Logging in -- Emory students, faculty, and staff

Emory students and employees should log into our LC workstations using their own Net IDs and passwords.

If patrons cannot log in, try...

  • hitting the backspace in the username field until "Name" shows (users often wake up the iMacs by hitting the space bar, moving the cursor over in the Name field)

  • checking that caps lock is not activated

  • checking that the user is entering the correct Net ID and not an alias

  • checking that the user is NOT Emory Healthcare staff--they are not included in the University's Active Directory and cannot log into our computers. Log in Emory Healthcare users as lcuser.

  • checking that the computer is connected to the Internet. Try logging in as yourself and...

    • if you cannot log in, move the user to another computer if possible and then try disconnecting and reconnecting the ethernet cable and waiting 30 seconds. Try to log in again.

    • ​If you can log in, LOG BACK OUT and have the user try one more time, typing carefully to ensure the password is correct. If the patron's Net ID and password truly do not work, direct them to call 404-727-7777 or send the user to STS for assistance.

*If we have verified they are current Emory - either in ALEPH or with Emory Card - we can login them in with the lcuser login until their password is reset.