Clocking In and Out

You will receive a TAS (Time and Attendance) number, which is your student ID number plus a 2-digit suffix.

To clock in/out, go to the designated clocking phone, dial 2-6666 and follow the prompts (1 = in; 9 = out). Hang up only once the entire message, “Clock in/out recorded. Thank you for using the system,” has ended. If you hang up too early, your clocking transaction will not be recorded.

If you forget to clock in or out or if the system fails to record your clocking transaction, you must submit a Timecard adjustment for the missing time.


For every 4 continuous hours you work, you may have a 10 to 15 minute break on the clock. These breaks are usually not scheduled, so please do alert the desk supervisor if and when you’d like to take your break. It is the desk supervisor’s prerogative, however, to allow the break or not depending on how active the desk is at that time.

If you work 8 hours or more, you must take at least one 30-minute break off the clock. These breaks are usually scheduled. You are required to clock out at the start of your break and clock back in once you've returned.

Lateness and Leaving Early

Lateness and leaving early will not be tolerated. The Service Desk, Reference, and Learning Commons teams rely on you to be on time for all your shifts and to stay for their full duration. Please do not make us guess if you’re coming in or not by showing up late. We notice. Repeated lateness will be grounds for dismissal.

If you are having difficulty coming in on time or making a certain shift at all, please let the LSD Coordinator know. Adjustments can be made to your schedule, and all of us are more than willing to work with you to find a mutually satisfying solution. It is better to have a conversation about how to make your schedule work than to start showing up late or to stop showing up at all.