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25 July 2015

Vietnam und die USA - Verankerung im transpazifischen System

30.06.2015 von Manfred Rist, Singapur (NZZ) - In den USA hat Präsident Obama grünes Licht für den beschleunigten Abschluss des transpazifischen Partnerschaftsabkommens (TPP) bekommen. Hanoi freut sich.

Der Beschluss der vietnamesischen Regierung, die Eigentumsbeschränkungen bei Unternehmen zu lockern, die an der Börse kotiert sind, könnte als wichtiger Liberalisierungsschritt in die Wirtschaftsgeschichte des südostasiatischen Landes eingehen. ...

Scientists Seek To Preserve Champa Architecture

30.06.2015 (Bernama) - QUANG NAM (Vietnam) -- A wide range of ways to preserve Champa architecture were discussed at a conference on the application of advanced technologies in preserving Champa relics in Quang Nam province, Monday, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported. ...

Menschenrechtsbeauftragter Strässer zur Freilassung des vietnamesischen Menschenrechtsverteidigers Le Quoc Quan

29.06.2015 (Auswärtiges Amt) - Anlässlich der Freilassung des vietnamesischen Menschenrechtsverteidigers Le Quoc Quan erklärte der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Menschenrechtspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe, Christoph Strässer, heute (29.06.):

"Ich begrüße es sehr, dass der vietnamesische Menschenrechtsverteidiger und Anwalt Le Quoc Quan am vergangenen Samstag nach Verbüßen seiner Haftstrafe entlassen wurde. Anfang Juni konnte ich ihn im Gefängnis besuchen und habe ihn als ungebrochenen und engagierten Gesprächspartner erlebt. ...

Vietnam’s Communist Party chief to visit White House to mark 20 years of friendship

28.06.2015 Kristine Kwok (SCMP) - Many have seen the deepening of ties between Hanoi and Washington as a result of their growing concerns over China’s ascendance to power. The White House will receive a rare guest next month as Vietnam’s Communist party chief embarks on a highly symbolic trip to mark the 20th anniversary of resumption of diplomatic ties between the former foes. ...

Taiwan on alert as tensions between China, Vietnam rise

28.06.2015 By Lo Tien-pin and Jake Chung (Taipei Times) - The government is on alert as tensions between China and Vietnam are again on the rise due to Beijing’s unilateral decision to resume the installation of oil rigs in the South China Sea, officials said yesterday. ...

Vietnam hebt Grenzen für ausländische Investoren auf

28.06.2015 (deutschland-today) - Hanoi (AFP) - Die vietnamesische Regierung will die Beschränkung ausländischer Investitionen in einheimischen Unternehmen aufheben. In einem auf der Website der Regierung eingestellten Erlass hieß es, Ausländer dürften künftig auch mehr als 49 Prozent der Anteile an vietnamesischen Unternehmen halten. ...

Vietnams Hundefleisch-Debatte

27.06.2015 Anemi Wick (DW) - Millionen von Hunden landen in Vietnam jährlich auf dem Teller. Zugleich befinden sich Pudel, Husky, Chihuahua & Co. auf einem Siegeszug in die Herzen der Menschen. Tierschützer fordern nun strengere Kontrollen. ...

China says changing position on sea dispute would shame ancestors

27.06.2015 By Ben Blanchard (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - BEIJING (Reuters) - Changing position on China's claims over the South China Sea would shame its ancestors, while not facing up to infringements of Chinese sovereignty there would shame its children, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Saturday. ...

Vietnam frees high-profile dissident lawyer

27.06.2015 By Cat Barton (digitaljournal) - AFP - One of Vietnam's most prominent dissidents vowed to continue his anti-China activism after being released from prison on Saturday after serving two and a half years on tax evasion charges. Quan, who blogged on a range of sensitive topics including civil rights, political pluralism and religious freedom, had been in detention since December 2012. ...

Vietnamesischer Blogger und Anwalt aus Haft entlassen

27.06.2015 (Die Zeit) - Hanoi (AFP) - Der prominente vietnamesische Dissident Le Quoc Quan ist am Samstag aus dem Gefängnis in der zentralen Provinz Quang Nam freigelassen worden und habe seine Angehörigen und Unterstützer getroffen. ...

Vietnam: un important dissident sort de prison

27.06.2015 (DH.be) - HANOÏ - L'avocat vietnamien Le Quoc Quan, l'un des dissidents les plus importants du pays, est sorti samedi de prison, à l'expiration de sa peine de deux ans et demi d'emprisonnement. Ce dissident de 43 ans a été libéré samedi matin d'une prison de la province de Quang Nam et a pu retrouver sa famille. ...

Vietnamese Blogger Le Quoc Quan to be Released

26.06.2015 By Eva Galperin (Electronic Frontier Foundation) - EFF has long condemned the Vietnamese government's crackdown on bloggers, including the imprisonment of high-profile blogger and activist Le Quoc Quan. We are pleased to anticipate Quan's imminent release from prison on June 27, though we are sad to note that Quan owes his release not to a change of heart on the part of the Vietnamese government, but the fact that he has served the full term of his 30-month prison sentence related to politically-motivated charges of tax evasion. ...

China moves controversial oil rig back towards Vietnam coast

26.06.2015 (Reuters) - China has moved an oil rig at the center of last year's violent dispute with Vietnam closer to Vietnam's coast in the disputed South China Sea, just weeks ahead of the first visit by a chief of Vietnam's Communist Party to Washington. ...

Christenverfolgung: Thailand verbietet Report von Human Rights Watch

26.06.2015 (Deutschlandfunk) - Thailands Militärregierung hat der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch verboten, einen Bericht über die Verfolgung einer christlichen Minderheit zu veröffentlichen. Eine Pressekonferenz wurde kurzfristig unterbunden. Dabei steht gar nicht die eigene Regierung am Pranger. ...

Persecution of Christian Montagnards continues in Vietnam

26.06.2015 Michael Sainsbury, Vientiane (UCAnews) - The Vietnamese government has come under fire for its ongoing persecution of Christian Montagnards in a comprehensive report on the plight of the ethnic group by New York-based Human Rights Watch. ...

Vietnam CSOs’ Joint Statement On The International Day In Support Of Victims Of Torture (JUNE 26, 2015)

26.06.2015 (VRNs) - Now we hear again the voice of UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon in 2012: On this International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, we express our solidarity with, and support for, the hundreds of thousands of victims of torture and their family members throughout the world who endure such suffering. Today, on the occasion of the 17th anniversary (1998-2015) of the international day in support of victims of torture, we publish this joint statement as: ...

Vietnam: End “Evil Way” Persecution of Montagnard Christians

26.06.2015 (HRW) - (Bangkok) – The Vietnamese government’s persecution of ethnic Montagnard Christians in Vietnam’s Central Highlands reflects broader rights violations against religious minorities in the country, Human Rights Watch said today in a new report. ...

HRW denuncia la persecución de los montagnard en Vietnam

26.06.2015 (terra.cl) - La organización defensora de los derechos humnanos "Human Rights Watch" (HRW) denunció hoy la persecución de la minoría montagnard por parte del Gobierno de Vietnam, a pesar del veto de la junta militar tailandesa a la presentación del informe que iba a tener lugar en Bangkok. ...

Thailand cancels rights group's report launch on Vietnam

26.06.2015 (AP) - BANGKOK -- Thai authorities have forced a human rights group to cancel the launch of its report on the Vietnamese government's persecution of an ethnic minority. ...

Vietnamese Land-Grab Victims Say Plainclothes Police Beat Them

25.06.2015 (RFA) - A group of activists and land-grab victims from the Hanoi area of Vietnam said they were beaten by plainclothes policemen on Thursday in Nghe An province as they were on their way home from meeting one of their colleagues who was released early from prison. ...

When Vietnam and China Bicker, Traders on the Border Feel the Bluster

25.06.2015 By Mike Ives (The New York Times) - The relationship between Vietnam and China, always hot and cold, hit a low point last year after China moored an oil exploration rig in waters off Vietnam’s central coast, setting off anti-Chinese protests in Vietnamese cities and riots in some industrial parks. ...

Chinesische Behörden finden 40 Jahre altes Fleisch

25.06.2015 (WAZ) - Peking. 800 Tonnen wurden sichergestellt – seit den 70er Jahren wurde es immer wieder aufgetaut, transportiert und eingefroren. Das ist aber kein Einzelfall. ...

Tierschützer befreien in Vietnam Bären aus Galle-Farm

25.06.2015 (Donaukurier) - Tierschützer haben in Vietnam sieben Kragenbären aus einer Anlage befreit, in denen ihnen Galle für den illegalen Handel abgezapft wurde. ...

Vietnam approves controversial $16 bn mega airport

25.06.2015 (The West Australian) - Hanoi (AFP) - Lawmakers in Vietnam voted Thursday to build a controversial new $16 billion airport near Ho Chi Minh City, as the country vies to become one of the world's busiest aviation hubs. ...

"Paving paradise": Scientists alarmed over China island building in disputed sea

25.06.2015 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - HONG KONG (Reuters) - Concern is mounting among some scientists that China's reclamation work in the disputed Spratly archipelago of the South China Sea has done severe harm to one of the most important coral reef systems in Southeast Asia. ...

In China, Stomachs Turn at News of 40-Year-Old Meat Peddled by Traders

24.06.2015 By Dan Levin and Crystal Tse (The New York Times) - From rat meat masquerading as lamb to tainted milk to exploding watermelons, Chinese consumers have become inured to stomach-churning food scandals. But on Tuesday, countless people were forced to ponder the benefits of vegetarianism after news reports emerged that unscrupulous meat traders had been peddling tons of beef, pork and chicken wings that in some cases had been frozen for 40 years. ...

En Chine, saisie de viandes congelées vieilles de 40 ans

24.06.2015 (Libération) - Des tonnes de viande congelée périmée --dont certains stocks pourrissant et vieux de plus de quatre décennies--, ont été saisis par les autorités chinoises, rapportait mercredi la presse locale. ...

It's Time for the Obama Administration to Get Tough on Human Rights in Vietnam

24.06.2015 By John Sifton (The Diplomat) - Nguyen Dang Minh Man’s story reminds us that Vietnam’s record on human rights remains deeply troubling. Nguyen Dang Minh Man is 30 years old, and has been in prison in Vietnam for a third of her adult life. This month, I met her father, Nguyen Van Loi, who had come to Washington to talk about the fate of his daughter. Minh Man is one of at least 160 political prisoners the Vietnamese government convicted in the last few years under penal code provisions that criminalize criticism of the government. ...

Philippine fishermen petition UN for action against China's aggression in South China Sea

24.06.2015 By Aya Lowe (Channel NewsAsia) -  Philippine fishermen filed a petition to the United Nations, claiming their livelihoods have been destroyed by China's use of force in the disputed South China Sea. ...

The Truth About 'Aggression' in the South China Sea

24.06.2015 By Nguyen Hong Thao (The Diplomat) - It’s time to put things in perspective in the South China Sea. Satellite images showing the extent of land reclamation of China and Vietnam in South China Sea have sparked debates about who the biggest aggressor is and what the status quo is (see: “Who Is the Biggest Aggressor in the South China Sea?,” “Who Is the Biggest Aggressor in the South China Sea? (A Rejoinder),” and “The South China Sea: Defining the ‘Status Quo’“). ...

Plan to Buy Chinese Trains Criticized in Vietnam

23.06.2015 Colin Nguyen (VOA) - A plan by Vietnam to buy 13 Chinese trains has come under fire amid simmering anti-China sentiment in the Southeast Asian nation.

The recent announcement to import trains worth more than $60 million for the first elevated railway project in Hanoi sparked harsh criticism in blog posts and on social media. ...

Länder und Kommunen: Kritik an Berufsbekleidung aus Vietnam

23.06.2015 Von Axel Schröder (Deutschlandfunk) - Länder und Kommunen kaufen jedes Jahr für mehrere Millionen Euro Warnschutz- und Regenjacken, Hemden für die Feuerwehr und andere Berufsbekleidung. Die Ware kommt zum Teil aus Vietnam, wo die Arbeitsbedingungen ausbeuterisch sind und nicht den Kriterien der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation entsprechen. ...

Vietnam amends unpopular social-insurance law

23.06.2015 (Bangkok Post) - HANOI — Vietnam's National Assembly has backtracked on a controversial social-insurance law that sparked massive protests earlier this year. ...

Beijing steps up efforts to bring Hanoi on side

23.06.2015 (WantChinaTimes) - China has upped its efforts to pull Vietnam away from the United States amid ongoing tensions in the South China Sea, says Duowei News, a US-based Chinese political news outlet. ...

China espera que su expansión marítima no obstaculice el diálogo con EEUU

23.06.2015 (Univision) - Pekín (EFE).- El Gobierno chino manifestó hoy que espera que las construcciones que está realizando en varias islas del Mar de China Meridional no obstaculicen el diálogo estratégico y económico con EEUU que tiene lugar esta semana en Washington. ...

Sorgen um Strahlenbelastung: Japan streitet um Einfuhrverbote für Lebensmittel

22.06.2015, von Patrick Welter, Tokio (FAZ) - Fünf Jahre nach Fukushima bemüht die Regierung in Tokio sich um Normalität für die japanischen Lebensmittelexporte. Das führt zu Reibereien vor allem mit den Nachbarn. ...

Vietnam special forces prep for S China Sea action: media

22.06.2015 (WantChinaTimes) - To stop China's land reclamation activities in the disputed South China Sea, the Vietnamese military is preparing to attack the Chinese facilities in the region with special forces, according to Moscow-based Kommersant....

Philippines steps up drills with U.S., Japan forces near South China Sea

22.06.2015 By Manuel Mogato (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, Philippines - The Philippines will hold separate naval exercises with U.S. and Japanese forces this week on a Philippine island that is not far from the disputed Spratly archipelago, where China's rapid creation of seven island outposts is stoking regional tensions. ...

Who Is the Biggest Aggressor in the South China Sea? (A Rejoinder)

21.06.2015 By Carl Thayer (The Diplomat) - China’s track record in the South China Sea is markedly different from those of the other claimants. Greg Austin recently wrote in The Diplomat that Vietnam occupied 24 features in the South China Sea in 1996 and has  “increased [this number] from 30 to 48 in the last six years” as if these figures were facts. I doubt there is any plausibility to his claim. ...

"Schwarzhändler, Zuhälter und US-Kollaborateure"

20.06.2015 Von Ulli Kulke (Die Welt) - Als Ende der 1970er-Jahre Hunderttausende Vietnamesen in Lebensgefahr übers Meer fliehen wollten, deklamierten Linke im Westen: Sie sind selbst schuld. Helft ihnen nicht! Es klang unerhört. Die Amerikanerin Joan Baez, berühmt als singende Aktivistin für Menschenrechte, gegen Rassismus und vor allem gegen Krieg, bat 1979 Präsident Jimmy Carter öffentlich, die 7. Flotte der US Navy in Stellung zu bringen, im Südchinesischen Meer. Täglich waren dort Hunderte Menschen umgekommen, manchmal Tausende. ...

Criminal justice in Vietnam - Compassionate communists

20.06.2015 (The Economist) - The party allows a smidgen of penal reform - ONE ordinary farmer, Nguyen Thanh Chan, is now a celebrity in Vietnam. In 2004 he was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a woman in Nghia Trung, a village north-east of Hanoi, the capital. Yet he was released in 2013 after a neighbour, confronted with evidence, confessed to the crime. Earlier this month the country’s Supreme People’s Court announced that it would pay Mr Chan $360,000—many times what he would earn in a lifetime—as compensation for his nightmare. ...

Asia's teen dropouts head for future of unstable jobs and poverty - experts

19.06.2015 Alisa Tang (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - BANGKOK - Millions of teenagers in East and Southeast Asia are dropping out of school to do dangerous, low-skilled jobs, condemning them to a future of poverty even as economic growth in the region outstrips the rest of the world, experts said. ...

Vietnam : plus besoin de visas pour les touristes français

19.06.2015 (Les Echos) - Le Vietnam, soucieux de développer son industrie du tourisme, a annoncé vendredi que les ressortissants français, mais aussi allemands, britanniques, italiens et espagnols, n’auraient plus besoin de visas pour visiter ce pays d’Asie du sud-est. ...

China und das Südchinesische Meer - Ein Sturm zieht auf

19.06.2015 von Urs Schoettli (NZZ) - Die Regierung in Peking betreibt mit voller Kraft Chinas Rückkehr zur Weltmacht. Sie expandiert aggressiv auch in der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft – mit vorgeschobenen historischen Ansprüchen. In der «Japan Times», ist von einem ganz anderen, menschengemachten Sturm die Rede. Der Bericht kommentiert mit grosser Sorge die rasante Ausdehnung der chinesischen Militärpräsenz im Südchinesischen Meer. ...

Vietnam waives visas for more European countries in tourism push

19.06.2015 (dpa) - Hanoi - The Vietnamese government will waive visas for five more European countries, including Germany, France and Britain, in a move to boost the country's troubled tourist industry, a tourism official said Thursday. ...

Intellectuals and activists against the Confucius Institute, Beijing’s way to “assimilate” Vietnam

18.06.2015 By Paul N. Hung (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – Many Intellectuals and civil society leaders Vietnamese have issued a warning against China’s attempt to influence Vietnam culturally through the initiatives and activities sponsored by the Confucius Institute inaugurated on 27 December last year. This kind of institution "is a way for Beijing to influence Vietnamese culture," said Nguyen Nha, a well-known historian who has studied China and its policies in Southeast Asia for quite some time....

Intelectuales y activistas contra el Instituto Confucio, usado por Beijing para “asimilar” a Vietnam

18.06.2015 De Paul N. Hung (AsiaNews) - Hanói - Intelectuales y miembros de la sociedad civil en Vietnam lanzan la alarma por el tentativo de injerencia de China en la vida y en la cultura del país, actuado mediante iniciativas y actividades promovidas por el Instituto Confucio inaugurado el 27 de diciembre del año pasado. Como subraya el célebre histórico Nguyen Nha, que estudió por mucho tiempo a China y sus políticas en los mares del Sudeste asiático, el instituto Confucio “es la vía usada por Beijing para influenciar la cultura vietnamita”. ...

Vietnam dissidents urge US to boost human rights

18.06.2015 (PTI) - Washington (AFP) - Vietnamese dissidents have pleaded for international help for prisoners of conscience jailed inside their country and warned that warming US ties with Hanoi may send the wrong message to the ruling communists. Prominent blogger Nguyen Van Hai, who was released from prison in late October and sent into exile in America, told US lawmakers that "his fellow prisoners entrusted me to relay their cries for help." ...

Vietnam schafft Visumpflicht für Deutsche ab

18.06.2015 (Bild) - Deutsche können in Zukunft auch ohne Visum nach Vietnam reisen. Die vietnamesische Regierung hat nach eigenen Angaben Visa für Aufenthalte von bis zu 15 Tagen abgeschafft, um die Tourismusindustrie anzukurbeln. ...

Statement from Civil Societies and NGO's in Vietnam and abroad

17.06.2015 (VRNs) - More than three years have gone by since the arrest and trial of the "Hội đồng Công luật Công án Bia Sơn" (literally, "Bia Son Council for Public Law and Public Trial," henceforward abbreviated to "Bia Son case"), the largest political trial case in Vietnam in the last 30 years.  The trial at the Court of First Instance in Phu Yen, after more than one week sentenced on 4 February 2013 Mr. Phan Van Thu (alias Tran Cong), 68 years old, to life imprisonment, he being considered the key person in this trial; the remaining 21 persons received heavy sentences from 10 to 17 years imprisonment each. ...

Japón condena construcción de islas artificiales chinas en zona en disputa

17.06.2015 (abc) - TOKIO. Japón condenó el miércoles la construcción de islas artificiales chinas en zonas disputadas del mar de China Meridional, sumando su voz a las protestas de Estados Unidos.

“No podemos aceptar esta forma de actuar de política de hechos consumados”, ...

South China Sea – a regional security flashpoint - Part II

17.06.2015 Dulip Jayawardena (Daily Mirror) - July 2010, Hillary Clinton during the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in Hanoi declared, “The United States has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia’s maritime commons and respect for international law in the South China Sea” and America seeks “a collaborative diplomatic process by all claimants for resolving various territorial disputes without coercion.” ...

South China Sea – a regional security flashpoint - Part I

16.06.2015 Dulip Jayawardena (Daily Mirror) - The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Article 122 defines a semi –enclosed sea meaning that it could be “a gulf, basin or sea surrounded by two or more states and connected to another sea or the ocean by a narrow outlet or consisting entirely or primarily of the territorial seas and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of two or more coastal states. ...

Übel an der Wurzel packen: Nachfrage senken

16.06.2015 (AZ) - Windhoek/Berlin (AZ) - Wie das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau- und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) in Deutschland unlängst in einer Presseerklärung mitteilte, wird es nun im Kampf gegen Wilderei auf Elefanten und Nashörner verstärkt auf Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Nachfrage setzen. Neue Projekte etwa in China und Vietnam sollen dabei helfen, dem Schwarzmarkt für Elfenbein und Nashornhorn dort entgegen zu wirken, wo die Nachfrage derzeit am größten ist. ...

„Mein Buch darf da nicht erscheinen“

16.06.2015 (taz) - Wovor sich das Regime in Vietnam auch heute noch fürchtet: eine Graphic Novel über den Krieg aus der Perspektive der Verlierer. Die kindliche Perspektive ermöglicht dem 1957 in Manila geborenen Illustrator Marcelino Truong (Foto swr), einem von vier Kindern eines vietnamesischen Diplomaten und einer Französin, in seiner Graphic Novel „Ein schöner kleiner Krieg“ ein Stimmungsbild von Saigon, der Hauptstadt Südvietnams, zwischen 1961 und 1963 zu geben. ...

Dieu Cay on solitary confinement, hunger strikes, and his fight for press freedom

16.06.2015 By Nguyen Van Hai/CPJ Guest Blogger (CPJ) - EDITOR'S NOTE: Held in solitary confinement and stripped of his human rights, Vietnamese blogger Nguyen Van Hai suffered greatly during his six and a half years in prison. The 63-year-old outspoken critic of the repressive Vietnamese government was granted early release from a 12-year sentence last year, thanks in part to campaigning by CPJ. Here, he gives a grim account of life as a political prisoner and pledges to use his new-found freedom to continue his fight against injustice. ...

Death of the Mekong, River of Buddhism

16.06.2015 Khanh T. Tran (UNDV) - From its origin in the high plateau of Tibet, the Mekong River is 4500 km long and the 12th longest river in the world, flowing through six countries that include China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. The Mekong River is the lifeline to more than 65 million inhabitants, mainly in downstream countries of Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. In the last twenty years, there has been an active program to build several dams for hydroelectric power on the Mekong River. As of 2014, there are 26 dams on the mainstream, 14 on the Lancang River (the name) of Upper Mekong in China in the Yunnan Province of China in the Yunnan Province of China and 12 on the Lower Mekong. ...

China will Landgewinnung im Südchinesischen Meer abschließen

16.06.2015 (Stern) - Peking - China will seine umstrittene Landgewinnung an den Spratly-Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer «wie geplant in den kommenden Tagen abschließen». Danach werde China damit beginnen, die dort vorgesehenen Einrichtungen zu bauen, kündigte der Sprecher des Außenministeriums, Lu Kang, in Peking an. ...

Who's who in the South China Sea dispute

16.06.2015 (news.com.Au) - (video news) ...

Militares chinos atacan a pesqueros de Hanoi. Completada la base de Beijing en el Mar del Sur de China

16.06.2015 (AsiaNews/Agencias) - Hanoi - A pocos días de una bilateral China-Vietnam, barcos militares de Beijing han atacado con cañones de agua y robaron dos pesqueros Hanoi en Islas Paracel. Dos pescadores resultaron heridos. El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de China advierte que el trabajo en las islas en disputa "se concluirá dentro de unos días". ...

Vietnam: New HIV Cases Reach 5,500 In Six Months

16.06.2015 (Bernama) - HANOI -- Vietnam has discovered 5,500 more people living with HIV since the beginning of this year, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported an official of the Department of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control as saying. ...

Vietnam und Vietnamesen

15.06.2015 Josef Bordat (Blog jobo72) - Ob als Boatpeople in der Bundesrepublik oder als Vertragsarbeiter in der DDR: Die Integration der Vietnamesen in die deutsche Gesellschaft gilt als gelungen. Schaut man sich den Anteil der Gymnasiasten an unterschiedlichen soziokulturell definierten Gruppen der deutschen Gegenwartsgesellschaft an, so fällt auf, dass dieser unter den Vietnamesen mit 58 Prozent extrem hoch liegt.

Umso tragischer, dass dieses Potential in der Heimat nicht zur Entfaltung kommen kann, weil ein sozialistisches Regime die Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Bildungsarbeit torpediert. Statt Freiheit gibt es strenge Auflagen. Gerade da, wo sich der Intellekt entfalten könnte, zieht der vietnamesische Staat eine Grenze. ...

Interview: 'The Government Violated the Human Rights of Political Prisoners Severely'

15.06.2015 (RFA) - Truong Minh Tam served a one year prison term because of his democracy advocacy before joining the pro-democracy group Con Duong Vietnam. With that group's founder, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, now serving a prison sentence, Truong visited the United States to call for great attention to the plight of the estimated 150-200 political prisoners in Vietnam, a one-party state which lacks an independent judiciary and a free press. ...

Vietnamese River Dwellers in Cambodia Ask For Hold on Eviction

15.06.2015 (RFA) - Dozens of Vietnamese families illegally residing in floating homes on the Mekong River in southeastern Cambodia’s Kandal province have urged local authorities to postpone their eviction by eight months so they can sell the fish they are raising and avoid financial ruin. ...

Vietnam, Chinese Boats Clash Near Disputed South China Sea Isles

15.06.2015 By John Boudreau (Bloomberg) -  Vietnamese fishing craft clashed with Chinese boats near the disputed Paracel Islands last week, underscoring simmering tensions between the two communist countries even as their leaders talk of improving relations. ...

Vietnam fishermen 'attacked by Chinese boats': state media

15.06.2015 (Yahoo News) - HANOI - A Vietnamese fishing crew said they were attacked by a Chinese vessel using water cannon in disputed waters near the flashpoint Paracel Islands, Vietnam's state media reported Monday. ...

Pêcheur visé par des canons à eau chinois

14.06.2015 (20 minutes) - Un Vietnamien a été blessé lors d'une attaque d'un navire chinois en mer de Chine méridionale, endommageant son équipement, a indiqué lundi la presse officielle. ...

Richter schlief während Verhandlung

12.06.2015 Von Björn Jahner (Der Farang) - HANOI: In Vietnam sorgte ein Videoclip in sozialen Netzwerken für große Empörung, in dem ein Richter zu sehen war, der während einer Verhandlung ein Nickerchen hielt. ...

Five Things About the Internet in Vietnam

12.06.2015 By James Hookway (The Wall Street Journal) - Vietnam has seen a surge in Internet use in recent years. It now has more users than any other country in Southeast Asia, many of whom first went online through mobile devices. The surge is sparking a boom in mobile e-commerce and data consumption that’s changing the way the country and businesses work. Here are five things to know. ...

Sanchez, a no on trade, points to Vietnam rights violations

11.06.2015 (Washington Times) - WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez says she’ll vote against President Barack Obama’s trade agenda because his administration has not addressed Vietnam’s human rights violations. ...

In Push for Power, China Seeks Control Over Global Trade Chokepoints

11.06.2015 By Joshua Philipp (Epoch Times) - The Chinese regime seized the world’s attention when it began throwing up man-made islands in the South China Sea in an attempt to control access to that huge body of water. ...

Achtung: RASFF warnt vor Salmonellen und Bakterien in „black fungus” Pilzen

10.06.2015 (CleanKids-Magazin) - Das europäische Schnellwarnsystem für Lebensmittel und Futtermittel (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, RASFF) warnt aktuell vor schwarzen Pilzen (black fungus) aus Vietnam, nachdem bei Eigenkontrollen des Inverkehrbringers Bacillus cereus und Salmonella spp. nachgewiesen wurden ...

Inhaftierte Bloggerin Ta Phong Tan im Hungerstreik aus Protest gegen Misshandlung von politischen Gefangenen

    Bài & Tin mới 

10.06.2015 (Forum Vietnam 21)  - Die bekannte Bloggerin Ta Phong Tan ist seit dem 13. Mai im Hungerstreik, um gegen die Misshandlung von politischen Gefangenen und miserable Haftbedingung zu protestieren. Die Nachricht von Tans Hungerstreik erreichte die Öffentlichkeit als ihre Schwester Ta Minh Tu nach dem Haftbesuch mit Reportern und Menschenrechtsaktivisten sprach. ...Jailed Vietnamese blogger Ta Phong Tan on hunger strike over mistreatment 09.06.2015 By Shawn W. Crispin / Senior Southeast Asia Representative (CPJ) - Incarcerated blogger Ta Phong Tan has been on hunger strike since May 13 to protest the mistreatment of political prisoners at the prison where she is being held in Vietnam's central Thanh Hoa province, according to news reports. It is believed to be the third time Tan has fasted in protest at poor prison conditions since she was detained in September 2011 for her critical reporting. ...

Vietnam : grève de la faim d’une blogueuse catholique emprisonnée

09.06.2015 (L'observatoire de la Christianophobie) - Ancien agent de police et journaliste indépendante depuis 2004, Maria Tạ Phong Tần, fut arrêtée en septembre 2011 puis condamnée le 4 octobre 2012 à dix ans de prison pour avoir sur son blogue Justice et Vérité (Công Lý và Sự Thật) mené des campagnes pour défendre l’intégrité territoriale de son pays – menacée par la Chine communiste en Mer de Chine –, les droits de l’homme et la démocratie au Vietnam.

Bien que les communications avec l’extérieur lui soient pratiquement impossibles, elle a eu l’autorisation de recevoir sa sœur le 3 juin dernier, laquelle a fait savoir que Maria avait entamé une grève de la faim depuis trois semaines pour protester contre les conditions de détentions et les mauvais traitements qu’elle et les autres détenus d’opinion subissent dans cette prison. ...

Vietnamese Police Detain Six Petitioners Seeking Justice in Land Disputes

09.06.2015 (RFA) - Police arrested six petitioners seeking justice in land rights disputes, and detained several others on Tuesday in Hanoi and Ben Tre province, according to a family member of one of the petitioners.

Four of 22 people protesting in front of the National Assembly building in Hanoi were hauled away after the group attempted to ask politicians for help resolving disputes over land ...

Vietnam to evacuate 1,288 households for construction of nuke power plants

09.06.2015 (Xinhua) - HANOI -- A total of 1,288 households with a population of 4,911 are expected to be evacuated for construction of Vietnam's nuclear power plants in southern Ninh Thuan province, some 1,100 km south of Hanoi, ...

Vietnam, Germany to set up joint chamber of commerce

08.06.2015 (Fibre2Fashion) - Vietnam and Germany will soon establish a joint chamber of commerce to boost trade of both sides to promote and increase business opportunities, especially when the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement is signed ...

China escapes G-7 blame in sea row

08.06.2015 by Ko Hirano (The Japan Times) - MUNICH – The leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized countries released a statement Monday expressing “strong opposition” to massive land reclamation in disputed waters in the South China Sea ...

Activista católica vietnamita hace huelga de hambre para protestar contra los abuso en la cárcel

08.06.2015 (AsiaNews) - Hanói - La activista vietnamita católica María Ta Phong Tan, encarcelada por “propaganda anti-gubernamental” a través de su blog, inició desde hace al menos 3 semanas una huelga de hambre para protestar contra los abusos sufridos en la celda. ...

US Considers More Surveillance in South China Sea to Combat Chinese Belligerence

08.06.2015 by Frances Martel (Breitbart) - The United States is considering an increase in surveillance and patrol flights near the South China Sea, following increased construction activity in the disputed islands by China and the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia– all having claims in the region– sounding the alarm on the Chinese land grab. ...

Cambodian Activists Square Off With Vietnamese Soldiers in Border Row

08.06.2015 (RFA) - Around 200 activists from northeastern Cambodia’s Ratanakiri province led by opposition lawmakers confronted dozens of soldiers and villagers from Vietnam Monday in a standoff over the digging of irrigation ponds in a non-demarcated area along the border shared by the two nations. ...

TPP Will Help Workers In Vietnam Pursue Their Rights

08.06.2015 By Tom Malinowski (Politico) - Two months ago, workers at a shoe factory in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, went on strike to protest changes their government had made to the country’s social security law.

Many members of Congress are asking if it is right to include Vietnam in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, given Vietnam’s record on human rights. I understand their wariness. But having spent the past year urging Vietnam to release prisoners of conscience and reform its laws, I believe we now have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to advance these goals. I approach this question with no illusions. Vietnam is still a one-party state, with laws that criminalize political dissent. ...

The only deterrent to China’s aggression: Taking a cue from Vietnam

07.06.2015 Carol Pagaduan-Araullo (BusinessWorld) - In recent months, China’s flurry of reclamation work and building of military installations on several of the islets and reefs in the disputed portions of the West Philippine Sea/South China Sea have set alarm bells ringing about China’s aggressive design to claim almost the entirety of the area as part of its national territory. The Philippines, being one of the parties to the disputes over maritime rights and territorial claims in the sea, is rightfully aggrieved. ...

G-7 statement ‘to cite maritime rule of law’

06.06.2015 (The Japan News/The Yomiuri Shimbun)  - The summit meeting of the Group of Seven countries to be held Sunday and Monday in Germany will express “concern” over unilateral maritime actions and state that the G-7 nations will commit to maintaining maritime order under international law, according to sources. ...

Taiwan coast guard launches new ships as South China Sea tensions rise

06.06.2015 By J.R. Wu (Reuters) - KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan - Taiwan's coast guard on Saturday commissioned its biggest ships for duty in the form of two 3,000-ton patrol vessels, as the island boosts defences amid concerns about China's growing footprint in the disputed South China Sea. ...

Vietnam's Newest Tourist Destination: The Spratlys

06.06.2015 By Franz-Stefan Gady (The Diplomat) - Vietnam has joined China and the Philippines in their attempt to use tourism as a means of legitimizing control of disputed regions in the South China Sea.

Today, Reuters reported that Vietnam will offer a special “sovereignty” cruise for a selected group of patriotic citizens – “the holiday of a lifetime,” according to the international news agency, which reviewed a recently published tourist brochure on the Saigon Tourist Corporation’s website. ...

Le projet de loi N° 4 sur les croyances et la religion aura-t-il une suite ?

06.06.2015, (Églises d'Asie) - Un grand silence a suivi la brusque explosion de critiques déclenchée par un projet de loi sur la religion et les croyances, appelé projet N° 4, sans que l’on ait jamais eu vent des projets précédents. Les responsables religieux, catholiques et autres, ont fait connaître leur opinion, entièrement négative, sans prendre de précautions et, quelquefois, avec une pointe d’ironie. ...

China blasts Vietnam cruise in disputed waters

05.06.2015 (ABS-CBN) - Reuters - BEIJING - China said on Friday that Vietnam's offer to its citizens of a cruise to disputed West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) islands "violates" Chinese sovereignty.

The comment came after Vietnam said it would offer scores of patriotic citizens the holiday of a lifetime with a cruise to some of Asia's most hotly contested islands. ...

Las tropas japonesas podrán usar las bases navales y aéreas de Filipinas

05.06.2015 (Univision) - Tokio (EFE).- El presidente filipino, Benigno Aquino, dijo hoy que Manila y Tokio comenzarán a negociar un acuerdo por el cual las tropas niponas podrán emplear las bases de su país para repostar y recibir apoyo logístico, en un momento marcado por la pujanza de Pekín en el Mar del Sur de China. ...

Vietnam sends message to China with bid to buy fighter jets and drones

05.06.2015 Oliver Holmes and agencies (The Guardian) - Vietnam is seeking to upgrade its air defences by acquiring western fighter jets and drones, a move which would further militarise a dispute with Beijing over territorial claims in the South China Sea. Hanoi is speaking to European and US contractors to buy jets, patrol planes and unarmed drones, Reuters reported on Friday. ...

“Patriotic” cruises and joint airbases, as anti-Beijing alliance strengthens in the South China Sea

05.06.2015 Manila (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The Vietnamese government has launched a special "cruise for true patriots" taking in some of the disputed islands in the South China Sea. Without doubt, this decision will stir up the already troubled waters in the area putting further tensions on relations with Beijing. ...

Nun rüstet auch Vietnam gegen China auf - mit amerikanischer Hilfe

05.06.2015 (Focus) - Vietnam rüstet offenbar weiter gegen China auf. Nach einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur "Reuters" befindet sich der Küstenstaat bereits in Gesprächen mit europäischen sowie amerikanischen Herstellern, um neue Kampfflugzeuge zu kaufen. Auch Seeaufklärer und unbewaffnete Drohnen sollen angeschafft werden. ...

Crucero "para patriotas" y bases aéreas conjuntas, se fortalece la alianza anti-Beijing en el Mar del Sur de China

05.06.2015 Manila (AsiaNews / Agencias) - El gobierno vietnamita ha puesto en marcha un "crucero para los verdaderos patriotas" especial, que prevé la circunnavegación de algunas de las islas en disputa en el Mar del Sur de China. Una decisión que ayuda a calentar las aguas ya con problemas en la zona y diseñada para apretar aún más las relaciones con Beijing. ...

Menschenrechtsbeauftragter Christoph Strässer zu Besuch in Vietnam vom 03.-09. Juni

04.06.2015 (Deutsche Botschaft Hanoi) - Der Beauftragte für Menschenrechtspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe Christoph Strässer ist gestern (03.06.) nach Hanoi  gereist. Er wird sich bis zum 09. Juni in Vietnam aufhalten und sich über die Lage der Menschenrechte informieren. Auf dem Programm stehen neben offiziellen Gesprächen in der Hauptstadt mit Ministerien und dem Parlament verschiedene Treffen mit der Zivilgesellschaft.

Die Efta-Staaten forcieren die Gespräche mit Vietnam

04.06.2015 von Yvonne Helble (NZZ) - Bereits die zwölfte Verhandlungsrunde ist zwischen den Efta-Staaten (Schweiz, Norwegen, Island sowie Liechtenstein) und Vietnam vergangene Woche über die Bühne gegangen. Der Prozess läuft schon seit drei Jahren und hätte bereits Ende 2014 einen Abschluss finden sollen; für Oktober ist nun eine weitere Gesprächsrunde vorgesehen.

Vietnam will Kreuzfahrten zu Spratly-Inseln anbieten

03.06.2015 (WAZ) - Hanoi. Weiterhin streiten Vietnam, China, die Philippinen und Taiwan um die umstrittenen Spratly-Inseln. Nun plant Vietnam Kreuzfahrten auf die Inseln. Im Territorialstreit mit China um Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer will Vietnam nach Medienberichten jetzt Touristen mobilisieren. Die Behörden hätten Reiseveranstalter aufgefordert, noch im Juni Kreuzfahrten zu den umstrittenen Spratly-Inseln anzubieten, zu "vernünftigen Preisen", ...

Philippine leader likens China to Nazi Germany

03.06.2015 (AFP) Philippine President Benigno Aquino drew a parallel Wednesday between present day China and Nazi Germany during a speech in Japan, hinting the world cannot continue to appease Beijing as it claims ever-more territory in the South China Sea.

"I'm an amateur student of history and I'm reminded of... how Germany was testing the waters and what the response was by various other European powers," he said referring to the Nazis' territorial conquests in the months before the outbreak of World War II.

"They tested the waters and they were ready to back down if for instance in that aspect, France said (to back down). "But unfortunately, up to the annexation of the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, the annexation of the entire country of Czechoslovakia, nobody said stop. "If somebody said stop to (Adolf) Hitler at that point in time, or to Germany at that time, would we have avoided World War II." ...

Umstrittene Inseln: Vietnam will Kreuzfahrten zu Spratly-Inseln anbieten

03.06.2015 (Spiegel Online) - Im Streit mit China um Inseln im Südchinesischen Meer will Vietnam nach Medienberichten jetzt Touristen mobilisieren. Die Behörden hätten Reiseveranstalter aufgefordert, noch im Juni Kreuzfahrten zu den umstrittenen, weit verstreuten Spratly-Inseln anzubieten ...

Bishop of Kontum calls for patience and dialogue to stem attacks on religious freedom

03.06.2015, by Paul N. Hung (AsiaNews) - Ho Chi Minh City - "In our life, difficulties are a constant daily, everywhere and at all times. There are difficulties that affect individuals, families and the community as a whole. [...] But when you face a number of problems, you need to show patience, become promoters of dialogue with the authorities. It is the only way to really solve most issues”, says Msgr. Michael Hoàng Duc Oanh, bishop of Kontum, in Kontum province, Vietnam’s Central Highlands ...

Cambodia refuses asylum to Montagnard refugees from Vietnam

03.06.2015 Lindsay Murdoch (The Sydney Morning Herald) - Phnom Penh: Cambodia is refusing protection for almost 100 Montagnard asylum seekers fleeing persecution in Vietnam as four refugees travel from Nauru to the impoverished nation under a controversial $55.5 million agreement with Australia. ...

Vietnam takes delivery of two Russian-design missile corvettes as maritime tensions mount

03.06.2015 (The Japan Times) - HANOI – Vietnam took delivery of two new missile boats on Tuesday made locally and modeled on Russian vessels, the latest move by its military to strengthen maritime defenses as tensions simmer over sovereignty in the South China Sea. ...

Le président philippin compare à nouveau la Chine à l'Allemagne nazie

03.06.2015 (Le Monde) - « Etudiant amateur d’histoire », le président philippin, Benigno Aquino, n’est pas avare de comparaisons avec l’Allemagne nazie quand il s’agit d’évoquer la Chine. « Si quelqu’un avait dit stop à Hitler, ou à l’Allemagne, on aurait évité la seconde guerre mondiale », a argué M. Aquino — mercredi 3 juin au Japon, où il effectue une visite d’Etat — dans une allusion aux visées maritimes de Pékin dans la région. ...

Vietnam Airlines first A350 XWB takes to the sky

02.06.2015 (Airbus) - The first A350 XWB for Vietnam Airlines has completed its first flight in Toulouse yesterday bearing the airline’s distinctive blue and gold lotus livery. ...

Vietnamese Activist ‘Savagely’ Beaten by Plainclothes Officers

02.06.2015 (RFA) - Plainclothes police officers in Vietnam “savagely” beat civil society activist Pham Thanh Nghien Tuesday after a prominent blogger and her two colleagues tried to meet with her to discuss a nationwide campaign to free the country’s political prisoners. ...

Kampf um Einflusssphären

02.06.2015 Christoph Ricking (DW) - China schafft mit Baumaßnahmen im Südchinesischen Meer Fakten. Aber die USA signalisieren, dass sie sich aus der Region nicht zurückdrängen lassen wollen. Ein Kampf um Einflusssphären, dessen Ende nicht abzusehen ist. ...

Menschenrechtslage in Vietnam auch ein Thema

02.06.2015 (Liechtensteiner Vaterland) - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt. Die Schweiz hat nach 40 Jahren Abwesenheit wieder ein Generalkonsulat in der südvietnamesischen Metropole Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, dem früheren Saigon. Bundesrat Didier Burkhalter eröffnete die diplomatische Vertretung. ...

Vertiefte Handelsbeziehungen mit Vietnam: Bundesrat Didier Burkhalter eröffnet neues Generalkonsulat in Ho Chi Minh City

02.06.2015 (Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten) - Bern - Wirtschaftliche Aspekte im bilateralen Verhältnis standen im Mittelpunkt des Aufenthalts von Bundesrat Didier Burkhalter heute in Vietnam: In Ho Chi Minh City eröffnete er das Schweizer Generalkonsulat, zu dessen Aufgaben auch die Unterstützung von Schweizer Firmen in Vietnam gehört. ...

Renforcement des relations commerciales avec le Vietnam: le conseiller fédéral Didier Burkhalter inaugure le nouveau consulat général à Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville

02.06.2015 (Département fédéral des affaires étrangères) - Berne - Les aspects économiques des relations bilatérales ont occupé aujourd’hui une large place, dans le cadre du séjour du conseiller fédéral Didier Burkhalter au Vietnam. En effet, il a inauguré à Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville le consulat général de Suisse, qui aura notamment pour mission de soutenir les entreprises suisses au Vietnam. ...

China accused of harassing Vietnamese rescue ship, fishermen

02.06.2015 (dpa) Hanoi - Chinese vessels harassed two Vietnamese vessels in separate incidents in the South China Sea, hindering the rescue of man who suffered a heart attack and attacking a fishing boat with a water cannon, local media reported Tuesday. ...

Vietnam beklagt neue Zwischenfälle mit der chinesischen Marine

02.06.2015 (Nordbayerischer Kurier) - Hanoi. Im Inselstreit im Südchinesischen Meer kritisiert Vietnam das aggressive Auftreten des chinesischen Militärs. Die chinesische Marine habe versucht, ein vietnamesisches Rettungsschiff aufzuhalten, dass einem Fischer nach einem Herzinfarkt helfen wollte ...

China must immediately stop land reclamation in South China Sea

02.06.2015 (The Asahi Shimbun) - At a security summit held in Singapore, Chinese Adm. Sun Jianguo stated on May 31 that Beijing has military objectives in mind.

The admiral, who is deputy chief of staff of the People’s Liberation Army, told the annual meeting known as the Shangri-La Dialogue that the undertaking is partly aimed at meeting the country's “necessary defense needs.” ...

Landaufschüttungen: China weist Kritik zurück

02.06.2015 (BILD) - Singapur – China hat Kritik an seinen Landaufschüttungen im Südchinesischen Meer zurückgewiesen und die umstrittene Maßnahme als Umweltschutz deklariert. ...

The Next Step Toward Possible Conflict in the South China Sea

01.06.2015 Mark Thompson (Time) - When discussing the growing conflict over China’s dredging new islands to extend its sovereignty 1,000 miles into the resource-rich South China Sea, one phrase frequently pops up from U.S. military officers past and present. “China,” they say, “doesn’t do off-ramps well.” ...

Hacker War Erupts Over South China Sea Conflict

01.06.2015 By Joshua Philipp (Epoch Times) - While other nations have begun challenging the Chinese Communist Party’s claims to territory in the South China Sea, another conflict is brewing over the region—this one between hackers. The hacker collective Anonymous started a new operation recently to oppose the Chinese regime’s land-grab in the South China Sea. ...

US signs defence trade agreement with Vietnam

01.06.2015 Jon Grevatt, Bangkok (IHS Jane's 360) - Vietnam and the United States have signed a defence agreement, with the intention of opening a new era of defence trade and joint defence production. ...

Vietnam: Don't tie US weapons sales to human rights issues

01.06.2015 By Lolita C. Baldor (AP) -  HANOI, Vietnam (AP) -- Questions about human rights violations by the Vietnamese government should have no bearing on whether the U.S. should fully remove its ban on lethal weapons' sales to Hanoi, Vietnam's defense minister said Monday after meeting with U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter. ...

El secretario de Defensa de EEUU impulsa la cooperación bilateral con Vietnam

01.06.2015 (Ultimahora) - Bangkok (EFE)- El secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Ashton Carter, firmó hoy con Vietnam en Hanoi un memorando que guiará la cooperación bilateral en materia defensiva en el futuro, lo que supone un impulso a dicha relación. ...

Warum die Welt besorgt auf den Pazifik schaut

01.06.2015 (SZ) - In rasendem Tempo bebaut China im Süchinesischen Meer Inseln und Riffe aus, die auch von Nachbarländern beansprucht werden.

Beim Shangri-La-Dialog, der größten Sicherheitskonferenz Asiens, fragen sich nun alle: Was will China? ...

Le chef du Pentagone au Vietnam, promet une aide à Hanoï

01.06.2015 (Zaman France) Le secrétaire américain à la Défense Ashton Carter, au Vietnam dans le cadre d'une tournée dans la région Asie-Pacifique, a promis dimanche d'allouer à ce pays 18 millions de dollars pour l'aider à se doter de navires de patrouille américains ...

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