Stacks Shelving

If a patron reports the stacks shelves are stuck (i.e., the compact shelving is malfunctioning), alert your supervisor and then grab the battery pack to assist the patron (the battery pack looks like a small, black, metal suitcase with a phone cord). Plug the battery pack into the stuck shelves' control panel and use either the buttons on the control panel or the switch on the pack itself to override the system and move the shelves. If the shelves do not reset (the light on the control panel doesn't return to green), turn the shelves off and back on using the power switch on the top of the stationary shelf.

Important: be sure to record what you did on the Compact Shelving Fix Checklist, bookmarked on Chrome's bookmarks bar and linked under "Report a Problem" on this site.

If you've tried everything (using the battery pack, turning the shelves off/on with the power switch on top of the stationary shelf), then please fill out a paper Compact Shelving Malfunction Form (available in folder on the supervisor's desk). Photocopy this form. Give the original to Security and the copy to a Stacks worker or the LSD coordinator.