New LSD Team Member Spotlight: Abdulaziz (Aziz) Aldakhel

Post date: Sep 08, 2017 2:57:5 PM

1. Where are you from? Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

2. What program are you in at Emory? Economics and Political Science at Emory

3. Do you have post-Emory plans? I might try to find a job here to have some work experience from the US and then go back home, or I might go on a year long trip around the world after I graduate

4. What do you do for fun? I like to go on late night bike rides, swim very early in the morning—in the ocean preferably, or go out with friends and try a new restaurant

5. What is your favorite Movie? The Shawshank Redemption

6. What is your favorite Song and by whom? Time to Run by Lord Huron

7. What are you looking forward to in this job? I would like to get to know the other team members better and learn most from this job

8. A favorite quote: “No man is an island.”

Please welcome one of our newest LSD Assistants to our Team!!! Mr. Abdulaziz Aldakhel....