

Ein wunderbares Leben ist zu Ende gegangen. Ein Leben für die Hilfebedürftigen, für die Notleidenden, für die Ertrinkenden, für die Flüchtlinge aus allen Ländern, für die Bootsflüchtlinge aus Vietnam, für alle Menschen dieser Erde…. Dieses Leben ist heute zu Ende gegangen.   

Rupert Neudeck war ein „radikaler Humanist“, ein „radikaler Menschenfreund“. Er liebte die Menschen. Er hat Leben, unzählige Leben gerettet. Genau 11.340 Vietnamesen hat er vor dem sicheren Tod auf hoher See bewahrt. Und er hat ihnen damit ein zweites Leben und ihren Abkömmlingen eine Zukunft geschenkt. Für vietnamesische Buddhisten ist Rupert Neudeck ein Buddha, zumindest ein Boddhisattva der Gegenwart. In die Geschichte, besonders in die Geschichte von Vietnam ist Rupert Neudeck eingegangen. Er hat dort einen Ehrenplatz und ist für Vietnamesen ein leuchtendes Vorbild.

Wir, Vietnamesen in Deutschland, sind tief traurig über den Tod Dr. Neudecks und ihm ewig dankbar.

Wir verneigen uns vor ihm und seinem selbstlosen Einsatz für die Menschheit.  

In tiefer Dankbarkeit

Dr. Hong-An Duong  

“Forum Vietnam 21”

31. Mai 2016

Glaubensfreiheit in Vietnam retten!

In Vietnam diskutiert das Parlament zurzeit über den Entwurf eines Religionsgesetzes. Wenn es durchgeht, wird der Staat noch strenger als bisher religiöse Einrichtungen und Institutionen kontrollieren.

Bitte setzen Sie sich gemeinsam mit unserer Menschenrechtsorganisation, der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV), dafür ein, dass Religionsfreiheit in Vietnam geschützt wird!  [weiter lesen & unterstützen]

Einen Einblick in die Kampagne bietet dieses YouTube-Video in Vietnamesisch mit englischen Untertiteln. Hören Sie, warum Vietnamesinnen und Vietnamesen Glaubensfreiheit so wichtig ist.

Vietnam After Obama

30.05.2016 (Asia Sentinel) - When Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Vietnam last November, he was welcomed with a 21-gun salute by his hosts and protests by activists. The Vietnamese did not line the streets to get a glimpse of the China leader and there were no reports of Vietnam’s young people clamoring to take selfies with Xi. ...

China ‘may need a rethink’ as Vietnam moves closer to US

30.05.2016 (SCMP) - The stepped-up military ties ­between Vietnam and the United States is a worrying sign to Beijing, even though Hanoi is unlikely to acquire advanced American weapons, analysts say. ...

Vietnamese Communist Leader Says US Anti-War Activists Helped Their Victory

29.05.2016 Richard Pollock (The Daily Caller) - In the weeks leading up to Memorial Day and President Barack Obama’s scheduled trip to Vietnam, a prominent Vietcong communist leader privately thanked American anti-war activists for helping defeat the U.S.-allied government in Vietnam in the 1970s, saying protest demonstrations throughout the United States were “extremely important in contributing to Vietnam’s victory.” ...

Drought and ‘Rice First’ Policy Imperil Vietnamese Farmers

28.05.2016 By Jane Perlez (NYT) - SOC TRANG, Vietnam — When the rice shoots began to wither on Lam Thi Loi’s farm in the heart of the Mekong Delta, a usually verdant region of Vietnam, she faced a hard choice: Let them die in the parched earth, or pump salty water from the river to give them a chance. Like many seasoned farmers here, she risked the saline water. The crop perished within days. ...

Vietnam: Zentralbank soll Gold der Bevölkerung verpfänden

27.05.2016 (goldreporter.de) - Die Vietnam Gold Trading Association fordert, private Goldbestände sollten verfügbar gemacht werden, um die Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Vietnam zu fördern. ...

Denuncian bloqueo de Facebook por parte del Gobierno durante la visita de Obama a Vietnam

27.05.2016  (Europa Press) - Varios grupos de activistas han denunciado este jueves una campaña por parte del Gobierno vietnamita para bloquear el acceso a la red social Facebook durante varios días esta última semana, coincidiendo con la visita del presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, en su gira por Asia. ...

Access to Facebook restricted during Obama visit in Vietnam : Activists

27.05.2016  SAN FRANCISCO | By Yasmeen Abutaleb (Reuters) - The Vietnamese government restricted access to Facebook Inc inside Vietnam for several days this week as part of a broader crackdown on human rights and political dissidents during a visit by President Barack Obama, two activist organizations said on Thursday. ...

G7 fordert 'friedliche' Beilegung von Inselstreitigkeiten

27.05.2016 (finanztreff.de) - Trotz der Drohungen Chinas haben sich die sieben großen Industrienationen in den Territorialstreit im Süd- und Ostchinesischen Meer eingemischt und eine "friedliche" Beilegung angemahnt. ...

Why Obama blinked on rights in Vietnam

26.05.2016 by Shawn W. Crispin (The Diplomat) - BANGKOK – The administration has rewarded one the region’s least democratic regimes without much progress on rights to show for it.  When U.S. President Barack Obama met with Vietnamese civil society members during his recently concluded official visit to the Communist Party-led country, half of the chairs at the appointed venue were empty. Hours before the scheduled meeting staged to symbolically show U.S. solidarity with the country’s grass-roots democrats, security officials pre-emptively detained three of the invited participants, including a blogger, a journalist and an aspiring opposition politician. ...

Erneuerter Gedenkort für einen Massenmörder?

26.05.2016 Vera Lengsfeld (Vera Lengsfeld Blog) - Völkerverständigung ist eine gute Sache, aber man sollte dabei niemals vergessen, mit wem man verhandelt und mit welchen Regimen man es zu tun hat. In einem aktuellen Fall in Sachsen könnte dies leider im Falle des neuen Botschafter Vietnams Doan Xuan Hung und der deutsch-vietnamesischen Zusammenarbeit passiert sein. Denn offenbar wird ernsthaft erwogen einen DDR-Erinnerungsort mit staatsvietnamesischer Hilfe geschichtspolitisch einseitig neu aufzubauen. Neben der Erinnerung an die Ausbildung von vietnamesischen Kindern in der DDR würde hier, wenn es denn so umgesetzt werden würde, offenbar ein völlig unkritisches Bild eines Massenmörders demokratisch geadelt. ...

Beijing Is Angering Its Only Friend In The Disputed South China Sea

26.05.2016 Ralph Jennings (Forbes) - China has upset Asian neighbors from Japan to Vietnam by flexing harder than the rest on its claims to vast swathes of disputed oceans. But Asia’s third largest country, Indonesia, usually tolerates its brushes with Beijing to keep up prized economic ties.

Now China is pushing its only friend in the disputed oceans of East Asia to decide how much more it can take. ...

Obama fordert in Vietnam Meinungsfreiheit

25.05.2016 (Luzerner Zeitung) US-Präsident Barack Obama hat seinen Besuch in Vietnam mit einem Plädoyer für Kunst- und Meinungsfreiheit abgeschlossen. "Regierungen sind manchmal nervös wegen der Kunst. Aber wenn man die Kunst unterdrückt, unterdrückt man die Träume und Hoffnungen des Volkes". Das sagte Obama am Mittwoch in dem von der kommunistischen Partei streng reglementierten Land. ...

China will den Westpazifik für sich

25.05.2016 Von Steffen Richter (Die Zeit) ... Die USA verkaufen Hanoi jetzt Militärtechnik, denn die Vietnamesen haben Angst. Vor China. Diese Angst ist nicht neu, es gibt sie seit Jahrhunderten. Das Kaiserreich im Norden war meist stark und ließ den kleinen Nachbarn Tribut zollen. ...

As Obama Presses Vietnam on Rights, Activists Are Barred From Meeting

24.05.2016 By Gardiner Harris and Jane Perlez (NYT) - HANOI, Vietnam — President Obama won enthusiastic applause here on Tuesday with a supportive reference to Vietnam’s disputes with China, saying in a speech that “big nations should not bully smaller ones.” But several activists who had been scheduled to meet with him before the speech were prevented from doing so, underscoring the gulf with Hanoi on human rights.

The White House had requested the meeting as a signal to Vietnam’s Communist government that the United States cares about human rights here. Mr. Obama spent more than his allotted time with the six Vietnamese civil society leaders who did attend the meeting at a JW Marriott hotel, but he said that several others had been prevented from coming. ...

Menschenrechtler in Vietnam von Gespräch mit Obama abgehalten

24.05.2016 (Focus) - Obama stellt die Gastfreundschaft der Vietnamesen auf die Probe: in Anwesenheit der Gastgeber, die Regimekritiker einsperren, spricht er frank und frei über Meinungsfreiheit. Ein Dissident ist nicht dabei. US-Präsident Barack Obama hat sich von den Sicherheitskräften im kommunistischen Einparteienstaats Vietnam streng überwacht in Hanoi mit sechs Regimekritikern getroffen. Andere seien von der Teilnahme abgehalten worden, monierte Obama. Vor mehr als 2000 Studenten geißelt Obama später ausführlich die Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit. Die Regierungsvertreter in der ersten Reihe des Publikums verzogen keine Miene ...

Obama kritisiert Unterdrückung von Oppositionellen in Vietnam

24.05.2016 (euronews) - Am zweiten Tag seines Vietnam-Besuchs hat sich US-Präsident Barack Obama mit Oppositionellen und Aktivisten getroffen. Er kritisierte, dass er nicht alle, die eingeladen waren, habe treffen dürfen ...

Obama pide el respeto de los derechos en Vietnam tras detención de disidentes

24.05.2016 (terra) -  El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, instó hoy a Vietnam a mejorar la defensa de los derechos humanos como garantía de progreso económico y seguridad política, en medio de las críticas por la detención de seis activistas locales. ...

Obama prods Vietnam on rights after activists stopped from meeting him

24.05.2016 By Matt Spetalnick and Martin Petty (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama chided Vietnam on political freedoms on Tuesday after critics of the communist-run government were prevented from meeting him in Hanoi, a discordant note on a trip otherwise steeped in words of amity between the former foes.

One prominent intellectual, Nguyen Quang A, told Reuters that about 10 policemen had come to his house at 6:30 a.m. and put him in a car that was driven out of the capital until Obama was about to leave. ...

Vietnam : le rappel à l’ordre de Barack Obama sur le respect des droits de l’Homme

24.05.2016 (euronews) - Le président américain, en visite dans ce pays longtemps ennemi du sien, a loué le rapprochement spectaculaire entre les deux Etats mais a appelé à plus de liberté d’expression. ...

AI denuncia el arresto de disidentes en Vietnam durante la visita de Obama

23.05.2016 (terra) - La organización garante de los derechos humanos Amnistía Internacional (AI) denunció hoy el arresto de seis disidentes del Gobierno de Vietnam mientras el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, se encuentra en el país de visita oficial. ...

In shadow of Obama’s visit, Vietnam cracked down on protests over dead fish

23.05.2016 By Ishaan Tharoor (The Washington Post) - President Obama's visit to Vietnam highlights ever-growing ties between former Cold War adversaries. Obama announced Monday in Hanoi that Washington would be fully lifting a long-standing U.S. embargo on lethal arms sales to Vietnam, a move seen as a bid to hedge against Chinese expansionism in the region. But critics and rights groups point to the enduring authoritarian practices of Vietnam's one-party government. Some demonstrators were attacked and intimidated, while others have been arrested, Amnesty International said. ...

Human Rights Groups Furious After Obama’s Big Announcement from Communist Vietnam

23.05.2016 By Kate Bennett (Independent Journal Review) - President Obama announced today that the United States will put to pasture a longstanding arms sale embargo with Vietnam, allowing for the sale of high-powered weaponry. in lifting the ban against Vietnam’s ability to buy military-grade arms, many human rights groups are furious that Obama has given up what they consider a last bargaining chip with the country. ...

Viet Nam: Shameful wave of arrests of activists as Obama visits

23.05.2016 (AI) - Vietnamese authorities must end their crackdown on peaceful protesters and release all prisoners of conscience, Amnesty International said today. The six peaceful activists who have been arrested in recent days are: Nancy Nguyễn, Nguyễn Viết Dũng, Phạm Đoan Trang, Vũ Huy Hoàng, Nguyễn Ngọc NhưQuỳnh, and Nguyễn Bá Vinh. ...

CPJ to Vietnam: Stop Censoring BBC

23.05.2016 By John Eggerton (BC) -  The Committee to Protect Journalists told Vietnam Monday (May 23) to stop censoring the BBC and harassing journalists. That came after the BBC reported that its news team was prevented from reporting on President Barack Obama's three-day visit to the country. ...

BBC journalist barred from Obama's Viet tour

23.05.2016 (BBC) - A BBC correspondent in Vietnam for US President Barack Obama's visit to the country says he's been ordered by the Vietnamese authorities to stop reporting apparently because they suspected he had met one of the government's sharpest critics. "We have now been told that our accreditation has been withdrawn and all our reporting activities must stop," Bangkok-based Jonathan Head ...

taz-Kommentar von Sven Hansen über das Ende des US-Waffenembargos gegen Vietnam

23.05.2016 Sven Hansen (FinanzNachrichten) - Berlin - Bei der Entscheidung über das US-Waffenembargo gegen Vietnam musste Barack Obama abwägen: zwischen strategischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen einerseits und dem Schutz der Menschenrechte andererseits. Bisher hatten die USA das Embargo mit Hanois autoritärer Einparteienpolitik begründet, die für mindestens hundert politische Gefangene verantwortlich ist. Indem er das Embargo nun aufhebt, hat Obama gegen die Menschenrechte gestimmt - auch wenn er das rhetorisch zu verkleistern sucht. ...

China Says Lifting Of US Arms Embargo On Vietnam Aimed At Provoking Hanoi To Confront Beijing Over South China Sea

23.05.2016 By Duncan Hewitt (IBT) - SHANGHAI — The U.S. decision to lift its arms sales embargo on Vietnam will concern China, analysts said Monday, as President Barack Obama began his official visit to Hanoi with a landmark announcement to lift a ban that had been in place since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. Beijing has repeatedly expressed anxiety about the U.S. rapprochement with Hanoi, which last year signed President Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty. ...

Obama hebt Waffenembargo gegen Vietnam auf

23.05.2016 (SZ) - US-Präsident Barack Obama hebt überraschend das jahrzehntelang geltende Waffenexportverbot nach Vietnam auf. Das gab er in Hanoi zu Beginn seines ersten Besuchs in dem kommunistischen Land bekannt. Menschenrechtsorganisationen hatten im Vorfeld eine mögliche Aufhebung des Embargos kritisiert. Man dürfe keine Waffen an eine Regierung liefern, die Grundrechte missachte, teilte Human Rights Watch mit. ...

Obama anuncia el levantamiento del embargo militar a Vietnam

23.05.2016 Eric San Juan, Hanoi (La Razon) - El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, anunció hoy en Hanoi el levantamiento del embargo militar a Vietnam, una decisión que supone la "completa normalización" de las relaciones entre dos antiguos países enemigos. Aunque Obama destacó los "progresos modestos" de Vietnam en ese apartado, la organización Human Rights Watch (HRW) denunció hoy el arresto de la periodista disidente Doan Trang y otros activistas y blogueros vietnamitas. ...

U.S. lifts arms ban on old foe Vietnam as regional tensions simmer

23.05.2016 By Matt Spetalnick (Reuters) - The United States announced an end to its embargo on sales of lethal arms to Vietnam on Monday, an historic step that draws a line under the two countries' old enmity and underscores their shared concerns about Beijing's growing military clout. ...

Les Etats-Unis lèvent l'embargo sur les armes à destination du Vietnam

23.05.2016 (France Soir) - Le président des Etats-Unis Barack Obama a annoncé ce lundi la levée de l'embargo sur les ventes d'armes américaines au Vietnam, l'un des derniers vestiges de la guerre entre les deux pays qui s'est achevée en 1975. Au premier jour de sa visite à Hanoï, M. Obama a pourtant assuré que ce n'était pas une réponse directe à l'attitude de la Chine. ...

Obama: Washington hebt Waffenembargo gegen Vietnam auf

23.05.2016 (Sputnik) - Die USA heben das jahrzehntelange Exportverbot für letale Waffen gegen Hanoi auf, wie die Agentur AP unter Berufung auf US-Präsident Barack Obama meldet. Der russische Vietnam-Experte Ilja Ussow prognostiziert: „Kurzfristig werden die USA Russland vom vietnamesischen Waffenmarkt nicht verdrängen können. Militärtechnik in Vietnam ist zu rund 80 Prozent aus sowjetischer und russischer Produktion. ...

How to make U.S.-Vietnam relations great again

23.05.2016 by Curtis S. Chin and Jose B. Collazo (The Japan Times) - It is an incredible transformation that U.S. President Obama will see during his visit to this country prior to his journey on to Japan for the latest G-7 summit. But, as economic and geopolitical interests draw the United States and Vietnam together, much unfinished business remains that must be addressed. ...

Großauftrag aus Vietnam für Boeing

23.05.2016 (der Standard) - Chicago – Der Flugzeugbauer Boeing hat aus Vietnam einen Großauftrag über 100 Mittelstreckenjets erhalten. Die Billigfluglinie Vietjet habe die Maschinen in der Billigflieger-Spezialversion 737 MAX 200 geordert ...

Ruhige Parlamentswahl vor Ankunft Obamas in Vietnam

22.05.2016 (Blick) - Hanoi – Einen Tag vor Ankunft von US-Präsident Barack Obama waren als 60 Millionen Vietnamesen zur Parlamentswahl aufgerufen. Von Wahlkampfstimmung war allerdings keine Rede: in dem Einparteienstaat dürfen nur Kandidaten antreten, die die Kommunistische Partei abgesegnet hat. KP-Komitees setzen Bürger in jeder Ortschaft unter Druck, Parteivorgaben für eine hohe Wahlbeteiligung zu erfüllen. ...

As Obama visits, Vietnam activists fear U.S. strategy on China may trump rights crackdown

22.05.2016 (The Japan Times) - HANOI/WASHINGTON – At a secret gig in a Hanoi house, a clutch of democracy activists listen intently to the words of a bluesy ballad, a small act of defiance by critics of Vietnam’s communist regime who hope a visit by U.S. President Barack Obama will open rather than cramp their space to operate. “Hey you, hey my sister,” ends the mournful lament by pop-star-turned-activist Mai Khoi, “Are we free, are we really free?” ...

Obama spricht mit Ex-Feind Vietnam über Waffen und Menschenrechte

22.05.2016 (Börse-online) - HANOI (dpa-AFX) - Auf dem Weg zum G7-Gipfel macht US-Präsident Barack Obama einen Zwischenstopp in Vietnam. Es gibt offenbar viel Redebedarf mit dem einstigen Kriegsgegner und rasant wachsenden Handelspartner. ...

Vietnam’s Lady Gaga urges Barack Obama to listen to dissidents at secret gig to as he visits foe-turned-ally

22.05.2016 By Philip Sherwell (The Telegraph) - A singer known as the Lady Gaga of Vietnam has pleaded with President Barack Obama to put pressure on the Vietnamese government over human rights during his upcoming trip. Mai Khoi, known for her flamboyant style, staged a secret gig at a private house in Hanoi for fellow pro-democracy dissidents in the tightly-controlled one-party state. ...

Vietnam libera al padre Van Ly, activista por la libertad: tiene 70 años, pasó más de 20 en prisión

22.05.2016 (Religión en Libertad) - El padre Nguyen Van Ly, sacerdote católico de 70 años famoso por su lucha a favor de la libertad religiosa y los derechos civiles en el Vietnam comunista, ha sido liberado después de 8 años de prisión. Físicamente muy debilitado, pero con buen ánimo y lucidez, fue recibido por el arzobispo de la diócesis de Hue. La diócesis ha difundido las fotos en las que el arzobispo le ayuda a salir de una furgoneta y luego le bendice cuando, con esfuerzo, se arrodilla para recibir su bendición. ...

Asiens Superreiche

21.05.2016 Von Wilfried Arz (Eurasisches Magazin) - Südasien steht noch immer für Massenarmut. In Indien und Bangladesch allein leben über 500 Millionen Menschen in Armut. Japan, Südkorea, Taiwan und Singapur gelang hingegen der Sprung in die Liga erfolgreicher Industriestaaten. Wirtschaftlicher Erfolg wird im pazifischen  Asien allerdings durch eine extrem ungleiche Einkommensverteilung konterkariert. ... 

To please Obama, Hanoi releases Catholic human rights icon Fr. Van Ly

21.05.2016 (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – Hanoi’s Communist authorities have released Nguyen Van Ly, a Catholic priest in his 70s one of the top leaders in the struggle for religious freedom and civil rights in the country. According to some sources, the decision is a "good will" gesture ahead of the official visit of US President Barack Obama May 23 to 25. ...

Der Feind meines Feindes

21.05.2016 von Till Fähnders, Singapur (FAZ) - Die früheren Kriegsgegner Vietnam und Amerika rücken im Konflikt mit China immer enger zusammen. Bei seinem Besuch in Hanoi wird Präsident Obama am Sonntag als Partner empfangen. ...

As Obama Heads to Vietnam, He Must Keep Human Rights in Mind

21.05.2016 By Rafendi Djamin (The Diplomat) - Vu Minh Khanh was in Washington last week to address a congressional hearing. As the wife of the respected Vietnamese human rights lawyer Nguyen Van Dai, she vividly recalled her husband’s ordeal. Next week, President Barack Obama will become the fourth successive U.S. President to visit Vietnam. As a president who hopes to carve out a legacy by ending Washington’s disputes with old Cold War enemies, Obama wants to court Vietnam as a potential ally. But, as Vu appealed to lawmakers, he shouldn’t leave human rights behind in the overhead compartment as he descends the steps of Air Force One. ...

Ly’s free!

20.05.2016 Josef Bordat (Blog jobo72) - Pater Thadeus Nguyen Van Ly ist frei. Der prominente vietnamesische Dissident wurde heute Morgen aus dem Gefängnis entlassen – sichtlich gezeichnet von seiner Haft. So richtig und so erfreulich also die Freilassung Pater Lys ist, so gut die Nachricht klingt: Erst wenn sich der letzte Dissident in Freiheit befindet und diese Freiheit für alle Menschen in Vietnam auch spürbar ist, wird man vietnamesische Innenpolitik und den Schutz der Menschenrechte in einem Atemzug nennen können. ...

Erwartungen an Obama: Menschenrechte in Vietnam zum Thema machen

20.05.2016 (BRF) - Menschenrechtler und Parlamentarier in Asien haben US-Präsident Barack Obama vor seinem Besuch in Vietnam aufgerufen, Menschenrechte zum zentralen Thema der Visite zu machen. ...

Vietnam frees political prisoner days before Barack Obama visit

20.05.2016 (The Guardian) - Vietnam has freed one of its longest-serving political prisoners, just a few days before a visit by Barack Obama in which human rights is expected to be a key talking point. ...

Veteran Vietnam dissident Nguyen Van Ly released ahead of Obama visit

20.05.2016 (SCMP) - Authoritarian Vietnam released one of the country’s longest serving prisoners of conscience on Friday, just days before US President Barack Obama is due to visit, the Catholic Church said.

Nguyen Van Ly, a priest who has spent much of the last two decades either in jail or under house arrest, was released Friday morning, church officials said. ...

El Gobierno de Vietnam libera a un preso político de cara a la visita de Obama

20.05.2016 (Europa Press) - El Gobierno de Vietnam ha liberado este viernes a un sacerdote católico, uno de los presos políticos más antiguos del país, de cara a la visita del presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, en la que se espera que los Derechos Humanos sean un punto clave de las conversaciones. Nguyen Van Ly había estado alrededor de 20 años detenido debido a su lucha a favor de la democracia y la libertad religiosa y ha sido liberado este viernes de una prisión localizada en la provincia de Hue. ...

Le P. Thaddée Nguyên Van Ly a été remis en liberté dans un état de santé préoccupant

20.05.2016 (Églises d'Asie) - Dans la matinée de ce 20 mai 2016, l’archevêque de Huê, Mgr Lê Van Hông, a confirmé à différentes radios étrangères la libération de prison du P. Thaddée Nguyên Van Ly après huit années passées en détention dans le camp de Nam Ha, situé dans la province de Ha Nam, au sud de Hanoi. Les autorités religieuses de l’archidiocèse avaient été averties la veille que le P. Ly serait libéré environ trois mois avant la date officielle de l’expiration de sa peine. ...

Government crackdowns on peaceful demonstrations in Viet Nam

20.05.2016 (AI) - The Vietnamese authorities have cracked down heavily in response to a series of demonstrations taking place throughout the country in May 2016, organized following an ecological catastrophe that has decimated the nation’s fish stocks. Wide-ranging police measures to prevent and punish participation in demonstrations has resulted in a range of human rights violations including torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment, as well as violations of the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of movement. ...

Vietnam rights record puts Obama in a fix as U.S. seeks new Asian alliance

20.05.2016 By Martin Petty and Matt Spetalnick (Reuters) - With police watching his home around the clock, Vietnamese blogger Huynh Ngoc Chenh sneaked out through a back door and reappeared the next day in a public square to hold a one-man, anti-government protest. But having been given the slip once, police wasted no time in nabbing him after only five minutes. ...

Trip to Vietnam has arms angle

20.05.2016 By Matthew Pennington (ArkansasOnline) - President Barack Obama could lift restrictions on arms sales when he makes his first visit to Vietnam next week. That would remove a final vestige of wartime animosity but would not please China, which views growing U.S. defense ties in its backyard with deep suspicion over rising military tensions in the South China Sea. ...

Obama under pressure to address human rights during Vietnam visit

20.05.2016 By Bennett Murray and Bac Pham (dpa) - Bangkok - Activists called on US President Barack Obama to make human rights a central theme of his upcoming visit to Vietnam. ...

Parlamentarios de ASEAN piden a Obama que defienda la democracia en Vietnam

20.05.2016 (terra) - Parlamentarios de la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático (ASEAN) por los Derechos Humanos (APHR, sigla en inglés) pidieron hoy al presidente de EEUU, Barack Obama, que defienda la democracia en su visita a Vietnam la semana próxima. ...

ASEAN MPs to Obama: Stand up for democracy and human rights in Vietnam

20.05.2016 (APHR) - JAKARTA — During his upcoming visit to Vietnam, US President Barack Obama should make that country’s dismal record on human rights and democracy central to discussions with government officials and emphasize the need for substantive progress on these issues before further cooperation can proceed, ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) said today. ...

Vietnam celebra elecciones parlamentarias sin señales de apertura democrática

20.05.2016 (terra) -  Vietnam celebra este fin de semana unas elecciones legislativas en las que las expectativas de una ligera apertura democrática se han visto frustradas por el veto a candidatos independientes del hegemónico Partido Comunista. Aunque más de un centenar de candidatos ajenos a la formación presentaron su candidatura, muchos de ellos intelectuales críticos con el sistema de partido único, solo once pasaron el filtro arbitrario del Comité Electoral para optar a alguno de los 500 escaños de la Asamblea Nacional. ...

CPJ urges U.S. President Barack Obama to prioritize press freedom in Vietnam meetings

19.05.2016 (CPJ) - We write in advance of your May 23-25 visit to Vietnam to express our enduring concern about the country's chronically poor press freedom conditions. While your government has strengthened ties with Vietnam without demonstrable progress on human rights, we ask that you use the upcoming meetings with Vietnam's newly appointed leaders to emphasize that closer diplomatic and economic relations with the United States must come with greater respect for press freedom in Vietnam. ... ...

Tote Fische stören Wahlen in Vietnam

19.05.2016 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Die Vietnamesen sind aufgerufen am Wochenende die Abgeordneten für die Nationalversammlung, also das Parlament, und die Volksräte zu wählen. Bei den Wahlen handelt es sich allerdings nicht um eine ernsthafte Befragung des Wählerwillens, wie der jüngste Länderbericht der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung aus Vietnam resümiert. "Die Wahlen dienen der Bestätigung der Beschlüsse der Partei durch das Volk." ...

Unexplained fish deaths disrupt Vietnamese vote

19.05.2016 Rodion Ebbighausen / shs (DW) - Vietnamese voters will elect members of the National Assembly over the weekend, but an environmental disaster linked to the appearance of tons of dead fish has dampened the political mood. This weekend's elections are expected to open up more space for the National Assembly to make independent decisions, said Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Vietnam, in its recent country report. But whatever the result, elected members are still there to mostly carry forward the party agenda and consolidate the power of the ruling elite, it said. ...

Arms embargo, human rights confront Obama in Vietnam

19.05.2016 Thomas Maresca (USA TODAY)  - Pressure to lift a decades-long arms embargo and complaints about continued human rights violations will confront President Obama when he makes his first visit to Vietnam on Monday, 41 years after the end of one of the most divisive wars in American history. ...

Why Might Vietnam Let U.S. Military Return? China

19.05.2016 By Jane Perlez (The New York Times) - CAM RANH BAY, Vietnam — “On Facebook, there was a question recently: What do you want from President Obama’s visit?” said Vo Van Tao, 63, who fought as a young North Vietnamese infantry soldier against the United States. “Some people said they wanted democracy. I said I wanted the Americans to come back to Cam Ranh Bay. A lot of people agreed with me.” ...

China und USA geraten in der Luft aneinander

19.05.2016 (ARD) - Ein US-Jet ist über dem Südchinesischen Meer von zwei Kampfflugzeugen aus China bedrängt worden. Laut Pentagon war dies ein "unsicheres Manöver" während eines "Routineflugs" im internationalen Luftraum. ...

Neuer Zwischenfall im Südchinesischen Meer

19.05.2016 Von Roland Kreisel (NeoPresse) - Der Streit zwischen China und den USA über Gebietsansprüche im Südchinesische Meer hat sich wieder zugespitzt. Am 17. Mai 2016 gab es einen erneuten Zwischenfall in der Region. ...

China fängt amerikanisches Flugzeug ab

19.05.2016 (NZZ) - Chinas Luftwaffe hat über dem Südchinesischen Meer ein amerikanisches Flugzeug bedrängt. Dies teilte das Pentagon mit. Demnach hat sich der Zwischenfall bereits am 17. Mai ereignet. ...

South China Sea, risk of collision between Chinese and US planes

19.05.2016 (AsiaNews / Agencies) - Beijing - Two Chinese military aviation aircraft have intercepted a US spy plane, flying over the South China Sea. According to the Pentagon, the incident occurred in international airspace on May 17 last, while the US Marine reconnaissance jet was carrying out a routine patrol operation in the area. ...

Good Morning Vietnam! Why the Russian Navy is Returning to Cam Ranh Bay

18.05.2016 (Sputnik) - Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Nguyen Thanh Sean says that his country is not opposed to the Russian Navy returning to the base in Cam Ranh Bay, on the condition that its presence is not directed against any third country. Will Russia take the opportunity to regain a foothold in Southeast Asia? Svobodnaya Pressa journalist Anton Mardasov explores. ...

Morts massives de poissons : le Viêt Nam coupe Facebook contre des manifestations

18.05.2016 Guillaume Champeau (numerama) - Depuis le mois d'avril, une catastrophe environnementale se traduit par la mort massive de poissons sur les côtes du Vietnam. Face aux protestations de la population et aux appels à manifester, le gouvernement accusé de protéger un industriel a décidé de couper l'accès à Facebook. ...

Vietnam: intolerable harassment of Christian woman

18.05.2016 (World Watch Monitor) - The harassment of a Vietnamese Christian human rights activist, whose husband, pastor Nguyen Cong Chinh, is currently serving an 11-year prison sentence, has become "intolerable" reports CSW. ...

Vietnamese Rights Advocates Pressure White House

18.05.2016 (RFA) Vietnamese activists are stepping up their campaign to get the Obama Administration to pressure Hanoi to clean up its human rights act before Washington decides to make any major changes in its policies toward the Southeast Asian nation. ...

Vietnam: Drought Heightens Risk Of Forest Fires

18.05.2016 (Bernama) - BINH PHUOC - Prolonged dry weather has significantly increased forest fire risk in the southeast region of Vietnam, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) said, citing authorised agencies report. In southern Binh Phuoc province, at least 150 forest fire hotspots have been named since the beginning of this year. ...

Amid Protests, Vietnamese Look to Obama's Visit

18.05.2016 By Duyen Bui (The Diplomat) Vietnamese officials and the Vietnamese people are waiting in anticipation to welcome U.S. President Barack Obama in about a week. But each have very different reasons for awaiting Obama’s visit. The Vietnamese government will be laying out the red carpet for the leader of its former enemy, with whom it now seeks alliances with in order to improve its troubled economy and hedge security threats from neighboring China. Vietnam’s people, meanwhile, hope the leader of the United States can throw his weight behind concerns about government accountability and basic freedoms. ...

Obama's Vietnam embargo conundrum

18.05.2016 By Huong Le Thu (Nikkei Asian Review) - Obama's trip to Vietnam, which takes place between May 23 and May 25, will make him the third U.S. head of state to visit since the normalization of ties in 1995; he was preceded by President Bill Clinton in 2000 and President George W. Bush in 2006; Bush went for an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group meeting in Hanoi. ...

Vietnam open to Russian return to Cam Ranh Bay

18.05.2016  Alex Snegov (RBTH) - Vietnam is open to the idea of the Russian Navy returning to its former military base in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Nguyen Thanh Sean told RIA Novosti on May 17. ...

Vietnam: Crackdown on Peaceful Environmental Protesters

18.05.2016 (HRW) - (New York) – On the last three Sundays – May 1, 8, and 15 – thousands of people in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Vung Tau, Da Nang, Hue, and Nghe An publicly demonstrated to demand a transparent government investigation into the recent mass fish kills off the coast of Ha Tinh province. While the authorities only subjected the protests on May 1 to light harassment, police and other security forces used unnecessary and excessive force to end demonstrations on the following two Sundays. ...

Facebook blocked in Vietnam over the weekend due to citizen protests

17.05.2016 By Sarah Perez (TechCrunch) - Facebook appears to have been blocked in Vietnam as a part of a government-imposed crackdown on social media, amid public protests over an environmental disaster attributed to toxic discharges from a steel complex built by Taiwan’s Formosa Plastics. Dissidents are blaming wastewater from the steel plant for a mass fish death at aquatic farms and in waters off the country’s central provinces. Citizens have been using Facebook to organize rallies, which is likely the cause of the shutdown. ...

Obama Asia Trip 2016: President Obama’s Vietnam Visit Signals Tighter Economic Ties With Former Wartime Foe

17.05.2016 By Maria Gallucci (IBT) - President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Vietnam next week for the first time in his two-term administration. The trip offers the latest sign of tightening economic and security ties between the U.S. and Vietnam. Obama will arrive just months after the U.S., Vietnam and 10 other nations signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a massive international trade pact designed in part to give American companies more access to Asia-Pacific markets. The White House is likely to end a ban on arms sales to Vietnam ahead of Obama’s visit, Foreign Policy reported last week. ...

Vietnam's Fishy Fish Deaths: A Bouillabaisse Of Politics, PR And Business

17.05.2016 By Brett Davis (Forbes Asia) - It began in early April, when thousands of dead fish began washing up on the shores of central and northern-central Vietnam. Some estimates put the number of dead fish at more than 100 tons. There was lots of speculation about the cause of the mass fish deaths, from undersea earthquakes to algal blooms, although the most likely culprit was thought to be some kind of discharge of toxic chemicals by nearby industrial plants. ...

Protestation au Vietnam

17.05.2016 Laurent Thézé (Blog Laurent Thézé) - Drôle de première expérience au Vietnam, hier dimanche 15 Mai. Appel à manifester dans la rue de Bui Vien, le quartier international du Dictrict 1 à Ho Chi Minh. Récit de ma rencontre avec la police vietnamienne !Il est tout juste 16h00, Angel, une amie canadienne enseignant à Ho Chi Minh, et moi-même, revenons d’un week-end dans la région du Mékong Delta, située à quelques heures au Sud. En me rendant au Budget Hostel, l’auberge de jeunesse dans laquelle j’ai pris l’habitude de rester en étant à Ho Chi Minh, j’apprends qu’une manifestation doit avoir lieu entre 15h00 et 20h00 dans la rue principale du quartier. On me déconseille de m’y rendre, forcément, j’y vais. ...

Botschafter: Vietnam nicht gegen Russlands Rückkehr auf Marinebasis Cam Ranh

17.05.2016 (Sputnik) - Vietnam ist nicht gegen eine Rückkehr Russlands auf den Militärstützpunkt in Cam Ranh, doch diese Zusammenarbeit darf sich nicht gegen Drittländer richten, wie der vietnamesische Botschafter in der Russischen Föderation, Nguyen Than Son, in einem Interview mit der Agentur RIA Novosti in Moskau erklärte.

Swift-Hacker wollten 1,2 Millionen Euro von Vietnam auf slowenisches Bankkonto transferieren

17.05.2016 (Wiener Zeitung) - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt/Ljubljana. (reu/wak) Cyberkriminelle versuchten vergangenen Dezember ohne Erfolg, Geld von einer vietnamesischen Bank zu einer slowenischen Bank zu transferieren. Das internationale Zahlungsverkehrssystem Swift habe das vietnamesische Institut informiert, ...

"Wollt ihr Stahl oder Fisch?"

16.05.2016 Von Arne Perras, Danang (SZ) - Seit Wochen sterben in Vietnam massenhaft Fische. Eine Fabrik soll das Meer verseucht haben, aber geklärt hat die Regierung noch nichts. Wenn es dunkel wird, füllen sich die Nudelküchen. Mi Quang heißt die Spezialität der Stadt Danang, Bandnudeln in würziger Brühe, garniert mit geraspelten Erdnüssen und frischem Grünzeug. Man kann das Gericht mit Fisch oder mit Fleisch bestellen, doch in diesen Tagen hat sich die Wahl für die Vietnamesen erübrigt. "Den Leuten ist die Lust auf Fisch gründlich vergangen", klagt eine Kellnerin im Lokal Xu Quang. "Alle bestellen jetzt Huhn oder Rindfleisch. Was für ein Jammer. Ein Leben ohne Fisch? Das können wir uns nicht vorstellen." ...

Vietnam Closes Down on Facebook, Citizens use Hola to Overcome the Blockade

16.05.2016 (PR Newswire) - The government of Vietnam allegedly shut Facebook down on Sunday, and so far 200,000 citizens have turned to Hola, a popular VPN service, to fight the censorship and access the website. Israeli proxy service Hola experienced a massive surge of downloads of the popular app and browser extension in Vietnam in the hours following the Facebook blockade. ...

Scandale écologique au Vietnam: le gouvernement met en garde les manifestants

16.05.2016 (RFI) - Au Vietnam, depuis trois semaines des manifestations sont organisées tous les dimanches après la découverte de millions de poissons morts sur les côtes du centre du pays. C'est la société taïwanaise de sidérurgie Formosa qui est soupçonnée d'être responsable de la pollution maritime. Les autorités ont promis que les responsables seraient sévèrement punis, mais les résultats de l'enquête se font attendre. ...

Vietnam TV says 'reactionary forces' at work in environmental protest

16.05.2016 (Channel NewsAsia) - HANOI: Vietnam's state television issued a warning to the public on Sunday to shun calls by "reactionary forces" to join protests over an environmental disaster it said was being exploited to try to overthrow the government. ...

Konflikt im Südchinesischen Meer: Dämpfer droht - China verschärft Rhetorik

16.05.2016 Von Sebastian Hesse, ARD-Studio Shanghai (ARD-aktuell/tagesschau) - China beansprucht einen gewaltigen Teil des Südchinesischen Meers aggressiv für sich. Die Philippinen zogen deswegen vor den Internationalen Gerichtshof - und werden dort wohl Recht bekommen. Aber China gibt sich unbeeindruckt. ...

Vietnam bank says interrupted cyber heist using SWIFT messaging

15.05.2016 By My Pham, Mai Nguyen and Jim Finkle (Reuters) - Vietnam's Tien Phong Bank said that it interrupted an attempted cyber heist that involved the use of fraudulent SWIFT messages, the same technique at the heart of February's massive theft from the Bangladesh central bank. in response to inquiries from Reuters that in the fourth quarter of last year it identified suspicious requests through fraudulent SWIFT messages to transfer more than 1 million euros ($1.1 million) of funds. ...

Hackerangriffe auf Banken - Vietnamesisches Institut berichtet von abgewehrter Attacke

15.05.2016 (NZZ) - (Reuters) Auch in Vietnam ist eine Bank Ziel eines Hackerangriffs geworden. Die Tien Phong Bank (TPBank) teilte der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters schriftlich mit, sie habe Ende 2015 eine Cyber-Attacke abgewehrt. Ziel der Hacker sei eine Transaktion von umgerechnet mehr als einer Million Euro gewesen. ...

Priest beaten by police after reporting corruption

14.05.2016 Ngoc Thanh (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - He boldly criticized the corruption of the police and local authorities. For this Fr. Joseph Nguyễn Văn Thế was brutally attacked by police while on his way to celebrate two masses in a remote area in northern Vietnam. ...

Vietnam, un sacerdote fue golpeado por la policía, había denunciado la corrupción

14.05.2016 Ngoc Thanh (AsiaNews) - Hanoi - Había criticado sin medios términos la corrupción de la policía y de las autoridades locales. Por eso, el p. Joseph Nguen Van The fue agredido en modo brutal por algunos policías mientras estaba yendo a celebrar dos misas en una zona remota del norte de Vietnam. ...

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) concerned about the increasing levels of violence perpetrated against Vietnamese protesters expressing their anger over the mysterious mass deaths of fish along the country’s central coast

13.05.2016 (OHCHR) - We are concerned about the increasing levels of violence perpetrated against Vietnamese protesters expressing their anger over the mysterious mass deaths of fish along the country’s central coast. We call on the Government of Viet Nam to respect the right to freedom of assembly in line with its international human rights obligations ...

As fishing protests turn violent, Vietnam's new government faces its first test

13.05.2016 Helen Clark (Interpreter) - Almost every worry in modern-day Vietnam is represented in the fish kill saga. The test for the government is not just in how to respond to protests over pollution, but how to manage many of the deeper problems these protests reflect. Cracking heads at demonstrations has little long term viability. ...

Vietnam’s mass fish kill isn’t simply an environmental disaster

13.05.2016 By Xuan Loc Doan (Asia Times) - In the mass fish die-off on the country’s central coastal region, the Vietnamese government is faced with not only Vietnam’s worst ever environmental disaster but also widespread social unrest. ...

Vietnam’s New Leadership Tested by Environment Protests

12.05.2016 By Gary Sands (The Diplomat) - The public is increasingly angry about reports of mass fish deaths. On May 1, Vietnamese woke up on this traditional Labor Day, or International Workers’ Day, energized to take to the streets in protest, turning out in their hundreds in Hanoi and thousands in Ho Chi Minh City. They were marching in protest over reports that tons of fish started turning up dead along the country’s coastline in early April, along the shores of the four central provinces of Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien-Hue. ...

Der Küchengott

12.05.2016 Von Michael Schmitt (SZ) - Der Vater und sein Chinarestaurant, die Schule und die Freundinnen, alles bekommt eine neue Bedeutung durch die Fluchtgeschichte der Familie. Ist sie wie eine Banane, innen weiß und außen gelb? Die sechzehnjährige Mini, kennt nur das Leben nach der Ankunft. Ihre Angehörigen sind erst vor den Kommunisten aus China nach Vietnam geflohen, und dann, nach dem Sieg der Nordvietnamesen, 1976 auch aus Vietnam nach Thailand und schließlich in die Bundesrepublik. Sie sind "Boat people" der ersten Generation.

Turtle is legendary in Vietnam, but it's on the verge of extinction

12.05.2016 By Scott Duke Harris (Los Angeles Times) - In a gently paddled canoe, three employees of the Asian Turtle Program and a lone reporter glided forward. After a few silent minutes, the men aimed cameras and began speaking in soft but excited tones.

Vietnamese Authorities Interrogate Pastor’s Wife Over Meeting With U.S. Diplomats

12.05.2016 (RFA) - Local police in Vietnam subjected the wife of an imprisoned Mennonite pastor to an intense interrogation about a meeting she had two months ago with a U.S. religious freedom delegation that visited the Southeast Asian nation. ...

Pressefreiheit in Vietnam: Machtlos ohne das Internet

11.05.2016 (re:publica) - Einer der bekanntesten vietnamesischen Blogger ist Bui Thanh Hieu (44). An Tag 2 berichtet er auf der MEDIA CONVENTION Berlin im Talk "#freeLy: Blogger und die Einschränkung von Informations- und Religionsfreiheit in Vietnam" über die dortige Diskriminierung von Andersdenkenden. ...

Press Freedom in Vietnam: Powerless Without the Net

11.05.2016 (re:publica) - Bui Thanh Hieu, 44 is one of the best known bloggers in Vietnam. On Day 2 of the MEDIA CONVENTION Berlin, in his talk on "#freeLy: Blogging, and the restriction of freedoms of religion and information in Vietnam" he spoke about the persecution of dissent in his country. ...

Obama receives plea to help release detained human rights lawyer in Hanoi, ahead of his Vietnam trip

11.05.2016 By Nandini Krishnamoorthy (IBT) - The wife of a Vietnamese human rights lawyer, detained by Hanoi authorities, has appealed to the US for help in getting her husband released when President Barack Obama visits Vietnam. Vu Minh Khanh, who spoke through an interpreter, testified before the Washington House panel on 10 May, hours after the White House confirmed Obama's trip to Vietnam and Japan from 21-28 May. Two Republican legislators called for Obama to demand the release of the detained lawyer, Nguyen Van Dai, and all other prisoners of conscience, the AP reported. ...

Sancionada en Vietnam empresa taiwanesa por violar normas ambientales

11.05.2016 (Prensa Latina) - Hanoi - Autoridades de la sureña provincia vietnamita de Ba Ria-Vung Tau sellaron 28 máquinas teñidoras de una empresa textil taiwanesa en un parque industrial por violar normas de protección medioambiental, refieren hoy medios de prensa. La medida aplicada la víspera a Mei Sheng, radicada en la zona de Ngai Giao, es válida por tres meses a fin de que pueda resolver las consecuencias generadas para los recursos ambientales y acuáticos, según se explicó. ...

Presidente estadounidense Barack Obama visitará Vietnam

11.05.2016 (Agencia Peruana de Noticias) -  Hanoi - El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, realizará una visita oficial a Vietnam del 22 al 25 próximos, con una agenda que incluye actividades en esta capital y Ciudad Ho Chi Minh, informó hoy la Cancillería local. ...

China slams nearby passage of US warship in South China Sea

10.05.2016 Bruce Konviser (DW) - China is angry about a US warship passing near a reef that lies more than 750 miles from the Chinese mainland. The US says such claims are excessive and violate international agreements. The US and southeast Asian countries consider China's territorial claims excessive – the Fiery Cross Reef lies more than 750 miles (1,200 km) from mainland China. ...

Political Prisoners in Vietnam

10.05.2016 (C-SPAN) - Vu Minh Khanh, wife of imprisoned human rights attorney Nguyen Van Dai, testified at a hearing on political prisoners in Vietnam. ...

Police crack down hard on protests against mass fish kill

10.05.2016 Quang Ha (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – Vietnamese authorities have responded with a crackdown after days of protests in the country’s main cities over mass fish deaths. Police broke up peaceful demonstrations, and arrested at least 200 people, including women and children. Thousands of people had taken to the streets of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and other cities demanding transparency from the government over the activities of the Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corp (owned by Formosa Plastics), which has been blamed for a major environmental disaster that threatens the local fishing industry. ...

Vietnam Human Rights Day

10.05.2016 (VOA) - Every year the United States marks May 11 as Vietnam Human Rights Day to highlight our nation’s support for promoting and protecting basic freedoms in that Southeast Asian nation. The U.S. and Vietnam recently concluded their 20th annual Human Rights Dialogue in Washington. The meeting covered a wide range of human rights issues this year, including the importance of continued progress on legal reform efforts, rule of law, freedom of expression and assembly, religious freedom, labor rights, disability rights, LGBTI rights, multilateral cooperation, as well as individual cases of concern. ...

Hanói, se manifiestan contra la matanza de peces: la policía responde con arrestos y golpes

10.05.2016 Quang Ha (AsiaNews) - Hanoi – El gobierno respondió con arrestos y ejerciendo la violencia contra los miles de manifestantes que desde hace días invaden las calles y las plazas de las principales ciudades del país, para protestar contra la contaminación de la costa, que ha causado la muerte de cientos de miles de peces, poniendo de rodillas a los pescadores locales. Hanói, Ho Chi Minh City y otros centros se hallan ocupados por personas que piden que se vuelva absolutamente transparente todo lo obrado por la empresa de acero Hưng Nghiệp (del Formosa Plastic Group), considerada responsable del desastre ambiental. Las fuerzas de la policía interrumpieron con la fuerza los cortes pacíficos, arrestado a al menos 200 personas, entre las que figuraban mujeres y niños. ...

Pollution maritime au Centre-Vietnam : nombreuses protestations et manifestations dans les milieux catholiques

10.05.2016 (Églises d'Asie) - La pollution des côtes du Centre-Vietnam a débuté aux premiers jours d’avril 2016, il y a déjà plus d’un mois. L’environnement maritime de cinq provinces a été gravement pollué par des substances toxiques qui, à l’heure actuelle, ont provoqué la mort de millions de poissons ainsi que la détérioration de la qualité du sel de mer. A l’origine de la catastrophe, on pointe du doigt les eaux usées déversées par un complexe sidérurgique installé à Vung Ang, dans la province de Ha Tinh, appartenant à des investisseurs taïwanais. ...

Sécurité routière – La route : 1ère cause de mortalité chez les jeunes au Vietnam

09.05.2016 Marielle Capelle (lepetitjournal.com) - Souvent surnommée « l’épidémie cachée », la route est, selon l’OMS, la première cause de mortalité chez les jeunes de 15 à 29 ans au Vietnam. Et dans 90% des accidents, l’erreur humaine est à l’origine de ces drames… Somnolence, vitesse, alcool, téléphone ou encore code de la route non appliqué ...

Vietnam Tech Startups Boom

09.05.2016 By Michael Tatarski (AEC News Today) - Well-known for its relatively low-tech textile and agriculture industries, Vietnam is fast becoming a regional technology hub. Multinationals such as Samsung and Intel already have multi-billion dollar presences here (See: Vietnam’s High-Tech Hub: More Than Just Silicon Dreams), and Vietnam tech startups are now joining the scene in a big way. ...

Protestors In Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) Demand Accountability for the Dead Fish in Central Vietnam

08.05.2016 Dan Vineberg (The New Travel Blog) - I followed the protest in Saigon between 9am and 11:30am, capturing some interesting moments.

Protests in Vietnam are rare. Really rare. ...

Vietnam: manifestation après une pollution maritime, 100 personnes interpellées

08.05.2016 (La Libre) -  Une centaine de personnes ont été interpellées dimanche à Hanoï après une manifestation contre une société taïwanaise accusée d'être responsable d'une pollution maritime dans le centre du pays qui a causé la mort de milliers de poissons. Réunie devant l'opéra d'Hanoï, la foule de quelques centaines de personnes a été rapidement dispersée par la police. ...

This Vietnamese Base Will Decide the South China Sea's Fate

08.05.2016 Yevgen Sautin (The National Interest) - Tensions are running higher in the South China Sea as it becomes increasingly evident that China’s land reclamation and military buildup represents a concerted policy by Beijing to carve out a large exclusive economic and strategic domain for itself. ...

Vietnam Police Break Up Protest Against Taiwan Firm Over Fish Deaths

08.05.2016 (IBT) - Vietnamese police broke up a demonstration in the capital, Hanoi, on Sunday when protesters gathered for the second time in a week to denounce a Taiwanese firm they accuse of causing mass fish deaths in central coastal provinces. ...

Dutzende Festnahme bei Protesten gegen Fischsterben in Vietnam

08.05.2016 (Die Welt) - Nach einem massiven Fischsterben in Vietnam sind bei Protesten gegen einen Konzern aus Taiwan etliche Demonstranten festgenommen worden. ...

Scores held as Vietnam breaks up fish deaths protest

07.05.2016 (The Star Online) - HANOI: Vietnamese police detained scores of people Sunday as they broke up a protest against a Taiwanese company accused of being behind a toxic leak that has caused mass fish deaths off the central coast. ...

Vietnam: US human rights official Tom Malinowski to visit country on 9 May

07.05.2016 By Divya Kishore (IBT) - Ahead of President Obama's visit to Vietnam later in the month, Tom Malinowski, US assistant secretary for democracy, human rights and labor, will visit the country next week. He will meet Vietnamese officials on 9 and 10 May and urge them to make progress on human rights issues. ...

Estados Unidos exigirá a Vietnam progresos en materia de Derechos Humanos

07.05.2016 (Europa Press) - El más alto diplomático del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos en materia de Derechos Humanos, Tom Malinowski, visitará la próxima semana Vietnam para exigir al país que realice progresos en esta cuestión, según han indicado desde la Secretaría. ...

Enfado monumental en Vietnam tras encontrar millones de peces muertos en las playas

06.05.2016 Fausto Ramírez (Renovables Verdes) - El desastre ecológico que acaba de provocar la emisión de millones de peces muertos sobre las playas de Vietnam ha provocado un gran enfado. El asunto ha tomado una vuelta política en este país donde la palabra y la expresión de la cólera son habitualmente disimuladas. ...

Scandale écologique au Vietnam : des millions de poissons morts découverts sur les plages

06.05.2016 (Francetv Info) - "La mer meurt, nous mourons", "Sauvez la mer !"... Dimanche 1er mai, des centaines de personnes ont manifesté à Hanoï, la capitale du Vietnam, pour protester contre Formosa, une société taïwanaise dont l'aciérie vietnamienne est accusée d'être impliquée dans une fuite toxique qui a ravagé les côtes du centre du pays. ...

10 human rights goals for the president's 'fourth quarter'

06.05.2016 By Sarah Margon, Washington director at Human Rights Watch (The Hill) - When President Obama announced his intention to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba in late December, he also noted, rather unexpectedly, that "[i]nteresting stuff happens in the fourth quarter" — referring to his final months in office. Policymaking can indeed get interesting when a president is freed from political constraints and legacy issues loom large.

Some parts of Obama's legacy already seem written: his eloquent speeches, his (somewhat delayed) embrace of support for LGBT equality — both abroad and at home. But what else will be part of Obama's legacy, particularly on critical human rights issues? ...

Vietnam squawks at Korean democracy prize

06.05.2016 (Korea Joongang Daily) - A prestigious human rights award that commemorates one of Korea’s defining democratic moments has angered an Asian government - because it honors one of its dissidents. Late last month, Nguyen Dan Que, 74, a pro-democracy activist in Vietnam, was named this year’s recipient of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights, along with Bersih, a coalition of nongovernmental organizations in Malaysia that fights for fair elections. ...

¿Tigre asiático o 'lindo gatito'? Viaje al país del "Mac Guevara" y del "Che Donalds"

06.05.2016 Daniel Wizenberg (RT) - Parecen "Mac Guevara o Che Donalds" dice una canción del argentino Kevin Johansen. En eso se piensa cuando uno pasa por Vietnam estos días en que se cumplen 41 años del fin de la guerra contra los Estados Unidos. Es que dos cosas son evidentes: todo está cambiando aceleradamente y las consecuencias de la guerra aún se sienten. Vietnam pasó de ser el emblema de la victoria heroica sobre el capitalismo a comprarle armas a Estados Unidos e incluso a firmar tratados de libre comercio con el gobierno de Barack Obama. ...

Won't accept UN court verdict on South China Sea, says China

06.05.2016 IANS (Business Standard ) - China on Friday said it will continue to exercise its sovereignty over the South China Sea regardless of the outcome of the ongoing case in a UN-appointed tribunal, which is widely expected to deliver its verdict favouring the Philippines. ...

New Bishop of Parramatta, a former refugee, vows to tackle radicalism, perception of asylum seekers

06.05.2016 By Jackson Vernon (ABC) - A former Vietnamese refugee who has been appointed the new Bishop of Parramatta has vowed to use his role to tackle radicalism in western Sydney, and the public's perception of people fleeing to Australia by boat. Vincent Long Van Nguyen fled communist rule of Vietnam by boat and first landed in Malaysia where he spent more than a year in a refugee camp. ...

Fliegende Händler in Ho Chi Minh Stadt erhalten eigene Marktplätze

06.05.2016 Silvia Huynh (ITI-HOLIDAY) - Entsprechend einer Ankündigung der staatlichen Behörden in Ho Chi Minh Stadt werden den fliegenden Händlern in der Stadt einige öffentliche Plätze zugewiesen werden. Mit der Umsetzung dieses Plans soll Ende April 2016 begonnen werden. Das Problem für die staatlichen Behörden ist, dass die fliegenden Händler zunehmend die Verarmung der Gesellschaft repräsentieren und somit ein schlechtes Bild von Vietnam in der Welt entstehen lassen. Die fliegenden Händler gehören zur untersten Klasse der Gesellschaft und alles was diese Menschen möchten ist zu überleben und ihren täglichen Lebensunterhalt verdienen zu können. ...

Hanoi: Illegal floating houses in prime district a worry for urban planners

05.05.2016 By Lam Shushan (Channel NewsAsia) - HANOI: On the edge of the city centre where the sound of frantic honking starts to fade, is the island in the middle of the Red River known to locals as the seedy underbelly of Hanoi. The place is home to a community of settlers who live on floating houses that are precariously fastened together with oil drums and rope. But the illegal settlers are not on any official census. ...

Obama’s visit to Vietnam brings world spotlight to country’s human-rights violations

05.05.2016 (The Seattle Times) - President Obama’s visit to Vietnam this month is an opportunity to remind that authoritarian nation’s leaders of their obligations to respect basic human rights. A good number of Washington’s nearly 70,000 ethnic Vietnamese residents will be following the trip. Many of them fled communist rule themselves and remain concerned about the welfare of their loved ones in the homeland. ...

Philippine fishermen favor strong president to end China's blockade

05.05.2016 By Roli Ng and Manuel Mogato (Reuters) - A 30-foot trawler named "Marvin" lies beached on a grass bank overlooking the South China Sea, idle since China's coastguard began driving away Philippine fishermen after a fierce standoff four years ago. ...

Die Sehnsucht des Flüchtlings

05.05.2016 von Ursula Heinzelmann (FAZ) - „Monsieur Vuong“ ist über die Grenzen Berlins hinaus längst eine Instanz – aus New York, Tel Aviv, London oder Moskau kommen Angebote rein. Aber die Geschichte des Vietnamesen ist selbst Stammgästen unbekannt. Als Erstes steigt einem der Duft der Räucherstäbchen in die Nase, hier an der Alten Schönhauser Straße, mitten in der Mitte Berlins. ...

Geschäfte in Vietnam - Ausgeliefert

05.05.2016 von Frederic Spohr & Stephan Scheuer, Hanoi, Peking (Handelsblatt) - Mittelständische Unternehmer klagen über willkürlich entscheidende Behörden und unberechenbare Gerichtsverfahren – zwei erschütternde Beispiele aus Vietnam und China und wie sich derartige Katastrophen verhindern lassen. Schenk wollte nur, was derzeit so viele deutsche Unternehmen wollen: günstig in Vietnam produzieren, gerade jetzt, da die Löhne in China stark gestiegen sind. Doch das Verhältnis mit dem vietnamesischen Partner eskaliert - und eine Odyssee vor den Gerichten des Landes beginnt. ...

As Vietnam's Fish Kill Scandal Grows, a Scientist Says the Cause is Known

05.05.2016 (Eco-Business) - Hanoi already knows what caused the massive fish kill that devastated the country’s central coast, but has yet to release the information to the public, a noted Vietnamese oceanographer told RFA’s Vietnamese Service. ...

Vietnam: About 100 scientists called in to probe mystery of mass fish deaths

05.05.2016 (Asian Correspondent) - The mysterious deaths of masses fish in Vietnam, which has seen tonnes of carcasses wash up ashore along its coastlines since early April, has cause widespread public outrage and left authorities scrambling to find answers. Apart from commercial fish, the mass deaths also included large whales and seagulls. ...

Colère au Vietnam après la découverte de millions de poissons morts sur les plages

05.05.2016 Par Bruno Philip (Le Monde) - Le désastre écologique qui vient de provoquer le rejet de millions de poissons morts sur les plages du Vietnam fait des vagues à Hanoï. L’affaire a pris un tour politique dans ce pays où la parole et l’expression de la colère sont habituellement muselées. Dimanche 1er mai, des centaines de personnes ont défilé dans les rues de la capitale pour protester contre la société taïwanaise ...

Vietnam Bans Unsafe Seafood in Central Provinces

05.05.2016 Tra Mi (VOA) - Vietnamese officials on Wednesday banned the processing or selling of dead seafood washed ashore or caught within 20 nautical miles of a mysterious mass fish kill along the country's central coast. ...

UN Human Rights Office concerned about implications of environmental disaster in Vietnam

05.05.2016 (The Online Citizen) - The UN Human Rights Office for South-East Asia (OHCHR) expressed concern on Thursday over the impact of mysterious mass fish deaths along Vietnam’s central coast on the enjoyment of human rights in the country, in particular, the right to health and food.

The Regional Office is also concerned about the treatment of those joining protests which erupted over the fish deaths, and called on authorities to respect the right to freedom of assembly in line with international law. ...

Amid Fish Deaths, Social Media Comes Alive in Vietnam

04.05.2016 By Thu Huong Le (The Diplomat) - Facebook is the platform of choice for activists organizing rallies in response to the latest environmental disaster. In Vietnam, a scandal surrounding the mass die-off of fish  has created an explosive wave of debate and activism on social media,  particularly Facebook. Responding to the social media outcry, many rallied in cities across Vietnam on Sunday, during a national four-day holiday. The rallies took place at an unprecedented scale, spanning three regions. ...

Two journalists arrested while covering ecological disaster in Vietnam

04.05.2016 (CPJ) - Bangkok - The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the arrest of two journalists amid a wider crackdown on dissent in Vietnam. Police on May 1 arrested Chu Manh Son, a reporter with the local Catholic news service Good News for the Poor, and Truong Minh Tam, a citizen journalist with the Vietnam Path Movement civil-society group, as they reported on a mysterious ecological disaster that has seen tons of fish wash up on the shores of the country's central coastal region. ...

Rare street protests follow offshore poisoning in Vietnam

04.05.2016 (Nikkei Asian Review) - HO CHI MINH CITY -- Demonstrators took to the streets in Vietnam on May 1 after at least 70 tons of fish washed ashore in the central provinces in recent weeks, a diver died after working on a breakwater at an industrial zone, and thousands of fishing boats remained in port. Protesters in Ho Chi Minh City carried placards that read, "I love fish" and, "Fish die today, we die tomorrow," and called for Taiwanese investors to get out of Vietnam. ...

Millions of dead fish on Vietnam's shores raise industrial pollution fears

04.05.2016 By Scott Duke Harris (Los Angeles Times) - The dead started washing up in April: miles and miles of fish, countless clams, the occasional whale. Government researchers eventually concluded that "toxic elements" were responsible for the die-off, which Vietnamese officials described as "unprecedented." ...

Grand angle – Des poissons morts sur les côtes du centre du Vietnam

04.05.2016 (Consulat général de France à Ho Chi Minh-Ville) - La découverte de la mort massive de poissons échoués sur près de 200 km de côtes du centre du Vietnam, tout particulièrement dans la province de Ha Tinh, a fait grand bruit. ...

Taiwanese chemical spill thought to cause mass fish die-off in Vietnam

04.05.2016 By David Brown (Eco-Business) - Vietnam has bet its future on its ability to attract — and learn from — foreign investors. It has a young workforce, low wage rates and a streamlined approval process for investment. Foreign capital has surged into VN in the last few years, much of it bearing the prestigious marques of multinational corporations. ...

La muerte masiva de peces en Vietnam aviva las críticas al Gobierno

04.05.2016 Eric San Juan (EFE verde) - La muerte de toneladas de peces y moluscos en el litoral de Vietnam ha reabierto el debate en el país sobre la protección medioambiental y ha avivado las críticas al régimen comunista por su opacidad en la gestión de la crisis. ...

Fish Death Crisis Prompts Vietnam Waste Water Probe

04.05.2016 (Bloomberg) - Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has ordered an investigation into how a Taiwanese-owned steel plant located near central Vietnamese beaches where millions of dead fish washed ashore last month received approval to pipe waste water directly into the sea. ...

Dozens of Chinese tourists in furious row at airport after they were asked to tip border officials while leaving Vietnam

04.05.2016 (SCMP) - One traveller also allegedly assaulted after dispute involving about 100 tourists, according to news website report. A video of a row involving about 100 Chinese tourists, who were furious after some were asked to tip officials at an airport in Vietnam when they were leaving, has been widely circulated on the internet, according to a news website. ...

Vietnam: Prekäre Situation christlicher Blogger

03.05.2016 (Radio Vatikan) - Zum Internationalen Tag der Pressefreiheit an diesem Dienstag hat das katholische Missionswerk „missio“ auf die schwierige Lage von christlichen Bloggern hingewiesen. „Wir beobachten nicht allein in Vietnam, dass christliche Aktivisten wegen ihres Einsatzes für Meinungsfreiheit, Demokratie und Religionsfreiheit in Bedrängnis geraten ...

Probe called for torture of Vietnamese Christian activist

02.05.2016 (ucanews) - International human rights groups are calling on the Vietnamese government to conduct an extensive probe into the alleged torture of a Christian activist by police in mid-April. "We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, call on the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to carry out a prompt, impartial, independent and effective investigation into allegations that Mrs. Tran Thi Hong was tortured by the authorities of Hoa Lu Ward of Pleiku City in Gia Lai Province, while in custody, bring any identified perpetrators to justice, and provide reparations to her," they said in a joint statement. ...

Beaches of Dead Fish Test New Vietnam Government's Response

02.05.2016 by Diep Pham & Mai Ngoc Chau (Bloomberg) - Millions of dead fish stretched out over 200 kilometers of central Vietnamese beaches are posing the biggest test so far for the new government. The Communist administration led by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has been criticized on social media for a lack of transparency and slow response ...

How the vietnamese government reacts to the dead fishes

02.05.2016 (Người Việt Online) - Millions of dead fish stretched out over 200 kilometers of central Vietnamese beaches are posing the biggest test so far for the new government. ...

#freeLy: Blogger und die Einschränkung von Informations- und Religionsfreiheit in Vietnam

01.05.2016 (re:publica) - Nominell gewährt Vietnam seinen Bürgern die Ausübung aller Menschenrechte einschließlich Meinungs- und Religionsfreiheit. Die Realität im sozialistischen Staat sieht anders aus. Medien werden streng zensiert, religiöse Gruppen reglementiert und Demokratie eingeschränkt. Unter diesen Bedingungen wurden Blogs zu den bedeutendsten Medien für unabhängige Information und Debatten. ...

China Dumps Chemicals to Kill Fish Around Disputed Island to Drive Away Fishermen

01.05.2016 (Elite Readers) - Pag-asa Island, an island in the West Philippine Sea occupied by Filipinos, and the marine species around it are reportedly being destroyed and Chinese vessels are the culprit. These vessels are reportedly dumping chemicals in the area intentionally. ...

Vietnamese rally against Taiwan firm over mass fish deaths

01.05.2016 (Business Standard) - Hundreds of people gathered today in the Vietnamese capital to protest against a Taiwanese company suspected of involvement in a toxic leak that has hit the fishing industry along the central coast. ...

Protestas en Vietnam contra una empresa acusada de la muerte masiva de peces y almejas

01.05.2016 (swissinfo) - Cientos de personas se manifestaron este domingo en Hanói contra la empresa taiwanesa supuestamente implicada en el escape tóxico que causó la muerte de toneladas de peces y almejas, provocando grandes estragos en la industria pesquera del centro de Vietnam.

La semana pasada fueron halladas toneladas de almejas muertas en la provincia de Ha Tinh (centro), en la misma zona donde se encontraron grandes cantidades de peces muertos a principios de abril. ...

Vietnam: manifestation contre une société accusée d'avoir ravagé la pêche

01.05.2016 (L'Express) -  Hanoï - Des centaines de personnes ont manifesté dimanche à Hanoi pour protester contre une société taïwanaise accusée d'être impliquée dans une fuite toxique qui a ravagé l'industrie de la pêche sur les côtes centrales du Vietnam. Des tonnes de palourdes mortes ont été retrouvées la semaine dernière dans la province de Ha Tinh, là où des cadavres de poissons avaient déjà commencé à s'échouer début avril. ... 

Rare street protests in Vietnam over mysterious mass fish deaths

01.05.2016 (SCMP) - Public outrage is mounting over a possible toxic leak into the sea near an industrial zone where Taiwanese firm is located.

Hundreds of people demonstrated in Vietnam on Sunday against a Taiwanese firm they accuse of causing mass fish deaths along the country’s central coast, with some also blaming the government for a sluggish response to a major environmental disaster. ...

Umweltkatastrophe in Vietnam

30.04.2016 (Forum Vietnam 21) - Nahezu unbemerkt von der Weltöffentlichkeit ist Vietnam seit ein paar Wochen von einer Umweltkatastrophe betroffen.

Bereits Anfang April 2016 wurden vermehrt tote Fische in den Küstenprovinzen von Zentralvietnam gefunden. In der letzten Aprilwoche erreicht das Massensterben mit hunderttausenden von toten Fische den vorläufigen Höhepunkt. Für die Fischer ist dies das Aus für ihre Lebensgrundlage. ...

Vietnam Fish Deaths Cast Suspicion on Formosa Steel Plant

30.04.2016 By Linh Tong (The Diplomat) - In central Vietnam, fish are dying on a massive scale, and locals suspect pollution is the cause. In addition to the off-shore conflict in the South China Sea, Vietnamese citizens now have to face another disaster on the country’s central coast. Unprecedented fish kills have been discovered along the beaches of four central coastal provinces, namely Ha Tinh, Quang Tri, Quang Binh, and Hue. ...

Rupert Neudeck empfängt den „Bornheimer 2016“

30.04.2016 (General-Anzeiger) - Bornheim. Als nach dem Ende des Vietnamkriegs Hunderttausende Menschen über das Südchinesische Meer flohen, gründete der Journalist Neudeck 1979 mit Unterstützung des Literaturnobelpreisträgers Heinrich Böll das Komitee „Ein Schiff für Vietnam“. „Die Flucht über das Meer, die für unzählige Menschen den Tod bedeutet, hat heute wieder traurige Aktualität erlangt“, sagte Bornheims Bürgermeister Wolfgang Henseler am Freitagabend, bevor er den „Bornheimer 2016“ an Rupert Neudeck überreichte. ...

Fish kill at the Kalayaan island group

29.04.2016 (Facebook Kalayaan ATIN ITO) - Mayor Bitoonon: What action have you done to find out the cause of this fish kill that's regularly occurring at PAG-ASA Island? ...

China Smuggles in Vietnamese Child Brides to Bridge Gender Imbalance

29.04.2016 by Thomas D. Williams (Breitbart) - To meet China’s growing demand for marriage-age women, a human trafficking industry has sprung up to smuggle young girls across the border from Vietnam into China to be sold as wives. ...

Vietnam: après une hécatombe de poissons, une usine taïwanaise soupçonnée

29.04.2016 Frédéric Noir (RFI) - Au Vietnam, depuis plusieurs jours, des centaines de tonnes de palourdes et de poissons morts ont été retrouvées sur 200 km de côtes, le long des plages et dans les fermes d’élevage du centre du pays, provoquant l’inquiétude de la population et des pécheurs. Les soupçons se tournent vers une conduite d’eaux usées qui relie la mer à l’usine d’acier taïwanaise de Formosa. « Je suis Vietnamien et je choisis les poissons ». Ce slogan repris sur les réseaux sociaux est une réponse à la société taïwanaise Formosa. ...

Vietnam tells Taiwan firm to dig up waste pipe amid 'huge' coastal disaster

29.04.2016 By Ho Binh Minh (Reuters) - Vietnam has told owners of a Taiwanese-built steel plant to dig up a controversial waste pipe, even after it found no evidence tying its discharge to mass fish deaths that have triggered health fears and public anger. ...

Massives Fischsterben in Vietnam

29.04.2016 Rodion Ebbighausen (DW) - Hunderttausende tote Fische spült das Meer an die Küste Zentralvietnams. Vier Provinzen mit mehr als 200 Kilometern Küste sind betroffen. Die Ursachen sind unklar. Im Internet ist eine hitzige Debatte entbrannt. Bereits Anfang April erhoben Fischer aus Zentralvietnam und die vietnamesische Fischereibehörde Vorwürfe gegen die Industriezone Vung Ang. ...

Después de los peces, ahora encuentran toneladas de almejas muertas en Vietnam

29.04.2016 (El Liberal) - Luego del hallazgo de miles de peces sin vida, más de 100 toneladas de almejas muertas fueron encontradas en Vietnam, probablemente a causa de un escape tóxico en una zona industrial, informaron medios oficiales ayer. ...

Südchinesisches Meer: Russland verteidigt China im Inselstreit

29.04.2016 (Spiegel Online) - Russland unterstützt China im Streit um die Gebietsansprüche im Südchinesischen Meer. Außenminister Sergej Lawrow und sein chinesischer Kollege Wang Yi waren sich bei einem Treffen einig, dass Peking darüber nur mit den beteiligten Nachbarstaaten wie Vietnam und den Philippinen verhandeln solle. ...

Montagnard-Kämpfer in den USA - Verraten und entwurzelt

29.04.2016 von Martin Woker (NZZ) - Die USA nutzen im Vietnamkrieg ihre Tapferkeit, liessen sie im Stich und hiessen sie schliesslich in ihrer Suburbia willkommen: die Montagnards aus dem südlichen Hochland in Vietnam. Das südvietnamesische Hochland blieb nach dem militärischen Sieg Nordvietnams fremden Besuchern lange verschlossen. Dass sich dort die indigene Bevölkerung gegen Landraub und die forcierte Ansiedelung von Vietnamesen aus der Küstenregion verzweifelt wehrte und eine schlagkräftige Guerilla periodisch Armeeposten angriff, wurde international kaum wahrgenommen. ...

Die Montagnards - Ein verlorener Kampf um Autonomie

29.04.2016 von Martin Woker (NZZ) - Im Zweiten Weltkrieg schlugen sich die Montagnards zeitweise aufseiten der Alliierten gegen die japanischen Besatzer. Am Krieg der französischen Kolonialmacht gegen die Truppen Ho Chi Minhs, der 1954 mit Vietnams Teilung endete, beteiligten sich die Montagnards mit eigenen Truppen ...

EU sacrifices human rights for Vietnam free trade

29.04.2016 By Christian Solidarity Worldwide and Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (EUobserver) - For almost six months, the family and friends of imprisoned Vietnamese lawyer and activist Nguyen Van Dai have been waiting to hear what will happen to him.

Dai was arrested on 16 December 2015, hours before a planned meeting with EU officials in Hanoi. Since his arrest, his wife has not been allowed to send a Bible and newspapers, and his lawyer has been denied a meeting. ...

Tonnes of clams die in Vietnam as toxic leak fears mount

28.04.2016 (The Sun Daily) - HANOI: More than 100 tonnes of clams have perished in central Vietnam, state media reported Thursday, as public outrage mounts over a possible toxic leak into the sea near an industrial zone. Piles of dead molluscs have been found in the same coastal region where dead fish began washing up on beaches earlier this month, sparking alarm and hammering the local fishing economy. ...

Des tonnes de palourdes meurent au Vietnam

28.04.2016 (Le Matin) - Les autorités ont interdit le commerce ou la consommation des fruits de mer de la région tant que l'enquête est en cours.

Après des milliers de poissons, plus de 100 tonnes de palourdes mortes ont été découvertes au Vietnam, probablement en raison d’une fuite toxique dans une zone industrielle, ont rapporté les médias officiels jeudi. ...

No link between Vietnam fish deaths and steel plant: Environment Ministry

28.04.2016 By Tan Qiuyi (Channel NewsAsia) - HANOI: Vietnamese authorities say they have found no conclusive link between Taiwan’s Formosa steel plant and mass fish deaths along Vietnam’s central coast. Preliminary findings point to two possible causes - "toxic discharge from human activities" and an algal bloom or red tide, deputy environment minister Vo Tuan Nhan told reporters at a media conference late on Wednesday night (Apr 27). Reporters had waited six hours for the 10-minute media conference, which took place after an inter-agency meeting at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in Hanoi. ...

Vietnam: Wife of detained pastor 'beaten and tortured' by local authorities

28.04.2016 Carey Lodge (Christian Today) - The Vietnamese government must investigate allegations that a Christian human rights campaigner has been tortured by local authorities, campaigners have said. A joint statement by more than 30 faith-based organisations, human rights NGOs and individuals, including Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), Amnesty International and Vietnam's Association for Promotion of Freedom of Religions and Beliefs, urged immediate action. ...