Service Desk Inter-Library Loan Item Check Out Process
Post date: Mar 29, 2018 12:54:30 PM
Good Morning,
This message is for everyone who performs circulation activities at the service desk. Specifically, when checking out Inter-Library Loan items to Emory patrons.
We have had a number of ILL items checked out improperly over the past few weeks, and there is a great need to make sure that everyone is aware of our ILL item check out process. Below, I am going to walk through the steps that must be taken to ensure that all ILL items are properly recorded in our system.
#1. Retrieve ILL item from the ILL shelf in the staff area at patron request.
#2. Remove ILL slip out of the retrieved item.
#3. Check out ILL item on ILL screen. Make sure to click on the "Enter Transaction Number" box (as demonstrated in the image below circled in red), and scan the barcode on the front cover of the ILL item.
Please make sure that you see the message "Transaction (matching item #) was successfully checked out" before handing off material (The image below circled in green). Also, note that ILL check out screen is saved as a tab at each service desk computer in Google Chrome.
#4. Place ILL slip in the designated location on ILL shelf (image below). ILL slip must be initialed, dated, and placed in the ILL checkout-slip placement location (image below) on the ILL shelf in the staff area.
If there are any questions or concerns regarding the ILL checkout process, please feel free to ask any of our service desk staff members.
Best Regards,
Lyndon J. Batiste
Library Service Desk Coordinator
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Emory University