherweise zu hohen Gehalts von Antibiotika hat die Firma "Deutsche See Fischmanufaktur" vier Chargen Riesengarnelen aus dem Sortiment der "Tiefgekühlten Gourmetportionen" zurückgerufen. Ein entsprechender Hinweis sei von Behörden aus Baden-Württemberg gekommen, teilte das Unternehmen in Bremerhaven mit. Laut Verpackungsangaben stammen die Garnelen aus Thailand und Vietnam.  ...

Vietnam Is Getting Better, and Worse

Some see small signs of freedom even as the country moves up the list of top persecutors

10.04.2014 Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (Christianity Today) - Secretary of State John Kerry's December trip to Vietnam was meant to improve relations and urge greater protection of human rights in a country that climbed three spots on a list of the world's worst persecutors of Christians... The 2014 World Watch List, a ranking from Open Doors of the countries that most persecute Christians, put Vietnam at No. 18, up from No. 21 last year.  ...

The Vietnamese Buddhist leader whose temple is his prison

27.03.2014 ucanews reporter (ucanews) - The small temple compound on the edge of downtown Ho Chi Minh City is Thich Quang Do’s world, and has been for more than a decade. The men who perch on motorbikes across the road from the temple are there every day, plain-clothed spooks who keep watch on his every move, logging details about the handful of visitors who come and go each year, and trailing the 87-year-old on the rare occasions he is permitted to leave for hospital.   ...

Vietnamese political prisoner Dinh Dang Dinh dies as a 'son of God'

11.04.2014 (AsiaNews) - Jailed for "anti-state propaganda," the teacher and famous anti-bauxite mining activist developed a tumour behind bars. The authorities eventually released him for medical care, but only when the disease was in its final state. As the end was approaching, he asked to be baptised and become Catholic. Saigon Redemptorists celebrated his funeral in front of a crowd of activists and ordinary people. Before dying from stomach cancer, he wanted to become, as he put it, a 'son of God' by joining the Catholic Church.  ...

Dinh Dang Dinh, detenido político vietnamita, muerto "como hijo de Dios"

11.04.2014 (AsiaNews) - Encarcelado por "propaganda contra el Estado", el famoso profesor y activista contra la minas de bauxila descubre que tiene un tumor. Las autoridades lo liberan, para que se cure, sólo en el estado terminal de la enfermedad. En los últimos días pide ser bautizado y se hace católico. Los redentoristas de Saigón celebran las exequias, delante de una multitud de activistas y ciudadanos. Antes de morir por un cáncer al estómago, quiso ser "hijo de Dios", usando sus propias palabras, haciendo su propio ingreso en la Iglesia católica.  ...

Confronting the suffering in Vietnam's prisons

10.04.2014 By Bob Dietz/CPJ Asia Program Coordinator (CPJ) - Dinh Dang Dinh, a former Vietnamese schoolteacher and blogger, died on April 3 from cancer of the stomach. Near death, he had been released from his six-year prison sentence on March 21, and allowed to return home to die in Dak Nong province in Vietnam's Central Highlands. His crime, to which he had pled not guilty, had been to blog about corruption and environmental issues.  ...

Vietnam releases high-profile dissident

09.04.2014 (The West Australian) - Hanoi (AFP) - One of Vietnam's most prominent dissidents, who was jailed after trying to sue the prime minister, has been freed and has left for the United States, a US official said Tuesday. The release of the 55-year-old, who last year staged a hunger strike to draw attention to his treatment in jail, followed intense campaigning by rights groups and foreign governments.  ...

Land grab victims assaulted at public office in Hanoi

09/04/2014 Như Ngọc (Danlambao) - On the morning of April 8, 2014, several land grab victims were brutally beaten and strangled by plainclothes police and regime-hired thugs while waiting to file petitions at the “People’s Reception Center” at 1 Ngo Thoi Nhiem Street in Hanoi, RFA’s Vietnamese service reported. Victims of the assault were among a group of more than 50 poor and landless farmers from various provinces across the country coming to the capital to file petitions and complaints.  ...

Increasing demand for organic rice in Vietnam

08.04.2014 (DAP-News) - Demand for organic rice is on the rise in Vietnam despite its higher prices, local media reported Tuesday.

The rice has become more popular for several reasons, including clear labels of origin and production that follows organic standards or national and international standards like VietGap and GlobalGap.  ...

As Vietnam stretches rubber output, risk of price war grows

08.04.2014 By Lewa Pardomuan and Ho Binh Minh (Reuters) - After years of massive expansion, tearing up forests and swallowing land in neighboring countries to create rubber plantations, Vietnam is reaping what it sowed: a swelling of output that has made it the third-largest rubber producer.  ...

Vietnamese restaurant charges full price for set lunch with missing dish

08.04.2014 (SoShiok) - Stomp contributor Eric felt cheated when he patronised Vietnamese restaurant Hanoi with a colleague, as a dish from the set lunch which had not been served became non-existent. Despite the Stomp contributor and his colleague being willing to accept another dish in exchange or as compensation, the manager simply ignored their request and charged them full price for the meal. ...

In pics: This railway line in Vietnam runs through extremely narrow streets!

08.04.2014 (Daily Bhaskar) - Hanoi, Vietnam: Usually the train journeys are tiring but they can be a different experience all together if it is the route in Hanoi in Vietnam. Huge trains on this route are forced to squeeze past markets, pedestrians and playing children as the railway line is so close to shops and homes.  ...

Vietnamese farmers suffer as rice remains unsold

07.04.2014 (ANN) - Farmers in the Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta need help in dealing with large quantities of unsold rice because expected purchases have not been made under a plan to build up temporary reserves. The Tin Tuc newspaper reported last week that ever since farmers in the region began harvesting the winter-spring crop last month, prices in the local market have fallen, except for a brief five-day surge.  ...

Now that's what you call door-to-door service: Railway line runs through streets so narrow the train squeezes past shop fronts and traders

06.04.2014 By Mark Duell (Daily Mail) - This railway line is so close to shops and homes that huge trains are forced to squeeze past market traders, pedestrians and playing children  ...

Vietnam: libération d'un dissident de premier plan

08.04.2014 (Huffington Post Quebec) - Un dissident vietnamien de premier plan, condamné après avoir porté plainte contre le Premier ministre, a été libéré de prison et a quitté le pays pour les Etats-Unis, a indiqué mardi un responsable américain. Cu Huy Ha Vu, fils d'un compagnon de route du fondateur du Vietnam communiste Ho Chi Minh, avait été condamné en 2011 à sept ans d'emprisonnement pour propagande contre l'Etat.  ...

Dissident Cu Huy Ha Vu freigelassen

08.04.2014 (NZZ) - (dpa) Der prominente vietnamesische Dissident und Menschenrechtsaktivist Cu Huy Ha Vu ist wieder frei. Wie ein Sprecher der US-Botschaft in Hanoi am Dienstag bestätigte, reisten Vu und seine Frau bereits in die USA aus und kamen am Montag in Washington an.  ...

I am Đinh Đăng Định08.04.2014 (VRNs) - Amnesty International Student Network - section Central Norway - On Monday evening, April 7, 2014, the annual board meeting for the 2013/2014 season took place in Central Norway. The idea of paying tribute to Đinh Đăng Định at the end of the scheduled program for the upcoming annual board meeting was initiated by the young group members of Amnesty International, after a press statement by Amnesty International’s Deputy Asia Pacific Director, Robert Abbott, on the pass away of Đinh Đăng Định was released on Friday.  ...

Web satire fosters change in communist Vietnam

08.04.2014 (The Malay Mail Online) — A critical blog post could land you in jail in communist Vietnam, but a satirical image of Cinderella which mocks the ruling elite? Likely to slip past the censors. The country’s roughly 33 million Internet users, armed only with laptops and a sense of humour, are driving broader social change in the authoritarian nation than scores of imprisoned firebrand bloggers, experts say.  ...

High speed rail could bankrupt Laos, but it’ll keep China happy

07.04.2014 By Keith Barney, Australian National University (The Conversation) - Despite impressive economic growth rates over the last decade, a third of Laos’s population still lives below the extreme poverty line of US$1.25 per day. Most of the extreme poor Laos are ethnic minorities living in rural and upland districts, who depend on local ecological resources for cash income and food.  ...

Russland übergibt 2017 zwei „Gepard“-Schiffe an Vietnam

07.04.2014 (Stimme Russlands) - Das Gorki-Schiffsbauwerk in Selenodolsk (Tatarstan) wird 2017 zwei neue Fregatten des Projekts Gepard 3.9 an Vietnam übergeben. ...

Vietnam to receive two more Gepard frigates in 2017

06.04.2014 (IHS Jane's) - The People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) Navy is scheduled to take delivery of its third and fourth Russian-built Gepard 3.9 (Project 11661) light frigates in 2017, according to financial statements released by Russia's Zelenodolsk Shipyard on 1 April. ...

Freed Vietnamese anti-govt activist arrives in United States

08.04.2014 (Reuters) - A dissident jailed for criticising Vietnam's leadership has been freed and is now in Washington, family friends and a U.S. official said on Tuesday, a rare concession by a country long criticised for its human rights record. French-educated lawyer Cu Huy Ha Vu left Vietnam on Sunday with his wife after his release three years into a 10-year sentence of both jail and house arrest for conducting "anti-state propaganda". ... - [tiếng Việt]

Un des plus célèbres dissidents découvre Dieu peu avant de mourir

07.04.2014 (Églises d'Asie) - Dans la soirée du 4 avril 2014, l’un des plus célèbres dissidents du Vietnam, le professeur Dinh Dang Dinh, est décédé des suites d’un cancer. Peu avant sa mort, il avait voulu devenir « enfant de Dieu » (selon ses termes) au sein de l’Eglise catholique. Sa disparition a provoqué une grande tristesse ...chez les nombreuses personnes qui, de près ou de loin, avaient été témoins de son héroïque combat et avaient été influencées par lui. ...

U.S.-Vietnam Naval Exercises Begin Amid SE Asian Tension

07.04.2014 (Bloomberg) - Two U.S. Navy ships began six days of non-combat exercises with the Vietnamese military as the U.S. seeks to bolster its presence in Asia at a time of growing tension between China and its neighbors.

The engagements, the fifth year of joint exercises between the two navies, will focus on military medicine, search and rescue and shipboard damage control, with participation by the missile destroyer USS John S. McCain. ...

Half a million Cambodian victims of land disputes and forced evictions

03.04.2014 (AsiaNews/Agencies) - Phnom Penh - Since 2000, more than half a million Cambodians have been involved in conflict with the authorities regarding land and property; in the first months of 2014 over 2 thousand households across the country have been subjected to violent forced evictions. This is what Licadho activists denounce in an appeal to the government to put an end to land expropriations. The pro human rights group also criticize a directive promulgated in May 2012 , by Prime Minister Hun Sen, suspending all new land concessions and ordering a review of the ones already in place. The activists point out , has failed to "limit" the number of disputes. ...

ADB Warns Of Widening Economic Divide In Asia

05.04.2014 (Bernama) - HANOI - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Friday said impressive economic gains in Asia and the Pacific are being undermined by widespread poverty and growing inequality, ...

Vietnam: Taufe im Gefängnis

04.04.2014 (Radio Vatikan) - Und noch einmal riskierte er sein Leben: „Ich habe mich heimlich im Gefängnis taufen lassen“, gab der älteste politische Gefangene Vietnams in diesen Tagen bekannt. Über den Fall berichtet die französische Agentur „Eglises d’Asie“. Nguyên Huu Câu sei nach einer 37-jährigen Haftstrafe am 21. März freigekommen. ...

Death of activist Dinh Dang Dinh should be ‘wake-up call’ for Viet Nam

04.04.2014 (AI) - Amnesty International has paid tribute to Dinh Dang Dinh, the Vietnamese environmental activist, blogger and former prisoner of conscience, who has died aged 50. The activist was unjustly jailed in 2011 after starting a petition against a mining project and was diagnosed with cancer while in prison. The authorities only allowed Dinh Dang Dinh to be treated in hospital from January 2014, where he was kept under constant surveillance.  ...

Cancer-Stricken Vietnamese Former Political Prisoner Dies

04.04.2014 (RFA) - A prominent Vietnamese former political prisoner who received a presidential amnesty two weeks ago has died of cancer, according to his family, in what an international rights group said was a tragedy that should be a “wake-up call” for the country.

Dinh Dang Dinh, 50, an environmental activist and blogger who had spent two years in jail on anti-state charges, died Thursday night at his home in southern Vietnam’s Dak Nong province,  ...

Customs Union negotiating with Vietnam to establish free trade zone

04.04.2014 By Daniar Mukhtarov (Trend News) - Almaty hosted the first round of talks on a free trade agreement between the Customs Union and Vietnam, according to Kazakh Economy and Budget Planning Ministry.  ...

Jakarta rejects China's 'nine-dash line'

03.04.2014 By Ann Marie Murphy (AsiaTimes) - In a significant policy shift, Indonesian officials on March 12 announced that China's nine-dash line map outlining its claims in the South China Sea overlaps with Indonesia's Riau province, which includes the Natuna Island chain.  ...

Libéré après 37 années de détention, le plus ancien prisonnier politique du Vietnam révèle qu’il a été baptisé en prison

04.04.2014 (Églises d'Asie) - Le 21 mars dernier, après 37 années de détention, le plus ancien prisonnier politique du Vietnam, Nguyên Huu Câu, a été libéré. Dimanche dernier, 30 mars, à la grande surprise de beaucoup, il participait à la messe célébrée chaque semaine aux intentions de la justice et de la paix en l’église Notre-Dame du Perpétuel secours à Saigon (1). Au cours de l’eucharistie, il a confié aux fidèles présents l’itinéraire spirituel qui l’a conduit à sa conversion au christianisme et au baptême.  ...

US House commission holds hearing on religious persecution in Vietnam

04.04.2014 CWN (CatholicCulture) - The United States House of Representatives’ Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission has conducted a hearing on religious persecution in Vietnam. The bipartisan commission, once known as the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, has the mission of promoting human rights. Among those on the witness list at the March 26 hearing was Father Phan Van Loi, editor-in-chief of “Freedom of Speech” and co-founder of the Association of Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience.  ...

US Warns China Not to Attempt Crimea-Style Action in Asia

04.04.2014 By David Brunnstrom (Jakarta Globe) - China should not doubt the US commitment to defend its Asian allies and the prospect of economic retaliation should also discourage Beijing from using force to pursue territorial claims in Asia in the way Russia has in Crimea, a senior US official said on Thursday.  ...

Detained: 42 Vietnamese, Two Cargo Vessels 'Fishing In Troubled Waters'

04.04.2014 (Bernama) - The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) has uncovered a 'fishy' business hatched by a group of illegal Vietnamese immigrants to fish undetected in Malaysian waters. The foreigners, whose tactics were described as "very cunning" by MMEA, had used two Malaysian-registered cargo vessels to fish in the local waters.  ...

Vietnam verurteilt korrupte Banker zum Tod

04.04.2013 (krone.at) - In Vietnam geht das autoritäre Regime mit aller Härte gegen korrupte Banker vor: Schon drei Todesurteile wurden im letzten halben Jahr ausgesprochen. Seit Jahren werden Delikte im Finanzwesen derart drakonisch bestraft - dabei geht es, im internationalen Vergleich, oft um relativ geringe Summen. ... Menschenrechtsorganisationen sehen die Urteile, die meist nach nur wenigen Tagen Verhandlung gefällt werden, als Show- Veranstaltung mit tödlichem Ausgang. Vietnam gilt als eines der korruptesten Länder der Welt, was in der Bevölkerung des von der Kommunistischen Partei beherrschten Landes für Unmut sorgt  ...

Germany Aids Mekong Delta's Climate Change Response

04.04.2014 (Bernama) - HANOI -- Germany will speed up the provision of official development assistance (ODA) for the Mekong Delta in the fields of climate change adaptation, energy and environment, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported.  ...

Vietnamese illegal fishing boats destroyed after seizure off Top End coast

04.04.2014 By Jesse Dorsett and Felicity James (ABC) - Two illegal fishing boats have been torched in Darwin. The Vietnamese boats were found with two other vessels last month near Evans Shoal, about 350 kilometres north-west of Darwin. Australian Fisheries Management Authority officers said almost 200 giant clams were found on board the boats.   ...

Victims of Experian Data Breach Not Notified Because the Company Can’t Identity Them

04.04.2014 By Eduard Kovacs (Softpedia) - Last year, investigative journalist Brian Krebs revealed that a Vietnamese man running an online identity theft service managed to gain access to the details of hundreds of millions of Americans through an Experian subsidiary. US authorities are said to be investigating the data breach. 24-year-old Hieu Minh Ngo – who has already been arrested and pleaded guilty – had fueled his criminal service with data from US Info Search.   ...

Die Wunderwelt der Medizin in Vietnam

04.04.2014 Von Nora Luttmer (Ärzte Zeitung) - In Vietnam existieren spirituelle Praktiken mitunter gleichberechtigt neben traditioneller und westlicher Medizin. Nicht selten werden die drei Methoden ergänzend angewandt - zumindest für die Menschen, die es sich leisten können.

Tellergroße linh chi-Pilze hängen in offenen Ladentüren. Auf den Gehwegen stehen Säcke mit Bocksdorn-Beeren, getrockneten Longan-Früchten und Weidenborke.  ...

Annexation of Crimea, a Precedent for China? US Ready to Defend Allies Over South China Sea

03.04.2014 (Epoch Times) - WASHINGTON — The United States cautioned China Thursday that it will meet its defense commitments to allies as tensions mount over territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel told a congressional hearing that some Asian countries fear that Russia’s annexation of Crimea could serve as a precedent for Beijing.  ...

2013 Human Rights Report On Vietnam

03.04.2014 (VOA) - The State Department recently released its annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013 for Vietnam. Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Uzra Zeya, at the release of the 2013 Human Rights Report, said, “We continue to call on the Government of Vietnam at the highest levels to make progress to comply with its international human rights obligations and commitment, and we’ve made clear that doing so will allow us to further the bilateral relationship.”  ...

Lost in translation: Mysterious Vietnamese man detained in Kashmir

03.04.2014 (The Express Tribune) - MUZAFFARABAD: A Vietnamese man has been detained for months in Azad Kashmir by puzzled authorities who were unable to understand him, officials said Thursday. Vu Gia Po was arrested after being discovered wandering on foot without any identification in the town of Athmuqam, which lies on the Line of Control, police official Yasin Abbasi said.  ...

Religious Persecution in Vietnam: Government Spies, Forced Renunciations of Faith

03.04.2014 By Gary Feuerberg (Epoch Times) - Persecution for religious belief in Vietnam is growing worse, according to witnesses that appeared at the a recent congressional hearing. For the first time in the history of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission commission, witnesses testified from Vietnam via video. All the witnesses agreed that the Vietnam regime is tightening up on freedom of expression and association as well as imprisoning religious leaders, dissidents, and human rights defenders, some with long sentences.  ...

Vietnam is sentencing corrupt bankers to death, by firing squad

03.04.2014 Patrick Winn (Global Post) - BANGKOK — For the most part, American bankers whose rash pursuit of profit brought on the 2008 global financial collapse didn’t get indicted. They got bonuses.

Odds are that scandal would have played out differently in Vietnam, another nation struggling with misbehaving bankers.

The authoritarian Southeast Asian state doesn’t just send unscrupulous financiers to jail. Sometimes, it sends them to death row. ...

Vietnam Faces Critical Organ Donor Shortage

03.04.2014 (Bernama) - HANOI, April 3 (Bernama) -- A severe organ donor shortage in Vietnam means that few patients receive much-needed transplants, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported. Director of People's Hospital 115 in Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Van Bau, said that 500 patients needed hemodialysis due to serious kidney decline. ...

Vietnam, Con Dau Catholics suffer more land seizures and demolitions

02.04.2014 (AsiaNews/EDA) - Ho Chi Minh City - Authorities in Da Nang want to seize the land to build a tourist resort. Latest raid just days ago with the expulsion of several families and the demolition of their homes. Police, public security and the army take part in raid. The faithful try to resist evictions, but their number is progressively dropping.

Several families driven from their homes, houses razed to the ground and land seized: Vietnamese authorities continue to subject Catholics to raids against in Cồn Dầu, Cẩm Lệ district, Da Nang province (south-central Vietnam), at the center of a land ownership controversy. For six years, Hanoi has tried in every possible way to justify its actions with claims that they are motivated by "ecological" needs, although in reality the real goal is the construction of a luxury tourist resort. ...

Vietnam, nuevos secuestros y demoliciones contra los católicos de Con Dau

02.04.2014 (AsiaNews/EDA) - Las autoridades de Da Nang quieren secuestrar los terrenos para realizar un resort turístico. En los días pasados el último atropello, con expulsiones de diversas familias y la demolición de sus casas. Protagonistas del atropello la policía, la pública seguridad y el ejército. Los fieles tratan de resistir a las expropiaciones, pero el número se reduce en manera progresiva.

Varias familias desalojadas de sus propias casas, habitaciones demolidas y terrenos secuestrados, continúan los allanamientos de las autoridades vietnamitas en contra de los católicos de Con Dau, en el distrito de Cam Le, provincia de Da Nang (centro sur de Vietnam), en el centro de una controversia que desde hace años se disputa por la propiedad de las tierras.  ...

For Cambodia's Vietnamese, rights abuses abound

02.04.2014 Abby Seiff and Cheng Sokhorng, Kandal (UCANews) - After a lifetime in Cambodia, a battered carnet de residence bearing poorly transliterated Vietnamese names is all that 41-year-old Nguyen Thi Kim has to show for it. Though she, her parents, and her children were born in Cambodia, none possess any other papers suggesting ties to the country.

“We don’t have an ID card because no one has offered it to us,” she says with a shrug. “Maybe it’s not our time yet?”  ...

Les autorités civiles informent les évêques des dernières directives concernant le recrutement des séminaristes et l’ordination des prêtres

02.04.2014 (Églises d'Asie) - Depuis la fin des années 1980, les conditions imposées par le gouvernement pour les entrées au grand séminaire et les ordinations sacerdotales ont beaucoup varié. Dans la pratique, elles se sont fortement libéralisées, mais, ce faisant, elles ont pris des formes différentes selon les régions. De plus, les dispositions prises en ce domaine par l’Ordonnance sur les croyances et la religion de 2004 et les décrets d’application qui ont suivi étaient nettement en deçà de la pratique concrète à l’époque de la parution de ce texte législatif. C’est sans doute pour remédier à ce flou législatif, que, le 20 mars dernier, le Bureau gouvernemental des Affaires religieuses a organisé un entretien avec le vice-président que la Conférence épiscopale, Mgr Hoang Van Dat, évêque de Bac Ninh. Les fonctionnaires du service législatif des Affaires religieuses ont exprimé le désir d’unifier et de simplifier les formalités administratives exigées pour l’entrée au grand séminaire et pour l’ordination des prêtres. ...

Bundespolizei nimmt vietnamesische Schleuserin fest

02.04.2014 (LeineBlitz) - Pattensen. Gestern in den frühen Morgenstunden hat die Bundespolizei im Auftrag der Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover einen erfolgreichen Schlag gegen die Schleusungskriminalität durchgeführt. In Hannover, Langenhagen sowie Pattensen durchsuchten Bundespolizisten und Beamte des Hauptzollamtes Hannover, Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit, Wohnungen und die Geschäftsräume einer 43-jährigen vietnamesischen Staatsangehörigen und weiterer Tatbeteiligter. ...

China crackdown on petrochemical plant protest

02.04.2014 By Tom Phillips, Shanghai (The Telegraph) - Protests over planned petrochemical plant in southern China enter a third day as police are accused of violently cracking down on environmental campaigners. China must launch a "swift" investigation into claims police used excessive violence to quell an environmental protest this week, leaving dozens of people injured, human rights activists say. ...

New Vietnam Bitcoin company declared illegal

02.04.2014 Arno Maierbrugger (investvine) - Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has warned the first online Vietnam Bitcoin Trading Centre (VBTC) is illegal and all of its trading activities are not protected by law. The warning was released after Bitcoin Vietnam Ltd. Co. and Bit2C, an Israel-based bitcoin trading floor, announced that their recently established VBTC at www.bitcoinvietnam.com.vn is due to debut in late April. ...

South China Sea: Manila calls on UN to stop Beijing

01.04.2014 (AsiaNews) - Manila - Storms are brewing in the troubled waters of the South China Sea, which has been at the centre of a long and bitter territorial dispute, now that Beijing and Manila are openly staring down at each other with the United States backing the Philippines. ...

Mar Chino meridional, Manila pide ayuda a la Onu para frenar a Beijing

01.04.2014 (AsiaNews) - Manila - Aguas agitadas en el Mar Chino meridional- desde hace tiempo de una áspera contienda territorial- por un nuevo fronte de enfrentamiento que ve contrapuestos a Beijing y manila, esta última apoyada por los EEUU. Washington acusó a China de actitudes provocadoras, después que una embarcación de la Guardia costera trató de bloquear una nave filipina que se dirigía a una de las islas que forman el archipiélago de las Sprattly. ...

I, a poet and South Vietnamese soldier, found God and the Virgin in communist prisons

01.04.2014 by HT (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City - During his years in prison he encountered Christianity and decided to convert, receiving baptism, and later was able to transform the chains that kept him imprisoned, consisting of 90 rings, into a rosary recited up to five times a day. Faith alone enabled him to face and overcome nearly 40 years spent in prison in Vietnam, while his body was marked by deafness and almost total blindness caused by suffering. However, his spirit is still able to give thanks for the gift of faith received. And even forgive his captors : "The love of God and the Virgin Mary has changed me. I no longer hate my 'brothers and sisters' (of the communist regime )". ...

Yo, poeta y soldado sud-vietnamita, en las cárceles comunistas he encontrado a Dios y a la Virgen

01.04.2014 by HT (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Ming City - Durante los años de prisión encontró el cristianismo y decidió convertirse, haciéndose bautizar; luego supo transformar la cadena que lo tenía prisionero, formada por 50 eslabones, en un Rosario que recitaba hasta 5 veces al día. Sólo la fe le permitió enfrentar y superar los casi 40 años de permanencia en las cárceles vietnamitas, el físico marcado por la sordera, una casi total ceguera, por los sufrimientos, pero con un espíritu todavía capaz de agradecer por el don de la fe recibido Y hasta de perdonar a sus carceleros: "El amor de Dios y de la Virgen María me han cambiado. No odio más a mis "hermanos y hermanas" (del régimen comunista). ...

Vietnam cracks down on Christians as Easter nears

01.04.2014 Julia A. Seymour (WORLD) - Even during Lent, Catholics imprisoned in communist Vietnam are not allowed to attend Mass or receive Bibles, and priests are not allowed to visit prisoners. ...

Southeast Asia's 2-speed auto industry leaves some behind

01.04.2014 Nikkei staff writers MANABU ITO in Hanoi, MINORU SATAKE in Manila, WATARU YOSHIDA in Singapore and JUN ENDO in Tokyo (Nikkei Asian Review) - In central Vietnam, the steel skeleton of what was supposed to have been the country's first engine factory stands forlorn on an empty lot in the Chu Lai economic zone. ...

Vietnam macht die Grenzen dicht für den Goldtransfer

01.04.2014 (Goldreporter) - Vietnam verhängt ein Ein- und Ausfuhrverbot für Gold. Die Zentralbank hat eine entsprechende Verfügung erlassen, um den heimischen Goldmarkt zu schützen. ...

Vietnam IPOs of State-Owned Companies Struggle

01.04.2014 By Nguyen Pham Muoi (The Wall Street Journal) - HANOI—Vietnam's initial public offerings of state-owned enterprises in the first quarter of this year have shown poor results, with only small amounts of shares sold mostly to local investors, according to data from market regulators in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. ...

Developing Asia can sustain growth pace, risks easing

01.04.2014 By Rosemarie Francisco, Reuters (ABS-CBN) - MANILA  - Developing Asia is poised to sustain its current growth momentum and is well positioned to manage risks coming from a slightly slower Chinese economy and possible uneven demand from major industrialized nations, the Asian Development Bank said. ...