Room 213 reservation requests can be submitted no later than 12 hours in advance

Post date: Apr 21, 2017 2:15:30 PM

Room 213 reservation policy has always required that in order to ensure timely consideration of one's reservation request, the request should be submitted by noon prior to the requested day, and all Saturday, Sunday and Monday requests should be submitted by noon on Fridays. That policy has been largely ignored by the students, who would often submit a reservation request just a few minutes before they need the room and then show up at LSD requesting access with no approval for their reservation request.

To address this issue somewhat, I implemented a rule that a reservation request for room 213 can be submitted no later than 12 hours in advance.

Now our online reservation system will not show the availability for room 213 earlier than 12 hours in advance. That is, if you were to access the Student Digital Life Resource Scheduler for room 213 at 9am today, you would not see the room's availability—no green or red—until 12 hours later, that is, until 9pm today. The slots shown in blue indicate that no reservation is possible for those times. Or, in other words, if I need the room at 1pm tomorrow afternoon, I would have to submit my reservation request before 1am tomorrow morning.

If you need to check room 213 current reservations within this 12 hour block-out period, click on the Confirmed Bookings button under the calendar. The room display at the door also shows current reservations.

NOTE: there are no changes to LSD policy of granting the access to room 213. A patron needs to produce their reservation approval email to gain access to the room.