Student Production Studio

Post date: Apr 01, 2018 6:0:42 PM

Hopefully, everyone saw the email earlier this week about the opening of the new Student Production Studio on level 1 of Woodruff Library. This is a much-anticipated service for students that provides access to high quality video and production equipment, professional-grade lighting, sound proof audio recording capabilities, and even a green screen to facilitate post-production special effects. Students must complete a short quiz and meet for in-person training before being granted access to the space. More details on the studio can be found at

There’s also an excellent article in the LITS Online News today about some of the work currently going on in the studio:

Thank you to Robert Kruse, Print Services Coordinator, and Alex Kyrychenko, Learning Commons Coordinator, for bringing these new services to life!

Kim Braxton

Director, Academic Technology Services
